Orโ€ฆ itโ€™s aaaaall your age! ๐Ÿ™ˆ

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This makes a lot of sense. I wonder if the weird things found inside people/products are just covert weapons meant to confuse people and make them theorize about a cybernetic objective. The best way to convince the masses they aren't being slow-killed is to make researchers jump to conclusions in a society that mass posts half-baked ideas. Your average person sees "crazy conspiracy theories" and moves right along as if everything is fine.

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I agree with this. Every last bit. I became ill during the Summer 2017. I had a total dental restoration, ate high quality food, stopped using wifi and made many other changes, but my health did not begin to rebound until I moved away from the cell tower that loomed over our property.

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I think you are right on the knocker.

That is why I seldom use a mobile phone, use no other devices except a PC and electric guitar, live ten Ks from a tower, drive a 30 year old Landcruiser, and will soon move to my hideaway in the wilderness that is 200 Ks from the nearest tower.

When the recent test transmission was advertised from local towers, I took my grandchildren way out bush for the day. Nevertheless, they are getting strange illnesses and two of them are being affected mentally. My son, too. I am sure the jab injured immune systems and imported graphene oxide, but I am sure the EMFs are the coup de grace. A combination of smart metres, 5G towers, and HAARP appears to be causing fires in Chile and California and I expect these in Australia, eventually.

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Thanks Frances!

If I overlooked something in all your research, my apologies :-)

Since HAARP changed over from Analog to Digital in 2012 this changed all the "transmission" Meaning that cell towers / phones , etc. etc. were no longer needed to produce ill effects. Now that it is Digital a simple AM band frequency could be used to destroy most all.

So are we at a point where all focus is on 5G 6G bla bla , when they already slid in a no brainer to side-track us all?

Appreciate all your efforts :-) XX

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This is news to me! I don't understand what you are saying, tbh! New towers are being erected all over the place, my village has just seen a new one go up close to my home.

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I read something this morning which had a cross post to Bailiwick News where Katherine has delved down into US laws and how they were put into effect bit by bit over the years so as to not arouse objections to how they pulled off experimental countermeasures to a declared health emergency without normal procedures, GMP and legit clinical trials. She unearthed Mutual Recognition Agreements which other countries have which means they can just rely on claimed validity of other countries regulatory reviews to import and use said product, i.e. "vaccinations" for humans and animals. UK agreement 1st Nov 2017. These agreements cover several sectors including telecom equipment, (I saw vids of 5g installations with parts labelled Covid 19), electromagnetic compatibility, etc. bailiwicknews.substack..com/p/regulatory-simulations-at-home-and

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Not knowing a lot about 5G and electromagnetic poisoning, your article has helped increase my knowledge.

What I find amazing is the rollout, "pandemic" or not, has been non stop over the last five years... a lot more towers required for a modest increase in internet speed seems economically stupid... More power for extra towers, more real

estate deals for extra towers etc... that all seems very sus... Unless the idea is to (for lack of a better term) fry us when required?!

I saw a talk on 6G a few years back and that would require even more transmitters, like inside people's homes (and furniture?)


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General Robert Spalding is a propagandist and a liar. I listened to 7 minutes of his b/s and that was as much as I could take. The man is a menace, full of distortion and hatred for China. He is a warmonger and a fearmonger with a false narrative coupled with a belief in 'viruses' that makes me wonder if he has any braincells which are not bought and paid for by the Black Nobility. What a vile man.

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I listened to it so long ago, I must admit, I probably forgot the bulk of it... I only remembered what he'd said about 6G... There would be a lot of players in the propaganda market back then especially, I think it was sometime in 2020... I dare say even the full "virus" narrative is in play in that interview ...

I must admit, it only hit me about the hidden control of this world about two years ago when I was forwarded Altiyan Child's video on freemasons... and I think I didn't initially fully think it possible... Until all mechanisms and institutions seemed to be in absolute failure to their duty of care... It couldn't just be explained by economics and profit alone... Which brought me to your page, and your reinforcement of what John Coleman had written about the black nobility, but I found your explanation much clearer...

