Hi Frances, I just saw this article of yours today.

You hit it OUT OF THE PARK with this one - It's a great overview of the Evil that Rules Humanity - the Zionism Nimrodian, Black Noblity, Roman Empire scum, and their Khazarian partners.

Well done.

You are of the few, in fact I can't think of any others right now, that have written that the Book of Revelation, which outlines the End Times is a PLAN OF ACTION, not a prophecy, a conclusion I had also come to myself.

I think I mentioned to you somewhere else that the End Times is an EXACT COPY of the history given in the Sumerian text stories of the Annunaki's home planet, Nibiru that is called Heaven, which bought about a ONE WORLD MONARCHY for the Annunaki sky-gods, who the Sumerian texts claim ruled earth and created mankind - AS SLAVES in a one world monarchy system.

But the slaves rebelled and joined the 'fallen angels' - which were Annunaki that rebelled against their rulers and mated with the humans, and created a race of Aryans that were in constant war with the monarchist rulers. The never ending wars are down to the tyranny of the Crown Monarchy Rule system, and those that claim the divine right to rule, and want to enslave the rest of mankind.

But in truth, none have the right to rule, because we are all descendants of the same source - no matter which Origins of Mankind theory you subscribe to. There is no 'divine right to rule' or 'kingship of God' - it is all bloody propaganda to keep slaves trapped in the totalitarian hierarchical systems and institutions created for the monopolization and centralization of power over everything.

And regarding your point about the development of the technology - I read in the last few weeks that Sir Francis Bacons 1600s book New Atlantis, was an outline of recreating Atlantis in the Americas and the technology that needed to be (re-) developed to achieve a one world order. The technologies our western elites have worked on developing for hundreds of years it is claimed are spoken about in all the ancient texts.

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I am delighted that you enjoyed this post although I am amazed that you haven’t seen it before now! It is one of my most popular and oldest!

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Don't know how I missed it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it - and have your latest opened, waiting to get to it.

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As if to confirm my worst visions.... here are modern commentators, like Klaus Schwab, Ray Kurzweil, Yuval Harari and many others filling in the details:


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Israel's international reputation has plummeted. I think that is DELIBERATE. Let me explain why I think that...

Israel is intended to become the victim of a false flag black swan event so the Zionists can switch their focus to Ukraine. Israelis have already been reported migrating to Ukraine.

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Just like the trump win was deliberate, he definitely seemed the lesser evil to voters.

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The bosses love to manipulate our thinking and pretend that they are the enemy of the very people they support. They have been using psyops against humanity for millennia. If Trump were any type of threat to the bosses he would have been dead a decade ago.

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France puppet Macron said this in May 2020...."I believe that our generation should know that the Beast of the Event is here, it is coming, whether it is terrorism, this great pandemic or other shocks. You have to fight it when it arrives with what it has that is deeply unexpected, implacable." This puppet Macron is subtley hinting a massive false flag here Frances. He knows.

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Absolutely. And it will make the ideal pretext for Muslim unrest across the world.

The talk Archaix did on the 2nd Seal (taking peace from the Earth) was pretty damn good on this possibility. I know I've mentioned him a couple of times recently but I am not entirely an unalloyed fan as he's building up quite a nice little cult there (with quite some expertise as I see it). However this (and maybe the second part he did) was very good and thought provoking, as were his insights into the Eclipse which were quite different from everything else out there. If he's right it could well see the downfall of Pfizer which we can all welcome (haha!), even if it is 100 years too late. I'm keeping my fingers crossed because the date matchings he found are way beyond coincidence (and because these days there's nothing I'd dismiss as impossible in this realm).

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There is a lot of migration going on right now. Who knows who is where at this point? If a large area exploded, they could claim anyone they wanted was in the crater, before the boom. Convenient for narratives.

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I think the false flag black swan event is so that the Zionists can say ScReW pEaCe! eNoUgH’s EnOuGh!!! and then demolish the al aqsa and dome of the rock to clear the way for the third temple… just in time for the 2,000 year anniversary of the crucifixion and ascension.

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I do agree that Israel’s reputation does seem to be being deliberately tanked... and when you remember Kissinger saying Israel wouldn’t exist in ten years, that lends support to such suspicions.

I’m not quite sure why Israelis would move to Ukraine though. I know the oligarchs in Britain wanted them to go to the Middle East so they would have a foothold in the region... are you thinking they would be an ideal industrious and innovative population to help bring in the new SMART country?

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No. Ukraine was always the objective. It is part of the Khazarian Empire. They are going home. Khazarians don't belong in the Levant.

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Yes, and the russian hegemon killed the plan

That's why they are so furious in the western world

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God, you're good! 😁💕😘 It's going to be a beacon of criminality, setting new world-class standards for what you can get away with. Sadly it's going to have a good deal of sway over what quantity of food the rest of Europe gets.

