Sep 21·edited Sep 21Pinned

The US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence have no more validity than an inter-departmental memo within the Crown Corporation.

I have explained this clearly by publishing this:


Donald Trump and all other selected politicians know this.

Trump was groomed and educated by agents of the Temple, the Jesuits. He is engaged in a furtherance of the initial deception and so is every Congressman in the USA, whether they know the law or not.

The modern Roman Empire uses the US Military as their global police/weapon of mass destruction.

I am so sorry to bust the bubble. Really I am, but there are millions of British, American, Aussie, Canadian and New Zealanders who do not realise that they live in, work for and contribute to a Five Eyes Slave Colony and their ancestors have been slaves for multiple generations.



The W.H.O. works for the UN. The UN works for the Club of Rome. The Club of Rome works for the Venetian Black Nobility and the Venetian Black Nobility are a World Crime Syndicate aka ROMAN EMPIRE MARK TWO.


You would need to be incredibly stupid to think that the Roman Empire does not use reverse psychology on its slave colonies….


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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

Yeah Jordan Maxwell dropped some hard truths during his lifetime! I understand what he's saying and I live in America and I was born in America and I am an American citizen! I don't say that I live in the US or I was born in the US or say that I'm a US citizen because I don't recognize the "United States incorporated" or the "US,Inc." I don't recognize nor see myself as an employee of the US,Inc instead I see myself and recognize myself as a sovereign being who has a mind of her own and thinks for herself!

I don't know if what I said makes any difference but words and spelling of words is energy and spoken words are energy and I want to connect to the energy of "Sovereignty!"

Yeah America was extremely divided in hate after the Civil War so the"powers that be" f

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

I'm with you... I think what we think and say about ourselves DOES make a difference, at least to US. It's part of the UNDOING that needs to get done, and we gotta start with our own personal selves. I love my country, I just DON'T love the people who think they're supposed to be running it... They're NOT.

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader


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What role do God's chosen psychopaths aka "the Joos" play in your opinion, who claim to rule the world?

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They are the staff. No more special or chosen than any other slave.

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"No more special or chosen than any other slave." They and a lot of people see that completely different, and the way they operate in the stolen land of the Semites (descendants of ancient Israelites) and call themselves even Semites, it seems they can do whatever they want. Only puppets, pawns, that do the dirty jobs for the real owners? It's hard to believe that. They are surely more.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

Israel was created by the Rothschilds after WW2 which started the problems over there which are continuing on today! The Zionist state was created, and yeah, they are doing the dirty jobs for the real owners! They're not who people believe they are and what we've all been taught to believe! Everything that we've all been taught in school about history is not the whole truth!

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Their vanity has worked against them. They have been used by people who are far cleverer and wicked than they are. The Vatican covets the Holy Land and if you read this in full and carefully, you will understand how it is going to be done.


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Yes, Jordan Maxwell peered deep into the black hole via its flags, icons, signs and symbols. Webs of deceit and endless psy-ops pump the egos of idiots to deflect them away from true identification. Foolish people point accusatory fingers at scarecrows (the usual suspects). Masonic arterials and underground crypts create pathways and synapses for dominion, as does One Road One Belt "initiative". From ancient to modern, a Hall of Mirrors.

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I don’t see a connection between the slavery of the Five Eyes countries and China’s Belt & Road Initiative. Perhaps you can enlighten me?

