He fled back to his Zionist masters and left the children of Syria to be slaughtered , Russia is and was controlled by the Bolshevik British Satanists , he cannot be called human .
What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?
Answer me this then you absolute buffoon , ? Where is Assad and where are his people ? He had the option to stay and fight beside his people , he chose to flee like a coward to a different country to luxury and safety, he's a coward and a traitor and Ian idiot like yourself is on the same level throwing insults online .
If I had known of your condition, that this was your case then I would have never allowed you to engage me in an attempted exchange of ideas. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space.
That interpretation of the events in Syria lacks evidence for each and every assumption. Having defended his country for 13 years under extreme sanctions, Assad had no masters and chose to seek asylum within a friendly nation. He had very little choice and cannot be blamed for the actions of his enemies since he left.
Bolsheviks like Lenin and Marx were trained by Jesuits who had developed their communism over 150 years in the isolated Reducciones of Uruguay and Paraguay. They were not British nor were they ‘Satanists’. The Jesuits were/are highly dedicated soldiers for the Roman Catholic Popes. The Jesuits and their students’ philosophy is no longer acceptable in Orthodox Russia.
In November 1095, Pope Urban II delivered a sermon at the Council of Clermont, urging Christians to take up arms and journey to the Holy Land to claim Jerusalem from Muslim rule. They were also relieved of their wealth.
Zionism (i.e., the possession of the Holy Land) originated to build the Holy Roman Empire and was the root cause of the barbaric, thieving, bloody Crusades which, it should be noted, are presently being continued by useful idiot proxies like Israel and Captagon crazed Jihadis. These groups will mutually exterminate permitting the Holy Roman Empire to finally achieve its objectives.
You can find further details and references for all the above in my historical compendium:
theres still a problem with dot connection for too many, no doubt the sheer horror of injustice and genocide coupled with social/geo-politic circus drama is doing exactly as intended, the above joins dots which are now proven in the 14 yrs since its 1st publish, "proof of the pudding" as they say.
and for those who are still in doubt that the "synagogue of satan" are as described on the label then this is interesting, not least of which in respect of the assassination of Raisi
I don't think you understood my comment. I am saying that all three of the middle eastern Abrahamic religions are mind control.
Whether that be by writing about prophesies, debating atrocities academically or extrapolating at length the influence of certain characters.... it is all mind control that has ruined our natural sense of right and wrong.
War is wrong and all three Abrahamic religions are blood-soaked because they are obsessed with it.
ive chewed your response over in my mind for a couple of days, no doubt you process your responses rather quickly and often dont see what is being proferred, no issue, we all do it.
what i am trying to explain to you needs to be obviously needs to be squished down and compressed into a format your attention span can deal with, ok
general understanding between scholars now understands that "anti-christ" as personified within the chrstian religion also aligns completely with the "dajjal" in islam,
however what precious few understand is that "person" or "entity" is also the "moschaich ben david" as foretold by the toxic dwarf "rabbi schneerson" to whom netanyahu will "hand the sceptre"
the requirement for the arrival of this potential destroyer of humanity requires a "safe" area from which to rule, this is "the greater isreal project"
so, awareness or otherwise that the abrahamic "religions" are a "con job" is irrelevance as that awareness is in itself not sufficient as a "defence" against what seems possibly imminent,
an actual understanding and thus a choice of stance (spiritually if you like) is required before the "event" as it is unlikely most persons will be able to get up to speed fast enough to attain a "condition of resistance"
as many do, your research seems to be fixated upon the doings of "bad men" (and women) and as such fails to understand the relevance of the "unseen" forces and "entities" at play,
a condition that has been created and formed in the minds of the masses by direct AND indirect contact with the "abrahamic religions" that you recognise as "mind control"
a decent dive into kaballah would soon show you that regardless of participation/venneration/observation the fact remains you are unable to see, its called playing both sides
there was some reason your work once floated into my vision, perhaps the above will assist you in looking further and seeing more, what potetially comes next is the actual manifestation of the evil sown within the pages of the varying "scripts" of the abrahamic tag team..
basic values and skill sets will not be sufficient, knowledge in advance of the gravity of the situation will however be very usefull.
i dont need a reply, just read it and accept the gift, all the best
Based on an early review of Telegram, Syria has descended into carnage, hangings, shootings, rapes, lootings everywhere, sectarian based for the most part.
Military who were in hospitals are being shot in their beds. Nice work CIA/Mossad/Turkey, BTW the new govt is upset at Israel for its 200 or so bombing runs saying they don't see how they can stay friends. Israel, you will reap what you have sown.
It also seems to me Frances that in doing so the axis of resistance has not only abandoned the Syrian people to their fate but has again called for global governance as the only solution. As staunch advocates of multipolar global governance, this isn't surprising.
What choice did they have? Upholding UNSC Resolutions while the western players and puppets go rogue was the only sane option. With no visible enemy to fight against, there is less likelihood of civilian casualties.
Since Sunday what do we see? We see Israel invading and a hotch-potch of extremist mercenaries swearing allegiance! We see little reference to the US military forces occupying the oil and wheat fields. We see the Turks trying to keep sweet with everyone.
Any humanitarian disasters cannot be spun by the media to blame Assad or the Russians or Iran.
It distresses me that the Syrian people have been abused for so many years and will probably be abused further, but that is part of the GAP + CORE Pentagon Plan which I have been writing about for more than a decade. A plan which has zero respect for humanity:
I agree, and the Western backed terrorist forces are undoubtedly the culprits behind an egregious crime against the Syrian people. But again we are faced with same old story about the Russian-led axis (multipolar axis perhaps.)
They can't spot deception in the Minsk talks, they withdraw on the point of victory when surrounding Kyiv, they have overwhelming air superiority in Ukraine but never use it, they possess the best air defences in Syria but never use them to stop Israeli airstrikes, they don't bolster Syrian defences, nor effectively prepare the SAA, but rather let the ravages of sanctions (and resource theft by the yanks) take full effect---most notably on Syria's ability to defend itself.
They then withdraw rapidly and start arguing for what? Better, more effective multipolar global governance.
So while I accept that one side has been the aggressor, I also think those who highlight what they call the "not war" have a point. Often it seems to me the purpose, on both sides, is to perpetuate war rather than actually win it.
There is a strategic game being played and people are being killed in the process. The Western regime changers are undoubtedly the aggressors and should be reviled for the murders they commit with abandon, but I think there is more to this than just goodies and baddies.
Its plotters, planners, financiers, fomentors, order followers and supporters are war criminals.
