We need to start a campaign to change the perception of "successful" people. They are actually junkies and they are addicted to profit and will do anything they can to obtain it. Profit Junkies. We need to show people that the kind of thinking of these junkies is what results in : poor architecture, built in obsolescence, poor enforcement of regulations, enforced compliance, falsified science, lack of foresight, blinkered thinking and war.. People need to stop calling them elites and start calling them parasites. I believe a cartoon by Bob Moran could show this. I think someone should make a video where a family find a box in a loft which is an original The Landlord's Game - the forefather of Monopoly. - Originally The Landlord's Game had two sets of rules - one was called Prosperity and the other Monopoly. We need to educate people about the ugly side of "success" and the extreme power of a single voice media.

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.....CAN get on board with THIS philosophy, Bob - been SAYING as much MOST of my entire adult life.....

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What a brilliant idea! Thanks Andy! xx Profit Junkies sounds like an article I ought to write. May I use that phrase please?

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Please do! It's not mine , I heard it somewhere and the concept of a neglected family , where the man is always working or away from home in the name of profit hunting wae explained to me about 8;years ago. We (Dew Barf - two man band means Two Beard in Cornish ish) released a song in 2021 called No Room For Weirdos which uses the phrase

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Poor mix etc but you get the idea.


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I am channeling Andy.... YES. ;)

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Totally agree. Invite them home to a greater non destructive power. People are often afraid to tell the truth, after a lie., or some perceived wrong doing. Terrified of a supposed retribution, and if forgiven, cannot handle the pain of that unconditional love. Trouble is, I think they like the Dimension they are in too much to give it up! and why not, sooo much power and games to play and dominate. I had a brother who loved to better me at any sporty thing when i was a kid (i was very clumsy and uncoordinated) even teasing that he would play left handed or some such. He is still arrogant and totally believes in his right to believe others stupid! He is now very unwell with chronic shifting pain, but cannot and will not try energy methods to try to heal himself, such as epigenetic ideas, Joe Dispenza etc, because he is terrified that he might lose his whole way of life, what it has been, who he is etc.

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I have a younger brother who became a multi-millionaire and immediately estranged all our family instead of helping everyone, which he easily could have done.

It was lies that stopped him communicating with us, because he made his millions on a business that I gave him for his 25th birthday present when I moved to Scotland due to my husband's success working in the oil industry. He never wanted his new position in society to be attributed to my foundational work establishing that successful business. He even wrote me out of the business history on the website!!

I knew my brother could make my business grow, he was always arrogant and superior from when we were kids. My gift to him resulted in him becoming a monster and we have no idea where he is now. We think he retired to his holiday home somewhere in France.

His estrangement broke my father's heart. None of us had ever done him any wrong. He just wanted to be thought of as a one-man band, a rags to riches entrepreneur by his golf club cronies.

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Wow! How sad

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If you don't read my stuff and have no idea who 'THEY' are..... read this:


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One thing. I do understand about the ‘anti- human’ threats. What I can never get though, is if they wanted to control the population, like ‘they loved the Trojan war because it lessened the population’, and every war since, why didn’t they try to control the population !?! India? And China!? I mean in 1950 China had well over their limit 500,000,000 already. Nothing was said then.

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The effort that was put into controlling India came from the British Raj. The effort to control China came from the East India Company getting the Chinese hooked on opium.

Both of those campaigns were overseen by the Black Nobility via their lair in the City of London and BOTH were highly successful.

Both India and China suffered horrible famines.

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Well if the campaigns were to lessen the population, it didn’t work. I just don’t believe this overpopulation thing. ......., Do you take some melatonin and magnesium before bed?

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No. I do not believe in taking regular supplements any more than I believe in overpopulation. I have been in the window seat of a few aircraft and I know that we have oodles of space....

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Yes I’ve seen that too. So you must get lots of sunlight then, very good.

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I don't travel nowadays... and UK summers can be very disappointing. Last year from June to December we had continuous cloud and a lot of rain. The whole of Dorset is usually green but that is an understatement now. It is green and very soggy! I rely on organic free range eggs for my Vit D.

