Following your links and looking at Astana, so much comes up in a news search, it certainly is being set up as a security, financial and business hub, I think you have it right.
I am learning a lot of this for the first time, you've gone a lot deeper into the black nobility than (the only other source I've really read on the subject) Coleman.
The history really zeroes in on thoughts I had watching old documentaries on Rome... Surely they had mega wealthy mega powerful business families... where did that wealth go? Simple, as you've pointed out, they mobilised, and went to safe havens... where they had a base, eg London, and could influence locals with their money, and establish rules, institutions and laws to protect their wealth and power...
Thank you for all the links I will be reading up over a few days this weekend to try soak it all up.
I found (among the many news articles) an interesting summation of the situation in Kazakhstan, which certainly makes it sound as if it is ripe to set up a new safe haven for the elites...
"With its enormous natural resources and vast agricultural lands, Kazakhstan is the richest country in Central Asia. But the revenue from its oil and gas is mostly concentrated in the hands of a small circle of elites and hasn't trickled down to ordinary Kazakhs."
The powerful influence is already there, and a population who are hand to mouth just to survive...
The super city capital (with all the symbols of power) of the elites just waiting to be serviced by a compliant (easily exploited) population happy for any rise in living standards?
All the luxury hotel chains have representation in Astana: the Ritz Carlton, Hilton, Marriott, Sheraton etc.
Guess who has a World Economic Forum style meeting every year 🤔
"The Astana Economic Forum gathered thousands of businessmen, politicians and investors in Astana for fruitful discussions among expert community and also resulted in signing agreements that will determine the country’s future development."
...Strategic Development Plan until 2025 "National Technology Initiative" ....
The first priority is the growth of labour productivity, technological modernization of the economy and digital modernization" he said.
The second priority is expansion of private sector. This is about "clearing the field" from large companies that do not want to develop and GIVING WAY to companies that are MORE ADAPTED to the current situation.
Another priority is creation of favourable investment CLIMATE. "We are talking not only about the business climate from the viewpoint of direct regulation, we are talking about the quality of institutions, courts, improving legal literacy of the population...
Among other priorities of the document is PERSONAL COMPETITIVENESS of every citizen*
(*Exploitation WEF style)
Reads like a WEF paradise* doesn't it?
(*not a paradise)
Great article thanks Frances, a lot to explore there... Thank you.
There is one other point that I forgot to mention but probably did in my previous articles about Khazaria (linked in this post).....
The way that Ukraine was manoeuvred into war was masterful. From 2014 onwards, the attention of Russian politicians was drawn to Ukraine but the shenanigans were afoot at the other end of the old Khazar Empire!
It is my theory that the old Khazar families (such as Rothschild, Rockefeller and Oppenheimer) have an axe to grind with Russia. They want their homeland which used to stretch from Kiev to the border of Mongolia. I wrote about this here:
Ah, you know who Gog and Magog are! I'm still very sketchy on what they are about. My introduction was the fundamentalist Christian one and we know how Christianity has more than its fair share of arbitrary explanations (in fact arbitrary explanations might almost be used as a fingerprint of our beloved elite). Yours - which I haven't got a full picture of yet - makes more sense and explains why Gog and Magog show up at the City of London's Lord Mayor's celebrations.
I don't know that much about Peter Jackson but he seems to me a very good candidate for being a fully endorsed promoter of elite themes and projects. I don't know exactly how they do this, like whether they are directly asked to insert a project into their oeuvre in recompense for staying on top, but I am spotting it more and more. One, to me, very sad example is Blondie, where I see a number of songs that I suspect were handed to them. The beautifully constructed (I'm Always Touched By Your) Presence Dear - very close to the perfect pop song - is just too good to credit to band originality or the story peddled about its genesis. And the lyrics are a trip, looking back 45 years later. Another is "The Hardest Part" where the woman with possibly the most beautiful mouth ever sings about armoured security vans and their ripped occupants. WTF, really?! This is right at the pinnacle of their success and one can only think this is to soften us up to the coming security state. Then there's Mike Chapman, their producer, who really was on a wave of success. From his Wiki entry "Chapman exerted a tight grip on the output of the bands whose works he produced, determining the content of all albums." Yikes!
Here's the first one, which is still a great song. It's worth putting subtitles on to really drive home what the lyrics are saying.
