
You can find a compendium of my most important articles about the Black Nobility here:


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Five Eyes Intelligence Oversight and Review Council (FIORC):

"FIORC was created in the spirit of the existing Five Eyes partnership, the intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. FIORC is composed of the following non-political intelligence oversight, review, and security entities of the Five Eyes countries:

The Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security of Australia

The National Security and Intelligence Review Agency of Canada

The Office of the Intelligence Commissioner of Canada

The Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants and the Office of the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security of New Zealand

The Investigatory Powers Commissioner's Office of the United Kingdom

The Office of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community of the United States

The Council members exchange views on subjects of mutual interest and concern; compare best practices in review and oversight methodology; explore areas where cooperation on reviews and the sharing of results is permitted where appropriate; encourage transparency to the largest extent possible to enhance public trust; and maintain contact with political offices, oversight and review committees, and non-Five Eyes countries as appropriate."


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We shall revert to the rule of the barrel.

Choose wisely which end to on…

Nothing personal, just historical by human nature. The pendulum swings slowly then fast..

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ffs.... What is going on this morning! Everyone is writing cryptic nonsense.

What is the rule of the barrel?

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A gun, like duh.

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Oh! I am a Brit. We don't do guns unless we are Royalty being thoroughly hypocritical.

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Ok, I’m sorry for the duh, sincerely!

Cutting the chase, I seek higher frequencies you ascribe, love simply put.

This explains it all:


Why do all of out of the boxers end in the same place, beyond our 5 sense precepts?

Because that is where the answer exists…

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Answers, plural. A place of humility realizing how little we can understand, which is only a basis that needs modification once new information builds.

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I tend to think that answers can be gained from introspection.

This song says that:


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Ok, now this is interesting. Without reading your work, I drew basically the same conclusions. I came on substack 1 Jan. I have been really looking at this stuff since Princess Diana. Read Capt. Sir Richard Burton's autobiography which explained "The Great Game", "Nicholas and Alexandra" and a couple of others. Thanks for giving a detailed version of what I have been putting together for almost 20 years now.

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Delighted to be of assistance. I have been writing this stuff for a decade and been de-platformed robustly from everywhere for my trouble!

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Mar 20Liked by Frances Leader

This is brilliant work, thank you Frances...

Fantastic reference and it places this complex history in an easy to understand timeline.

For whatever reason this song came into my head,


Not all the lyrics are relevant but some of the bits about a "fascist regime"... and "our figurehead, is not what she seems"... Did seem to echo with a sharper clarity than before (not saying the sex pistols knew everything, but gee, some of it landed close!)

Yep, the "Five Eyes" countries (including the UK) are empire, Roman Empire... I can see this clearly from your articles... The old money relocated to a new haven, The City of London, and creating another (tower of Babel shaped) haven within the Bank of International Settlements also (numerous havens of course, The Vatican stands out, as does maybe Switzerland, and Cayman islands, Bahamas etc tax havens to protect old money through various laws, created by the old money!)...

They've even made the illusion of "freedom" for us five eyes residents but all the while legislating against us... I think, in an old favourite 60's TV series, Patrick McGoohan was suggesting countries were a fiction and a greater power ruled the world (The Prisoner)... How true that seems to be... and we are their pawns (or perhaps livestock) that they feel they can do with us as they like.

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Mar 3Liked by Frances Leader

Americans are all money/property slaves having been fooled by British philosopher John Locke who wrote the Southern Confederacy motto "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Property". Contrasted with America's Declaration of Independence "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" which few Americans know came from German philosopher Wilhelm Gottfried Liebniz.

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Feb 28Liked by Frances Leader

Excellent. I know it's now a few years since you wrote this, but have you looked at this?


Inextricably linked to the City of London, British ruling class etc.