As you say Spalding is likely a propagandandist and on the payroll... and pushing the "nation state" conflict model, which seems a further distraction from the likelihood the whole world is controlled by black nobility...

As with propaganda, maybe there's some truths mixed in with the lies... If I could remember I'd have given you the timecode for the 6G part of his talk... But yes, I certainly had forgotten the rhetoric of Spalding's talk! Sorry to.put you through it...

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lol - it is 6.45am here in UK.... I admit that it was a wake up call for my fiery side at this early hour! It has probably set me up for the day, actually! ๐Ÿคฃ

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That's all good, my mind is a random collection of points I remember from the past, and sometimes the source may not be as good as I thought!! Hopefully the rest of your day goes well Frances... ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ฌ

I must say your work has been invaluable since I've found your stack, and I've sent the "Black Nobility 101" to many friends, including those that sent me the Altiyan Child's video, and it's even been eye opening for them (and they are light years ahead of me on this subject)...

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Right after the lockdowns started I suddenly found I was getting sick if my conversations on my cell phone went on too long. I had to push it further and further away and told the person I was talking to that my phone was making me nauseous and hurt my head. I waited too long and was down for the count. I knew then that I had to find out what it was. Found the report out of NH Governor's office on the committee that studied the dangers of 5g. Not a single paper reported on their horrific findings even in NH. The unraveling of it all started there. Glioblastomas, cancers off the charts, heart attacks, suddenly dying, rashes off the charts. All this nasty electrical and emf grid built around us, above us, satellites and not a single medical doctor has been trained to know what RADIATION SICKNESS is? Of course they don't. Only military doctors know that. We're all in the army now.

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Frances, have you written about Shungite?

(Excuse me if you have.)

"Shungite attenuates electromagnetic emissions,

counteracting the harmful effects of electromagnetic

fields and radiation from computers, cell phones,

wi-fi, and other electronic devices and


According to Russian quantum physics research,

the bioenergetic torsion field that surrounds our

bodies has a RIGHTHAND (think DNA-like)

rotation, and is key to our vitality and physical


Various man-made radiations, such as Wi-Fi, generate LEFTHAND rotating torsion fields which

interfere with and are harmful to humans, plants and animals by unbalancing and disturbing

our bioenergetic system.

The presence of Shungite corrects these distortions, neutralizing negative impact of the

electromagnetic radiation."


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I can't advocate for shungite because I have no experience of it - yet! I have been told that it is useful but have yet to see that proven.

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Thanks for mentioning Shungite.

I read Regina Martino "Protection, Healing ad Detoxification" back in 2011.


Ordered plenty straight from Russia back then.

Have it all over my home /in our cars/ outside on property and place it in my John Ellis water when I produce it weekly.

The issue now is finding a reputable source to purchase it. I have heard over the years about "knock offs" .

Plus, Firstenburg states in his book that all these things are ineffective?

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I've wondered what Firstenberg thinks of shungite.

I do like the taste of my filtered rainwater much better with the shungite in the bottom chamber.

The company in the link I posted has a wonderful reputation and I've enjoyed the few products I've bought very much. They answer questions promptly and kindly too.

Thank you for your link Dr Deborah.

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That is wonderful knowing you found a credible company.

Much comfort with Nature's Gifts throughout this bad stage performance :-)

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Great post, thank you.

Sad hearing you aren't well, but dying, wtf. Your time isnt up yet, you have so many to help think lol. I truly wish you an abundence of everything, you're a treasure, we must laugh at death because its never the end just a transformation.

Have a great day tomorrow.

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Why would they do that to themselves, too? I do believe it is happening.