It is where the victors write the history so as to make the loser's crime of war look worse than the victors crime of war when it is the victor that MUST war more (commit more crimes) to become victorious.
In the so called "resistance" axis only Russia has any military power if you think about it, everyone else is a passive observer. And Russia is a nation of 140m people. Compare it to the other side, with its absolute military and financial dominance and ability to wage economic and military wars. If people want resistance, they should also take part, not just expect Russia to do everything for them.
Listen to Lavrov’s comments, as included in my article here. He explains that dominating Ukraine entirely was never the objective and still isn’t. Avoiding civilian casualties explains most of the reticence you mention. I think that air defence in Syria has been used to stop Israeli airstrikes - that is what I heard from Vanessa Beeley who lived in Damascus until last weekend.
Ooh Iain! Do examine the source of that highly speculative article please! Syndication Bureau’s editors, based in Abu Dhabi, have previously worked on international newswires and newspapers, such as The Wall Street Journal. It doesn't seem like your style to share main stream media propaganda, so what are you doing here?
There is no evidence presented and much use of allegations and suspicions!
On the other hand a quick check with AI produced this result:
"Russian Su-35 fighter jets intercepted Israeli jets to prevent attacks on Syrian targets in 2019 and on September 27, 2024, Russian air defenses reportedly intercepted and shot down 13 Israeli missiles over Syrian airspace during an Israeli Air Force attempt to launch an attack on Tartus. Russia’s air defense systems have provided targeting data to Syrian forces, enhancing their air defense operations."
It seems to me that there was indeed a deal between Russia and Israel in Syria. Remember that Israel did not support sending weapons to Ukraine and did not support western sanctions. Why do you think that might have been?
When Israel became more vocal about Ukraine Moscow was miffed. Russian Israeli ambassador Anatoly Viktorov said Russia expected a more balanced position from Israel. Why did they expect this? What was in it for Israel? This was immediately followed by Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev announcing Russia had shot down an Israeli missile.
Now lets consider that Syrian air defences were supposedly replete with Russian S300, S400, so, logically, how come Israel flew so many unchallenged sorties against Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria for years?
Mind you, Russia also sold the same weapons systems and more to Turkey, so I guess it all balances out in the end.
2015 Resolution?? This was at the time Syria is back against the wall, unable to fight terorists, and Rusia came to "help" in 2015. So this resolution in fact is non relevant because since year 2000 actually Syria is in upper hand and already taking on Idlib, dens of terorist with Turkey military base all over idlib (more than 20 at the time). Syria is trying to take on Idlib, but strangely Rusia disallow it (treachery no 1?). More over Rusia doesnt repel any of the missiles to Syria (250++ missiles) from Israhell since 2011 although Latakia and Tartus does has S300 and Pantzir anti missiles/aircraft (treachery no 2?). Only Iran help Syria develop air defence. So the calculation on the ground quite differ 2015 vs 2024.
Examine the ease with which Syria was taken. Reflect on where Assad is now. Consider the next probable move from the Hegemon and its pretext for intervention, and finally consider who does attrition warfare best....
From what I am reading the Hegemon is already on to its next excellent adventure. There are now 11,000 rebel forces on Iraq's border, Iran is warning of a near term invasion of Iraq.
No mention of race other than Syrian, but a 12 year old boy was beheaded, Assad's brother was murdered, his other brother is a prisoner, they are killing anyone even remotely connected to the govt. They also killed several Syrian soldiers in their hospital beds, and wiped out an entire town as they were of a different religious persuasion.
I find that telegram gives insight into what the man on the street sees. From that prism I then consider what I am told or not told by any media and I always bear in mind who the funders of the media are.
Its common tactic to release criminals from jail by the powers behind the coup to launch terror campaigns. They need to justify it somehow. Poor Syrians, people who did no wrong but living on land that the most cruel empire in human history wants.
I will summerise his points from the first article which is counter really to the claims you make in yours here:
"The real interesting stuff is happening behind the screaming headlines and the denial and the cope. It is very possible that Moscow is not only simply losing Syria, but actually helping Syria be taken. This increases the order of the magnitude of the betrayal substantially. We can break down the betrayal into tiers:
Tier 1: Moscow and Tehran and Damascus were simply taken by surprise, too weak to do anything (INCOMPETENCE)
Tier 2: Moscow and Tehran pulled support for Damascus even though they knew what was coming (WITHDRAWAL)
Tier 3: Moscow and/or Tehran turned against Damascus and sided with the Satanist-Globalist-Analists (BETRAYAL)
All three tiers are actually betrayals, but you get the point I am making, I hope. "
Why did this BETRAYAL happen in the first place????
"Here are the possible options so far:
Putin was upset at Assad for not signing the new constitution, embarrassing him in front of his handlers in Langley
Putin was offered a better deal by Turkey
Putin successfully “traded” Syria for something else which we will hear about in the coming weeks
Putin had no reason for preventing the oil and gas pipeline in Syria any more because Nord Stream II was bombed
Putin was offered a better deal by Israel
Putin is in such a weak position that [Russia] simply fled
Or maybe this is all a clever patriotic trap?"
I fear what will replace Assad in Syria will not be a good thing for its people even though Assad wasn't a good leader either. Just look at what happened in Libya and Iraq and tell me how is that a better thing though? It will follow a similar trajectory and parts of Syria will be further carved up just like they were in 2016. But for you to say: "Any violence or destruction that occurs after today is clearly the responsibility of the actors on the ground..." just seems a bit naive to me because by Russia and Iran not countering any of this they are in fact promoting such violence that will follow by leaving they are not absolved by just leaving. This move doesn't help Russia either at home or in Ukraine because it makes the administration appear so weak. It's got parallels to the US withdrawal of Afghanistan optics wise. But where do you think this weaponry left in Afghanistan was used? And now the weapons left in Syria? Where will those all be used next? IRAN! I really think we're all being played here this whole show is theatre production of Israel and the US.
Or, they could simply be in no position to fight multiple actors in Syria while their own border in in danger. Per Russian TG channels, Russia offered Assad to improve his military years ago, he declined. He was quite passive considering his country's situation, and we see the result. Russia did the only wise thing it could in this situation, withdrawing without bloodshed. Quite possibly it was a trap to draw Russia in and divert its resources from Ukraine, and they wisely declined.
This is certainly consistent for Rurik. The bias that someone knows what's really going on because they live in a country is disproven to me all the time by my fellow United Statesians (a country that's so arrogant it has no name to distinguish itself from two continents, but just considers itself the default.)
