This is probably the main reason for all disease… our cells operate on millivolts… and the ideal range is 0.5v to 1.3 lots … people with diseases step outside those margins… we are made of atoms with moving electrons affected by the earths magnetic field .. the Schumann frequency. 7.8hertz..ALL creatures on earth are so affected… and when we switch on a device it has its own miniature electro/magnetic field which can interfere with any cell within us… we are surrounded by fluctuations in electric and magnetic fields… from the phones we use, the EV vehicles we use, radios , TV’s, wi if routers, surveillance cameras pylons…?cables in the walls … microwaves.. in fact every thing electrical alters the environment it’s in … 5g is just a part of the cacophony we are immersed in.. and we cannot see it ,,, hear it… taste.. or smell it … but we can feel it.. our bodies are under such a wide range of conditions.. and we are seeing ever increasing evidence to that effect… when we are in health.. our cells hold a negative charge.. when in disease they hold a positive charge which is why grounding helps… something people never acknowledge … using an electron donator like chlorine dioxide works in the same principle.. it is a powerful oxidiser BUT also an electron donator.. it goes around the body (90-100 secs) and if ONE molecule of CL02 bumps into a positive ion .. will donate a spare oxygen molecule and or a positive ion.. or better still it’s a reducer (reductase) and can take away up to 5 electrons from 5 different cells without needing to know anything else but the polarity of that cell.. that’s why it’s a magic bullet… that’s why it restores health.

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Just listened to a fellow talking about how the combination of these four things: EMF's, as you have very clearly explained in your comment above, along with fluoride, glyphosate, and aluminum, combined in our bodies, disrupts and dysfunctions our pineal gland. The insidious nature of this clearly deliberate attack on Humanity is almost beyond belief. But not quite. I think we've had some pretty clear examples of just what sort of pathological mentality is rendered when a combination of an absolutely despicable desire to torture and kill others, even ALL others, combined with a lack of any kind of compassion or empathy of any sort and bred out of progeny, and this cabal of marauding, warring, devilish people, enabled by vast amounts of wealth contrived by their criminal and bloody smashing their way through history by death and destruction of others--- a relatively tiny group of people has long contrived and forced their way via violent force and villainous endeavor to hold power over others---

And we are living in a time which will surely either be the end of Humanity, at least as we understand it, or the end of this demonic, merciless, utterly without value as far as I can see, group of apparently human (not sure about this), cowardly and savagely evil genocidal maniacs... If I didn't have good reason to think this is the reality, I wouldn't believe it. It beggars belief that they exist and are at a level of such corruption of the soul that it's no wonder people simply refuse to consider it as a possibility...

If I were Joe Anybody, I would simply turn away and pretend it Just Can't Be True.

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Yes it’s the calcium ions ..5g alters electron instability alter electrolytes (the word electro is the clue) our bodies have 4 main electrolytes that need balance like a four legged table… you only got to change the length of one leg to make it become unbalanced.

stress depletes magnesium.. which controls over 300 enzymes but it balances out calcium.. sodium and potassium control cellular energy… but need magnesium as the referee to make AtP… 5G wrapped around the earth coming on Musk’s watch… the problem will take years to correct..

Put too much calcium in the wrong places and boom… hypothalamus,pineal, thyroid, kidney , heart , need I go on?

The Japanese have a saying, if you get on the wrong train, get off at the next station, the longer you stay on, the more money it will cost you to get back to where you meant to go.

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Makes all kinds of sense to me, yep, but how the L do we get arf this train???

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Restacking and pinning this comment! Beautifully said, Jomico! Did you see the two part documentary in one of the pinned posts? I think you will enjoy them, particularly the 2nd. Thanks very much for taking the time to spell out exactly why EMFs are so dangerous for the health of all living things.

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ESSENTIAL VIEWING!! How important are frequencies? What does the pineal gland actually do?




DONATE towards Part 3: https://www.marijnpoels.com/calltosupport

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A valuable video featuring an interview with Dr Klinghardt from 2019.

