
The top ten UK nanotech companies are all very small with less than 48 employees and NOT ONE of them is manufacturing nanotech for medical products. All are for industrial purposes.

So shillies.... what have you got to say now?

You might need to get together for a pow-wow because you are EXPOSED.


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This short film (12 mins) is worth watching.... 1968!!


I got it from a comment on Proton Magic's post today in which he casts some doubt on Vril Maiden Dr Ana Mihalcea! It seems we are on the same wavelength atm!: https://protonmagic.substack.com/p/edta-trick-or-treat

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Pinned

This video was submitted by Angie as a better explanation of Sabrina's message:


It is very useful from the 20th minute forward BUT the implementation of nanotech in healthy people has NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE.

From the 50th minute the video has diverted to talk about mRNA vaccine injuries and that is when the commentary is PURE SPECULATION. Yes, we know that the vaccine formula contains hydrogel but we DO NOT know that the hydrogel conceals self-assembling nanotech or graphene particles. Any substance dried out on a microscope slide will present crystallised metals and salts! I have seen them myself back in the 70s when I was studying biology!

A couple investigating all vaccines in Italy discovered particulates of multiple metals in the vials. Their lab was shut down by authorities and their equipment confiscated.

So this is NOT a new thing at all.


From the 59th minute the narrative recommends Dr Ian Akyldiz's work. I researched him and his studies. He is developing to HEAL sick people and NOT to deliver nanotech to the entire population. I noticed the narrative quickly skipped on to talk about MAC addresses detected by Bluetooth Low Energy Smart Ready (BLE), in people who had taken a PCR test or vaccine. This information only tells us that authorities are able to identify and monitor who has had a vaccine - it does not suggest that the tech is a sign of self-assembling devices within the body. The non-vaccinated are not shown to be BLE active.

The MAC addresses are not randomised. Logic tells you that BLE is picking up a different marker each time! Apparently there are many markers in mRNA vaccines.

More terrorising speculations follow about BLE hacking and transhumanism..... ffs.

The narrator then returns to scare us into believing that MOF tech is being added to food via pesticides!

Zero Trust Architecture is a cyber security approach which means not trusting ANYTHING or ANYONE. Surely this is paranoia gone extreme? Forcing us to feel more and more isolated like people in Orwell's 1984. Providing proof of identity protects us from identity theft. It is more important now due to the development of internet transactions. Yes, we NEED to be able to securely identify ourselves.

The "Gaming the Future" book only scares those who have Zero Trust..... hmm!

Finally, the video looks at CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency, which is already with us in contactless cards and potentially in implants.

Biological Digital Convergence (courtesy of Bill Gates) gets a mention - but has only been added as a postscript which goes NOWHERE except into our consciousness as YET ANOTHER thing to be very afraid of.....

So...... Do you NOW see why I am furious with Sabrina and all the nano-graphene-self assembly panic merchants? I hope you do.

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Again.... medical situations ONE AT A TIME and not vast numbers for vaccines. How often do I need to emphasise this?

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You mentioned David Hughes. In this latest video at the 39 minutes mark he discusses the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. There are college textbooks which prove that the Internet of Bio-Nano Things is already functioning. It's called the WBAN. Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz explains in his lectures that the Covid-19 MRNA vaccines are nanotechnology for monitoring health. You have to put the enormous amount of time into watching these videos which provide tons of proof.


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I am waiting for YOU or ANYONE to answer my damned logistics questions.

Until I get an answer on that issue I am not engaging further because you and the college textbooks DO NOT SAY WHAT YOU THINK THEY DO.

Got it this time, Angie?

I fucking hope so.

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Frances I sent a PM to you did you get a chance to look at it? Thanks

I will tread lightly I really like your info Sister and a good friend is how I found out about your substack. Peace

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Frances, I'm NOT very techy. You seem to have a handle on this. It's my thought that IF somebody has nano tech inside of their body, It could be EASILY dismantled by going thru an MRI machine. Same premise as putting giant magnets next to your hard drive & wiping it. No more self assembly for the bots. (IF that were a thing)

What NEVER made sense to me is that The earth has a magnetic field... THIS too could potentially corrupt any said bots theoretically....Yet our computers are NOT effected. Hmmm.

