I haven't watched the 10 hour video yet but I think Sean Hross might be overlooking the Sodomite aspect of the symbolism (second link). This link from Sharin Borslien/Sharine Wonders on Substack.
Ok, fine, but he's literally wondering around play grounds counting squares and circles at one point in those vids. There's nothing narrow about punk/reggae/ dance hall, it's a huge push back. The artists who carried communities through those dark ages did it with out recognition and little reward. The attitude that I'd like to contribute to is one of dignity in the face of overwhelming odds but we've been here before, what to do? "Follow the gourd, no no follow the sandle, the holy sandle of Jerusalem!" To quote Spike Milligan.
He has studied the way that things are designed and constructed to convey 'magic' meaning. The principles he is expanding upon show us that even the innocents are being mind controlled with symbolism and nobody realises it.
He is showing that the Masons have always used construction, since the time of Babylon and the Tower of Babel, to lay man's stamp on nature. It may all seem of minor interest to you but it has deep significance psychologically.
Music has always pushed back against the predator class. Even in medieval times, there were protest songs! It did not begin with punk, reggae or in any modern dance hall.
How much influence did those protest songs have to stop the domination of everything natural?
None. Zilch. Zero.
My generation were singing "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot" and "you are the voice, try and understand it, make a noise and make it clear" and "Something inside so strong" decades before punk. Music is not going to save the world but genuine historical education might just stop us from permanently repeating it.
I would pay per view a interview with Leader and Hross. A alpha male and a fearless woman. If Hross uttered any misogyny against women, it would take a dozen men to hold Frances Leader back!
"European women are in some sort of “alliance” with the Pharaohs "
The same undue generalization is made right at the beginning of the video: "Swissyland is the Beast, with its inhabitants consciously making the alliance with the forces of evil...". Those two basic and childish errors of judgment do not encourage me to follow him any further. Stating that the two World Wars were the result of an internal struggle within Pharaoh's Nobility completely disregards the strategic "harvests", as Rabbi Eichorn would have put it, that fulfill precise milestones of the Globalist project. Moreover, his Pharaoh's concept is a little too vague to be useful and putting secondary actors at the forefront (Templars) only dilutes any real understanding of the world conspiracy. There are too many front concepts playing the role of trees hiding the forest: the Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, The Round Table, the Neoconservatives, the Vatican, the Templars, the Black Nobility, the Jesuits, the Pilgrims Society etc... Advertising any of those actors serves only one purpose: divide and confuse. The world conspiracy, which is centuries-old and now reaching its end stage, is the fruit of a powerful and dark ideology that none of the above entities possesses to justify transhumanism and the destruction of humanity.
As you saw in my message to Sean I agree that misogyny and racism and generalisations discourage people from supporting him. However I think his choice of naming the dark ideology Pharaoh bloodlines or nobility is far from vague. It pinpoints the source. Unfortunately historical opinions are too various about the civilisation which built the Pyramids. Some recent studies attest that the work is far older than previously presumed. Pre-12,000 years ago, or maybe much more. I have been fascinated to listen to Graham Hancock's opinions.
But - I am unsure if the current global rulers actually descend from the ancient civilisation which built the pyramids and therefore claim the 'right to rule'.
Furthermore, why did they decide to build the BIS in Basel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements) and not in Geneva, where all the main globalist institutions are located? Maybe, because the Tower of Basel would then phonetically evoke the Tower of Babel, their ancestors' global project in defiance to God.
Transhumanism, the central piece of the actual globalist project, is also in defiance to God, as it reflects their satanic will to mess up with His creation. It can be seen as a sort of Babel 2.0 and the revenge of Nimrod's ancestors against their enemy, God. Babylon is also the origin of the Synagogue of Satan and the world is today under the control of the descendants of those that Jesus admonished in John 8:44 and whose most cunning trick is to persuade you that they are Jews. Jews and Gentiles then fall under the control of antisemitism that they preciously cultivate through their ADL.
Yes, I too read all Carlos Casteneda's books back in the 70s. The rest of your links are also very familiar to me. The EU building in Strasbourg and the Tower of Basel are the most glaringly obvious symbols in memory of Nimrod. I had not connected transhumanism but now that you have said that, it is obvious too.
I could not figure out why Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, was angry with God and wanted to rule the world until I read this, written in the 1st century by Flavius Josephus:
"Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness.
He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power.
He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers.
Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water.
When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he caused a tumult among them, by producing in them diverse languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another.
The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion ..."
