The top ten UK nanotech companies are all very small with less than 48 employees and NOT ONE of them is manufacturing nanotech for medical products. All are for industrial purposes.
So shillies.... what have you got to say now?
You might need to get together for a pow-wow because you are EXPOSED.
I am repeating myself but here we go again: the elements are being manufactured and used in the normal facilities as adjuvants and antimicrobial agents, Dominique Guillet wrote it all out with all references to all studies on
Proton Magic, lol - this account is doing the inverse of a service to humanity and yes - EDTA changed my life with vit c and nac, detoxing this garbage and watching it in my pee and under the microscope
Spectroscopy findings show the elements these are composed of, all undeniable ... "gullible"? No I just studied various aspects of this, compared it to the literature ..... the antimicrobial agents are all bought and put in... I have videos of san pellegrino nestle water after electrolysis and showed the magnetic graphene to everyone - illegal amounts of magnetic material.
What I see after sodium citrate are mesogens in various sizes. 1:1 what Staninger found and electron microscopy shows and the carnicom institute. Substack is full of three letter agency accounts ....
And there’s really only a couple of photos of her in existence. I wish they made women that beautiful these days but they’d have to emerge from a childhood of being glued to a screen and stuffing their faces with chocolate chip cookies, which is a little unlikely. I’ve only ever seen one woman quite that beautiful in my entire life and that was back in 1979, my ski instructor’s girlfriend, and she was also a very, very nice person too.
It is very useful from the 20th minute forward BUT the implementation of nanotech in healthy people has NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE.
From the 50th minute the video has diverted to talk about mRNA vaccine injuries and that is when the commentary is PURE SPECULATION. Yes, we know that the vaccine formula contains hydrogel but we DO NOT know that the hydrogel conceals self-assembling nanotech or graphene particles. Any substance dried out on a microscope slide will present crystallised metals and salts! I have seen them myself back in the 70s when I was studying biology!
A couple investigating all vaccines in Italy discovered particulates of multiple metals in the vials. Their lab was shut down by authorities and their equipment confiscated.
From the 59th minute the narrative recommends Dr Ian Akyldiz's work. I researched him and his studies. He is developing to HEAL sick people and NOT to deliver nanotech to the entire population. I noticed the narrative quickly skipped on to talk about MAC addresses detected by Bluetooth Low Energy Smart Ready (BLE), in people who had taken a PCR test or vaccine. This information only tells us that authorities are able to identify and monitor who has had a vaccine - it does not suggest that the tech is a sign of self-assembling devices within the body. The non-vaccinated are not shown to be BLE active.
The MAC addresses are not randomised. Logic tells you that BLE is picking up a different marker each time! Apparently there are many markers in mRNA vaccines.
More terrorising speculations follow about BLE hacking and transhumanism..... ffs.
The narrator then returns to scare us into believing that MOF tech is being added to food via pesticides!
Zero Trust Architecture is a cyber security approach which means not trusting ANYTHING or ANYONE. Surely this is paranoia gone extreme? Forcing us to feel more and more isolated like people in Orwell's 1984. Providing proof of identity protects us from identity theft. It is more important now due to the development of internet transactions. Yes, we NEED to be able to securely identify ourselves.
The "Gaming the Future" book only scares those who have Zero Trust..... hmm!
Finally, the video looks at CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency, which is already with us in contactless cards and potentially in implants.
Biological Digital Convergence (courtesy of Bill Gates) gets a mention - but has only been added as a postscript which goes NOWHERE except into our consciousness as YET ANOTHER thing to be very afraid of.....
So...... Do you NOW see why I am furious with Sabrina and all the nano-graphene-self assembly panic merchants? I hope you do.
You mentioned David Hughes. In this latest video at the 39 minutes mark he discusses the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. There are college textbooks which prove that the Internet of Bio-Nano Things is already functioning. It's called the WBAN. Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz explains in his lectures that the Covid-19 MRNA vaccines are nanotechnology for monitoring health. You have to put the enormous amount of time into watching these videos which provide tons of proof.
Frances, I'm NOT very techy. You seem to have a handle on this. It's my thought that IF somebody has nano tech inside of their body, It could be EASILY dismantled by going thru an MRI machine. Same premise as putting giant magnets next to your hard drive & wiping it. No more self assembly for the bots. (IF that were a thing)
What NEVER made sense to me is that The earth has a magnetic field... THIS too could potentially corrupt any said bots theoretically....Yet our computers are NOT effected. Hmmm.
Are their bots or is this just another part of corrupted consciousness files??
I believe they are moving us towards the Internet of Bodies ... But not as they are telling us.
Are we not already biological A.I. running programs? Are they simply moving us from analog to digital in this convergence ??
Magnetism is the thing that electricity travels along in the air. So without enough charge in the atmosphere there is no damage to computers unless there is a major solar storm and then there could quite easily be damage to all microchips. All electrical devices also use shielding . This protects the circuits from electro conductivity in the local environment. But again, should that electroconductivity become high enough, it would overcome the shield.
In respect of nanobots, they are made of carbon nano tubes. While they are not affected by magnetism directly, they can receive a charge from an external source. So atmospheric magnetism will not affect them, neither will an MRI scan.
With that said, electro-magnetic waves can transmit electricity to a nano-particle or bot. It is unlikely that there is enough funding to create sufficient nanobots to inject the entire world multiple times.
Blood clotting itself is one of the symptoms of EMF pollution. Nanobots are NOT NECESSARY for that to happen.
You Rock Frances! I appreciate you breaking this down for me...I was way off base in my thinking that magnets play a role! I'll have to look into this "shielding" Thanks!
I wasn't looking at nanobots as carbon nano tubes. But as REAL little micro self assembling robots. In fact. Carbon 6CO a health supplement is MADE out of these nanotubes ....Uhg...Science!
Enter solar flares & we have a self propelled natural born/kill CYCLE that is DEPENDENT on EMF !!
I am glad you did not fall for the carbon 60 scam or the "shungite" one - made out of monoatomic layers of graphene ... all way too real, all aiding the EMF - and 6g THZ environments need the metamaterials for the full BCI mode - so we are being sold mitigation strategies that cause the issues they are allegedly fighting
i m just feeling much better now. There is no way they can know what we are doing a week before ...that would be placing them on footing with God Almighty and we know He is the ONLY one who really knows us!! Glory to the Father forever!!
Yes, I heard that too. However, as I stated above, the Bluetooth markers will do that so there is no need for them to be 'self-assembling' or physically damaging. According to the blurb in the video, these have a short life and are soon excreted (theoretically) so that might explain why there is a demand that we take regular boosters.
I guess that, soon, there will be a detector at hospitals, schools, colleges and shops which could deny access for anyone who does not have the correct markers.
But that is me speculating and I think we have enough of that going on already.
