You are by far the best journalist and story teller. You are one of the most interesting women of our times. Thank you, Frances. Do you have a book out yet?

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I have published three books in serialised form here on Substack. They all include multi-media links of music, news and images and, therefore would transfer poorly into paper form.

If you want to read episodes from my extremely chaotic life you can find links to each chapter of my autobiography here:


I have also written two fiction books:

https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-nobs - a comedic look at posh people


https://francesleader.substack.com/p/how-hard-can-it-be-b74 - the story of Lymp Duhdashian

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Many decades ago I got into a situation where I was imminently about to get badly injured and I freaked out and instantly exited my body (briefly). I suddenly found myself in a completely different reality— a place of the most profound pece and sense of well-being that I had ever experiened, and I had the overwhelming feeling that "Everything Is Perfect Just The Way It Is". Obviously I survived that event, although quite a but "the worse for wear"! But the out-of-body experience was astounding and I had no idea what to make of it. At that point, I had never heard of "out-of-body experiences", and it was before Dr. Raymond Moody had written his seminal work "Life after Life". But it was real and powerful. And it had happened in broad daylight and in full waking consciousness, not like some situations where people try to claim it was caused by low oxygen to the brain or some such pathetic attempt to discount the existence of the non-physical aspects of Reality.

But here's the thing: we all CAME FROM that place of perfect love and peace and bliss. And we separated into individual focal points of that Oneness/Wholeness so we could have the adventures only possible from within the "limited" perspective of this physical manifestation. Us being here is absolutely not an accident, or a punishment, or some sort of school that we have to attend and "graduate" from to be able to "go to heaven", or some test that we have to "pass". Not at all! We come here FOR the adventure. Any "test" is self-chosen and self-imposed. We do things to broaden our understanding, to learn, for the fun of it.

But this physical world IS just an illusion. There is no such thing as solid matter: everything is energy. And nothing here can actually harm us. But neither is anything what it seems. We can't "own" things or "have" things, because they aren't real. Everything is a dance of constantly changing energy. Your beautiful place in Spain is an energy pattern of light and other parts of the "physical spectrum". When we take things too seriously and get too invested in the illusion, we just cause ourselves unnecessary unhappiness. It is "attachment" to the illusion that is the source of all pain. Remember: EVERYTHING is constantly changing. If we could view our lives and this physical world as a "time lapse" movie, rapidly speeded up, we would have a more accurate perspective. That giant oak tree wouldn't be so permanent-looking. We would see it AS IT IS: a PROCESS, NOT A THING: an acorn, then a seedling, then a sapling, then a young tree, then a large mature tree, and finally a battered and scenescent old tree that gradually dies and then decays back into the forest soil. WHAT was the "Tree" but a constantly changing process of LIFE ENERGY (Source Energy) expressing itself physically? Within the illusion of time?

Keeping a little perspective about our adventures here makes things a little easier. Try to see things as they are and not get so attached. Everything "will come out in the wash" in the end, because nothing here is constant. The consistency we seek is the Love that we came from and are made out of. THAT is what is REAL.

Nothing else exists, not even "Evil". Evil is only ignorance of Reality, just as darkness is only the absence of light. Neither darkness nor evil actually exist. They are part of the illusion of this manifestation. To make it more interesting. We are each on our own "Hero's Journey".

But for anything to "exist" outside of Oneness, requires that ONE THING to separate itself out into CONTRAST: the Light and Dark. The Yin and Yang. Up and Down. Positive and Negative.

Think of the zero straight line in the center of an oscilloscope, stretching itself out, up and down into the curvy waves of the positive and negative aspects of the waveform.

Similarly, this changable physical universe was "stretched out" from Oneness into the positive and negative of this physical reality. This Cosmic Playground. Why? I think that Oneness just got bored! So it separated into fragments, much like the one diamond has numerous facets: each reflecting light to make beautiful rainbow colors. But each facet is still an inseparable part of the whole stone. Likewise, we are all parts of an Infinite Diamond, each a unique individual expression of the Whole!

I was just reading a book about "scalar energy". That's what happens or is produced when electromagnetic waves interfere with each other and "cancel" each other out. The waves disappear but the energy doesn't because it can't! Where does it GO? It has to transition BACK out of this physical dimension/manifestation into the Non-physical where it came from originally! The physicists are just beginning to figure out how this universe really works. Yes, there are Other Dimensions. Yes, Consciousness is Infinite Energy. And THAT is what We ARE!