Hahaha! 😂 Well, there's quite a gap between being 17 and 27, though Debbie was already something like 35 at that point!
Interesting point about the zeitgeist. Did you know that Glen Matlock (who I met a few years back) is now part of Blondie? I think there were at least two strands to the music back then; punk and those riding on punk, but actually being accomplished musicians already and hiding the fact. The Police are the obvious example of that, but so is Elvis Costello, whose first album was stunningly good and still holds up today. The music industry has been seriously dodgy going all the way back to Mozart, who is far more myth than substance - and who didn't die in 1791. All those lovely bits of music were written by kapellmeisters who were forbidden to write anything that was not for the Estherhazys or Habsburgs and did it for extra cash.
I'll read this properly in a sec but I thought I'd mention chuckling at your first paragraph. It sounds irredeemably dreadful just from the synopsis. I think they've rather over-stretched that metaphor; like to the point of a '70s acrylic jumper!
I'm going to have to go onto Pirate Bay and see if they have a copy. Sounds like they'll be grateful for the audience. 😂🤣
Sure looks like a distinct possibility!!! We can call these Astana balls the Black Balls of the Black Nobs! And they'll make excellent target practice, too! We can get some black bricks... ;) But it might be nice if they get the frack outta London already... Wankers.
The Nobs move on and each time they leave a dead zone behind them. When they vacated Venice, Napoleon marched his army into an empty and powerless city. The power lies in the Nobs and the Nobs had moved to London by then.
This time, the Nobs have gone online, using their own internet (courtesy of Inmarsat) and their business meetings are all cyber. The physical hub will be Astana but they will not need to be there. It will be a hive of minions.
Meanwhile, London will fall quiet and nobody will notice - at first. UK's industry is minimal now, financial services were the mainstay of our income and power. The sole earner in the UK will have taken the money and run. We Brits have nothing left so a recovery will depend on our ingenuity and entrepreneurs BUT the red tape that the City of London left behind hampers development unless THEY approve it.... and they won't.
The robbers have robbed us blind and are now out to rob the far east.
Yeah, it generally IS a double-edged sword, but maybe this time we can turn it on THEM... Or you Brits can. (I'd love to come over there and be part of it! I can even speak the language, plus, I know "wanker," "git," and the ever-popular "twat..." Anyway, the US got a similar flush down the Destruction Hole, mostly what we have for industry is "service," which is mostly AI now, which everyone detests, so they've had to keep a few ninnies for telephone "assistance." But if the Nasties LEAVE, it seems like a good time to unplug their shit, as it were. (Damn, I'm a fucking potty mouth!) You know, when the Crap's away, the mice can wreak havoc on the Crap's toys... muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa. Lemme at 'em. Udderwise, I'll have t o milk it for what it's worth over here, with THESE talking cows. I do still speak Texan reeeel good.
🤣😂 multi-lingual expletives are superbly useful. I like to swear in Spanish. Nobody knows what I am saying, cos Brits don't learn languages, they just get pissed in Spanish bars for a fortnight once a year! Well, they USED to.... now getting out of this hell hole is too expensive.
Oh that reminds me - my Aussie mate, Peggy, wants to come visit and her flight costs have doubled since Covid. Why? Just to discourage us little plebs from travel, what other reason could there be?
You are right that all the 5 Eyes have been robbed and disempowered. The Nobs don't need cannon fodder any more. They have drones and swarms of weaponised mosquitoes, EMFs, laser loaded satellites, weather weapons, instant earthquakes and nano crap in the atmosphere.
That is why getting in and out of any of the 5 Eyes countries is a nightmare only affordable by the very wealthy.
Do you think that enough of us KNOW how much we have been screwed?
I don't think that the full realisation has hit the normies yet. That worries me.
I like to swear in Spanish, too. And if I want to swear in Spanish but I'm around Spanish speakers, I just say "Ay, pajaros," which SOUNDS rude, and it's a fun word, but the context is hugely hidden, as in, give 'm the "Bird." ;) Now you know ALL my secrets! lol
The English situation (and the rest of the UK, I imagine) sounds a LOT like the same here in the land of the Freak and home of the Slave... I think the Nasties ENJOY tormenting us, because they do it all the time anyway, and now they are feeling quite off the leash (if ANYONE needs a leash, it's those fux! In my view, they're just as bad as any serial killer we could name, they're just protected by their vast wealth, and therefore vast army of ass-kisser enablers). I do think, though, they are maybe a bit alarmed as well, and feeling a little worried that obviously SOME OF US, small, but far more than 5 years ago, ARE ONTO THEM. We can even, if we are diligent enough, find out THEIR NAMES. So, they are taking advantage, I think, right now, of being able to torture, pester, or just piss off the vast crowds of junkies they have created.