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It might seem counter-intuitive. However, much of our geopolitical "reality" is precisely that. National and transnational interests present as gooey, shapeshifting globs made up of: 1) allies 2) competitors and 3) enemies. What emerges out of these various options will depend upon historical circumstances. It could be A+B or B+C or A switching suddenly to C, as for example when Hitler turned on Stalin. The OBOR initiative needs to be understood not merely as a re-make of the Old Silk Road, but also as a competitor to the Crown Agency's Mackinder Heartland theory and its sequelae in Anglo-American geopolitics. Whilst OBOR is a competitor to 5 Eyes trade control it is at the same time a strange bedfellow since "made in China" is basically how the Deep State has been destroying the West. (How many young Chinese nationals of military fighting age have now been uploaded into the US via the Darien Gap?) Dean Henderson has written about the role of Crown agency in orchestrating the opium wars and the continued major role of HSBC in dirty money laundering, and how this history is concentrated in Hong Kong (which of course has a strong relationship with Vancouver BC and the Trudeau regime). Very few Westerners have much if any knowledge of China's long history and culture. There are of course multiple competing AI's. CCP AI can reach deep into Western societies via electronics and even power cables. The CCP's deep infiltration of the US public-private dyad is well known. Wuhan itself is sort of a symbol of this parasitosis/symbiosis. The Lone Skum, as you call him, is highly active in China. Starlink, OBOR, and wet systems of oversight, information distribution and control are really just variations on one theme: world dominion. The dominos may fall this way or the other, giving rise to megalomaniac winners of one stripe or another. Thus 5 Eyes and CCP are both adversaries and club affiliates. 5 Eyes slave-makers look to CCP social credit system and salivate. Hence DNC adopted the Cultural Revolution to induce regime change in the West using wokism and transgenderism as the prevailing "morality". There is confluence of interest at the same time as deadly rivalry. Nothing new except for the advent of technology and AI that has a momentum of its own, tail switching place with the muzzle perhaps.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

I remember when Nixon opened the door to China as "favored nation" for trade. NIXON did that, not China. Just sayin, the trashing and crashing of American was not done by its PEOPLE, but by tools of the Nasties that Frances is exposing... the "Black Nobility" or whatever we want to call them.

But WE the PEOPLE have long been used and abused, and it's time we stood up and take back our power. And our country. We don't need no stinkin' govt.

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I have a soft spot in my soul for China due to having trained for 12 years to become a Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine. I also have contact with ex-pats living in China very happily.

I don't like the way that the Roman Empire has traditionally attempted to destroy Chinese culture with Jesuit interference, CIA and now blatant threats of war.

The Chinese are wise to hold the west at arms length and to team up with all their neighbours + BRICS.

As far as I can tell, the Unipolar Empire is fading fast. It will be replaced with a multipolar world that is no less totalitarian than the UN tries to be.

Therefore, whichever way the cards fall, the rush to absolute control is on and nobody will be celebrating because we are all equally subjected to culling and eugenics both physically and culturally.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

Graham Moore from the full English show on Rumble seems pretty informed on the English Constitution.

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

Under "The 4th Industrial Revolution", all life is supposedly being turned into a commodity. Two-thirds of the UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals are about poverty so humans are going to be turned into assets and monitored and traded.

To make their social impact markets work, it all has to be mediated digitally through ICT—Individual Communication Technology—so that’s phones and tablets. All of the UN SDGs are supposed to be channeled through digital devices. Why? Because they need the data for the impact investors.

We are destined to be put in a digital open prison where we will own nothing and some will be happy as they know no better.

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Life is being regarded as the enemy. Almost a contamination which must be first controlled and then eliminated. That is my theory, expressed here:


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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

Very interesting. Thank you. A couple of questions, if I may as I like to know or think that I know!

First, you think the head of the snake are descendants of the Roman Empire. Not the Phoenicians then? Or Canaanites. I have read that a branch of the Canaanites became Jews, while others became Nabataeans and Phoenicians. But my knowledge of history is sparse and I belive their region was conquered by the Romans.

Second, do you think the dangers of the 4th Industrial Revolution are exaggerated and are a distraction to keep people occupied (including in IT, the military and science) and afraid /distracted (us in the resistance) while they plan a world war?

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Great questions!

1 The Phoenicians were displaced Canaanites and they had control of most of the Levant and Mediterranean islands, including the swamps which later became Venice. The Roman Senators escaped (when Rome was sacked by Huns and Visigoths) to the swamps in the 6th century, teamed up with the slave/drugs/goods trading 'Sea People' - i.e., the Phoenician pirates. Together they built a dominant Empire which came to influence most of Europe until they relocated to Amsterdam and then to London. They are moving to Astana right NOW.

2 We have been distracted since 2020 by a multitude of chaotic dramas and fears because WW3 is underway right NOW.

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you. The war is against humanity it appears.

