I don't believe that the escalating ill health we have witnessed since 2020 has anything to do with either a 'virus' or a 'lab leak' or even a 'bio-weapon' as such.
The coincident roll out of 5G, both geographically and chronologically suggests that the symptoms were and are the result of electro-magnetic radiation overload.
In fact, I was expecting this health disaster from 2016 after I began to notice health effects from 4G among my friends, neighbours and finally myself.
I wrote about it and was de-platformed from Twitter, Facebook and Discord even though I was able to prove my theory with multiple studies and declassified documents. I even had an email exchange with UK MHRA which confirmed that the Pfizer C19 vaccine was based upon a computer generated (in silico) genetic code and not a sample from an infected person.
It is very sad to note that electro-magnetic radiation is cumulative and accounts for the terrible symptoms we are witnessing worldwide, known as Long Covid.
I am continuously insulted by people who have not considered the ramifications so please don't waste your time telling me that I am a 'conspiracy theorist' or that I am paranoid. I can back up my claims with a massive, constantly updated, archive of material, collated over the recent 8 years.
I will not back down, even though I am sick.... dying actually, not to put too fine a point on it.
A year ago,
asked me to elaborate in comments on this post:Frances….what are your thoughts on the possibility of it being a combination of whatever has been deployed with the simultaneous roll out of 5G and the continued upscaling of telecommunications?
By that, I mean….the Internet of BioNano Things envisions a surveillance state that includes technology within and without our bodies (and our entire world) that monitors and adapts (evolves) things on a cellular level.
It seems logical to me that if the intention of TPTB is to treat us as human capital, also genetically alter not just the human race but all living things according to what they find desirable…. then they need infrastructure for what would essentially be a gigantic electrical grid. This is where the toxic EMF plays a role.
I guess my point is… your concerns about 5G are legitimate…. but concerns about whatever they may be using make us “visible” on a cellular level on their grid of control is also of concern. It need not be mutually exclusive.
From where I sit, it seems like we should maybe be re-examining the narrative around the selection of the spike protein and also considering the nature of the ACE 2 inhibitor in our biological makeup.
Is it a coincidence that the supposed spike protein goes to most of our vital organs (the very ones they want to be able to monitor)? Is it a coincidence that repeated boosters results in IGg4 immune response that means that we are being oddly conditioned to have our bodies tolerate this colonizing entity? Not just from the “virus” but also from the “vaccine”? And interesting is it not that the “vaccine” crosses the blood brain barrier? I’m a cancer survivor who underwent chemo…the blood brain barrier is often considered sacred territory for obvious reasons.
What is it they are actually trying to accomplish?
I have read several researchers and can’t rule out the possibility that what we are dealing with both with the virus/vaccine issue, but also with the manipulations/censorship/gaslighting on social media platforms and news cycle capture is that what is underway is the establishment of a digital prison that has as its ultimate goal hacking and evolving human consciousness. I believe in my heart it is both ill advised and evil…an affront to the mystery and beauty of life. But I’m just a single person trying to make sense of the past 4 years and the devastation in my personal life….with intuition being my principle guide. Be well.
Such a good question!
I replied:
I think the Internet of Bodies and Things is far more simple than we are being told. Every living thing is an aerial simply because it has energy creating an aura field around them. Each individual has a unique signal. There is no need for internal devices, nano-bots or quantum dots. Once the towers are functioning they can triangulate between themselves the precise location of every living thing, whether they have a telecoms device or not.
The atmosphere is now so overloaded with unnatural electro-magnetic fields that birds cannot navigate, whales and whole shoals of fish are beaching themselves. Bees are flying away from their hives, lost until they die of exhaustion. Similarly, all insects are dying off unnoticed around us, further threatening bird life with starvation.
Trees are showing signs of burns on one side, the side which faces the towers. Plants are not growing where they were once plentiful.
People are suffering a huge range of debilitating symptoms from heart attacks, strokes and cancers down to eczema, headaches and chronic depression.
All this is because all life depends upon the delicate direct current continuous electro-magnetic frequencies that are produced within us by our bodies. We also depend upon the EMFs from the earth, sun and cosmos.
Since humanity's rulers have been exponentially increasing unnatural PULSED EMFs for telecoms there has been a huge rise in sickness, particularly neurological malfunctions.