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You cant fight hate with hate, where do you stop?, just look at the poor brain washed people of Israel, so much hate they can't live, so much hate they want to kill innocent people infants & baby's in the womb and through this planned agenda of hate the evil ones want to start a race war in the UK and all over the globe. Do not fall for their plans of evil, it feels like a hard road to go down but it's not, it's the only road, so find the strength in your self because it is there and feel good about it, as you know we are all going to depart this realm no matter what, so it may as well be welcoming and loving with no exceptions because that makes us all in or energy vibrations feel better.

remember it's their plan don't follow it. https://www.economist.com/content/rough-guide-hell

I'm with you Frances X . Respect & BIG X 2 All. feel you in the next one.

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I got similar marching orders years ago, tho a bit different. I'll share fwiw. Not so much 'us forgiving them' as much as vibrational raising, forgiving, alchemizing and reuniting with the shadow in ourselves--as all is part of our collective ocean. THus altering the uh, cosmic pH as it were, and enabling the growth of more positive human potential. I also prefer the definition of 'forgive' as 'giving up all hope of a different past' . . .(certainly not condoning vile behaviors.) For me it has more of a 'we need you now come back prodigal son' vibe, as the son is part of the father/mother. The ph model is helpful, as one molecule alters the pH of something, however miniscule, but once the balance shifts, a completely different environment is present, enabling completely different outcomes. Each person in the model is like an OH molecule . . . as we maintain /acquire a larger collection love and purity intention, the cosmic pH changes and we will eventually, or perhaps already have, reached a more beautiful 'pH' . . For the non-chemists, I also like the metaphor of the 'untuned mandolin' . . . An untuned or busted mando is of little use to anyone, primarily a net problem. To get it up and running is a project . . . repair/replace wood, joints, hardware etc. Then the tuning will take awhile, as the strings will take some time to tune themselves once the tension is on. . . . but ahh . . . once all these parts get 'in tune' . . . what a joy to hear played and can now enhance lives and function as intended. So I imagine some great cosmic mandolin that is almost ready to play . . . every person who can alchemize themself to love and tune to Creator improves the meta tuning . . .

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Beautiful metaphors! Thanks a lot for this comment! xx

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I'm glad to know I was wrong.

It is remarkable to me he was able to recognize you in a different body and from such a different time - the pure essence...

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When you are under hypnosis you don't remember the regression at all. That is why the tape recording is essential. We don't know how Richard recognised me across so many centuries. It certainly was the most bizarre thing I had ever heard, at the time. I was pretty sure that we were going to discover that it was untrue. But it was confirmed. Amazing.

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Yeh, behbeh, yeh, yeh, woof!

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Nonsense. Love your work but your metaphysics and spiritual foundation are clearly unsound.

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Who THE FUCK are you?

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No one special, although I'm not intimidated by your absurdly-agro posturing. I'm also sharp enough to grasp what you apparently don't: the tree-loving Warriors you rightly admire would NEVER be so foolish and gob-smackingly stupid as to pretend the Black Nobs can be hugged/loved into conversion. That entire post is riddled with metaphysical and practical errors of great moment. They chose their path and any manly man would ruthlessly kill them on the spot. Any other response is mindless, spineless bullshit that does nothing but perpetuate the harm and utter destruction of the common good, not its promotion and protection.

Be careful whom you shove. If I choose to take the time and spend the energy, I shove back much harder and more intelligently than you apparently suspect or could handle. Godspeed.

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This level of evil knows more about us than we know about ourselves. They know what to use and how to use things to manipulate us. They are literally predators. And worse we have no innate ability to see them. FFS we don't even have some 'They Live' glasses to help.

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Yeah we do!! I worked for them in the City of London and they are really easy to spot. They will be doing very little beyond bragging. They wear the best designer clothes and they are extraordinarily arrogant and sneery. They speak as if we are stupid, because they actually believe we are and THAT is their biggest mistake.

