And just for kicks, I saw, maybe a couple of years ago? A video about how the CHINESE had been in America well before Columbus and his entourage... They left evidence, as well, like the wall that is strikingly similar to the Great Wall in China, and some other things, but I forget now what they were, maybe coins or weapons?
I tell you, I believe my memory is being absconded with by 5G...
... Frances, would u mind checkin that Leuren Moret's site hasn't been taken down...there's a women 78 of her name's been reported missing... she came into my mind several times last few days...looked at site last night, page not found, assumed I had wrong address, felt compelled and checked now and discovered the above apparent info... it's.... ... isn't it?..
:( Oh, poor thing! I liked her very much from watching the videos of her and the fellow, the Asian guy (by heritage) that is/was a professor at UC Davis...
... thanks... yeah, Frances' comment is interesting, everything seems shrouded in uncertainty... here's the link u mention... ...all we can do for Leuren is for pray these uncertain times... also, these are treacherous times, take care The Word Herder!... 🙏➕🙏...
...they had four documents on the table at the UN last September, so they're purposes are intently imminent...unfortunately...Pact for the Future etc!...still, i'm squeezing some optimism through my psyche and transcending this calibrated darkness, Word Herder...
I hear you, Gerry, I do. It's probably gonna be a bit of a slog, but you know, it might be a LOT faster than we might guess... Because so many people will BALK when they finally realize what's going on.
And then WE will all shout out, "WE TRIED TO TELL YOU, NOW LET'S KICK THEIR ASS!!!!" ;)
...i hope ur right Word Herder!...posting a link to this interview, which i missed part of, and need to listen, Celeste goes into a document that more folk are becoming aware of, Deborah Tavares at cover this, and she i think raised awareness of it... it's a 114 page doc far as i now, with a couple of variations out there... of 60 or so pages... it's sinister...
As of November 27, 2024, a Reddit post indicated that she was missing since February 24, 2024, and was last seen in Larkspur. She is 78 years old and reportedly has cognitive issues. The post was made in the r/conspiracy subreddit, where discussions about her disappearance have taken place. Unfortunately, so far, I am unable to find any updates. I also could not find her website which I had linked in my article about her, written last March.
I am shocked that I wrote about her just a couple of weeks after she had disappeared! I do hope she has chosen to withdraw from society rather than anything more sinister occurring.
... thanks Frances, i posted a TikTok just now, which i'm not on, link on Boodica dated 6th January 2025?...strange one ur writing that article at that time, strange feeling i had last couple of days, attenuated earlier, and distressed me... previous occasions on which I had such feelings had a sound basis, i'd rather not elaborate...
Yes for some he has that affect. To me he is a pussy cat. My experience of secure mental institutions there are Doctors that make Mengele look like Strawberry Shortcake.
Feel free to plunder my compendium, Black Nobility 101 for anything useful. I have been updating it with new information for years, generally added in the comments if you care to look.
Utterly fascinating. I brushed up against the same mystery in a post last summer about the history of electricity. The voyages of Columbus and Cabot were said to have established that compasses don't always point north (I bet the Venetians knew this and it was one of their closely-held trade secrets, though). The discovery of the "Agonic Line," the crossover between compasses exhibiting east versus west declination with respect to true north, was said by one of my sources to have influenced Pope Alexander VI in his Papal Bull of 1493, dividing the Atlantic into Spanish and Portuguese spheres of influence. I tried to dig further and could find no solid references on this or even confirmation that Cabot's second voyage even occurred. Thanks for digging into the mystery surrounding Cabot's voyage.'s a clip of another individual Hans, u may enjoy who had expressed an interest in the mystery of electricity, upon his had apparently been thrust into a period in advance of it's earlier linear history... ... it's 13:36 in, through it's original 'appearance' in the show!... ...
...i redug this out Frances, classic documentary...'PseudologyThe Art of Lying'.. ...switching off, sleep well!..freedom concept to consider...must read post, just wrecked from it all these days...
...i appreciate ur approach, Frances, i do have a few good memories like content in the link, however i agree, and i recall my initial disbelief and disgust when very young, and the contraption made it's first appearance in the house...i understood immediately that it had been meant to pacify one's natural curiosity... never mind so much else as we subsequently, in addition...
Frances, what Dr Ruddock went through reminds me of what Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett went through, too.