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Thank u for sharing this info on EMFโ€™s. The ones who are awake are very sadden knowing whatโ€™s going on globally. Yes it affects us all and thatโ€™s the plandemic. God please help us all!!!๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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This is a very interesting article, but there are a few things I can't help but point out that are glaringly obvious to the educated. The Spanish flu is one of these things. It was never what it's been documented in history. I'm sure everybody has seen the famous photo of the two men in Bowler hats I think one was rocker next to a nurse and some people with masks on Rockefeller and the other guy in the bowler hat didn't have a mask on! Numerous deep dives over the years have shown flu was more of a psyop of sorts in its day than any connection to any kind of radio waves.

I would also say that the same is true for Hong Kong flu , in fact any of the flu that you have mentioned have not been as a direct result of any kind of electrification or telephony-I personally studied the US patents very closely when the last fake flu came out (I refuse to use the name.The media gave it because the more people use that name the more power we give it meaning it takes longer to go away)

The army has been playing around with coronaviruses since the 60s and to make a long story short they were trying to find a way of using the common cold as a vector or method of transmission for more serious illnesses. You can look all of this up through the patience for SARS-COV2. (US patent 7279327 should be enough to get you started). as for AIDS And its Cure (AZT and Remdesivir) you only need to see the movie or read the book by RFK Junior called "the real Anthony Fauci" and that will tell you everything you need to know about that so-called epidemic and why people were dying-again it was not directly linked to any kind of RF radio waves of any kind. I cannot comment on HAARP because I have not done my own research on that but suffice to say it is plausible this could be connected with the decline in the sparrow population in the UK - but trying to link any kind of flu from the 1960s up until the present day and any kind of cell phone implementation or radio waves is a complete waste of time because pretty much every single flu you have listed with the exception of the Hong Kong flu is contained within all of the research patents going back to the 1960s when the US Army were working at Dietrich to use the common code as a vector (or Trojan horse) to spread more serious illnesses. They succeeded by spreading certain illnesses between dogs and rabbits but they could never get it to jump any further and in actual fact it was around the 1990s/early 2000s when Pfizer originally filed patent 7279327 which directly links them to all of this research that have been done at four Dietrich way back to the 60s. since then we've had SARS, MERS, swine flu bird flu Ebola and then the one whose name I refuse to use and all of these are linked to those patents going right back to the 60s. This is not hard to find out. I've looked into it all myself and I wouldn't be quoting it here if I didn't complete with what is the most significant US patent number which is 7279327. You can start with that number and do a bit of a deep dive and you will find everything. I've just told is tied to that patent. Around the early 2000s is when they decided that they were going to try to create something called a prion disease and they wanted to use the same corona virus' (a.k.a. the common cold, the same common cold Ford Dietrich had been trying to use as a Trojan horse for years since the 60s to transmit other illnesses without much success other than between dogs and rabbits). I don't need to go into too much detail about the whole SARS thing because it because it has been well covered and documented by the Likes of Dr David Martin (among others) however a list of applicable Patents can be found here:


Along with the wonderful story of one Awesome medical practitioner Dr Anthony Fauci and his wonderful contribution to the world of health in the last 25 years here, including how they pulled off the psychological warfare weapon known as C19:


As for the aids epidemic etc. I strongly recommend people go and watch the film or read the book by RFK Junior entitled "the real Anthony Fauci" which very clearly shows they were unnecessarily killing people especially orphaned children who they use as lab rats when they were playing around with Remdesivir!!

Now don't get me wrong I am not saying your entire article is garbage. That's not what I'm saying at all, for example you noted in your article that a possible link to a particular radio frequency increase was that Soviet scientists had discovered it was creating interference certain medical scans-that is very very highly plausible a lot more so any of the so-called flu epidemics. You have to remember as well the person thinks that the flu is something that lasts for three days and gives you a runny nose which is not the case at all. as somebody who has had the flu twice in their lifetime I can tell you it is anything but fun. I can see exactly why and how it kills old people especially when I ended up with pneumonia. I had to spend a month on a nebuliser and then I spent months at home sitting in steamy showers, so I could get some relief from the difficulty I had breathing and as the body aches that took the best part of six months to go away, let's just say I never want to get it again-THAT is flu, not this 3 to 5 day head cold people seem to associate with that word.

