This is Chet's latest remix from this series of songs which will soon be an album. You can hear the rest of them at davidrovics.com/palestine.


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Eva Bartlett lived in Gaza during the 2009 Israeli attacks on Gaza. Her experiences were recorded and she has since become famous for her war zone reporting. Here she is interviewed by Mike Jones, aka iEarlGrey after they were both deleted from YouTube.


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Israel's international reputation has plummeted. I think that is DELIBERATE. Let me explain why I think that...

Israel is intended to become the victim of a false flag black swan event so the Zionists can switch their focus to Ukraine. See my article: MOTHER OF ALL FALSE FLAG EVENTS - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/the-mother-of-all-false-flag-events

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How do I reference a life time of knowing? I grew up in Islington, London in the 1950s. Our friends and neighbours were European Jews who had migrated to Britain to rebuild their shattered lives. We shared homemade cheesecakes, sitting on the pavement edge with our bare feet in soap suds that flowed along the gutters. I was the kind of child who paid very close attention to adult conversations and I loved my life.

That is the way I know, it is dyed in my wool. I know a real Torah Jew from a Talmud scholar, just by the way they treated us kids. The reality of war was all around us, in the cracked houses and the deep bomb craters. Whole streets were flattened wastelands of crushed brick and jagged glass. I heard the hushed stories, told in broken English with strange accents. Everything we had we shared and keys were rusted into locks because they were never removed. Everyone came and went to and fro from each others' houses, "Can I borrow the tin bath, Joycie?" - "Can you spare a cup of sugar, Nat?" Houses were crammed with families, the streets were full of mums chatting with their hair-curlers poking out of head scarves as they scolded us kids for playing too rough or running too fast.

Going to Israel was never a possibility. It was against the word of God. It was simply unthinkable.

As a teenager my classmate Ruth told me about Israel. She was the daughter of an Israeli ambassador. She had a special tutor, brought in to teach her and her sister Russian. Ruth said that a lot of Russian Jews had migrated to Israel.....

In the 70s my best friend, Elaine, went to live on a Kibbutz and she wrote long, detailed letters. She was learning Hebrew and courting - but came home 4 years later, broken hearted because he had rejected her because she was not a Jew.

Since then I have studied geo-politics. I learned about the Black Nobility, how they manipulate and mock us all. You can find plenty of references in my articles about them, but it is only by sewing them all together with the folk tales and whispered anecdotes that the sordid picture really emerges.

To make it easier, I have created a collection of articles, archived together so that the real nature of the beast can be understood. You may find it useful - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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Excellent and so true and one cannot question or ridicule this kind of personal experience and what it teaches beyond available information research. Anyone from outside who went to live or study there knew firsthand the persecution and brutality toward these trapped people. I too knew families that were wealthy and hand much land and abundant land until it was seized , and troops went village to village crippling or killing all males. They eventually made it to America and also prospered greatly, but I heard all the stories first hand.

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You are a liar…and God will deal with you.

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YOUR God will deal with YOU, Sir. I don't have one. https://davidrovics.substack.com/p/pogroms-of-judea-and-samaria-remix

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The epitome of stupid.

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🤣😂 A guy with a dubious career coaching women who don't know diddly about men hardly has the right to call anything stupid. Not ANYTHING. 🤣😂

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Rachel Corrie RIP

As I recall she wasn't more than maybe 25 yrs old (?) an American citizen who believed in protesting directly the atrocities of the Israelis - she was with a group of people in a standoff protest over illegal settlements maybe (?) and was deliberately run over by an Israeli IDF bulldozer. Horrific. Blatant cold blooded murder. And then to watch the Jews lie about to EVERYONE - even though the entire incident was witnessed by scores of people (and filmed)- AND they GOT AWAY WITH IT. That opened my eyes to realize who was REALLY running the show. Once you see you cannot UNSEE.

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Mullis was spot on about the entire medical establishment that’s for sure. I’m a functional medicine practitioner/consultant. I have introduced a systems-based way of training to many medical doctors interested in going outside the scope of their practice to understand the mechanisms of diseases and the most common health ailments we see in society today. The problem with them is they have been indoctrinated into a “symptoms-based” way of viewing sickness and disease. So they diagnose and treat with drugs, chemical cocktails, radiation, or cutting out body parts. As you know, all go against the body’s natural healing process. Except for being able to handle acute emergency situations, they have nothing in their toolbox but barbaric “treatments.”