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you. To bring it up to date, do you think technology like blockchain will be used to ensnare the masses. I am thinking of members of the "resistance" who advocate for de-centralisation as the answer to the problem that has been created. The Steemit Network, for instance?

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Nice Fran Shared FB & X Jordan was and is SADLY MISSED.

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Jordan Maxwell was one of the first re-searchers i came across, decades ago, in my searching to become learned about what is True, and what was hidden behind the lies we were all educated to beLIEve; i trust, and intend, that he learned how to die properly and has transitioned into a next realm of his desire, rather than back into this one via archonic forced manipulation;

thank you @Frances Leader for all you be and do sharing your re-searchings! i have been curious if the merovingian bloodline name as a top-ranking (and most occulted) black nobility family has ever come across your radar(?) …as it has mine.

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Yes. That bloodline is significant in European history.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader


And to think, it took COVID to bring all this to my awareness.

That's been the only thing it's been good for, is to open the door to alllll the perversity and lies that have been running things for far, far too long. Well, one minute is too long.


We are part of the Ones Who Got Wise. Let's run with it.

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There are some true things in the above video but there is a lot of false info. Here are some links to Quora pages that expose exactly what is going on. The material has been well researched.

Law Truth * Conspiracy Of Treason in Courts https://lawtruthconspiracyoftreasonincourts.quora.com/ This tells the ugly truth about the current courts.

Law Truth * Due Process https://lawtruthdueprocess.quora.com/ This explains the difference between constitutional due process and the communist system of law we have now. It also explains jury nullification.

This link on the gun laws includes a SCOTUS statement making it very clear that federal citizens have almost no rights.

Law Truth * Gun Rights https://lawtruthgunrights.quora.com/ This tells the truth in detail about the treason of imposing the gun laws on everyone.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

I can tell you a very specific truth about the specific treason in a specific county of courts in WA State, USA. There's no way these people aren't deliberately fickle.

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

The treason below the fed appeals courts into communism is complete. It secretly became official for all judges right around 1952 and since then all the judges have become totally corrupt.

In 2023 a denial of due process case and serious corruption of a lower court was taken to the Oregon supreme court. The court made it very clear that it no longer considered due process a right and that they would not even look at the evidence of felony behavior by lower court judges.

As we saw from the Flynn and Trump cases, the corruption has become blatant because the attorneys have been kept in the dark about the switch to communism and the rules SCOTUS has stated that the new non-judicial / admin courts are suppose to go by.

Also we have a problem that the judges control the bar and attorneys that really make the local judges mad simply have their bar membership revoked.

What has been uncovered and which terrifies the judges is that all the judicial branch courts were closed and new legislative branch courts replaced them to make communism the default system of law.

What really scares the judges is the fact that they now know someone has figured out that for over 70 years there have been no courts with any authority over the true citizens of the states. They only have authority over federal citizens and aliens.

You might like these links:

Law Truth * Dear Mr. Trump https://lawtruthdearmrtrump.quora.com/ This exposes some of the corruption he and many Americans are dealing with.

Law Truth * Dear General Flynn https://deargeneralflynn.quora.com/ This exposes how corrupt fed judges are and how Flynn was screwed by his legal team.

Law Truth * Due Process https://lawtruthdueprocess.quora.com/ This explains the difference between constitutional due process and the communist system of law we have now. It also explains jury nullification.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

Communism??? This is FASCISM, what I’m seeing. But yeah, you’re spot on. I don’t know about ALL the judges, but a biggo percentage, for sure. The “lower courts” like the County Court here in WA State has utterly disemboweled me, so you’re preachin to the choir, my friend! They are Evil.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

I hope you will take the time when you can and study the material at the provided Quora links. Yes, it is every judge below the fed appeals level and even a lot of them.

I call it communism because, as SCOTUS has made clear, it is a system of law that recognizes almost no rights. Yes, all gov was officially incorporated, each corporation with its own Fed TIN.

This includes the courts. Incorporated gov is forbidden an authority over the true citizens of the states.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

I'm not unaware. I don't need to argue about semantics. What I'm concerned with is finding somewhere to escape to, and then escaping to it. It's difficult when you have no money.