I haven't even got onto 5G yet, but I'm being told my comment is too long so I will make a comment about that separately , please take nothing. I've said as an attack and simply as constructive criticism and nothing more as I mean no malice and definitely don't let it stop writing-full credit for you for everything you do๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ’

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You need to read The Invisible Rainbow

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You've got me wondering about that now

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Don't wonder. Read! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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Yes, I'll have a quick look, you've peaked my interest enough to warrant the time but I have a feeling I know what I'm going to find

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A quick look? OK.... this'll be funny! It is a huge book, rivettingly interesting and no, you really do not know what you are going to find. Your comments here reveal that you are not aware of half of one page of what Mr Firstenberg has gathered in his research and you are too willing to dismiss the thousands of studies which support my hypothesis, as expressed in the article we are commenting on and very many others.

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1) i'm not debunking or discrediting you in any way shape or form and I do make remedy for any such perception you may have because that is indeed not the case. I am merely highlighting that just because something is "plausible" doesn't make it factual (based on the chart you posted showing the dates and the "possible ramifications" or whatever the title was (sorry I can't keep up with this. It's all moving too fast on my bloody phone!)

2) I've tried to edit comments using the three little dots at the bottom of the comment and it never gives me an option to edit. Only an option to delete nothing else. Bear in mind I'm using the phone app and I'm not on a PC which may actually have that functionality. I haven't checked as of yet because I don't walk around with a laptop 24/7

3) regarding the Electric rainbow-just because I said I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to find doesn't mean I'm not going to read it, it certainly doesn't mean I'm dismissing anything that anybody has said who has read the book. All it means is that maybe I already know this stuff and I haven't told you I just haven't read it from that source? The universe places all of us here for a reason, I know exactly why I am here this time around, I also believe in reincarnation and know that this is a one-way trip for me meaning when my job here is done I go back to wherever it is the universe brought me From and never have to go through this again-that said I believe that was the case the first time around and then almost 2000 years later the universe brings me back again!

Interestingly, the UK was the place the universe put me and to be more specific. It was not far from GCHQ and Fairford airbase among other city of London establishments shall we say? I couldn't wait to get the hell away from the UK it was probably the last place in the universe I would have chosen to go however I know now all these years later there was a reason I had to go there, what needed to be done and as a result I get to sit back on the beach with my piรฑa colada metaphorically speaking on the outskirts of madness just waiting for the time to come when my final mission or act or whatever you wanna call it is due to be taken care of. In the meantime, I generally stay away from the majority of screens because anything with a refresh rate that is a multiplication of 60 Hz is real bad news for the subconscious lol unless of course you thrive on reality TV and actually thinking it's real in which case watch as much as you can lol. I choose to participate in the black nobility slave world or whatever you want to call it when I decide and when it suits me the rest of the time I don't even exist! I actually feel sorry for anybody living in what we have been led to believe is the northern hemisphere (no I didn't admit to being a flat earth person either before somebody throws that at me ๐Ÿ˜ I AM not even going to go there. That's a rabbit hole for another day)

That said , I think the most fun I've had recently was when I decided to do an order of the local so-called council to see what they had been spending rates money on over the last 10 years and it was easy finding out they spent $70 million on consultants however trying to get a breakdown of every single individual they paid and what was another story lol.

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There is definitely negative impacts on humanity and Even technology with 5G and I can give you a couple of examples here particularly with technology-my 2022 Ford transit - every time I come within visual line of sight of a particular 5G antenna that is right next door to a Brand New shopping complex that is full of 5G antennas The whole infotainment system locks up and goes into a perpetual boot loop. I spoke to Ford about it as we've got a couple of 5G antennas in our town and I don't have any problem with those but whenever I go anywhere near this particular shopping centre (or anywhere near that particular city for that matter) I have no end of problems with the entertainment system locking up and going into a boot loop.