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your message reminds me of ACIM.. Are you familiar with this work?

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I have seen money spinning orgs like that before. Sorry, they don't impress me.


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That org looks cheezy. And i checked out the members of the team who are not the original writers of the work. When I read the book I didnt need to involve a team of specialists.

I did however appreciate Marianne Williamson's message in relation to the work.

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That is so beautiful, Faith it is hard to put that to words. Your experience seems very similar to my own, as we get to a place of realizing Oneness, we begin to see what we are and where we come from. The world becomes transformed. There is really no duality at all, we do not exist as separate Beings -- we are Being Itself.

I really admire when I see that more people are finding this connection back to Oneness.

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Beautifully expresssed!

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I will pin this comment but you must re-read it and edit some of the most glaring typos please! Thank you for finding the right words to express what we are, Faith, you are a little particle of BUB's infinite genius, aren't you? ❤🧡💛💚💙💜

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Your insight is very much in line with the core teachings of A Course in Miracles (ACIM)

“The holiest place on Earth is where an ancient hatred has become a present love.” A Course in Miracles, Chapter 26

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Frances, what a tender sharing of your life's journey. Thank you for reminding us that all in life is both constantly in transition and sometimes painfully fleeting. As I search for my 'forever' home, I'll have to bear this in mind. And thank you, too, for being a visionary and for all the hard work you do. Blessed be!

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I was at someone's who's mother lived 1/4 mile away and I was left in charge of her house whilst she went to stay the night with her mother. I was left strict instructions to put the fire guard up before I fell asleep. I'd been drinking cider. I was on a sofa in a small room and looking at the fireplace thinking about the fire guard. So I got up from the sofa and lifted the guard but my hands couldn't do it. Confused, I looked up and saw myself asleep on the sofa. This freaked me out and then I was back on the sofa looking at the fireplace. I was comfy but thinking about the fire guard. So I got up and the same thing happened again - my hand didn't feel any fire guard and just went through it. So again , I saw myself on the sofa. The third time this happened I woke up on the sofa and decided I found the whole thing too freaky and made sure I physically got up off the sofa and my hand made contact with the guard, hurrah!! 😂👍

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Ha! I have done stuff like that too! So confusing when it happens!

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Our fellow human beings? I don't think they are human beings.

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Sorry to say that I have been in their company and they are actually very poor specimens of human beings. They are particularly weak physically and not terribly bright. They are very bad mannered towards the general public because that is what they are trained into from birth.

They are actually sub-human rather than extra-terrestrial or a separate species.

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Oh, damn, I agree. But I donut know if I can do it! If I forgive all the Evil Ones, does that mean I have to be NEAR them? Look at them? Dog forbid, HUG them????

I feel the answer is what you're saying, but, but, but... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh.

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😂 Well no! I don't think that we should even consider being near them or look at them or hug them! That would be an acceptance beyond forgiveness, I feel.

I once wrote up a great idea for dealing with the Evil Ones - you may find it satisfying!


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OMD (Oh, My DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THAT is what you mean by "forgiveness"???????


Owwwoooooooooooowoooo wooooooooo haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaa harf!!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, you naughty. I will neber neber take you seriously AGIN.

LOLOLOLOL wooooowoooooooooooofff!!!!!!!!!!!

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Okay, I vote dat we pud dem inna concrete block room, wiff lots of stinky cats, and some squirrels wif bad humour (I put a "u" in there for you!), and maybe some dung beetles... And NOTHIN fun, and only GMO food...

Butt, I always say Lethal Injection is the poetic answer.

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I still think that Litla Dimun island, with its permanent shroud of thick cloud, steep dangerous sides and limited space would be a great place for these people to learn some respect.

Mind you, please note that I wrote that piece a while ago, before I had my epiphany as described in this post 'To Save Our Immortal Soul'.

Big Universal Boss (BUB) must have been drumming its fingers or paw claws patiently waiting for me to catch the more pious and pure hearted drift that it instinctively knows is the only true way to re-incorporate all aspects of itself comfortably.

I get the impression that BUB has infinite wells of patience and kindness that require millennia of lives to accomplish.