They treated me, a board room secretary, as if I was an air headed bimbo.... so I played the part that they expected. They became so oblivious of my presence and my intelligence that they freely discussed their ghastliness in front of me. I appeared to be busy, attending to my shorthand pad BUT I was taking down every word they said and later, I passed my transcribed notes to Stop The City, a London resistance group.

Infiltrating their bastions of power was the easy part. Making them believe I was a totally dumb fool was a little more difficult given that I was sorely tempted to smash their faces in most of the time! 🤣😂

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This could work if they are 'human'. I'm pretty sure they are not.

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That is not true. That is what they WANT you to think. The Black Nobility is an international crime syndicate and everyone of them is human to the bones.

It suits them to spread fake ideas like that.

Don't let them fool you. They are human and they are weak specimens too.

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They are psychopaths, so saith the dog.

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Yes I do not think they are from this universe. Definitely not part of the consciousness. Perhaps they have tried to make us think they are from this consciousness , Perhaps the dna changes in humans, are for that long term goal.

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Stop 'othering' them! The Black Nobility are human beings! Please read my articles gathered together in Black Nobility 101.


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Think you’re right, what do we become if we’re full of hate etc towards these parasites? No better than what they are 🤔

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Precisely! Perpetuating the negativity!

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I like this woman's approach in general. Towards the end she gives some examples of why we must always offer love and how it works. I've started it just before the 26 minute mark for some background. The impatient can go to 36 mins soo after that if they want. The main stories are towards the end, though there's plenty of value in between. (If you think Jeff comes across as a bit insincere, I understand your position but he has some great guests who, I think are mostly telling the truth. (A few sharks get in, though, and this may be a place where controlled themes get launched.)


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She does very well conveying 'gisming' which is the word I invented to describe what I have done since childhood. I gismed everything I needed.... thanks for showing me this lady!

I LOVE reincarnating! I look forward to my next life, so MUCH!

Reincarnating is a massively long process and its secret gift is the removal of the fear to die.

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Great! That also pins down what you meant by "gisming"for me. I wasn't quite sure where its boundaries were. I've been doing this an awful lot of late - say in the last 3 years. I wouldn't say I'm great at it but I've had some successes - almost daily, really. I think quite a lot of it has happened in the past, but without me deliberately knowing; just that what I've managed to get is something I've been passionate about. Two recent ones stand out and that is finding not one but two full pouches of tobacco on the path by our river. They were about 3 or 4 days apart and I really couldn't believe I could do two in a row. The other one was a reference book that's normally v. expensive and I saw come up on eBay comparatively cheaply and in perfect condition. I remember thinking "Wow! I'd really like that." and "I really should look into trying to get that." I knew that I couldn't afford it then, but I was going to keep it in mind. Within a space of no more than 15 minutes, the phone rang, offered me a one-off job and had put a downpayment in my bank account that allowed me to buy the book there and then. And, no, I don't normally get work offers from completely out of the blue.

That last one was just incredible but the first was pretty good, too. It was my favourite brand (Pueblo Classic, now getting a bit expensive) and even came with papers. :)

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Do we HAVE to be re-incarnated? I have no clue if I've already been. I want my death to be like it is when I've been under surgical anesthesia. Nothingness.

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Oh good! I'm a little relieved. I wasn't completely sure she would necessarily hit the spot.

How are you this morning, apart from sounding a little too keen to shuffle off this mortal coil? Incidentally, have you tried a liver cleanse mix to clear blockages. The one I know of is about 3 or 4 teaspoons (I do heaped but I can't remember what the original instructions were) of Epsom Salts in a glass of water, plus about half a glass of olive oil and the juice of a lemon mixed. If you've never done it before the effect is quite surprising. And, unless you can still sprint, don't put too much distance between you and the loo. :)

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I dare not try that, Christian! I did it some years back and my son wound up having to shampoo the carpet from my lounge chair to the bathroom! I have NEVER been more shamed by my body!

I have to treat my intestines with delicacy.... I am so clean living (all organic or NOTHING) that the slightest chemical can send me into shock.... See my pinned comments on this post:


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Hahaha! Yes, it can come on very rapidly, making for (at best) a rather frenzied dash to the loo.