I think you know that Europeans have been travelling to and from, and trading with, North America for thousands of years. Much of the copper used in the European Bronze Age came from Michigan. After Britain was decimated by the Dragon Comet around AD 562, King Arthur sent a fleet of 600 ships to establish a colony in North America. Scandinavians/Vikings were regular visitors to North America. After The Knights Templar were suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1307, many knights, led by the Sinclair princes of Orkney and Scotland, also travelled to North America (more than a century before Columbus) and intended to establish a Templar Free State in North America. Some would say that they eventually succeeded. Columbus put Templar crosses on the sails of his ships in the hope of receiving a friendly welcome.
Excellent. I will take time tomorrow to go over this article in full. The first image of a clipper ship forces me to share a dream I recently had. Walking on a beach with no more than 30 plus people spread out and then the water and speed of it rose quickly. We all stood and watched clipper ships suddenly start to swiftly flow down and the mountains behind the river/ocean had a huge gully open up suddenly and the ships steered right up that mountainside and into that opening and were swallowed up and the gully then closed. All went quiet and then we just kept on walking together. I'd say the pirate's future is not looking good for them. Wonder how hard they are wringing their boneless fingers now. God help them but we don't need to worry about that.
I felt that Columbus and Cabot were both agents of Venice operating on two different royal houses for funding of Venetian ambitions. They made a race of it, but it really didn't matter. The important thing, from the Venetian families point of view, was that they claimed the New World land using proxies! By influencing and fleecing the foolish but greedy aristocracies of Spain, Portugal and Britain they were able to get ships built and equipped, willing mariners to risk their lives and introduce their trading - all overseen by their priests and monks who ensured that most of the profit made its way into the Papal banks. Would you agree?
Charlotte Iserbyt was shunned by both sides of the deliberate divide. With a band of researchers, she authored "The Deliberate Dumbimg Down of America," but she wasn't able to have it published. Believing their research and concerns about what was planned for public K-12 education was vitally important, she made it available for free, online.
While her primary concern centered around education and children, she was fully aware of the global agenda. Her father and grandfather, while not upper eschelon members, were members of the Skull & Bones. She posted the membership list, despite her father's desire not to have it published. Later, he expressed his regret for not assisting her in her efforts to expose the truth.
With Reagan's promise to eliminate the Department of Education (DofEd), she worked to get him elected as the POTUS (President of the United States). Once he was elected, or (s)elected, she was rewarded with a position in the DofEd. She was excited to be in a position to put herself out of work!
While with the DofEd, she learned that Soviet-style education was being incorporated into public K-12 education. This wasn't the first time for Soviet education being introduced into the U. S. public education system. It also occurred while Ike was President. Additionally, a co-worker who knew of Charlotte's dedication to stop the deliberate destruction of children within the public education system shared information about how technology was going to be used to advance the deliberate dumbing down of America's youth.
Charlotte made copies of everything, then she went public. She attempted to meet with Reagan. There is a handwritten note that appears to show that Reagan was willing to meet with her, but she was blocked from doing so by his handlers, most likely, by Donald Regan. Because of her becoming a whistleblower, she was dispatched from her position within the DofEd. This only served to stengthen her resolve to inform those willing to become informed.
Through a bizarre series of events, I found myself on her email list. I reached out to her, individually, and we began communicating on a personal basis, in addition to our email list communications.
On more than one occasion, she asked why I wasn't published? Thanks to a valued friend I've only met online, for a number of years, I posted columns on Canada Free Press, but I understood what Charlotte meant.
It is difficult to post the full truth because those on both sides of the deliberate divide want everyone to choose a side. By choosing a side, this means attacking the other side for its sins against humanity ..., while never mentioning the sins against humanity committed by those on the chosen side. That is not sharing truth, that is doing the dirty work for those who control both sides of the deliberate divide.
This is why I don't fall inline with those who are overly partisan. Our most dangerous enemies are not family members and friends who are on the other side of the deliberate divide, our most dangerous enemies are those who control both sides of the deliberate divide.
The challenge is getting people on both sides of the deliberate divide to understand this reality. This goes against what they have been conditioned to believe, and lobbing attacks against each other plays into the controllers' game plan. Hopefully, more individuals will awaken to this reality and we can work together to stop our destruction. I believe this will take divine intervention, because we are too far into the downward spiral to pull it off by ourselves.
Point well made. The binary choice of "your side or my side" that is presented in all debates is a tool by those who wish to control both sides of the narrative. It is, of course, designed to prevent individuals from doing any rational thinking or debating, but most of all from taking any action to make a change. The object being to get an Us and Them divisive and destructive row going, which appeals to baser instincts. I am inclined to believe that we have reached the point of need of Divine intervention. I would settle for some nice Aliens coming along and dealing with it on my behalf!!