That old story of the people in the cave... wasn't it Socrates or Plato or both, maybe (were they the same guy? Who cares.)--- Most people just donut want to know they are slaves. I can relate when I think about how many jobs I've stayed in that I HATED just because I didn't want the BOTHER of having to find another one... I'm over that now, but then, I'll maybe never have another one!! lol Shiiiiiiiiiiit. At this point I think I'd rather go find a cave somewhere...
Frances, what do you think about a person who doesn’t seem to suffer any ill effects from 5 g ? Even when blasted with it? This is a real question, curious your opinion because you know this stuff better than almost anyone it seems
There is no living being who does not suffer ill effects from 5G (and all the other Gs).
All life is experiencing ill effects from non-natural electro-magnetic radiation.
ALL LIFE, without exception!
Some people may think that they are just fine being 'blasted' with 5G and that may be true, for now, because their health is very good or they have become accustomed to the interference from a very young age. However, the effects of any type of radiation are cumulative and, eventually, these effects become burdensome and symptoms of distress begin to arise.
The effects are subtle to begin with.... common things like obesity, fluid retention, headaches, eyesight problems, skin problems, hair loss, tooth loss begin slowly. If the person remains bathed in unnatural EMFs 24/7, eventually the body cannot cope with the stress and further symptoms appear such as intense irritability, pressure in the head, tinnitus, sleep apnea or narcolepsy. As things progress the blood forms rouleaux (red blood cells sticking together and they cannot carry as much oxygen to the cells as they should). Extreme tiredness and breathlessness sets in, especially during exertion like sport or climbing hills or stairs. Then, as the blood becomes more clotted, oxygen deprivation can cause a heart attack and even strokes.
So no.... there is no living thing which will not spiral down in health eventually. Of course we are all different. The elderly are most susceptible and the very young are most resilient.
We all know this.... they told us it was a 'virus' - remember?
It never was. Covid19 was an illusion. Lockdowns permitted the 5G installations to be rolled out unopposed. Vaccines take the blame for all the so-called 'adverse effects' but THE REAL ROOT CAUSE of our difficulties has been turned into the greatest taboo and anyone who dares to challenge it is ridiculed, de-platformed and censored TO ENSURE THAT THEIR VOICES ARE NEVER HEARD.
I believe you. When 5G rolled out here I got a bunch of cold sores in a row. My daughter got a rash. I didn’t put two and two together at the time. I just wonder if some people have some freakish DNA where it doesn’t affect them to the same extent- or, maybe like you said, the cumulative effects will eventually be obvious in everyone. Everyone human, that is.
Fascinating synopsis. Rcently quit Netflix , so am grateful fpr the spoiler alert. . As Yogi Berra would have said, "it's deja-vu all over again." Love Nefaotep's view of crater in the financial center at Astana is the bite out of their globalist ass-pirations. i don't know what 'weapon' can counter all theirs, but greed without end has its own built-in inherent self-destruction and stupidity - as if their 'in plain sight' blatant constructs were really stealthy and clever. Brutality always seems so stupid, no matter how well calculated. I'm reading here on your site, and am so amazed that you and others knew about and wrote about all this stuff for DECADES. I was too busy fighting on the local environmental front; there is so much. So thank you, and all the other people who are putting together the big picture - and not just telling the bad stuff but also things we can do.
Mortal Engines was based on a series of young adult books written by Phillip Reeve. The first book was released in 2001. The author based the concept on his observation of how cities and towns are increasing in size every year, spreading out over the countryside and ‘devouring’ smaller villages, local communities and green spaces such as he saw happen in his local area of Brighton & Hove. Sadly this problem has only got worse over the past 20 years.
Their financial center in Astana is symbolically showing what that part of the world will look like, when the rest of the world fights back to eliminate them. The bite out of the apple is the crater Astana is destined to become....
I have been doing research on how to create Scaler Weapons. The type of technology they have is based off Zero Point Energy, it taps into the universal Frequency and Vibration, it precipitates free energy, forms Gravity Wells, distorts magnetic fields.
