I think the Black Nobs WANT us to connect up all the loose ends. They are so sadistic that they are enjoying watching our disgust and rage festering with NOWHERE to go to relieve it.
What court in this world will prosecute them? None.
What institution is there which will challenge their authority and bring them down? They own them ALL.
I was discussing this with my son and other friends. Flatteringly, people look to me for a solution and I can offer only one. It is an extremely TOUGH one, but here goes:
We keep going, we fucking survive and we work to expose the sordid details, warts and all. I don't know if that will be enough to shame them and make them change.
My friends do not think so..... but I say:
Spiritually we have no choice.
They are as much a part of this Universe as any of us.
We have to make them CHANGE.
We have to lead them out of their hellish ways, there is no other way!
If we were to kill them, what would happen?
They would reincarnate more evil, more angry, more hateful.
They would not have allowed even a chink of light to enter their souls.
We must confront them and love them back to health!
Every last one of them and all their adoring, hopeful followers.
Now I know that requires a gargantuan effort, a huge capacity for forgiveness but it is only by showing forgiveness that we can reincorporate these pariahs back into the life force rather than always trying to control it and suck it dry.
That is why my mission is so very important to me. Read about it, meditate on what I have been doing for thousands of years. Understand WHY it is so vitally important that we draw the hell-beings out of the hell that THEY AND ONLY THEY CREATE.
If you don't read my stuff and have no idea who 'THEY' are..... read this:
We need to start a campaign to change the perception of "successful" people. They are actually junkies and they are addicted to profit and will do anything they can to obtain it. Profit Junkies. We need to show people that the kind of thinking of these junkies is what results in : poor architecture, built in obsolescence, poor enforcement of regulations, enforced compliance, falsified science, lack of foresight, blinkered thinking and war.. People need to stop calling them elites and start calling them parasites. I believe a cartoon by Bob Moran could show this. I think someone should make a video where a family find a box in a loft which is an original The Landlord's Game - the forefather of Monopoly. - Originally The Landlord's Game had two sets of rules - one was called Prosperity and the other Monopoly. We need to educate people about the ugly side of "success" and the extreme power of a single voice media.