I didn't know that Charlotte Iserbyt died in 2022. She was a powerhouse influence on me and I remember writing about her, goodness me, must have been at least a decade ago. I had recognised a lot of her observations in British education, the shortcomings of which exasperated me so much in the 1980s that I pulled my son out of school to home educate him. That was far less of a trial than I expected it to be! It was an education for me too!
Thanks for mentioning the good lady and bringing her back to mind.
My understanding of 'divine intervention' may be very different from yours. I believe we have a very powerful one consciousness. By 'we' I mean all of life.
As life is observably under attack, I know it will fight back for its survival. If you think about it, there is a lot of evidence that life has fought back from the brink of extinction many times in the past. I have a great deal of faith in the energy we call life..... it will not be extinguished.... I am pretty certain that it is very important and has enormous will to fulfil its purpose even though we, the individuals within it, have no idea what that purpose may be!
Yep, Charlotte passed on February 8, 2022. She had been ill for awhile, but that didn't prevent her from pushing forward. When I hadn't heard from her for a couple of days, I wondered if she had taken a turn for the worse. A day or two later, I learned of her passing, which left a void to this day. I felt privileged to connect with her. She really cared about others and she didn't allow traditional divisions to prevent her from sharing what she believed was the truth. Of course, this led to her being shunned by just about everyone who buys into one side or the other.
As unconventional as I may be in my thinking and believing about temporal issues, I believe in the Holy Trinity as the foundation for divine intervention. Ten days ago, I met up with a friend for the first time in a long time over barbecue. He is of a different Christian faith. He surprised me a bit when he asked if we deserve God's intervention, considering how we have abandoned Him in church, schools, and every part of human life, especially over the past 60 years?
I learned unconditional love from my parents and can only guess how unconditional God's love for us must be, even when we knowingly and willfully thumb our noses at Him. I believe He is waiting for us to return to Him, much like what happened in the movie, "The Miracle," starring Carol Baker and Roger Moore. I pray, daily, for us to turn to Him and for Him to smite the evil pukes who seek total control over everyone and everything.
Charlotte believed that she and her friends had delayed an escalated effort of TEPTB (The Evil Predators That Be) to more fully deploy their Satanicly-inspired agenda. I'd say we need more pushback by more of us to invite our Savior into our spiritual war that is disguised as a political war. Wouldn't it be awesome to see TEPTB playing defense, or better yet, fighting amongst themselves akin to how they have conditioned us to fight against each other? I believe this will happen; I'd like to be here when it happens!
Do you know that Taoism has a holy trinity? It is Yin, Yang and Chi. Yin is the feminine dark space, Yang is the masculine powerful light and Chi is life energy - the child of Yin + Yang.
Only very superficially. I have challenges within my church, and I have written about those issues, which has led to attacks from those who disagree with me. I think back to my best friend's perspective before he passed. While he was a Presbyterian, he said he attended "the church of the everyday sinner." Dick was a character, but I understood what he was saying. No church is perfect, simply because every church consists of individuals who fall short of perfection many times a day.
I believe if more people would focus upon our Creator, instead of a mere human being for improving our lot in life, we would not be where we are, currently.
Your perspective is very Christian I see. Only a third of the human world is Christian, so it may be unrealistic to expect the majority two thirds of humanity, not forgetting every other form of life, to 'focus upon our Creator' as you would prefer. You are setting yourself up for disappointment!
I believe that religion is a great divider and has been the root cause of far too many wars. I see it as very unhealthy mind control.
I prefer to include all of nature in my focus, harmonising and enjoying this miraculous life for all its amazing diversity. I don't have any need of a church or a holy land because every moment spent in every place is a divine moment.
Does it matter so much what we think Creation is, as in, a definition, or WHO it is that is the "Almighty Creator"? I think we might do well to stop trying to agree on something that is likely to NEVER be the same for everyone, and focus on DOING GOOD in the world, and being in Awe of who/whatever has given us this amazing gift. Sometimes trust requires that we simply do it, without any conscious decision-making about WHAT IT ALL "IS". ;) So saith the dog.
I am very Christian in my beliefs. I believe religion is a great divider because too many within the various Christian faiths fall for divisions introduced by Satan and his human agents, not unlike the divisions championed between the Demoncrats and GOP (Globalist Owned Predators) in the U. S., and the competing political parties in other countries, especially those considered to be part of Western civilization.
The center of the attacks we continue to witness and experience is rooted against Western civilization and Christianity. I believe stopping these attacks would benefit not just Christians, but people all over the globe, regardless of their religious beliefs, or non-beliefs.
