In your article, Germans were mentioned in regards to the templars (something like that). The Rothschilds used to be “Bauers” and changed their name (Rothschilds = Red Shield). So I’m wondering where the fake Jews (Synagogue of Satan) fits into all of this?

What a fascinating article. Thanks for sharing this well written article.

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The Rothschilds rose as Court Jews for the Elector of Hesse Cassell, the then richest man in Europe known for renting his subjects to fellow Royalty as soldiers. Yes, the same guy that sent Hessians to America to put down the American Revolution for King George. For aiding the Brits against Napoleon, the Rothschilds became the major Court Jews for the British Crown. Royalty likes to hide their depredations (taxes and interest) behind "Jews" so the rage of the people will not be directed at Royalty. Too many "conspiracy theorists" fall for this deception and become "Jew Haters" which is part of the plan. The anti-Defamation League promotes the myth by claiming all conspiracy theorists are "Jew Haters" or "anti-Semites."

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Makes sense to me.

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That could very well be. Who do you think killed the Royal Czars of Russia and why were they killed? i

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It is obvious that you suffer from an alarming anti-semitic streak. I am going to ban you from commenting on my posts. You have spread enough hatred and anti-semitism here and elsewhere repeatedly. It stops now. Goodbye.

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Their relatives in England or Germany, no doubt.

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Geopolitical reasons might include the rivalry of the Brits and Russia over India and Afghanistan. IT WAS CALLED THE "Great Game".

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Maybe, but also to permit the Jesuit communist experiment to be played out on a much larger scale than had been developed in the Reductions of Paraguay. https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/12688b.htm

Please note that this article skates neatly over the enormous economic benefits to the Vatican which were reaped in the form of 'taxes' from the Reductions of Paraguay, Uraguay and Brazil.

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Yeah. The Catholic Church wanted to re-conquer the Orthodox Church and end the schism. Communism may have been a tactic for doing so. They knew the Czars would never drop the Orthodox Church. The Fatima legend said Russia would be reclaimed for the Catholic Church. Uh: Ukraine Catholic vs Putin's Orthodox Russia?

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The Rothschilds rose as Court Jews for the Elector of Hesse Cassell, the then richest man in Europe known for renting his subjects to fellow Royalty as soldiers. Yes, the same guy that sent Hessians to America to put down the American Revolution for King George. For aiding the Brits against Napoleon, the Rothschilds became the major Court Jews for the British Crown. Royalty likes to hide their depredations (taxes and interest) behind "Jews" so the rage of the people will not be directed at Royalty. Too many "conspiracy theorists" fall for this deception and become "Jew Haters" which is part of the plan. The anti-Defamation League promotes the myth by claiming all conspiracy theorists are "Jew Haters" or "anti-Semites."

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It’s sure is an incredible web of lies and deceptions.

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Well said, Lloyd! xx

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The German merchant bankers who migrated to the City of London in the 18th century came from wealthy Holy Roman Empire aristocratic families. They were (and are) heavily associated with the papal bloodlines of the Venetian and Roman Black Nobility. They had an agenda, a bloodless coup to usurp the British monarchy.

It was a wise decision for the Rothschilds to set up businesses in all the financial hubs of Europe where they could continue to profit from the investment services that their father had provided to the House of Hesse and others. In this way they were able to pull the whole family out of the Frankfurt ghetto and its limitations.

When you say 'fake jews' I assume you are thinking of the converted Khazarians who had migrated westward after the Rus had driven them out of their lands in the 10th century. There is no actual evidence that the Rothschild (Bauer) family descends from Khazars. They claim to be Ashkenazi by blood. It should be noted that their recent generations have married members of European aristocratic Christian families like the Aldobrandinis, so religion does not seem to be a stumbling block for them in their love lives!

Revelation 2:9 states "I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan." So I guess that could be interpreted to reference Jews who neglect the Torah, i.e., first four books of the Bible and who prefer to study and obey the Talmud, the central text of Rabbinic Judaism. It could also refer to modern day Zionists, who are trying to hasten the coming of their Messiah or even Sabbatean Frankists whose mischief turns good into bad and vice versa.

I am not a theologian, so I cannot really say how much credence we should give to the Book of Revelation. I strongly suspect that it was an afterthought added to the New Testament by Roman scholars in the early days of their hijacking of Christianity.

This article may assist you to understand my thoughts on this knotty problem. Thanks for asking, it was a very good question!


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"There is no actual evidence that the Rothschild (Bauer) family descends from Khazars." As there is no evidence that they didn't either. And if they were Bauer how could they have been Ashkenazi? In another words, are they "Jews" or not?

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And-- wouldn't you agree that the Bible was surely "edited" by ... you guessed it... ROMANS? heh heh, of course, thinks this dog.

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The New Testament may have been edited or entirely written by Romans as claimed by several recent writers. I addressed these arguments in other posts here:


and here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/who-was-the-fisher-of-men

and furthermore: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-true-authorship-of-the-new-testament

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New testament written by control freaks is the truth. King James diversion....Romans 13 :1-2...the powers that be are ordained of gawd.Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of gawd, and they that resist shall recieve unto themselves damnation (crucifiction).....the puppets that be are ordained of gawd is laughable. Jesus (whoever that decent man was) did not die for our sins, he was crucified for telling the slaves that taxation is theft, pay it not. He said this after he took a "whip of cords" and cleared the temple (bank). The bank temple was built by occupation rome, which centuries later pissmarked ancient Briton with temple bank!

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Listening to "The Occult Art of Law" -- I'll get to these, hopefully soon... If I'm ALLOWED...

ha harf.

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This old post of mine is packed with useful links and comments. It has been circulated almost continuously since I published it and has attracted almost 250 comments. Hardly surprising considering the mind blowing content.

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Wow! This is an excellent reply to my question and yes I meant the Khazarians.

Will most definitely dig into that article you sent. Thank you once again! 😃

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Jews in Poland & the Russian Pale spoke Yiddish, a German dialect, which suggests they migrated from the West rather than the East.

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The roots prior to the 10th century are somewhat vague. There is also some distinction between Eastern and Western Yiddish.


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Occult Art of Law (A lecture explaining the terminology which traps us into slavery)


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Listening now...

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Link banned.... censorship grows. Do you have another alternative Frances?

I red again the article, and it is revealing... the old idea or image of the world more and more is melting as wax ... and things fall in place ;-)

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I'm listening now on Bitchute... ?

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Bitchute has restricted it in Europe! Apparently us Europeans are too delicate for truth! lol

I found it on Odysee.... as can be seen below, but only tough tittied Euros should dare to click the link! 🤣😂🙄

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I can understand THAT!

I'll never give my name again...

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This is the same lecture, so far uncensored!


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Thanks SO much, for the link and ALL your work!!!

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You will see that I did not write this document. I merely mirrored it from an article I found online which was quoting from this short book: https://www.scribd.com/document/167584305/16808761-The-Crown-Temple-ECC-pdf

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Thanks, anyway. xo

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Interesting but very long video - Secrets in Plain Sight:


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Says it's no longer available. :(

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Found it on Odysee, but it is 3.45 hours long! Save it for a rainy day!


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Plenty of rainy days coming up this winter I’m sure 😊

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I’m watching it, you are correct. It’s LOOOONG. My Fabulous Father was a Past Grand Master of the Scottish Right. He’s been gone 24 years and I have only scratched his historical record. He was a very intelligent man who spoke five languages and was a corporate accountant to the largest national oil company in Chinada. An incredibly talented intelligent person who was good at most things. Five Sons, a big family, but only the eldest brother even temporarily joined the “DeMolay”, for youth. This was sixty plus years ago. And he was an incredibly good upstanding successful professional businessman who raised a great big family. I’m happy to have that experience.

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Wot, when I'm serving "time"? ha ha

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Finally had a chance to sit down and read this essay. Not super strong. When coming to broad explanatory theories of our past, present and future our minds have to do two actions: 1) use specific examples of empiricle data and 2) draw general conclusions (ie posit universals). Those universals that we posit may either be shaped by a noun-based mode of thinking which involves taking patterns and plugging them into a program that then drives at conclusions which is something computers are designed to do. The other type of action is 2) verb-based thinking which involves tuning the mind to processes of change that are themselves shaped by dynamics, intentions, goals, designs etc which is where causal motive principles are located.

The above essay is a typical (albeit hypertrophied) example of a noun-based pattern formation thought process that ignores massive swaths of reality to justify a conclusion which the author wished very much to force the selected facts to support.

I'm not against this sort of thing if it accomodates as much of discoverable reality as possible, but when lazy thinking is at the drivers' seat and massive facts of reality are ignored, I get annoyed.

In this case, the author wishes his readers to believe that the US constitution AND declaration of independence were both frauds cooked up to dupe its victims into creating a crown controlled nation under the pope's control. If the papacy is actually the core essence of all evil, then why have so many Popes been assassinated over the years? Why have so many popes worked to destroy the Jesuits (big example of 1773) and Freemasons and not only popes but also cardinals and bishops who were like minded and worked to support them? Obviously there are evil Roman empire corruptions in the catholic church, but why ignore the good as well? Similarly why did the British Empire fight for 6 grueling years 1776-1783 against the rebels when they could have just done it in a few months and given them their false fake nation in a few weeks if it was always the intention? The losses and expenses were incredible and the obsession to break the american revolutionaries was very real. Also why does the author paint the false image that the rebellious americans under evil Ben Franklin's persuasion paid 18 million livres back the crown they were fighting in 1782? The majesty being referred to here is clearly the French king who later had his head chopped off and not the British king whom the author insinuates. The french were organized over decades by Franklin and co to support the revolution and the best of those french collaborators (again many of whom were decapitated in the French color revolution) truly understood the Augustinian challenge for mankind to finally break free of animalistic imperial inbreeding and achieve a city of god on earth. Also if esquire meant a tool of the crown and lawyer who went to one of the Crown Inns as its sole definition, then why did Ben Franklin sign his name esquire when he was never a lawyer and never had more than a grade 4 level official education? Why ignore all of the fights that Franklin, Hamilton, John Jay etc fought risking their lives and so much more for the sake of their ideas and consciences? Why ignore all the action and drama of history which are right there for any non-lazy minded researcher to explore? Why would Ben Franklin and especially Hamilton and Washington have risked their lives on so many occasions which they verifiably did if they were just agents of evil? Why would so many presidents have died fighting against the oligarchy and in defense of humanity using the constitutional powers of the nation in battle against this evil parasite (which they did)? There are so many other points of lazy minded pattern-formation connectoid lobotomized computer thinking deployed by the author that it is dizzying. My paradoxes stand and again I would advise people who want to figure things out to dig into some more rigorous research using a study of the writings of Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and other figures who risked so much to fight evil in order to give us the priviledge of living in a world where we have literacy, have access to forms of sanitation, food etc that allows us to live beyond a 40 avg year life expenctancy under a feudal garch's estate. Anyone who reads stuff like what this author just published, would have to conclude that there is nothing to do but not fight for anything which would make those oligarchs which the good author appears to detest extremely happy.

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Matthew, you and I do not know each other, but I will share this message with you anyhow, as you have offended me with your insults here.

You impugned Frances, hurling many insults her way, and I feel that you are so incredibly off-base, especially in the light of your own ignorance that has likely turned calcified smugness - should you not humble yourself.

Listening to your blather reminded me of that other "most intellectual man in Canada"- the fraudulent worm-tongue known as Jordan Peterson.

Anyone that is still professing the glorious attributes of our most wise and beneficent forefathers, who in reality were nothing short of lying, cheating, thieving mercenaries that hid behind their wigs, tights, and make-up the fact that they were doing the architectural work of Lucifer, is one likely to have procured only a pseudo-education from the same institutions that are "educating" the masses to this very day.

Are you not aware of the fact of this man Nimrod- the architect responsible for the infamous Tower of Babel- who is the father of our modern Masonic Orders? (though king Solomon is given that honor, for fairly obvious reasons, when one Sees...)

Are you not aware of that sage and prolific fount of spouting esoteric knowledge, Albert Pike, who died in 1891, and yet had recorded written records of our THREE world wars? (Just conspiratorial bosh, of course, just as the protocols of the elders of Zion are, as well...)