Sean is very difficult to influence. He sticks with only two external sites. Wikipedia and You Tube. I asked him why and he said that he does not want to be tracked. I did say that both those sites are establishment controlled but I am a woman and he seems to think we are malevolent on the whole. You might get a completely open and friendly response out of him if you were to comment on his You Tube channel.
Even though I have helped him, he treats me with great suspicion!
The solution his fans have found is to download his videos as soon as he uploads them to You Tube and then we make copies on our own channels. He approves of that! (saints preserve us!) 🤣😂
"but I am a woman and he seems to think we are malevolent on the whole."
(...And yet, he sits down for a long interview with Rosanne? WTF). Anyway, sounds like he's got major trauma. That's unfortunate, because it will affect his judgement.
He wanted the publicity that Roseanne can provide, plus can you imagine any man having the bottle to tell Roseanne that she is fundamentally malevolent? I would LOVE to see the resulting rage that silly bugger ignites! lol
Who knows, she might agree. If she did, and is aware of that quality of herself, she might well be able to act in spite of it.
Everybody faces the same dilemma, there's a monkey mind lurking beneath the surface of all of us, and until you learn about it, and how to control it, it rules you.
For evidence: Go talk to some normies for a few hours about what they think should be done to "improve the world".
Sure, ok, but try and think a little less literally, this particular tune is from 1990, I heard it then as I was digging into my brother's vinyl, I was 20 years old, my oh so subtle point in using a pop song as a comment was more along the lines of " should we be getting excited about this South African dude at all? After all Lee Perry's been banging on about Revelations since the early seventies and at least you can have a bit of a dance to it, what's the gig with this guy? " . That's all, lighten up man, whole things fkd anyway.
You are narrowing a 10.5 hr video down to one song? Are you taking the piss?
Lee Perry's music is great, admittedly, but can he convey as much historical evidence as Sean Hross compiles in his videos?
You dismiss the vast majority of his work and focus on his discussion of Revelation only! That is unbelievably ignorant.
Sure, "the whole thing is fucked" - we all know that. Some of us heard Lee Perry from the 70s and many other musicians too, but I don't recollect any artist talking about how religion and politics were hijacked by secret societies under the auspices of bloodlines which claim descendance from an ancient civilisation located in Egypt. I don't recall anyone telling us how symbols have been used like a secret code or how the British royals have dominion over all 5 eyes nations without them even knowing it.
Sean Hross is a 60 year old man who has dedicated his life and risked his safety to bring essential facts out of the shadows. He makes NOTHING from it and nobody pays him to strum a guitar while smoking pot on stages in front of audiences who are too smashed to know the significance of the lyrics.
.....THANK you for this compendium, Frances - watched one of his videos two-plus years ago, and it was my FIRST exposure to the Swiss deception; 'Coronagate' follows up on a LOT of his disclosures.....SAFE to say that Roseanne hasn't EVER looked MORE Native American, than in her interview with Sean.....
He is a lot more stable atm. Hence the sudden rush of videos being uploaded. The lockdown period was difficult, but moving around is not too bad now if you have friends with vehicles to help.
Why are the Swiss fighting men so revered, even guarding the Pope in the modern Vatican?
Learn the origins of mercenaries, the Landsknechts:
Here is another You Tube channel that Sean Hross uses: HomieLand Sickurity.
He uploaded this video there 2 weeks ago. It covers the characters involved in Ukraine.
I wrote about the symbols of Ukraine here:
I haven't watched the 10 hour video yet but I think Sean Hross might be overlooking the Sodomite aspect of the symbolism (second link). This link from Sharin Borslien/Sharine Wonders on Substack.
Brilliant article, never throw the baby out with the bath water.
Ok, fine, but he's literally wondering around play grounds counting squares and circles at one point in those vids. There's nothing narrow about punk/reggae/ dance hall, it's a huge push back. The artists who carried communities through those dark ages did it with out recognition and little reward. The attitude that I'd like to contribute to is one of dignity in the face of overwhelming odds but we've been here before, what to do? "Follow the gourd, no no follow the sandle, the holy sandle of Jerusalem!" To quote Spike Milligan.
It's not a piss take, just perspective.
He has studied the way that things are designed and constructed to convey 'magic' meaning. The principles he is expanding upon show us that even the innocents are being mind controlled with symbolism and nobody realises it.
He is showing that the Masons have always used construction, since the time of Babylon and the Tower of Babel, to lay man's stamp on nature. It may all seem of minor interest to you but it has deep significance psychologically.