I’m curious as to why Kary Mullis is on the list of gatekeepers?

Thanks for your reply. People like you are very far and few inbetween. Thank you for your work!

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I tried to get to the bottom of that question and was seriously abused. I figured out that someone was trying to divide and conquer the AIDS dissenters. I think I narrowed it down to a couple of anonymous accounts on Telegram.

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It seems that there are not many people who know how to have a rational debate or discussion. The way I see it is that if they abuse you, you hit a nerve and have challenged what they think they know to be true. I call it cognitive dissonance syndrome (CDS). It’s real! Lol

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Zion (should be spelled Tsion) is the name of a hill or mountain in Jerusalem--the one where Isaac (Ishmael?) was almost sacrificed so Abraham could switch from human sacrifice, universal in his time, to animal sacrifice. This hilltop was later picked by king David to be the place to build the Temple. His son Solomon built it there, the second one was built there, and the Jews want to build the third one there. Currently, it has two major Moslem mosques there--Al Aqsa and the Dome of the Rock, topped by that huge golden dome which is the first thing you think of when you consider Jerusalem. It is the third holiest site in Islam, and has been controlled by Muslims since the founding of the State of Israel. Early 2023, it was attacked by Israeli Jews eager to build their third Temple, and Muslims were killed there. The Oct 7 attack was the most provoked attack since the founding of the state of Israel.

Zionism means the right of Jews to settle and create a state in their Biblical homeland. This is clearly promised in Genesis, and also in Sura 2 of the Koran. There is some confusion because the ancient Israelites were commanded by G-d to kill and drive out all the human sacrificers there. They failed, which has led to plenty of trouble. Today's "Palestinians" do NOT commit human sacrifice. All are Jewish, or Christian or Muslim, or secular from one of those cultures. The Torah requires far better treatment of these people than they have received.

"Zionism" sometimes means abuse of non-Jews in Eretz Israel. That is utterly dishonorable.

And sometimes, the term "Zionism" refers to the Nimrod people referred to in this article, who have joined with the Black Nobility to attempt a One World Government slave state. There is a horrible document called "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion," which has been claimed by Jews to be a forgery. But Janet Ossebaard found a similar document from the 14th century. This abomination has things like poisoning the food and the clothes of gentiles, pauperizing them with usury, and other filth. So who are these "Elders of Zion?" Before the Israelites conquered Canaan, it was the home of human-sacrificing Canaanites, who Genesis says were fathered by Ham from Noah's wife (his father's wife.)

I notice that many readers are bigoted enough to spell the name of Judah's (Judah means praise G-d) children as "jews." Do they write "french,"" americans," "italians," etc.? This is an evil called "dehumanizing." It is an absolute disgrace to anyone indulging in it.

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Interesting but definite nope on some of it all of the first five books called the Old Testament are as much a fabrication and fraud and the so called "New Testament" is . Lots of people from those ancient lands practiced human and animal sacrifices. Incest and multiple wives. hallucinogenic substance use and many other practices were also the norm. Mohammad was a Cardinal in early unholy roman catholic church who was bypassed to be a pope , so went off to create his own competing empire and formal religion. More recent archaeological work has shown the so called first Temple and even Solomon's did not exist or were built when claimed . So just how did 3 formal religions now in death grip war come from one guy , who sold his own wife as a prostitute to a Pharaoh. There is no point in arguing the validity/or fraudulent nature of the "Protocols" whoever wrote those and or when has been able to unfold history according to their stated plan, we are in its "final solution" nightmare now .

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One of your best

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Rage tends to fire my typing fingers.... thanks Mr Green, have a lovely Holy Day xx

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Season's Greetings and a big thank you for this. I've long considered "Jew as a nation, a people, a race" the biggest con ever perpetrated by the Zionists on the world.

While long researching the con's origins, I struggled to find credible sources, and the only one I found, Shlomo Sand, was only secondary.

So I was elated to see your latest, but disheartened to not find a single source or reference.

I totally believe everything you say here, but without references or sources, I can only consider it conjecture, hypothesis, or, God forbid, "conspiracy theory." ;-)

Or did I just not see your references?

If you have credible sources, I'd be eternally grateful if you shared.