The US/ City of London is trying to provoke WWIII, and doesn't really care if it destroys its own in the process. They want the holocaust to usher in their new messiah--Trump, as chosen by 163 Orthodox rabbis. Iran and Russia aren't taking the bait. Does that mean they're complicit? Maybe. Maybe not.
Despite Putin being a WEFfie YGL, I think his policies have deviated from their agenda once US economic sanctions got rid of oligarch control for him. I've done several episodes on it, these are some:
If you and Rurik are right, and everything is orchestrated on both sides, how does it change our strategy? My plan develops small scale sovereignty that doesn't depend on global control or nations. No matter which way it turns out, I think that's what we should be working towards for 2030.
Thank you Tereza for being civil with me here as I think I angered Francis a bit. I very much agree with your closing point about it not changing our strategy. However, I don't like it how people in the West think Putin is a breath of fresh air as unfortunately in my opinion is not. Young global leader he isn't but he's very chummy with his friend Herman Gref who wrote the Russian intro for "The Great Reset" I think. Most recently they are putting up facial recognition camera's at all the entry and exit barriers of the metro and they encouraged there population to get the clot shot just like everybody else. I think the only thing holding them back from doing what they've done in the UK or Canada or "West" is the Russian spirit. The type of nutters going to Russia now though isn't helping Russia either long term.
Yes people can form an opinion without knowing the language. But with Rurik his theory was articulating so well thoughts I had for 10+ years and then discovered his work. Like I said to Frances why don't you reach out and talk about things. I'm sure you could have a happy discussion about metaphysics or something like that.
The question 'Is Putin a puppet of Davos?' is a worthy one, and I think 'the powers behind Israel' could be the definition for Davos. Puppet would mean sharing their agenda, which I've defined as Depopulation, Dispossession, Destruction, Depression and Dystopia.
The evidence I've looked at for whether he shares that are his military policies, economic policies, and domestic policies. On the military front, he's been very conservative about avoiding civilian deaths and destruction--unlike Israel for the most extreme example.
His economic policies have, I think, been shrewd. By 'letting' the gold reserves of Russia be taken, he had a clear-cut mandate to break with IMF/ BIS control and the petrodollar. I don't think Russian oligarchs would have let him do that if their own foreign-held assets hadn't also been seized.
And his domestic policies rival Qaddafi's for encouraging families and communities. He's still, like Qaddafi, more centralized than I'd prefer but the policies are sound. I give Sergei Lavrov credit for those.
I saw when you subbed that you also listen to James Corbett. I did a few comparing him and Matt Ehret--someone firmly on the BRICS-will-save-us side. I'm more in alignment with James in what I call Micropolar rather than Multi:
Putin was never a WEF Young Global Leader. That is completely inaccurate. When he was a young man (before YGL was initiated) he and two other Russians were invited to Davos. That is all. No special courses, no direct involvement until he became President.
In 2021 he delivered by video a blistering speech which made it very clear that he did not approve of WEF policies.
Oh thanks for that correction, Frances! Glad to have the deets on that since it's often a push-back on why he's complicit. Can I assume the same isn't true for Tulsi Gabbard and she is still a WEFfie YGL?
According to AI - "Based on the provided search results, it appears that Tulsi Gabbard was indeed a Young Global Leader (YGL) of the World Economic Forum (WEF). In March 2015, she tweeted that she was “honored” to be selected as a WEF YGL. Additionally, a YouTube video from 2008 announces the introduction of the Young Global Leaders for that year, and Tulsi Gabbard’s name is listed among the 245 selected leaders."
Thanks again, Frances. I've read that Tulsi said her picture was included but she doesn't know how it got in there. Her response to the Maui firestorm is another clue.
What will you do Frances? Spank me? He may be all those things you claim but I think he is right so a propagandist I don't see it, sorry. Who else other than Slavsquat is saying these sort of things in the English speaking world in such detail? It's his own opinions. He speaks Russian and formulates his work based on that world but some of his statements you just have to take with a pinch of salt he's a young man. Heck there is stuff I regret writing at that age the way I did. And you can't attack someone for using a fake name we live in an age where the truth can get you killed especially with this subject matter.
I strongly suggest you reach out to Rurik and do a podcast debate with him. He is very respectful to his guests thus far and you obviously have some grievances with his opinions so air them and let people decide for themselves. I think that would be a more productive outcome for our textual debate here. That or I guess you can block me? But I do like what you write. And just want everyone to get along.
No he's just constantly bargaining with his esteemed Western colleagues while being controlled by his xenocratic overloads that play all sides. He's still got a few chips to play but his time will come just like all the other former CIA assets.
And there was me thinking you were a nice old lady Frances. Now that's gone out the window. Why are you hurling insults now? Can't one present an alternative argument here and have a civil discussion? Come on we're better than that and both on the same team wanting the same thing. The truth.
Now you're just being nasty. Are you sure you got band for speaking the truth or were you rude to people? Everything you claim Rurik is you're practically projecting now on to me with your behaviour. I'm not him I just agree with him. How does that make me a liar when I think it's the truth. Wrong maybe but a liar, please. Since following you a few weeks back when have I have shown you such discourtesy to shown me today? I haven't. You're cultivating evil with such thoughts towards me so I only ask you please stop. It would be too much to ask for an apology. If you wish me to unsub and stop commenting we can do that too, but I'm always up for discussion. I always feel like you lose an argument when you have to swear at someone.
this makes a lot of sense.....and as for mainstream media and their biases!! Assad is quite clearly NOT THE BRUTAL DICTATOR they are desperate to frame him under....but I doubt the 'rebels' are going to hold 'free and fair' elections.....that is ONE thing that is for sure.
I'm truly worried about Christians in Syria and what to be their fate. In terms of the thousands of Syrian refugees all over Europe, I pray they will be deported back home. Sadly it looks like many will continue to die. Syrians, when I grew up, were said to be brutal to their enemies. Syrians I've met these last ten years, are volatile and also very generous and hospitable.
I do not remember claiming anywhere that he was perfect……had no idea there were perfect people out there…..but…..there could have been any number of reasons…..and what is to stop a video editor from doctoring the clip….there is a very odd join in the clip at that point….???.ffs!!!!
I never said he was perfect either. And good point regarding the cut just rewatched it and it does appear to have been edited in. Good speech though none the less and none of them did listen even if they did not laugh and we are where we are now.
