Taking Turpentine Therapy
100% pure pine tree gum with sugar is an old remedy recommended by Dr. Jennifer Daniels, MD/MBA to release tape worms, cancer, lyme disease and candida albicans.
Last week I bought some Georgia Pine Gum 100% Spirits of Turpentine.
Here is Dr Daniels’ exact protocol that I am following:
As you may know, I won't recommend any protocol until I have actually done it myself.
It has taken a week of following Dr Daniels instructions, so I am now (Sunday 24th March 2024 at 7pm GMT) ready to proceed with the first dose of turpentine on sugar.
I will write about my experiences in the comments section below, over the next few days, so be sure to pop back to this post to see how I get on.
If I don't survive, it has been lovely knowing you! 🤣😂
No, seriously! I don’t think the treatment is likely to kill me!
I am just teasing you!
I could not resist that.
I have a wickedness in my soul which results in some very naughty jokes sometimes.
4TH FEEDBACK: 16.40 GMT 25th MAR 2024
I am feeling very good. I did not get so out of breath at swimming. Nor in the sauna. Nor riding my mobility scooter the mile home. I am a bit shocked, tbh. I didn't expect the Turpentine Therapy to have any effect on my lungs! This is extremely good news, isn't it?
3RD FEEDBACK: 11AM GMT 25th MAR 2024
I went back to bed around 5am and slept until 10.30am. I have a vibration going on (but that may be 'the hum' or the impact of CMEs and sun flares, who knows?) Feeling very good. Just realised that I am not coughing up loads of phlegm! That is unusual.... very unusual indeed.
12.45PM GMT
Erm... WELL! I have smoked two hand rolled cigarettes which, normally, helps me to cough up any phlegm that is lurking in my lungs. Today there is NOTHING. Not a single cough! I have been coughing since 2013 and was diagnosed with emphysema (without tests btw). This is astonishing stuff, folks!
I am getting ready to go to the spa now. I will report when I get back. xx