This would suggest that BUB is probably at least a gazillion years old and super smart but don't tell it that I said that.... it will probably laugh so much that the entire Universe will be rocking and rolling for the next gazillion eons! 🤣😂🤣😂

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🤣😂🤣😂 too.

I like BUB, and BUB is waiting for me to stop barking and start digging...

I donut know about psychos learning "respect." They can learn FEAR, and maybe some sorta decent table manners, but... respect? Aretha sez "shiiiiiiit, muffo."

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I read your article about 'BUB' and the thumb ( hope I am not getting this wrong ie your name was at the top of the writing but maybe it was someone else's story sorry if it was) This story shows astonishing perseverance and strength character given the disasters that happened after asking 'BUB' about integrating evil into itself etc But I do not understand why all the bad things happened after you asked this question. Were you being punished for asking? Who or what is 'BUB'?! If it was a good entity it would surely not punish you or if it did not punish you would help you more etc I am thinking of the Christian god many of us are taught about in school etc I suppose. I wrote a reply previously to you about another very interesting piece you wrote but I forgot to mention that the nano tech in Covid injections also found by Ana Mihalcea and others in anaesthetics also which is horrendous of course because most of us need dental treatment, surgery etc. at some point. People on the stack were discussing having hip surgery etc. That is in the US I just wondered if the tech is in all countries' injections which I guess it is. I need dental treatment for broken tooth but will not go for it having discovered that potentially the injection is full of nano tech, hydrogel etc You have suffered a lot so I hope you are doing ok.

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"Were you being punished for asking? Who or what is 'BUB'?!"

BUB is the Big Universal Boss. I guess it is similar to what a Christian, Jew or Muslim would call God, Yahweh or Allah. But it is more than that too. For me, BUB IS THE UNIVERSE. We are within BUB. We are tiny parts of BUB.

I do not think that BUB was punishing me for asking the question at all. If you think about it, the question was extremely unusual and demandingly precocious, but that is my style.

The sudden silence told me that BUB was stumped for an answer and had to consider how to show me in such a way that I would be clear about the correct way to understand the situation.

The ONLY way that I could be shown the sheer magnitude of the problem was to take me out of my comfort zone and force me to come face to face with the effects of real evil, real anti-life.

Yes, I had created a beautiful life for myself in Spain, but I had completed it. The place had been neglected until I bought it and I had worked very hard for 4 years helping it to reach its fullest potential.

In 2008, when the global financial crash happened, I was often bored and lonely. I had a longing for conversation in English because the part of Spain where I lived was so central and rural that nobody needed to speak English, unlike the coastal regions where the tourists congregate.

I was, without knowing it, ready to take on a new project and that is exactly what I did after I retired in 2013. BUB led me to study up on things I had never pieced together before. I knew that Big Oil and Gas was disastrous for life on this planet. I knew some aristocracy, both British and Spanish were haughty, self assured, pig headed and very ignorant.

I knew that FTSE100 industries were criminal, for the most part.

I knew that politics was a sham.

However, how these things fitted together and were a materialistic dynasty of evil was beyond my imagination. I had a long way to go before all the puzzle pieces fitted together to form a picture.

When I finally got a full grip of the curse of materialism I produced a lot of articles until I was able to complete a compendium - BLACK NOBILITY 101 which you can find here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

As for your concerns about the findings of Dr Ana Mihalcea and others, I am not impressed at all with their discoveries. They claim to have seen 'nano' tech with 'micro' scopes. That is IMPOSSIBLE. You cannot see nano-sized objects with a microscope! Also, they are claiming to have identified these objects without ever having seen a sample from a single manufacturer!

Where are the factories producing billions of nano objects? Where are the logistical supply lines of materials for this global invasion of our blood and that of every living thing?

Haven't they ever seen dried fluid on a microscope slide? Don't they know what a salt crystal looks like? It is remarkably cuboid and yes, it grows over time!

Why don't people ask these questions of the most prominent Substack writers?

I DO and nobody answers me!

They are all fakers and fear porn agents..... often, they are selling you something and usually, that something is very expensive.

Your questions were good, so thanks for asking them. Sorry I could not get to them sooner.

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It really is astounding how things work in synchrony even when we cant put things together but must take the long journey home. Today your beautiful story finally hit home for me. Your conclusion and your knowing in what our next step is....and exactly how we are going to begin accomplishing yOUR higher vision. I will mention that Ive been listening to Chris Langan and his theory of reality that has given me an epiphany on what you are saying Frances

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I have never listened to Chris Langan so I found a YouTube interview to understand why you mentioned him! https://youtu.be/mIoe3-r3cCU?si=lk44d4TpWo70fFuV

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The most important message for me that I picked up from Chris Langan is this:

paraphrasing what he said:

By Seeking the Truth in This Reality, we are Contributing to CREATING REALITY. WE are making the reality REAL by seeking and finding our TRUTH.. WE are the CREATORS EYES AND EARS, EMOTIONS, and ALL EXPRESSIONS.

I am not familiar with the video you linked, but here are 2 links to understanding of what the theory is all about.

This first one is a young guy who gets the theory incredibly well and explains it in a succinct and helpful way... and it's only 16 minutes long. He ties in the most powerful and important concepts of the major religions and their symbols of human existence. The concepts that can change the world for the better if we proceed in actualizing these ideas.


this second is a 10 minute out take of the 4 hour interview with Chris Langan describing the system/Universe that we live in. The basic tenants of the Theory.


This third link is a 4 hour interview with Curt Jaimungal who is one of the best interviewers I am aware of, that can get Chris to talk in laymen's terms to explain what reality is through is theory.

You can look in the "about this video" section to see the time stamps and click on the subjects that interest you most... I found myself listening to the entire video because clicking on the subjects piqued my curiosity to know more.


I have been listening to these videos and several others for the past few months, and Yesterday I finally broke through to a clear understanding of his message.

Your desire to change the world for better though our forgiveness of the unbalanced minds we share this universe with is our FIRST and most important STEP in the right direction.

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Hope you like this Frances when you get 5mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xx0d3R2LoU

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That is pretty passionate stuff! Thanks dallas xx

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I was mean't to send the link to the lyric version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GGJ8cyYNzQ words and music are so profound ' there's no shadow you won't light up '

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Such a surprising ending, Frances. I am in awe of the breadth (breath, Spirit) of your vision.

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In awe? Of an old cockney woman who happens to have led a very complex life? You should meet the rest of us! 🤣😂 We are ALL wild at heart and twice as feisty!

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Within every Individual, there exists a sense of “Separateness,” that there is an “US” and a “THEM.” The very concept of Power, in Human terms comes from that Illusion of Separateness. As I emphasize on other posts; Power does not exist Outside of You, so any Solutions to World issues can also be found within, ultimately. We come from a place of Pure Love --- that's the one thing.

When we are here, we have agreed to come to have Experiences from Separateness.

“What can we See?”

A Human World tied up in Conflict. Yet that is just a reflection, Existential Reality is a battlefield that offers manifested Being a chance to see One.

“Why are we seeing This?”

We as Individual Observers are Conflicted, this is the hammer of the gods, meant to heat up the World like a Crucible, to smelt out the Truth.

“Who is having this Experience? and Why?”

The Self is both having an experience and IS being experienced. When we come here, we must work out Oneness from within our Human sense of Identity.

“What can be done with that which we Observe?”

Change what is Inside; when the world inside is transformed, the outside one reflects that.

Truth has no Name, Self has no Name ---- The Quiet Friend sits there on the couch of Stillness.

What is the Self in the Purest sense? It really cannot be explained, it can be experienced. Excerpt below was taken from an unknown Celtic translation: (I am not certain of the origin)


Seated god Says:

“your eyes

are held


To my stillness.”

He who,

nameless, named

Now sits, throned

naked In memory halls.

He who, voiceless,


In echoing soul.

Tied by more than chance,

Tied by here,

by holding stare.

He who

holds steady

the golden promise

Of sun’s journey – torc horizon,


glinting heavy.


the two apart

woven now

To strong chain.

Just like this.

Eye locked, mind forged,

Welded, hammered

across lifetimes.

He who,


needs no armour,

Who, cross-legged,

needs no defense.

Mountain looking,

ocean speaking,

Still as centuries.

He who,

hair braided,

hair cloaked,

Looks out from,

in to ,


within This burning circle,

This heavy wheel horizon.

He who, Is.

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Your BUB and forest spoke to you to send you on your journey and the light encouraged you along. I feel the pain of your adversity but glad you have your answers. I too have seen that light as I endured cancer treatment and it pushed me on my journey 30 years ago. I too have a forest home requiring large amounts of physical and mental energy and worry that a small accident at my age would put me in a similar situation to yours. In today’s world it’s worth orders of magnitude what I paid. But the forest speaks and tells me to stay so that we may protect each other. Seems arrogant on my part but that’s the message I get. The energy required of me pales in comparison to the energies the forest gathers and uses to survive and protect those entities within its canopy. I’m still seeking my answers.

Some are sentinels. I consider you one. I take heed of your life’s wisdom.

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Me? A sentinel? Oh that is a mind blowing compliment! Thank you, Mike and your forest! xx

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The Four Immeasurables guide those who practice. It would only make sense to extend forgiveness yet too, for that forgiveness to bear fruit there most be contrition and the desire to change. The latter is out of our control. The olive branch is always extended, at least by those whom understand your discourse.

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That is why it is important to talk about the deep philosophy I am giving vent to here.... we have to rise above cruelty or desire for revenge. We have to be so much better than they are.

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I agree. Instead we need to do what you did to the cold and cruel parents of that girl who committed suicide: you pointed it out for them what exactly it is they were doing. And why it was wrong. And then, WHEN THEY KNOW, this opens the road to forgiveness - ON ONE CONDITION - that they change their ways. If not, no forgiveness is possible, "for they know what they are doing" ... (you never returned to their house, you said).

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True. I had no reason to return but I did bump into them occasionally. The father was my doctor until he retired and the mother was a well known local teacher and ballet dancer. The subject of my dressing down was never mentioned but I saw their shame in their eyes every time I was extremely polite to them. They had used me as a baton with which to beat their daughter and they had removed her son from our influence by educating him miles away from our home town but he would appear for school holidays.

When that child became a gangly teenager I asked him if he knew how to play softball and he snapped to attention. "Oh yes!" he replied and I invited him to join us over the park for practice. He proved to be a terrific player and we added him to our very successful team. We were called the NATs - which stood for the New Age Travellers and I felt my friend's spirit soar when he scored a home run or caught a long shot over the following few years. His grandparents came to watch one or two of our home games and they were thrilled to see him celebrated as one of our most successful players during all his school holidays. He developed a good relationship with my son because they had a mutual interest in computers and tech.

He did not miss out on our roaring parties either! We saw to THAT too! 😉

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When you said they [his grandparents] were thrilled to see him celebrated and successful ... then I thought, wasn't that a copy of their attitude towards their daughter? And now they came to check if her son could prove himself worthy of their admiration? Or had their shame changed that? Probably hard to tell.

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There was nobody more acutely aware of what happened to my friend than her son. He didn't say much, but what he DID say was invariably gold. I would not be surprised if he gave his grandparents the benefit of his opinions occasionally! I often wonder where he is now and if he is OK.... I suspect he is busy making babies because he was very popular with the girlies! 😂

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If the B Nobs own all the major institutions then David comes to mind with his little slinge and knocking out Goliath the giant. And also the image of the 'house of cards' pops up. So. If one of the cards HERE AT THE GROUND is pulled out, then the whole house will come down. And WE are at the ground. The Nobs might not have the necessary control with what's going on here at the grassroots to prevent us kicking the cornerstone out of position! Hidden in the grass, I just say, OOOPS - it wasn't me!

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WE outnumber THEM by about a million-to-one. And their control-freak plans are imploding because they are Evil and Stupid and DISCONNECTED from Reality. So they are actually clueless. And prone to mistakes and miscalculations. They don't understand us and so they are underestimating us and discounting us. And they are wrong, and eventually, when enough of us wake up to their B.S. we will handily "put them in their place". PRISON!

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" I am now giving you the choice between life and death, between God's blessing and God's curse, and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life." (Deuteronomy 30:19) Unfortunately the numbers of which you speak form a large part of that "collective stupidity", the human defect which Bonhoeffer described and which prevents openness to reason and fact; the evil elitists are also stupid and disconnected but live in a "reality" of their own making where only money and power are worshipped; they see themselves as the "new gods" of the technocratic world whose overriding agenda is anti-life and soul-destroying.

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I rather had in mind a nice hard bed in a high security mental institution which specialises in administering all the P-Harma that the Nobs have funded to slow-kill the unwary.