The ones that are a little more tabloidish have finally stopped making excuses and started highlighting people’s vaccine injury stories. More “academic” publications still have their virtue signaling base right where they want them. Hi Frances, I stumbled across this and thought of you as you have been assaulted by 5G Microwave weaponry. It appears more and more Targeted Individuals out there as yourself are coming forward. Best wishes and thank you for being you💕
Yep👍: although I'm equally disturbed by the controller's apparent ability to make, break, implant & edit our very consciousness itself (as the abstracts of a fair few patent applications & the actual boasts of many a WEF'er assert). This is a truly horrifying realisation & conclusion &, putting the particular specificities of the actual modalities of the mechanics of any given application to one side, momentarily (Whew! I should've just said- "stickin' a pin 📌 in it", huh? Ah! But I DO so love the vomited verbiages of my dubious "stream of consciousness"!) it's NOT so much that many of the devotees of the "Juxtaposition/Wallace" technological-terror train necessarily concur with (or even understand?) their EVERY revelatory exposition concerning all these appalling acronyms, her occasional hysterics, or his gruff, tantrummy attitude of the "stern patrician", it's more (at least in MY case) that their content HAS at least made me AWARE of such diabolical "consciousness altering" capabilities in the first place, thus freeing me from the cognitive quagmire of having been overly fixated on the solely biometric/anatomical sub-category of consideration. I HAVE myself often wondered that, considering Juxtaposition's regular "they EAT/whack their OWN" thematic compulsion to pore over these sinister "masonic assassinations" (which I don't doubt or necessarily dispute), & considering his OWN seeming "inside track", then "How come they AIN'T whacked YOU then buddy....?". It can all become so draining sometimes, &, at a certain point, I suppose we MUST at times take SOME references, sources, data-sets, individuals & information on trust, lest we end up "Delphic techniquing" OURSELVES into static immobility, through the need for ongoing, rigidly applied demands we trace the scrupulously demonstrated validity & veracity of the EVERY asserted piece of information we're presented with? I do not doubt that there "could" even potentially BE wholly counterfeit "patent applications" & "peer reviewed scientific research" out there, cynically instituted for "this" or "that" nefarious purpose & end, and the sad, paranoid, inevitable trap of becoming forever fearful about layers of "counter counter-intelligence" controlled ops? In any case- "long story short" (😆), I regard this whole "editing/altering, programming & CONTROLLING" our very thoughts, feelings, mind & consciousness itself as a variable that should provoke at least as much qualified horror in people as this dire technology's ability to sicken, or "drop us down dead" in an instant? Or the Microsoft patent to covertly install us with a ready-made/inbuilt & anatomically inserted, & interconnective crypro-currency system (a figurative "mark of the beast" deal, needed to "buy & sell", which, curiously, has an "060606" patent application number?)? These, (to ME) are ALL exceedingly worrisome components in this whole full spectrum dominance/biodigital convergence/ WIBAN/5-6-7G meta-materials, "human husbandry" caper, & although I didn't derive the entirety of what I ("think" I?) know from Juxtaposition/Wallace, they have at least "opened me up" to the wider array of potential threats now fully & firmly entrenched around us, in the now visible infrastructure strewn around our towns, cities & nations, ready to be utilised AGAINST us......... I "may" have regarded large parts of the☝️above as the calculated engagement of fear-pornography/programming, a potential psychological operation to frighten, depress, & entrap us in a vicious cycle of fear-filled, impenetrable, circular faux-"logic", but I just can't fully expel my worries about all of these "Voice of God" and invasive cognition- contaminant abstracts I've discovered in "this" & "that" patent application, here & there? How diabolical! Not to ever remember the thought you'd had which "they've" removed & REPLACED, truly now rendering us each nothing more than a societal drone-unit in the great hive-minded slave society!
Thank you Frances, I must admit it is distressing to see Sabrina go off on her rants sometimes though do recognise people who do go off on one either lack knowledge and it's an expression of their inability to say or admit they don't know or there is an underlying cause of something extremely distressing that has occurred in the past, it does have it's complexities and I believe everyone has something of value to contribute to any given situation that arises. If I don't know something I tend to go to someone who knows more than me on any particular subject that is of interest or relevant to my state of being. General rule of thumb for myself is my elders of prior experience before my time tend to have insight to a problem that I may have or face that they have already experienced and possibly guide me or shed light on it helping me solve or learn more about it. I also am aware younger generations have a good insight to things as well that older generations have missed or are unaware of that is generally why I don't dismiss anyone regardless of age when learning. Juxtaposition does point out some quite important observations and he is an experienced auditor who has worked with quite top level entities and does show a lot which is verifiable. The strategic hamlet program during the Vietnam conflict and other historical events in time are real and surely cannot be dismissed as fiction. There is a lot that is kept from the public and really that is not acceptable as I am positive there are more sensed reasoned human beings out there that can discern and make choice for themselves without the undue influence manipulation of corrupt Government Private Corporations and the like. An established saying 'The Dog wag's it's tail not the Tail wagging the dog' The recent COVID deception it is not a vaccine but a mRNA gene altering substance that has maimed and killed millions and continues to do so. What are the reasons for the lack of truth and denial on our governments part. It shows government cannot be trusted nor can the medical establishment. Humanity is in deep serious trouble and down to the actions of a select few. I'm unable to dismiss Sabrina entirely because anyone can visit the IEEE Website and read into what she presents because it is there on the website for anyone to see. Despite her somewhat manic way of delivery she presents fact in matter. Dr Ardis has me scratching my head and not certain of him. BRYAN369 also on Substack has presented a lot too over the last 14 years and presents his findings on which is peer reviewed by other academics on the website. Due diligence caution and a sensed reasoned approach has to be the way forward opposed to dismissing those who present as such being crap.
I HAVE looked at the IEEE docs and Wiki entries. Sabrina always omits crucial facts which reveal that the medical devices are exclusively for certain patients and not dished out willy nilly to all of us. Her fear mongering is off the scale and her hysteria borders on narcissistic mania when she is challenged.
But feel free to believe whatever you choose. I am not a tyrant, demanding that you follow my lead.
Hi Frances, Thank you for your reply. I for one do not consider you a tyrant nor demanding that I follow your lead. You are in my sense lucid questioning and quite the sensed and reasoned by constitution. As for what I believe is irrelevant it doesn't even enter into the equation of intelligence gathering. When engaged in the process of intelligence gathering what I think suspect postulate is of no use whatsoever. It is a process of observation and that only. When doing so the results show by themselves and action or no action is the due course. To interfere with the brains natural ability is invasive and undue in the general operation on mass via a system of transmission over a communications network. However to do it in a confined area when administering medical treatment is not and is quite the advancement of medicinal therapies when all other natural options are exhausted or ineffective. You stated the 5G a weapons system did you not? What was it that prompted you to conclude that it is? kind regards Raj.
Becoming Electro-magnetically sensitive was my wake up call. I was targeted in the right kidney by a handheld microwave device at a protest in 2013. It caused memory loss and breathlessness. In 2016 I had a heart attack due to lack of oxygen followed closely by a stroke, which comprised two brain bleeds. My son set about shielding me from all EMFs in the environment. He also created a grounding device which sits under my desk when I am online. I believe these precautions plus EMF protective clothing have kept me alive since then.