Regarding disappointment, I am an ENFP with a strong tendency towards being an intuitive perceiving personality. I have encountered disappointment on issues throughout my life, especially after my Road to Damascusesque experience in March 2009. At the same time, that was a great awakening that has led to additional awakenings. I've learned to expect being disappointed ..., but also to embrace the successes. I'd rather be surprised on the upside than focus upon the disappointments, over which I have no control.
Superb work as always in bringing the obscure to the front.
I find it interesting that Dr. Ruddock would choose to destroy her work posthumously as the 'threat' of harm to her person would no longer exist - perhaps a protection for family and friends?
Recent information has come my way that suggests these 'creatures' we're dealing with derive their 'power' from 'worship' amongst other forms of energy transfer.
They really are quite 'nothing' if we don't lend them fear. While we can acknowledge their existence, we can also 'wave a hand' at their non-essencialness. In other words, direct our thoughts and actions toward what we want vs. what we don't. (more to say but - in brief).
I cannot imagine why Dr Ruddock chose to destroy her work. The writers I have quoted had theories about that and a couple of them knew her personally. They were baffled too. There was something that inhibited her. Could it have been a perfectionism, like an artist might experience? Or was it fear that, once committed to paper, it would be undefended and dismissed in her absence? We will never know what motivated her.
...well done Frances! contrast to ur work and efforts, all i hear around me or near me are middle and younger and older aged men talking inanely about all kinds of sports from their various and sorry, usually hugely limited perspectives of practice and sounds more and more like mental pollution bordering on severely toxic...this research and thinking that do and reveal are so much more interesting to consider and reflects interleaved aspects of tangible and intangible reality and the occasionally blurred lines in feeling is that if u haven't already felt such, then an unexpected and happy occasion will emerge in ur consciousness when u will experience the most amazing sense and feeling of soulful reward as a result of ur efforts and through it's peaceful bliss u will receive further guidance through ur intuition...that at any rate, is my wish for u!... 🙏➕🙏...a question in closing if u don't mind, be my guest and ignore if u regard it intrusive: have u experienced or do u think a human being while we live in this world may possess spiritual senses we may not be aware of that in that world correspond to those of ours in the physical?...Paul writes about this btw in 1Corinthians 15-44...New International Version...
'it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body'.
I could write for hours about my spiritual experiences, Gerry! Out of body adventures, deep meditations, questions answered with visions, seeing through the eyes of my loved ones during times of high stress, mind reading and so much more. Is that the sort of thing you had in mind?
...jayz, i'm sorry i asked! lol!... 😀...well, my understanding informs me that it's impossible to generate and sustain efforts in ur area of research without such insights, i know myself!... ok Frances... as u were, ur off the hook!...i'll get round to reading more of ur material! You realize it's an in depth facet or aspect of ur journey here! Respect!... 🙏➕🙏...
Sincerely thank you for your dedication, whoever 'they' are have kept truth from being known. So can we believe Britannica dictionary? Physics books? So sad for the real truth not been known. Now with the internet of the devil children are being fed so much nonsense. Bring in home schooling to save our Society
Brit government is trying to crush home schooling with a Bill going through Parliament at the moment! Or so I am told. I haven't had time to actually read the Bill yet but apparently it takes a very strange tack superseding parental rights.
Oh how very intriguing indeed!!
And just for kicks, I saw, maybe a couple of years ago? A video about how the CHINESE had been in America well before Columbus and his entourage... They left evidence, as well, like the wall that is strikingly similar to the Great Wall in China, and some other things, but I forget now what they were, maybe coins or weapons?
I tell you, I believe my memory is being absconded with by 5G...
... Frances, would u mind checkin that Leuren Moret's site hasn't been taken down...there's a women 78 of her name's been reported missing... she came into my mind several times last few days...looked at site last night, page not found, assumed I had wrong address, felt compelled and checked now and discovered the above apparent info... it's.... ... isn't it?..
:( Oh, poor thing! I liked her very much from watching the videos of her and the fellow, the Asian guy (by heritage) that is/was a professor at UC Davis...
Those videos were fascinating.
... thanks... yeah, Frances' comment is interesting, everything seems shrouded in uncertainty... here's the link u mention... ...all we can do for Leuren is for pray these uncertain times... also, these are treacherous times, take care The Word Herder!... 🙏➕🙏...
Indeed. Thank you, Gerry. It seems we're about to experience an UPTICK, maybe, in the game of Tyranny v. The Peeps. Stay tuned, and stay good. xo xo
...they had four documents on the table at the UN last September, so they're purposes are intently imminent...unfortunately...Pact for the Future etc!...still, i'm squeezing some optimism through my psyche and transcending this calibrated darkness, Word Herder...