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Reconvening the old empire. A Great Reset even.

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Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy

"In Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Paul says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Lyndon LaRouche often reminded his associates that the fundamental force for evil in the world was not simply one individual or entity, but an Oligarchical Principle, a principle which denies the divine spark within each human being, and which demands that all power should rest in the hands of an oligarchy. When speaking of “foundations” and “non-profits,” the words of Paul and LaRouche define the actual nature of the battle."


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is it possible that Paul was one of them? He had 480 soldiers as personal bodyguards (acts 23:23). He names Herod as his kinsman (Romans 16:11). Paul was highly educated in Hebrew, Greek and Roman (latin). Paul was a roman citizen. Paul officially persecuted the early followers of Jesus - until he did a 180 which is what you said the Romans eventually did via controlling the christians. Paul was powerful, protected, knowledgable, Roman, ... so he fits your bill perfectly as a member of the Black Nobility.

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Paul was visited by Jesus. That’s why he ‘did a 180’ and began spreading the Gospel, putting his life at daily risk and eventually imprisoned by the Romans and executed. Hardly the fate of ‘one of them’ 🙄

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Paul was a horrible man - Jesus was never horrible.

Were you good as a child? Would you willfully harm others? Likely not.

Paul was pampered, he was rich, and superbly well connected. He chose to kill others, and just for fun, he made them blaspheme before they were put to death. Then, he has some encounter, which he describes 3 times and changes the details 3 times, with a voice. Remember, said voice only said "I am jesus whom you persecute". Where did Jesus say he was at this time? By the right hand of the Father IN heaven. The next time he returns, ALL EYES WOULD SEE HIM. ....

wait, Jesus made an exception to his categoric statement. For this well connected trojan horse. Also, where were the witnesses to this meeting? There were none of good reputation, and his fellow murderers could not even agree on what they saw and heard. I thought Jesus said 2 or 3 men must be witnesses in order for something to be considered trustable.

Anyways... How did Paul behave afterwards? He took money from churches, he said that all the churches abandoned him, he said the he would say all things to all men - like a politician. Jesus never ever did that. Paul wrote many many absolutely contradictory things opposing what Jesus said and did.

Sinful nature? Jesus never said this, instead he said "go and sin no more."

The law of sin? Nope, only Paul.

Sin? Jesus in the book of Matthew clearly said it is permanent (eye, hand, Holy Spirit). Paul said "I know what is good and do not do it, I know what is wrong and do it anyway" - which are instructions on how to sin against the Holy Spirit - how to stop listening to that voice of morality in our heads.

Paul made of a 'jesus christ' and barely quoted the real Jesus (only one time). He made everything up.

All it takes for you to believe someone is that they just have to claim it to be true. That is it! Jesus never named him an apostle. The named apostles never called him an apostle. Mathias was the 12th apostle replacing Judas. So on what authority do you call paul an apostle?

The main point is ... go and sin no more.

If a person thinks something is wrong, then they have to NOT do that, and they have to say to others it is wrong.

If a person thinks something is right, then they have to DO THAT, and say to others that it is right.


they get into trouble, punishments, banned, ostracized, evicted, .. even to the point of death (like those whom did not get vaccinated even when the world was saying the unvaccinated will DIE).

2 Chronicles 7:14

if you are convicted by the Holy Spirit that something is wrong, humble yourself, turn towards the Father our Creator, STOP doing that wrong .....

THEN the Father will forgive you AND bless you

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Jesus cannot be horrible because He’s the Son of God. What a dumb thing to say. We, however, are sinners redeemed by faith in Jesus Christ. Just as Paul was.

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please read again "Jesus was never horrible"

we are redeemed by going and sinning no more. 2 Chronicles 7:14

If you know something is right, do it, and say it is right.

if you know something is wrong, don't do it, and say it is wrong.

Then you will be forgiven and blessed.

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Paul may have been a Roman aristocrat but he could not have been Black Nobility. They did not gain that name until the 20th century!

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Fair enough. I retract the term 'black nobility' yet I still remain certain he was already from the Roman elite families.

Jesus was an amazing young man, whom could have written here on Substack. He had a lot of wisdom in how to deal with a unpleasant world where the leaderships (religious, political, military) were all hostile to himself and his 'neighbours.' ... seems exactly the same as today! Using only the book of Matthew, Jesus shares how he forgives enemies in order to not fixate on them. He shares that people need to stop doing things they personally believe are bad ("go and sin no more") - which is in line with 2 Chronicles 7:14. The priests taught blood and death sacrifice to appease molach. The messiah myth is that all will be fixed, internal 'sins' and external wrongs, by some amazing superior hero. Paul continued this lie of course. In Matthew, Jesus shared that sin is permanent, and we are to get rid of those doing things they knew were wrong. Jesus was collateral damage, just like many truthers today.