Ford New Zealand told me that they were glad I had actually made the connection because they've got a number of people who have all complained of similar problems In the same location (and city) but none of them had actually linked it to being anywhere near any form of RF interference in the manner that I had so they were very quick to State that if it's doing that to The in car entertainment system, what the hell is it doing to people in the city, and even more so in the shopping centre which is a very good question!

I also have a very close friend who drives a milk tanker and he has told me himself whenever he drives down the very same piece of road during the day when the shopping centre is open the lane assist computer in his truck goes absolutely haywire and keeps warning that he is crossing the centreline when he's nowhere near it yet at night he has no such issues in the same location so all I can assume is that in that particular city here in New Zealand they have obviously got the 5G bandwidth turned up so god darn high that they are intentionally trying to pop people off!

New Zealand has historically been used to test certain things because of its unique micro economy. When I came here in the 90s they were testing something called "Eftpos" which eventually ended up being what everybody today knows as "using your ATM card to pay for everything instead of using a credit card".

I'm almost certain that particular city here in NZ has been selected as "the one where they are cranking up the strength of the 5G on purpose to see what it will do" cause I can park my van directly underneath any of the 5G antennas in my village and it doesn't even bat an eyelid let alone pick it up!!

With justice sweeping the globe via 200 Generals in the militaries of the world I can Thankfully say today that the world is free of that evil POS known as Cindy Ardern, probably the most evil sadistic tyrannical person that has led this country in modern history - something interesting for you I found out recently is that her family name is actually MANNING and not Adern! Her Father is a former police officer which led a few people to do a bit of a deep dive into her genealogy and what they found was her father's father brother was kicked out of Canada and changed his name to "Ardern" when he arrived in New Zealand, at which point he then got a job in the pharmaceutical industry of the day in Hamilton New Zealand-no thanks of course to his connection to Bayer in Germany! (yes that's Pizer today!), But getting back to what I was saying thankfully we are free of that evil POS and things are going to start improving especially with more people becoming aware of the massive corruption that has been in plain sight for years and the growth of the sovereign individual movement here which is finally picking up steam after being practically non-existent for God knows how long.

I can still remember when the local council here were privatised most recently around the year 2000 when New Zealand downsized all of its local councils From something like 85 down to 30 (that's approximate numbers). The majority of people here don't realise that the local government is actually a publicly funded privately owned business that employes one person and everybody that works for the local government is actually contracting to that one individual without even realising it because of the way it's hidden. The same goes for all of these things such as the police being a publicly funded private security company in fact the term "police officer" comes from "policy enforcer" and that is another deep dive I won't go into, Just like how the police got the name "copper" is yet another deep dive.

My advice to the world these days is first and foremost to wake up to yourself and the world around you. Start paying attention to your intuition if you still have it-for those who don't know what I'm talking about let me simply categorise it as the following, when we are children we have this little voice in our head that tells us that we should or shouldn't do something and what the consequences will be. If we do whatever it is we should or shouldn't be doing and nine times out of 10 if we don't listen to that little voice, The stated consequences often come true-I'm sure at this point everybody remembers the little voice in their head when they were a child giving them advice, well that's your intuition and over the years thanks to television (which is another deep dive which also ties in smartphones for the same reason) people are conditioned to ignore that intuition. Every time I see a parent give their child a smart phone or iPad to keep them occupied it's a reminder to me just how successful psychological warfare has been over the years in destroying the human spirit among other things.