Without a doubt, this does appear to have been an orchestrated withdrawal. However, it would be interesting to know to what degree valuables, personal items of intrinsic or financial value. clothes, jewellery and accoutrements or significant official documents were left behind and to what extent Assad's close allies and accomplices had already left. This would give some indication of to what extent this was an intended exit as opposed to a hurried and unexpected one. - Or perhaps I'm just being naive.
Assad's wife and children reportedly went to Moscow in November.
Yes, perhaps it was an orchestrated withdrawal. Perhaps Erdogan's target was/is not in fact Damascus but Tel Aviv? Perhaps Iran and Russia wanted to let him through?
That his wife and children left earlier certainly adds credence to the notion that this was part of a deliberate exit. As for Erdogan, that's an interesting notion and not without merit, in my view. However, I claim no expertise, only a horrified interest in the calamities that continually and often simultaneously affect our world.
I do follow international events with interest and concern and am depressed that some human beings are so callous and lacking in respect or compassion for others and yet are supported, so often, by so many.
How is it that individuals of appalling character, by any standards, can command such charisma as to be able to achieve high office and the support of militaries composed of ordinary people with their own mothers, fathers, children and such?
Why is greed so common and so motivating for so many? What is it within human beings that causes them to "just follow orders" while abusing, torturing, raping, injuring, killing people who have done them no harm or wrong nor committed any crime or injustice?
If, by "individuals of appalling character," you are referring to Bashir Al-Assad, I would say that nothing is what it seems. I can't speak for you, but most of us only know about Assad and his regime what the media want us to know, which in my opinion is mostly propaganda, lies and nonsense. Similarly in Syria, the media there have been pumping out a constant stream of propaganda, lies and nonsense about the wicked West since the Al-Assad family came to power more than fifty years ago. If we were ever to know he truth, my guess is that it would probably be somewhere in between. Right now, the BBC World Affairs Editor, John Simpson, is being loudly attacked for daring to suggest that (after having met Bashar Al-Assad) Assad was "weak rather than wicked." I don't pretend to know what the whole truth is. I just know that it is not what we are being told.
Robbie Burns wrote about "man's inhumanity to man" 240 years ago. 'Twas ever thus. We have always been treated like livestock. Perhaps Charles Fort (1874-1932) was right when he said, "Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property"?
No, I am not referring particularly to Assad, though his crimes certainly include him.
Of course, most of 'us' know little about anything, let alone the reality of whatever. That does not mean that it is not possible to ascertain facts, evidence and reality. Yes, truth is always subjective, facts and reality may be portrayed that way but are not.
I am not so simplistic or naive as to believe that the 'west' or 'Christians' or any specific group or ideology constitutes the 'bad guys'. I am well aware that there is deceit, corruption, manipulation, injustice and such in probably every society or social system on the planet. That does not, however, mean that in such matters they are all on the same footing. At least, I don't believe that it does.
I haven't and don't claim that the horrors are a modern phenomenon. I am no historian but am educated and curious enough to have learned at least a basic understanding of human evolution and the discoveries that have confirmed some theories and negated others.
However, humanity has made massive strides in technology and science, yet, it seems, virtually none in the affective domain. So, I wonder why is that? Are we simply stupid or insane by nature or is there some other reason?
As for your quote from Charles Fort, no, we are not someone else's property. There is no omnipotent entity or invisible ruler, determinant or whatever.
That may well be the case. However, what is 'failure', how do we determine it? Has a species failed because it has become extinct, not through its own instincts but because of natural events, environmental circumstances or another species?
This goes to the point of my questioning. Are we stupidly engineering our own demise and that of the planet or are we incapable of behaving in any way other than how we do?
If the latter is the case, then why is it that some of us rail against those behaviours that we see as self-destructive?
I don't have the answers. I do find it surprising that so few seem to be asking the questions.
Have you looked at the Sons of Belial and the Amilius group of Atlantis - the former reportedly being more materially orientated, the latter more spiritually? Some say the Belial faction caused the sinking of Atlantis and that there are parallels with our circumstances today.
Syria in Ruins: Black Flags Over Damascus
Now safely out of Syria!
and greater detail of her journey:
An interesting overview from a Syrian Christian point of view:
"Israel is bombing Syria to bits at the moment!"
I can't "like" this...
He fled back to his Zionist masters and left the children of Syria to be slaughtered , Russia is and was controlled by the Bolshevik British Satanists , he cannot be called human .
@Venetian Hunter
What fantasy do you hold that you would believe that your tiny-fisted tantrums would have more weight than that of a leprous desert rat, spinning rabidly in a circle, waiting for the bite of the snake?
Answer me this then you absolute buffoon , ? Where is Assad and where are his people ? He had the option to stay and fight beside his people , he chose to flee like a coward to a different country to luxury and safety, he's a coward and a traitor and Ian idiot like yourself is on the same level throwing insults online .
@Venetian Hunter
If I had known of your condition, that this was your case then I would have never allowed you to engage me in an attempted exchange of ideas. It just wouldn't have been "right". Sort of like parking in a handicap space.
Let's not insult disabled people with your gutter opinions you village idiot, what a lowlife , blocked
That interpretation of the events in Syria lacks evidence for each and every assumption. Having defended his country for 13 years under extreme sanctions, Assad had no masters and chose to seek asylum within a friendly nation. He had very little choice and cannot be blamed for the actions of his enemies since he left.
Bolsheviks like Lenin and Marx were trained by Jesuits who had developed their communism over 150 years in the isolated Reducciones of Uruguay and Paraguay. They were not British nor were they ‘Satanists’. The Jesuits were/are highly dedicated soldiers for the Roman Catholic Popes. The Jesuits and their students’ philosophy is no longer acceptable in Orthodox Russia.
In November 1095, Pope Urban II delivered a sermon at the Council of Clermont, urging Christians to take up arms and journey to the Holy Land to claim Jerusalem from Muslim rule. They were also relieved of their wealth.
Zionism (i.e., the possession of the Holy Land) originated to build the Holy Roman Empire and was the root cause of the barbaric, thieving, bloody Crusades which, it should be noted, are presently being continued by useful idiot proxies like Israel and Captagon crazed Jihadis. These groups will mutually exterminate permitting the Holy Roman Empire to finally achieve its objectives.
