Hermes asked if all men did not have Minds, and the Great Dragon replied:
“I will not permit the evil senses to control the bodies of those who love me, nor will I allow evil emotions and evil thoughts to enter them. I become as a porter or doorkeeper, and shut out evil, protecting the wise from their own lower nature. But to the wicked, the envious and the covetous, I come not, for such cannot understand the mysteries of Mind; therefore, I am unwelcome. I leave them to the avenging demon that they are making in their own souls, for evil each day increases itself and torments man more sharply, and each evil deed adds to the evil deeds that are gone before until finally evil destroys itself. The punishment of desire is the agony of unfulfillment.” ~ quoted from this important post:
In 2008 I was blessed beyond my wildest dreams. I had an idyllic home, off-grid on a white granite and black soil ribbon of foothills on the south side of the Sierra de Gredos in Spain. I shared my space with fruit trees, roses, grapevines, birds and an assortment of animal friends. I called the place Avalon. I had become Francheska de Avalon and taught English in my own private evening school in the heart of the nearby medieval village of Madrigal de la Vera. I was loved in that community, even though I was a foreigner.
Spending most of my time tending the land, I meditated almost continuously. In the winters I spent a lot of time without human company and that led to some profound moments of realisation.
On one occasion I had walked to a nearby small natural forest, where I had cleared all the dead wood and created a secret haven over the preceding years. I had uncovered a spring which developed into a stream bordered with an astonishing array of wild flowers.
Between the oldest trees was a giant, almost perfectly round, white granite rock and I climbed onto it knowing that it came from England 50,000 years ago, bowled and smoothed by an advancing glacier all the way to central Spain where the ice that carried it melted and deposited it, huge and immovable to be hidden in this fertile pocket of forest for me to stand on and gaze at the gorgeousness around me.
My meditation took me to the presence I now call the Big Universal Boss (BUB for short) and I asked an impertinent question, because I am known to it as a 'precocious child'.
I asked why BUB could not forgive the evil part of itself and reincorporate all of itself as one.
The forest fell eerily silent. Not a pin drop could have been heard. It was as if time itself had stopped and I felt a surge of rage envelope me, but I stood my ground and reiterated my question with defiance, knowing, as I do, that BUB loves me BECAUSE of my precociousness and not in spite of it.
I waited for my answer and it did not come. Eventually, confused, I slid down from the huge rock and went home to my finca in the gathering gloom of the late afternoon to build my customary fire and cook for myself and my dogs.
I was un-nerved by the sense of silence. Every meditation had produced clear concise answers until that day. This time I had no answer at all.
From then on, it was as if the helping and invisible hand in my life had disappeared. Spain suffered a horrible sudden economic crash and the village men lost their work contracts in the various cities. They returned to the village despondent and their families tightened their belts. Paying for extra-curricular activities like English classes for the children quickly became an unaffordable luxury and my small evening school went from fifty students to five in less than one week.
I had no savings and no chance of alternative employment. I was not expecting to sell any fruit until the summer. My friends commented that I was getting too thin and my clothes hung on me, getting old, faded and ragged.
Suddenly the local estate agent came to visit and informed me that a wealthy Madrid family had asked him to let them know if I ever considered selling my green diamond on the foothills of the mountain Almanzor. They had spotted it during a recent holiday in the area and had fallen in love with the property.
I almost clutched my land to my soul, in horror! My dogs and I had worked ourselves to exhaustion restoring the place from a brambled chaos to a well watered haven. We had poured blood, sweat and tears into creating our forever home..... for that is what we believed our Avalon would be.
The estate agent asked me to think about it.
I was down to the last dregs of credit, bought by my bumper Christmas orange harvest. I had no money for fuel for my chainsaw and water pump. Then a series of phone calls revealed that all was not well back in England. My father complained of Rip-Off-Britain and prostate problems. My mother had died in a fire. My ex-husband suspected that he had cancer and my son was stabbed in a street fight in which he had fought off three vicious attackers.
"He has had a personality change, Fran!" grumbled my ex-husband when explaining what had happened to our son and I knew that my son's self esteem had taken a huge defeat purely because he had given up his independence and resorted to living with his father.
Everything seemed to be conspiring to force me to give up my little slice of heaven and return to the grey, cold and broken life I had escaped only five years before. I knew that there was something really important that I would have to learn next in my soul's journey and that 'something' would give me the answer to my unanswered question. I would find out, the hard way, why BUB could not accept evil back into itself....
I felt defeated, lacking in energy and depressed but I could not consider leaving my beloved Avalon. It was everything I had ever dreamed of, it was completely mine; there was no mortgage to pay, no utility bills and no debts. I rose each morning with the crowing of Monty, my cockerel and I worked hard until I dropped with exhaustion most days.
One chilly winter morning of early 2008, in the adjacent forest, I was chain sawing my usual wheel barrowful of fire wood when the chainsaw suddenly flipped back on my left hand taking my thumb completely out of its socket. I hastily pulled my thumb back into place and held it flat against my pounding heart, feeling nauseous.
