Youth wiling away their time- must get boring after awhile- one hopes the jokes and selfies and selfishness transforms into something more than depression and anger. Tools of thought are being stolen by Grammarly and ChatGPT leading many down the primrose path. Scary and invigorating at the same time when you see all the ways it's being used to enhance education.
I like that, the Substack ghetto. You know what happens to people in a ghetto. It's still only the internet and happily found you! It was in the small rooms of the Dark Ages that kept much alive. But this is far from the dark ages.- just so much available to learn and you help connect us to that. Perhaps the best investment today is a printer and a Kindle publishing account. Being under observation, and de-platformed are nuisances and financial losses, yet the small businesses that no longer exist create huge voids of creativity and choice. Yes, a beautiful literary prison with communication flourishing. It is so wonderful to read the comments and responses and your amazing writing.. Such intelligence compared to any other social media. Luckily, found and spreading.
I grew up alongside a neighbor who took part in the phoenix program. He used to chop wood with his bare hands in his front yard - and later on appeared on a popular network t.v. game show with his actress wife...
So sorry about your loss. It should never have happened. And I agree that the responsibility lies with the actor, the corporations - but somebody must have known. The government regulators and company heads almost certainly knew : 'm sure all the men on that rig didn't die simultaneously: why weren't the subsequent deaths investigated? It is a trap: people whose livelihoods and family welfare depend on the income are not in a position to be too inquisitive and reactive: they tend to be trusting, and that is normal. I remember when this story came out, and there are many similar: Teflon got away with mass murder. No corporation should be trusted on their word. Ever.
Yes, in the USA the Students for Democratic Action was an amazing organization. One of the leaders at University told me he was sought out and employed by the government to monitor and direct . It was an organization to avoid. The government was happy to get rid of people who were anti-Vietnam by sending them overseas as soldiers or Peace Corps Volunteers. Keeping your head low is a good policy, and along comes SubStack and you're really out there. Now we all gather around knowing we're more public than ever and sharing frightening realities and amazing experiences. What can we share and employ to bring health, sanity and truth? Where are the young? What's next?
On Substack we are not at all public. We are in a ghetto, under observation but with extremely limited reach. We have been corralled here by being de-platformed from everywhere else. This is a literary prison. When you ask "Where are the young?" I am inclined to answer:
On Tiktok, WhatsApp, Discord and Instagram swapping selfies and jokes. They are not interested in anything that requires more than 2 minutes of attention span.
Likewise, precisely. And not a soul on this planet knows where I am.
Which why I ask, a question directed at anybody who understands surveilance, can a mobile phone be traced inexpensively while switched off, or does one have to remove the sim card? Failing that, is there a material (lead?) which will screen a mobile phone from satellite monitoring? Or is there a mobile phone variety that cannot be traced.
If the signal can reach you then the mobile phone can be traced. I have been told that even when switched off there are 'back doors'.... For absolute security, you would be better equipped with a CB radio for communications. I have never taken a mobile phone or a vehicle or any kind of official ID on an action.
Thanks Frances. That confirms what I have been led to believe. Military recommend I use 2x radio, including ham, and SW for news reception. Gotta save up for these too. Sigh.
By the way, it is begining to look like the democide came in two coordinated deliveries, flu and mRNA.
I lost my grandfather in the 1918 flu. He was a JAG lawyer and at the time was nowhere near the front or EMF devices, if such had been invented by 1918. By 1957 I was building radios and I know there were no such components available at that time. Secondly, it is Rotchschild tradition to always apply multiple functions to every strategy. It is fact that the flu vaccine contains toxins and five Australian children were killed by this before authorities ceased counting. The paediatrician who publicised the deaths is still being hounded. Moreover, the evidence shows more then one toxin in the flu shots. In 2010 I interviewed a Queensland lady who was struck down by the shots and never recovered. She lived way beyond any EMF in hinterland Queensland. Ergo, the evidence points to multiple weaponising, not just one.
Radio masts caused the Spanish flu. Radio waves are also EMFs.
Next time I provide a link, please read it before replying. The content of your reply revealed that you ignored the link I sent you. I don't like my time and effort being wasted.
I reckon it's a multiple attack. Why push tbe vaccines so relentlessly if they aren't a weapon? Plus they were used to tag people as commodities rather than as humans - or so I read a while back though have seen no update on this recently.
Everyone should be an activist in a manner and to a degree appropriate to them. There is no excuse not to be informed about and condemn what is happening in the world - the injustice, the brutality, the inequality , environmental degradation and nuclear weapons proliferation is the business and responsibility of every mentally competent person, because without explicit or tacit approval ( lack of awareness and feedback) none of it could happen.