Building a weapon that can counter theirs is not as difficult as it seems. Necessity is the mother of invention.
"This is why 5G frequency is so dangerous to the human body. "
Indeed. As is fear.
My focus these days, in addition to staying informed, is on maintaining my alignment while controlling what I can control. So much in our outer world is attempting to disable, disorient, and disconnect us. It's such a delicate dance, to strike a balance between riding the waves of external chaos and deeply breathing internal, eternal order.
It's striking how much that financial building looks like the Death Star from Star Wars.
I have heard a decoder I love to listen to, who is heavily into using Gematria to decode rituals and such, postulate that this is where the new capital will be. Fascinating, Frances!
I think you nailed it, Frances. They can't stay put in one place because eventually they are discovered and kicked out (109 times so far). They would rather leave on their own terms. This group came from another galaxy where they don't have Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, which is why this whole operation is so repugnant to those of us who do follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance.
Astana is loaded with the usual geomancy (arrangement of streets and buildings) and the symbolism is overt. Pyramids, "one religion", etc. Someone spent a lot of time and money to create that place. They can't stay too long in one place...once they strip the resources and suck the blood from one place, they need to move on to their next victims. Astana is isolated from the rest of the world, perhaps it's time for them to relax and take a breather now that they stole everything, while the rest of the planet is cast into the pits of Hell.
Do you think that Atlantis was a lair of megalomaniacs too? I hadn't considered that possibility! I thought that city was fabulous (according to legend, of course!)
It was a wonderful place, until they became "infiltrated." The story of Atlantis, of course doesn't imply that all it's inhabitants were corrupt. Mainly just the Rulers.
By the way, Gogg and Magog are the quintessential symbol for the old Scythian saying: "One shall Govern in front, while One Rules from Behind."
Also found in the symbolism of the Double Headed Phoenix. The Khegganate.
I have been writing and talking about it for 20 years! I knew someone who worked on the construction. He told me that no expense was spared on materials but the workers were paid peanuts and accommodated like galley slaves!
Money gets printed.... or added to bank accounts. It does not actually exist as a real measure of energy or worth. Since money and gold were divorced, the Nobs have been playing a blinder. They print a load of money and then LEND it to the countries who have to pay interest on the loans. This is why every country in the world (bar a very few) have gazillions of debt! The Nobs have created a world of debt slavery which will never be paid off because the interest gathers faster than the repayments. The Nobs go "Kerching!!", all the way to their Swiss bank accounts and tax havens in the Caribbean!
Thanks for explaining. I'm sure JOE has money stashed in the Virgin Islands. That's where the Biden Corrupt Family vacations. His Brother owns a home there, too.
All the spherical structures or sculptures have the same sort of anomaly. I guess that they could represent Adam's apple. To be perfectly honest, I wish they would quit with the snidey symbols and just STFU. I am sick of the bastards.
If the pole shift occurs, as predicted, then Astana could be quite a safe spot and finish up in a nice temperate zone - while the rest of us roast in the fires, suffocate without an atmosphere or drown, presumably!
Following your links and looking at Astana, so much comes up in a news search, it certainly is being set up as a security, financial and business hub, I think you have it right.
I am learning a lot of this for the first time, you've gone a lot deeper into the black nobility than (the only other source I've really read on the subject) Coleman.
The history really zeroes in on thoughts I had watching old documentaries on Rome... Surely they had mega wealthy mega powerful business families... where did that wealth go? Simple, as you've pointed out, they mobilised, and went to safe havens... where they had a base, eg London, and could influence locals with their money, and establish rules, institutions and laws to protect their wealth and power...
Thank you for all the links I will be reading up over a few days this weekend to try soak it all up.
I found (among the many news articles) an interesting summation of the situation in Kazakhstan, which certainly makes it sound as if it is ripe to set up a new safe haven for the elites...
"With its enormous natural resources and vast agricultural lands, Kazakhstan is the richest country in Central Asia. But the revenue from its oil and gas is mostly concentrated in the hands of a small circle of elites and hasn't trickled down to ordinary Kazakhs."
The powerful influence is already there, and a population who are hand to mouth just to survive...
The super city capital (with all the symbols of power) of the elites just waiting to be serviced by a compliant (easily exploited) population happy for any rise in living standards?