‘It will be fine!’ I thought but it wasn’t. When I tried to use it there was a sickening sponginess in my grip. Awkwardly, I piled the cut wood into the wheelbarrow and struggled to get it back home over the rocky pathways. It took a very long time and my dogs were spooked by my yelps of pain.
I left the dogs guarding the house, walked to the village and went to the doctor’s small surgery where the local people who were queuing there immediately sent this grimacing greenish faced English woman to the front of the line. The doctor spoke to the queue and asked if anyone could transport me to the hospital, 100 kilometres south and it was immediately arranged. I hardly remember much about the next couple of days. I think I was in shock. I had never broken a bone before and my invincibility had been proven based in illusion.
My friends from Madrid arrived to cook, clean and chop a vast heap of firewood for me, but I was inconsolable. I knew I had to take the ‘offer I could not refuse’ and sell my slice of heaven.
Within days of notifying the estate agent, a large family arrived from Madrid. They were lovely people and they were in love with my Avalon. They made me an exceptionally generous offer with an extra six thousand Euros in cash if I left all the tools, furniture and artwork exactly as it was… It dawned on me that they were not so much buying a lovely house and its stunning garden, but they were buying MY LIFE.
Everything I had ever treasured was in that house. All my friends’ art, my collection of natural crystals, my Thai teak dining room suite made from a recycled cart wheel, my music, my books, everything…..
After they left to return to Madrid I sat with my tears soaking a brown package loaded with cash. There was no changing my mind. I had accepted their offer and I was heartbroken.
With the help of my friends I arranged all the travel details in a state of numbness that I can hardly describe. I couldn’t bear to look at my home, my animal companions or my chickens. I had failed them all.
When I arrived back to the coast of England it was under its usual slate grey sky and it was about as welcoming as a slap in the face.
The dogs, Rasta and Ben, were exhausted from the long journey in travel boxes. So was the cat, Pearlie. We were all so despondent that the sight of us would have made you cry to see it. Thankfully I had one good friend, living near Bournemouth, who was prepared to give us a space in which to land and from which to launch our new life.
As soon as my son, Dan, heard that I was back in the country he came to help me back to my feet. He had been warned that I was ‘not right in the head’ by my Bournemouth friend. Dan took over and found us a lovely coach house to rent. It was tucked behind a large Victorian house and was ideal for the dogs to sit outside, as was their custom.
I bought a Leyland Daf hi-top builder’s van and fitted it out with a cooker, portaloo, fridge and bed just like I had owned to travel around Spain when I was searching for my Avalon.
I went on the road again.
For two years I wandered about Britain spending time in Liverpool, Aberdeen and back on my home turf of Essex. Nothing could ever compare with Avalon. I felt no attachment to anywhere and my dreams would find me flying on the mountain Almanzor and through the villages of La Vera. Being awake was painfully dull.
In 2012 all three of my companion animals breathed their last and broke my heart with their passing. I don’t think I can describe the pain of that year. Then, in May of 2013 the father of my only child, Tony, succumbed to the cancer that had been trying to kill him for 30 years and THAT moment was when the light burst through the slate grey clouds and nearly blinded me physically with a realisation.
I was now completely alone. I was now truly free for the first time in my life and I didn’t have a clue what to do with this strange freedom.
My son had encouraged me to return to the Bournemouth area, where he had remained settled, to help him with his newly acquired family of toddlers and that seemed like a sensible idea. I had no attachments to anywhere in particular and Dorset had always been my favourite part of Britain anyway. I figured that it was a good place to retire, just as the government issued me with my pension.
Did I say ‘retire’? 😂
Looking back over the recent decade that is the funniest word to describe what I have been doing!
I took part in the Anti-Fracking Campaign and I studied the oil and gas industry which I blamed for killing my ex-husband. Tony had worked on the North Sea oil rigs and he had been oblivious of just how dangerous his job had been. He knew about the risks that he could see with his eyes but he was never informed about the radioactivity that he lived in for fourteen days out of every twenty eight. I talked about that with Richie Allen here:
The Richie Allen Show - Thursday November 1st 2018 (2nd hour)
The Richie Allen Show - Wednesday April 17th 2019 (2nd hour)
The Richie Allen Radio Show - Tuesday October 15th 2019 (2nd hour)
I was curious to know who owned Big Oil and Gas. Who owned the telecoms industry and who owned the banks, the pharmaceutical industry and, above all, the fat ugly war machine which never seemed to take a day off.
Due to camping in all weathers, I suffered emphysema, a heart attack and the first of three strokes. I was grounded. Housebound and unable to drive due to swollen ankles and feet which simply would not flex enough to drive safely.
I began to devote all my hours to research and soon came across the work of some significant alternative history buffs. I refined my studies to write the first version of this post:
I uploaded it to Hive Blog on the blockchain and shared it to Facebook and Twitter and Discord.
When I was de-platformed from those social media sites, in December of 2021 I re-edited the work and added it as one of my first posts here, on Substack.
As time went on, I was able to augment that work with many more articles which I compiled here:
That was when the answer to my question, posed on the forest rock in Spain, suddenly received its answer.
I have been taken on a whirlwind journey from Avalon in 2008 to Armageddon in 2024 and I am staring real evil in the face. For the first time I recognised why a quick and easy answer to my question had been impossible. I understood the unusual silence that had greeted me, this precocious child of the Universe.