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How do I reference a life time of knowing? I grew up in Islington, London in the 1950s. Our friends and neighbours were European Jews who had migrated to Britain to rebuild their shattered lives. We shared homemade cheesecakes, sitting on the pavement edge with our bare feet in soap suds that flowed along the gutters. I was the kind of child who paid very close attention to adult conversations and I loved my life.

That is the way I know, it is dyed in my wool. I know a real Torah Jew from a Talmud scholar, just by the way they treated us kids. The reality of war was all around us, in the cracked houses and the deep bomb craters. Whole streets were flattened wastelands of crushed brick and jagged glass. I heard the hushed stories, told in broken English with strange accents. Everything we had we shared and keys were rusted into locks because they were never removed. Everyone came and went to and fro from each others' houses, "Can I borrow the tin bath, Joycie?" - "Can you spare a cup of sugar, Nat?" Houses were crammed with families, the streets were full of mums chatting with their hair-curlers poking out of head scarves as they scolded us kids for playing too rough or running too fast.

Going to Israel was never a possibility. It was against the word of God. It was simply unthinkable.

As a teenager my classmate Ruth told me about Israel. She was the daughter of an Israeli ambassador. She had a special tutor, brought in to teach her and her sister Russian. Ruth said that a lot of Russian Jews had migrated to Israel.....

In the 70s my best friend, Elaine, went to live on a Kibbutz and she wrote long, detailed letters. She was learning Hebrew and courting - but came home 4 years later, broken hearted because he had rejected her because she was not a Jew.

Since then I have studied geo-politics. I learned about the Black Nobility, how they manipulate and mock us all. You can find plenty of references in my articles about them, but it is only by sewing them all together with the folk tales and whispered anecdotes that the sordid picture really emerges.

To make it easier, I have created a collection of articles, archived together so that the real nature of the beast can be understood. You may find it useful - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/black-nobility-101

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Thanks, Frances. I respect you, your comments and your time.

What you say, above, however, doesn't help me with finding credible sources or evidence for what we both believe: Jews are adherents of Judaism. Non adherent? Non Jew.

Like you, I grew up in the 40's, but as an RC. That was my reality; that's how the world was. To me and my devout, church-going, God-fearing Catholic family. (I was even a Benedictine monk for a few years!)

After retiring in '94 from 28 yrs in the Cdn military (including a stint in Palestine in '78 as a UN peacekeeper), I finally had time to put myself on an unlearning, brain detoxing, relearning regimen. In short, everything I had been taught by the church, the military, the media, and politicians was a lie. Like the non Jew, because I'm no longer an adherent of Catholicism, I'm no longer a Catholic. My relearning also made me anal when it comes to scrutinizing credible sources for what I believe; what I say.

I put no faith whatsoever in Wikipedia (which I consider under total Zionist control), nor can I accept anecdotes, hearsay, narratives as credible sources. My investigation into the world's biggest con, that got the world to believe that “Jews” are Chosenites, are exceptional, are a race, continues.

Thanks again for your time.

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You are aware that the internet is entirely under Zionist control I hope? Wikipedia is surprisingly useful at providing education. Remember that the owners are prideful people who love to share their importance. It appeals to their vanity.

What exactly do you seek? My articles draw on numerous sources to evidence the existence of the Black Nobility and their servants the Zionists.

You do not say what you would consider a credible source. History books? Media? Government reports? What would satisfy you?

Thousands of items, websites and articles have been deleted from the internet and that operation continues daily. It has got so bad that I dare not share a link without risking an agent of the state deleting it. That has happened to me very often.

So, spit it out, Lou.... WHAT WOULD SATISFY YOU?

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Right about now, a double Lagavulin!

Sorry for the delay, but tis the season. (I don't know how you do it!)

I hear you. Perhaps my AR guage is cranked too tight.

As I knew/know nothing about the Venetian Empire and Black Nobility, I'll take the time to investigate it.

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Oh I see. You asked me for my evidence. I provided you a link to a series of articles, full of credible references. You did not read it but came back to this thread saying "What you say, above, however, doesn't help me with finding credible sources or evidence....."

Did you miss the link to my archive about the Black Nobility? Even though it is highlighted in green and marked "you may find it useful"??

Pass me a shot of that Lagavulin, I can see I might need it.....

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That’s what I believed too. And how ironic that he was in pretty good health and “died suddenly.” We can only go by our own discernment BUT like you have proven time and time again, once you know what to look for by what they say and by what they do, they always show who they are. Trump is a perfect example.

Do you have anything on the AIDS hoax and how they went after the 4 major cities in the US with the highest rates of homosexuals? I’d be interested in your take on this.

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You were referring to our convo about Kary Mullis, I presume? Personally I have experience of successfully treating AIDS victims with herbal medicine but I live in the UK. I learned about Kary Mullis by reading Celia Farber's intensely incisive writing, back in the days when we were all still so confused.


AIDS; Words from the Front

By @Celia Farber in Spin, July 1994

"Referring to the guardians of the HIV establishment, such as Gallo and Fauci, Mullis suddenly turns from rage to pity. "I feel sorry for 'em," he admits. "I want to have the story unveiled, but you know what? I'm just not the kick-'em-in-the-balls kind of guy. I'm a moral person, but I'm not a crusader. I think it's a terrible tragedy that it's happened. There are some terrible motivations of humans involved in this, and Gallo and Fauci have got to be some of the worst."

Then the anger kicks in again. "Personally, I want to see those fuckers pay for it a little bit. I want to see them lose their position. I want to see their goddamn children have to go to junior college. I mean, who do we care about? Do we care about these people that are HIV-positive whose lives have been ruined? Those are the people I'm the most concerned about. Every night I think about this. I think, what is my interest in this? Why do I care? I don't know anybody dying of it. They're right about that. Well, except one of my girlfriend's brothers died of it, and I think he died of AZT."

At this point, Mullis voice starts to crack. "The horror of it is every goddamn thing you look at, if you look at it through the glasses that you've developed through looking at this thing, seems pretty scary to me. Look at the oncogene people and I go, oh yeah, I know what they are doing. Same stuff. Oncogenes don't have anything to do with cancer. Radiation probably doesn't have anything to do with stopping cancer. The drugs that we use on people - all those goddamn horrible poisons - they're no less toxic than AZT. And we are doing it to everybody. Everybody's aunt is being radiated once a goddamn month and given drugs that are going to kill her.

We're dealing with a bunch of witch doctors. The whole medical profession - except for the people that patch you up when you get a broken leg or you have a plumbing problem - is really fucked. It's just a bunch of people that have become socially important and very rich by thinking about the fact that they might be able to cure the diseases that actually cause people in our society to die. And they can't do shit about it. It's scary, that's what it is."


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It is a documented fact that, during the Council of Nikea in 325, when the Bible was compiled, there were a vast number of scriptures competing for a place in the book, and thousands of attendees promoting their version of history. But most of all, which makes me very sceptical about the whole book, is the information that around a thousand of these 'competitiors' were killed by (some of) the others gathered. That might indeed have made the editors' job easier (although the council must have lasted a long time!).

But not for me. For WHO then were the killers, if not the ones whose versions won a place in the collection - to the detriment of a host of other written and oral stories? Were there any murder trials?

I do not think so....

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Sounds like You have read Tony Bushby s THE BIBLE FRAUD and the CHRIST SCANDAL which everyone should , they then later launched themselves into the Western Hemisphere believing that was the way to go to loot . pillage and destroy India. The result of that mistake was the murder of 100 million indigenous people since then , all cheered on by all churchianity because they were declared" soulless heathens", no murder trials there either . Also a preacher character , early 'bishop" named Nicholas showed up drunken and in a smelly wet red dog hair coat, bringing gifts/bribes and started a brawl by punching out others who violently opposed CREATING a new "god" by deifying and merging the two twin characters/brothers of Judas Krestus and Rabbi Jesus into one "god" and creating a formal ROMAN religion around this composite entity. Constantine needed his ARMY of 300,000 troops to pull off this charade and force it upon the world to also consolidate his power as Emperor This character in the smelly red coat was later made a SAINT and merged into yesterdays pirated ancient celebration of the winter equinox. They moved the date a bit , calendar issues ya know .

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THAT makes me think of the story I was once told about King James assembling the best storytellers & scribes around a large table....They were ordered to write stories /scripture & those that didn't have total conviction of their narrative (according to King James) ...weather it be false or otherwise, were beheaded. & THAT is HOW w have come to get the King James Diversion. The End.

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Yes sort of the interesting part was relying on Sir Frances Bacon as important editor who encoded hidden truths in it but only if you knew the code, he was also known as Shakespear. Long before it ever made it to King James efforts in had been completely fabricated , forged and reforged , deleted and mistranslated

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Interestingly, If you count 46 words from the beginning of Psalm 46 and 46 words from the ending of the psalm (not counting the "Selahs"), you arrive at these two words: "shake" and "spear."

It also happens that Shakespeare would have been 46 years old in 1610,when scholars were finalizing the translations for publication the following year.

Now, tell me that is NOT ironic! :)


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It is FULL of stuff like that there were a group of initiates throughout history trying to set the record straight , show the more likely truth without being burnt at the stake , as in study what was done Giordano Bruno , or check out Michaelangelo s sculpture of MOSES with that nice set of horns , this was commissioned by a POPE and they let him get away with that? Hmmm maybe that was intentional?

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Dec 25, 2023Edited
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Goodness me! How awful!

BUT.... that story is a pseudo-historical account of early Church councils according to Wikipedia! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Council_of_Nicaea

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People tend to write off Wikipedia because they've been *told* to write it off... I refer to Wikipedia often, as entry's are often the most comprehensive available on the internet, and they available to a world wide audience. Yes, many entries are edited for propaganda purposes, but included reference lists often lead to further research.

The Council (s) of Nicea were simply consolidations of writ utilized in continuing efforts of bible psyop and authenticated 'belief'.

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Good information. I try not to get too caught up on the details anymore. All roads lead back to the same place. See, I believe the whole "hook" for everyone in this reality is playing the Messianic game. Take out "religion," the hook, the fables, the spells, the mind control. Pretend you nothing about them. What do you have? Nothing, manifestly, the whole lie depends on that. Take the religious fables away and what do you have? Evil doers, historically, I DON'T CARE WHY or WHAT GOD SUPPOSEDLY SAID, murdering, pillaging and stealing lands realm wide. Meanwhile the people still have their "religion." They gave us a Bible and took our land. It's the same people described herein, wearing cloaks of many colors. They are everywhere under many "names" doing the same work.

Here is a secret: THEY DON'T BELIEVE IN RELIGION, YOU DO! This is their model of success.

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Booommm!!! Yes. Exactly. All *authenticated* belief is complete bullshit. Civil populations have been brainwashed into believing the nonsense of of written words, rather than thinking through the deceptions that clever words typically define...

I only believe what my nose tells me. If it smells like bullshit, it is bullshit. Buyer beware...

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That is prudent.

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I agree. Well said ...However, THEY do believe... In Their EVIL deity ...They worship it & feed it with their burnt offerings & rituals. THAT is the one thing that has ALWAYS boggled my mind.

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I believe you are right, but in a different way. Yes they worship evil, but it has no rules, except, "no rules."

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No, the Black Nobs are atheists and nihilists. They do not believe in anything except the present life that they are living. They use religion to trap people in fear.

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Actually here my dear I would debate that sincerely and politely. Trapping people in fear for sure though.

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ok, Thank you Frances. So is it their minions that believe in the burnt offerings & such?

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I would actually say going way back in time this was their practices , beliefs and toward "something" they believed they were serving , not just their minions either, even eating the flesh of human dead was widely practiced and known and documented and rolled into the "eucharist " practiced today. There are church documents clearly revealing this practice in groups of Galileans and even what would later be termed early "christians" before council of Nicea. Even the perverse Romans were very put off by this and recorded it . Im sure Ill get roasted and threatened for even mentioning this , but go research it yourselves

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Hello Thomas Guitarman: Yup. These practices were widely shared throughout ancient and indigenous cultures. This includes Peruvian, African, Asian, and Pacific island cultures. Nothing new under the Son...

Modern objections to these practices are rather muted by the subterfuge of euthanasia, formalized war, and corporate agenda.

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And it was used by the church to "train the indigenous peoples to accept SOMETHING IN THEIR MOUTH FROM STRANGERS." Many tribes and folk met their doom in such a way. It even used to be "spooned into their mouths" by the priest. Disease, poison, drugs, toxins, all and sundry, but nothing to do with Jesus [pbuh]. "Religion" is a front for evil. You heard?

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1000% Absolutely! Well Said!

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I have no idea if those rumours are even true.... we are told lies on top of lies on top of lies to keep us afraid and to distract us from the truth.

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I see, Thank You.

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Very well said. Belief is the "Mind on Crutches." If we can observe without prejudice the truth will be obvious.

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I "believe" you are right. It also means an opinion. Knowledge is the foundation.

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