Bloody hell Frances, A vicious cowardly act, the bastards! It sickens me !! My thoughts and energy are with you and your family. I wish you a speedy recovery. Grounding by walking barefoot in the soil does actually work. It regulates electrons in the bloodstream correcting frequency and flow regulating heart rhythm. Chinese Eastern acupuncture charts show the two meridians that exist in our bodies, one being upstream of current the other being downstream. red field blue field. We are a bio chemical electric being of nature and being an engineer it does make sense as we exist in an electrical field. As woo woo as it sounds it is fact in matter. True. Wishing you the best Frances Get well soon✨💖👍
Well I never !! I do know it well I received information from them my coward attitude to my alcohol abuse I can't have one drink I have to demolish the whole damned bottle whiskey vodka gin wine you name it. I have a dry house I respect alcohol and that I am a menace to myself and others. I realised I was running from something and alcohol was an out so I swapped to weed but as you can guess it's no different it does not matter drink drugs it always ends up in the same shitty state of being. Satanic Ritual child abuse when at playgroup. It didn't come clear, the night terrors that started when I was 37, bed wetting waking up screaming cowering in the corner of my bedroom extremes of terror that I'm still unable to find the language to describe to this day. The zero tolerance to male aggression as is the NHS mantra and protecting the staff opposed to 'male in distress' and couldn't careless about the patient other than medicate, which sent me mental inducing a psychosis that lasted for years. I completely removed myself from society and am a recluse now a lot more stable and do not drink as that was the demon in me that when out was a problem. Sympathy empathy doesn't help it is of no use. I battle with this daily and realise it will never go away. Meditation Chinese and natural herbs flower oils reinforcing constructive patterns of thought engaging in nature conversations with human beings as yourself have done more good than harm and am still on the path of recovery and healing myself. I have not so bad days and very bad ones still but I run off into nature away from the ignorant and stabilise. I avoid people still but one or two I engage with and it's an improvement. The shame and guilt is still there but absolutely trust nobody in the medical profession. I was in counselling with youth enquiry service, I was raped whilst on holiday when I was ten, the poor counsellor a lovely elderly lady was in tears when describing my home life when a child I had extremely abusive parents. My Father passed away only my Mother is alive still and will not talk to me about my early early childhood memories even though she has promised to make time to talk since I was the age of fifteen. I am on my own with this and only spoke to someone two years ago about it and he managed to get me to talk god knows how he did it considering I was a closed entity with a serious temper. I put it down to the fact this younger chap had a serious temper too and I can relate to the likes, a reflection of myself I suppose. Since meeting him I have started to open up as I'm writing to you about it which is an improvement opposed being unable to speak since every time I tried it felt like the left side of my brain was going to explode and my voice silenced no words came out only serious distress. I have no history or criminal record for violence nor wish it upon anyone I am of a very gentle and caring nature and have been in service to my fellow beings in all aspects of employment over my life other than the last 10 years plus slung on the broken pile on universal credit struggling to survive and no help from the DWP in getting my gas licences up to date so I can at least get back to work. their excuse is it's too expensive and then chuck me onto meaningless courses keeping me trapped in this never ending cycle. They have no doubt exacerbated my condition and caused even more distress. Well Frances I'd better go and finish cooking dinner it's probably burnt as it's taken an age to type this . You really have been instrumental in the process of helping men as myself with the open road project the literature and speaking to other alcohol dependants the 12 steps helped so did other stuff. I helped save lives as a Firefighter you helped saving the life of a Firefighter. The Fire Service attitude well they dismissed me for not handing a sick cert on time even though I had it I was too afraid to leave my home and lost everything. Having a lying cheating partner of 17 yrs topped it off, It doesn't pay to be loyal and faithful !! A private psychiatrist I saw briefly managed to put the words self preservation and self protection into my de arranged head though couldn't get the rest out at the time because of whatever was done to me if I tried to speak my left side of my brain felt it would explode even now as I type this my left side of my neck and forehead ache like hell and feel cramps in my left foot it still has not gone away but seriously reduced compared to what it was. Thank you indeed enabling me to open up and speak, forever grateful to people as your good self👍✨💖❤️🔥👍
Yeah this tech is real... but I also suspect that many "troofers"(TM) are more fear mongers w/ this stuff.. I also thought those "whistleblower" women were suspect like K.Kingston, Ruby or the blonde one (name forgotten - ah Carrie first name, but who probably faked a plane crash :P). I always say 90%+ of bigger troofer names are shills /charlatans
The tech is real BUT it is not in use for the general public. It has been developed to help heal in specific cases. There is no possibility for the tech to be manufactured on a massive scale and put into vaccines.
.. The Growth of Graphene Hydroxide From Within the Body
Attorney Todd Callender: "It appears, based on our mass spectrometry, that they didn't actually include graphene oxide in the shots. What I've come to find instead is [that] they included all the base compounds in order for the bodies to produce their own graphene oxide... So all they have to do is put the base chemicals into the user, expose them to a certain level of magnetic radiation, so phone signals at a certain frequency, and those people will actually grow graphene hydroxide inside of them."
Hi Frances, someone commented on my last post with these options to treat nanos. Do you have info you can share on the value of these, how to procure and make them? Sorry for the bother.
1. Sodium chlorite (mix with weak acid, to become chloride dioxide) well known substance for malaria and other ilnesses.
2. Gold plus frankincense plus myrhh mixed in boiled water (thanks to Frances Leader).
Gold, frankincense and myrrh is an ancient healing formula to heal from poisoning. I have used it myself a few times.
First buy medicinal grade resins of Frankincense and Myrrh (Ebay has some!)
Take a small quantity (fit into well of the hand) of each raw resin and smash them to dust in a mortar and pestle. Add about a pint of distilled water. Bring to the boil in a glass or enamelled pot. Do not use a metal one. Simmer the mix, add a gold ring, the higher the carat the better. When the fluid has reduced to about an half inch at the bottom of the pan, strain it into cups. Add honey. Drink down very fast because it tastes awful. Retrieve gold ring. Repeat after 3 days.
Have a juice chaser handy to clear the bitter taste from your mouth immediately after.
Take this early in the day because it does tend to energise!
all rubbish - just fearmongering. Listen to Dr Sam and Dr Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan, Viroliegy and their many other connections of qualified researchers who dont have any agendas other than trying to make people see the truth in health so they will never fall for any lies again.
Sam Bailey? That is one evil twisted divisive bitch. I won’t be listening to her ever again. She created a meme naming me and a few other good people as ‘flies around shit’.
Pls provide a source and what do they tell that is wrong ? And this meme does not sound like their style at all (Mark&Sam) so you have some proof of it I guess?
I have met these people and had them support us without any expectation of return favours and will be forever greatful - that is absolutely correct with regards to the source for this dialogue because I am happy to touch base with them personally and confirm - it is not their style and remember there are a lot of groups out there directly trying to create divisiveness amongst anyone who is trying to do the right thing. They do not want great minds to connect. I am not disregarding Francis experience and admire very much what she does and the research she presents. I will continue to follow both -
You mean you MISSED the video in which she published a picture of shit and flies, surrounded by half a dozen Substack names? It caused a massive shock wave!
You were too anxious to pull me up! Proton Magic shared his analysis of the entire event which includes a screenshot taken from the Bailey's video just above your comment!!!! Go read it carefully. Then your darling Baileys won't look quite so angelic.
you know I write this with no malice - just expressing my experience - not doubting your personal experience - yet disappointing that you would respond in that manner - open non combative discussion is much more constructive and I for one am not going to allow it to drag me into the gutter.
I just tried to talk friendly w/ this Proton guy and he is very unpolite…just for others who may read this. I am also guessing from this short episode that he is a simmlar asshole to the Baileys… and will sub to her instead of Proton (his own fault ofc :P)
"I don’t believe they even need a drone anymore. These towers, which we are being *told* are for “internet” are being used for much more than what we are being lead to believe. Most people, myself included, did not realize 5G means “5th Generation”, it has nothing to do with internet, it is the 5th Generation of technology because it is capable of producing nearly all frequencies, including military frequencies (unlike the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations which were capable of producing less of a frequency range)… and the 5G tower panel ownership data is illegally blocked from public view - if that doesn’t send up alarm bells, what does? Who classifies sh*t? The military classifies sh*t. Why the heck would harmless “internet tower” panels need to be classified?
Combine that with the Smart Meters that also produce these frequencies which, just like the towers, can be remotely controlled, and we have one hell of a weapons system.
Regarding nanobots and all this stuff, I have no clue. Iron Oxide can indeed be controlled via frequency. You can purchase it cheap online and do your own simple experiments using your pc speakers and your cell phone. This is not a hoax. Iron Oxide is in vaccines, “medicines” and “vitamins”. Based on my research, it is incredibly difficult for our bodies to remove, especially considering that it crosses the Blood Brain Barrier.
With that being said, in my quest for truth, I have tried duplicating the MAC address experiments and I have been unsuccessful.
I have debated crowdfunding a microscopy setup so I can try to get to the bottom of what’s true. Based on what we are being told, surely these nanobots must be in my blood by now, so if I put it on a slide, I expect we should be able to see them, right? If that is the case, why are so few people locating them? Are we to believe every microscopy scientist is so corrupted that they know machines are in people yet choose to ignore it? All of them? Every single microscopy scientist, with the exception of a small handful, has been captured?
One thing I do find hugely interesting is that the people promoting the bot information are selling products, or are affiliated with the sale of products, that remove said technology. I find it equally interesting that the only bot removal products happen to be these specific products, meaning, nobody is testing if the bots can be removed by eating an orange. Is this because they do not sell an orange? Just food for thought, pun intended.
BTW - Speaking of “Internet”, look up the definition for the word “Inter” and you will choke on your morning coffee."
Do you trust the work of La Quinta Columna Frances? It's hard to get to the truth anywhere. I don't trust any of those doctor types that you talk about. I trust my body to heal by itself once given the right conditions. I go by most of Barbara O'Neill's protocols
Lately they are having vids with the likes of Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger who is a WHO darling working at GeNWOva University. I've lost all faith in them.