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Thank you. Good read. Somehow, all that craziness makes some sense of where we are today. Comments section also

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In this context, the Piso articles are historical reads, IMO. E.g.,



If someone knows how to contact them…

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Al Qaeda, means 'The Base', and, depending on who you ask, refers to the training camps in Afghanistan where young Muslim men had been training as part of the Mujahideen forces, OR it refers to a database on CIA computers at that camp OR it is an Arabic calque of ‘usul’ which means the strength at the base of a pillar… aka FOUNDATION. This calque argument has been largely debunked however, it would be just like (((them))) to do something like that. Besides, Dune was written in 1965 and al qaeda was founded in 1988. Plenty of time for a young Osama to read a story about galactic jihad.

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Al Qaeda = All - CIA - Da(tabase).


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Ages ago, some bright spark told me that Al Qaeda means 'the toilet' in Arabic. I found that really amusing, whether it is true or not!

I am convinced that Al Qaeda and their latest incarnation, ISIS, are mercenary armies funded, trained and supplied by NATO countries + Israel.

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Oh, I have a little I can add here about the origins of Al Qaeda. It originates in New York and an important prosecution of various mafia bosses, gun runners, terrorists and other assorted criminals (don't ask me why they were bothering to prosecute them or, sadly, who they were as I don't remember). The problem was that all the cases were weak and they had barely any evidence linking them into a coherent whole. So some wizard of a Prosecution Attorney decided the best course would be to prosecute them under RICO statutes (racketeering and conspiracy) where they could guarantee heftier sentences and everything being taken much more seriously. To get this through they fabricated a notional collective of ne'er-do-wells which the CIA had, they said, been keeping an eye on since forever. Since all the defendants appeared on this database, they must therefore have known each other and must have been conspiring together. Obviously this was news to the defendants and came completely from left field, so they appear not to have had any defence to it and all the prosecutions were successful. They then had this notional terrorist organisation to which they could add some real flesh which, after some worldwide astroturfing (we got Mark Urban filling everyone in on how dangerous they were on Newsnight), they set about doing with alacrity.

Yup, they were completely made up - which is a great thing in the eyes of our controllers, because real terrorist events are very few and far between indeed.

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Yes CIA mercenaries in different costumes. Funny thing when they imported a bunch of them to Ukraine, to keep them busy. The photos were kinda interesting. Jihad against Russian troops for some reason. No logic to it.

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Since prophecy is literally information from the future, what if GOG & MAGOG are acronyms… such as:


Organization for


Or something like that… might just make sense? From their context in The Book of Revelations they could easily be alliances or coalitions like BRICS+

So, if my guess at GOG was correct then what might MAGOG be?

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The UN = GOG


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Authority of the


Organization for


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Thank you Frances, this is amazing. I cannot recommend strongly enough for EVERYONE TO FOLLOW THIS LINK AND READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE, but also the comment by William Pritting. It all lines up perfectly. The “cabal” has to somehow get Americans to give up on our Constitution. I don’t see how that can happen. It’s not the Constitution itself that is the problem, it’s the traitors who have hijacked our country. The only way I see how they can accomplish their goals is to get the traitors to sign away the Republic but that’s not the same thing as the Living People “giving up”… THAT’S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.

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Finally, you speak some wisdom.

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Nope. I quoted the words of others. There is a big difference.

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Speaking wisdom, quote or no quote. Brings more pondering, more sharing of ideas and thoughts. I like it either way. After all, it's SOMEONE'S thought.

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For more information about the Black Nobs - correctly named the Black Nobility, please see this compilation of articles: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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Marvellous! Thank you! xx

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Listening now. Thank you Frances.

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"Zion" means Nimrod? Where did you get that idea?

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You misunderstood the point. Zion is a global totalitarian regime based upon the empire first desired by Nimrod.

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Rome created Christianity. Early followers of Yahusha were never referred to as Christians or at least never identified themselves as that. Christianity and their god (Jesus) an image of a man who was set up to take the place of the true Messiah(no images) was the complete creation of Rome. They took the true faith and carried it into a new direction, all to regain control over the masses, and as I have always believed they used a man called Saul/Paul, a Pharisee and Roman citizen to do this mission. He succeeded and why I call him the actual false prophet.

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The house of Saud are Jews installed. Y the British royals

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That’s impressive you understand the history and Roman / Jewish connections better then I generally see on here

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I knew it was the Italians!

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Always fascinating to read these weird hyperbolic accounts of history concerning the Jews that seem NEVER to be referenced to any sources whatsoever, let alone any reliable sources. TBH, there are much more scary and sinister accounts of history that ARE sourced, footnoted, and archived for research. Cartoonish quasi-fictional accounts like this Substack only serve to distract from greater and more concrete historical scandals surrounding world events.