I agreed right to the very last phrase and then I was askance. There is a great deal going on which is kept secret because nobody would approve if they had the slightest clue. Take this one example from my experience. All oil and gas wells are radioactive. I know this now BUT in 1974-1982 when my husband was working on North Sea oil rigs, neither of us had a foggy clue and neither did any of the regular crew men. I read everything that BP sent to my husband, and believe me they sent a lot of bumph all the time. Not once did they mention that the well, the rig and all the equipment and drilling muds were totally contaminated with radioactivity. That sort of thing meant that my husband died early of cancer and so did a number of his workmates. There was no explicit or tacit approval, no awareness or feedback and yes.... it happened and still happens now.
I was in a very small boat with a head Greenpeace guy some years ago. We'd done a lot of work together to (supposedly) stop clear cutting ancient old growth. Like 500+ yr old growth trees.
At one point he told me, that if he told me what was "really going on", I'd be "done away with", and that I didn't/shouldn't want to know.
He was only 34 when he died 2 years later.
That's when I learned the Choices.
The Powers-That-Should-Not-Be, pay attention to numbers, and leaders with a sizeable following and a lot of influence will either become martyrs or tools. Dead or Alive.
First they're invited to join their cult... Freemasonry. If they go along with it, they will have everything they desire. If not, then things will not end well for them.
It is not as simple as that. There are many cults, some more dangerous than others. Jesuits are probably the worst of all because they are in charge of many educational facilities, secret services worldwide and the NATO military.
Yes they do recruit and influence millions of people! They call the civilian troops the Vanguard. The Vanguard is taught to keep records, diaries, newspaper cuttings and gathering intel such as names, addresses and phone numbers of dissidents. I don't think you realise how huge the Vanguard actually is....
You should have moved to San Francisco that day and took acid. Someone would have brought you a sandwich in Golden gate Park... would have been peanut butter and jelly -you would have written a book about it. ... you would have moved to Woodside years later and lived by Shirley Temple ((she would have been your neighbor.))
🤣😂🙄 What? And miss all the fun I have had here in Europe? Not a chance! I never fancied moving to the USA. It didn't appeal to me, not even slightly. I knew from a very young age that the City of London was the motherload and that has been my focus ever since.
Call me the pinstripe spy.... read my autobiography:
Yes San Francisco traditionally has been like foreign territory at least since the time period you're talking about to most heartland Americans so to speak
London's finest musicians relocated to San Francisco in the 1960s. The first to go was Fleetwood Mac, soon followed by Peter Frampton. Neither of them succeeded in their musical careers there until 1975 which was when they produced music I remember from the Marquee Club circa 1966.
That era is fascinating to me I really enjoy talking to people that are 8 to 15 years my senior and just listening to their stories. I went to a few shows at the Fillmore. And this isn't a rock band but I saw James Brown at the maritime
He was never that healthy person he was before the war. His life beyond 40 was a calamity of rare bodily issues that eventually cost him his life. I will leave it at that. Something in Nam was toxic.
Switzerland is far more corrupt than any of the countries that surround it. I really think you should pay attention to Sean Hross who escaped Switzerland but is hounded like an outlaw for telling the truth about that country!
Sean doesn't even smoke! Your assumptions are based on some obscure association you suffer from and not related to Sean in any way. Please go away and believe me when I say that I understand when a person who only smokes joints and yet is called a junkie might want to throttle you. I would.
This thing really distrubs me. I have 2 military men. They volunteered to help keep this country safe, but we see how they are treated. Who will want to do that job?
Fixin'2do a binge on Francis Leader!👀⭐️✔️
You legend.
Youth wiling away their time- must get boring after awhile- one hopes the jokes and selfies and selfishness transforms into something more than depression and anger. Tools of thought are being stolen by Grammarly and ChatGPT leading many down the primrose path. Scary and invigorating at the same time when you see all the ways it's being used to enhance education.
I like that, the Substack ghetto. You know what happens to people in a ghetto. It's still only the internet and happily found you! It was in the small rooms of the Dark Ages that kept much alive. But this is far from the dark ages.- just so much available to learn and you help connect us to that. Perhaps the best investment today is a printer and a Kindle publishing account. Being under observation, and de-platformed are nuisances and financial losses, yet the small businesses that no longer exist create huge voids of creativity and choice. Yes, a beautiful literary prison with communication flourishing. It is so wonderful to read the comments and responses and your amazing writing.. Such intelligence compared to any other social media. Luckily, found and spreading.
