
(07/23/00, The Roman Piso Homepage)


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An earlier post on the Bible Book - Revelation.


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Would you like to see how the Roman aristocracy continues to manipulate all three monotheistic Abrahamic religions in the present?

Watch and read this video closely.


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Incredible video on odysee Vatican-Israel-Jerusalem. Best video I've seen and backs up your work.

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Laura’s Substack has been removed? Stopped getting emails from her last week sometime and the link is not working

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Yes, she closed her account on 12th December. She found it awkward and prefers to stick with her Odysee channel which you can find here:


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When I don't post for a few days, I like to explain why I have been distracted and by what precisely. It helps me to know what reactions others are feeling towards the material I am considering.

My jury is still out.... poring over the evidence. (Currently reading this: https://www.academia.edu/99775846/The_Revelation_Author_Julius_Piso)

In the past, and mentioned in other posts, I have suggested that religion has served the aristocracy as a mind control weapon. Disseminating a 'new religion' also seems to have saved the Roman Empire aristocracy a fortune in Centurion salaries! It makes sense to me, from a purely practical point of view, that they devised a way to terrorise their illiterate slaves with fear of reprisals from an invisible all seeing 'force'.

The success of such a device (i.e., over 2,000 years and counting) is quite astounding. It just goes to show how easy it is to deceive/manipulate large groups of people (in this case 31% of humanity).

The same methods are effectively used today via the media.

How many billions were terrorised into lock down, economically ruined and jabbed with unknown poisons? All because of fear of an invisible thing?

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Roman Piso posted:

"One main thing must happen; we need to work to make the majority of Humanity people of genius. And, that must begin for people at the earliest age. There once was a society that lived that way; only it was an 'elite' society of royal blooded people, who saw all else as chattel, to be used in any way they saw fit. They used people as slave to get many different things done.

We have made societal progress and have made great progress in terms of getting rid of a lot of slavery, even though some still exists. Today, we can use computers, robots and other technology to do a multitude of tasks. We need to understand how things got the way they did and take lessons from that as to how to best build a better world.

People of genius working together is much better than living in an outmoded, outdated society and intelligent people having to live their lives among painfully ignorant people. Read my work, that's what it is there for. I've written about many things that no one else has yet written about. Many of my papers are 'firsts'. I laid out all of this so that we may have a way to a much better future, but it will be for nothing IF it isn't learned, shared and put to some use. Thank you."

This comment heads up the archive of further reading: https://independent.academia.edu/RomanPiso

which is included in my post, but appears to have been overlooked by most readers.

Roman goes on to say (in his treatment of the Bible book of Revelation)

"We need to educate people so that they will not become religious in the first place. That is how the ancient elite avoided being taken in by religion; they taught their own that it was all deliberate fraud, created for the purpose of better controlling and manipulating the masses whom they were ruling over. Religion in various forms, from ideological concepts they created and promoted, to complex organized religion, were deliberate creations designed to destroy the mental ability and potential of believers. That makes it psychological warfare, and a crime against Humanity."

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May I ask; after all the review, reading and reflection....what are your views, thoughts and beliefs on all of this?

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My views haven't really changed at all. I was brought up in a culturally mixed family which did not encourage discussion of religion, politics or sex. I did not understand why those subjects were considered taboo until much later in life so I continued the tradition with my own son until he asked about those subjects in his early teens.

I have paid attention to many different religions and there are some aspects of each that seem sensible enough. I think I like Tibetan Buddhism most of all.

I do find that I agree with Piso's conclusion that religion is mind control and I am grateful to my grandparents that I was never encouraged to become religious in the first place.

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Thanks for your input Frances. Man, what a journey this "awakening" thing is. BTW, I found your below post in the comments, that well summarizes your thoughts.

A few more questions if I may -- and forgive me for missing these in the vast content you've published. First, are you saying/thinking that the character and life of Jesus was largely a fabrication? You believe that Lucifer or Satan are also largely fabricated characters? If so/also, how do we interpret or reconcile the fact that the evil masonic cabal running ouir world, clearly believes in Lucifer/Satan? The fact that they follow old pagan satanic beliefs, behaviors and rituals? Do you think all of the biblical books were fabrications, including ones like The Book of Enoc?

Anyhow, I find your research, writings and perspectives quite important and worthy of review, reflection and consideration...I pray (or choose to manifest ;) a global mass-awakening from the evil programming in all of it's forms...that humanity finally shakes the bonds of slavery and parasitism, that we've suffered for centures, at the hands of these parasitic "overlords".