Are their bots or is this just another part of corrupted consciousness files??

I believe they are moving us towards the Internet of Bodies ... But not as they are telling us.

Are we not already biological A.I. running programs? Are they simply moving us from analog to digital in this convergence ??

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Magnetism is the thing that electricity travels along in the air. So without enough charge in the atmosphere there is no damage to computers unless there is a major solar storm and then there could quite easily be damage to all microchips. All electrical devices also use shielding . This protects the circuits from electro conductivity in the local environment. But again, should that electroconductivity become high enough, it would overcome the shield.

In respect of nanobots, they are made of carbon nano tubes. While they are not affected by magnetism directly, they can receive a charge from an external source. So atmospheric magnetism will not affect them, neither will an MRI scan.

With that said, electro-magnetic waves can transmit electricity to a nano-particle or bot. It is unlikely that there is enough funding to create sufficient nanobots to inject the entire world multiple times.

Blood clotting itself is one of the symptoms of EMF pollution. Nanobots are NOT NECESSARY for that to happen.

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You Rock Frances! I appreciate you breaking this down for me...I was way off base in my thinking that magnets play a role! I'll have to look into this "shielding" Thanks!

I wasn't looking at nanobots as carbon nano tubes. But as REAL little micro self assembling robots. In fact. Carbon 6CO a health supplement is MADE out of these nanotubes ....Uhg...Science!

Enter solar flares & we have a self propelled natural born/kill CYCLE that is DEPENDENT on EMF !!


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i m just feeling much better now. There is no way they can know what we are doing a week before ...that would be placing them on footing with God Almighty and we know He is the ONLY one who really knows us!! Glory to the Father forever!!

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Dr Alkildiz literally said the COVID shots were for the Internet of Bodies (WBAN).

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Yes, I heard that too. However, as I stated above, the Bluetooth markers will do that so there is no need for them to be 'self-assembling' or physically damaging. According to the blurb in the video, these have a short life and are soon excreted (theoretically) so that might explain why there is a demand that we take regular boosters.

I guess that, soon, there will be a detector at hospitals, schools, colleges and shops which could deny access for anyone who does not have the correct markers.

But that is me speculating and I think we have enough of that going on already.

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I agree that this sounds unsustainable—almost like a stepping stone to the next phase of the plan.

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You’ll also notice the media is suddenly trashing the COVID shots...

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Are they? I never look at MSM. My blood pressure cannot cope.

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The ones that are a little more tabloidish have finally stopped making excuses and started highlighting people’s vaccine injury stories. More “academic” publications still have their virtue signaling base right where they want them.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Pinned




The Reality from Raytheon microwave weapon tech: youtu.be/hlmf032NmHU

and don't miss the funny interlude at - https://youtu.be/Ueze6ffBAU8


Read my previous angry post about effective resistance against all the damned fat controllers infecting our existence!


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Do you trust the work of La Quinta Columna Frances? It's hard to get to the truth anywhere. I don't trust any of those doctor types that you talk about. I trust my body to heal by itself once given the right conditions. I go by most of Barbara O'Neill's protocols

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La Quinta Columna were the first to draw my attention but I am not sure what they are actually finding in the vaccine vials. Any fluid, allowed to dry on a microscope slide will show crystalline structures. These are salts and minerals usually.

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"The predators do not need implants, augmentations, nano-bots in our blood, graphene in our brains or even fitbits on our wrists. All they have to do is drone over you and beam a 60 GHz electro-magnetic frequency in your general direction. They can do it via your smart phone too."

