

Israel's international reputation has plummeted. I think that is DELIBERATE. Let me explain why I think that...

Israel is intended to become the victim of a false flag black swan event so the Zionists can switch their focus to Ukraine. Israelis have already been reported migrating to Ukraine.

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Know Thy Enemy: The Modern Oligarchical Democracy

"In Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians, Paul says, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Lyndon LaRouche often reminded his associates that the fundamental force for evil in the world was not simply one individual or entity, but an Oligarchical Principle, a principle which denies the divine spark within each human being, and which demands that all power should rest in the hands of an oligarchy. When speaking of “foundations” and “non-profits,” the words of Paul and LaRouche define the actual nature of the battle."


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For more information about the Black Nobs - correctly named the Black Nobility, please see this compilation of articles: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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Could it be keeping the uninitiated and lesser informed crazed by half-baked interpretations of Masonic ur-symbolism, part of the Grand Architect’s plan? It’s worth considering 🤔

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I find it difficult to believe that ZIONISM - COMMUNISM - JUDAISM are in any way different from one other. According to history in the Bible, Cain murdered Able. Now you're telling me the jew is a victim just like Christians & we're all being taken advantage of by the ZIONIST

Harold Wallace Rosenthal, a Jew. “Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer...and we are his chosen people...”

“We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own.” -Maurice Samuel (Jew)

I see two forces at work here on the face of this Earth. GOOD - EVIL

How many different titles does EVIL encompass?

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Mar 24Liked by Frances Leader

It would be nice to have a map detiling the location of all the BUNKERS being built by the scum of this Earth!

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On the morning of July 6, 2022, the guidestones were heavily damaged in a bombing from a vandal, and the debris and guidestones were removed by the local government LATER THAT [SAME] DAY!

In late July, Elberton Mayor Daniel Graves announced plans to rebuild the monument…

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Draw-dropping bollox Fran! Not to mention logically inconsistent: the 'black nobility' created Zionism in order to destroy 'israel' which didn't exist until the poor deluded Zionist created it on behalf of the black nobility?

I really think you need to revise your understanding of history. All of it! Let me help.

Ron Unz: https://www.unz.com/runz/why-everything-you-know-about-world-war-ii-is-wrong/

Laurent Guyenot: https://www.unz.com/article/how-yahweh-conquered-rome/

Please forgive my bluntness. I know you wouldn't want me to pussy-foot around such important matters.

Love, Kali. xx

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Feb 18Liked by Frances Leader

According to G.A. Stewart (The Age of Desolation) who is the worlds leading expert on Nostradamus, he deciphered the time codes embedded in the quatrains, the Egyptians ( The Crocodile) has secretly obtained nukes, possibly through Turkey and if I remember correctly it seems the forecast is that they will use them on Israel, perhaps by secreting them in lands they are now engaged in stealing by mass murder, so a kind of twist on the Trojan Horse where once they have occupied their newly won ground it will become their tomb.

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Feb 15Liked by Frances Leader

For anyone who likes to read history, I strongly recommend the book Seapower States by Andrew Lambert.

It gives a wide ranging understanding of many things in history and helps us to understand some things that happen in the present. I am a woman who has never been interested in naval/military history of any kind, but trust me this book is fascinating, particularly because of the focus on Venice, the Netherlands and Britain (the path the black nobility followed). Talks about Ancient Athens too. It’s in no way a “conspiracy” book, but he does honestly say how the oligarchs of the City of London became the real ruling power in the British Empire. There is no propaganda, it’s very matter of fact.

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I’m enjoying your posts and they fill in a few gaps... however I am the type that likes to see the evidence, which you do not provide a lot of. Can you direct me to some sources for your understanding about the Black Nobility, and in particular their connection to the khazarians? I’ve seen some evidence for the black nobility’s role, but the Khazar stuff I’ve seen is always rather spurious. Some good books or websites with original documents would be greatly appreciated!

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Here is a very in-depth and concise record of the final days of earth as we know it from the Bible as it describes the coming of the anti-christ, as ruler for a short period of time, along with the black nobility ruling with him. The author is wrong about his prognosis of the final outcome.


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If you look into kabal, this is where the founder of the Muslim faith journeyed and it is still where they worship. I'm not saying they are part of it, but it makes some sense. Also, Jewish sects have been connected w kabal- like Yuval Noah Harrari, though it is said that he rejected any Jewish heritage. I've seen clips of him saying we don't need a God anymore "that's over!"

The kabal is right in front of your face, yet you say you can't see them. Makes me wonder if you are trying to throw people off.

You've got a lot of twisted "facts" there.

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Jan 5Liked by Frances Leader

"We are never told the truth.



Even Socrates in his dialogue as presented by Plato, in Book III of "The Republic," laid out how to build a "republic" based on lies. Noble lies, it's claimed, but lies nevertheless.

It's all been a pack of lies since forever.

PS: What sort of lie? he said.

Nothing new, I replied; only an old Phoenician [the chosen ones’] tale of what has often occurred before now in other places, (as the poets say, and have made the world believe,) though not in our time, and I do not know whether such an event could ever happen again, or could now even be made probable, if it did.

You had good reason, he said, to be ashamed of the lie which you were going to tell.

True, I replied, but there is more coming; I have only told you half.

Citizens, we shall say to them in our tale, you are brothers, yet God has framed you differently [the chosen ones]. Some of you have the power of command, and in the composition of these he has mingled gold, wherefore also they have the greatest honour.

-Plato, The Republic, 360 BC


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Be great if THEY self assembled in their underground bunker and we picked them all up for a new assignment in orange jumpsuits

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