He, like Dr Cliff Carnicom, warns about 4 toxins which damage the pineal gland: Aluminium, glyphosate, fluoride and electro-magnetic radiation. He explains how they operate synchronistically to open the blood-brain barrier. Dr Kinghardt thinks it was no coincidence that these four toxins are flooding our lives right now.

He is horrified that satellites are approved to blast the entire planet with unnatural electromagnetic radiation.


Dr Klinghardt mentions a skin cream which protects the skin against EMFs: https://www.kiscience.com/product/e-shield-cream/ I have not tried it yet but have ordered some.

Another video with Dr Klinghardt from 2018:


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THANKS!! xo xo

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Please do update us on how well the cream works 💞 Thanks for all you do, Frances.

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No worries, Kieran! I certainly will be writing about it after trying it out.

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My order of E Shield Cream arrived this morning and, after cleansing, I applied some to my wrinkly old face! The first thing I noticed was that every ingredient is from a natural source. It smells very pleasant and within seconds was absorbed completely. That was an hour ago and there is a distinct sensation of skin tightening - which is probably a positive effect. How can I assess whether it protects me from EMFs? I will have to take that on faith, I suppose!

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"The National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to reveal nearly 2,500 pages of records related to the National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) decision to shut down its research on how wireless radiation affects human health, according to an investigation by The Defender."


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They will have to go.

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For any electronic engineers who may be curious, here is a direct link to the pdf of Yuri Grigoriev's fascinating book "Frequencies used in Telecommunications - An Integrated Radiobiological Assessment" which details all the technology and health impacts known.


Extract from the conclusion:

"Conclusion: Integrated risk assessment of 3G, 4G and 5G.

Rational regulation of the future telecommunications initiative requires careful

assessment of risks to human health and the environment. Today, a 5G standard is being

aggressively implemented for global cellular communications, working with millimeter

waves. It is important to give a summary assessment of the danger to the population not

only of 5G, but also of previously used standards together.

A completely new problem arose in connection with the use of cellular communication

of the 5th generation: What should be the current approaches to assessing public

health risks?

The 5G standard uses millimeter wave EMF, which a significantly different frequency

than 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies. However, the lower frequencies will still be used.

This will lead, on the one hand, to an additional impact of EMF on the population, but,

on the other hand, the possible bioeffects will be completely different. Critical organs

are the skin and eyes (sclera). In this regard, it is a mistake, from our point of view, when

only a simple arithmetic addition of the absorbed dose of the 5G standard to the already

existing 2G, 3G and 4G standards is used in the hazard assessment and rationing. In our

opinion, this is a wrong and counterproductive approach. This may explain the failure

of the scientific community to recognize the existing FCC radiation protection

standards, developed back in 1996.

The hazard assessment must be far more adequate, considering the total electromagnetic

load on already existing critical organs and systems, their possible adverse interaction

in the formation of a healthy status of the body.

From our point of view, it is most productive to conduct a hazard assessment considering

the total electromagnetic load on already existing critical organs and systems. It is

necessary to consider the significance of the influence of possible impaired functions of

irradiated critical organs and systems on the formation of a healthy status of the body

during lifetime exposure to EMF of the population.

In our opinion, the brain, the sensory systems of visual, auditory and vestibular

analyzers, the thyroid gland, the skin of the body, the sclera of the eyes, the reproductive

and immune systems can be considered critical organs when exposed to cellular EMF,

including a 5G standard. Of particular importance for the assessment of dangerous long term consequences, such as malignant tumours, is to be include in EMF exposure under

chronic exposure. Of course, the greater vulnerability of children to the effects of

cellular EMF should be considered.

This approach to the assessment of the total radiobiological danger of planetary

electromagnetic radiation exposure of the population is more adequate, it considers the

possible adverse effect of complex EMF exposure of all three standards being 3G, 4G

and 5G on the most radiosensitive functions of the body, which, of course, will increase

the risk of danger to public health.

We can predict a change in our traditional way of life."

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And that change in our traditional way of life might be death.

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Right. 😖😔

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You know what? We might have to mutate and THEN kick their ass…

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Well, let's not die from THEM, let's die because it's our time per the Divine.