Please look at this chart carefully:
Electrification has produced illness since the 1880s and there is plenty of evidence to support the fact that our scientists have suppressed this information in the interests of profit for their funders, the energy and communications industries. Did you know, for example, that Queen Victoria died of a stroke in 1901 when Marconi was testing his new radio devices at his laboratory nearby on the Isle of Wight?
For full understanding of how electro-magnetic radiation is damaging all living things please read Arthur Firstenberg's book, The Invisible Rainbow.
and The Body Electric by Robert O Becker
Otherwise please pay close attention to my numerous articles, as linked above, which explain as simply as possible how electro-magnetic radiation is murdering all living things gradually. Also, take note of the sun spots and flares because, since the beginning of time itself, the electro-magnetic radiation from space has affected the health of all life.
I hope this helps.
If you appreciate my research but cannot commit to a paid subscription you could buy me a coffee at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FrancesLeader
Please note that all my work is entirely free to read and will never be hidden behind a paywall. My lovely paying subscribers contribute knowing this to be true and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them very much for their ongoing support.
For any electronic engineers who may be curious, here is a direct link to the pdf of Yuri Grigoriev's fascinating book "Frequencies used in Telecommunications - An Integrated Radiobiological Assessment" which details all the technology and health impacts known.
Extract from the conclusion:
"Conclusion: Integrated risk assessment of 3G, 4G and 5G.
Rational regulation of the future telecommunications initiative requires careful
assessment of risks to human health and the environment. Today, a 5G standard is being
aggressively implemented for global cellular communications, working with millimeter
waves. It is important to give a summary assessment of the danger to the population not
only of 5G, but also of previously used standards together.
A completely new problem arose in connection with the use of cellular communication
of the 5th generation: What should be the current approaches to assessing public
health risks?
The 5G standard uses millimeter wave EMF, which a significantly different frequency
than 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies. However, the lower frequencies will still be used.
This will lead, on the one hand, to an additional impact of EMF on the population, but,
on the other hand, the possible bioeffects will be completely different. Critical organs
are the skin and eyes (sclera). In this regard, it is a mistake, from our point of view, when
only a simple arithmetic addition of the absorbed dose of the 5G standard to the already
existing 2G, 3G and 4G standards is used in the hazard assessment and rationing. In our
opinion, this is a wrong and counterproductive approach. This may explain the failure
of the scientific community to recognize the existing FCC radiation protection
standards, developed back in 1996.
The hazard assessment must be far more adequate, considering the total electromagnetic
load on already existing critical organs and systems, their possible adverse interaction
in the formation of a healthy status of the body.
From our point of view, it is most productive to conduct a hazard assessment considering
the total electromagnetic load on already existing critical organs and systems. It is
necessary to consider the significance of the influence of possible impaired functions of
irradiated critical organs and systems on the formation of a healthy status of the body
during lifetime exposure to EMF of the population.
In our opinion, the brain, the sensory systems of visual, auditory and vestibular
analyzers, the thyroid gland, the skin of the body, the sclera of the eyes, the reproductive
and immune systems can be considered critical organs when exposed to cellular EMF,
including a 5G standard. Of particular importance for the assessment of dangerous long term consequences, such as malignant tumours, is to be include in EMF exposure under
chronic exposure. Of course, the greater vulnerability of children to the effects of
cellular EMF should be considered.
This approach to the assessment of the total radiobiological danger of planetary
electromagnetic radiation exposure of the population is more adequate, it considers the
possible adverse effect of complex EMF exposure of all three standards being 3G, 4G
and 5G on the most radiosensitive functions of the body, which, of course, will increase
the risk of danger to public health.
We can predict a change in our traditional way of life."
A valuable video featuring an interview with Dr Klinghardt from 2019.
He, like Dr Cliff Carnicom, warns about 4 toxins which damage the pineal gland: Aluminium, glyphosate, fluoride and electro-magnetic radiation. He explains how they operate synchronistically to open the blood-brain barrier. Dr Kinghardt thinks it was no coincidence that these four toxins are flooding our lives right now.
He is horrified that satellites are approved to blast the entire planet with unnatural electromagnetic radiation.
Dr Klinghardt mentions a skin cream which protects the skin against EMFs: https://www.kiscience.com/product/e-shield-cream/ I have not tried it yet but have ordered some.
Another video with Dr Klinghardt from 2018: