"The graph you have shown includes the effects of the National Service (Armed Forces) Act (1939), which extended conscription to all men aged 18 to 41 and later to unmarried women and childless widows aged 20 to 30. Conscription continued until 1960, with the last conscripted soldiers leaving the service in 1963.
The decline in military since then seems less dramatic in view of this fact.
Another issue unmentioned, is the nature of weaponry in 2025. Warfare is more about missiles, remote controlled drones and electro-magnetics than human physical combat, as we have seen in Gaza and Ukraine.
Finally, Sir Keir Starmer is obedient to the Crown and is surely aware that British boots are already on the ground in Ukraine, claiming to be there in a training capacity. There are rumours that the operations against Nord Stream 2, the Crimea/Kirsch Bridge and other attacks on Russian territory were British led.
War is dirty and the old animosity against Russia festers deep in the independent City of London.
2025 = 9 = End of basic numerical sequence = Therefore great changes are here now, only those who breathe the primordial breath of the womb will see the Pilotlight of the Arkeyian world
Cheers, for that, spelt slightly different to (Arkeyian) yet when it first came to me 45 years ago, I actually spelt it (Arkeyan) the first time I wrote it down, I do appreciate this info. I managed to channel a lot of info from somewhere very, very distance, and I just knew it was not from this Harmonic Universe 1. It felt so incredibly far away, my vehicle (body) commenced phasing not long after, it changed everything I believed, especially when I shooooed a fly away from my face one day, which took the trailing of my hand movement at least 30 to 40 seconds to catch up with my hand, which was in a full stop position. That which be I, was Cacada initiated on top of Wollumbin = Australian Aboriginal name for what the Europeans call Mt. Warning. The eastern coast natives of the Nimbingee tribe call it Wollumbin = Mountain top always shrouded by clouds.
When 6 planets lined up in our solar system that which be I was initiated, a movement back to the birthing of the Sacred seeding flood.
Thank you Sonia, your work is at a champion level. I believe there is a lot more happening than meets the eye of factual participation, as many hidden agendas come from both sides of the political fence. According to the prophets of the late 1900’s and early 2000’s, 3/4 of Europe shall be wiped from the face of this earth. Only hidden agendas can escalate this fore warned assault on all those that have been for thousands of years nothing but war mungering rock ape retards, that have never been able to resolve anything with out the participation or threat of violence. Tell me that humanity loves humanity. You can not. Rid the earth of the volatile rock ape retard, and everyone left shall be a lot happier. As for Trump, he’s not stupid, why get involved with total fuck wits.
More like Serpent of wisdom dear sister. The star of humanity (5 points) and the Star Isreal flies (6 points) = 11:11 that’s both sides of duality shall now smash it out.
Trump's comments on Ukraine have been 'fact-checked' by the Guardian newspaper but their effort was also fact-checked and it came out with more holes than substance!
This is probably really good news! However, I hold to my misgivings about Trump’s motives. I feel there is something we are not yet aware of…. for example, financial restitution for all the billions that have been funnelled into Ukraine but are unaccounted for.
Didn’t USA get what it wanted out of this whole fiasco. US corporations have purchased land & companies there if I understand correctly, that being part of an agreement in the US ‘loans’ sent to Ukraine to propagate the war - it was not ‘free money’ but came at a price. European nations by comparison seem to have simply transferred taxpayer money to promulgate a war that Ukraine could never win. Stupid German politicians, obviously puppets in nothing more than a vassal state of the US were even prepared to see its energy infrastructure, providing a cheap source of gas from Russia, destroyed by the US - thus hurting Germany’s & Europe’s competitive position and triggering energy price inflation. Who was beneficiary of this - again the USA. Russia also benefits as it will in any peace deal get access to resources of E Ukraine. The main losers are the people of Ukraine who’ve been duped, killed in a war they did not need to fight. Duped by the globalists of the west into entering a senseless conflict. The completely amoral and bankrupt political class in Europe who brought their countries Corona nonsense excelled themselves again during the Ukraine ‘defending democracy’ psyop. Time for a new script. What will come next?