You can find further details and references for all the above in my historical compendium:
It is a dirty history but someone had to tell it.
if You havent read this, then You may find it interesting
theres still a problem with dot connection for too many, no doubt the sheer horror of injustice and genocide coupled with social/geo-politic circus drama is doing exactly as intended, the above joins dots which are now proven in the 14 yrs since its 1st publish, "proof of the pudding" as they say.
this article too is worthy of attention
and for those who are still in doubt that the "synagogue of satan" are as described on the label then this is interesting, not least of which in respect of the assassination of Raisi
The article is viewable by scrolling down the page, log in is not required
I don't think you understood my comment. I am saying that all three of the middle eastern Abrahamic religions are mind control.
Whether that be by writing about prophesies, debating atrocities academically or extrapolating at length the influence of certain characters.... it is all mind control that has ruined our natural sense of right and wrong.
War is wrong and all three Abrahamic religions are blood-soaked because they are obsessed with it.
ive chewed your response over in my mind for a couple of days, no doubt you process your responses rather quickly and often dont see what is being proferred, no issue, we all do it.
what i am trying to explain to you needs to be obviously needs to be squished down and compressed into a format your attention span can deal with, ok
general understanding between scholars now understands that "anti-christ" as personified within the chrstian religion also aligns completely with the "dajjal" in islam,
however what precious few understand is that "person" or "entity" is also the "moschaich ben david" as foretold by the toxic dwarf "rabbi schneerson" to whom netanyahu will "hand the sceptre"
the requirement for the arrival of this potential destroyer of humanity requires a "safe" area from which to rule, this is "the greater isreal project"
so, awareness or otherwise that the abrahamic "religions" are a "con job" is irrelevance as that awareness is in itself not sufficient as a "defence" against what seems possibly imminent,
an actual understanding and thus a choice of stance (spiritually if you like) is required before the "event" as it is unlikely most persons will be able to get up to speed fast enough to attain a "condition of resistance"
as many do, your research seems to be fixated upon the doings of "bad men" (and women) and as such fails to understand the relevance of the "unseen" forces and "entities" at play,
a condition that has been created and formed in the minds of the masses by direct AND indirect contact with the "abrahamic religions" that you recognise as "mind control"
a decent dive into kaballah would soon show you that regardless of participation/venneration/observation the fact remains you are unable to see, its called playing both sides
there was some reason your work once floated into my vision, perhaps the above will assist you in looking further and seeing more, what potetially comes next is the actual manifestation of the evil sown within the pages of the varying "scripts" of the abrahamic tag team..
basic values and skill sets will not be sufficient, knowledge in advance of the gravity of the situation will however be very usefull.
i dont need a reply, just read it and accept the gift, all the best
Do I read you well?
Are you suggesting that I add my mind energy to your belief in invisible enemies? If so, you have to be kidding me, honey!
Sorry, this soul is not available.
Hell yes Frances. Thou hast taken thy whip of cords to abRAm's 3 RA legions and sayeth. GET THEE HENCE
Mind the wave of fake atrocities now discovered by the brown helmets.
On a lighter note: Germany will get the skilled workers they need so bad.
Poor Syria. It was so beautiful... Let it shine in our minds' eyes until it comes back in reality.
Based on an early review of Telegram, Syria has descended into carnage, hangings, shootings, rapes, lootings everywhere, sectarian based for the most part.
Military who were in hospitals are being shot in their beds. Nice work CIA/Mossad/Turkey, BTW the new govt is upset at Israel for its 200 or so bombing runs saying they don't see how they can stay friends. Israel, you will reap what you have sown.
Horrific... Gaza Redux.
It also seems to me Frances that in doing so the axis of resistance has not only abandoned the Syrian people to their fate but has again called for global governance as the only solution. As staunch advocates of multipolar global governance, this isn't surprising.
That's another way of saying let's break the country up among ourselves.
It's soooo vile...
What choice did they have? Upholding UNSC Resolutions while the western players and puppets go rogue was the only sane option. With no visible enemy to fight against, there is less likelihood of civilian casualties.
Since Sunday what do we see? We see Israel invading and a hotch-potch of extremist mercenaries swearing allegiance! We see little reference to the US military forces occupying the oil and wheat fields. We see the Turks trying to keep sweet with everyone.
Any humanitarian disasters cannot be spun by the media to blame Assad or the Russians or Iran.
It distresses me that the Syrian people have been abused for so many years and will probably be abused further, but that is part of the GAP + CORE Pentagon Plan which I have been writing about for more than a decade. A plan which has zero respect for humanity:
I agree, and the Western backed terrorist forces are undoubtedly the culprits behind an egregious crime against the Syrian people. But again we are faced with same old story about the Russian-led axis (multipolar axis perhaps.)
They can't spot deception in the Minsk talks, they withdraw on the point of victory when surrounding Kyiv, they have overwhelming air superiority in Ukraine but never use it, they possess the best air defences in Syria but never use them to stop Israeli airstrikes, they don't bolster Syrian defences, nor effectively prepare the SAA, but rather let the ravages of sanctions (and resource theft by the yanks) take full effect---most notably on Syria's ability to defend itself.
They then withdraw rapidly and start arguing for what? Better, more effective multipolar global governance.
So while I accept that one side has been the aggressor, I also think those who highlight what they call the "not war" have a point. Often it seems to me the purpose, on both sides, is to perpetuate war rather than actually win it.
There is a strategic game being played and people are being killed in the process. The Western regime changers are undoubtedly the aggressors and should be reviled for the murders they commit with abandon, but I think there is more to this than just goodies and baddies.
War is a Racket win or lose.
Its plotters, planners, financiers, fomentors, order followers and supporters are war criminals.
It is where the victors write the history so as to make the loser's crime of war look worse than the victors crime of war when it is the victor that MUST war more (commit more crimes) to become victorious.
In the so called "resistance" axis only Russia has any military power if you think about it, everyone else is a passive observer. And Russia is a nation of 140m people. Compare it to the other side, with its absolute military and financial dominance and ability to wage economic and military wars. If people want resistance, they should also take part, not just expect Russia to do everything for them.
Listen to Lavrov’s comments, as included in my article here. He explains that dominating Ukraine entirely was never the objective and still isn’t. Avoiding civilian casualties explains most of the reticence you mention. I think that air defence in Syria has been used to stop Israeli airstrikes - that is what I heard from Vanessa Beeley who lived in Damascus until last weekend.
It depends who you believe maybe?
Russia's agreement with Israel re: airstrikes is seems pretty evident. I have dug out harder evidence of this in the past I'll look for it, but circumstantial evidence alone clearly suggests it in my view. https://asiatimes.com/2022/01/why-russia-turns-a-blind-eye-when-israel-bombs-syria/
Ooh Iain! Do examine the source of that highly speculative article please! Syndication Bureau’s editors, based in Abu Dhabi, have previously worked on international newswires and newspapers, such as The Wall Street Journal. It doesn't seem like your style to share main stream media propaganda, so what are you doing here?