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Thanks for putting this together.

I`ll re-share my list of Radioprotective, Radiomitigative and Radiomodulatory whole foods and naturally occurring plant/fungal compounds here for those that want to take proactive dietary steps to protect themselves :


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Excellent! Thanks Gavin! xx

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Indeed, I wrote about this years ago myself. As someone considered a "canary in a coal mine" of this toxic world, I've been sounding the alarm for so many years as to the harm of nnEMFs and toxic chemicals (along with interior mold, etc.), yet my warning cries have mostly fallen upon deaf ears.

The algorithms have slammed my content more and more as the years have passed on.

It's not just nnEMFs, or one singular other toxin. The impacts are synergistic. Do what you can to avoid as much as you can, but know that there (unfortunately) is no escape. Even in my custom, non-toxic home, in the middle of a woods, in a heavily-wooded, rural area.... I get hit here.

Thus is the lot of the chosen ones!


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Thanks for that link. I have subscribed! xx

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You're my hero, FL.

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Jesus Christ its mass murder why do we need to analyze it. The medical community kills a million a year here license to kill. FDA recalls 14,000 in a decade side effects from those alone breaking down the genome. Genetic engineering is already in place Epic systems is a research program. People do not know what they are doing and drs are complicit in crimes against humanity speak out the use WMDS antipsychotics to subdue you and get you nto compliance. American’s better get it together or the entire world is over.

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Thank you posting this information! I love all of your work Frances, and it helps for those of us to share this with the rest of the world. It is our responsibility as humans to protect the animals on this earth, Say something people, share please and spread these truths to others. Please!

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You are so right! We have to be far more aware of the impact of EMFs on all living things!

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And the plants, too!

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There is a very simple way to prove this; EMF-free zones. Find some, compare health stats with EMF zones. Even gradations of EMF intensity will yield usable stats.

If these no longer exist, campaign to create some. If that is resisted, then tear down the whole thing. The entire thing. Bring out the saws and det-cord. A la blade-runners.

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Apparently there are a few EMF-free zones in USA but I read a report from one resident who was complaining that, rather than forego the internet, most people who live in the zone are using Starlink in the mistaken belief that the satellite system is healthier!

Here in UK there may be one or two very small areas that have weak EMF (due to terrain) but I don’t know if there is anywhere that escapes Starlink’s gaze!

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You’ve done us all a great service through your persistent research, articles and resources. There is no doubt that the evidence is compelling. It’s ironic that the Scientology founder LRon Hubbard purported to be a technophobe for exactly this stated reason - despite being a sci-fi writer involved in secret societies/demonology.

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I would love to pay you for a bibliography or even PDF versions of what you have assembled. John Gillies.

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Thanks Frances. I will warm up my writing muscles and also avail myself of copy and paste to see if I can assemble it all.

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8 years worth of my work? That is a gargantuan task!

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My archives are publicly available via the links I have given in the body of this post. Upon checking them occasionally for my own reference, I have seen that some items have disappeared or been removed from the internet. The result is like a CIA semi redacted declassified document!

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Agree! Get out of dodge. Calcium carbonate and chemicals exacerbate the mold's reaction I think that's why Klingheadts said >600+ times faster with EMF.

Here is where it gets complicated: think of it like an antibiotic that's a certain type or many types can infect the body. Candida white tongue breast implant illness all from EMF and the molds are different, and the mycotoxins can kill one or a few types of bacteria, causing an imbalance, and then a syndrome generally comes with killing GP bacteria and if GN bacteria is exacerbated by EMF there is a perfect storm or imbalance. Some molds may keep GP bacteria at bay on purpose like candida.

Something I was exploring as I went chicken oriental (mental) from toxic mold, and I still am absolutely barking mad. I think these chemtrails are full of leftovers from making vitamin C or aspartame potentially. https://normanjamesemf.substack.com/p/the-connection-between-emf-mold-and

The problem is it's on so many levels it's mindboggling. The only way to remediate it is the electric diet https://normanjamesemf.substack.com/p/electric-diet?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

This, combined with remediation with herbs and bacteria, will amplify the speed of the recovery with a Sauna and sweating daily. Gingerbugs are key for refilling your bacteria and yeasts in the gut biome. And of top priority is clean water mineralized if using RO.