Before Trump, I would have assumed that, as a militarily-occupied vassal of the US, the UK would do what it was told (like the rest of Europe). Now, it looks like Trump might withdraw militarily from NATO and Europe, leaving Europe to stew in its own juices while Trump re-structures/resets the bankrupt US in splendid isolation.
Starmer is a light-weight working for the UN/WEF rather than for the British people. He won't last long. How and whether Europe will adjust to the Ukraine war ending on Russia's terms remains to be seen. The cog diss for the brainwashed of Europe will take some time to process but hopefully will end with a better grip on reality? NATO/UN/WEF have lost and will no doubt re-group and try again in due course?
Well, I do think they have lost an important battle, whether they realise it yet or not. Whether they have lost the war for absolute totalitarianism remains to be seen. As I said, I'm sure they will try to re-group. I wish and intend them many more losses, failures and humiliations.
There is no end to Starmers ineptitude.. every policy he dreams up will fail or force a u-turn.. he is simply stupid because he is simple… I have absolutely no faith in him nor his team of idiots.
Really interesting interview FL - you mentioned 'edge' trained Epstein ,jesuit educated Trump being Black Nobility trained - there was a study you quoted - who and where - again ?
By the way - fracking in UK ,anywhere can set off ,as in Whitby 2.7 seabed earthquake 18kms seawards a couple of years back .Makes NL very nervous .
Also - Lincolshire's enormous gas reserve - just brought to light - is the reason UK geologists have little credence on national fracking associated fault slipped escapes and implosions of methane levels - especially as Norwegian 600km long ,1000m deep Storrega Gorge -which creates the largest tsunami the world has seen - every 6000 years - AMOC reversal ,0.5C temperature change which alters salinity - which alters pressure at depth ,1000meter deep - spontaneous ignition of 'ice that burns' .
International hydrostratiographic conference in Lelystad in 2004 had ALL the worlds leading hydrostratiopgraphic experts AGAINST norwegian 'we refill each underground cavern depleted of oil with CO2 gas polymers ' ,argument where Norway egregiously argued every 8000 years spontaneous ignition . 300m high wave - takes 1 hour to reach north european shores , ancient lake change of silt origins measured from Denmark to La Havre 30ft increase in one day ,every 6000 years .
I think Wren's alleged infamy might be the result of his (and Hawksmoor's) role in secret societies, The Invisible College and the re-building of London, rather than burning it down:
Great sources - a modern RJ Lifton - waiting for his revelation of 4 x Putin's (pre UKR) -life saved,from direct assassination attempts , ie saved by british secret service .
I'm sorry to see that polling shows 60% of Britons favor deployment of British troops to Ukraine as "peacekeepers". It might be like Kipling's "Charge of the Light Brigade" ... "into the jaws of the valley of death rode the 500".
Exactly - the venality is suspicious . Too many resources match Kosovo Clinton contempt - really nasty - because the first <4th century macedonian stone masons built square ,as opposed to Arminian , round church spires ,and associated Kosovarian outbuildings are 'sophia' -ie round -there is the link between decimation of great Armenian architecture surviving ,in astonishing development in Kosovo ,before the theft of minerals ( Kosovo was 40% of Serbian wealth ,before Clinton's 'South Stream War' )
Very parallel to ukraines present dismembered fate ,for precisely same reasons .
Incidentally the Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavic (serb) holds a secret place in serbian consciousness
It was illuminative when albanians mistook me for a british ss agent ,as Murdoch's 'Serbian massacres ' in Kosovo were based on SAS and worse training 17 000 Tropoje albanian civilians to run across borders ,looking like 100 000 ,while being filmed .
No western pathologist has ever seen the bodies of the entrance and exit wounds of the original 11-15 'massacred' -yet all had disparate angles of entry and exit - ie mountain shootout .
It helped that Serge Brammertz rescued me from a lynching at Subotica ,he was sitting beside me on bus ,and he realised something was taking too long ,on a break .