La Quinta Columna were the first to draw my attention but I am not sure what they are actually finding in the vaccine vials. Any fluid, allowed to dry on a microscope slide will show crystalline structures. These are salts and minerals usually.
"The predators do not need implants, augmentations, nano-bots in our blood, graphene in our brains or even fitbits on our wrists. All they have to do is drone over you and beam a 60 GHz electro-magnetic frequency in your general direction. They can do it via your smart phone too."
Sure, but why would they want to kill the host? They would much rather make it into a 6G Tower that feeds back information to them 24/7. That seems the whole genesis of Palantir, to be able to skip ahead of the trade. Just think of it as the newest form of quickest connection to be ahead of the market. Having bio-info would be a huge advantage.
Its easy enough to see that they are putting conductive carbon all around us and that there is much being added to the environment of the same. People as 6G towers is talked about in the mainstream now. I imagine there will be smart kids who have adapted to it and are able to transmit signal to their friends, aka hotspot ones.
I don't think it will work, but will instead kill the host. But who knows what is incarnating at the moment, maybe those who can handle it.
From what I gather, Sabrina would be a ‘terrain” type with the added biofield auric worldview? Ardis develops speculative theories that make him sound like controlled opp at times.
However, Ardis and his research uncovered (for me) that the founders of MRNA are all heavily invested with patents and research on synthetic snake venom. I went and fact-checked that and found he’s correct about that part. There’s something in this over the target. Also, Dr. Rashid Buttar believed in the venom theory and look where he wound up.
Snake venoms and vaccines have a long history together. Its bamboozle is the original snake oil. Its not shocking that they would be using synthetic adaptions of it with mRNA and new forms of witches brew, so I find it perplexing that some are dismissive of the topic.
I don't really understand what exactly it is supposed to do, but I wouldn’t dismiss the occult aspect of it either.
Hi Jerome, we don't really know if Buttar is dead, that is a story for public consumption. We dont have a body to examine and we know they put people underground with new identities all the time: See Mark Staycer for example. The Buttar "death" convinced you he was correct, ingenious mind control isn't it? I can't prove he isn't dead of course. Staycer is kind of a proof because of the voice and birth mark freckle (probable hair transplant and minor nose job) etc. but I digress.
Ardis pushed venom in the water, but neither kids or animals got ill and you cant ingest venom, it's jsut a peptide just breaks down in the gut. If it was in shots people would bleed out in shock immediately-that didnt happen. Patents can and are made on purpose to miselead you as well, it is an info war. Could venom be modified to something else? I guess so, but it wouldnt be venom anymore and there is no chemical analytic report of that in shots.
No proof, but the raid was quite unnatural, a camera right on the cops who did not act right to me, busting in with risk of booby trap or other gun men. Just call him out with his hands up, simple low risk. He was talking about graphene oxide and hyrox, though my post on the discovery of graphene paper
noted the paper said that graphene is only a hypothetical substance based on electronic properties-which he didn't say did he? Everything we can't prove should be open to possibilities.
Graphene can be googled and can be identified by manufactures and by various products that utilize it. Have you heard of Stanene? You are giving me cause to doubt everything you say when you make a claim such as graphene is hypothetical. They sell ceramic graphene coating at my local Canadian Tire. What do you say to that?
He did not die when the cops busted into his place in Germany during filming. He died some months later, mysteriously, in his kitchen in Austria. His girlfriend was pregnant at the time and she witnessed his death - convinced that he had been targeted by an electro-magnetic weapon. I have heard nothing more from her since. I hope she is OK.
Yes, you are correct, I meant the raid was unnatural (corrected my comment). He was said to have died about a year later, yes mysteriously to me too. And if I was his GF/spouse I would at most make a written statement or have my representative (lawyer?) make it, I would want privacy and certainly would not show my face on a video. Anyway, it is all in the spooky-dooky bin for me.
I agree, it’d be non-organic, synthetic like everything else they are replacing with. Even the soles on our feet are synthetic. I am into being as natural as possible. I can feel the difference of standing on the clay-soil earth with and without my shoes. I’ll try cotton shoes. Also am trying a earth of wood chips. All of this stuff on the internet is a head of birds to me nowadays.
I wish I could be more at one with the earth, yes!
Venom (snake, scorpion, snails) are peptides no matter how you slice them, otherwise their not a venom. Ingestion is safe. If it was in a shot, you would have immediate terrible reaction, that didn't happen (the vax program could not continue with immediate bad effects). Whether peptides or a derivative, we need a chemical analytic report from a vial, not a Ardis speech (He's not a medical Dr), and he is misleading on many levels not just venoms. He rocks like a COINTELPRO operative.
I heard from my professor in China that Artemisinin was the most successful herbal remedy employed in the hospitals and as a prophylactic in the homes. That is particularly interesting because Artemisinin is generally prescribed to combat parasites from mosquito bites. The roll out of 5G in Wuhan and most major Chinese cities coincided with spikes in respiratory illnesses.
I think that there is a strong possibility that an overload of electro-magnetic radiation causes blooms of parasites, moulds and yeasts in the blood stream. These can accumulate rapidly causing blockages and clots.
Artemisinin is cheap and available in health food shops. I have kept a supply at hand since March 2020 and have not succumbed to any of the symptoms attributed to ‘Covid19’.
The oldest documented natural healing systems in the world are Ayurvedic from India and TCM from China. In both we find toxins and poisonous substances used to stimulate a reaction in the body of patients who require help.
The theory is that a poison can jump-start a failing immune system. So when a person is not winning their fight against a pernicious external influence (a bacteria, mould or parasite) we administer a small dose of something violently aggressive which is guaranteed to elicit a clean up. For example: To clean the liver we prescribe dandelion root. To clean the kidney we prescribe fresh ginger root or privet seeds. To clean up radioactivity the Japanese used the ancient formula of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which is actually very toxic indeed and must be administered in a very controlled way.
You see? To clean the blood from something as powerful as snake venom or any synthetic copy of that we would need a slightly stronger poison.
I proved in Dec 2020 that the SARSCov2 vaccine contained a MAN MADE COMPUTER DESIGNED TOXIN which has never existed in life. I even got UK MHRA to confirm this! I was thrown off Twitter for publishing my email exchange with them.
Karl C made a video which helps:
The top ten UK nanotech companies are all very small with less than 48 employees and NOT ONE of them is manufacturing nanotech for medical products. All are for industrial purposes.
So shillies.... what have you got to say now?
You might need to get together for a pow-wow because you are EXPOSED.
I am repeating myself but here we go again: the elements are being manufactured and used in the normal facilities as adjuvants and antimicrobial agents, Dominique Guillet wrote it all out with all references to all studies on
Proton Magic, lol - this account is doing the inverse of a service to humanity and yes - EDTA changed my life with vit c and nac, detoxing this garbage and watching it in my pee and under the microscope
'Normal facilities'? OK.... where are they? Names and addresses please.
Do not insult Proton Magic simply because he isn't quite as gullible as you are.
Piss in a glass and watch fine particles settle. Everyone has them.
What you see under a microscope could be any particle of detritus and cannot be positively identified as nanotech without a comparison with a sample.
Sorry you are so impressionable.
Spectroscopy findings show the elements these are composed of, all undeniable ... "gullible"? No I just studied various aspects of this, compared it to the literature ..... the antimicrobial agents are all bought and put in... I have videos of san pellegrino nestle water after electrolysis and showed the magnetic graphene to everyone - illegal amounts of magnetic material.
What I see after sodium citrate are mesogens in various sizes. 1:1 what Staninger found and electron microscopy shows and the carnicom institute. Substack is full of three letter agency accounts ....
I don't know how to explain to you that you have been terrorised.
But you have.
Please go away.
This short film (12 mins) is worth watching.... 1968!!
I got it from a comment on Proton Magic's post today in which he casts some doubt on Vril Maiden Dr Ana Mihalcea! It seems we are on the same wavelength atm!:
"Vril Maiden". LOL! 😂😂
I have to say I've always thought Maria Orsic was rather hot.
How else does she get her name in lights all over the internet?
And there’s really only a couple of photos of her in existence. I wish they made women that beautiful these days but they’d have to emerge from a childhood of being glued to a screen and stuffing their faces with chocolate chip cookies, which is a little unlikely. I’ve only ever seen one woman quite that beautiful in my entire life and that was back in 1979, my ski instructor’s girlfriend, and she was also a very, very nice person too.
This video was submitted by Angie as a better explanation of Sabrina's message:
It is very useful from the 20th minute forward BUT the implementation of nanotech in healthy people has NO EVIDENCE ANYWHERE.
From the 50th minute the video has diverted to talk about mRNA vaccine injuries and that is when the commentary is PURE SPECULATION. Yes, we know that the vaccine formula contains hydrogel but we DO NOT know that the hydrogel conceals self-assembling nanotech or graphene particles. Any substance dried out on a microscope slide will present crystallised metals and salts! I have seen them myself back in the 70s when I was studying biology!
A couple investigating all vaccines in Italy discovered particulates of multiple metals in the vials. Their lab was shut down by authorities and their equipment confiscated.
So this is NOT a new thing at all.
From the 59th minute the narrative recommends Dr Ian Akyldiz's work. I researched him and his studies. He is developing to HEAL sick people and NOT to deliver nanotech to the entire population. I noticed the narrative quickly skipped on to talk about MAC addresses detected by Bluetooth Low Energy Smart Ready (BLE), in people who had taken a PCR test or vaccine. This information only tells us that authorities are able to identify and monitor who has had a vaccine - it does not suggest that the tech is a sign of self-assembling devices within the body. The non-vaccinated are not shown to be BLE active.
The MAC addresses are not randomised. Logic tells you that BLE is picking up a different marker each time! Apparently there are many markers in mRNA vaccines.
More terrorising speculations follow about BLE hacking and transhumanism..... ffs.
The narrator then returns to scare us into believing that MOF tech is being added to food via pesticides!
Zero Trust Architecture is a cyber security approach which means not trusting ANYTHING or ANYONE. Surely this is paranoia gone extreme? Forcing us to feel more and more isolated like people in Orwell's 1984. Providing proof of identity protects us from identity theft. It is more important now due to the development of internet transactions. Yes, we NEED to be able to securely identify ourselves.
The "Gaming the Future" book only scares those who have Zero Trust..... hmm!
Finally, the video looks at CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currency, which is already with us in contactless cards and potentially in implants.
Biological Digital Convergence (courtesy of Bill Gates) gets a mention - but has only been added as a postscript which goes NOWHERE except into our consciousness as YET ANOTHER thing to be very afraid of.....
So...... Do you NOW see why I am furious with Sabrina and all the nano-graphene-self assembly panic merchants? I hope you do.
Again.... medical situations ONE AT A TIME and not vast numbers for vaccines. How often do I need to emphasise this?
You mentioned David Hughes. In this latest video at the 39 minutes mark he discusses the Internet of Bio-Nano Things. There are college textbooks which prove that the Internet of Bio-Nano Things is already functioning. It's called the WBAN. Dr. Ian F. Akyildiz explains in his lectures that the Covid-19 MRNA vaccines are nanotechnology for monitoring health. You have to put the enormous amount of time into watching these videos which provide tons of proof.
I am waiting for YOU or ANYONE to answer my damned logistics questions.
Until I get an answer on that issue I am not engaging further because you and the college textbooks DO NOT SAY WHAT YOU THINK THEY DO.
Got it this time, Angie?
I fucking hope so.
Frances I sent a PM to you did you get a chance to look at it? Thanks
I will tread lightly I really like your info Sister and a good friend is how I found out about your substack. Peace
Frances, I'm NOT very techy. You seem to have a handle on this. It's my thought that IF somebody has nano tech inside of their body, It could be EASILY dismantled by going thru an MRI machine. Same premise as putting giant magnets next to your hard drive & wiping it. No more self assembly for the bots. (IF that were a thing)
What NEVER made sense to me is that The earth has a magnetic field... THIS too could potentially corrupt any said bots theoretically....Yet our computers are NOT effected. Hmmm.
Are their bots or is this just another part of corrupted consciousness files??
I believe they are moving us towards the Internet of Bodies ... But not as they are telling us.
Are we not already biological A.I. running programs? Are they simply moving us from analog to digital in this convergence ??
Magnetism is the thing that electricity travels along in the air. So without enough charge in the atmosphere there is no damage to computers unless there is a major solar storm and then there could quite easily be damage to all microchips. All electrical devices also use shielding . This protects the circuits from electro conductivity in the local environment. But again, should that electroconductivity become high enough, it would overcome the shield.
In respect of nanobots, they are made of carbon nano tubes. While they are not affected by magnetism directly, they can receive a charge from an external source. So atmospheric magnetism will not affect them, neither will an MRI scan.
With that said, electro-magnetic waves can transmit electricity to a nano-particle or bot. It is unlikely that there is enough funding to create sufficient nanobots to inject the entire world multiple times.
Blood clotting itself is one of the symptoms of EMF pollution. Nanobots are NOT NECESSARY for that to happen.
You Rock Frances! I appreciate you breaking this down for me...I was way off base in my thinking that magnets play a role! I'll have to look into this "shielding" Thanks!
I wasn't looking at nanobots as carbon nano tubes. But as REAL little micro self assembling robots. In fact. Carbon 6CO a health supplement is MADE out of these nanotubes ....Uhg...Science!
Enter solar flares & we have a self propelled natural born/kill CYCLE that is DEPENDENT on EMF !!
I am glad you did not fall for the carbon 60 scam or the "shungite" one - made out of monoatomic layers of graphene ... all way too real, all aiding the EMF - and 6g THZ environments need the metamaterials for the full BCI mode - so we are being sold mitigation strategies that cause the issues they are allegedly fighting
i m just feeling much better now. There is no way they can know what we are doing a week before ...that would be placing them on footing with God Almighty and we know He is the ONLY one who really knows us!! Glory to the Father forever!!
Dr Alkildiz literally said the COVID shots were for the Internet of Bodies (WBAN).
Yes, I heard that too. However, as I stated above, the Bluetooth markers will do that so there is no need for them to be 'self-assembling' or physically damaging. According to the blurb in the video, these have a short life and are soon excreted (theoretically) so that might explain why there is a demand that we take regular boosters.
I guess that, soon, there will be a detector at hospitals, schools, colleges and shops which could deny access for anyone who does not have the correct markers.
But that is me speculating and I think we have enough of that going on already.
I agree that this sounds unsustainable—almost like a stepping stone to the next phase of the plan.
You’ll also notice the media is suddenly trashing the COVID shots...
Are they? I never look at MSM. My blood pressure cannot cope.
The ones that are a little more tabloidish have finally stopped making excuses and started highlighting people’s vaccine injury stories. More “academic” publications still have their virtue signaling base right where they want them.
The Reality from Raytheon microwave weapon tech:
and don't miss the funny interlude at -
Read my previous angry post about effective resistance against all the damned fat controllers infecting our existence! Hi Frances, I stumbled across this and thought of you as you have been assaulted by 5G Microwave weaponry. It appears more and more Targeted Individuals out there as yourself are coming forward. Best wishes and thank you for being you💕
Thanks Raj! I have been subscribed to that account for quite a while. xx
Now why does that not surprise me !!😍🤣💖👍
Yep👍: although I'm equally disturbed by the controller's apparent ability to make, break, implant & edit our very consciousness itself (as the abstracts of a fair few patent applications & the actual boasts of many a WEF'er assert). This is a truly horrifying realisation & conclusion &, putting the particular specificities of the actual modalities of the mechanics of any given application to one side, momentarily (Whew! I should've just said- "stickin' a pin 📌 in it", huh? Ah! But I DO so love the vomited verbiages of my dubious "stream of consciousness"!) it's NOT so much that many of the devotees of the "Juxtaposition/Wallace" technological-terror train necessarily concur with (or even understand?) their EVERY revelatory exposition concerning all these appalling acronyms, her occasional hysterics, or his gruff, tantrummy attitude of the "stern patrician", it's more (at least in MY case) that their content HAS at least made me AWARE of such diabolical "consciousness altering" capabilities in the first place, thus freeing me from the cognitive quagmire of having been overly fixated on the solely biometric/anatomical sub-category of consideration. I HAVE myself often wondered that, considering Juxtaposition's regular "they EAT/whack their OWN" thematic compulsion to pore over these sinister "masonic assassinations" (which I don't doubt or necessarily dispute), & considering his OWN seeming "inside track", then "How come they AIN'T whacked YOU then buddy....?". It can all become so draining sometimes, &, at a certain point, I suppose we MUST at times take SOME references, sources, data-sets, individuals & information on trust, lest we end up "Delphic techniquing" OURSELVES into static immobility, through the need for ongoing, rigidly applied demands we trace the scrupulously demonstrated validity & veracity of the EVERY asserted piece of information we're presented with? I do not doubt that there "could" even potentially BE wholly counterfeit "patent applications" & "peer reviewed scientific research" out there, cynically instituted for "this" or "that" nefarious purpose & end, and the sad, paranoid, inevitable trap of becoming forever fearful about layers of "counter counter-intelligence" controlled ops? In any case- "long story short" (😆), I regard this whole "editing/altering, programming & CONTROLLING" our very thoughts, feelings, mind & consciousness itself as a variable that should provoke at least as much qualified horror in people as this dire technology's ability to sicken, or "drop us down dead" in an instant? Or the Microsoft patent to covertly install us with a ready-made/inbuilt & anatomically inserted, & interconnective crypro-currency system (a figurative "mark of the beast" deal, needed to "buy & sell", which, curiously, has an "060606" patent application number?)? These, (to ME) are ALL exceedingly worrisome components in this whole full spectrum dominance/biodigital convergence/ WIBAN/5-6-7G meta-materials, "human husbandry" caper, & although I didn't derive the entirety of what I ("think" I?) know from Juxtaposition/Wallace, they have at least "opened me up" to the wider array of potential threats now fully & firmly entrenched around us, in the now visible infrastructure strewn around our towns, cities & nations, ready to be utilised AGAINST us......... I "may" have regarded large parts of the☝️above as the calculated engagement of fear-pornography/programming, a potential psychological operation to frighten, depress, & entrap us in a vicious cycle of fear-filled, impenetrable, circular faux-"logic", but I just can't fully expel my worries about all of these "Voice of God" and invasive cognition- contaminant abstracts I've discovered in "this" & "that" patent application, here & there? How diabolical! Not to ever remember the thought you'd had which "they've" removed & REPLACED, truly now rendering us each nothing more than a societal drone-unit in the great hive-minded slave society!
Thank you Frances, I must admit it is distressing to see Sabrina go off on her rants sometimes though do recognise people who do go off on one either lack knowledge and it's an expression of their inability to say or admit they don't know or there is an underlying cause of something extremely distressing that has occurred in the past, it does have it's complexities and I believe everyone has something of value to contribute to any given situation that arises. If I don't know something I tend to go to someone who knows more than me on any particular subject that is of interest or relevant to my state of being. General rule of thumb for myself is my elders of prior experience before my time tend to have insight to a problem that I may have or face that they have already experienced and possibly guide me or shed light on it helping me solve or learn more about it. I also am aware younger generations have a good insight to things as well that older generations have missed or are unaware of that is generally why I don't dismiss anyone regardless of age when learning. Juxtaposition does point out some quite important observations and he is an experienced auditor who has worked with quite top level entities and does show a lot which is verifiable. The strategic hamlet program during the Vietnam conflict and other historical events in time are real and surely cannot be dismissed as fiction. There is a lot that is kept from the public and really that is not acceptable as I am positive there are more sensed reasoned human beings out there that can discern and make choice for themselves without the undue influence manipulation of corrupt Government Private Corporations and the like. An established saying 'The Dog wag's it's tail not the Tail wagging the dog' The recent COVID deception it is not a vaccine but a mRNA gene altering substance that has maimed and killed millions and continues to do so. What are the reasons for the lack of truth and denial on our governments part. It shows government cannot be trusted nor can the medical establishment. Humanity is in deep serious trouble and down to the actions of a select few. I'm unable to dismiss Sabrina entirely because anyone can visit the IEEE Website and read into what she presents because it is there on the website for anyone to see. Despite her somewhat manic way of delivery she presents fact in matter. Dr Ardis has me scratching my head and not certain of him. BRYAN369 also on Substack has presented a lot too over the last 14 years and presents his findings on which is peer reviewed by other academics on the website. Due diligence caution and a sensed reasoned approach has to be the way forward opposed to dismissing those who present as such being crap.
I HAVE looked at the IEEE docs and Wiki entries. Sabrina always omits crucial facts which reveal that the medical devices are exclusively for certain patients and not dished out willy nilly to all of us. Her fear mongering is off the scale and her hysteria borders on narcissistic mania when she is challenged.
But feel free to believe whatever you choose. I am not a tyrant, demanding that you follow my lead.
Hi Frances, Thank you for your reply. I for one do not consider you a tyrant nor demanding that I follow your lead. You are in my sense lucid questioning and quite the sensed and reasoned by constitution. As for what I believe is irrelevant it doesn't even enter into the equation of intelligence gathering. When engaged in the process of intelligence gathering what I think suspect postulate is of no use whatsoever. It is a process of observation and that only. When doing so the results show by themselves and action or no action is the due course. To interfere with the brains natural ability is invasive and undue in the general operation on mass via a system of transmission over a communications network. However to do it in a confined area when administering medical treatment is not and is quite the advancement of medicinal therapies when all other natural options are exhausted or ineffective. You stated the 5G a weapons system did you not? What was it that prompted you to conclude that it is? kind regards Raj.
Becoming Electro-magnetically sensitive was my wake up call. I was targeted in the right kidney by a handheld microwave device at a protest in 2013. It caused memory loss and breathlessness. In 2016 I had a heart attack due to lack of oxygen followed closely by a stroke, which comprised two brain bleeds. My son set about shielding me from all EMFs in the environment. He also created a grounding device which sits under my desk when I am online. I believe these precautions plus EMF protective clothing have kept me alive since then.
Bloody hell Frances, A vicious cowardly act, the bastards! It sickens me !! My thoughts and energy are with you and your family. I wish you a speedy recovery. Grounding by walking barefoot in the soil does actually work. It regulates electrons in the bloodstream correcting frequency and flow regulating heart rhythm. Chinese Eastern acupuncture charts show the two meridians that exist in our bodies, one being upstream of current the other being downstream. red field blue field. We are a bio chemical electric being of nature and being an engineer it does make sense as we exist in an electrical field. As woo woo as it sounds it is fact in matter. True. Wishing you the best Frances Get well soon✨💖👍
Yep. You are speaking my lingo, Raj. I am a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
You are speaking of the two main chi channels. There are actually 14 linking each of our vital organs to our extremities.
I used to practice in two clinics in Colchester. One for general practice and the other dedicated to addictions. You may know it - Open Road.
Well I never !! I do know it well I received information from them my coward attitude to my alcohol abuse I can't have one drink I have to demolish the whole damned bottle whiskey vodka gin wine you name it. I have a dry house I respect alcohol and that I am a menace to myself and others. I realised I was running from something and alcohol was an out so I swapped to weed but as you can guess it's no different it does not matter drink drugs it always ends up in the same shitty state of being. Satanic Ritual child abuse when at playgroup. It didn't come clear, the night terrors that started when I was 37, bed wetting waking up screaming cowering in the corner of my bedroom extremes of terror that I'm still unable to find the language to describe to this day. The zero tolerance to male aggression as is the NHS mantra and protecting the staff opposed to 'male in distress' and couldn't careless about the patient other than medicate, which sent me mental inducing a psychosis that lasted for years. I completely removed myself from society and am a recluse now a lot more stable and do not drink as that was the demon in me that when out was a problem. Sympathy empathy doesn't help it is of no use. I battle with this daily and realise it will never go away. Meditation Chinese and natural herbs flower oils reinforcing constructive patterns of thought engaging in nature conversations with human beings as yourself have done more good than harm and am still on the path of recovery and healing myself. I have not so bad days and very bad ones still but I run off into nature away from the ignorant and stabilise. I avoid people still but one or two I engage with and it's an improvement. The shame and guilt is still there but absolutely trust nobody in the medical profession. I was in counselling with youth enquiry service, I was raped whilst on holiday when I was ten, the poor counsellor a lovely elderly lady was in tears when describing my home life when a child I had extremely abusive parents. My Father passed away only my Mother is alive still and will not talk to me about my early early childhood memories even though she has promised to make time to talk since I was the age of fifteen. I am on my own with this and only spoke to someone two years ago about it and he managed to get me to talk god knows how he did it considering I was a closed entity with a serious temper. I put it down to the fact this younger chap had a serious temper too and I can relate to the likes, a reflection of myself I suppose. Since meeting him I have started to open up as I'm writing to you about it which is an improvement opposed being unable to speak since every time I tried it felt like the left side of my brain was going to explode and my voice silenced no words came out only serious distress. I have no history or criminal record for violence nor wish it upon anyone I am of a very gentle and caring nature and have been in service to my fellow beings in all aspects of employment over my life other than the last 10 years plus slung on the broken pile on universal credit struggling to survive and no help from the DWP in getting my gas licences up to date so I can at least get back to work. their excuse is it's too expensive and then chuck me onto meaningless courses keeping me trapped in this never ending cycle. They have no doubt exacerbated my condition and caused even more distress. Well Frances I'd better go and finish cooking dinner it's probably burnt as it's taken an age to type this . You really have been instrumental in the process of helping men as myself with the open road project the literature and speaking to other alcohol dependants the 12 steps helped so did other stuff. I helped save lives as a Firefighter you helped saving the life of a Firefighter. The Fire Service attitude well they dismissed me for not handing a sick cert on time even though I had it I was too afraid to leave my home and lost everything. Having a lying cheating partner of 17 yrs topped it off, It doesn't pay to be loyal and faithful !! A private psychiatrist I saw briefly managed to put the words self preservation and self protection into my de arranged head though couldn't get the rest out at the time because of whatever was done to me if I tried to speak my left side of my brain felt it would explode even now as I type this my left side of my neck and forehead ache like hell and feel cramps in my left foot it still has not gone away but seriously reduced compared to what it was. Thank you indeed enabling me to open up and speak, forever grateful to people as your good self👍✨💖❤️🔥👍
Yeah this tech is real... but I also suspect that many "troofers"(TM) are more fear mongers w/ this stuff.. I also thought those "whistleblower" women were suspect like K.Kingston, Ruby or the blonde one (name forgotten - ah Carrie first name, but who probably faked a plane crash :P). I always say 90%+ of bigger troofer names are shills /charlatans
The tech is real BUT it is not in use for the general public. It has been developed to help heal in specific cases. There is no possibility for the tech to be manufactured on a massive scale and put into vaccines.
And this one?
.. The Growth of Graphene Hydroxide From Within the Body
Attorney Todd Callender: "It appears, based on our mass spectrometry, that they didn't actually include graphene oxide in the shots. What I've come to find instead is [that] they included all the base compounds in order for the bodies to produce their own graphene oxide... So all they have to do is put the base chemicals into the user, expose them to a certain level of magnetic radiation, so phone signals at a certain frequency, and those people will actually grow graphene hydroxide inside of them."
Callender is a shill. He is always misleading us.
Hi Frances, someone commented on my last post with these options to treat nanos. Do you have info you can share on the value of these, how to procure and make them? Sorry for the bother.
1. Sodium chlorite (mix with weak acid, to become chloride dioxide) well known substance for malaria and other ilnesses.
2. Gold plus frankincense plus myrhh mixed in boiled water (thanks to Frances Leader).
Gold, frankincense and myrrh is an ancient healing formula to heal from poisoning. I have used it myself a few times.
First buy medicinal grade resins of Frankincense and Myrrh (Ebay has some!)
Take a small quantity (fit into well of the hand) of each raw resin and smash them to dust in a mortar and pestle. Add about a pint of distilled water. Bring to the boil in a glass or enamelled pot. Do not use a metal one. Simmer the mix, add a gold ring, the higher the carat the better. When the fluid has reduced to about an half inch at the bottom of the pan, strain it into cups. Add honey. Drink down very fast because it tastes awful. Retrieve gold ring. Repeat after 3 days.
Have a juice chaser handy to clear the bitter taste from your mouth immediately after.
Take this early in the day because it does tend to energise!
Thanks, very nice of you to tell me!
all rubbish - just fearmongering. Listen to Dr Sam and Dr Mark Bailey, Dr Tom Cowan, Viroliegy and their many other connections of qualified researchers who dont have any agendas other than trying to make people see the truth in health so they will never fall for any lies again.
They have told you many truths in order to corral you to a part of the ranch where you can't see over the fence.
Sam Bailey? That is one evil twisted divisive bitch. I won’t be listening to her ever again. She created a meme naming me and a few other good people as ‘flies around shit’.
Pls provide a source and what do they tell that is wrong ? And this meme does not sound like their style at all (Mark&Sam) so you have some proof of it I guess?
I have met these people and had them support us without any expectation of return favours and will be forever greatful - that is absolutely correct with regards to the source for this dialogue because I am happy to touch base with them personally and confirm - it is not their style and remember there are a lot of groups out there directly trying to create divisiveness amongst anyone who is trying to do the right thing. They do not want great minds to connect. I am not disregarding Francis experience and admire very much what she does and the research she presents. I will continue to follow both -
You mean you MISSED the video in which she published a picture of shit and flies, surrounded by half a dozen Substack names? It caused a massive shock wave!
You were too anxious to pull me up! Proton Magic shared his analysis of the entire event which includes a screenshot taken from the Bailey's video just above your comment!!!! Go read it carefully. Then your darling Baileys won't look quite so angelic.
you know I write this with no malice - just expressing my experience - not doubting your personal experience - yet disappointing that you would respond in that manner - open non combative discussion is much more constructive and I for one am not going to allow it to drag me into the gutter.
Sam Bailey set out to discredit me and several others with a video she entitled Narcissists! Do you think I should let that slide by uncontested?
I just tried to talk friendly w/ this Proton guy and he is very unpolite…just for others who may read this. I am also guessing from this short episode that he is a simmlar asshole to the Baileys… and will sub to her instead of Proton (his own fault ofc :P)
I see. You think she is right to call me a fly around shit, do you? Why are you even here?
Have a nice day. Not in the mood for drama right now. Perhaps later I wanna pl:P
I am new to drama at this site (substack) but generally I know that troofers love drama too :P It brings attention and views :)
Agent 131711 writes:
"I don’t believe they even need a drone anymore. These towers, which we are being *told* are for “internet” are being used for much more than what we are being lead to believe. Most people, myself included, did not realize 5G means “5th Generation”, it has nothing to do with internet, it is the 5th Generation of technology because it is capable of producing nearly all frequencies, including military frequencies (unlike the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generations which were capable of producing less of a frequency range)… and the 5G tower panel ownership data is illegally blocked from public view - if that doesn’t send up alarm bells, what does? Who classifies sh*t? The military classifies sh*t. Why the heck would harmless “internet tower” panels need to be classified?
Combine that with the Smart Meters that also produce these frequencies which, just like the towers, can be remotely controlled, and we have one hell of a weapons system.
Regarding nanobots and all this stuff, I have no clue. Iron Oxide can indeed be controlled via frequency. You can purchase it cheap online and do your own simple experiments using your pc speakers and your cell phone. This is not a hoax. Iron Oxide is in vaccines, “medicines” and “vitamins”. Based on my research, it is incredibly difficult for our bodies to remove, especially considering that it crosses the Blood Brain Barrier.
With that being said, in my quest for truth, I have tried duplicating the MAC address experiments and I have been unsuccessful.
I have debated crowdfunding a microscopy setup so I can try to get to the bottom of what’s true. Based on what we are being told, surely these nanobots must be in my blood by now, so if I put it on a slide, I expect we should be able to see them, right? If that is the case, why are so few people locating them? Are we to believe every microscopy scientist is so corrupted that they know machines are in people yet choose to ignore it? All of them? Every single microscopy scientist, with the exception of a small handful, has been captured?
One thing I do find hugely interesting is that the people promoting the bot information are selling products, or are affiliated with the sale of products, that remove said technology. I find it equally interesting that the only bot removal products happen to be these specific products, meaning, nobody is testing if the bots can be removed by eating an orange. Is this because they do not sell an orange? Just food for thought, pun intended.
BTW - Speaking of “Internet”, look up the definition for the word “Inter” and you will choke on your morning coffee."…
Scoping can be outsourced, high resolution light or EM can be done and then elemental analysis by spectroscopy. I am planning one to be done in Japan.
One quick find in the US
Do you trust the work of La Quinta Columna Frances? It's hard to get to the truth anywhere. I don't trust any of those doctor types that you talk about. I trust my body to heal by itself once given the right conditions. I go by most of Barbara O'Neill's protocols
Lately they are having vids with the likes of Dr. Astrid Stuckelberger who is a WHO darling working at GeNWOva University. I've lost all faith in them.
La Quinta Columna were the first to draw my attention but I am not sure what they are actually finding in the vaccine vials. Any fluid, allowed to dry on a microscope slide will show crystalline structures. These are salts and minerals usually.
"The predators do not need implants, augmentations, nano-bots in our blood, graphene in our brains or even fitbits on our wrists. All they have to do is drone over you and beam a 60 GHz electro-magnetic frequency in your general direction. They can do it via your smart phone too."
Sure, but why would they want to kill the host? They would much rather make it into a 6G Tower that feeds back information to them 24/7. That seems the whole genesis of Palantir, to be able to skip ahead of the trade. Just think of it as the newest form of quickest connection to be ahead of the market. Having bio-info would be a huge advantage.
Its easy enough to see that they are putting conductive carbon all around us and that there is much being added to the environment of the same. People as 6G towers is talked about in the mainstream now. I imagine there will be smart kids who have adapted to it and are able to transmit signal to their friends, aka hotspot ones.
I don't think it will work, but will instead kill the host. But who knows what is incarnating at the moment, maybe those who can handle it.
"Sure, but why would they want to kill the host?"
Because the Nobs believe that humanity must be culled back to half a billion before 2030!
Surely you know this by now?
From what I gather, Sabrina would be a ‘terrain” type with the added biofield auric worldview? Ardis develops speculative theories that make him sound like controlled opp at times.
However, Ardis and his research uncovered (for me) that the founders of MRNA are all heavily invested with patents and research on synthetic snake venom. I went and fact-checked that and found he’s correct about that part. There’s something in this over the target. Also, Dr. Rashid Buttar believed in the venom theory and look where he wound up.
Look at the link they found early on:
The patents are listed here:
This is wild too, using mRNA for snake bites. I hardly think that’s a coincidence:
Snake venoms and vaccines have a long history together. Its bamboozle is the original snake oil. Its not shocking that they would be using synthetic adaptions of it with mRNA and new forms of witches brew, so I find it perplexing that some are dismissive of the topic.
I don't really understand what exactly it is supposed to do, but I wouldn’t dismiss the occult aspect of it either.
Hi Jerome, we don't really know if Buttar is dead, that is a story for public consumption. We dont have a body to examine and we know they put people underground with new identities all the time: See Mark Staycer for example. The Buttar "death" convinced you he was correct, ingenious mind control isn't it? I can't prove he isn't dead of course. Staycer is kind of a proof because of the voice and birth mark freckle (probable hair transplant and minor nose job) etc. but I digress.
Ardis pushed venom in the water, but neither kids or animals got ill and you cant ingest venom, it's jsut a peptide just breaks down in the gut. If it was in shots people would bleed out in shock immediately-that didnt happen. Patents can and are made on purpose to miselead you as well, it is an info war. Could venom be modified to something else? I guess so, but it wouldnt be venom anymore and there is no chemical analytic report of that in shots.
This one was off'd too, Dr Andreas Noack, the Euro graphene expert.
No proof, but the raid was quite unnatural, a camera right on the cops who did not act right to me, busting in with risk of booby trap or other gun men. Just call him out with his hands up, simple low risk. He was talking about graphene oxide and hyrox, though my post on the discovery of graphene paper
noted the paper said that graphene is only a hypothetical substance based on electronic properties-which he didn't say did he? Everything we can't prove should be open to possibilities.
Graphene is used in many products today. One example being is vehicle paint protectant/sealant.
I think you've read "graphene" in some document or article and have concluded it must be somewhere, but graphene is hypothetical
When people read the word "virus" a million times they think viruses must exist.
Graphene can be googled and can be identified by manufactures and by various products that utilize it. Have you heard of Stanene? You are giving me cause to doubt everything you say when you make a claim such as graphene is hypothetical. They sell ceramic graphene coating at my local Canadian Tire. What do you say to that?
He did not die when the cops busted into his place in Germany during filming. He died some months later, mysteriously, in his kitchen in Austria. His girlfriend was pregnant at the time and she witnessed his death - convinced that he had been targeted by an electro-magnetic weapon. I have heard nothing more from her since. I hope she is OK.
Yes, you are correct, I meant the raid was unnatural (corrected my comment). He was said to have died about a year later, yes mysteriously to me too. And if I was his GF/spouse I would at most make a written statement or have my representative (lawyer?) make it, I would want privacy and certainly would not show my face on a video. Anyway, it is all in the spooky-dooky bin for me.
Totally! xx
I agree, it’d be non-organic, synthetic like everything else they are replacing with. Even the soles on our feet are synthetic. I am into being as natural as possible. I can feel the difference of standing on the clay-soil earth with and without my shoes. I’ll try cotton shoes. Also am trying a earth of wood chips. All of this stuff on the internet is a head of birds to me nowadays.
I wish I could be more at one with the earth, yes!
Venom (snake, scorpion, snails) are peptides no matter how you slice them, otherwise their not a venom. Ingestion is safe. If it was in a shot, you would have immediate terrible reaction, that didn't happen (the vax program could not continue with immediate bad effects). Whether peptides or a derivative, we need a chemical analytic report from a vial, not a Ardis speech (He's not a medical Dr), and he is misleading on many levels not just venoms. He rocks like a COINTELPRO operative.
Ardis strikes me as a controlled opposition operative too. Far too much publicity and Dupers' Delight grins.
Ardis a clear shill to me also Malone and MCCoulough all deny also the virus truth (no contagion!).
I heard from my professor in China that Artemisinin was the most successful herbal remedy employed in the hospitals and as a prophylactic in the homes. That is particularly interesting because Artemisinin is generally prescribed to combat parasites from mosquito bites. The roll out of 5G in Wuhan and most major Chinese cities coincided with spikes in respiratory illnesses.
I think that there is a strong possibility that an overload of electro-magnetic radiation causes blooms of parasites, moulds and yeasts in the blood stream. These can accumulate rapidly causing blockages and clots.
Artemisinin is cheap and available in health food shops. I have kept a supply at hand since March 2020 and have not succumbed to any of the symptoms attributed to ‘Covid19’.
Dr Ardis is misleading.
The oldest documented natural healing systems in the world are Ayurvedic from India and TCM from China. In both we find toxins and poisonous substances used to stimulate a reaction in the body of patients who require help.
The theory is that a poison can jump-start a failing immune system. So when a person is not winning their fight against a pernicious external influence (a bacteria, mould or parasite) we administer a small dose of something violently aggressive which is guaranteed to elicit a clean up. For example: To clean the liver we prescribe dandelion root. To clean the kidney we prescribe fresh ginger root or privet seeds. To clean up radioactivity the Japanese used the ancient formula of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh which is actually very toxic indeed and must be administered in a very controlled way.
You see? To clean the blood from something as powerful as snake venom or any synthetic copy of that we would need a slightly stronger poison.
I proved in Dec 2020 that the SARSCov2 vaccine contained a MAN MADE COMPUTER DESIGNED TOXIN which has never existed in life. I even got UK MHRA to confirm this! I was thrown off Twitter for publishing my email exchange with them.