"When you refer to the Jesuits/Black Nobility, I take it that stands for the Sabbatian Frankist Freemasonic Crypto-Jewish cabal.... right?" asked a friend, confused after reading one of my articles.
I replied:
No, I do not refer to Crypto Jews.
I mean the Roman Empire and its Catholic Church plus all its globalist totalitarian aristocratic backers.
The Zionists are Nimrodists and are the arch enemy of the Jews.
The Romans greatly admired the story of Nimrod the Empire Builder.
They have deceived the world and made sure that the Jews are blamed or scapegoated by employing them at the top of all their corporations and banks. Like an unwitting and oblivious human shield.
So many Christians believe their tall tales and many more snippets of outrageous propaganda, delivered into the human consciousness by priests and cardinals for two millennia.
Rome took over Christianity in the early centuries and has profited from it ever since.
It has saved the Black Nobility (Roman Senator bloodline families) a fortune in military expenses. Why employ Centurions and soldiers when Christianity serves to control minds and put people in fear of God but more especially, in fear of God’s "representatives" on earth and their laws?
They are the filth I mean when I refer to Jesuits and the Black Nobility.
They are the deceivers who believe they have the divine right to rule, "earned" for their bloodlines since the days of Sumer.
I realise this is NOT the narrative you may have believed but it is the history I have understood by reading old books about the founders of the "Holy" Church.
It is not a pretty story.
I have written about the Black Nobility families at length in many articles which you can find in this compendium:
An overview of the history is here:
The plan these Roman Zionists have for the Jews is far more evil than most people dare to imagine. It is a global deception and the goal is more diabolical than anything Hitler could have dreamed up.
The objective is the full eradication of Israel.
Hitler was tasked with making Jewish lives so unbearable that they would be glad to flee Europe and occupy the hot and hostile desert "Holy Land".
To a certain extent, he was successful.
Which is why the Zionist controllers in the Vatican saw to it that he and his companions were rewarded and accommodated in South America to live out their days in seclusion and comfort.
So many countries have been bombed to radio-active dust in the middle east since then because they oppose globalisation which is insisted upon by the Black Nobility. Some have co-operated, like the Saudis and Emirates but others, like Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria and Yemen refused unreasonable usury under Islamic law and did not want Black Nobility owned national central banks.
That is why they are attacked and bombed back to the dark ages; they had refused to submit to globalisation.
Gaza is just the most recent atrocity.
The Black Nobility are expert at creating confusion and obfuscation to hide their hand in all this.
They fake friendships with all interested parties, but ultimately, only they profit and progress towards their long term goal because nobody else, NOBODY NORMAL, is cruel and selfish enough to have such an evil long term goal.
Israel, obeying its deceptive Zionist masters, has stolen chunks of Syria, granted oil drilling licences in the Golan Heights and is blatantly sticking two fingers up to the UN, who have made endless resolutions against their expansion programme of building settlements on Palestinian land. The internal expansion plan is almost complete. Gaza is nothing more than a sliver of bombed out land, referred to as an open air prison, constantly under attack by Israel.
All Palestinian homes in the West Bank are targeted for destruction.
The invasive terrorist wars against Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria were conducted by troops, mercenary armies, ISIS and Al Qaeda invented by US, France and UK who funded, trained, supplied and provided token, but concealed, aid.
Nobody could see the Black Nobility hand behind the veil.
Only the top Zionists within the various secret think-tanks could smile wryly at how easy it is to consume the assets of NATO countries who are vain enough to believe they operate in the interests of their own or Israel's national security.
Meanwhile, Russia interfered at President Bashar Al-Assad's request and provided the means to extend the war and attract support from China on the pretext of seeking their Uyghur rebels who had joined ISIS.
Everyone has a role to play in Syria…..
The consequent mass exodus of dispossessed middle eastern refugees provides the added bonus of pressurising Europe into pre-planned chaos, poverty and ruin.
The US military swanned in to take possession of Syrian oil-fields previously held on their behalf by their proxies ISIS.
The plan has begun to resemble a clever jigsaw but all the pieces are not quite in place.
The Black Nobility have other larger plans.
They have always coveted Russia and all the former USSR territory so they formed a strange alliance, since the 10th century, with displaced Khazars living in Germany and Poland.
These Khazars had a bitter hatred for the Russians, responsible for driving them out of and obliterating their native homeland, Khazaria. Their nation had converted to Judaism under duress but they have never obeyed the Torah Laws (first five books of the Bible). They preferred, instead, to use a version of the Talmud which they adopted from ancient Babylon. It seems to be somewhat atheistic and sadistic to anyone that is not in their exclusive club. The barbarity and financial skill of these people was useful to the Venetian Black Nobility plans.
It proved to be a valuable alliance that persists to this day with many Khazarian families married into the old Roman Senate families and the royal houses of Europe, together forming an irreligious and clandestine group of exploitative aristocracy who claim the divine right of Kings.
They have an apparent notion that they will create the capital of the world in Jerusalem. They have already built the imposing international court house there to show their intent.
They are undermining the Islamic Dome on the Rock Mosque to eventually build their ambitious replacement temple. But I think this is just to keep the Jews coming to Israel, believing in the carefully spun illusion.
It also squeezes more donations out of the fundamental Christian Zionists.
How jolly lucrative that is.
Meanwhile, the real predator fat cats are lording it over London, Washington and the Vatican, ensuring that the financial centre of the City of London (square mile) has secretly become "Jerusalem in England's green and pleasant land" providing them with a"home", protected from British Law by an ancient treaty which gave the "City" it's amazing independence.
For now, that is.
Since the turn of the 21st century a new gleaming, highly symbolic city has been built in a remote part of Kazakhstan.
How interesting is that?
It was named Astana at first but changed to honour the outgoing President. It has now reverted to the original name of Astana.
Norman Foster, the British architect of many buildings in Astana, incorporated some telling occult and masonic icons. It seems to have an unspoken destiny. Maybe a future capital for a returning Khanate or Khazarian dynasty?
The Black Nobility family, Saxe-Coburg & Gotha have occupied the British crown since Queen Victoria and they are the greatest landowners in the world. They are also members of the German Guelph, often described as the most globally powerful Black Nobility family.
Via their globalist think-tanks, non-governmental organisations, the United Nations and co-operating billionaires, they have managed to pull off the mother of all false flag events since 2020.
They have deployed stealth microwave weapons (5G), a fake viral pandemic and a very threatening rushed, untested poisonous vaccine with which they held the world to ransom.
They appear to be following the final book of the Bible, Revelation, as if it were a blueprint for global ecocide.
It occurs to me that the book may well be a Roman addition to the earlier Bibles, as it is the only Biblical book which threatens doom and damnation if the book is tampered with in any way, see Rev 22.18-19.
It is also unusual, being the only apocalyptic book in the New Testament canon.
Nevertheless, I do think it is a plan rather than a prediction. A plan waiting for the right technology to be available.
As part of this plan, I expect that there will be an OBLITERATING attack against Israel.
This, of course, will be blamed on Iran.
The Jewish population in Israel has topped 6 million. (6,829,000 July 2020)
I am sure the significance of that number does not escape my readers.
Russia has a well established treaty with Iran. China is tidying up the details on its treaty with Iran. Iran is a secret member of BRICS.
Thus the opponents are all lined up:
NATO countries versus a Russia/Iran/China alliance.
The entire world dragged into a mutually destructive war, rather rapidly destroying everything that breathes on this planet.
The predator Black Nobility, supreme architects of this horror show, will be safely tucked in their deep underground, faraday cage bunkers, super-yachts or private islands waiting for all life on earth to frizzle away, conveniently reduced to dust.
A tidy end to a two thousand year plan.
The silence will be awesome, no doubt.
The predators made no secret of the intended outcome of their plan.
The Georgia Guidestones, funded by “R.C.Christian” (Roman Catholic Christian perhaps?), declared clearly in stone that only half a billion human beings will balance nature on earth. When they blew it sky-high they were sending the signal -
They have carefully vaulted seed banks and genetic material from every animal and insect they will require when the great silence finally falls.
Their dream is to emerge to a new surface, owned entirely and exclusively by them, presumably restocking "nature" to suit their own, undoubtedly pre-planned design. I wonder if the new, remote city of Astana, Kazakhstan will still be standing....
That is what I think is intended.
That is how crazy they are.
But of course, in their megalomaniacal minds, all this mayhem is somehow justifiable because they are convinced that the world is over-populated. They won't be included in the upcoming cull because they claim the divine right of Kings by bloodline.
But by whom were they crowned?
It seems to me that they crowned themselves, two thousand years ago, during a day at the Roman baths perhaps, to become the parents of a new hi-tech humanity, a new more stylish nature, a new planet that will be exclusively theirs. The ultimate computer designed paradise......
I would love to be wrong.
So, what is all this furore around the World Economic Forum's Fourth Industrial Revolution?
And what about the shocking ideas described in the Great Reset book by Sir Klaus Schwab?
The future of bio-technology? Half man half machine? Robots and drones? RFID chips? Nano machines in the bloodstream or worse, the brain?
Here he is receiving an honorary doctorate at the Kaunas University of Technology in 2017.
Allow me to speculate that the mightily celebrated Herr Schwab translates from the German to English as: Mr. SWAB.
A swab in English is a noun which means:
an absorbent pad or piece of material used in surgery and medicine for cleaning wounds, applying medication, or taking specimens.
a mop or other absorbent device for cleaning or mopping up a floor or other surface.
Or a verb meaning to clean (a wound or surface) with a swab.
Could he be assigned the task of keeping us engaged and concerned about an atrocious proposed future, a veil of deceit which will be clinically swabbed aside when the apocalypse of Armageddon cleans or mops up the world's "useless" (to borrow a notable word from one of the World Economic Forum's finest orators, Yuval Noah Harari).
Here is a recording of Harari spelling out how to survive (or not) the 21st century.
This link takes you to a video conversation between David Icke & Celeste Solum in which she alerted us to the extermination agenda she discovered by studying the World Economic Forum's web site & many other sources which she presents on screen.
I could easily add plenty more links to speculations, there are many to choose from, but the point I wanted to make is made I think.
We are never told the truth.
If you appreciate my research but cannot commit to a paid subscription you could buy me a coffee at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FrancesLeader
Please note that all my work is entirely free to read and will never be hidden behind a paywall. My lovely paying subscribers contribute knowing this to be true and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them very much for their ongoing support.
The important thing is sharing this educational information on social media, especially on X and Facebook and Discord where I am permanently excluded because my work upsets the totalitarians.
Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy
"In Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Paul says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Lyndon LaRouche often reminded his associates that the fundamental force for evil in the world was not simply one individual or entity, but an Oligarchical Principle, a principle which denies the divine spark within each human being, and which demands that all power should rest in the hands of an oligarchy. When speaking of “foundations” and “non-profits,” the words of Paul and LaRouche define the actual nature of the battle."