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Sadly, the rest of the world is leading us into absolute tyranny. If we cannot stop the communist run forward [ no longer a march ] the very concept of individual rights will disappear shortly.

I know what to do and how to do it in the courts to set a judge up to lose their jobs and be sued for denial of due process. I know how to take it all the way to the state supreme court level.

It turns out that is not enough. Last year the Oregon supreme court made it very clear it recognized no absolute right to due process or an honest judge.

The next step is SCOTUS and that is above my skill level. If I could find someone with the skill willing to work with me, SCOTUS would have to uphold the right to due process and allow even the state supreme court judges to be sued personally or openly admit that we have devolved into absolute despotism and the courts are only for appearance.

From my studies, I think the majority at this time would uphold the right to due process. That alone would make huge changes in the courts when the judges realized they were individual liable for money damages for their treasonous behavior.

There is one group you might like to join that I am on and which has another very competent researcher. He is actually a better researcher than me. I do best at verifying and studying the research material of others. That gives me the ability to see a much larger picture than if I was only focusing on a few things in a few SCOTUS cases.

administrating-your-public-servants@googlegroups.com in case you want to look it up and join.

Please also share the Law Truth blog pages on Quora. There are a number of other important Law Truth pages there also. Just search Law Truth, then select Spaces on the left of the column.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

And this all started WELL before WWII-- that was like, a practice run.

The shit was going on for at LEAST a couple of thousand years, if not many thousands... Wealthy few, everybody else slaves, and maybe a few priests and merchant types, but... WEALTHY FEW, that's the key.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

How do the 2 attempted assassinations of Trump play into all this?

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You mean the two soap opera episodes? Please…. let’s try to stick to reality here.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

An honest question as I’m fairly new to all this history.

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The two events you asked about are not history though, are they? They are faked current affairs designed to encourage you to vote for the selected candidate, Trump.


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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

There's a smidgeon of doubt for me about this, but you're probably right. Something isn't quite right with my BS machine on this one... I can't explain it, I usually have a pretty strong "feel" of this kind of thing. ??? I just can't sniff it properly, maybe.

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I am extremely biased against Trump since 2010 because he bought a chunk of land near Aberdeen, where I was living at that time. He bullied the HELL outta every small farmer neighbour until he owns the whole coastal sand dune. Then he shut down the old footpaths so all my dog walking friends and I could not gain access to the 7 miles of natural beach. The result was that we had to drive 5 miles down the coast and use one pathway which immediately suffered from far too much footfall and became a messy potholed carpark full of huge sink holes and puddles. Trump paid off the council and the dept of the environment and created his skanky golf course for his rich buddies. Nobody local could afford to use it - but we already had a golf course ACROSS THE ROAD!!

There was a helluva battle which resulted in one small farmer sticking to his rights and refusing to sell up. Trump surrounded his land and then shut off his access. That poor old guy was worn to a frazzle.

Aberdeen people HATE Trump for doing all that to the longest natural beach on the East coast of Scotland.

When he became President I watched him bully but smile while he did it. My article which I shared above shows clearly how globalist he really is..... and Jesuit to the damned bones.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

See my amended comment below...

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He also was the kind of guy who hired people to do stuff for him, workers, you know. Then he didn’t always PAY them. He was a twit then, and likely he’s still a twit. Rich guys— I don’t like ‘em.

>>>>>BTW, I'm talking about TRUMP, not the farmer guy!

I haven't liked Trump since he tried to jail those young black guys for raping/killing (or leaving for dead, I forget) that woman in Central Park long long years ago... But people DO change. I basically DONUT like the guy, DONUT trust him, and DONUT want him in MY life... But I donut want HARRIS, either. She is a FIEND... ALL those people who make it up the political chain are FIENDS. I donut like ANY of 'em.

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I remember that. Yeah, they hated him. I probably would, too, if I lived there! But there is always that snotty ENTITLEMENT thing with rich people… Almost ALL of ‘em have it. Virtually all of ‘em.