All the luxury hotel chains have representation in Astana: the Ritz Carlton, Hilton, Marriott, Sheraton etc.
Guess who has a World Economic Forum style meeting every year 🤔
this one in particular is worth a quick glance 👇
"The Astana Economic Forum gathered thousands of businessmen, politicians and investors in Astana for fruitful discussions among expert community and also resulted in signing agreements that will determine the country’s future development."
...Strategic Development Plan until 2025 "National Technology Initiative" ....
The first priority is the growth of labour productivity, technological modernization of the economy and digital modernization" he said.
The second priority is expansion of private sector. This is about "clearing the field" from large companies that do not want to develop and GIVING WAY to companies that are MORE ADAPTED to the current situation.
Another priority is creation of favourable investment CLIMATE. "We are talking not only about the business climate from the viewpoint of direct regulation, we are talking about the quality of institutions, courts, improving legal literacy of the population...
Among other priorities of the document is PERSONAL COMPETITIVENESS of every citizen*
(*Exploitation WEF style)
Reads like a WEF paradise* doesn't it?
(*not a paradise)
Great article thanks Frances, a lot to explore there... Thank you.
There is one other point that I forgot to mention but probably did in my previous articles about Khazaria (linked in this post).....
The way that Ukraine was manoeuvred into war was masterful. From 2014 onwards, the attention of Russian politicians was drawn to Ukraine but the shenanigans were afoot at the other end of the old Khazar Empire!
It is my theory that the old Khazar families (such as Rothschild, Rockefeller and Oppenheimer) have an axe to grind with Russia. They want their homeland which used to stretch from Kiev to the border of Mongolia. I wrote about this here:
Thank you Frances! They certainly operate the long game... I've got a lot to read up on...
Ah, you know who Gog and Magog are! I'm still very sketchy on what they are about. My introduction was the fundamentalist Christian one and we know how Christianity has more than its fair share of arbitrary explanations (in fact arbitrary explanations might almost be used as a fingerprint of our beloved elite). Yours - which I haven't got a full picture of yet - makes more sense and explains why Gog and Magog show up at the City of London's Lord Mayor's celebrations.
I don't know that much about Peter Jackson but he seems to me a very good candidate for being a fully endorsed promoter of elite themes and projects. I don't know exactly how they do this, like whether they are directly asked to insert a project into their oeuvre in recompense for staying on top, but I am spotting it more and more. One, to me, very sad example is Blondie, where I see a number of songs that I suspect were handed to them. The beautifully constructed (I'm Always Touched By Your) Presence Dear - very close to the perfect pop song - is just too good to credit to band originality or the story peddled about its genesis. And the lyrics are a trip, looking back 45 years later. Another is "The Hardest Part" where the woman with possibly the most beautiful mouth ever sings about armoured security vans and their ripped occupants. WTF, really?! This is right at the pinnacle of their success and one can only think this is to soften us up to the coming security state. Then there's Mike Chapman, their producer, who really was on a wave of success. From his Wiki entry "Chapman exerted a tight grip on the output of the bands whose works he produced, determining the content of all albums." Yikes!
Here's the first one, which is still a great song. It's worth putting subtitles on to really drive home what the lyrics are saying.
Blondie was such an obvious 'product' that I found her quite insulting. Too pretty, too packaged and totally at odds with the zeitgeist of the time.
Hahaha! 😂 Well, there's quite a gap between being 17 and 27, though Debbie was already something like 35 at that point!
Interesting point about the zeitgeist. Did you know that Glen Matlock (who I met a few years back) is now part of Blondie? I think there were at least two strands to the music back then; punk and those riding on punk, but actually being accomplished musicians already and hiding the fact. The Police are the obvious example of that, but so is Elvis Costello, whose first album was stunningly good and still holds up today. The music industry has been seriously dodgy going all the way back to Mozart, who is far more myth than substance - and who didn't die in 1791. All those lovely bits of music were written by kapellmeisters who were forbidden to write anything that was not for the Estherhazys or Habsburgs and did it for extra cash.
I'll read this properly in a sec but I thought I'd mention chuckling at your first paragraph. It sounds irredeemably dreadful just from the synopsis. I think they've rather over-stretched that metaphor; like to the point of a '70s acrylic jumper!