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So you came here to bitch? Well you made a very poor show of yourself, sunshine. It is easy to see that you have merely skimmed this post and did not open anything that was referenced. The assumption that I MUST reference other sources and cannot THINK FOR MYSELF is so academic and stultified. You poor thing. You have me weeping for your ability to formulate an original thought - ever, in any capacity.

I visited your Substack posts. Oh dear.

The cartoon is you, Sir.

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Poor explanation. Using World Cup Soccer as an example. Nations will go to war over referee decisions.

As long as there are oligarchs (referees) this New World Order will fail.

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I am so glad your comment makes zero sense. Otherwise I might have taken it seriously!

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"providing them with a"home", protected from British Law by an ancient treaty which gave the "City" it's amazing independence."

Lol, they don't need "protection" from British Law. British Law is written and applied to protect them!

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Yes….. British law is written and applied to protect them SINCE the Magna Carta granted the City of London its independence. Specifically, Clause 13 of the 1215 charter, which became Clause 9 in the 1297 statute, ensured that the City of London would retain all its old liberties and customs.

There is even a 'remembrancer' who sits in the British Parliament to ensure that nothing ever transpires which could jeopardise the independence of the square mile.


Still laffin?

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Then seeing has you agree that British Law is written and applied to protect them, why would they need protection from it? That's my point and sorry for the Lol if it's pissed you off!

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The point I made still escapes you! The Magna Carta came first. British Law was cumulatively written thereafter so OBVIOUSLY it protects the City of London as well as the other remaining rights of the Magna Carta.

Note: The Law protects the independent nature of the land (one square mile). It does not pertain to the people who either live or undertake business there. The City has its own laws for that. Now do you understand my point?

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Well even prior to the Norman Conquest, London had a significant Jewish population who were often seen as financial backers to the monarchy. I think that this is the true reason that Magna Carta contained the clause that stated “the City of London shall have all its ancient liberties by land as well as by water”.

The clause ensured that the City of London retained the local powers it already enjoyed, such as the election of a mayor. It was, by the way, the only city specifically named in Magna Carta.

Anyhow, I think we both already knew that the reason the City of London is what it is, is due to the usurped power of the money lenders!

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The City of London was a Roman Empire city. Why you want to fiddle about with facts to drag your anti-semitic theories in here is quite beyond me. I have had quite ENOUGH of people like you who want to scream “It is the joos” over every little thing!

You are wrong. The Black Nobility in Venice were the first to employ Jews in their banks BUT they forced them to live in a ghetto. Check it out. The first ghetto was for corralling the Jews who served the Venetians in their banks.

Banks are owned by the nobility. NOT THE JEWS.

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What do you know about the Venetian families? I forget the name now but they became or set up the Jesuits. I don’t believe Rome was our enemy prior to the Jesuit takeover of The Vatican. I base this on the fact that previous popes persecuted the Cathars and The Templars and held inquisitions. Those people were the ancestors of todays Globalists. What’s your thoughts on that? The Templars escaped France and soon after made Switzerland their home. It is still their global base today IMO.

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Interesting stuff and the plot thickens. Who replaced the Senate families in Rome in 476AD then? I vaguely remember reading something about the Germanic tribes invading Rome at some point near the end of the Western Roman Empire.

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The city of Rome was sacked by invading tribes. The most notable sacking occurred in 410 AD by the Visigoths under their king, Alaric. This event marked a significant decline in the power and influence of the Western Roman Empire, though Rome continued to hold spiritual and symbolic importance.

The Visigoths invaded Italy and laid siege to Rome for several days, looting and pillaging the city. After three days of destruction, Alaric and his forces left Rome with substantial wealth and hostages, including Galla Placidia, the sister of Emperor Honorius. The sack of Rome in 410 is considered a major landmark in the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

Prior to this, Rome had already been under threat from various Germanic tribes and other groups. For instance, in 405/6, a large number of Germanic and Alan barbarians crossed the Rhine, leading to further instability within the empire. Additionally, in 406-407, Vandals, Alans, Suebi, and Burgundians crossed the Rhine and invaded Gaul, further weakening the Western Roman Empire’s control over its territories.

These invasions were part of a broader pattern of migrations and conflicts that began in the 3rd century and continued through the 5th century, contributing to the eventual collapse of the Western Roman Empire.

More details here: https://www.history.com/news/8-reasons-why-rome-fell

In fact, many of the barbarians who sacked the city of Rome and brought down the Western Empire had earned their military stripes while serving in the Roman legions. Nobody replaced the Senate families who escaped to the swamps of northern Italy and built the Venetian Empire from scratch.

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