But that would be my mean side speaking..... and here I am trying to promote forgiveness and understanding. Did I say that I am only a precocious particle of BUB? Not at all, I have had far too much experience on the front line of resistance for that. I can be a right savage bitch when push comes to shove, unfortunately! No goody-two-shoes here! 🙄

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You don't need to be a "goody-two-shoes" here! We have free will (it couldn't be any other way: we are a PART of that power that has ALL free will! NOT lesser subjects of/to it!).

As such, we come into this world to learn, to explore possibilities and to find out what happens when we try different things. We are role playing. Actors on the stage of Life. We can be protagonists OR antagonists. SOMEBODY has to play the "bad guys" to broaden the experiences available.

People usually choose the general theme for their next life from the Other Side when in the between-life state. We make agreements with friends as to what we want to do and learn in our next go-round, and we choose who will play what role. Then we take on bodies again. Friends from previous lifetimes frequently come back again together. Your mother from last time could be your brother this time, etc. It is all voluntary. There is a saying that I like: "There are no victims, only volunteers".

Oh, you don't "believe" the soul can take on a body more than just one time? WHO told you that? So much for beliefs! If the soul can "slip into" a body once, what is stopping it from doing it again? And again? Nothing. If coming here actually has value to us, and it does, why would we be denied the opportunity to do it again? That doesn't even make sense.

But if someone is convinced that it isn't possible, that will just be one more surprise for them when they get back to the Non-physical after they leave here.

In the meantine, for the less indoctrinated types, there is a fascinating body of research on the memories some children retain of their most recent past life. Stuff that cannot be explained away by any other scanario or as just some coincidence or fantasy.

Life is an adventure, and we can play it any way we choose. Try something and see what happens. We learn by direct experience. And we learn that Actions Have Consequences. "Book learning" isn't the same as living it.

And when we screw up and cause harm, we don't face a Judgemental God-type who is willing to condemn us, but we do face ourselves. And as we grow in wisdom, we learn that because we really are all connected, if we hurt someone else, we are really hurting our own Self.

But we DO screw up, because that is how we learn what NOT to do. If a baby never fell down, it would never learn to walk. We learn what the parameters are by running into them. We have roads, and we have obstacles off the sides of the roads. We learn to stay ON the road and not collide with the curb, or worse. But nobody is standing over us ready to "send us to hell" when we make a mistake. That is just a boogeyman control trip by the authoritarian religious types or self-righteous judgemental types. Remember: the core, underlying REALITY of everything is LOVE. We are not "sinners". And we certainly weren’t "born in sin". That is a huge misunderstanding of the nature of this reality. It is being judgemental at its worst. We are born into a world of DUALITY, but just because to exist physically requires the balance of positive and negative doesn't in any way make us "bad" because the physical manifestation contains the negative within it! That is like telling God that it messed up— that IT (God) doesn't know how to make a physical universe and populate it— that the best God could do was to make bad, defective ("Original Sin") people. What hubris! I guess they missed the part: "Judge not lest ye be judged"!

Seriously, a big mistake many people do make is to "Make God in THEIR image". Not that humans are made "In the image of God", but the reverse— trying to make God in the humans' image, with all the negative attributes of humans+. The God of the Old Testament is cruel and judgemental and jealous and capricious. And a made-up fantasy based on HUMAN attributes. And some people go so far as to completely make God in humans' image: an old man with a long white beard sitting on a throne, with winged angels flying around — as if they needed wings!

On a side note: All this also means that Virtual Reality is a bad joke that won't really satisfy anybody. It's just a distraction from experiencing real life.

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A hard bed or being tied down and made immobilised in the lovely green grass, it doesn't really matter, as long as we manage to STOP THEM, or make them stop themselves (even better)! I've been held firmly and fixed to the ground by a group of strong people and CAN NOT forget my wild panic! Maybe also the FROST (the premonition of an eternally frozen lake!) is already starting to make them shiver and quiver? And a ton of (stolen) gold doesn't help.... "Pity the billionaires" is a blog title that comes to mind. Or rather, it is a whole book!

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Indeed! Like Gulliver (on his travels) who was tied to the ground by all those tiny, tiny folks surrounding him and pulling him over. It takes just a couple of little round stones hidden in the grass to make them slip and fall.

