The True Authorship of the New Testament
Investigated by a writer known as Roman Piso who is following the ideas of Abelard Reuchlin's original paper.
I have been reading all day today. Eyes are sore!
I was given the following links by a Subscriber called
and I wondered if any of you knew about this theory: is a book following the ideas expressed in a pamphlet, "The True Authorship of the New Testament,” by Abelard Reuchlin. A fascinating video with whom can be found at this link:
A copy of the original pamphlet/document:
There is more information here:
I am still reading the documents, but I wanted to share this immediately to raise the issue and let you know that I have not forgotten my subscribers or gone anywhere!
When I don't post for a few days, I like to explain why I have been distracted and by what precisely. It helps me to know what reactions others are feeling towards the material I am considering.
My jury is still out.... poring over the evidence. (Currently reading this:
In the past, and mentioned in other posts, I have suggested that religion has served the aristocracy as a mind control weapon. Disseminating a 'new religion' also seems to have saved the Roman Empire aristocracy a fortune in Centurion salaries! It makes sense to me, from a purely practical point of view, that they devised a way to terrorise their illiterate slaves with fear of reprisals from an invisible all seeing 'force'.
The success of such a device (i.e., over 2,000 years and counting) is quite astounding. It just goes to show how easy it is to deceive/manipulate large groups of people (in this case 31% of humanity).
The same methods are effectively used today via the media.
How many billions were terrorised into lock down, economically ruined and jabbed with unknown poisons? All because of fear of an invisible thing?
Roman Piso posted:
"One main thing must happen; we need to work to make the majority of Humanity people of genius. And, that must begin for people at the earliest age. There once was a society that lived that way; only it was an 'elite' society of royal blooded people, who saw all else as chattel, to be used in any way they saw fit. They used people as slave to get many different things done.
We have made societal progress and have made great progress in terms of getting rid of a lot of slavery, even though some still exists. Today, we can use computers, robots and other technology to do a multitude of tasks. We need to understand how things got the way they did and take lessons from that as to how to best build a better world.
People of genius working together is much better than living in an outmoded, outdated society and intelligent people having to live their lives among painfully ignorant people. Read my work, that's what it is there for. I've written about many things that no one else has yet written about. Many of my papers are 'firsts'. I laid out all of this so that we may have a way to a much better future, but it will be for nothing IF it isn't learned, shared and put to some use. Thank you."
This comment heads up the archive of further reading:
which is included in my post, but appears to have been overlooked by most readers.
Roman goes on to say (in his treatment of the Bible book of Revelation)
"We need to educate people so that they will not become religious in the first place. That is how the ancient elite avoided being taken in by religion; they taught their own that it was all deliberate fraud, created for the purpose of better controlling and manipulating the masses whom they were ruling over. Religion in various forms, from ideological concepts they created and promoted, to complex organized religion, were deliberate creations designed to destroy the mental ability and potential of believers. That makes it psychological warfare, and a crime against Humanity."