I grew up alongside a neighbor who took part in the phoenix program. He used to chop wood with his bare hands in his front yard - and later on appeared on a popular network t.v. game show with his actress wife...
Great. So now, just like with another outspoken friend of mine's page, I'm having to "re-authenticate" who I am before I can get into your page.
FUck Stubshack.
So sorry about your loss. It should never have happened. And I agree that the responsibility lies with the actor, the corporations - but somebody must have known. The government regulators and company heads almost certainly knew : 'm sure all the men on that rig didn't die simultaneously: why weren't the subsequent deaths investigated? It is a trap: people whose livelihoods and family welfare depend on the income are not in a position to be too inquisitive and reactive: they tend to be trusting, and that is normal. I remember when this story came out, and there are many similar: Teflon got away with mass murder. No corporation should be trusted on their word. Ever.
Good article, Kitten! xx
Yes, in the USA the Students for Democratic Action was an amazing organization. One of the leaders at University told me he was sought out and employed by the government to monitor and direct . It was an organization to avoid. The government was happy to get rid of people who were anti-Vietnam by sending them overseas as soldiers or Peace Corps Volunteers. Keeping your head low is a good policy, and along comes SubStack and you're really out there. Now we all gather around knowing we're more public than ever and sharing frightening realities and amazing experiences. What can we share and employ to bring health, sanity and truth? Where are the young? What's next?
On Substack we are not at all public. We are in a ghetto, under observation but with extremely limited reach. We have been corralled here by being de-platformed from everywhere else. This is a literary prison. When you ask "Where are the young?" I am inclined to answer:
On Tiktok, WhatsApp, Discord and Instagram swapping selfies and jokes. They are not interested in anything that requires more than 2 minutes of attention span.
Sadly, once again you are bang on the money. Respect & X 2 All
Wow! Didn't see this coming. Thanks!
Likewise, precisely. And not a soul on this planet knows where I am.
Which why I ask, a question directed at anybody who understands surveilance, can a mobile phone be traced inexpensively while switched off, or does one have to remove the sim card? Failing that, is there a material (lead?) which will screen a mobile phone from satellite monitoring? Or is there a mobile phone variety that cannot be traced.
If the signal can reach you then the mobile phone can be traced. I have been told that even when switched off there are 'back doors'.... For absolute security, you would be better equipped with a CB radio for communications. I have never taken a mobile phone or a vehicle or any kind of official ID on an action.
Thanks Frances. That confirms what I have been led to believe. Military recommend I use 2x radio, including ham, and SW for news reception. Gotta save up for these too. Sigh.
By the way, it is begining to look like the democide came in two coordinated deliveries, flu and mRNA.
I don't agree with your final comment there.
The flu is sensitivity to electro-magnetic radiation and mRNA vaccines are a decoy.
I lost my grandfather in the 1918 flu. He was a JAG lawyer and at the time was nowhere near the front or EMF devices, if such had been invented by 1918. By 1957 I was building radios and I know there were no such components available at that time. Secondly, it is Rotchschild tradition to always apply multiple functions to every strategy. It is fact that the flu vaccine contains toxins and five Australian children were killed by this before authorities ceased counting. The paediatrician who publicised the deaths is still being hounded. Moreover, the evidence shows more then one toxin in the flu shots. In 2010 I interviewed a Queensland lady who was struck down by the shots and never recovered. She lived way beyond any EMF in hinterland Queensland. Ergo, the evidence points to multiple weaponising, not just one.
Radio masts caused the Spanish flu. Radio waves are also EMFs.
Next time I provide a link, please read it before replying. The content of your reply revealed that you ignored the link I sent you. I don't like my time and effort being wasted.
I reckon it's a multiple attack. Why push tbe vaccines so relentlessly if they aren't a weapon? Plus they were used to tag people as commodities rather than as humans - or so I read a while back though have seen no update on this recently.
They were pushed to cover for the damage being done by 5G.
Everyone should be an activist in a manner and to a degree appropriate to them. There is no excuse not to be informed about and condemn what is happening in the world - the injustice, the brutality, the inequality , environmental degradation and nuclear weapons proliferation is the business and responsibility of every mentally competent person, because without explicit or tacit approval ( lack of awareness and feedback) none of it could happen.
I agreed right to the very last phrase and then I was askance. There is a great deal going on which is kept secret because nobody would approve if they had the slightest clue. Take this one example from my experience. All oil and gas wells are radioactive. I know this now BUT in 1974-1982 when my husband was working on North Sea oil rigs, neither of us had a foggy clue and neither did any of the regular crew men. I read everything that BP sent to my husband, and believe me they sent a lot of bumph all the time. Not once did they mention that the well, the rig and all the equipment and drilling muds were totally contaminated with radioactivity. That sort of thing meant that my husband died early of cancer and so did a number of his workmates. There was no explicit or tacit approval, no awareness or feedback and yes.... it happened and still happens now.
I was in a very small boat with a head Greenpeace guy some years ago. We'd done a lot of work together to (supposedly) stop clear cutting ancient old growth. Like 500+ yr old growth trees.
At one point he told me, that if he told me what was "really going on", I'd be "done away with", and that I didn't/shouldn't want to know.
He was only 34 when he died 2 years later.
That's when I learned the Choices.
The Powers-That-Should-Not-Be, pay attention to numbers, and leaders with a sizeable following and a lot of influence will either become martyrs or tools. Dead or Alive.
Especially the more charismatic ones
First they're invited to join their cult... Freemasonry. If they go along with it, they will have everything they desire. If not, then things will not end well for them.
It is not as simple as that. There are many cults, some more dangerous than others. Jesuits are probably the worst of all because they are in charge of many educational facilities, secret services worldwide and the NATO military.
True. But you don't see Jesuits recruiting civilians like freemasons.
Yes they do recruit and influence millions of people! They call the civilian troops the Vanguard. The Vanguard is taught to keep records, diaries, newspaper cuttings and gathering intel such as names, addresses and phone numbers of dissidents. I don't think you realise how huge the Vanguard actually is....
You bet I don't, but I have an idea. Their power didn't come out of thin air and they do anything to keep it.
You should have moved to San Francisco that day and took acid. Someone would have brought you a sandwich in Golden gate Park... would have been peanut butter and jelly -you would have written a book about it. ... you would have moved to Woodside years later and lived by Shirley Temple ((she would have been your neighbor.))
🤣😂🙄 What? And miss all the fun I have had here in Europe? Not a chance! I never fancied moving to the USA. It didn't appeal to me, not even slightly. I knew from a very young age that the City of London was the motherload and that has been my focus ever since.
Call me the pinstripe spy.... read my autobiography:
Not the USA silly ...San Francisco 😭
Oh? Is it considered to be a foreign country? Mind you some of the recent images I have seen....
Yes San Francisco traditionally has been like foreign territory at least since the time period you're talking about to most heartland Americans so to speak
London's finest musicians relocated to San Francisco in the 1960s. The first to go was Fleetwood Mac, soon followed by Peter Frampton. Neither of them succeeded in their musical careers there until 1975 which was when they produced music I remember from the Marquee Club circa 1966.
That era is fascinating to me I really enjoy talking to people that are 8 to 15 years my senior and just listening to their stories. I went to a few shows at the Fillmore. And this isn't a rock band but I saw James Brown at the maritime
Spoken by a true warrior. Blessings to You.
My brother died at 54, and I know in my heart it was from Nam.
Was he injured in Vietnam? What happened?
He was never that healthy person he was before the war. His life beyond 40 was a calamity of rare bodily issues that eventually cost him his life. I will leave it at that. Something in Nam was toxic.
Operation Popeye.
Switzerland is far more corrupt than any of the countries that surround it. I really think you should pay attention to Sean Hross who escaped Switzerland but is hounded like an outlaw for telling the truth about that country!
If you want the best example of bottom up democracy you have to look at Libya pre NATO destruction:
A back and forth interview with Hross and Leader would be epic! No cowards allowed to view.
Sean Hross did a great interview with Roseanne Barr. Did you see that?
Unfortunately it has been removed by You Tube.
Sean is very hard to pin down for a chat. I have only communicated with him by email until now.
Yes on Hross Barr interview, I saw it. Leader and Hross interview would be a sight to behold!
The ruler always assumes innocence.
You should note that the 2nd video was about bottom up democracy and was not about your precious Switzerland.
Your remarks about Sean Hross were crass and indicated your severe prejudice.
Sean doesn't even smoke! Your assumptions are based on some obscure association you suffer from and not related to Sean in any way. Please go away and believe me when I say that I understand when a person who only smokes joints and yet is called a junkie might want to throttle you. I would.
This thing really distrubs me. I have 2 military men. They volunteered to help keep this country safe, but we see how they are treated. Who will want to do that job?