Do you not register all of the menacing symbology that is blazed across every piece of currency and every public institution, even though we are all told that such is of no significance?

Of course, none of this is of any great import, right?

Might you be affiliated with these same people that would mislead the people into a false subservience to the wicked and evil institutions of which you partake, as all of the mind-fogged sycophants would seem to occupy theirselves with these days?

If so, then I know that these words will not likely reach their intended mark, but nevertheless, I feel like you NEED to be humbled - brought down from your arrogance..... as if you were the Author of "universal" knowledge, and of the "paradox"! Oh how painful to witness the fall from Pride!

And I here acknowledge that it certainly appears that you have fallen prey to your own failure to see, and yet would call Frances a mindless recipient of a lobotomy, when she does not put forth the Entirety of the Human Plight for you and the rest of us here!

Can you not re-read your loosely parroted spew, and see it for the lukewarm and cowardly attack that it is?

I was somehow expecting better, higher offerings from you when I was urged to read your writings here, and was disappointed, but not terribly surprised to discover just another bully that needs his nose lovingly punched in.

Yours was a shameful response to a person that is attempting to give of herself in order to see that our shared world not be obliterated by the likes of your tyrannical Great Architects.

I would lovingly, yet fiercely and pointedly, suggest that you Rethink Yourself, Matthew, before you find yourself caught short of the mark of a virtuous and upright life well lived.

Blessings to remove the blinds.

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Awesome chastisement.

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...and the horse he rode in on! ( American joke, blokes!)

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Hear hear! 👏 Thank you.

IMO until the dead speak for themselves and the hidden history is revealed, we all can only surmise events based on available evidence.

So what is the truth? No one knows. And therefore no one is an expert.

Condescending (and outright rude) responses like the one above from ME just prove the fact.

Personally I find Frances’ essays insightful and intriguing whether I agree with them or not. And isn’t that what free will (and intellectual maturity) is all about?

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A person comes to the party, PUKES, then barrels off, leaving it to be cleaned up by another...

So it goes, and yet I would take aim to not be one of 'those', and would hope that if I did puke, then at least I would stick around and clean it up, while shrugging my shoulders, and getting down to help clean up the mess that was left by the irresponsible party.


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Git 'em, MK. :)

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I find it a bit odd that you do not consider that your heroes may have been misled and used!

There have always been brave people who are treated like tools by the Black Nobility, taking action, in good faith, unaware that they have been duped.

For example, anyone who fought in WW1 or WW2. Certainly very brave and self sacrificing but used and abused by people with motives way beyond their understanding.

Your final sentence is so peculiar that I had to read it 5 times before I understood what you are trying to say! Upon reading and fully comprehending the ramifications of the document under discussion here, I was EVEN MORE incensed to expose and dismantle the aristocratic system which holds the world to ransom and enacts regular culls of humanity for the sole purpose of gaining full dominion over nature, even claiming the earth as their territory upon which they, and only they, prosper.

Rather than permitting your paradoxes to discourage me, I find them confirming my worst suspicions. Academia, ever the tool of power, will defend the enemy because it cannot tolerate that it has been deceived.


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I rather liked that bit about not 'permitting your paradoxes to discourage me" being confirmation. And it's very true that it is very difficult to give up on being deceived.

Talking about your anger - a few weeks ago I read an essay by Richard Poe that detailed how the British deliberately lost the battle at Gallipoli in WW2, in which a huge number of men died, many from Australia, all as part of a complicated play against the Russian Czar and an agreement with the Bolsheviks who they helped over throw the Czar and then the British oil company got all the land in Persia, and the oil for what became BP. The cost - all the men that died in Gallipoli. I was in a rage for days when I thought about it as I had family members that fought there and some that died. I'm still in a f***g rage about it actually. The British elites are murdering genocidal swine. And it is clear they are a large part of the Covid-19 murder cartel.

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Precisely. I will NEVER let my anger cool over the many historical stunts that the predator class has pulled on the uninformed general public. That would be a sure way to disrespect my ancestors and I am not prepared to do that, no matter what.

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Yes, that is why I read "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" every few years, so that I am kept sharply tuned to the Fact that the War is Certainly Not Over, no matter how many times the television tells them so.

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Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars - Total Onslaught - Walter Veith


I believe in reincarnation so even killing those who uphold these laws would not be enough. They would come back raging in their next life.... The answer lies in teaching them some respect. Teaching them that dominion over others is not remotely holy, acceptable or necessary.

These laws were made to direct people into Catholic control. To make all humans the chattels of God's supposed representatives on Earth. Since the Papal Bull of 1302, Unam Sanctum, there has been evil in the heart of the 'Holy Roman Empire' and it needs exposing.

I challenge their claim to represent God. In fact, I challenge them to prove to me that God supports their system! The entire religion of Christianity belies the words and actions of Jesus, misrepresenting him entirely. There has been 2,000 years of evil conducted in the name of God!

By their fruits we know them.

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I listened to the whole ‘Total Onslaught’ series recently (some 36 long videos) and found it fascinating, as was your article, thank you. It all makes a great deal of sense but the trouble is, I see no way to verify what I’ve been told really. Presumably you have done so to your own satisfaction?

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I have found much of Walter Veith's material supported by other researchers and, if you look up names on Wikipedia or Encyclopaedia Britannica you can verify the stories but it takes a lot of effort and time. Am I satisfied? Not always.... I often intuit that there is a lot more that needs revealing.

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That’s good to know, thank you. I admire your doggedness x

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Did Jesus say pay your coin to Kaisar, or was it tax thieves who put those words in Jesus mouth?

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It may well be a case of misrepresenting Jesus. Good point Worterbuch! I note your name means 'dictionary' in English. I also have noticed you working your way through all my articles over recent days. Thank you very much for reading so thoroughly!

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Thanks, I just found your work and I like it.

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I have just watched The Q Documentary, which was very interesting! Every now & again, I come back to this article for reference, and it makes me seethe :(

Hopefully 2025 will bring some new hope, and awaken the multitudes to the centuries of utter deception by the 'Unholy Roman Empire'!!!

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"Juxtaposition" on Bitchute says we are under Admiralty Law.

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He also collaborates with Sabrina Wallace.... 🙄

Credibility? Zero.

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I had never heard of Sabrina Wallace. Wow, she's nuts.

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Really..... well maybe you ought to research that claim.


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Research his claim on Wikipedia? No, thank you. Talk about no credibility.

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Then you may find info about Admiralty Law elsewhere. I was just trying to help you as you have been so deceived. Wikipedia is unlikely to misrepresent the Law, that could be expensive.

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So...all this said 🙏where to from here?

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I think we have to disempower the Vatican and her agents.

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Wooooooah! And i thought i was getting a tight grip.

So the Empire of City has a hierarchy? Vatican over City of London over Washington?

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Relocated and rebranded is indeed a phrase I use quite regularly when trying to explain the historical story of 'empire'.

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Great stuff Frances. Have you ever come across Otto Niemeyer (ex-HM Treasury, BoE, Chairman BIS) in your NWO travels. I'm on the lookout for material to supplement this:

Part 4c: 1930/1931 - A Prussian's Wiles


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Magna Carta was signed at Runnymede.

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No. Actually Magna Carta was NEVER signed by King John. He knew he was only a regent.

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Put together, all the claims that a small group of people, each one claiming a different group of people, is in control of the world suggest to me that no one is in control of the world. I find this reassuring.

Rule of law means:

- The laws are created by people elected by the citizens.

- The people who create the laws are themselves subject to the laws they create.

"But where says some is the King of America? ...the world may know, that so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America the law is king."

Thomas Paine, Common Sense (1776)

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The Rule of Law means that the Ruler is the Law. Or the Law only works for the Ruler and definitely not for the people.

I don't think you read the article, just the headline.

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Stunning info, Frances. And yes I vaguely remember your posting a link to this in one of your stack articles but guess I didn't look at it carefully then or maybe just didn't read all the way through it.

Unbelievable & shocking overview. >

"By swearing to the 1213 Charter in fealty, King John declared that the British-English Crown and its possessions at that time, including all future possessions, estates, trusts, charters, letters patent, and land, were forever bound to the Pope and the Roman Church, the landlord. Some five hundred years later, the New England Colonies in America became a part of the Crown as a possession and trust named the “United States.”

"By agreeing to the Magna Carta, King John had broken the agreement terms of his fealty with Rome and the Pope."

"The Pope and his Roman Church control the Crown Temple because his Knights established it under his Orders."

"He who controls the gold controls the world."

He who controls the money (banks) legal system (Crown lawyers) & real estate (the Crown Estates) is truly King of the Castle for sure. Rigging the system has taken on a whole new meaning w/this article.

(p.s. Frances - I've copied our chat that disappeared from your chat so I can send it in email to you if you want it for the record. I evidently can't respond to you in the chat there as it keeps being deleted as you've pointed out to me this evening. Maybe it will self-correct in the days ahead... who knows?)

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I reported the fault to Substack. Interestingly everything went pear-shaped after I received a message appearing to come from you which stated that you were deleting everything related to 'Audrey'. From that moment forward the chat box was completely empty.

Then, later, you said you had not deleted anything!

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Frances - I did reply to you several times & one of the times I told you I was going to delete Audrey's chat w/me - not yours - as every person's chat is separate from every other chat.

In other words, I can't delete YOUR chat box on your pc but only my own chat WITH Audrey or my own chat with you on my pc (but you should still be able to see our chat with either me OR Audrey yourself, independently of whether we've deleted our chat box with you. The conversation should remain.

Your chat conversation with anyone will still be there in YOUR individual chat box. Oh, lord, as I re-read my explanation here it sounds so complicated. HAH Key point is that since you weren't on my chat with Audrey, you couldn't either see our chat or delete it from my chat box. Only I could delete it for me. Hope this is clear now.

Anyway, after I deleted her original chat with me, I then sent her another chat message asking her to respond to me, which she didn't then or hasn't responded to yet, as far as I can tell. Btw the main reasons I dislike the substack chat functions so much are because one can't edit a message in chat after you send it & if you try to delete only one sent message, it only gives you a cancel or delete all choice. Bad.

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I just popped into the chat between us to see if there has been any change. It is completely empty at my end! I looked for an email from you but could not find one. I looked for an email from Substack about the fault but no joy there either!

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"In other words," The whole pile of legalese is nothing but CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD because if we are not told this, if we are not taught this, if we are not privy to this, if we have not signed a contract to this KNOWINGLY, if we are kept in the dark about it, then for all intents and purposes it is VOID for FRAUD and is CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD on it's face. I say, trade in those federal reserve "notes" (Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT..) for silver coins, gold coins and do so QUICKLY so the THEIVES don't use their WORTHLESS ("All the paper money issued today is Federal Reserve notes. The real backing for the nation's money is faith in the strength, soundness and stability of the American economy." ~ The Hats the Federal Reserve Wears, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, pg 4 Faith is what backs our monetary system. YOUR faith. Do you still have faith?) FAKE ASS monopoly money to take more gold and silver out of circulation. OTHERWISE plan on arming up, finding out where they keep it and TAKE IT BACK from these bastards. As for "rule of law"? This is so far away from what our creator could consider a rule of law as to be laughable. HIS RULE OF LAW is DO NO HARM. Don't STEAL. These piece of human excrement's "rule of law" revolves around FRAUD, DECIPT, THEFT, ROBBERY, EXTORTION, MURDER, MAYHEM, DESTRUCTION...the list goes on! Nice to know about this but really? They can SHOVE that so called rule of law where the sun doesn't shine!

I don't rid my house of rats because I hate rats. I rid my house of rats because I love my family and I don't want one of them bit by a rat. So out of LOVE I will help rid the world of these parasites when the day comes that we sharpen our shooting skills, and AIM SMALL MISS SMALL. It's the lot of man. It's a cycle. Freedom reigns...control freak parasites start to take over, freedom wains, people get tyrannized by the control freaks and their enforcers...finally they realize that the cute little puppy they brought home has turned into a tyrant. The people rise up again, throw off the chains, and freedom reigns. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat...on it goes. I can't love the one who is torturing me or my family. I can only kill them. Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis

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