Yeah, that title is pure click bait. I will use ANYTHING to make you L👀K! I am not above coercion, persuasion, blackmail or artifice! This taboo topic is THAT important!
I don't believe that the ill health we have witnessed since 2020 has anything to do with either a 'virus' or a 'lab leak' or even a 'bio-weapon' as such.
The coincident roll out of 5G, both geographically and chronologically suggests that the symptoms were and are the result of electro-magnetic radiation overload.
In fact, I was expecting this from 2016, after I began to notice unusual health effects from 4G among my friends, neighbours and finally myself.
I wrote about it and was de-platformed from Twitter, Facebook and Discord even though I was able to prove my theory with multiple studies and declassified documents. I even had an email exchange with UK MHRA which confirmed that the Pfizer C19 vaccine was based upon a computer generated (in silico) genetic code and not a sample from an infected person.
It is very sad to note that electro-magnetic radiation is cumulative and accounts for the terrible symptoms we are witnessing worldwide, known as Long Covid.
I am continuously insulted by people who have not considered the ramifications so please don't waste your time telling me that I am a 'conspiracy theorist' or that I am paranoid. I can back up my claims with a massive archive of material, collated over the recent 8 years.
I will not back down, even though I am sick.... dying actually. My most recent attempt to raise this matter is here:
I have seen a lot of effort going into examining blood samples of both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Some researchers are claiming that we have become contaminated with nano-bots, quantum dots, self-assembly tech and synthetic bacteria.
There is suspicion that these contribute to the Internet of Bodies and Things
I think the Internet of Bodies and Things is far more simple than we are being told. Every living thing is an aerial simply because it has energy creating an aura field around them. Each individual has a unique signal. There is no need for internal devices, nano-bots or quantum dots. Once the towers are functioning they can triangulate between themselves the precise location of every living thing, whether they carry a telecoms device or not. It is therefore quite a simple matter to influence any one of the lifeforms within range of any tower.
Consider this, Linda wrote a reply to
and I reproduce it here to remind me that I am not the only one trying to raise this issue and it is not just telecoms polluting the atmosphere with dangerous EMFs:"Martin Pall PhD predicted the end of human brain function about 5 or 6 years ago. He said we had about 5 years left. Not that the injections are not playing a role, but the microwave radiation alone was causing severe damage to the human brain and body and every living thing on this planet. It is not just cell phones. It is cell phones, devices, WIFI, air pods, wireless ear phones, wireless virtual reality headsets used for entertainment and by employers and schools for training, cell towers, smart utility meters, smart appliances, smart watches, microwave ovens - most of which leak, wireless security systems, baby monitors (like having a cell tower in baby's room), printers, satellites beaming down radiation, super powerful routers in schools and hospitals and without your knowledge or consent - from your neighbour next door, massive levels of radiation from smart meter banks in apartments, retail and businesses, babies being irradiated in utero (for many, the second generation as their parents were also irradiated in utero, although to a lesser, but not insignificant extent), ultrasound now in 4D done frequently during pregnancy where 1 or 2 was the standard years ago (and not that that was insignificant either), it is MRI's and CT's done routinely now that didn't exist years ago.
It is electric cars, buses, and the intensity of the radiation from multiple devices in one metal enclosed moving space bouncing back onto passengers and drivers, it is WIFI in school buses thanks to Google's "generosity", it is babies being given wireless tablets as toys and even installed in their cribs, it is babies being given cell phones as toys to keep them quiet, it is parents holding cell phones up to their ears while holding babies so that the baby is as close to the phone as the parent, it is children now pretty much all having cell phones - where children didn't have them before. It is the addictive nature of screens - that alone even without the radiation is proven via brain scan to damage and change brain structure the way that heroin and alcohol change brain structure in addiction. It is schools giving pre-schoolers addictive chrome-books instead of real books.
And of course, there is 5G that no one is talking about having been replaced by Covid and with talk of 5G possibly being harmful - taboo - the usual tactic to discourage questioning. The massive exposures are adding up and the damage is becoming evident. You are 100% correct. People are not acting right. At all."
The atmosphere is now so overloaded with unnatural electro-magnetic fields that birds cannot navigate, whales and whole shoals of fish are beaching themselves. Bees are flying away from their hives, lost until they die of exhaustion. Similarly, all insects are dying off unnoticed around us, further threatening bird life with starvation.
This is just ONE of the many reports I have shared illustrating the horrific impact on wildlife:
Trees are showing signs of burns on one side, the side which faces the towers or smart meters. Plants are not growing or are deformed where they were once vibrant and plentiful.
People are suffering a huge range of debilitating symptoms from heart attacks, strokes and cancers down to eczema, headaches and chronic depression. People are attributing these symptoms to adverse reactions to vaccines until they realise that even the unvaccinated are getting sick.
All this is because life depends upon the delicate direct current continuous electro-magnetic frequencies that are produced within us by our bodies. We also depend upon the EMFs from the earth, sun and cosmos.
Since humanity's rulers have been exponentially increasing unnatural PULSED EMFs for telecoms there has been a huge rise in sickness, particularly neurological malfunctions.
Please look at this chart:
Electrification has produced illness since the 1800s and there is plenty of evidence to support the fact that our scientists and engineers have suppressed this information in the interests of profit for their funders, the energy and communications industries.
For full understanding of how this is damaging all living things please read Arthur Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow which can be purchased via a link in the above article or even found as a pdf online.
Robert O Becker’s book THE BODY ELECTRIC is incredibly useful too.
Otherwise please pay close attention to my numerous articles which explain as simply as possible how electro-magnetic radiation is gradually murdering all living things.
In your home it is essential to hard-wire your devices via a landline and switch off WiFi at the router, laptops and phones. Beyond regular earthing/grounding by walking barefoot on soil, grass or a beach, I recommend this brand of clothing, which I use myself. I hope this helps »
Thank you - I think - for this reminder of what we're facing. My internet died last week so I was internet-less for three days - 3 days of no internet for a terrible addict! For me, my apartment felt shockingly cleaner and lighter. and I felt less depressed than I have of late. Now I'm thinking of getting a laptop which I can use in a coffee shop instead of spending so much both money and state-of-mind sharing my space with the internet. I am sure you are aware that in the U.S. , with the approval of both the EPA and the CDC, the American people have been poisoned since the 1940's with fluoride in our water where in the public has been lied into believing that acting as living toxic waste dumps improves our teeth. So it's nothing new. I do believe this is a continuation of WW2 in which the wrong side won which was inevitable since both sides were the wrong side. Many ,members of the Billionaire Boys Club, the WEF, are descendants of nazis or nazi supporters. Never had the jab and still pretty healthy for 85, but don't know whether to consider that a blessing or a curse. The world has become hostile to human life.. I do believe this too shall pass, this Dark Age. But how much suffering, how many destroyedl ives before it's over.?
I am also on this, as ALL OF US who "get it" should be on this... to actually, literally SAVE THE WORLD. This is not being "dramatic" or "paranoid."
Remember that old saying: "Just because you're "paranoid," it doesn't mean they're NOT out to get you."
Get that into your consciousness, folks.
It's time to SAVE THE WORLD.