This new 10 hour 25 minute epic masterpiece comes to us from Sean Hross.
He says “The processing of this video took 62 hours, in which my laptop with i7 processors worked nonstop day and night for two and half days and nights, and needing the fans of two external ventilators running without pause to cool the computer down - talking about the shit hitting the fan, huh.”
Famous for his exposure of Swiss influences and deceptions, Sean Hross has educated many of us in the alternative community.
His videos, over the recent decade, have raised shock and outrage among the indoctrinated, but eyebrows of curiosity among the open minded.
His YouTube channels have been censored and removed but he rebuilds them and continues to press his case. He supports his hypotheses with compelling evidence.
Now aged 60, on the run from the Swiss authorities, he has been camping and recording interesting monologues describing relevant locations, symbols, logos and personages.
I got in touch with him during the lockdowns of 2020 via email. I had realised that he has no bank account, no passport and no income. In France, at the time, he could not even be seen on the roads or buy anything from a shop.
He is, effectively, an outcast or fugitive purely because the truth he tells is unpalatable for the Black Nobility, who he calls the Pharaohs.
He told me that he was exhausted and frustrated with the lack of hospitality resulting from the lockdowns.
I scoured my activist network and soon contacted French Yellow Vest campaigners near to where he was camping. Thankfully, they found him a job caring for an elderly relative in exchange for accommodation, food and use of the internet. Maybe a little cash too. He was secure there throughout the lockdowns, able to keep in touch with his adult children and continue with his project.
Last year he was interviewed by Roseanne Barr and he told his story, giving his opinions with great candour here:
The community is downloading everything he creates and storing these precious snippets of knowledge on alternative video sites like Odyssey & Rumble. One Israeli supporter has been very thorough and created a whole channel of everything he could find here:
The following upload dated 15th August 2021, deals with teaching an understanding of the symbols employed by the British Royal family. It is extremely important that people realise what the United Kingdom really means.
Sean says of this video: “This is what led to two World Wars, because Pharaoh's Nobility had an internal struggle, for which millions had to die. The true reasons of two World Wars revealed; it was just because of an internal struggle over power of Pharaoh's Aristocracy, for which millions had to die. Now, stand up against this evil, people, it's now or never!”
I anticipated that the channel/videos may be deleted by YouTube and therefore I mirrored the video here for safe keeping:
On 22nd November 2022 Sean uploaded this new video:
He says: “I filmed this video one and half years ago in the spring of 2021 and going deeper into the evil organisations and their operations behind the screens related to the nefarious status quo in the world. This is the very first time I upload this video on Youtube, and I welcome you to its Premiere two and half years later, due to the difficult circumstances I'm forced to live under. I had uploaded many more Templar Commanderies, but Fucktube took 'em off, as they were on my deleted Giureh N° 1 channel - you must thank Swissy for that. Fucktube permits all these Pinklistkillers, Killer Cops and Lying Politicians on their platform, but if you film something normal like some historical Templar sites, it gets taken off; the whole world is upside down, and we must turn it right again, and nobody else is going to do that for us - no authorities nor their miraculous invisible Pharaonic state gods will do that for us.”
Sean and I do not see eye to eye on one important matter.
He believes, and reiterates in the above video, that European women are in some sort of “alliance” with the Pharaohs and I wrote to him about that claim as follows:
“Misogynist and racist as ever! 🤨
Women don't have an 'alliance' with the masters! What a bitter reject you seem! Did a woman knock you back, by any chance? Women keep the home fires burning, the farms running, the supplies coming to the men. Women birth you, nurture you and care for you all the days of your life but you misinterpret this as domination?
That is so twisted!
The French did have a resistance! They did not lay down and kiss the feet of their oppressors. Why do you disbelieve their history? Why are you so racist against them? You provide no evidence suggesting that the French resistance is a myth. Your version of European history is tainted by your own prejudices and experiences.
Yes, the Swiss Templars were powerful, but what about the Templars who hijacked the City of London's law by establishing the Temple Bar where all lawyers and barristers, worldwide swear their allegiance to the Crown Corporation? Don't they merit a mention? They pulled the greatest of confidence tricks on us all. They sign all legal documents, like the US Declaration of Independence, but the signatories are all from the same Temple Bar and that renders the treaties and agreements invalid. Nothing more than internal memos within the Crown Corporation!
Finally, while I have your attention..... I did notice you using my anagram LONE SKUM on another recent video. So I guess that means you have been following my work.... which is some small delight to me.
I am still following you, because you are doing a great job showing the evidence of the Templar secret society and the Black Nobility control grid.
You see?
I, a woman, am not entirely your enemy!
But whenever you slip up and demonstrate the deep mistrust you have for women and certain entire countries - well, I have to object. I am sure you would not expect me to do otherwise.
Oh, and do not assume that it is because I am a dominating woman!
It is because I love you and want you to be recognised for the great warrior of historical truth that you are. I want you to be seen and heard but if you keep offending half the world's population with your idiotic assumption that all women are in an alliance with the predator class pharaohs you will continue in the little league and never be acceptable as a fully rational adult.”
Sean will respond in his usual gruff manner.
He always does, but that has not intimidated me in the past and certainly won’t be driving a wedge between us now.
I hope you will subscribe to his You Tube channel and even try to find some of his other videos. They are all packed with history, art, architecture and knowledge unlike anything you will find anywhere else.
Sean is a force of nature and I would not wish him to change in any way.
Here is another You Tube channel that Sean Hross uses: HomieLand Sickurity.
He uploaded this video there 2 weeks ago. It covers the characters involved in Ukraine.
I wrote about the symbols of Ukraine here:
Why are the Swiss fighting men so revered, even guarding the Pope in the modern Vatican?
Learn the origins of mercenaries, the Landsknechts: