They had discovered and identified a number of pollutants in vaccines which can trigger a long list of neurological diseases! I decided to try to find out where they are now and what they are doing...
Since 2017, it has stuck in my memory that Italian scientist Dr Stefano Montanari and his wife Antonietta M. Gatti, PhD wrote a paper about their discoveries and were subsequently raided by the Italian police.
The scientists published their work in January of 2017, titled, New Quality‐Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro‐ and Nano-contamination. If science wasn’t plagued by corruption, an investigation should have started, healthcare agencies would have become involved and vaccine safety policies would have come under intense scrutiny, but that never happened.
Here is a quotation from a report made in 2018 on the matter:
In the 90’s, Dr. Antonietta Gatti discovered the relationship between micro- and nano-particles as well as a great number of pathologies: cardiovascular diseases, many forms of cancer, multiple neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases.
She’s taken part in many international research projects, including the pathologies induced by depleted uranium, waste incineration, food polluted with inorganic particles, and more.
Currently, she is the coordinator of the Italian Institute of Technology’s Project of Nanoecotoxicology, called INESE.
She is also a selected expert of the FAO/WHO for the safety in nanotechnological food, and a Member of the NANOTOX Cluster of the European Commission and the author of a book titled “Nanopathology: the health impact of nanoparticles,” and on the Editorial Board of Journal of Biomaterials Applications and a member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defence.
Furthermore, her and her husband Dr. Stefano Montanari founded a laboratory called Nano-diagnostics for the evaluation of the pathological tissues of patients, it’s presently at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy.
Recently, the Italian police raided their home, the police took all digital assets that were owned by the two nano-pathologists, including laptops, computers, and flash-drives, basically years of work and research. ~
James Grundvig via the Children’s Health Defence described what happened quite well:
“Because Gatti and Montanari had taken their research of nanodust and nanoparticles, from in-vivo (performed in a living organism) and in-vitro (performed in a test tube) to what unseen contamination might reside in vaccines in 2016, they came under the microscope of the United States, European, and Italian authorities. They had touched the third rail of medicine. They had crossed the no-go zone with the purported crime being scientific research and discovery. By finding nano-contamination in random vaccines, Gatti and Montanari revealed, for the first time, what no one knew: Vaccines had more than aluminium salts adjuvants, Polysorbate-80, and other inorganic chemicals in them, they also harboured stainless steel, tungsten, copper, and other metals and rare elements that don’t belong in shots given to fetuses, pregnant women, new-borns, babies and toddlers developing their lungs, immune and nervous systems.”
“Stefano Montanari is a pharmacist by education (University of Modena) and, since 1972, has constantly been active in inventing, planning or improving devices for surgical and medical practice, particularly in the areas of cardiovascular surgery and cardiology. In 1979, he married Dr Gatti, and a mutual scientific collaboration was started in the fields of biomaterial research and nanopathology. He has invented both removable and non-removable caval filters, the polyurethane prosthetic heart valve, a pleural drainage device, electrophysiology equipment, the trans-oesophageal catheter for heart pacing and detection, a device to measure hourly urine production and a urine bag with a device to prevent bladder infection. Since 2005, Dr Montanari is a scientific consultant to the Osservatorio Militare Italiano for diseases due to depleted uranium. He has authored or co-authored numerous scientific articles and books and is a lecturer for master courses on nanopathology.” ~
Montanari works with his wife and scientific colleague, Dr Antonietta Gatti, herself an acclaimed scientist who was, from 1979 to 2011, Professor of Biomaterials at the University of Modena. She was a consultant for the European Commission as an expert to evaluate the European biomedical research projects “Biome 2” and “Innovation and Sustainable Growth” from 1998 – 2004.
Dr. Gatti has been a Visiting Professor and lecturer in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, in Greece, the U.K, and the U.S. — at the Institute for Advanced Sciences Convergence – the U.S. Department of State. She was a consultant to the United Nations University in Washington for the Millenium project on the nanotechnologies in the Military Field; she was invited twice by the House of Lords to speak about “Depleted Uranium related diseases.” She was the international coordinator of the European Project DIPNA “Development of an integrated platform for nanoparticle analyses verifying their possible toxicity and eco-toxicity.
Since 2012, Dr. Gatti has been an Associate Professor of the Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramic Materials at the National Council of Research of Italy. She was a member of two scientific committees of the Italian Institute for the Standardization of tests on biomaterials and dental materials. Dr. Gatti was elected Smart Filter for the NASA Project S/MORE, a K-12 project providing behind-the-scenes access to examine the life sciences research conducted in space aboard the US Mir Station. Dr. Gatti was member of the European Task Force on” In-vitro Biocompatibility Tests” at the European Joint Research Centre of Ispra (Italy); she was a consultant for the Foundation for the Advancement in Science and Education for the New York Rescue Project for the victims and rescue workers of the Twin Tower Collapse; and she was a consultant to the Italian Governmental Commission on the Depleted Uranium diseases (4 different Commissions).
She is a Past-Governmental Consultant for the Depleted Uranium and President of the Association for Health, Law and Science located in Geneva, Switzerland; and is a Member of the Board of the Foundation “Lino Rossi”, Milan. Dr. Gatti is a member of the CPCM of the Italian Ministry of Defense, and she has served numerous times as a consultant to the Public Prosecutor of the Criminal Courts in various Italian cases involving environmental pollutants and the health problems related to a Military Firing Range.
In 2012, Dr. Gatti was appointed International Fellow by the Union of the Societies of Biomaterials and Engineering in Chengdu (China); and was twice appointed as the co-organizer of the World Biomaterials Conference in Canada (2016) and in Glasgow, Scotland in 2020.
In 2002, Dr. Gatti was appointed coordinator of a European project called Nanopathology, through which she developed a new diagnostic tool. The results of this project are described in her books co-authored by her husband, Dr. Stefano Montanari: Nanopathology (2008) and Case Studies In Nanotoxicology And Particle Toxicology ( 2015). She uses the scanning microscopy to identify nanoparticles in biological samples, organic matrices, in food, in water, in plants.
Dr. Gatti’s publications are listed at ResearchGate; her publications include:
Innate Defence Functions Of Macrophages Can Be Biased By Nano-Sized Ceramic And Metallic Particles.European Cytokine Network (2004),
Biocompatibility of micro- and nanoparticles. Part I: in liver and kidney (2002)
The “Theory of Everything” Journal of Nanomedicine Research (2016)
Pollutants ‘appear to be in every vaccine’
The pair focused their research on the “polluting micro and nanoparticles that appear to be present in every vaccine for human use”.
They say their research found lead, stainless steel, tungsten, phosphorous, nitrogen, carbon and chloride among the pollutants.
The researchers, who have a reputation for questioning vaccine safety, say Italian police seized their computers and documents.
Removal of equipment was illegal
Montanari says a court ruled the removal was illegal. Police then returned the couple’s computers and documents after 27 days.
The scientist said the officers who took the items deal with financial crimes and officially the raid had no connection to their research.
Among the list of pollutants the couple found in the MMR vaccine were silicon, iron, chromium, nickel, aluminium, calcium, vanadium, silver, sulphur, barium, platinum and bismuth.
The scientists originally published their work in the International Journal of Vaccines & Vaccination in January 2017. Click here to see that study. It resulted in a fierce backlash.
Melanie Carr is the head of stakeholders and communication for the European Medicines Agency. In a response to the research, published as a letter in medical journal The BMJ, she said the Italian study contained “methodological flaws and unsubstantiated assertions”. She added: “The presence of minuscule trace amounts of certain inorganic particles in vaccines is not unexpected and the manufacturing process for all parenteral preparations is designed to ensure that any such traces are kept within safe limits.” Click here to read her letter.
Since the raid on their laboratory, Stefano Montanari and his wife, Antonietta Gatti have been prevented from gainful employment in Italy. They were interviewed about their present situation by a close friend who runs an Italian video platform called Red Ronnie. A brief clip from their conversation, uploaded to YouTube is highly revealing but apparently the full recording is explosive. I was unwilling to pay 50 Euros to access that material. You may feel that it is worth it. If so here is the link:
You will need to use the settings on the following You Tube video to access English subtitles and I can assure you that it is worth your while wading through the wry Italian sarcasm of Montanari to get to the serious comments made by his wife, Antonietta Gatti. The picture she paints is of government sponsored sabotage of their equipment before it was returned to them. She talks about contaminated biological samples which confirmed that babies had received nano-metals from their vaccinated mothers during gestation and from the mothers’ milk and she predicted a generation of infertile adults.
She clearly claims that childhood vaccines are also designed to destroy a potential foetus, causing spontaneous abortions. However, since the raid in 2018, Montanari and Gatti have been driven out of business and the targeting attacks have included faked recordings which were circulated in Italy to character assassinate them.
Red Ronnie says:
“Montanari and Gatti had their supplement company taken away from them and they lost control of it. They [the authorities] stole their social media passwords and used them to discredit them. They [the authorities] denigrated them because, trying to help those who produced them, Stefano advertised a Sator medal. They accused them of wanting to profit from an association where they donated their goods.
Why these heavy attacks from all sides?
I tried to help them by putting them in touch with Gianni Armetta, the genius of Streamit, who recovered their social passwords. Then, after a lunch together, organised by Giovanna Giovannini, I turned on the camera to make them tell me what had happened. They also talked not only about their situation, but about what is going on, especially the ongoing attack on children and the use of live aborted foetuses to make vaccines. This last part is not publishable anywhere but here on Red Ronnie Tv” ~ Translated with (free version)
I am pleased that I was able to track down some more recent news about them, even if it was only to confirm that their removal from the scientific community has been quite total. I did find that there is a website which is kept up to date and oozes Montanari’s signature sarcasm and contempt for all his, and our, enemies. It is worth checking out, if you care to know more.
Another report on particulates in vaccines - from a whistleblower!
I think we should stop calling these "diseases." They're all symptoms of poisoning.