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Frenzied is the understatement of the moment, Christian! I had severely swollen feet and lower legs at the time and could not flex them at all. I could hardly walk let alone dash anywhere!

My Dan was so good about it.... he didn't bat an eyelid and set about cleaning it all up before I got out of the loo..... Honestly, that boy is a total hero to me! I say 'boy' but that is a bit rude of me... he is 51 years old! 🤣😂

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That reminds me of getting norovirus from my son 15 or more years ago. It lasted less than 36 hours and I did manage to make itto the bathroom. But when I got there I couldn't decide which end to do first. I chose being sick first but that turned out to be a poor decision. I think I can save us a description of the rest but, suffice to say, it was quite impressive. LOL. :) 🤣 🤣

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Thank you Frances. I am with you. Not the fasting part tho:) My page is almost up to 400k views and new friends every day. I have not moved my site to Substack yet as I am so busy with the current news. Trudeau extended his stay in 'Jamaica', I believe he got an update on the near 400,000 on line petition to have him removed as PM. We will have a snap election in March/April. The online groups are growing fast. Our rural towns are making pod casts. The bubble will burst/or leach into public domain sleepers. Also, on the US side, there was rumours that the 'Republic' is being restored, with a 14 Trillion dollar guarantee? I don't know much about this. Just wanted to touch base and say... we are fighting, sharing and the glimmer is there.

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Comment deleted
Jan 6, 2024Edited
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I had to check which post you are commenting on.... you are so far off topic that it is fucking me off.

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Gosh, you're correct. WRONG BOX. Have several comments running with baking a cake for tomorrow and trying like mad to get through the Emails. Will Delete.

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You shouldn't have bothered deleting. The majority of comments have been completely unrelated. I don't know what it is with everyone today but nobody gives a flying fuck about what I wrote. They just want to compete which completely ruins the whole point of my message.


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I give a flying fuck AND a train-bound fuck...

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Well I read what you wrote, and just simply can't jump on board with having a "love" orgy with a bunch of psychopathic control freak parasites!

Maybe I'm simply not capable because I'm too much of a realist and don't have any experiences in my 69 years outside of hear say to have me believe in reincarnation as some sort of religion.

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Hearsay? (Which, incidentally is one word.) The body of evidence for our souls living on past death is vast. Nor is it hidden away; though it was removed from Christianity somewhere around the time of the Nicea Council. There are quite literally thousands of personal accounts of Near Death Experiences on YouTube alone. I have watched or listened to around 500 of them myself and they all bear testament to consciousness never dying.

Now you may say that a "Near Death Experience" is not a death experience but you'd have to be quite deep into the subject to make the distinction. It does appear that there is some kind of (rather glorious and substantial) way-station or holding area that is designed to return you to the "game" down here and which is more part of the Earth (and its deceptions) than it is part of the heavenly realm. But that is a rather abstruse distinction and doesn't get away from the fact that their souls HAVE gone somewhere and it's not explicable by drugs they were administered or the shutting down of the brain. The accounts are notable both for their enormous diversity of experience and for what they have in common. I am a sceptic in all things and very much recognise the planning that has gone into the battle going on down here - where literally everything is a deception - but I can't account for this as a psyop. Even upping the numbers for the people connected to or acting on behalf of intelligence into the millions (which incidentally I think we should do as many people have been roped into their orbit either inadvertently or because they mistakenly believe they are helping their country and are working for free, not knowing what a cancer they are) couldn't account for the variety, let alone the insights we get from these accounts. There does appear to be some effort made to make these souls comfortable by presenting them with things with which they are familiar - so the structure of the realm for a true believer might include Jesus's presence, even though some of us (myself included) might believe this to be a fairytale - but the variety and the fantastical nature of it all puts it way beyond being the creation of a human mind. Also, there are some fake accounts, though they are very few, and these stick out like a sore thumb. They just can't capture the other-worldly atmosphere and their accounts feel obviously terrestrial.

Even if you want to dismiss this body of evidence, we also have pre-birth memories, past life memories (many of which are verifiable), and past life regressions. They all attest to consciousness continuing and there being an overarching plan for each soul across multiple lives.

You really don't have to look very hard to find copious evidence for the continuation of life after death - and incidentally, you still have to dismiss the beliefs of Christianity to do so, even with them having removed reincarnation. To me, the fact that the Church can inject more fear and have more control over you if you only have one life, is almost a direct confirmation of reincarnation in my book. Not that I need it. I first came across Raymond Moody's book, Life after Life, about 12 or 15 years ago and my position has moved from wonder back then to about as near to certainty as I get on anything. Now, whether Raymond Moody did his book from a place of sincerity or whether it was a "project" that was to be a part of the New Religion, New Age or whatever else "they" have in mind for us is another question. I'm inclined to think it's more likely to be the latter because he has made a name for himself, his book was a bestseller and, a very common tell-tale of "operations", they made a film about it! That was Danion Brinkley's Saved by the Light. Incidentally, I'm not suggesting that Danion Brinkley was insincere.

I should just mention, in case you do care to investigate this, that while I trust the vast majority of the people giving us their near death experiences, I'm not so certain about the hosts of some of these platforms. These ARE used to launch themes to muddy the spiritual quest or simply waste the audience's time (whether known to the host or inadvertently) and I have seen this happen in real time. We should remember that these channels are money spinners and it's often notable that the presenters seem to have made precious little progress in their own spiritual development. One host I do trust implicitly is Tricia Barker and her YT channel is called Be the Light of Your Own Healing. Her interview with Louise Peck (who's a hoot) might be a good place to start or, for the transformation that can be wrought, her first interview and later chats with Jose Hernandez who emerged as the most lovely man. Her own account of her car crash, who she was before and who she became, is also gripping and instructive.

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You RESIST the truth despite it being offered to you? Is that even slightly sane??

You speak of realism..... WHAT? I am talking a larger, greater reality. You may not know it but, man, your superiority is screaming through your words and it is holding you back. I am nearly 72, no spring chicken. You ASSUME superiority over me for sexist reasons in another comment. Man, you need to forget that sort of conditioning before it causes you to block out the most beautiful knowledge that this particular woman has to offer.

Reincarnation is not a religion. It is part of an ancient philosophy. Stop dismissing it and start to research.

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Understand your frustration.

I did read your Post and recieved a call from my daughter and read another Post and put the cake into the oven and turned around believing I was still in your Post.


Was multitasking as usual...And, got a wake-up to just how effective and accurately I work when I allow myself to get into a position where I must overwork to catch-up after taking some time for myself.

Feel humiliated...And, apologize. Please accept my apology.

Chin Up...We Don't know who's out here reading anything...

Try to laugh a bit today...Watched an old Comedy Act last night and it was marvelous.

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"Multitasking" is a bullshit term (no offense) that was invented to make us have to work like cranked-up beavers and get paid the same shit wage! I've found through many many moments of chagrin that multitasking is not possible and usually causes a lot of fuck-ups!! Hope your cake came out okay! ^_^

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Pertaining to the Mission article - It is very odd to me the hypnotist only regressed you back to the life you were supposed to be a Dalai Lama. Personally I would be more interested in the lives that led up to the creation of a Dalai Lama.

Also being aware of the technology that is available to manipulate I would never let someone hypnotize me.

Where I'm coming from it would just be an exercise in masochism for me to try and love those beings.

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The hypnotist only wanted to confirm the story she got from my boss. She only had one hour and had another client coming in. Don't forget she saw me without charge. She charged £100 per hour normally and that was in the 90s. I dread to think how much regression costs nowadays.

btw - the Dalai Lama is a title given by the Tibetan people to their foremost spiritual leader who has reincarnated as the leader of Tibetan Buddhism 14 times. He lives in Delhi.

I was an ordinary teacher, living thousands of years ago in a cave. Not even a Buddhist, let alone the Dalai Lama.

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This chap is a bit rude, but has good content you may find interesting:


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LOL! This guy has some things figured out. More than most.

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