In December of 2020 I emailed the UK MHRA about the ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine because I suspected that no virus had been isolated. My email exchange is here:
It became evident that the mRNA component was synthetic.
I went on to collate a massive archive of material supporting my hypothesis that there was never a virus but there was, in fact, a reaction to the sudden increase of electro-magnetic radiation from 5G installations which coincided both chronologically and geographically.
This work caused me to be excluded from social media to such an extent that I can only write unmolested on Substack and I don't know how long it will be before I am disappeared from here too.
Long before this SARSCov2 fiasco there was an Italian couple who examined all the vaccines being given to people in 2017. Their results showed the presence of nano-particulates of various metals. Their laboratory was raided, equipment confiscated and their business closed down.
The most damning event which completely confirmed my worst suspicions occurred during the lockdowns..... The erection of 5G towers all over the UK were considered to be "essential infrastructure" and the incidence of Covid19 outbreaks followed their footprints.
Covid 19 is caused by the unnatural electro-magnetic radiation from telecommunications.
It is not a biological entity. It is entirely technological.
Hi Frances, I highly suggest you watch the new video released on the Stew Peters Network channel on Rumble entitled: Dr. Ana Mihalcea - NEW EVIDENCE - Uninjected Unable to be Mind Controlled?
I just watched it and was blown away. Quite interesting stuff.
A few months ago the Health Ranger claimed to have chemically analysed a sample of the rubbery clots. The result showed phosphorus in abundance, more by far than any other element. Yet Dr Ana's analysis does not show phosphorus at all!
Phosphorus is horribly toxic and comes in many forms. I am very curious to see someone else analyse these long white rubbery clots as a matter of some urgency.
"As the new Trump administration prepares to take possession of the White House in January, it will be facing a flurry of aggressive bills to expand 5G and wireless technologies. The media blackout about these policies and their long-term impact upon the average American’s lives and their physical and mental health remains largely unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans. Currently, Congress is considering over 60 bills that would fast-track deployment of wireless infrastructure thereby bypassing crucial safety, environmental, and public health safeguards and federal oversight."
The rapid proliferation of wireless antennas (including those on cell towers, 5G/4G small cells and rooftops) into national parks, wilderness, urban and suburban ecosystems is increasing the environmental levels of non-ionizing radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation.
Scientific evidence indicates that wireless RF and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields are an environmental pollutant presenting critical exposure risks to wildlife and the natural environment.
This video features experts in science, law and policy discussing the need for protective regulations.
THE FIFTH GENERATION WEAPON - All living things react to changes in electro-magnetic radiation!
"Humanity is sleep walking into extinction - mainly because they haven’t joined all the dots and are probably reading this on a 5G device, oblivious to the threat they are holding in their hands."
How ICNIRP, AGNIR, PHE and a 30 year old political decision created and then covered up a global public health scandal:
"The International Committee on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are a private self appointed body or NGO who together with the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR) and Public Health England (PHE), have somehow ended up effectively setting microwave radiation exposure ‘safety’ standards for the populations of large parts of the world since the 1990s."
"An organisation whose origin and structure is none too clear and which is suspected of having rather too close links with the interests of the industries it notionally ‘regulates’. Indeed, how do such bodies mysteriously come about in the first place? NGOs may technically be non-governmental organisations but that doesn’t mean that they are necessarily non-political organisations, so called scientific ‘objectivity’ is always shaped and influenced to some degree by political and economic considerations and NGOs are subject to corporate capture and corruption just as much as a sporting ruling body such as FIFA. How is it that a group of people manage to self appoint themselves as the reliable regulatory body which takes upon itself to decide what is supposedly safe for the rest of us or not?"
Olle Johansson is a former associate professor at the department of neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. His research focuses on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and the potential consequences of unbridled expansion of global communications networks. He has been outspoken in his desire to inform the public of the known dangers of electronic devices and wireless technologies, particularly to children, who are more susceptible to the effects. Due to the complex socio political and economic relationships between telecommunications companies and public health sectors, Olle’s (and others) work has been harshly criticised for being dramatic and unfounded, despite the presence of thousands of peer-reviewed articles demonstrating detrimental biological effects of man-made electromagnetic fields dating back almost a century. Olle’s moral obligation to speak out about these negative health effects have impacted his career and research dramatically.
Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review
"The study of human exposure to radio frequency microwave RFMW radiation has been the subject of widespread investigation and analysis. It is known that electromagnetic radiation has a biological effect on human tissue. An attempt has been made by researchers to quantify the effects of radiation exposure on the human body and to set guidelines for safe exposure levels. A review of the pertinent findings is presented along with the American National Standards Institute ANSI recommended safety standard and the United States Air Force permissible exposure limit for RFMW radiation. An overview of research conducted in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is also included in this report."
... i appreciate what u mean!... however, u may, may discover vital connections?... especially in The Great Message...i'm just listening to the rest of that video Francis...the GM pdf is online...i'll supply a bit of background to the above later, or soon...Irish election is a disaster...
Kind thought! I was pleased that someone else actually caught the connection between Musk and the real meaning of the Doge. I wrote about it a year ago!
In December of 2020 I emailed the UK MHRA about the ingredients in the Pfizer vaccine because I suspected that no virus had been isolated. My email exchange is here:
It became evident that the mRNA component was synthetic.
I went on to collate a massive archive of material supporting my hypothesis that there was never a virus but there was, in fact, a reaction to the sudden increase of electro-magnetic radiation from 5G installations which coincided both chronologically and geographically.
One study, from April 2020 by a Spanish doctor confirmed my thoughts:
This work caused me to be excluded from social media to such an extent that I can only write unmolested on Substack and I don't know how long it will be before I am disappeared from here too.
Long before this SARSCov2 fiasco there was an Italian couple who examined all the vaccines being given to people in 2017. Their results showed the presence of nano-particulates of various metals. Their laboratory was raided, equipment confiscated and their business closed down.
The most damning event which completely confirmed my worst suspicions occurred during the lockdowns..... The erection of 5G towers all over the UK were considered to be "essential infrastructure" and the incidence of Covid19 outbreaks followed their footprints.
Covid 19 is caused by the unnatural electro-magnetic radiation from telecommunications.
It is not a biological entity. It is entirely technological.
Thank you!
Hi Frances, I highly suggest you watch the new video released on the Stew Peters Network channel on Rumble entitled: Dr. Ana Mihalcea - NEW EVIDENCE - Uninjected Unable to be Mind Controlled?
I just watched it and was blown away. Quite interesting stuff.
Found it:
A few months ago the Health Ranger claimed to have chemically analysed a sample of the rubbery clots. The result showed phosphorus in abundance, more by far than any other element. Yet Dr Ana's analysis does not show phosphorus at all!
So when Dr Ana said that she could not find a solvent to dissolve her rubbery samples, I looked up Phosphorus and found this very interesting encyclopaedia entry:
Phosphorus is horribly toxic and comes in many forms. I am very curious to see someone else analyse these long white rubbery clots as a matter of some urgency.
A Substack post with many references, entitled:
Techno is the Toy to turn her light OUT
Geoengineering, Quantum Dots, Graphene oxide, Nanno Technology, Transhumanism
Dr Olle Johannsen and Prof Martin Pall are desperately calling out for a halt to EMFs. When searching for their work online I discover that many of their links have been deleted. These are the best I could find for contact details:
"As the new Trump administration prepares to take possession of the White House in January, it will be facing a flurry of aggressive bills to expand 5G and wireless technologies. The media blackout about these policies and their long-term impact upon the average American’s lives and their physical and mental health remains largely unbeknownst to the vast majority of Americans. Currently, Congress is considering over 60 bills that would fast-track deployment of wireless infrastructure thereby bypassing crucial safety, environmental, and public health safeguards and federal oversight."
The rapid proliferation of wireless antennas (including those on cell towers, 5G/4G small cells and rooftops) into national parks, wilderness, urban and suburban ecosystems is increasing the environmental levels of non-ionizing radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic radiation.
Scientific evidence indicates that wireless RF and other non-ionizing electromagnetic fields are an environmental pollutant presenting critical exposure risks to wildlife and the natural environment.
This video features experts in science, law and policy discussing the need for protective regulations.
THE FIFTH GENERATION WEAPON - All living things react to changes in electro-magnetic radiation!
"Humanity is sleep walking into extinction - mainly because they haven’t joined all the dots and are probably reading this on a 5G device, oblivious to the threat they are holding in their hands."
FINAL POST OF 2024 - VIRUS OR NO VIRUS - That is the question! Or is there something else happening?
How ICNIRP, AGNIR, PHE and a 30 year old political decision created and then covered up a global public health scandal:
"The International Committee on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) are a private self appointed body or NGO who together with the Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation (AGNIR) and Public Health England (PHE), have somehow ended up effectively setting microwave radiation exposure ‘safety’ standards for the populations of large parts of the world since the 1990s."
"An organisation whose origin and structure is none too clear and which is suspected of having rather too close links with the interests of the industries it notionally ‘regulates’. Indeed, how do such bodies mysteriously come about in the first place? NGOs may technically be non-governmental organisations but that doesn’t mean that they are necessarily non-political organisations, so called scientific ‘objectivity’ is always shaped and influenced to some degree by political and economic considerations and NGOs are subject to corporate capture and corruption just as much as a sporting ruling body such as FIFA. How is it that a group of people manage to self appoint themselves as the reliable regulatory body which takes upon itself to decide what is supposedly safe for the rest of us or not?"
An interesting look at how frequencies hidden in music affect our health:
Olle Johansson: Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (December 2024)
Olle Johansson is a former associate professor at the department of neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet. His research focuses on the biological effects of electromagnetic fields and the potential consequences of unbridled expansion of global communications networks. He has been outspoken in his desire to inform the public of the known dangers of electronic devices and wireless technologies, particularly to children, who are more susceptible to the effects. Due to the complex socio political and economic relationships between telecommunications companies and public health sectors, Olle’s (and others) work has been harshly criticised for being dramatic and unfounded, despite the presence of thousands of peer-reviewed articles demonstrating detrimental biological effects of man-made electromagnetic fields dating back almost a century. Olle’s moral obligation to speak out about these negative health effects have impacted his career and research dramatically.
Radiofrequency/Microwave Radiation Biological Effects and Safety Standards: A Review
"The study of human exposure to radio frequency microwave RFMW radiation has been the subject of widespread investigation and analysis. It is known that electromagnetic radiation has a biological effect on human tissue. An attempt has been made by researchers to quantify the effects of radiation exposure on the human body and to set guidelines for safe exposure levels. A review of the pertinent findings is presented along with the American National Standards Institute ANSI recommended safety standard and the United States Air Force permissible exposure limit for RFMW radiation. An overview of research conducted in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is also included in this report."
... my reply was essentially had u come across... ... ...there are five books in the Harmonic Series... including 'The Great Message' and supplementary reading... if u haven't and are interested i'll fill u in maybe tomorrow... they don't want this 'Known'...and tried to destroy his reputation etc...
Off topic! But OK... I will give it a look.
... i appreciate what u mean!... however, u may, may discover vital connections?... especially in The Great Message...i'm just listening to the rest of that video Francis...the GM pdf is online...i'll supply a bit of background to the above later, or soon...Irish election is a disaster...
...sorry Francis, my latest reply didn't post,I then copied comment, it's fkd up, I'll see if I can resolve it...
...came here to post this link Francis... ...i see u are already familiar with! ...
Kind thought! I was pleased that someone else actually caught the connection between Musk and the real meaning of the Doge. I wrote about it a year ago!
... thanks!... i'll look into ur articles soon!... i'm almost half through video i posted, hope ur health improves again soon, it will!... 🙏➕🙏...