United Kingdom, United States of America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand
Over the recent decade I have been writing on social media and various blogs about my objection to the phrase ‘The British Empire’. To say that it disgusts me would be a massive under-statement.
I have researched and updated, quoted historians and their books, delved into the darkest corners of our history and I have come to an inescapable conclusion that we 5 Eyes nations have been slaves for centuries.
I am acutely aware that we will never achieve an escape from slavery if the vast majority of our compatriots are oblivious that they are slaves!
How was this appalling reality achieved?
Lately, I have been seeing and hearing this “RULE OF LAW” phrase everywhere. Have you noticed it?
Sometimes it is distorted into “rules based order” or something similar like the “rules-based international order;” at other times the “international order” or “rules-based system;” or occasionally the “rules-based international system,” but now we may add “international law-based world order” to the mix.
Are you confused?
I certainly was! So I decided to find out what are the origins of this mysterious yet variable phrase and what it actually means.
I discovered that there are quite a few interpretations which suggested to me that this latest soundbite was just another trite 3-word globalist cliché used by politicians, think tanks and media pundits but the actual meaning is ASSUMED or GUESSED, even deliberately obscured.
Or maybe….. none of the talking heads really know what this vagueness conceals.
What I found will blow your socks off:
We have been legally duped:
Pay close attention to this video» HOW TO LEGALLY ENSLAVE THE WORLD
So, may I reiterate?
The British people have no Empire.
They have never had an Empire.
They are, in fact, the number one slave colony of the Roman Empire which never fell but was resurrected, regrouped and rebranded by Roman Senator families hidden in the Venice swamps who, centuries later, relocated to the City of London for maritime convenience. They are still there.
The City of London is independent from the United Kingdom, never ever forget that important fact.
“What did not change significantly with that shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic, was the essential role acquired by Venice.
Venice, once established as a power, remained the centre of the organisation of monetary power, while the outer husk of monetarist power, the Anglo-Dutch maritime interest, became the political and military capital of the Empire.
Venice never gave up that role; it simply transferred some of its functions to the newly constituted London branch, all as a part of the adjustment to the shift from the Mediterranean to the Atlantic field of leading action.”
~ Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr. quoted from the introduction to an article entitled THE INTER-ALPHA GROUP - Nation-Killers for Imperial Genocide by John Hoefle. (PDF)
From the point of view of the rebranded and barely disguised Roman/Venetian Empire we can clearly see that the 5 Eyes nations are its primary slave colonies established to provide cannon fodder and labour for its globalist ambitions.
Do you feel angry?
I do.
Do you want to prevent another generation of English speakers from languishing under the illusion of freedom?
I do.
This song sticks in my throat since I learned how deceptive it really is:
Rule Britannia! Ha! Don’t make me laugh….
Britannia was the original name given by the Romans to the province that comprised what is now England and Wales (neighbouring Ireland was known as Hibernia, Scotland was Caledonia, Germany was Germania, Brittany was Armorica and France was Gaul). After the Romans left, the name gradually fell into disuse, but since 1672, Britannia has been anthropomorphised into a woman wearing a helmet, and carrying a shield and trident. It is a symbol that blends the concepts of empire, militarism and economics. The poem "Rule Britannia" by James Thomson (1700-48) was put to music by Thomas Augustine Arne (around 1740) and is sung as an unofficial national anthem.
Why should we pay attention to that period of our history?
Matthew Ehret, Canadian historian, explains:
Another aspect of our historical shame:
So, do we see the RULE OF LAW being used deceptively against us now?
We certainly do!
Look at this epic work by Katherine Watt and recognise that what has been true of US law is also true for all 5 Eyes countries. What we see as a horrible and crippling reaction to a plandemic and the imposition of outrageous limitations on our freedom is, in fact, COMPLETELY LEGAL.
Katherine completes her deep dive into the Emergency Use Authorisation (EUA) thus:
"Congress and US Presidents legalized and funded the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, the U.S. government and the American people, through a massive domestic bioterrorism program relabeled as a public health program, conducted by the HHS Secretary on behalf of the World Health Organization and its financial backers."
“There are no actions that can be legally classified as crimes or civil torts; there are no medical battery or homicide victims, or plaintiffs; and there are no medical batterers or murderers. Because legally, nothing has been done, and no one has done anything, to anyone else.
The recursive loop can be infinite, as covered countermeasures are developed, authorized and deployed, through HHS Secretary EUA declarations, as treatments for complications from prior countermeasures.”
Legal? Yes.
Thank you for reaching the end of this comprehensive and disturbing look at our so-called freedom. I welcome your comments and don’t mind at all if you want to wax lyrical and rant at great length.
We have no choice but to unite all 5 Eyes nations to DEMAND an end to the independence of the corporate Crown, the City of London, its Temple B.A.R. (British Accreditation Registry) and consequent parasitic corporate empire which destroys lives globally and gives the British people a very bad reputation by blatantly stealing our country, misusing our name and inciting hatred against us worldwide.
If you appreciate my research but cannot commit to a paid subscription you could buy me a coffee at:
Please note that all my work is entirely free to read and will never be hidden behind a paywall. My lovely paying subscribers contribute knowing this to be true and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them very much for their ongoing support.
The important thing is sharing this educational information on social media, especially on X and Facebook and Discord where I am permanently excluded because my work upsets the totalitarians.
Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and Review Council (FIORC):
"FIORC was created in the spirit of the existing Five Eyes partnership, the intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. FIORC is composed of the following non-political intelligence oversight, review, and security entities of the Five Eyes countries:
The Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security of Australia
The National Security and Intelligence Review Agency of Canada
The Office of the Intelligence Commissioner of Canada
The Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants and the Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security of New Zealand
The Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office of the United Kingdom
The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community of the United States
The Council members exchange views on subjects of mutual interest and concern; compare best practices in review and oversight methodology; explore areas where cooperation on reviews and the sharing of results is permitted where appropriate; encourage transparency to the largest extent possible to enhance public trust; and maintain contact with political offices, oversight and review committees, and non-Five Eyes countries as appropriate."
You can find a compendium of my most important articles about the Black Nobility here: