LIVE | Lavrov: Zelensky Has No Interest in Ending This Conflict, Russia Takes Trump's LINE of Attack!

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov launched a scathing attack on NATO and Western nations, accusing them of deliberately escalating the Ukraine conflict under the guise of peacekeeping. Speaking at a press conference, Lavrov dismissed discussions of deploying NATO troops to Ukraine as a "direct provocation" and warned that any such move would lead to disastrous consequences. He accused France and the UK of spreading "deceptive narratives" while actively fuelling the war with military aid. Lavrov also alleged that Ukraine is engaged in the "eradication of Russian culture," blaming Western influence for prolonging the crisis. "Europe does not want peace; they want to continue this war," he stated, reinforcing Russia’s stance against NATO intervention.


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Did Sir Keir Starmer get the jump on Trump over the rare earth minerals in Ukraine?

Alex Krainer thinks so!


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My understanding of how Ukraine got all hinky comes out of a documentary made by Oliver Stone in 2014 about Ukraine and how the CIA did its usual tap dance, inflaming the already-ready-to-be-Nazis-for-real Ukrainians, who had already started bombing the Donbas region, which is mostly ethnically-Russian Ukrainians... who then begged Putin to save them from their own govt. So... if we want to think of Russia as "invading" Ukraine, I'd say they had a pretty good reason to do so. I remember seeing videos of Nazis -- REAL, swastika-wearing Nazis-- doing extremely horrific things to the Donbas people... unspeakable things, sort of like what Bibi is doing to the Pal's... and there was a point where I couldn't look at any more of it. If I'd been President of Russia, I would have done the same, and Nazis have a VERY BAD reputation with Russians! Talk about pushing some buttons, so to speak...

Well, listening to US Bollocks Media, it's easy to get a totally distorted, bullshit view of what's what in Ukraine, and in Russia, too, for that matter. Soooooo, that's how I see things, which seems to basically jibe with what you're saying, only your post is much more updated... And Zelensky, as far as I'm concerned, would do well to stick to COMEDY, since he is clearly a clown. That doesn't mean I think Trump and his Trumpettes were admirable in any sense... Sigh. I think I need a vacation. Maybe... Tibet? Emaho! Penno, Penno, Soha!

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Patrick Lancaster reported on the Nazi murders in Mariupol, Donbas before the Russians went in. It was indeed unbearable to watch. I remember the way they were treating young women particularly and Patrick himself found a girl with a swastika carved into her chest. He mentioned it today in his furious rant over Zelensky's recent interview: https://patricklancasternewstoday.substack.com/p/zelenskyy-no-apology-to-trump-i-did

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BTW, what happened to your post about the Black Nobs? I went to find it for someone else, and it was defunct. ? And Waaaaay down your list, too. wondering if you cleared out some stuff? or maybe someone ELSE did so... ? Okay, I'm taking a breakie this afternoon, and I'm going to watch TELEVISION, which I never do, much. :)

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Black Nobility 101 is still there but Substack seems to have changed the way that posts are listed. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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FUCK doze guise. ;)

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Yes, I remember that, too. HIDEOUS stuff going on... If I'd been Putin, or anyone else that had a decent army, I would have gone to rescue people, too. As savagely vicious as the fucking Israeli army...

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Zelensky ran straight to Sir Keir Starmer in London. The 18 country summit tomorrow (Sunday 2nd March 2025) is where he will get WW3 declared because UK has signed up to 100 years of support for Ukraine. The USA is not invited to the summit.

Sir Keir Starmer has invited more than a dozen European and EU leaders to a summit on Sunday to discuss Ukraine and security. The invited leaders include those from France, Germany, Denmark, Italy, and Turkey, as well as Ukraine. Additionally, leaders from the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Spain, Finland, Sweden, the Czech Republic, and Romania have also been invited. The summit will also feature the attendance of the NATO secretary general, Mark Rutte, and the presidents of the European Commission and the European Council, Ursula von der Leyen and António Costa, respectively.


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To this little conspiracy theorist, it seems like orders are coming out of the United Grand Lodge of London, to which the Don is not privy.

And we will see now how those orders flow through the aproned ranks of the US military ranks.

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I see that Trump is a Jesuit groomed member of the Black Nobility and he is playing his part as arranged. The puppets will be gathering in London tomorrow and they will be galvanised, angry with Trump and INTO war.

My guess is that later, as happened in WW2, Trump will fake reluctance but enter the war just as his predecessors did. It is a ruse to make the Americans continue to believe in their fake independence.

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I believe you are right! I'm American and everything I've been taught about my country is a damn lie, our independence was stolen from us a long time ago!

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My bet as well.

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Putin's Big Statement After 'Historic' Zelensky-Trump Showdown At White House


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can someone explain me if am free why do i need a leader

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I wrote about freedom recently. I don’t think it is quite as desirable a thing as it is cracked up to be.


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Judas goat trump & selensky are Zionists pretending to fight. There is probably no war in the Ukraine at all. It’s a money making distraction & an excuse for engineered food shortages etc. it also puts fear into sheep who think ww3 is around the corner .. fear lowers IQ

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You should subscribe to @Patrick Lancaster who shares reports from the frontlines daily.

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Nietzsche there are no facts only interpretations - and he got put into the looney bin.

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Hi Frances, ummm just wanted to say, babe you’re really good at this political sissy boy tantrum shit hey.

I read the whole article, amazing, well sister there’s not that many people on this earth that I would say champion effort to, but you are. Peace, love and light to you

Dear sister.