Resistance to a pan european written constitution is based on 36 BSL 3s in UKR ,and 6 BSL 4s .
43 in total .This means de facto that Trump is co -operating with Putins holding of several BSL4s - sailent nuclear equivalencies .
& 3000 new BSL 3s worldwide ,since 2014 - a surrogate substitutionary virtual reality for the creation of 'porous borders ' because intl nuclear watchdog norms exist ; but zero intl biohazard cleanup norms exist .
(I live within 10 kms of an NL BSL 3 ,and it beggars belief how many lethalities are routine ,in the name of no 3 bird reserve in europe . )
The lack of a constitution has too long been used by Clinton to steal Kosovo's minerals ,in the name of a south stream Baku - via Serbian pipeline South stream . Instead Baku , Durres (Albanian) was instigated ,with 2 north stream destroyed by USA 26 sept 2023 ,as Stoltenberg's military decompression ship ,within 10 kms of the scene of the crime ,for more than a day ,shows . (3 gases -3 teams of mixed gas breathers ,limit of human dive technology .)
I have spent more than a decade in Serbia ,looking at Clintonesque vandalism of conviviality -to see the injustice of Murdoch Croatian ventriloquisms
is to listen to Trump today .
Vance is the WEF mouthpiece ,waiting for Trump's untimely demise .
Shell has ,since 2003 an historically contractural 43% of >2 trillion cube metres of gas off crimean peninsula ,on seabed ( 700-100metres deep .)
Chinese submerged extraction platforms have been operating at these depths since february 2024 .
So the other minerals look conditional on the effective extraction ,both east and west of these resources ,because Antarctic Weddel sea 10 X entire North Sea may 2024 ru right of discovery is next .
LINK FOR SONIA'S SHOW: https://www.youtube.com/live/vmSEHua-WZM
Black Nobility 101 - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101
Roman Empire Mk2 - https://boodicca.substack.com/p/exposing-roman-empire-20
Johnny Vedmore - The Edge + Technobrats https://newspaste.com/2024/10/31/musk-epstein-the-third-culture-dossier/
Astana Kazakhstan - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/united-kingdoms-death-spiral
History of Khazaria - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-true-enemies-of-russia
King Charles III - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/british-royals-are-black-nobility
Laboratories in Ukraine - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/us-wmd-labs-in-ukraine
EMF Archive - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19
Russian EMF Guru - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-cold-war-of-electro-magnetic
See also: https://thespectaclemag.substack.com/p/uk-pm-keir-starmer-wants-to-send
I commented there as follows:
"The graph you have shown includes the effects of the National Service (Armed Forces) Act (1939), which extended conscription to all men aged 18 to 41 and later to unmarried women and childless widows aged 20 to 30. Conscription continued until 1960, with the last conscripted soldiers leaving the service in 1963.
The decline in military since then seems less dramatic in view of this fact.
Another issue unmentioned, is the nature of weaponry in 2025. Warfare is more about missiles, remote controlled drones and electro-magnetics than human physical combat, as we have seen in Gaza and Ukraine.
Finally, Sir Keir Starmer is obedient to the Crown and is surely aware that British boots are already on the ground in Ukraine, claiming to be there in a training capacity. There are rumours that the operations against Nord Stream 2, the Crimea/Kirsch Bridge and other attacks on Russian territory were British led.
War is dirty and the old animosity against Russia festers deep in the independent City of London.
Serpent friend, snake will bite you.
2025 = 9 = End of basic numerical sequence = Therefore great changes are here now, only those who breathe the primordial breath of the womb will see the Pilotlight of the Arkeyian world
Cheers, for that, spelt slightly different to (Arkeyian) yet when it first came to me 45 years ago, I actually spelt it (Arkeyan) the first time I wrote it down, I do appreciate this info. I managed to channel a lot of info from somewhere very, very distance, and I just knew it was not from this Harmonic Universe 1. It felt so incredibly far away, my vehicle (body) commenced phasing not long after, it changed everything I believed, especially when I shooooed a fly away from my face one day, which took the trailing of my hand movement at least 30 to 40 seconds to catch up with my hand, which was in a full stop position. That which be I, was Cacada initiated on top of Wollumbin = Australian Aboriginal name for what the Europeans call Mt. Warning. The eastern coast natives of the Nimbingee tribe call it Wollumbin = Mountain top always shrouded by clouds.