Thank you for your input, insight and time. Blessings.

Your comment in another thread about The Book of Revelation:

"It perpetuates belief in the myth of Satan simply by telling a con-story about that entity.

The book misleads, terrorises and worst of all it encourages fake pious people to sit on their laurels and, with extreme hubris, assume that THEY are going to be saved by some mythical entity rather that getting up and doing something about injustice and evil thinkers directly THEMSELVES.

The book of Revelation has mind warped and mind controlled billions of people for almost 2,000 years and the power of their thought has been hijacked to manifest an ugly torturous future which was predicting so much misery and hell on earth."

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If the New Testament is entirely written by Roman propagandists, as Piso and others suspect, then the stories may be based upon legends and word-of-mouth accounts about a revolutionary leader, teacher and healer. The stories about Jesus' miracles and parables are similar to stories I have seen about Taoist priests. The Chinese teach their children the difference between yin and yang (for example) by showing the difference between fish and loaves. Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh is an ancient healing formula from the middle east which is recorded in early Chinese pharmacopeia.

It is easy to see how these traditional ideas could have migrated into the Roman Empire via the old Silk Road as it passed through the Levant.

You ask about Satan/Lucifer. Again, I am inclined to think these were an ancient form of 'horror stories' told around camp fires. My opinion is that we are encouraged to believe that "the evil masonic cabal running our world, clearly believes in Lucifer/Satan" but do they? Their symbols and artefacts don't suggest that they believe in anything pagan at all. In fact, pagans themselves didn't seem to believe in Satan either!

Who dreamed up this character and why?

The Roman aristocracy didn't have Satan among their early gods, neither did the Greeks!

It is probably just another mind control trick convincing illiterate people that the afterlife contained an unbearable eternal punishment if they failed to obey the edicts of the Roman Catholic Church.

Finally, you ask if I believe all the books of the Bible are fabrications and I can't say that I do. The Old Testament, poorly translated as it is, should be regarded as a historical record of one very small tribe living in the Levant. It has nothing to do with us Europeans.

Our own history has been obliterated by invaders and religious fanatics who dominated our culture into submission by forcing these foreign, unreadable manuscripts onto our ancestors. There is reason to believe that European tribes had their own rich history, full of laws and morals passed down by word of mouth. They did not write anything down.

I would prefer to respectfully understand the middle eastern philosophies, along with many others, but not to accept any of them as my own.

That is why I am grateful to my grandparents for refusing religious discussion when I was a child. They permitted me to develop my own connection with 'the divine' without pollution from outside influences. They gave me the freedom to discern what felt 'right' to me, rather than directing me to obey something which had caused nothing but grief and wars for thousands of years.

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This one is a rabbit hole. I'd read this a while back. I conducted a quick linguistics search, comparing writing styles and patterns for the books he was purported to have written, and didn't find a significant overlap stylistically or in tone, but a small blip in word choice.

Presently, it's my contention that this is another distraction from a deeper truth, which doesn't mean the story of Jesus isn't partially a fabrication for allegorical and symbolic teachings.

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Yup! A highly populated rabbit hole too! Since creating this post, and thanks to comments here and on other related posts of mine, I have seen several theories about the origins of the Jesus story. My opinion is that Mauro Biglino, who works on translating original manuscripts, has uncovered a lot of mistakes or alterations in the Bible. He was working for the Vatican and was sacked when he declared that the Bible is not about a creator God.


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That's the conclusion I've arrived at looking at the history of the 325AD Council of Nicaea, and the thousand people responsible for "creating" the modern Bible. Constantine, who oversaw this effort, worshiped the Sun, and I might add, never actually outlawed human sacrifice. The ancient Sumerians believed Shamash was the sun god, ancient Egyptians thought it was Ra. Interestingly, Shamash has been conflated with Baal and Moloch (child sacrifice gods)...bottom line, Constantine wasn't Christian in any modern, traditional sense, and therefore, any influences were likely tainted by his true religious beliefs.

In 1611, the King James Version of the Bible was compiled, and there is ample evidence that Free Masons and Rosicrucians had a heavy hand in this effort, as their symbolism is all over the artwork of early versions. To what extent they further changed the verbiage, I'm uncertain, but yet again, those who profess worship to the occult tradition of a certain set of mystery schools, tied to celestial bodies and entities, manifests yet again, in a very similar format.