Music has always pushed back against the predator class. Even in medieval times, there were protest songs! It did not begin with punk, reggae or in any modern dance hall.
How much influence did those protest songs have to stop the domination of everything natural?
None. Zilch. Zero.
My generation were singing "they paved paradise and put up a parking lot" and "you are the voice, try and understand it, make a noise and make it clear" and "Something inside so strong" decades before punk. Music is not going to save the world but genuine historical education might just stop us from permanently repeating it.
Love and truth transcend duality, patience
.... patience helps when gold panning.
Of course! Hence my persistence in supporting and promoting Sean's work. He is an alpha male with hang ups. I have known many....
I would pay per view a interview with Leader and Hross. A alpha male and a fearless woman. If Hross uttered any misogyny against women, it would take a dozen men to hold Frances Leader back!
"European women are in some sort of “alliance” with the Pharaohs "
The same undue generalization is made right at the beginning of the video: "Swissyland is the Beast, with its inhabitants consciously making the alliance with the forces of evil...". Those two basic and childish errors of judgment do not encourage me to follow him any further. Stating that the two World Wars were the result of an internal struggle within Pharaoh's Nobility completely disregards the strategic "harvests", as Rabbi Eichorn would have put it, that fulfill precise milestones of the Globalist project. Moreover, his Pharaoh's concept is a little too vague to be useful and putting secondary actors at the forefront (Templars) only dilutes any real understanding of the world conspiracy. There are too many front concepts playing the role of trees hiding the forest: the Bilderberg, the Trilateral Commission, The Round Table, the Neoconservatives, the Vatican, the Templars, the Black Nobility, the Jesuits, the Pilgrims Society etc... Advertising any of those actors serves only one purpose: divide and confuse. The world conspiracy, which is centuries-old and now reaching its end stage, is the fruit of a powerful and dark ideology that none of the above entities possesses to justify transhumanism and the destruction of humanity.
As you saw in my message to Sean I agree that misogyny and racism and generalisations discourage people from supporting him. However I think his choice of naming the dark ideology Pharaoh bloodlines or nobility is far from vague. It pinpoints the source. Unfortunately historical opinions are too various about the civilisation which built the Pyramids. Some recent studies attest that the work is far older than previously presumed. Pre-12,000 years ago, or maybe much more. I have been fascinated to listen to Graham Hancock's opinions.
But - I am unsure if the current global rulers actually descend from the ancient civilisation which built the pyramids and therefore claim the 'right to rule'.
Thank you for this interesting link. It reminded me of Carlos Castaneda's books that I read voraciously many years ago. I wouldn't speculate about the ancient civilisation that built the pyramids, but I can say, for sure, that the symbolism of the pyramid is cherished and valued by the Globalists (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Israel_Supreme_Court.jpg). They also seem to cherish their Babylonian ancestors, as you mentioned in one of your previous articles (Nimrod). This is reflected in the architecture of parliament building of the E.U., the first bloc of their globalized vision of the world: http://www.suesterling.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/European-Parliament-building-in-Strasbourg-France.-17.07.12.jpg See the similarity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tower_of_Babel
Furthermore, why did they decide to build the BIS in Basel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bank_for_International_Settlements) and not in Geneva, where all the main globalist institutions are located? Maybe, because the Tower of Basel would then phonetically evoke the Tower of Babel, their ancestors' global project in defiance to God.
Transhumanism, the central piece of the actual globalist project, is also in defiance to God, as it reflects their satanic will to mess up with His creation. It can be seen as a sort of Babel 2.0 and the revenge of Nimrod's ancestors against their enemy, God. Babylon is also the origin of the Synagogue of Satan and the world is today under the control of the descendants of those that Jesus admonished in John 8:44 and whose most cunning trick is to persuade you that they are Jews. Jews and Gentiles then fall under the control of antisemitism that they preciously cultivate through their ADL.
Yes, I too read all Carlos Casteneda's books back in the 70s. The rest of your links are also very familiar to me. The EU building in Strasbourg and the Tower of Basel are the most glaringly obvious symbols in memory of Nimrod. I had not connected transhumanism but now that you have said that, it is obvious too.
I could not figure out why Nimrod, the great grandson of Noah, was angry with God and wanted to rule the world until I read this, written in the 1st century by Flavius Josephus:
"Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it were through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness.
He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power.
He also said he would be revenged on God, if he should have a mind to drown the world again; for that he would build a tower too high for the waters to reach. And that he would avenge himself on God for destroying their forefathers.