There is no evidence presented and much use of allegations and suspicions!
On the other hand a quick check with AI produced this result:
"Russian Su-35 fighter jets intercepted Israeli jets to prevent attacks on Syrian targets in 2019 and on September 27, 2024, Russian air defenses reportedly intercepted and shot down 13 Israeli missiles over Syrian airspace during an Israeli Air Force attempt to launch an attack on Tartus. Russia’s air defense systems have provided targeting data to Syrian forces, enhancing their air defense operations."
AI? Well what more needs to be said?
It seems to me that there was indeed a deal between Russia and Israel in Syria. Remember that Israel did not support sending weapons to Ukraine and did not support western sanctions. Why do you think that might have been?
When Israel became more vocal about Ukraine Moscow was miffed. Russian Israeli ambassador Anatoly Viktorov said Russia expected a more balanced position from Israel. Why did they expect this? What was in it for Israel? This was immediately followed by Admiral Oleg Zhuravlev announcing Russia had shot down an Israeli missile.
The Russina rehtoric against Israel then heated up as a result.
Now lets consider that Syrian air defences were supposedly replete with Russian S300, S400, so, logically, how come Israel flew so many unchallenged sorties against Syrian and Iranian targets in Syria for years?
Mind you, Russia also sold the same weapons systems and more to Turkey, so I guess it all balances out in the end.
2015 Resolution?? This was at the time Syria is back against the wall, unable to fight terorists, and Rusia came to "help" in 2015. So this resolution in fact is non relevant because since year 2000 actually Syria is in upper hand and already taking on Idlib, dens of terorist with Turkey military base all over idlib (more than 20 at the time). Syria is trying to take on Idlib, but strangely Rusia disallow it (treachery no 1?). More over Rusia doesnt repel any of the missiles to Syria (250++ missiles) from Israhell since 2011 although Latakia and Tartus does has S300 and Pantzir anti missiles/aircraft (treachery no 2?). Only Iran help Syria develop air defence. So the calculation on the ground quite differ 2015 vs 2024.
Lavrov's point is that the 2015 UNSC resolution is still active. Russia, Syria and Iran comply with it but Israel, USA and terrorists do not.
I think you have spoken good sense.
It’s a trap🤫
A trap for whom? By whom?
See CapitalCosm on YT with guest Alex Krainer
Examine the ease with which Syria was taken. Reflect on where Assad is now. Consider the next probable move from the Hegemon and its pretext for intervention, and finally consider who does attrition warfare best....
From what I am reading the Hegemon is already on to its next excellent adventure. There are now 11,000 rebel forces on Iraq's border, Iran is warning of a near term invasion of Iraq.
This is a quagmire scenario in the offing...
What about the torture Prison of the Assad regime? Just see it on German news "heute journal".
The rebels freed all prisoners, no mention of a torture prison by the rebels that I have seen.
Any babies in incubators mentioned, or white people being beheaded yet?
No mention of race other than Syrian, but a 12 year old boy was beheaded, Assad's brother was murdered, his other brother is a prisoner, they are killing anyone even remotely connected to the govt. They also killed several Syrian soldiers in their hospital beds, and wiped out an entire town as they were of a different religious persuasion.
Do you have the source(s) of this/these reports, please?
I found videos of the actual killings on Telegram, here are several articles on what is happening:
As Peter Duke says, "All News is Made Up. Some of it is True." And some of it isn't. If only we knew which is which and how much!
I find that telegram gives insight into what the man on the street sees. From that prism I then consider what I am told or not told by any media and I always bear in mind who the funders of the media are.
Aljazerra is funded by Qatar, Qatar is the principle benefactor of the soon to be installed pipeline across Syria to Turkey and on to the West.
A pipe line that Assad for years refused to give access to. They are not an unbiased new source on this issue IMO.
Yes, and of course the Assads are Alawite (esoteric Shia) Moslems and the Al-Thanis of Qatar are Sunnis.
Its common tactic to release criminals from jail by the powers behind the coup to launch terror campaigns. They need to justify it somehow. Poor Syrians, people who did no wrong but living on land that the most cruel empire in human history wants.
The above story is like the one I mentioned in german news
There are stories about torture prisons run by the insurgents too! Who to believe?
Never heard of it.
The above story is like the one I mentioned in german news
For 3 reasons I reject the story:
It is Al Jazeera - opposed to Assad.
It mentions the White Helmets - bogus British outfit.
The figures come from Amnesty International - known propagandists.
Make sense. Thank you for your answer.
There is way too much hopium Frances!!! I strongly suggest you swat up on your knowledge Syria vis-a-vis Russia by reading Rurik Skywalker's Substack.
Here are the two articles in question on this very subject.
Article 1: https://substack.com/home/post/p-152780974?source=queue
Article 2: https://substack.com/home/post/p-152827172?source=queue
I will summerise his points from the first article which is counter really to the claims you make in yours here:
"The real interesting stuff is happening behind the screaming headlines and the denial and the cope. It is very possible that Moscow is not only simply losing Syria, but actually helping Syria be taken. This increases the order of the magnitude of the betrayal substantially. We can break down the betrayal into tiers:
Tier 1: Moscow and Tehran and Damascus were simply taken by surprise, too weak to do anything (INCOMPETENCE)
Tier 2: Moscow and Tehran pulled support for Damascus even though they knew what was coming (WITHDRAWAL)
Tier 3: Moscow and/or Tehran turned against Damascus and sided with the Satanist-Globalist-Analists (BETRAYAL)
All three tiers are actually betrayals, but you get the point I am making, I hope. "
Why did this BETRAYAL happen in the first place????
"Here are the possible options so far:
Putin was upset at Assad for not signing the new constitution, embarrassing him in front of his handlers in Langley
Putin was offered a better deal by Turkey
Putin successfully “traded” Syria for something else which we will hear about in the coming weeks
Putin had no reason for preventing the oil and gas pipeline in Syria any more because Nord Stream II was bombed
Putin was offered a better deal by Israel
Putin is in such a weak position that [Russia] simply fled
Or maybe this is all a clever patriotic trap?"
I fear what will replace Assad in Syria will not be a good thing for its people even though Assad wasn't a good leader either. Just look at what happened in Libya and Iraq and tell me how is that a better thing though? It will follow a similar trajectory and parts of Syria will be further carved up just like they were in 2016. But for you to say: "Any violence or destruction that occurs after today is clearly the responsibility of the actors on the ground..." just seems a bit naive to me because by Russia and Iran not countering any of this they are in fact promoting such violence that will follow by leaving they are not absolved by just leaving. This move doesn't help Russia either at home or in Ukraine because it makes the administration appear so weak. It's got parallels to the US withdrawal of Afghanistan optics wise. But where do you think this weaponry left in Afghanistan was used? And now the weapons left in Syria? Where will those all be used next? IRAN! I really think we're all being played here this whole show is theatre production of Israel and the US.
Or, they could simply be in no position to fight multiple actors in Syria while their own border in in danger. Per Russian TG channels, Russia offered Assad to improve his military years ago, he declined. He was quite passive considering his country's situation, and we see the result. Russia did the only wise thing it could in this situation, withdrawing without bloodshed. Quite possibly it was a trap to draw Russia in and divert its resources from Ukraine, and they wisely declined.
This is certainly consistent for Rurik. The bias that someone knows what's really going on because they live in a country is disproven to me all the time by my fellow United Statesians (a country that's so arrogant it has no name to distinguish itself from two continents, but just considers itself the default.)
There's no doubt that what the US intends is the same fate for Syria as Libya, and that was NOT a good thing as I wrote about in my book: https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/libya-swept-away-by-the-currency.
The US/ City of London is trying to provoke WWIII, and doesn't really care if it destroys its own in the process. They want the holocaust to usher in their new messiah--Trump, as chosen by 163 Orthodox rabbis. Iran and Russia aren't taking the bait. Does that mean they're complicit? Maybe. Maybe not.
Despite Putin being a WEFfie YGL, I think his policies have deviated from their agenda once US economic sanctions got rid of oligarch control for him. I've done several episodes on it, these are some:
If you and Rurik are right, and everything is orchestrated on both sides, how does it change our strategy? My plan develops small scale sovereignty that doesn't depend on global control or nations. No matter which way it turns out, I think that's what we should be working towards for 2030.
Thank you Tereza for being civil with me here as I think I angered Francis a bit. I very much agree with your closing point about it not changing our strategy. However, I don't like it how people in the West think Putin is a breath of fresh air as unfortunately in my opinion is not. Young global leader he isn't but he's very chummy with his friend Herman Gref who wrote the Russian intro for "The Great Reset" I think. Most recently they are putting up facial recognition camera's at all the entry and exit barriers of the metro and they encouraged there population to get the clot shot just like everybody else. I think the only thing holding them back from doing what they've done in the UK or Canada or "West" is the Russian spirit. The type of nutters going to Russia now though isn't helping Russia either long term.
Yes people can form an opinion without knowing the language. But with Rurik his theory was articulating so well thoughts I had for 10+ years and then discovered his work. Like I said to Frances why don't you reach out and talk about things. I'm sure you could have a happy discussion about metaphysics or something like that.
In my episode Have a Better Argument, my first rules are: 1) like the person, 2) articulate the question 3) define your terms, and 4) what difference does it make? https://thirdparadigm.substack.com/p/how-to-have-a-better-argument.
The question 'Is Putin a puppet of Davos?' is a worthy one, and I think 'the powers behind Israel' could be the definition for Davos. Puppet would mean sharing their agenda, which I've defined as Depopulation, Dispossession, Destruction, Depression and Dystopia.
The evidence I've looked at for whether he shares that are his military policies, economic policies, and domestic policies. On the military front, he's been very conservative about avoiding civilian deaths and destruction--unlike Israel for the most extreme example.
His economic policies have, I think, been shrewd. By 'letting' the gold reserves of Russia be taken, he had a clear-cut mandate to break with IMF/ BIS control and the petrodollar. I don't think Russian oligarchs would have let him do that if their own foreign-held assets hadn't also been seized.
And his domestic policies rival Qaddafi's for encouraging families and communities. He's still, like Qaddafi, more centralized than I'd prefer but the policies are sound. I give Sergei Lavrov credit for those.
I saw when you subbed that you also listen to James Corbett. I did a few comparing him and Matt Ehret--someone firmly on the BRICS-will-save-us side. I'm more in alignment with James in what I call Micropolar rather than Multi:
Thanks for the discussion!
Putin was never a WEF Young Global Leader. That is completely inaccurate. When he was a young man (before YGL was initiated) he and two other Russians were invited to Davos. That is all. No special courses, no direct involvement until he became President.
In 2021 he delivered by video a blistering speech which made it very clear that he did not approve of WEF policies.
Oh thanks for that correction, Frances! Glad to have the deets on that since it's often a push-back on why he's complicit. Can I assume the same isn't true for Tulsi Gabbard and she is still a WEFfie YGL?
According to AI - "Based on the provided search results, it appears that Tulsi Gabbard was indeed a Young Global Leader (YGL) of the World Economic Forum (WEF). In March 2015, she tweeted that she was “honored” to be selected as a WEF YGL. Additionally, a YouTube video from 2008 announces the introduction of the Young Global Leaders for that year, and Tulsi Gabbard’s name is listed among the 245 selected leaders."
Thanks again, Frances. I've read that Tulsi said her picture was included but she doesn't know how it got in there. Her response to the Maui firestorm is another clue.
Rurik Skywalker is a hateful fake named, bad tempered, misogynistic, propagandist. A vile bleg on Substack. Never quote him at me again.
What will you do Frances? Spank me? He may be all those things you claim but I think he is right so a propagandist I don't see it, sorry. Who else other than Slavsquat is saying these sort of things in the English speaking world in such detail? It's his own opinions. He speaks Russian and formulates his work based on that world but some of his statements you just have to take with a pinch of salt he's a young man. Heck there is stuff I regret writing at that age the way I did. And you can't attack someone for using a fake name we live in an age where the truth can get you killed especially with this subject matter.
I strongly suggest you reach out to Rurik and do a podcast debate with him. He is very respectful to his guests thus far and you obviously have some grievances with his opinions so air them and let people decide for themselves. I think that would be a more productive outcome for our textual debate here. That or I guess you can block me? But I do like what you write. And just want everyone to get along.
Sounds like Putin's still following the same sound Sun-Tsu advice:
"Appear weak when you are strong & appear strong when you are weak."
No he's just constantly bargaining with his esteemed Western colleagues while being controlled by his xenocratic overloads that play all sides. He's still got a few chips to play but his time will come just like all the other former CIA assets.