Keep up the good work @Frances Leader, sorry I talk a lot. I've got too much to say and I can't figure out how to put a Substack together on the app-I did once but I've already forgotten so maybe I need to do it on a laptop or something๐Ÿ˜‚ all the best๐Ÿ’

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Get a PC. Stay away from mobile phones. And kepp listening to intuition. LOL

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I try to stay away from as many screens as possible because of the damage. I know they can do.. It wasn't called "The idiot box" By our grandparents for nothing you know lol-They didn't need studies like we did to prove the dangers of a refresh rate of 60 Hz or a multiplication of that 60 Hz refresh rate To know that it was not a good thing for us!

And yes, my intuition is going nowhere, It is what guides me every day in everything I do.

Just thinking, as I was writing this about the intuition, I get great delight out of telling people certain things don't exist in my world because I determine what does and does not exist in my reality-And then seeing their response as they try to fathom what the hell I just said and how I can Seemingly apparently make things disappear yet they can still see them lol....

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Your nemesis, Dame Jacinda Ardern now works full time for the British Royal family in two of their special projects. So to imagine that "the world is free of that evil POS" is a little premature. She got promoted to a position where her specific "evil sadistic tyrannical" ways are most appreciated!

She was appointed to the board of the Earthshot Prize in April 2023 and has attended many important engagements with the Royal Family ever since.


She is also appointed to Christchurch Call, which was established with French President Emanuel Macron, a unique tie-up between more than 120 nations and major tech companies to eliminate online extremism. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11856467/Jacinda-Arderns-job-revealed-NZ-prime-minister-Chris-Hipkins-floats-new-plan.html

It would seem that the Black Nobility rather appreciate Dame Ardern's particular penchant for totalitarian authoritarianism!

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Regarding the photos in the linked article, Compare the photos from that article which was written last year (post execution) to photos of when she was very much still around (let's say late 2022) and pull a couple as well for good measure From about 2017 and put them all side-by-side then you might see the differences.

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Do you follow Q?

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Define follow?

Do I Follow every single drop And look for every com given off? No, I don't, However I Do Has a laugh at the number of the things at the rallies that I know the majority of people don't see-For example, the numerology in a lot of the messaging Plastered all over the rostrum or plastered on adverts for gold or something similar..... Many things hidden in plain sight!

Looking for things like the air "Air-Q"is first grader stuff, as I'm sure you can appreciate yourself lol.

As for Trump himself, I was able to tell one of my spiritual guides We had an ascended master back in this realm In the form of Donald Trump Months before all of the Mediums anf Tarot readers were saying it. Again, The universe places us all here to do something at a given time and I try to Stay focused on manifesting what needs to be in my life or what I wish to be in my life, Avoiding any form of social media-Even Substack falls into that category, The only reason I give it a Hall pass is because I am choosy over what I choose to follow, Plus, despite the effects of the screen if you read something rather than watch it spoonfed to you, You engage both hemispheres of the brain and the trick of the TV doesn't work, Just like if you hear something on the radio it doesn't have the same effect as watching it on the TV. The radio doesn't subvert one of your hemispheres and program your subconscious. Honestly, it takes quite a bit to Get my attention I don't just read any old crap lol, I'm like the Hawk at 1000 feet looking down on the big world and whenever I see something that gets My interest, I will swoop down For a closer look. Keeping me down looking is a lot harder than getting me to swoop down if you know what I mean๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’

This lifetime has been worthy of its own book if I do say so myself lol, I have been at both end of the "wealth and social life spectrum" as it were at differrent times, Again, it was part of why I had to come here this time around. Rock Bottom was living on the streets in the UK and being turned away from just about any form of help available Including friends, family and The state, The nights I spent walking the streets are some of the most memorable I have Even all these years later Not because of how low my life was at that time, but because of what I learned about myself and what I needed to do-Something I always remain grateful for is six months where I had nobody and nothing through the winter of 1993. Sorry, I know that was a bit of a diversion but my brain is like a video on fast forward when it comes to writing lol.