I hear you, Gerry, I do. It's probably gonna be a bit of a slog, but you know, it might be a LOT faster than we might guess... Because so many people will BALK when they finally realize what's going on.
And then WE will all shout out, "WE TRIED TO TELL YOU, NOW LET'S KICK THEIR ASS!!!!" ;)
...sorry, here's the link i omitted... ...couldn't edit my comment...
...i hope ur right Word Herder!...posting a link to this interview, which i missed part of, and need to listen, Celeste goes into a document that more folk are becoming aware of, Deborah Tavares at cover this, and she i think raised awareness of it... it's a 114 page doc far as i now, with a couple of variations out there... of 60 or so pages... it's sinister...
Oh, yes, I've seen that video, thanks to Frances.
And one other one with the two of them as well.
Thanks very much, Gerry. xo 🙏
Yes, indeed-- interesting times. xo
As of November 27, 2024, a Reddit post indicated that she was missing since February 24, 2024, and was last seen in Larkspur. She is 78 years old and reportedly has cognitive issues. The post was made in the r/conspiracy subreddit, where discussions about her disappearance have taken place. Unfortunately, so far, I am unable to find any updates. I also could not find her website which I had linked in my article about her, written last March.
I am shocked that I wrote about her just a couple of weeks after she had disappeared! I do hope she has chosen to withdraw from society rather than anything more sinister occurring.
Sounds ... kinda makes the fur on the back of my neck stand up a bit...
... thanks Frances, i posted a TikTok just now, which i'm not on, link on Boodica dated 6th January 2025?...strange one ur writing that article at that time, strange feeling i had last couple of days, attenuated earlier, and distressed me... previous occasions on which I had such feelings had a sound basis, i'd rather not elaborate...
ps You may want to download a copy of the ELLIPSIS MANUAL - Chase Huges - for the coming times ahead - Hours of Jollies.
Chase Hughes is a complete turn off for me. He gives me very bad vibes.
Yes for some he has that affect. To me he is a pussy cat. My experience of secure mental institutions there are Doctors that make Mengele look like Strawberry Shortcake.
I think Chase Hughes is a phoney. Not genuine at all.
Indeed there are plenty about .
Thank you for the mention Frances. I have a lot more on the Venetians coming very soon.
Feel free to plunder my compendium, Black Nobility 101 for anything useful. I have been updating it with new information for years, generally added in the comments if you care to look.
Utterly fascinating. I brushed up against the same mystery in a post last summer about the history of electricity. The voyages of Columbus and Cabot were said to have established that compasses don't always point north (I bet the Venetians knew this and it was one of their closely-held trade secrets, though). The discovery of the "Agonic Line," the crossover between compasses exhibiting east versus west declination with respect to true north, was said by one of my sources to have influenced Pope Alexander VI in his Papal Bull of 1493, dividing the Atlantic into Spanish and Portuguese spheres of influence. I tried to dig further and could find no solid references on this or even confirmation that Cabot's second voyage even occurred. Thanks for digging into the mystery surrounding Cabot's voyage.'s a clip of another individual Hans, u may enjoy who had expressed an interest in the mystery of electricity, upon his had apparently been thrust into a period in advance of it's earlier linear history... ... it's 13:36 in, through it's original 'appearance' in the show!... ...
Many thanks for the link to your post!
... d'u recall this cip Frances... 😂...?... ... 13:36 in, in the original series... ...Geoffrey 10 May, 2017...b. 7 January, 1924 Leeds!...
I have never been very keen on tell-lie-vision, Gerry! I do remember my son watching that programme occasionally though.
...i redug this out Frances, classic documentary...'PseudologyThe Art of Lying'.. ...switching off, sleep well!..freedom concept to consider...must read post, just wrecked from it all these days...
...i appreciate ur approach, Frances, i do have a few good memories like content in the link, however i agree, and i recall my initial disbelief and disgust when very young, and the contraption made it's first appearance in the house...i understood immediately that it had been meant to pacify one's natural curiosity... never mind so much else as we subsequently, in addition...
Frances, what Dr Ruddock went through reminds me of what Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett went through, too.