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Not me, either! I am precocious but not about to confess to any sort of skullduggery or conspiracy against the Nobs! 😉

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I don't think forgiving the Nobs is going to achieve anything physical. They will still do what they do, and then reincarnate and do more evil. Forgiveness is an act that benefits the forgiver. I hold no hate in my heart towards them or any other being so I hope my immortal soul is free from that karma.

Their power is so entrenched after all these millennia I don't see a way to fix the world. I've come to believe that the only way is to let them destroy it and defeat them during the rebuilding. It's a depressing outlook but it doesn't depress me. This is a war lasting many lifetimes and we probably won't win in this one. But we will win and that's all that counts.

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Why don't you see a way to fix the world? I do!

The Black Nobs have multiple trillions of wealth which they have stolen from the world. It could all be confiscated and used to restore nature, take down the dangerous tech industries, outlaw war, heal the sick, feed the poor, restore the deserts, clean the oceans.

And that would indeed take many lifetimes to achieve! The reincorporation of all hell-beings is essential so that they do not reincarnate to do more evil. They will be so grateful because right now, they are atheists and nihilists, terrorised of death and paranoid about us finding out what they have done. Can you imagine how relieved they will be at the soul particle level when they discover that they do not need to hoard and preserve fortunes for their progeny?

The pressure will disappear from their need to create immortality!

Ray Kurzweil will be redundant and free to retire, preferably minus his huge dependence on supplements!

They seek a Singularity BUT we already have it - they just need to join us with clean hearts.

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I share your hope even though it sounds utopian and quite a leap of faith; I don't believe evil in any human manifestation can be reincorporated and restored to some "soul particle level"; we failed that test in the Garden where human hubris took hold and have been in need of redemption ever since; but that can only happen on an individual level when each of us accepts responsibility for and acknowledges the gift of life granted by our Creator; ..."the inner liberation of man begins by living responsibly before God. Only then may stupidity be overcome."(Bonhoeffer)

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I don't agree that humanity failed any test at any time in any garden. I think a very few individuals have tried to dominate all of nature, and that includes the majority of human beings. The first to be recognised as genuinely 'off the rails' was Nimrod, Noah's great grandson. His grandiose ideas of empire building were later adopted by the dynasties of Egypt and Rome but always they involved Aristotelian superiority and enslavement. The Black Nobility are the descendants of Roman Senators who escaped to the swamps we now know as Venice, when Rome was sacked in 545AD.

I do not blame the people they later enslaved. People who were starved of education and knowledge deliberately to ensure that they could not compete on a level playing field.

The Roman Empire 2.0 is controlled by the same few Black Nobility families to this day and their slavery system is largely enforced via debt, both personal and national.

But you would know that is what I believe if you had read some of the articles in Black Nobility 101 - as included in the post we are commenting upon here.

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Well, wherever they came from we are now living in the midst of those who would "dominate all of nature", including human nature; The Fauci, Baric and all of the nefarious actors are descended from and wallow in the same Satanic cesspool; the history of medical research reveals the origins of allopathic medicine with its widespread fraud which only survived because of endless propaganda of lies and deception; today we have reached the pinnacle of that fraud because it has become accepted reality with far too many; but that same history reveals that there were warriors of truth and justice who fought the lies and evil all around them, including the Black Nobility slavery system; I just watched the movie, "Sound Of Freedom" based on the trafficking and slavery of children in today's world and the clear message is that God's children are not for sale...and we are ALL God's children.

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Again you demonstrate quite annoyingly that you STILL haven't actually read a single thing about the Black Nobility. What is wrong with you?

You seem obsessed with their prescribed religious narrative and utterly oblivious of how royally you have been duped!

The Black Nobility do not believe in any of the Abrahamic religions! They are not satanic because in order to believe that particular pile of twaddle you have to first of all be convinced that the Abrahamic religions are the truth.

Also, and I really don't like having to say this, had you actually read ANYTHING about the Black Nobility you would know that they are atheists and nihilists who laugh at anyone who believes in life after death.

That movie, Sound of Freedom is a piece of propaganda created by THEM to make you believe that 'something' is being done about trafficking and slavery - which it is not. I do hope you didn't pay to watch it, because if you did you just threw your money into their already bulging Swiss bank accounts!

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