I'm going to have to go onto Pirate Bay and see if they have a copy. Sounds like they'll be grateful for the audience. 😂🤣
Sure looks like a distinct possibility!!! We can call these Astana balls the Black Balls of the Black Nobs! And they'll make excellent target practice, too! We can get some black bricks... ;) But it might be nice if they get the frack outta London already... Wankers.
It is a double edged sword... (ain't it always?)
The Nobs move on and each time they leave a dead zone behind them. When they vacated Venice, Napoleon marched his army into an empty and powerless city. The power lies in the Nobs and the Nobs had moved to London by then.
This time, the Nobs have gone online, using their own internet (courtesy of Inmarsat) and their business meetings are all cyber. The physical hub will be Astana but they will not need to be there. It will be a hive of minions.
Meanwhile, London will fall quiet and nobody will notice - at first. UK's industry is minimal now, financial services were the mainstay of our income and power. The sole earner in the UK will have taken the money and run. We Brits have nothing left so a recovery will depend on our ingenuity and entrepreneurs BUT the red tape that the City of London left behind hampers development unless THEY approve it.... and they won't.
The robbers have robbed us blind and are now out to rob the far east.
Yeah, it generally IS a double-edged sword, but maybe this time we can turn it on THEM... Or you Brits can. (I'd love to come over there and be part of it! I can even speak the language, plus, I know "wanker," "git," and the ever-popular "twat..." Anyway, the US got a similar flush down the Destruction Hole, mostly what we have for industry is "service," which is mostly AI now, which everyone detests, so they've had to keep a few ninnies for telephone "assistance." But if the Nasties LEAVE, it seems like a good time to unplug their shit, as it were. (Damn, I'm a fucking potty mouth!) You know, when the Crap's away, the mice can wreak havoc on the Crap's toys... muahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa. Lemme at 'em. Udderwise, I'll have t o milk it for what it's worth over here, with THESE talking cows. I do still speak Texan reeeel good.
🤣😂 multi-lingual expletives are superbly useful. I like to swear in Spanish. Nobody knows what I am saying, cos Brits don't learn languages, they just get pissed in Spanish bars for a fortnight once a year! Well, they USED to.... now getting out of this hell hole is too expensive.
Oh that reminds me - my Aussie mate, Peggy, wants to come visit and her flight costs have doubled since Covid. Why? Just to discourage us little plebs from travel, what other reason could there be?
You are right that all the 5 Eyes have been robbed and disempowered. The Nobs don't need cannon fodder any more. They have drones and swarms of weaponised mosquitoes, EMFs, laser loaded satellites, weather weapons, instant earthquakes and nano crap in the atmosphere.
That is why getting in and out of any of the 5 Eyes countries is a nightmare only affordable by the very wealthy.
Do you think that enough of us KNOW how much we have been screwed?
I don't think that the full realisation has hit the normies yet. That worries me.
I like to swear in Spanish, too. And if I want to swear in Spanish but I'm around Spanish speakers, I just say "Ay, pajaros," which SOUNDS rude, and it's a fun word, but the context is hugely hidden, as in, give 'm the "Bird." ;) Now you know ALL my secrets! lol
The English situation (and the rest of the UK, I imagine) sounds a LOT like the same here in the land of the Freak and home of the Slave... I think the Nasties ENJOY tormenting us, because they do it all the time anyway, and now they are feeling quite off the leash (if ANYONE needs a leash, it's those fux! In my view, they're just as bad as any serial killer we could name, they're just protected by their vast wealth, and therefore vast army of ass-kisser enablers). I do think, though, they are maybe a bit alarmed as well, and feeling a little worried that obviously SOME OF US, small, but far more than 5 years ago, ARE ONTO THEM. We can even, if we are diligent enough, find out THEIR NAMES. So, they are taking advantage, I think, right now, of being able to torture, pester, or just piss off the vast crowds of junkies they have created.
That old story of the people in the cave... wasn't it Socrates or Plato or both, maybe (were they the same guy? Who cares.)--- Most people just donut want to know they are slaves. I can relate when I think about how many jobs I've stayed in that I HATED just because I didn't want the BOTHER of having to find another one... I'm over that now, but then, I'll maybe never have another one!! lol Shiiiiiiiiiiit. At this point I think I'd rather go find a cave somewhere...
Frances, what do you think about a person who doesn’t seem to suffer any ill effects from 5 g ? Even when blasted with it? This is a real question, curious your opinion because you know this stuff better than almost anyone it seems
There is no living being who does not suffer ill effects from 5G (and all the other Gs).