I think you know that Europeans have been travelling to and from, and trading with, North America for thousands of years. Much of the copper used in the European Bronze Age came from Michigan. After Britain was decimated by the Dragon Comet around AD 562, King Arthur sent a fleet of 600 ships to establish a colony in North America. Scandinavians/Vikings were regular visitors to North America. After The Knights Templar were suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1307, many knights, led by the Sinclair princes of Orkney and Scotland, also travelled to North America (more than a century before Columbus) and intended to establish a Templar Free State in North America. Some would say that they eventually succeeded. Columbus put Templar crosses on the sails of his ships in the hope of receiving a friendly welcome.
As usual, the narrative the Venetians want us to know and believe is a load of propaganda, lies and nonsense!
Thanks Tirion! I wonder if some of that information was part of Dr Ruddock's discovered evidence. We will never know for sure!
Hmmm, I wonder whether she knew W&B?
And the Jews and the Jesuits are also atheist and nihilistic.
Excellent. I will take time tomorrow to go over this article in full. The first image of a clipper ship forces me to share a dream I recently had. Walking on a beach with no more than 30 plus people spread out and then the water and speed of it rose quickly. We all stood and watched clipper ships suddenly start to swiftly flow down and the mountains behind the river/ocean had a huge gully open up suddenly and the ships steered right up that mountainside and into that opening and were swallowed up and the gully then closed. All went quiet and then we just kept on walking together. I'd say the pirate's future is not looking good for them. Wonder how hard they are wringing their boneless fingers now. God help them but we don't need to worry about that.
What a spectacular and encouraging vision you had! Wow! I am so glad you shared that here! xx
I have been studying John Cabot for many years, suspecting he preceded Columbus. He and Ruddock's work is fascinating.
I felt that Columbus and Cabot were both agents of Venice operating on two different royal houses for funding of Venetian ambitions. They made a race of it, but it really didn't matter. The important thing, from the Venetian families point of view, was that they claimed the New World land using proxies! By influencing and fleecing the foolish but greedy aristocracies of Spain, Portugal and Britain they were able to get ships built and equipped, willing mariners to risk their lives and introduce their trading - all overseen by their priests and monks who ensured that most of the profit made its way into the Papal banks. Would you agree?
Charlotte Iserbyt was shunned by both sides of the deliberate divide. With a band of researchers, she authored "The Deliberate Dumbimg Down of America," but she wasn't able to have it published. Believing their research and concerns about what was planned for public K-12 education was vitally important, she made it available for free, online.
While her primary concern centered around education and children, she was fully aware of the global agenda. Her father and grandfather, while not upper eschelon members, were members of the Skull & Bones. She posted the membership list, despite her father's desire not to have it published. Later, he expressed his regret for not assisting her in her efforts to expose the truth.
With Reagan's promise to eliminate the Department of Education (DofEd), she worked to get him elected as the POTUS (President of the United States). Once he was elected, or (s)elected, she was rewarded with a position in the DofEd. She was excited to be in a position to put herself out of work!
While with the DofEd, she learned that Soviet-style education was being incorporated into public K-12 education. This wasn't the first time for Soviet education being introduced into the U. S. public education system. It also occurred while Ike was President. Additionally, a co-worker who knew of Charlotte's dedication to stop the deliberate destruction of children within the public education system shared information about how technology was going to be used to advance the deliberate dumbing down of America's youth.
Charlotte made copies of everything, then she went public. She attempted to meet with Reagan. There is a handwritten note that appears to show that Reagan was willing to meet with her, but she was blocked from doing so by his handlers, most likely, by Donald Regan. Because of her becoming a whistleblower, she was dispatched from her position within the DofEd. This only served to stengthen her resolve to inform those willing to become informed.
Through a bizarre series of events, I found myself on her email list. I reached out to her, individually, and we began communicating on a personal basis, in addition to our email list communications.
On more than one occasion, she asked why I wasn't published? Thanks to a valued friend I've only met online, for a number of years, I posted columns on Canada Free Press, but I understood what Charlotte meant.
It is difficult to post the full truth because those on both sides of the deliberate divide want everyone to choose a side. By choosing a side, this means attacking the other side for its sins against humanity ..., while never mentioning the sins against humanity committed by those on the chosen side. That is not sharing truth, that is doing the dirty work for those who control both sides of the deliberate divide.
This is why I don't fall inline with those who are overly partisan. Our most dangerous enemies are not family members and friends who are on the other side of the deliberate divide, our most dangerous enemies are those who control both sides of the deliberate divide.
The challenge is getting people on both sides of the deliberate divide to understand this reality. This goes against what they have been conditioned to believe, and lobbing attacks against each other plays into the controllers' game plan. Hopefully, more individuals will awaken to this reality and we can work together to stop our destruction. I believe this will take divine intervention, because we are too far into the downward spiral to pull it off by ourselves.
Please visit
Point well made. The binary choice of "your side or my side" that is presented in all debates is a tool by those who wish to control both sides of the narrative. It is, of course, designed to prevent individuals from doing any rational thinking or debating, but most of all from taking any action to make a change. The object being to get an Us and Them divisive and destructive row going, which appeals to baser instincts. I am inclined to believe that we have reached the point of need of Divine intervention. I would settle for some nice Aliens coming along and dealing with it on my behalf!!
I didn't know that Charlotte Iserbyt died in 2022. She was a powerhouse influence on me and I remember writing about her, goodness me, must have been at least a decade ago. I had recognised a lot of her observations in British education, the shortcomings of which exasperated me so much in the 1980s that I pulled my son out of school to home educate him. That was far less of a trial than I expected it to be! It was an education for me too!
Thanks for mentioning the good lady and bringing her back to mind.
My understanding of 'divine intervention' may be very different from yours. I believe we have a very powerful one consciousness. By 'we' I mean all of life.
As life is observably under attack, I know it will fight back for its survival. If you think about it, there is a lot of evidence that life has fought back from the brink of extinction many times in the past. I have a great deal of faith in the energy we call life..... it will not be extinguished.... I am pretty certain that it is very important and has enormous will to fulfil its purpose even though we, the individuals within it, have no idea what that purpose may be!
I just came across this part of the conversation-- Well said, m'dear.
I think the Divide & Conquer tactic works ALL TOO WELL. And I also agree with your conclusions! xo xo
Yep, Charlotte passed on February 8, 2022. She had been ill for awhile, but that didn't prevent her from pushing forward. When I hadn't heard from her for a couple of days, I wondered if she had taken a turn for the worse. A day or two later, I learned of her passing, which left a void to this day. I felt privileged to connect with her. She really cared about others and she didn't allow traditional divisions to prevent her from sharing what she believed was the truth. Of course, this led to her being shunned by just about everyone who buys into one side or the other.
As unconventional as I may be in my thinking and believing about temporal issues, I believe in the Holy Trinity as the foundation for divine intervention. Ten days ago, I met up with a friend for the first time in a long time over barbecue. He is of a different Christian faith. He surprised me a bit when he asked if we deserve God's intervention, considering how we have abandoned Him in church, schools, and every part of human life, especially over the past 60 years?
I learned unconditional love from my parents and can only guess how unconditional God's love for us must be, even when we knowingly and willfully thumb our noses at Him. I believe He is waiting for us to return to Him, much like what happened in the movie, "The Miracle," starring Carol Baker and Roger Moore. I pray, daily, for us to turn to Him and for Him to smite the evil pukes who seek total control over everyone and everything.
Charlotte believed that she and her friends had delayed an escalated effort of TEPTB (The Evil Predators That Be) to more fully deploy their Satanicly-inspired agenda. I'd say we need more pushback by more of us to invite our Savior into our spiritual war that is disguised as a political war. Wouldn't it be awesome to see TEPTB playing defense, or better yet, fighting amongst themselves akin to how they have conditioned us to fight against each other? I believe this will happen; I'd like to be here when it happens!
Thank you for your postings!
Do you know that Taoism has a holy trinity? It is Yin, Yang and Chi. Yin is the feminine dark space, Yang is the masculine powerful light and Chi is life energy - the child of Yin + Yang.
Have you written a post about this trinity? I've always been drawn to Taoism, it's intriguing and ... logical! And cool. ;)
Only very superficially. I have challenges within my church, and I have written about those issues, which has led to attacks from those who disagree with me. I think back to my best friend's perspective before he passed. While he was a Presbyterian, he said he attended "the church of the everyday sinner." Dick was a character, but I understood what he was saying. No church is perfect, simply because every church consists of individuals who fall short of perfection many times a day.
I believe if more people would focus upon our Creator, instead of a mere human being for improving our lot in life, we would not be where we are, currently.
Your perspective is very Christian I see. Only a third of the human world is Christian, so it may be unrealistic to expect the majority two thirds of humanity, not forgetting every other form of life, to 'focus upon our Creator' as you would prefer. You are setting yourself up for disappointment!
I believe that religion is a great divider and has been the root cause of far too many wars. I see it as very unhealthy mind control.
I prefer to include all of nature in my focus, harmonising and enjoying this miraculous life for all its amazing diversity. I don't have any need of a church or a holy land because every moment spent in every place is a divine moment.
I think we should focus on GOOD ACTION.
Does it matter so much what we think Creation is, as in, a definition, or WHO it is that is the "Almighty Creator"? I think we might do well to stop trying to agree on something that is likely to NEVER be the same for everyone, and focus on DOING GOOD in the world, and being in Awe of who/whatever has given us this amazing gift. Sometimes trust requires that we simply do it, without any conscious decision-making about WHAT IT ALL "IS". ;) So saith the dog.
See the lectures of William Donahue on YouTube. He also has an old website:
I am very Christian in my beliefs. I believe religion is a great divider because too many within the various Christian faiths fall for divisions introduced by Satan and his human agents, not unlike the divisions championed between the Demoncrats and GOP (Globalist Owned Predators) in the U. S., and the competing political parties in other countries, especially those considered to be part of Western civilization.
The center of the attacks we continue to witness and experience is rooted against Western civilization and Christianity. I believe stopping these attacks would benefit not just Christians, but people all over the globe, regardless of their religious beliefs, or non-beliefs.
Regarding disappointment, I am an ENFP with a strong tendency towards being an intuitive perceiving personality. I have encountered disappointment on issues throughout my life, especially after my Road to Damascusesque experience in March 2009. At the same time, that was a great awakening that has led to additional awakenings. I've learned to expect being disappointed ..., but also to embrace the successes. I'd rather be surprised on the upside than focus upon the disappointments, over which I have no control.
Hi ya Frances,
Superb work as always in bringing the obscure to the front.
I find it interesting that Dr. Ruddock would choose to destroy her work posthumously as the 'threat' of harm to her person would no longer exist - perhaps a protection for family and friends?
Recent information has come my way that suggests these 'creatures' we're dealing with derive their 'power' from 'worship' amongst other forms of energy transfer.
They really are quite 'nothing' if we don't lend them fear. While we can acknowledge their existence, we can also 'wave a hand' at their non-essencialness. In other words, direct our thoughts and actions toward what we want vs. what we don't. (more to say but - in brief).
I cannot imagine why Dr Ruddock chose to destroy her work. The writers I have quoted had theories about that and a couple of them knew her personally. They were baffled too. There was something that inhibited her. Could it have been a perfectionism, like an artist might experience? Or was it fear that, once committed to paper, it would be undefended and dismissed in her absence? We will never know what motivated her.
...well done Frances! contrast to ur work and efforts, all i hear around me or near me are middle and younger and older aged men talking inanely about all kinds of sports from their various and sorry, usually hugely limited perspectives of practice and sounds more and more like mental pollution bordering on severely toxic...this research and thinking that do and reveal are so much more interesting to consider and reflects interleaved aspects of tangible and intangible reality and the occasionally blurred lines in feeling is that if u haven't already felt such, then an unexpected and happy occasion will emerge in ur consciousness when u will experience the most amazing sense and feeling of soulful reward as a result of ur efforts and through it's peaceful bliss u will receive further guidance through ur intuition...that at any rate, is my wish for u!... 🙏➕🙏...a question in closing if u don't mind, be my guest and ignore if u regard it intrusive: have u experienced or do u think a human being while we live in this world may possess spiritual senses we may not be aware of that in that world correspond to those of ours in the physical?...Paul writes about this btw in 1Corinthians 15-44...New International Version...
'it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body'.
I could write for hours about my spiritual experiences, Gerry! Out of body adventures, deep meditations, questions answered with visions, seeing through the eyes of my loved ones during times of high stress, mind reading and so much more. Is that the sort of thing you had in mind?
It's all part of the Piscean Power Principle 😇
...jayz, i'm sorry i asked! lol!... 😀...well, my understanding informs me that it's impossible to generate and sustain efforts in ur area of research without such insights, i know myself!... ok Frances... as u were, ur off the hook!...i'll get round to reading more of ur material! You realize it's an in depth facet or aspect of ur journey here! Respect!... 🙏➕🙏...
You might like to read this.....
...thanks for the link Frances, read it and alot of the comments!...
Hardly a thankless task, dear, dear Frances. I thank you, I thank God for you and I pray lovingly and earnestly for you.
Sincerely thank you for your dedication, whoever 'they' are have kept truth from being known. So can we believe Britannica dictionary? Physics books? So sad for the real truth not been known. Now with the internet of the devil children are being fed so much nonsense. Bring in home schooling to save our Society
Brit government is trying to crush home schooling with a Bill going through Parliament at the moment! Or so I am told. I haven't had time to actually read the Bill yet but apparently it takes a very strange tack superseding parental rights.
I for 1 applaud, honor, and respect this work and research you've done!
Thank you Matthew! It is always my pleasure to find interesting material to write about.