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the same is true of canada. we are chattel to a corporate structure. the signing of the birth certificate is the gateway into being corporate entities.

i met someone, a canadian, who went to court and removed himself from the corporation.

from what he said that is also available in the usa, although i don't know the details of how that would be done.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

When/if you find out, let me know! I want OUT.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

hola, twh.

i talked with my friend to get the details of what he did refreshed. and he is familiar with jordan maxwell. my friend studied and did this over the course of about 15 years. his recommendation is to not do it because it is subtle with some tricky details that the 'state' and 'court' know and will trick you into making a mistake that can easily land you in jail. he knows two people to whom that happened and had them imprisoned for 18 months. and another who lost half his pension, to the government, illegally, and which has been in court for 5 years, with an infinite adjournment to a future date.

the gist of it is that when we are born, our parents signed a confirmation of birth. that is an authorisation to give the child up to the state, as a ward of the state, ie the state is the child's trustee. the birth certificate itself is the document that creates the child as a corporation. the all capital letter name is the corporation that you are; and it is *that* that is in commerce, legally, with the state. so, your corporation is acting as a corporate agent to the state.

at or beyond the age of consent, we remove ourselves from the status of ward when we sign our first tax return. when we did that, we agreed to be a corporate entity under the trust of the state. where this gets interesting is that since we own nothing, we also do not owe anything. that is the responsibility of the state. so, how to dissolve that relationship and the debt that we think is ours?

once this is recognised, the lower case you can proceed to dissolve the corporate relationship of the capital case you. that is where it takes a lot of knowledge on the subtleties, and a great deal of chutzpah and calmness, because the state and courts will do everything to trip you up, including, of course, lying.

another approach that doesn't disengage in that way is to use the corporate structure that the capital letter you is to give a promissory note of payment to the corporation to whom you owe money in the amount owing. again, careful language, notarised, delivered by government agent - bailiff - or by a notary that will do it. the government has warned notaries off from doing that and bailiffs have likewise been told not to deliver these kinds of things. with crystal clear language, which includes a date by which to confirm receipt beyond which it will be considered tacit acceptance. once past that date, you can then, with careful language, ask for the promissory note to be returned. which they won't do because they have cashed it. repeat 3 times and then notify them that since they have cashed the promissory note, ie not returned it, that you will cease payment on your debt because it has been made void by the note that they cashed.

again, this is tricky and can lead to serious problems if not done well.

so... this is very sketchy outline of what is. it is not in any way complete in a way to safely navigate this. like jordan maxwell, my friend suggests don't do it. if you are keen, follow maxwell and see where that leads.

all the best.

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hola, twh.

i have messaged my canadian friend to have him refresh the details of his tearing up the contract in canada. it involved going to court. he may have some understanding or awareness of the process in the usa.

all the best with what is changing. everything changes! with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

I'm aware (since just a few years ago) of this so-called "Contract" with the Nasties that is created the day we are born.

IT IS BULLSHIT, since it is created before we've even been WEANED, much less have any idea about anything much at all... NEWBORN INFANTS are not capable of agreement to ANYTHING, much less a contract that enslaves them forever.

That has to be the STUPIDEST, most violently EVIL fricken idea EVER. As if!!!! It sounds like something a 4th grader might come up with.

So, no, I refuse to accept any govt's right to sovereignty over me. I am a sovereign Human Being, and I don't recognize them as my masters, not ANYONE.

I just want OUT OF THIS COUNTRY. But right now, I'm stuck here.

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i left canada for much the same reason. it became a spiritual pilgrimage for me that has been so life affirming even with the ostensible difficulties. all the best with your journey.

everything changes. with peace, respect, love and exuberant joy.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

You are a keeper. xo

Where did you end up?

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maybe the last place i could have possibly imagined my self to be living: méxico.

through a series of what can only be described as bizarre synchronicities/happenstances, here i am. and to my great joy, it is awesome here in many many ways.