When 6 planets lined up in our solar system that which be I was initiated, a movement back to the birthing of the Sacred seeding flood.
2025 = 2 = The Serpent of wisdom
0 = Unity
2 = The Serpent of wisdom
5 = The Star of humanity
The serpent of wisdom unifies as the double headed Serpent so that the dignified star of humanity can prevail.
And YES one day That which be I , Pilotlight of the Arkeyian people shall buy you a cup of Amrita
Thank you Sonia, your work is at a champion level. I believe there is a lot more happening than meets the eye of factual participation, as many hidden agendas come from both sides of the political fence. According to the prophets of the late 1900’s and early 2000’s, 3/4 of Europe shall be wiped from the face of this earth. Only hidden agendas can escalate this fore warned assault on all those that have been for thousands of years nothing but war mungering rock ape retards, that have never been able to resolve anything with out the participation or threat of violence. Tell me that humanity loves humanity. You can not. Rid the earth of the volatile rock ape retard, and everyone left shall be a lot happier. As for Trump, he’s not stupid, why get involved with total fuck wits.
Trump is a globalist. "You knew I was a snake when you took me in..."
More like Serpent of wisdom dear sister. The star of humanity (5 points) and the Star Isreal flies (6 points) = 11:11 that’s both sides of duality shall now smash it out.
Trump's comments on Ukraine have been 'fact-checked' by the Guardian newspaper but their effort was also fact-checked and it came out with more holes than substance!
We are going to give Ukraine “maritime security”? Have they seen the state of our navy lately? If it wasn’t all so sick I’d be falling about laughing.
We have got loads of used rubber dinghies in Margate! We can always send them to Ukraine, surely? 😂🙄
This is probably really good news! However, I hold to my misgivings about Trump’s motives. I feel there is something we are not yet aware of…. for example, financial restitution for all the billions that have been funnelled into Ukraine but are unaccounted for.
Didn’t USA get what it wanted out of this whole fiasco. US corporations have purchased land & companies there if I understand correctly, that being part of an agreement in the US ‘loans’ sent to Ukraine to propagate the war - it was not ‘free money’ but came at a price. European nations by comparison seem to have simply transferred taxpayer money to promulgate a war that Ukraine could never win. Stupid German politicians, obviously puppets in nothing more than a vassal state of the US were even prepared to see its energy infrastructure, providing a cheap source of gas from Russia, destroyed by the US - thus hurting Germany’s & Europe’s competitive position and triggering energy price inflation. Who was beneficiary of this - again the USA. Russia also benefits as it will in any peace deal get access to resources of E Ukraine. The main losers are the people of Ukraine who’ve been duped, killed in a war they did not need to fight. Duped by the globalists of the west into entering a senseless conflict. The completely amoral and bankrupt political class in Europe who brought their countries Corona nonsense excelled themselves again during the Ukraine ‘defending democracy’ psyop. Time for a new script. What will come next?
They are making moves on Georgia and Romania.....
Loved the interview Frances
Oh! I am very happy you heard it. It is always fun to chat with Sonia - we go back a whole decade and she loves picking my brain!
Onwards Frances
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right something for you when you get 5mins
Haven't put any songs out lately, voice has gone and been all bunged up and today grandchildren knackered me and the better half completely.
You and Sonia seem to get on so well, was so nice to hear
Keep well and happy
My voice was terrible today too! However I think it was a touch of the ‘grannie’s - getting old Dallas! xx
were not far behind you, keep up the fantastic work Frances. love from me and the better half xx
Before Trump, I would have assumed that, as a militarily-occupied vassal of the US, the UK would do what it was told (like the rest of Europe). Now, it looks like Trump might withdraw militarily from NATO and Europe, leaving Europe to stew in its own juices while Trump re-structures/resets the bankrupt US in splendid isolation.