Sure, but why would they want to kill the host? They would much rather make it into a 6G Tower that feeds back information to them 24/7. That seems the whole genesis of Palantir, to be able to skip ahead of the trade. Just think of it as the newest form of quickest connection to be ahead of the market. Having bio-info would be a huge advantage.

Its easy enough to see that they are putting conductive carbon all around us and that there is much being added to the environment of the same. People as 6G towers is talked about in the mainstream now. I imagine there will be smart kids who have adapted to it and are able to transmit signal to their friends, aka hotspot ones.

I don't think it will work, but will instead kill the host. But who knows what is incarnating at the moment, maybe those who can handle it.

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From what I gather, Sabrina would be a ‘terrain” type with the added biofield auric worldview? Ardis develops speculative theories that make him sound like controlled opp at times.

However, Ardis and his research uncovered (for me) that the founders of MRNA are all heavily invested with patents and research on synthetic snake venom. I went and fact-checked that and found he’s correct about that part. There’s something in this over the target. Also, Dr. Rashid Buttar believed in the venom theory and look where he wound up.

Look at the link they found early on:


The patents are listed here:


This is wild too, using mRNA for snake bites. I hardly think that’s a coincidence:


Snake venoms and vaccines have a long history together. Its bamboozle is the original snake oil. Its not shocking that they would be using synthetic adaptions of it with mRNA and new forms of witches brew, so I find it perplexing that some are dismissive of the topic.

I don't really understand what exactly it is supposed to do, but I wouldn’t dismiss the occult aspect of it either.

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Dr Ardis is misleading.

The oldest documented natural healing systems in the world are Ayurvedic from India and TCM from China. In both we find toxins and poisonous substances used to stimulate a reaction in the body of patients who require help.

The theory is that a poison can jump-start a failing immune system. So when a person is not winning their fight against a pernicious external influence (a bacteria, mould or parasite) we administer a small dose of something violently aggressive which is guaranteed to elicit a clean up. For example: To clean the liver we prescribe dandelion root. To clean the kidney we prescribe fresh ginger root or privet seeds. To clean up radioactivity the Japanese used the ancient formula of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which is actually very toxic indeed and must be administered in a very controlled way.

You see? To clean the blood from something as powerful as snake venom or any synthetic copy of that we would need a slightly stronger poison.

I proved in Dec 2020 that the SARSCov2 vaccine contained a MAN MADE COMPUTER DESIGNED TOXIN which has never existed in life. I even got UK MHRA to confirm this! I was thrown off Twitter for publishing my email exchange with them.


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No kidding! I turned her on for all of 15 seconds and just a look at her told me she is not a well person, so why would I listen to her?

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(Banned)Sep 22
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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

What if..... 🤣😂🙄 says David....

What if I laugh in your face and ignore you in the same way that you are ignoring my questions?

What if every word that David Hughes says has been heard multiple times before and he has nothing new to tell me.

What if you, David and everyone else on that 5 hour plus video are a bunch of time wasting, overpaid shills?

I will tell you What if..... you will be blocked in ONE HOUR if you have failed to tell me where are the factories making nano tech by the multi-trillions and who is funding the work.

The top ten UK nanotech companies are all very small with less than 48 employees and NOT ONE of them is manufacturing nanotech for medical products. All are for industrial purposes.

So shillies.... what have you got to say now?

You might need to get together for a pow-wow because you are EXPOSED.




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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

Can you explain it to me like I'm a five year old? What do you mean she is extrapolating? Do you mean she is making generalizations?

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Not really. To extrapolate is to take some given truths and make a whole soap opera out of them. To augment reality with terrorising visualisations. To imagine the worst possible outcome.

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Thank you for saying what needed to be said. Wasn’t aware of the 60 ghz issue, though. Time to go rabbit hunting!

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Mind the mud down there! xx

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

My view is there are two issues - first being the 5G weapon system, which I feel Frances has proven, is what causes Covid.

Secondly, I believe the nanotech is real and its purpose is to build a connection to, what some are calling the “Hive Mind”. Essentially our thoughts and feelings will be centrally controlled.