(my substack begins and condtinues to include that travelogue. in the travelogue part, i've entered méxico in early 2022. if curious, it begins with me driving north: "1. Northward Ho! The Journey Begins: Yoga and Pure Newslessness as Covid Prophylactic" https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/coming-soon)

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

I don't think the British colony that became the US ever wasn't owned by corporations. Vast amounts of land were given to dissolute, embarrassing second sons of British nobility--I'm descended from one--who were sent to the New World to make their way in life. They paid others to harvest raw resources, then sent them to Britain to turn them into VAT products, and they were sold in other parts of the Empire which happened all over the British Empire and created the "wealth" it currently controls. In New England and Canada these were corporations in very little time. Most real wealth in the US has been in the control of corporations since.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

Agreed. That's what "empires" do. Time to put an END to that shit!

Time for a whole new way of life, in my opinion.

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Good point!

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On Point! I consider Jordan Maxwell and Bill Cooper as two of the most important statesman and purveyors of Truth We have been blessed to have as allies. It's a pity that they ,and others like them, haven't been allowed to participate as legitimate leaders in national governance. I've been tooting the horn about 'fake ownership' for too many tiresome years...and have never been happy about this Bankster reality. We can never own our homes if the Govt/Bank can foreclose on a homeowner for failing to pay a water or tax bill. Mort-gage translates as Death-Grip. When we get the loan to pay for the house, we end up paying three to four times what the property's value was when we first agreed to buy the house at projected sale value. This is just a ponzi. The Banks get richer, and more powerful, and the people get squeezed as artificial inflation/deflation cycles are introduced via the BIS/IMF (Black Nobility Bank owners). Then--if any of us questions 'Their' System, we are shot down for suggesting the possibility of a communal model for "Fair-Trade" and consensual barter protocols. The term, "Communal" quickly becomes the boogeyman: "Socialism/Communism"which are somehow limited in scope and typically become synonymous with Totalitarian evil. The fact is--Globalist Oligarchs are power mad, and we play the victim, time and time again. Are we choosing to remain victims as we accept the inequitable standards and systems that are imposed at birth?

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

Anything beyond their own slave system will quickly be "shot down." We don't need their approval, however. This is end only ONE way: Getting rid of the corporate Beast.

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Re: "Anything beyond their own slave system will quickly be "shot down."--This relies on our complicity and obedience. Who said anything about needing "their" approval? pax

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

Well, yeah. I'm speaking to those who think we DO need "their" approval.

Did you miss all my other comments? I've been saying basically what you just said, ALL OVER SUBSTACK, lol.

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Blame your "royals." They control and designed it all. The states united is not free. Freedom was replaced with BAR lawyers, crown courts, and freemasons, who now run the whole show. I feel for people living in the UK, they've had centuries of abuse. You have a good reason to be "unhappy."

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If you read the article I linked entitled WHO RULES THE WORLD you will see clearly that I agree about the Brit royal family. Yes, we are unhappy but many of our citizens are completely oblivious of how the royals are involved with the Great Reset and Green Agenda.

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I read it. That's why i said, "Blame them." Your article is spot on. This is the second time you said to me, "If you read the article." I always read your articles Frances.

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It is because in English that form looks like an order or demand! It works softer if you were to write:: We should blame the royals. Sorry, it was a slight quirk of language that caused me to misinterpret.

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I like your grit. You are "ready to get busy." That makes you, YOU. :) I have a "brit" here with me. :) Passionate, and easily riled. I love it.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

I must be at least partly Brit, too, then.

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I love the "energy" of the UK folk. I love the accent, the minds, and the grit. I don't like the royals, they been evil.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

The WEF mother-effers have a totally different concept of owning nothing and being happy than I do. It is true that we own nothing because someday we must surrender our pretenses of ownership, even that of owning our lives. The WEF-ers want to own everything and leave us with nothing. In that, they believe we will be happy with nothing to care about.

It's a mind game they will lose and we can win. You see, when you do own nothing from a psychological standpoint, you lose all attachments to the fake world which causes so much pain. You can live in the world and yet not be a part of it. You are then living from the greater self which no man can touch or take away.

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader


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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

You speak the ultimate truth and it is that which we must know and understand to face the future. But, I'll tell ya', freedom is worth fighting for.