Starmer is a light-weight working for the UN/WEF rather than for the British people. He won't last long. How and whether Europe will adjust to the Ukraine war ending on Russia's terms remains to be seen. The cog diss for the brainwashed of Europe will take some time to process but hopefully will end with a better grip on reality? NATO/UN/WEF have lost and will no doubt re-group and try again in due course?
You seem so sure that the predators have lost! I wish I had your conviction but I see them progressing towards absolute totalitarianism every day!
Well, I do think they have lost an important battle, whether they realise it yet or not. Whether they have lost the war for absolute totalitarianism remains to be seen. As I said, I'm sure they will try to re-group. I wish and intend them many more losses, failures and humiliations.
I like him even more now. Good job, RW.
There is no end to Starmers ineptitude.. every policy he dreams up will fail or force a u-turn.. he is simply stupid because he is simple… I have absolutely no faith in him nor his team of idiots.
You mean Sir Steer Karma? Yes, he is inept but that makes him an ideal puppet for the Black Nobility.
Yes The Fascist Starmer is an Ideal Quisling puppet. His Pandering to the money Laundering,Child Trafficking Scum bag will back fire on him .
Really interesting interview FL - you mentioned 'edge' trained Epstein ,jesuit educated Trump being Black Nobility trained - there was a study you quoted - who and where - again ?
By the way - fracking in UK ,anywhere can set off ,as in Whitby 2.7 seabed earthquake 18kms seawards a couple of years back .Makes NL very nervous .
Also - Lincolshire's enormous gas reserve - just brought to light - is the reason UK geologists have little credence on national fracking associated fault slipped escapes and implosions of methane levels - especially as Norwegian 600km long ,1000m deep Storrega Gorge -which creates the largest tsunami the world has seen - every 6000 years - AMOC reversal ,0.5C temperature change which alters salinity - which alters pressure at depth ,1000meter deep - spontaneous ignition of 'ice that burns' .
International hydrostratiographic conference in Lelystad in 2004 had ALL the worlds leading hydrostratiopgraphic experts AGAINST norwegian 'we refill each underground cavern depleted of oil with CO2 gas polymers ' ,argument where Norway egregiously argued every 8000 years spontaneous ignition . 300m high wave - takes 1 hour to reach north european shores , ancient lake change of silt origins measured from Denmark to La Havre 30ft increase in one day ,every 6000 years .
Last tsunami 4000BC - ie due any day now .
Here is the article written by Johnny Vedmore about how Musk connects to Epstein:
Why is Christopher Wren infamous ?
You might like Rob Shaw's book, "Architecture of Power":
Got it , 'Kings incendiaries ' ,but surely Wren was less responsible ?
Just needed a thesis to recognise ,many thanks .
I think Wren's alleged infamy might be the result of his (and Hawksmoor's) role in secret societies, The Invisible College and the re-building of London, rather than burning it down:
I don't know of his 'infamy' but would imagine it might be related to his founding membership of the Royal Society, perhaps. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Royal_Society
Johnny Vedmore uses 'infamous Christopher Wren '
puzzled .
Great sources - a modern RJ Lifton - waiting for his revelation of 4 x Putin's (pre UKR) -life saved,from direct assassination attempts , ie saved by british secret service .
In my book he (P) is their BP agent .
I'm sorry to see that polling shows 60% of Britons favor deployment of British troops to Ukraine as "peacekeepers". It might be like Kipling's "Charge of the Light Brigade" ... "into the jaws of the valley of death rode the 500".
Exactly - the venality is suspicious . Too many resources match Kosovo Clinton contempt - really nasty - because the first <4th century macedonian stone masons built square ,as opposed to Arminian , round church spires ,and associated Kosovarian outbuildings are 'sophia' -ie round -there is the link between decimation of great Armenian architecture surviving ,in astonishing development in Kosovo ,before the theft of minerals ( Kosovo was 40% of Serbian wealth ,before Clinton's 'South Stream War' )
Very parallel to ukraines present dismembered fate ,for precisely same reasons .