As Max Igan has been saying for years, we need to put down the tech, anything that is smart needs to be rejected.

And some Drs, both medical and holistic have protocols for detoxification from the tech.

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We already have a Hive Mind. We call it the subconscious or the Oneness or even God. The Nobs want to create the Singularity so that they can upload their fetid psycho minds for perpetuity. Dumb shit like that boils my piss.

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I don't. I have to admit that I listened to Maria Zee in several interviews; Sabrina was a bit unclear to me right away (even though I work in the IT sector) so I stopped listening. None of that for very long - and that's because they complicate things. In fact, everything is very simple. And you are absolutely right - if they want to darken us - they will release frequencies that will destroy your immunity, or even worse. Everything they've sprayed in the air for years, and they keep doing it, will help them. As one of my acquaintances says - binary code is everywhere and there is no need to say anything else. Things are very simple. I wish you peace and well, dear Frances.

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My binary code is flashing along nicely, Alex! Thanks for the good wishes! xx

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I declare you an Holy and Good Witch, and all whom come against you may be impeded, paralysed, struck down by their own malevolence. You may claim the title of Bandruí of your locality. Anyone who contests this assertion must come to me in person and endure mortal combat, or their claim be in vain.

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Author

🤣😂 My holy parts are somewhat knackered these days! I do love the Knight in Shining Armour declaration though! That tickled me! 🤣😂

I had to look up Bandrui.... that is a female Druid. Such a huge compliment which I will wear with great pride! Thank you! xx

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

Not much we can do about a 60ghz drone or even a mast, firing something in our direction to do us in at any point, is there.

It is known that lipid nanoparticles exist and are being used in madical applications, so interact with that profession at your peril is my feeling on that.

I have looked at some of Wallace's stuff much earlier this year. I find her incomprehensible and don't waste my time. To me she seems somewhat unhinged, but i have no doubt that some of what she points out regarding IEEE etc is a fact and is being implemented as we sit here right now within the madical and MIC spheres and god knows where else. But, I do not waste any more time than I did back a while looking at her doing 'her thing' online.

All of those you mentioned I have glanced at here and there and find myself disinterested, seems to me they are just operating online businesses trying to extract money out of as many hapless individuals as possible, using their proclivity for facing a camera and talking into it.

The world is going increasingly insane at the hands of AI and the digital medium it appears to me.

My old dad has long since said 'the silicon chip will be the downfall of humans' and he could well be correct in that. Is it the ultimate 'fall of man'?

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I am perfecting the art of catapulting..... now, where are the drones?? 🤣😂

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Sep 22Liked by Frances Leader

now there's a thought ;D, i might get one myself

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I had drawn parallel conclusions, Francis. I also suspect that Ivermectin is a Plan B self-poisoning vehicle suited to seduce jabfree resistance members. I used Ivermectin for 100 days at 12 mg per day and days after completing the course was diagnosed with a melanoma of the eye. Four months alernative cancer therapies only made the cancer grow faster so I had it removed. I am now one experience wiser and one eye shorter. Such is life. This is kill or be killed and I am still alive. We fight on. I now need to know how to make a mini drone-targeting radar system, a ground-to-air mini-missile, and a EMR shield. DIY models. We are running out of time. The US dollar will collapse in October, Trump will be assassinated or win in Novermber, and WWIII begin anytime thereafter. Time to jettison the hypothetical the historical, and the hysterical. We all need to focus on real-world survivval.

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I think the silent WW3 is already happening.

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Oh, yes.

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Me too. Specifically, the war against us humans has been going on for thousands of years. But, this last WWIII, I think as our politicians publicly announced to us on the day when they told us that new circumstances are arising due to the covid plandemic. That's it. That's what I think. And that war goes on and on these years - so in the end someone has to emerge as the winner. I believe in God and We the People.

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Have you read my latest Boodicca post?


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