Now the multitude were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod, and to esteem it a piece of cowardice to submit to God; and they built a tower, neither sparing any pains, nor being in any degree negligent about the work: and, by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it, it grew very high, sooner than any one could expect; but the thickness of it was so great, and it was so strongly built, that thereby its great height seemed, upon the view, to be less than it really was. It was built of burnt brick, cemented together with mortar, made of bitumen, that it might not be liable to admit water.
When God saw that they acted so madly, he did not resolve to destroy them utterly, since they were not grown wiser by the destruction of the former sinners; but he caused a tumult among them, by producing in them diverse languages, and causing that, through the multitude of those languages, they should not be able to understand one another.
The place wherein they built the tower is now called Babylon, because of the confusion of that language which they readily understood before; for the Hebrews mean by the word Babel, confusion ..."
I am grateful for this article. I have known his video's for years, was wondering who he was, never seen a photo of him.
This helps.
Someone tell him about Odysee and Bitchute.
Sean is very difficult to influence. He sticks with only two external sites. Wikipedia and You Tube. I asked him why and he said that he does not want to be tracked. I did say that both those sites are establishment controlled but I am a woman and he seems to think we are malevolent on the whole. You might get a completely open and friendly response out of him if you were to comment on his You Tube channel.
Even though I have helped him, he treats me with great suspicion!
The solution his fans have found is to download his videos as soon as he uploads them to You Tube and then we make copies on our own channels. He approves of that! (saints preserve us!) 🤣😂
"but I am a woman and he seems to think we are malevolent on the whole."
(...And yet, he sits down for a long interview with Rosanne? WTF). Anyway, sounds like he's got major trauma. That's unfortunate, because it will affect his judgement.
Regardless, thanks for the infos
Rosanne looks like a witch to me. I never liked her. A poor excuse for a human.
He wanted the publicity that Roseanne can provide, plus can you imagine any man having the bottle to tell Roseanne that she is fundamentally malevolent? I would LOVE to see the resulting rage that silly bugger ignites! lol
Who knows, she might agree. If she did, and is aware of that quality of herself, she might well be able to act in spite of it.
Everybody faces the same dilemma, there's a monkey mind lurking beneath the surface of all of us, and until you learn about it, and how to control it, it rules you.
For evidence: Go talk to some normies for a few hours about what they think should be done to "improve the world".
Oh good grief, no! Me? Talk to normies? {{{shudders}}}
I know, I know...
Everything needs a sound track. If I might humbly suggest.
Sure, ok, but try and think a little less literally, this particular tune is from 1990, I heard it then as I was digging into my brother's vinyl, I was 20 years old, my oh so subtle point in using a pop song as a comment was more along the lines of " should we be getting excited about this South African dude at all? After all Lee Perry's been banging on about Revelations since the early seventies and at least you can have a bit of a dance to it, what's the gig with this guy? " . That's all, lighten up man, whole things fkd anyway.
You are narrowing a 10.5 hr video down to one song? Are you taking the piss?
Lee Perry's music is great, admittedly, but can he convey as much historical evidence as Sean Hross compiles in his videos?
You dismiss the vast majority of his work and focus on his discussion of Revelation only! That is unbelievably ignorant.
Sure, "the whole thing is fucked" - we all know that. Some of us heard Lee Perry from the 70s and many other musicians too, but I don't recollect any artist talking about how religion and politics were hijacked by secret societies under the auspices of bloodlines which claim descendance from an ancient civilisation located in Egypt. I don't recall anyone telling us how symbols have been used like a secret code or how the British royals have dominion over all 5 eyes nations without them even knowing it.
Sean Hross is a 60 year old man who has dedicated his life and risked his safety to bring essential facts out of the shadows. He makes NOTHING from it and nobody pays him to strum a guitar while smoking pot on stages in front of audiences who are too smashed to know the significance of the lyrics.
.....THANK you for this compendium, Frances - watched one of his videos two-plus years ago, and it was my FIRST exposure to the Swiss deception; 'Coronagate' follows up on a LOT of his disclosures.....SAFE to say that Roseanne hasn't EVER looked MORE Native American, than in her interview with Sean.....
Yeah, I love that wig! xx
Love Sean, been following him for years.
As long as the people believe that SARSCov2 is a respiratory 'virus' big P-Harma will continue to make a killing in both senses of the word.
He is a lot more stable atm. Hence the sudden rush of videos being uploaded. The lockdown period was difficult, but moving around is not too bad now if you have friends with vehicles to help.