Incidentally the Dictionary of the Khazars by Milorad Pavic (serb) holds a secret place in serbian consciousness
You are a mine of information, Kilquor!
Just - a love of Armenian Church archiecture ,
And Serbs
And oil shales
And Fossils .
It was illuminative when albanians mistook me for a british ss agent ,as Murdoch's 'Serbian massacres ' in Kosovo were based on SAS and worse training 17 000 Tropoje albanian civilians to run across borders ,looking like 100 000 ,while being filmed .
No western pathologist has ever seen the bodies of the entrance and exit wounds of the original 11-15 'massacred' -yet all had disparate angles of entry and exit - ie mountain shootout .
It helped that Serge Brammertz rescued me from a lynching at Subotica ,he was sitting beside me on bus ,and he realised something was taking too long ,on a break .
It is so embarrassing…. YouGov must have a troupe of monkeys for their surveys!
Great stuff FL ,
One of the most overlooked aspects of the debate is the CIA basis of EU .
Resistance to a pan european written constitution is based on 36 BSL 3s in UKR ,and 6 BSL 4s .
43 in total .This means de facto that Trump is co -operating with Putins holding of several BSL4s - sailent nuclear equivalencies .
& 3000 new BSL 3s worldwide ,since 2014 - a surrogate substitutionary virtual reality for the creation of 'porous borders ' because intl nuclear watchdog norms exist ; but zero intl biohazard cleanup norms exist .
(I live within 10 kms of an NL BSL 3 ,and it beggars belief how many lethalities are routine ,in the name of no 3 bird reserve in europe . )
The lack of a constitution has too long been used by Clinton to steal Kosovo's minerals ,in the name of a south stream Baku - via Serbian pipeline South stream . Instead Baku , Durres (Albanian) was instigated ,with 2 north stream destroyed by USA 26 sept 2023 ,as Stoltenberg's military decompression ship ,within 10 kms of the scene of the crime ,for more than a day ,shows . (3 gases -3 teams of mixed gas breathers ,limit of human dive technology .)
I have spent more than a decade in Serbia ,looking at Clintonesque vandalism of conviviality -to see the injustice of Murdoch Croatian ventriloquisms
is to listen to Trump today .
Vance is the WEF mouthpiece ,waiting for Trump's untimely demise .
Shell has ,since 2003 an historically contractural 43% of >2 trillion cube metres of gas off crimean peninsula ,on seabed ( 700-100metres deep .)
Chinese submerged extraction platforms have been operating at these depths since february 2024 .
So the other minerals look conditional on the effective extraction ,both east and west of these resources ,because Antarctic Weddel sea 10 X entire North Sea may 2024 ru right of discovery is next .
For reader clarity: BSL = Bio-safety Laboratory
What is the significance of Murdoch + Croatia? https://people.com/celebrity/ivanka-trump-and-wendi-deng-murdoch-go-sightseeing-in-croatia/
Shell Gas Crimea https://www.nato.int/docu/review/articles/2014/05/27/the-energy-dimensions-of-russias-annexation-of-crimea/index.html
Weddel Sea = Southern ocean (Antarctic peninsula)
Also https://sci-hub.se/https://doi.org/10.1017/CHOL9780521243049.011
gives 'The peoples of the south Russian steppes ' , cambridge uni press
Its an 'outsiders ' view which contrasts with and compares minimally with M Pavic's 'inside ' view ,in his tr into english
Dictionary of the Khazars (the female edition) ISBN 978 86 629 3
reconstruction of the original 1691 Daubmannus Edition (destroyed 1692)
Its preamble is
'Here lies the reader
who will never open this book
He is here and Forever Dead .'
Sounds like a lightly slumberous Trump dream - alas such a cultural difference ,
One needs to taste the food .