Finally, the sheer magnitude of the matter was battering my brain until it ached and cried out for peace!
I understood that the Big Universal Boss dearly wanted to reincorporate all of itself as one. It could not do otherwise and it needed help - OUR HELP!
So - recently I wrote this post:
But I don’t think anyone fully understood what I was asking for….
It seems that the level of forgiveness that BUB is capable of providing to parts of itself is beyond the imagination of the victims of the Black Nobility.
These Nobs, who have committed endless unspeakable crimes against all of life, not just their fellow human beings, for thousands of years, are extremely hard to forgive.
Nobody wants to forgive them and yet… I honestly believe that what I am suggesting is the ONLY way to heal the agony of this living hell.
It is the holy thing to do. It restores our wholeness. It closes the door on a dreadfully long and hard journey towards the light and love we all so desperately need.
“Forgive them for they know not what they do.”
I remain the humble, but precocious, particle of our Big Universal Boss (my darling BUB for short).
I beseech you all to understand this message and continue -
Many decades ago I got into a situation where I was imminently about to get badly injured and I freaked out and instantly exited my body (briefly). I suddenly found myself in a completely different reality— a place of the most profound pece and sense of well-being that I had ever experiened, and I had the overwhelming feeling that "Everything Is Perfect Just The Way It Is". Obviously I survived that event, although quite a but "the worse for wear"! But the out-of-body experience was astounding and I had no idea what to make of it. At that point, I had never heard of "out-of-body experiences", and it was before Dr. Raymond Moody had written his seminal work "Life after Life". But it was real and powerful. And it had happened in broad daylight and in full waking consciousness, not like some situations where people try to claim it was caused by low oxygen to the brain or some such pathetic attempt to discount the existence of the non-physical aspects of Reality.
But here's the thing: we all CAME FROM that place of perfect love and peace and bliss. And we separated into individual focal points of that Oneness/Wholeness so we could have the adventures only possible from within the "limited" perspective of this physical manifestation. Us being here is absolutely not an accident, or a punishment, or some sort of school that we have to attend and "graduate" from to be able to "go to heaven", or some test that we have to "pass". Not at all! We come here FOR the adventure. Any "test" is self-chosen and self-imposed. We do things to broaden our understanding, to learn, for the fun of it.
But this physical world IS just an illusion. There is no such thing as solid matter: everything is energy. And nothing here can actually harm us. But neither is anything what it seems. We can't "own" things or "have" things, because they aren't real. Everything is a dance of constantly changing energy. Your beautiful place in Spain is an energy pattern of light and other parts of the "physical spectrum". When we take things too seriously and get too invested in the illusion, we just cause ourselves unnecessary unhappiness. It is "attachment" to the illusion that is the source of all pain. Remember: EVERYTHING is constantly changing. If we could view our lives and this physical world as a "time lapse" movie, rapidly speeded up, we would have a more accurate perspective. That giant oak tree wouldn't be so permanent-looking. We would see it AS IT IS: a PROCESS, NOT A THING: an acorn, then a seedling, then a sapling, then a young tree, then a large mature tree, and finally a battered and scenescent old tree that gradually dies and then decays back into the forest soil. WHAT was the "Tree" but a constantly changing process of LIFE ENERGY (Source Energy) expressing itself physically? Within the illusion of time?
Keeping a little perspective about our adventures here makes things a little easier. Try to see things as they are and not get so attached. Everything "will come out in the wash" in the end, because nothing here is constant. The consistency we seek is the Love that we came from and are made out of. THAT is what is REAL.
Nothing else exists, not even "Evil". Evil is only ignorance of Reality, just as darkness is only the absence of light. Neither darkness nor evil actually exist. They are part of the illusion of this manifestation. To make it more interesting. We are each on our own "Hero's Journey".
But for anything to "exist" outside of Oneness, requires that ONE THING to separate itself out into CONTRAST: the Light and Dark. The Yin and Yang. Up and Down. Positive and Negative.
Think of the zero straight line in the center of an oscilloscope, stretching itself out, up and down into the curvy waves of the positive and negative aspects of the waveform.
Similarly, this changable physical universe was "stretched out" from Oneness into the positive and negative of this physical reality. This Cosmic Playground. Why? I think that Oneness just got bored! So it separated into fragments, much like the one diamond has numerous facets: each reflecting light to make beautiful rainbow colors. But each facet is still an inseparable part of the whole stone. Likewise, we are all parts of an Infinite Diamond, each a unique individual expression of the Whole!
I was just reading a book about "scalar energy". That's what happens or is produced when electromagnetic waves interfere with each other and "cancel" each other out. The waves disappear but the energy doesn't because it can't! Where does it GO? It has to transition BACK out of this physical dimension/manifestation into the Non-physical where it came from originally! The physicists are just beginning to figure out how this universe really works. Yes, there are Other Dimensions. Yes, Consciousness is Infinite Energy. And THAT is what We ARE!
You are by far the best journalist and story teller. You are one of the most interesting women of our times. Thank you, Frances. Do you have a book out yet?