Wow. You are full of bull shit, aren't you! Hilarious.
And there was me thinking you were a nice old lady Frances. Now that's gone out the window. Why are you hurling insults now? Can't one present an alternative argument here and have a civil discussion? Come on we're better than that and both on the same team wanting the same thing. The truth.
Even 'nice old ladies' get pissed off with liars.
Now you're just being nasty. Are you sure you got band for speaking the truth or were you rude to people? Everything you claim Rurik is you're practically projecting now on to me with your behaviour. I'm not him I just agree with him. How does that make me a liar when I think it's the truth. Wrong maybe but a liar, please. Since following you a few weeks back when have I have shown you such discourtesy to shown me today? I haven't. You're cultivating evil with such thoughts towards me so I only ask you please stop. It would be too much to ask for an apology. If you wish me to unsub and stop commenting we can do that too, but I'm always up for discussion. I always feel like you lose an argument when you have to swear at someone.
this makes a lot of sense.....and as for mainstream media and their biases!! Assad is quite clearly NOT THE BRUTAL DICTATOR they are desperate to frame him under....but I doubt the 'rebels' are going to hold 'free and fair' elections.....that is ONE thing that is for sure.
I'm truly worried about Christians in Syria and what to be their fate. In terms of the thousands of Syrian refugees all over Europe, I pray they will be deported back home. Sadly it looks like many will continue to die. Syrians, when I grew up, were said to be brutal to their enemies. Syrians I've met these last ten years, are volatile and also very generous and hospitable.
https://youtu.be/dvuesa07irM?si=AUB2NfLSHYXP0_gj he should of listened to this guy but instead he laughed.
I do not remember claiming anywhere that he was perfect……had no idea there were perfect people out there…..but…..there could have been any number of reasons…..and what is to stop a video editor from doctoring the clip….there is a very odd join in the clip at that point….???.ffs!!!!
I never said he was perfect either. And good point regarding the cut just rewatched it and it does appear to have been edited in. Good speech though none the less and none of them did listen even if they did not laugh and we are where we are now.
Do not expect sane conversation from people who are promoting the work of known propagandists like Rurik Skywalker.
Please go speak with him directly.
Bashar Assad was wise to note what had happened to Muamar Gadaffi and Saddam Hussein. He deftly avoided such a disgusting end.
Without a doubt, this does appear to have been an orchestrated withdrawal. However, it would be interesting to know to what degree valuables, personal items of intrinsic or financial value. clothes, jewellery and accoutrements or significant official documents were left behind and to what extent Assad's close allies and accomplices had already left. This would give some indication of to what extent this was an intended exit as opposed to a hurried and unexpected one. - Or perhaps I'm just being naive.
Assad's wife and children reportedly went to Moscow in November.
Yes, perhaps it was an orchestrated withdrawal. Perhaps Erdogan's target was/is not in fact Damascus but Tel Aviv? Perhaps Iran and Russia wanted to let him through?
That his wife and children left earlier certainly adds credence to the notion that this was part of a deliberate exit. As for Erdogan, that's an interesting notion and not without merit, in my view. However, I claim no expertise, only a horrified interest in the calamities that continually and often simultaneously affect our world.
I do follow international events with interest and concern and am depressed that some human beings are so callous and lacking in respect or compassion for others and yet are supported, so often, by so many.
How is it that individuals of appalling character, by any standards, can command such charisma as to be able to achieve high office and the support of militaries composed of ordinary people with their own mothers, fathers, children and such?
Why is greed so common and so motivating for so many? What is it within human beings that causes them to "just follow orders" while abusing, torturing, raping, injuring, killing people who have done them no harm or wrong nor committed any crime or injustice?
What the fuck is wrong with humanity?
If, by "individuals of appalling character," you are referring to Bashir Al-Assad, I would say that nothing is what it seems. I can't speak for you, but most of us only know about Assad and his regime what the media want us to know, which in my opinion is mostly propaganda, lies and nonsense. Similarly in Syria, the media there have been pumping out a constant stream of propaganda, lies and nonsense about the wicked West since the Al-Assad family came to power more than fifty years ago. If we were ever to know he truth, my guess is that it would probably be somewhere in between. Right now, the BBC World Affairs Editor, John Simpson, is being loudly attacked for daring to suggest that (after having met Bashar Al-Assad) Assad was "weak rather than wicked." I don't pretend to know what the whole truth is. I just know that it is not what we are being told.
Robbie Burns wrote about "man's inhumanity to man" 240 years ago. 'Twas ever thus. We have always been treated like livestock. Perhaps Charles Fort (1874-1932) was right when he said, "Earth is a farm. We are someone else's property"?
No, I am not referring particularly to Assad, though his crimes certainly include him.
Of course, most of 'us' know little about anything, let alone the reality of whatever. That does not mean that it is not possible to ascertain facts, evidence and reality. Yes, truth is always subjective, facts and reality may be portrayed that way but are not.
I am not so simplistic or naive as to believe that the 'west' or 'Christians' or any specific group or ideology constitutes the 'bad guys'. I am well aware that there is deceit, corruption, manipulation, injustice and such in probably every society or social system on the planet. That does not, however, mean that in such matters they are all on the same footing. At least, I don't believe that it does.
I haven't and don't claim that the horrors are a modern phenomenon. I am no historian but am educated and curious enough to have learned at least a basic understanding of human evolution and the discoveries that have confirmed some theories and negated others.
However, humanity has made massive strides in technology and science, yet, it seems, virtually none in the affective domain. So, I wonder why is that? Are we simply stupid or insane by nature or is there some other reason?
As for your quote from Charles Fort, no, we are not someone else's property. There is no omnipotent entity or invisible ruler, determinant or whatever.
In my opinion, a failed species.
That may well be the case. However, what is 'failure', how do we determine it? Has a species failed because it has become extinct, not through its own instincts but because of natural events, environmental circumstances or another species?
This goes to the point of my questioning. Are we stupidly engineering our own demise and that of the planet or are we incapable of behaving in any way other than how we do?
If the latter is the case, then why is it that some of us rail against those behaviours that we see as self-destructive?
I don't have the answers. I do find it surprising that so few seem to be asking the questions.
Have you looked at the Sons of Belial and the Amilius group of Atlantis - the former reportedly being more materially orientated, the latter more spiritually? Some say the Belial faction caused the sinking of Atlantis and that there are parallels with our circumstances today.
No, I haven't but now that you've 'suggested' it, I will do so. Thank you.