All life is experiencing ill effects from non-natural electro-magnetic radiation.
ALL LIFE, without exception!
Some people may think that they are just fine being 'blasted' with 5G and that may be true, for now, because their health is very good or they have become accustomed to the interference from a very young age. However, the effects of any type of radiation are cumulative and, eventually, these effects become burdensome and symptoms of distress begin to arise.
The effects are subtle to begin with.... common things like obesity, fluid retention, headaches, eyesight problems, skin problems, hair loss, tooth loss begin slowly. If the person remains bathed in unnatural EMFs 24/7, eventually the body cannot cope with the stress and further symptoms appear such as intense irritability, pressure in the head, tinnitus, sleep apnea or narcolepsy. As things progress the blood forms rouleaux (red blood cells sticking together and they cannot carry as much oxygen to the cells as they should). Extreme tiredness and breathlessness sets in, especially during exertion like sport or climbing hills or stairs. Then, as the blood becomes more clotted, oxygen deprivation can cause a heart attack and even strokes.
So no.... there is no living thing which will not spiral down in health eventually. Of course we are all different. The elderly are most susceptible and the very young are most resilient.
We all know this.... they told us it was a 'virus' - remember?
It never was. Covid19 was an illusion. Lockdowns permitted the 5G installations to be rolled out unopposed. Vaccines take the blame for all the so-called 'adverse effects' but THE REAL ROOT CAUSE of our difficulties has been turned into the greatest taboo and anyone who dares to challenge it is ridiculed, de-platformed and censored TO ENSURE THAT THEIR VOICES ARE NEVER HEARD.
I believe you. When 5G rolled out here I got a bunch of cold sores in a row. My daughter got a rash. I didn’t put two and two together at the time. I just wonder if some people have some freakish DNA where it doesn’t affect them to the same extent- or, maybe like you said, the cumulative effects will eventually be obvious in everyone. Everyone human, that is.
Every living thing is affected..... haven't you noticed the loss of insect life?
I have lotsa bugs in rural West Virginia.
Good. Here in UK we are seeing a huge loss of insect life.
I am glad to have found the time to read many of your articles. Much corroboration of my own suspicions.
Fascinating synopsis. Rcently quit Netflix , so am grateful fpr the spoiler alert. . As Yogi Berra would have said, "it's deja-vu all over again." Love Nefaotep's view of crater in the financial center at Astana is the bite out of their globalist ass-pirations. i don't know what 'weapon' can counter all theirs, but greed without end has its own built-in inherent self-destruction and stupidity - as if their 'in plain sight' blatant constructs were really stealthy and clever. Brutality always seems so stupid, no matter how well calculated. I'm reading here on your site, and am so amazed that you and others knew about and wrote about all this stuff for DECADES. I was too busy fighting on the local environmental front; there is so much. So thank you, and all the other people who are putting together the big picture - and not just telling the bad stuff but also things we can do.
Mortal Engines was based on a series of young adult books written by Phillip Reeve. The first book was released in 2001. The author based the concept on his observation of how cities and towns are increasing in size every year, spreading out over the countryside and ‘devouring’ smaller villages, local communities and green spaces such as he saw happen in his local area of Brighton & Hove. Sadly this problem has only got worse over the past 20 years.
There are always official stories..... but the real underlying message may be left to the reader to discern.
I've been to London. Consuming everything in its path is no fantasy : )
I was born there.... couldn't get away fast enough! 😵
Their financial center in Astana is symbolically showing what that part of the world will look like, when the rest of the world fights back to eliminate them. The bite out of the apple is the crater Astana is destined to become....
They have all the fancy weapons..... not us.
I have been doing research on how to create Scaler Weapons. The type of technology they have is based off Zero Point Energy, it taps into the universal Frequency and Vibration, it precipitates free energy, forms Gravity Wells, distorts magnetic fields.
Building a weapon that can counter theirs is not as difficult as it seems. Necessity is the mother of invention.
We need a tutorial ;)
Check on rumble: raincountryhomestead she has a video pinned on this topic.
Thanks - but I think you have added this video to the wrong point in this post! I have added that video link to my post on Turpentine Therapy -
Don't you be blowing yourself sky high, Nefahotep! We need you! xx
Lol, I need you too. 😄🤣
I love this line of thinking. Very much. All is frequency and we are powerful alchemists.