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Jan 2Liked by Frances Leader

Hahaha! I've been likening them to S.P.E.C.T.R.E. for a few years now and thought that was quite a good insight. There was a guy on Twitter whose name was something like "The NWO is SPECTRE" and I knew I had to follow him. It showed me immediately that he had got it and was already at a certain level. But C.U.N.T.S. is even better. It has humour for a start, and describes what they do very well. I'm going to use both from now on. I'll keep the SPECTRE one because extortion is such a key part of what they do. That's essentially what Covid was; the WHO fronting the extortion of nearly every Western nation on Earth. Same thing with the 2008 financial crisis and Hank extorting the USG, literally holding up Congress with threats of financial meltdown and the Army in the streets if they weren't given $776 billion immediately and a free reign of what to do at the Federal Reserve - ie. hand out £17 trillion dollars (then greater than the whole of the US National Debt) to their mates around the world. Plus the troughing and market manipulation afterwards, all at the expense of various Central Banks (read taxpayers).

Happy New Year Frances!

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Yes, C.U.N.T.S. is the perfect name for them. I have long since dispensed with the original meaning of that word. Happy New Year for me is marred by an episode of extreme pain atm and I am water fasting, as much as possible to give my body a chance to work on whatever it is without distractions. See my latest post for details: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/seven-day-water-fast

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Dec 18, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

You are my hero for so many reasons. And I am not a "hero ball-er", lol.

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I am honoured! 😉

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May 4, 2023Liked by Frances Leader

This should be studied rather than simply read. Thank you, kind sir, for reminding us who we are.

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My maternal ancestors worked in the lead mines and coal mines of northern England. My paternal ancestors were farm labourers or "in service". The British Isles have long been subject to the Roman overlord, from which the current ruling classes have been bred. They are not the same bloodstock as the indigenous British. We were conquered and enslaved, albeit by the best slave masters in the world, slave masters who knew how to make their subjects feel lucky. We white folk are also indigenous people who have had our homelands stolen by the invader. But that invader is losing its class now, as "the five eyes" leaders are wallowing in their own hubris and degenerating into greater and greater brutishness against their "subjects". Bad tactics to allow us to realise we are not so lucky after all.

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Mar 20Liked by Frances Leader

Rome was founded by descendants of the ten so-called "Lost" Tribes of Israel. They arrived in Etruria as refugees from The Trojan Wars around 650 BC. Around the same time, another group of refugees went to Britain led by Brutus of Troy and founded New Troy, now known as London. The Ancient British and the Romans openly acknowledged one another as cousins.

Read "The Great Migrations to Britain of 1527 B.C. and 485 B.C.," by Marchell Abrahams:


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Well said! Thanks!

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Hi Francis,

Brilliant article - thank you for that. You provide great references, links, and explanations.

Well written, easy to read, and it all helps connect the dots and makes perfect sense.

We are living under a global fascist paradigm that has has its beginning in our western history 2,000 years ago, and it has been handed down generation to generation through these intersecting families, institutions, corporations and trusts-all for the same purpose of supreme power, politics and profits. Humanity needs to follow the 1776 example and declare independence from these parasites and take all the steps we need to eliminate them from all nations, to defund, dismantle, and deter them from ever rising again - they are an evil, genocidal and treacherous group of cockroaches.


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1776 was hijacked. There is a lot to unpack and even more to avoid if we are to extricate ourselves from the global slave system:


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Sep 9, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Timely question: how does the Windsor clan fit into all of this?

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I cannot believe you are asking me that question! You obviously have not read the linked articles within this post. Everything you need to know about the Windsors is there..... even the first image gives you a clue - look at the top of the pyramid of power..... can you see her?

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Thanks for checking me. You are absolutely correct. You have it all there. Impressive research (and I am not done reading it)! My comment was rushed. How do I delete it real quick... ;-)

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You choose the faint printed 'delete' word underneath your comment. But if you are using a phone I cannot help. I never touch the things! xx

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Got rid of my phone... I was kidding. I can live with my poor entry being documented. I'll do better next time :-)

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Aug 20, 2022·edited Aug 21, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Greg Paul addresses this so effectively in the law for mankind course. Have you heard of him? He outlines exactly what you have, and shows how you can stay out of that system and weild common law, has a person not a property of the state, in your favor.

An interview on YouTube:


The sovereign's way website:


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2nd link is a double of the first.

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Thanks, I fixed it.

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Huzzah! No time just now...off to the mines. Looking forward to digging in when I am set 'free' for the weekend.*

[Weekends brought to you by organized labor.*]

*Ancient US history

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Thanks! Great post. More later.

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