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If you want to look into somebody really interesting look into her predecessor "Sir John Key" lol he is a complete deep state Wan... I mean Banker....BANKER lol..... go and have a look who he sits on the board of, especially during his time of being in charge of New Zealand, and all the time firing a number of MP's for what he called "conflict of interest" yet that POS had the biggest conflict of interest of all LOL..... you see I don't watch the media at all. I don't watch it. I don't listen to it. It doesn't exist in my life by choice unless I choose to let it in. Oh look it is 11:33 as I'm typing this!! fascinating!

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Funny you mentioned Christchurch because the weekend of the Christchurch false flag here in NZ we had none other than the mighty John Podesta in town in Christchurch! The Internet footage of the false flag was banned in this country everywhere however where there is a will there's a way as they say, and I must say there is a lot to be said for body cam footage!!

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Trust me, it's not the real one, the real one is fish food right now-They picked her up and she cried her eyes out when she quit her job and carried on like she was going to her death.... all this crap about being able to stay home and watch her children grow up etc. Etc.(it's all on YouTube look it up, that's the REAL Cindy when they picked her up, not one of the actors-a number of people here picked up on the fact that actors were being used in fact one of them looked vaguely attractive and in all reality she didn't get the horse face nickname for being attractive lol... think about this too-why is she the other side of the world working instead of being here in NZ? Reason being she's been taken out of the game and they cannot pass off actors here as well as they can over there because she's just another former foreign leader overseas in her own country. She is a lot more than that. Her family live in a town less than 20 miles from me so trust me, when I say she's gone, she's gone!

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She??? And so many others that are gone as well and NO media will report and the sheep still sleep. It's so frustrating to me bc I can see they're not the same

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Don't worry, my friend. You're not the only one.

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Did you open the Tatler link? All the photos look like the original horse-face to me!

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It is so appropriate that you use the name Marco Polo. He was an agent for the Black Nobility too. Your apparent belief in 'viruses' is standard propaganda, supported by the usual talking heads. It is completely inaccurate and all the 'patents' are paper ruses to mislead the public. David Martin is a high level Freemason who has been tasked with conveying the usual 2nd line of narrative.

There are always three narratives: The official, the controlled opposition and the truth. Unfortunately you just dismissed the truth by quoting the controlled opposition.

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I am well aware, David Martin is just as much part of the Nobility as Reiner Feulmich however, like every psychological operation they have to make sacrifices to pull off the operation-in this instance they needed to sacrifice a couple of polarised figures that people "believed in" who had made a point of exposing everything that eventually came out via FOIA in the US in advance. I actually found a study on the NIH website about a month before David even came into the limelight with his patent speech and there was always something that didn't resonate with him. I couldn't put my finger on it at the time but I knew there was something not right. that said quoted was indeed legit, history has proven that-but to get back to David, he unintentionally made a bit of a slipup I feel on one of his podcasts when he was asked one day where he met his wonderful Australian wife Kim and he just blurted out how "he met her in Antarctica he was with one group of people she was with another and they spent the whole time on a boat trip getting to know each other"

He then rather strategically change the topic of conversation because I think he realised he had probably said too much especially when he mentioned travelling down on a US Air Force C1 30 lol. if I was bored and needed something to do and was really that interested I would do a deep dive on him but the universe tells me otherwise I know what I need to know when it comes to him and a number of others.

As for the name Marco Polo, why did I choose that? That's actually a very good question. I don't actually know why I chose that. It was the first name that popped into my head when I got onto Substack and has absolutely nothing to do with Chuck Norris lol๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ™‚

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David Martins boring ramble with Alec Zeck on his podcast last year revealed that slip up.

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I must admit, I haven't seen that. I don't mind Alec, but he does have a tendency for Tunnel vision at times. Interesting that David Martin would make the exact same slip up Especially given that he is a very intelligent person for all intents and purposes, I guess when it comes to talking about your significant other The thinking muscle has a habit of taking a holiday when it comes to keeping it secret when you met them somewhere that is essentially off-limits to the rest of the world but an Elite few. I'm actually curious now to know what his wife was doing down there because he's made no secret He was down there with the American Air Force or should I say that's how He got down there and I would imagine given his profession he would have been looking at something to put a Patent on it-But what was she doing? I'm not gonna waste too much of my time, but it's interesting to hear he made the same slip up elsewhere lol

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I wish they would let us edit bloody comments. My goddamn phone has a bad case of dyslexia.

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Use the three little dots on the right at the foot of your comment. That is how we edit.

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I figured out the edit, I have to come out of the app and when I get an email notification follow that directly to the comment and the instructions you gave Are indeed spot on.

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I tried that, I get three options

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I am using the mobile app though the PC might be different so I will have to check there

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Thank you Francis for an important article, well researched..

I think EMFs are a big part of this onslaught of premeditated poisons assaulting the human condition today but there are a couple of other big impactors.. in this True military grade in every respect Psyop.. that is using an array of weapons against humanity.. The slow kill fake vaccine bio weapon I think is the centerpiece and the single most dangerous killer.. and ultimate destroyer of human DNA.. Gain of function labs from Wuhan China to North Carolina in the US as well as possibly those in Ukraine.. were working on this mRNA Slow Kill Bio Weapon formulation for a couple of decades..

Thanks to the plan Demic there are currently at least 700 to 900,000,000 human bodies loaded with mRNA, carbon nano particles, and hydrogel. [ amazingly it is spread through the breath so no need for another injection, not really] and it will spread to most of humanity in a couple more years anyway. Yet, the psychos like Gates wants us to die as soon as possible..] A global genetic chain reaction is in play catalyzing adverse reactions that are dependent upon whatever that particular human body's genetic weaknesses are.. All or accelerated.. Around the world life is being shortened.. Effectively turning the human bodies on a massive scale into biological time bombs set to detonate in anyone of thousands of different ways.. Stroke, heart attacks, myocarditis, pericarditis, turbo cancers.. Neurological diseases, etc. etc.

The carbon nano particles are metallic and are affected by electrical currents, EMFs among them and reassemble after injection creating nano robots that can migrate through the human bloodstream. When combined with hydrogel create long rubbery clots that can continue to grow even in dead human tissue, crazy...! Electrical currents like those found at 20 to 30,000 feet can accelerate the growth of these clots consequently we've had an explosion of heart attacks among jabbed up airline pilots.. Worldwide. As well as world class athletes that when exercising generate much more electricity and force the growth of a clot to become terminal. Children and young adults around the world in larger and larger numbers dying from Strokes, heart attacks others developing myocarditis...

The Expose' wrote an article couple weeks ago regarding a FOIA document written by a CIA analyst tracking the effectiveness of the Psyop. It stated that the kill rate is right on track, global population reduction of at least 30% by the year 2030.

So let's ruin their day and destroy their game plan..

Follow the protocols of minimizing these poisons like EMFs, vaccines, conventional food laden with mRNA and keep cleaning our blood out.. It's a 'bloody' nuisance but it must be done..

We can defeat Big Brother and drag the Bast*#ds into Nuremberg so let's do it!

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I am particularly curious about the white rubbery clots found by embalmers. One analysis of their chemistry showed that they are extremely high in phosphorus but I have seen no other reports of analyses made by other researchers to confirm that finding.

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This is just my guess, not certain but I believe the rubbery clots are hybrid polymeric carbonaceous nanoparticles chemically Crosslinked and formulated to swell [SWD] continuously till restricted by the confines of the cardio-vascular system .. magnetic too.. these are kind of a crazy set of building blocks that self assemble with the right environment.. they grow on Electricity.. the more electrification the faster... The clot develops...

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Thank you for your tireless efforts Frances! ๐Ÿ™ Youโ€™re getting through to more and more people.

Onward & Upward! ๐Ÿ’–

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After 8 years? It has been extremely exhausting, especially when few people are doing the same work.

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Thank you Frances and Dear Herder.

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