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Well said! xx

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

Dear Frances , first I would like to thank you for the precious information you have provided us with and ask if you have books of yours or others you can advice : origins of Black Nobility. This post of yours is it about Admiralty Law? The obe David Lester Straight talks about? Is this all true? Can we get out of this system? I live in Portugal and I don’t know which laws we are under … perhaps the UCC . Thank you. Wish you happiness from Portugal

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Portugal is under EU Law which is not much better and could be marginally worse than British Admiralty Law.

The EU was first envisioned by Coudenhove-Kalergi, a Venetian/Japanese cross-bred nobleman who was the first to win the Charlemagne Prize. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne_Prize

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

Matt Ehret mentions Coudenhove-Kalergi, of Pan European 'fame', in various articles: "...Coudenhove-Kalergi was himself the scion of two ancient Venetian noble families. The Kalergi bloodline had come to power during Venice’s takeover of the Byzantine possession of Crete after the Fourth Crusade in 1204 and went on to play a prominent role in the affairs of state for the Venetian and then Hapsburg Empire for the next eight centuries. [...] The Coudenhove line reaches back to the eleventh century, when two brothers Coudenhove joined the first Crusade in 1099 [... ] At the end of the eighteenth century the Coudenhoves had been made counts of the Holy Roman Empire..." - https://matthewehret.substack.com/p/steve-bannon-and-chinas-deep-state?utm_source=publication-search

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

The entire claim of all governments and any legal entity is fraudulent anyway. So what is to be done?

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What would YOU suggest?

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

The system is workable, it’s just corrupt to a point that majority of the beneficiaries are also corrupt and are happy to go along for a quiet life. They like the make believe story that they own assets like a car or a house, land. But the reality in the legal contract is fraudulent and thus void. No one owns anything registered with a legal fictional name that is the property of the Crown in the UK. The legal service industry of solicitors, lawyers etc hide behind a silent oath and dare not breach for fear that their miserable careers would end and so the corruption continues. So what do I suggest? This world can’t change unless the majority wants change, but I don’t believe that they are ready. For they like their toys to much..

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

I think the system is abhorrent. I want to TRASH it and start over. I am interested in Ghaddafi's book, I'm going to try and find it/read it. Doubt I'll be able to get in the library here in WA State tho... WOKE is the word here. The library here couldn't even get me the book about Bechamp and Pasteur... smfh

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

But what do you suggest? Trashing the system means those in control will not be happy (even if one could)and will resort with even more aggression. So how ? For it seems every avenue there is a brain washed gatekeeper. What recourse is there when even the legal service industry is compromised thus fraudulent corruption is their only product.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

Start by reading what Fran has posted, the speech by Ghadaffi... THAT guy had a vision, and he was doing it. The US fucked it up, and got him dead.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

You are apparently only listening to the gatekeepers NOW trying to boss everybuddy around... Listen to people NOT in the box. Listen to foreigners, artists, outlaws, and people who lived long ago... Listen to NATIVE AMERICANS and how they used to live before us white types came along and killed most of 'em... They lived WITHIN Nature, not on top of it, beating on it and chewings its legs off...

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

Listen to Gaddafi's speech embedded at the end of my article https://francesleader.substack.com/p/immoral-free-world

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It is only about 100 pages. I read it online.

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Sep 23Liked by Frances Leader

I have seen that video, I think. It was really GOOD. The guy was a HERO to his peeps. It makes me feel slimy and dirty, what the US/Nasties did to him... It's hideous. It's like what's happening to ALL THOSE PAL'S.... Evil.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Author

We need absolute transparency at every level of life. We have to drop the use of terms like 'authority' and 'government'. Have you ever read Muammar Gaddafi's Green Book? The political system in Libya was built from it and was tremendously popular there. In the first 6 pages, the author explains precisely why our form of democracy is actually demockery of justice.

Then it sets out a bottom up form of community care which provides amazing benefits for the people:


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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

What these satanic losers did to Gaddafi stunned me at the time. Just because he refused to bow to their evil spirit. What he did was beginning to show fruit ( Good Fruit) this world needs more like him.

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I was inconsolable and still am… 😔

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Sep 21Liked by Frances Leader

Maxwell says Lincoln's secretary's name was Ms. Kennedy, and JFK's secretary Ms. Lincoln.

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A strange piece of trivia to note, my avid friend! xx

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