For any EMF remediation on my skin, remember your stomach is part of your skin organ I use lactobacillus https://normanjamesemf.substack.com/p/money-saver-utterly-amazing-product?utm_source=publication-search

I can't tell you how important LB bacteria is wild yeasts and baccus subtilis is needed in a moldy environment these are some of the top killers of mold.

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Dear Frances,

Thank you for this post, it highlights and explains a lot regarding EMF, dangers of 5G, and so on.

To be honest, I always knew about these dangers, but I need to do way more study on this and wonderfully, you're providing a lot of information.

I do have a quick question:

Are you saying that that the cartel created the so-called Covid19 symptoms to mask the REAL SYMPTOMS caused by EMF and 5G radiation and so on? (And this has been a pattern for a long, long time...)

Also, my understanding is that the so-called vaccines are causing lot of side-effects and damage, which the cartel put the blame on the so-called virus. (In fact, it is the whole pharmaceutical cartel causing the real damage to human health.)

What is your take on the so-called "Covid19 vaccines" in light of your research on electro-magnetic radiation?

Last but not least, thank you so much for your research on this topic, it will open our understanding for the truth.

Much love,


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You asked: "Are you saying that that the cartel created the so-called Covid19 symptoms to mask the REAL SYMPTOMS caused by EMF and 5G radiation and so on?" Yes, I am saying that. The same game worked well in 1918/20 and they named it Spanish Flu to cover up for the impact of high powered radio signalling which was developed in WW1. They created a toxic vaccine for that one too - to act like a scapegoat so that the public never suspected the military long range radio experiments.

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P.S. has anyone else noticed the appearance of 5G towers and masts around hospitals?.. and schools?

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Those were the FIRST places to be fitted with antennae from 2018 onwards! I have been trying to alert people to this for 8 years.

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Fits nicely into their....get um while they're young, get um while they're weak... policy. It's no use trying to alert people... their eyes glaze over and they go back to the distraction that you distracted them from.

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Ah. So you've read ‘the invisible rainbow' too. Great book. The 2019 5g rollout map of cities fits very nicely over the C19 hotspots. 🤔 As you will know, when the body reacts to poison it tries to expel the toxins. Flu like symptoms apply to many ailments. An a+e fella I spoke to said they changed the treatment from the normal protocols for respiratory illness during the pdemic, because C19 was ‘different’. Normally you sit the patient upright. I was told to sleep upright as an asthmatic child. Laying flat allows fluid to build up and restrict breathing. C19 patients were laid flat and given respiratory depressing drugs such as midazolam and morphine. I would like to know the names of who wrote up the new protocols for C19 and ask why they are not in jail for murder. You don't need a medical PhD to figure out the intention and result of such protocols.

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You make a very good point. Indeed, who DID write the new protocols? I suspect it was some busybody at the WHO.

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Well that's one busybody who should be busy doing time. There names must be somewhere. They are probably proud of their work as these psychopaths usually are.

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Wow, that makes a whoooole lot of sense.

Their evil pit is much deeper than we could ever imagine.

For what's worth, your research has added some extra layers of understanding (to me) and piecing things together.

Dear Frances, please stay strong, the truth will set us free!

Thank you again for all your hard work!!!

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p.s. Almost forgot: a lot of people I know (who did not take any jabs) suffer with disrupted sleep, high pitch sounds (which they call tinnitus), brain fog, and so on.

Is that all caused by EMF, increased electro-magnetic fields, and so on?

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I think so. People were suffering such things long before Covid or jabs.

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Again, thanks for confirming.

Funny, without in-depth knowledge or research in this area of expertise, through experiences and observations, I built up a thesis which now is fully confirmed by your findings.

So, so many people are suffering, but totally ignorant to the REAL causes of their suffering...

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Nice work Francis , you’re an excellent researcher. Anyone who calls you a conspiracy theorist is already lost and doomed . Kind regards, Nick

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