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I disagree about Constantine. He did not worship the Sun. The Sun was not God. It was seen as God's place of residence.

Constantine was the son of Emperor Constantine Chlorus, who went to live in Britain and married the daughter of old King Cole Godebog of Colchester, that merry old soul of the nursery rhyme, the British Princess Helen, later Saint Helen of the Cross. King Cole claimed descent from The Holy Family and Empress Helen raised her son as a Christian in the British Apostolic Church. Emperor Constantine Chlorus appointed Lactantius as personal tutor to little Prince Constantine. Lactantius was the leading and most celebrated Christian teacher of that Age. Claims by The Church of Rome that Constantine The Great was not himself a Christian are false. He was just not a Roman Christian.

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There is a long lineage of "sun" worship, and I do agree, semantically, that it wasn't a great fiery ball that was being worshiped, rather what that ball represented. "Sun" worship has been seen in most cultures throughout time, and continues today by different names and symbology, it is, however a more in-depth idea, as it's partially tied to what the Gnostics call the demiurge - but, more importantly, to an entity that many worship and still worship as they believe that entity to be the creator.

From what I've seen, Constantine appears to have fallen amongst this group. There are other lines of evidence, I don't take these stances lightly, and do plan a substack on this at one point.

I definitely appreciate your comment, information and feedback - I've been wrong before and could be wrong here.

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And to your first sentence, the Sun most definitely is NOT God!

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He did not say it was.....

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Brilliant! Thank you so much :)

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Terrific links! Many thanks! xx

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This is Roman Piso: https://www.henryhdavis.com/

Not to dox him, he’s been at this theory since the mid 1990’s. I’ve had great trouble verifying the existence of, “ Arrius Calpurnius Piso” outside of his Pisoproject, academia page, or people interacting with his theory. I’ve spent far too long in the rabbit hole.

We have Ralph Ellison with Josephus being Saul of Tarsus, traitor of the captive Yuddites to the Ceaser Titus Flavius. A bit more textual references behind his work, still suffers from independent verification, as to say nearly none. Plus, huge contextual liberties with etymology and syntax.

The most scholarly and developed work in the matter is Dr Anatoly Fomenko’s New Chronology vols. 1-27. His team of mathematicians and computer scientists analyzed and attempts to merge historical sources with proven astrological event dates over the last three decades. However, problems I encounter is severe lense towards Tatar/barbar/Russia historical contribution, as well as the baseline assumption being astrological events ascribed Biblically being real, but misplaced in time.

Isaac Newton’s Chronology of Ancient Kingdom’s Ammended is interesting. He actually had a distant, but recently living relative effected by the Vesius eruption so he knew for most of his life there was a problem with the chronological projects completed by Benedictine monks prior, and the Scaligarian/Gregorian cherry on top. He researched it quietly throughout his life, and requested it be published immediately after death.

Jean Hardouin, legend, shredded every primary text of antiquity to bits as more modern forgeries. However, a Jesuit, and ‘learning against learning’ by Cardinal Wolsey gameplan still fresh during his time, ~100 years. Can you trust anyone?

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That is not his field of research! He has over 200 videos and I haven't come close to watching them all although I have heard him refer to the elite a few times. He is a chronologist and chart maker and the numbers don't lie. And it took him years and a lot of work to overcome the cognitive dissonance involved with simulation theory and breaking free of his Southern Baptist roots. You are correct to shelve him for the time being.

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I am aware that Jason Breshears researches different stuff from me. This is why I am confused about why people keep recommending that I should listen to him!

If he refers to the international criminal syndicate as 'the elite' then we have a huge gulf between us. They are not elite. They are scum.

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you will if you are open to new concepts from Jason

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Hello Errant :)

I'd be interested to know what you think of the implications of Roman Piso's material (assuming at least some of it is on the money) within the framework of Jason's overview of history?

I'm still in the process of figuring out if the manipulation of many of the primary sources of a particular era would have an effect on the chronology, or the overall narrative of how the ruling family networks have come to be in their positions today. My intuition says not much, if at all, since the Archaix material makes use of hundreds, if not thousands, of research approaches from converging axes.

And the overlapping mathematical patterns seem to be irrefutable.

What do you think?

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Yes I agree. I was not that impressed with Piso's work and Jason is a meticulous researcher.

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No, Jason is not meticulous at all. I searched his site for a mention of the Black Nobility and there is none. That international criminal syndicate is the most powerful and prescient in the world right now and Archaix has not even mentioned it? Strange.

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His focus is not the Black Nobility.

He mentions the Deep State/Cabal/Controllers often, but only when it is pertinent to the material, and not to the Black Nobility specifically.

His focus is chronology. He studied it for close to three decades. His bibliography consists of over 1500 books. He wrote and published books from prison. These books I have read, and am currently re-reading. While in bad need of a proof-reader, I can forgive the typographical errors, since he published them from prison. They were also written while he was still operating from a Southern Baptist fundamentalist paradigm, which colours the interpretation of his data. BUT, the research is immense and stands on its own merits. The mathematics is irrefutable. The converging data sets are irrefutable. And Jason has repeatedly stated his viewpoints have changed drastically since he researched his way out of that religious programming.

Were you under the impression he was a Black Nobility researcher? He has never made such a claim.

I've made the claim before that his research dovetails with yours, which it certainly does.

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I will have to take your word for it, Pilgrim! I am unable to take on any more research than I am currently doing. If you are satisfied that Jason Breshears and I have some meeting point in our work, that is great. Maybe he will reach a point where he can identify the "Deep State/Cabal/Controllers" in the near future.

I will continue on my path so that when he arrives the bulk of the revelation is already complete. https://worldcrimesyndicate.blogspot.com/

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I'm absolutely certain that you're both climbing the same hill from different directions, and we all will shake hands in congratulations and victory at the top.

How lucky I am to follow the work of BOTH of you.

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I'm late to see this but watching with interest. This is the thesis of all my NT research, along with Joe Atwill, author of Caesar's Messiah. I just picked up Creating Christ: How Roman Emperors Invented Christianity. Here's a post I did on it last Christmas, and I'll be following with more in that vein. Thanks for the great info and links! https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/jesus-is-the-og-psy-ops

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It brings out the very best in people! (sorry sarcasm sorta slipped out, couldn't help it!) I read your piece on the subject and was glad to see that you quoted other sources for the same doubts about the origins of the Jesus story. I have never been much of a theologian so am very surprised that there is so much controversy attached to it.

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I spent about a decade researching Bible history and attending the Jesus Seminars, an int'l conference of Bible scholars. It's their research that led me to this conclusion, even though they didn't see it. I kept asking pointed questions from the audience until there was so much interest they scheduled a debate. The all-male panel was scathing in their derision. And then other women from the audience started raising their hands and pointing out where the evidence showed that I was right, Jesus was a literary invention not a historical person. The next morning a little old lady peered at me and said, are you that woman who took on all those pompous men and showed them up? I'm taking that victory with me to the grave.

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I found Roman Piso's detailed explanations about how the NT was written compelling and I read all his documents in a single 12 hour stint. It was a work of mind control genius, there is no doubt in my mind. I speculate that the Piso family (under a multitude of aliases) could hardly have imagined that their stunt would last 2,000 years and still be hotly defended by afficionados. This post has been an education for me - a crash course in how to lie as an art form. My ex husband (RIP) would have loved it.... lying was his greatest hobby! 🙄

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I haven't read the links yet but I'm looking forward to them, once I get over having to sign in. That always deters me. I watched the presentation but it was a little hard to follow with him not showing his face. But I think it's much more sinister than a stunt. I think it's how the Shemite / Davidic dynasty kept the Roman Empire in power when the zealot revolution was spreading through the colonies like wildfire. Your Black Nobility, I suspect, trace back to those families. Without this lie, that twisted the truth that was setting the people free, the whole system of empire may have crumbled 2000 years ago. They've been the dark force/ farce behind every politician and king. And there's a reason it's coming out now, when things are coming to a head, methinks.

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I'm baaaack! sort of. Still have to find places to get free wifi, which ain't so great, but at least I can GET ONLINE AGAIN!

How's it going, Franita, my dear pal?

I DO want to check this out, but today, not. Still visiting both parents in 2 different places, and WAY behind in my email!!

Anyway, nice to be back on my four paws... ^_^

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Yahoo! (Howls at the mutual moon!)

Both parents are still in hospital? Crikey, this must be exhausting you!

Make sure you get plenty of decent bones to chew, the marrow will sustain you at this crucial time!

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hospitals, THEN rehabs, now Dad is home, under the "care" of the guy who is responsible for him BEING IN THE HOSPITAL...

We shall catch up soon!

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far fetched nonsense... dear good God please help us all return to goodness and truth

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Glad you were able to define your opinion so succinctly..... unlike others who found it offensive.

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My reprise of Arm - a - Gideon. >>>

The Bogy Bingo Boogie


And the lord sayith: “Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!”

And the four beasts uttereth: “Ka-Ching, Ka-Ching!”

And the twenty-four elders proclaimeth: “Hallelujah!”

And seven grim angels spilleth forth their vials

And the lord flusheth his terrible white toilet!

And all those not beautiful

And all those not fat

And all those too slow of wit

And all who faileth math

Were flush-ed from the lord’s awesome soil stack

Yea, they festereth in hell for a thousand years

Chanting: “Get Real, Get Real, Get Real!”


Written sometime in 2001 PV

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Oh yes Jason is well aware of all what you said and much more. He went to prison a Southern Baptist but his research led him out and his books, videos are very compelling and show how we can escape the digital construct/simulation we are enslaved in.

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That is my sticking point.... I do not recognise this life as a simulation.

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Fucking fantastic research! Watched most of the video...just mind-blowing. Love options! ;) My eyes hurt too and I haven't even got to the PDFs! (Love and support Internet Archive).

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That is only one aspect of his research. He has read the bible cover to cover 400 times and has extensive knowledge of other texts such as the Books of Jasher and Enoch. Their are many video topics to look through on archaix.com. I would be very surprised if you were disappointed.

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I find him very long winded. Who has so much time to spare? To be honest, having read most of the papers I am sharing here, I find it hard to respect someone who has read the Bible cover to cover 400 times and still not realised that it could be fraudulent mind control created to manage large populations of slaves!

Does Jason Breshears refer to the Roman aristocracy, the Venetians or their vice-like grip on the modern world via the Vatican, City of London and Washington D.C.?

Does he try to discern their destination?

Our understanding of the past is fraught with huge difficulties because much of what we have been taught is false. Does Jason Breshears know that?

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Francis, you are on fire in the comments! I’m so backlogged I saved this for later, but must chime in prematurely with this Archaix coming up.

Jason is a convicted rapist, and pushes wild and provably false events as historical fact. Vapor canopy, AI simulated sky, moon is a constructed item by prior civilization, the pyramids flooded down to the Mediterranean and then back to their original location realigning perfectly with Polaris 🤦‍♂️

Another low-level freemasonic shill pushing for a middle manager role in their preferred future. There are predictable cycles, saros, solar, lunar; Jason doesn’t use any of them! He is completely ignorant to the Scaligarian/Gregorian timeline shift, rendering his readings of timeline useless. Further, he creates no concordance between various cultures’ calendars when considering the source documents, hardly anyone was using the Julian calendar, a ridiculous oversight for a ‘chronologer’.

For a real scientist aligning predictable dates with verifiable world history from multiple source documents, see Dr Anatoly Fomenko’s History of the World vol 1-27 (6000 pages).

There is also Newton’s Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, as well as work by Jean Hardouin and others. If one had to use YT for their research, better options include History Hacked and Mind Unveiled.

Jason is a disinformation agent to push simulation theory, moral relativism and warm you up to sexual deviancy. Ever notice how many ‘truthers’ have a horrid sex crime in their past? 🤔 If not the above, he’s a damn fool and a liar.

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Slamming comment, much appreciated! Thanks Daniel! xx

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Yes. I read both the Douay and King James versions of the bible - including concordance many years ago. My texts were high quality publications, and remarkably well quoted. The concordance sections rather tipped me off to the fact that various references were meticulously edited. Why? What was the point? Who were these alleged authors attempting to shelter? The "lost" Canaanites? Forgotten Phoenician pirates? Venetian and Hapsburg interrelations? We both know the answers...

I concluded that the bible was the most effective and impressive psyop in mankind's history. The plebs have been preying for centuries, without noticing the difference in spelling...

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Speaking of spelling.... (at the risk of offending a lot of god-botherers) Have you ever noticed that Bible is also BuyBull?

I wonder if that is as significant as preying/praying.

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BuyBull. Hell yes Frances. Thou art on fire in the comments!

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Heh, heh... BuyBull. Priceless! I had a friend who named his dog God. (God spelled backwards)

It was funnier than hell hearing him call his dog. "Here God, here God... Come on outta there"...

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