This is completely reflected in mathematics.
The Mandelbrot shows varying modes of frequency when you move points in the Juliette Set.
Sacred geometry can also be found in DNA. This is why 5G frequency is so dangerous to the human body.
Thank you~ I will explore the Juliette Set. :)
"This is why 5G frequency is so dangerous to the human body. "
Indeed. As is fear.
My focus these days, in addition to staying informed, is on maintaining my alignment while controlling what I can control. So much in our outer world is attempting to disable, disorient, and disconnect us. It's such a delicate dance, to strike a balance between riding the waves of external chaos and deeply breathing internal, eternal order.
For 5G I rely on my EMF Protection Monks Habit. I reluctantly take it off tbh.
It's striking how much that financial building looks like the Death Star from Star Wars.
I have heard a decoder I love to listen to, who is heavily into using Gematria to decode rituals and such, postulate that this is where the new capital will be. Fascinating, Frances!
Remarkable, isn't it? 🙄 Not even slightly subtle...
Nope! A HUGE unsubtle eye-roll moment.
So glad our paths have crossed.
I think you nailed it, Frances. They can't stay put in one place because eventually they are discovered and kicked out (109 times so far). They would rather leave on their own terms. This group came from another galaxy where they don't have Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, which is why this whole operation is so repugnant to those of us who do follow Truth, Compassion and Tolerance.
Astana is loaded with the usual geomancy (arrangement of streets and buildings) and the symbolism is overt. Pyramids, "one religion", etc. Someone spent a lot of time and money to create that place. They can't stay too long in one place...once they strip the resources and suck the blood from one place, they need to move on to their next victims. Astana is isolated from the rest of the world, perhaps it's time for them to relax and take a breather now that they stole everything, while the rest of the planet is cast into the pits of Hell.
Astana is the new Atlantis. The new location for the original World Abusers.
Brilliant analysis!
Do you think that Atlantis was a lair of megalomaniacs too? I hadn't considered that possibility! I thought that city was fabulous (according to legend, of course!)
I thought maybe Trump has assets there too:
It was a wonderful place, until they became "infiltrated." The story of Atlantis, of course doesn't imply that all it's inhabitants were corrupt. Mainly just the Rulers.
By the way, Gogg and Magog are the quintessential symbol for the old Scythian saying: "One shall Govern in front, while One Rules from Behind."
Also found in the symbolism of the Double Headed Phoenix. The Khegganate.
The what? I have never heard of Khegganate. Do you mean Khaganate?
Sorry, misspelled it ;-)
Hi Decode....Hope you are doing well :-)
Who had the money to create this place? Looks like something out of a Sci-Fi movie.
Where is all this leading? Why haven't people been talking about this place?
I have been writing and talking about it for 20 years! I knew someone who worked on the construction. He told me that no expense was spared on materials but the workers were paid peanuts and accommodated like galley slaves!
I wonder who put up the money? That's how whoever they are want to treat us now.
Thanks for sharing ;-)
Money gets printed.... or added to bank accounts. It does not actually exist as a real measure of energy or worth. Since money and gold were divorced, the Nobs have been playing a blinder. They print a load of money and then LEND it to the countries who have to pay interest on the loans. This is why every country in the world (bar a very few) have gazillions of debt! The Nobs have created a world of debt slavery which will never be paid off because the interest gathers faster than the repayments. The Nobs go "Kerching!!", all the way to their Swiss bank accounts and tax havens in the Caribbean!
Thanks for explaining. I'm sure JOE has money stashed in the Virgin Islands. That's where the Biden Corrupt Family vacations. His Brother owns a home there, too.
Can you imagine how much the Windsors have stashed all over the place? In the trillions, I reckon!
You can imagine my face when I spotted that the weapon of choice was called THAT. Bloody cheek of 'em! There was me thinking I had exclusive rights! 🤣
All the spherical structures or sculptures have the same sort of anomaly. I guess that they could represent Adam's apple. To be perfectly honest, I wish they would quit with the snidey symbols and just STFU. I am sick of the bastards.
If the pole shift occurs, as predicted, then Astana could be quite a safe spot and finish up in a nice temperate zone - while the rest of us roast in the fires, suffocate without an atmosphere or drown, presumably!
Good question and observation.