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No it’s not, it’s shaking you around so that you wake up, silly billy

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Well good luck with your fear filled beliefs Frances, where the fuck do you think we originated from, the NASA endeavour space ship launched a mission that held in its belly the Hubble telescope, they observed over hundred million stars just in our own galaxy, how naive would one have to be to believe that we are the only humanoids in the entire multiverse.

Time to let go of all that fear and wake the fuck up. We are not alone, never have been.

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I note the extreme change in your attitude. You came to this thread all full of praise and now you are accusing me of being fearful and naïve simply because I do not believe in something you hold dear.

Sorry but that is bullying.

Be well and please be gone.

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It is not just me! I have some super subscribers keeping me well informed and on my toes! I couldn't do it on my own! xx

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Yer well I would donate to you only I’ve been homeless for 18 months living on the streets of Perth Western Australia because out government kindly allowed nearly 200,000 immigrants in to Australia last financial year, and created the biggest housing crisis since the 2nd World War. Works dried up, racism has come out to smash, and lots of true Aussie people are close to civil war. Any way your still my champion

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Crikey - 18 months? That is horrendous! My best friend had to go back to Oz for family reasons and she has really struggled to find somewhere to live. She moved about a lot and now has the offer of a new build for the elderly in Adelaide. Hopefully she will be able to move in April.

I know that permitting migration is obligatory to all developed countries since the UN brought out their Migration Compact in 2018. Soon it will be illegal to object apparently! I wrote about the policy which has caused this forced reshuffle of what they euphemistically call human resources: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/ww3-the-pentagon-brief

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Hey ya Frances, well those that force us to consider euphemistic thoughts, are people who have forgotten that no man, woman, child or extraterrestrial is ever above or below you, therefore they have reached their use by date, and require re-incarnating. The issue lay with all those that can’t fore the life of them STOP playing hide the sausage = over population. Which once again demonstrates the fact that there are way too many rockape retards that can’t work this shit out. So they prefer to keep pumping them out and watching them starve and struggle rather than giving thanks for what they have. Tell the African to give me all their land, and in 3 years I will give them back paradise

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That old myth? Oh come on! This world is NOT over-populated at all. If you read my work on the GAP + CORE Pentagon Brief you will understand that the migrants have no choice but to move away from their wrecked homelands which are deliberately polluted with depleted uranium bombs and missiles!

It is all a very very sick plan to cram people into smaller zones and to destroy culture, financial security and friendliness.

Read this: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/ww3-the-pentagon-brief

(2nd time nudging you to read this!) ^^^^

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That may well be true sister, but if you hear the words of most of the immigrants that now reside here, then I believe you would reconsider. They all say that they come here for a better way of life, yet they hold no courage to speak out against those that oppress them, but can still chop each other up with machetes because they can’t get along.

They can’t elect even a reasonable president that actually cares to take back their world ( Nelson Mandela excluded) They would rather leave and parasite off other countries that now have to listen to the dictator ship of the UN. What happened to our better way of life. They come here and fuck up all the freedom we once had, because there too stupid to create their own paradise. Fact

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To be honest Frances, it all seems like a food fight at the pay-to-enter Windbag Debating Society where the plebs are not allowed to enter - except to deliver truck loads of carefully nutured crops and such, processed and cooked into delightful meals...which the ingrates of The Society are about to sling across a beautiful hand carved but indelibly soiled solid wood table. They (The Windbaggers) think this is all jolly fun. I think we should all start growing some nightshade type things and learn how to cook with them.

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And now I see the brainwashed (through theatre) putting flags up in support…..in the UK it doesn’t seem to be about supporting Zelensky but hating Trump. The populous don’t realise it may turn to WW3 and they will be sending yet more money together with their loved ones to be slaughtered. They have been captured and crazed, as they were in convid.🥴

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Leaders of govts do not speak for their peoples more often than not. Seems there are now two conflicting elite groups , those that wanted this, a slow rolling war from the beginning to continue, and those that want it ended so that the spoils can now be carved up by and for this 2nd group of elites.

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Just been on YouTube to do a search on "SNL trump Zelensky". The "results" and alleged user comments are edifying and frankly terrifying. An Anti Trump, pro Ukraine tsunami. As for Adam Boulton ("JD Vance is a shit") and other DS hacks, it is beyond the pale 🤯

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Banned for a month which should give you time to create your own post on your chosen topic rather than trying to hijack mine.

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A solution is not linear .

In retrospective historicism ,

I disagree with title's premise .

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If "clown man" had a brain he would contact putin, assumming, of course vp would talk to him. He would sue for peace on one major condition. That any wealth from the minerals allegedly in ukraine( there are some theories that their extent may be a little exaggerated??), be shared between the ukraine & russia on whatever terms/percentages can be worked out. Frances L is correct . No tax payers money is going back to uncle sam. This would be a good deal for everyone, even the EU. If the country enjoys the wealth that these riches could bring,think norway & oil!!!, putin would be seen as a "magnimous" victor, even zelensky could emerge somewhat "forgiven".!!

But the real benefit would come when, in the peace that would follow, the truth of the sorry mess that started in 2014 would come out. Ukrainians would begin to see the truth of the machinations that brought their country to the brink of ruin, and the world to close to nuclear war. Of course the elephant in the room then would be the US. What would the orange man & co say then.? Also, there are still the real "nazis" in western ukraine that putin still wants "brought to justice". That would definately be a condition for russia. Boy, I'd say they could "name some names" as the ssying goes.!!! Food for thought.

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That is a very sensible solution, John. Unfortunately Zelensky would be killed by his Nazi generals before he put pen to paper.

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Unless he swapped his vinyard in italy for a "small" gas field in siberia and set up a shop selling "unused" second hand army clothing .!! 😏😏

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