One historian's search for the truth about John Cabot aka the Venetian citizen Giovanni Zuan Caboto.
A great deal of my research since 2010 has centred around revealing how history is alarmingly inaccurate. It is a thankless task, but not one that I am alone in tackling. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to come across authors who have shone a bright light on the discrepancies, omissions and outright lies we have been fed by academia, the media and (worse offender of all) Hollywood. Those brave authors’ work is often dismissed or obscured but, following their lead, can be a wonderfully absorbing and exciting journey into the unknown.
I have been very interested in tracing the enormous global influence of the Venetians, as can be seen in my series of articles compiled here:
Their story is absolutely intriguing to me because they have been very careful to conceal their power by using other people as proxies throughout their progress towards an invincible totalitarian global governance. There have been times when I have gasped, almost in admiration, at their astonishing ability to obscure their hand in geo-politics by astutely employing human shields as a vanguard. However, they cannot resist dropping hints for the astute to follow via their favourite symbols and images such as -

Today, I was led to investigate the seaman and explorer John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto), thanks to a hint given (before the paywall) on a recent post by the Phoenician Hunter:

John Cabot, also known as Giovanni Zuan Caboto, was an Italian explorer and navigator born around 1450 in Genoa, Italy. He moved to Venice around 1461 and became a Venetian citizen in 1476. Cabot is famous for his 1497 voyage to North America under the commission of Henry VII of England, where he explored coastal parts of North America. This expedition marked the earliest known European exploration of North America since the Norse visits to Vinland in the eleventh century.

John Cabot led me to learn of a dedicated historian who had repeatedly tried to track down and eventually tell the true story of his explorations and adventures.
That historian was Dr Alwyn Ruddock, who dedicated decades of her life to meticulously searching out the truth about John Cabot and his crew of Bristol mariners only to strictly order, via her last will and testament, the complete destruction of her entire collection of unpublished manuscripts, papers and records upon her death.
She wrote:
I much dislike posthumous publication and do not wish anyone to try to finish work left unfinished by me at the time of my death. The only exception to this shall be a book which may be already in the press in course of publication at the time of my death or incapacity. All the work to be destroyed is entirely my own property. The expenses of the collection and revision have been paid for by me without any publishers advance payment or any grant, academic or otherwise, to help pay for the collection or travelling expenses in England, Europe and America. Nothing is to be sold or given to any other person or to any library university or other institution. ~ extract from https://www.strangehistory.net/2012/11/28/alwyn-ruddock-enemy-of-history/
I was shocked. My interest was piqued. What on earth would induce such a decision?
It occurred to me that Dr Ruddock may have been the victim of pre-internet censorship and cancellation because there was a strong possibility that she had uncovered irrefutable evidence of early Venetian spy-networking which eventually led to the foundation of the deceptively named, British Empire. A domineering globalist empire which was never truly British, but was developed over centuries by the Venetian families operating from their financial headquarters in the independent City of London.
Alwyn Ruddock’s work, had it ever been published, may have blown the Venetian’s cover up in smoke! From 1965 until shortly before her death in 2005 she assiduously guarded the sources she had discovered and only ever obliquely referenced them in her communications with fellow historians. Always, she was trying to get her work published but her efforts were repeatedly rejected by publishing houses. It is a fascinating but very sad story.
It makes me wonder how many other brilliant researchers and writers have been prevented from publishing vital information. It is probably far more than we know. A publisher once commented that only one in a hundred books makes it into print and all the major publishers are owned by the same corporations who keep strict control over their portfolios.
I encourage you to read a very thorough account of Alwyn Ruddock’s life and the opposition she experienced entitled Rewriting History: Alwyn Ruddock and John Cabot by Douglas Hunter. It provides a sensitive insight into the woman and reveals some of the thought-provoking facts she had uncovered during her life’s work.
Thankfully, she has not been forgotten, and there are other historians on the trail of her discoveries:
“She claimed to have found evidence that Bristol men had reached North America prior to John Cabot’s famous 1497 expedition, which initiated Europe’s exploration and settlement of the northern continent. Ruddock also argued for a previously unknown religious colony allegedly established in Newfoundland in 1498; and she offered reasons to believe that the Bristol explorers had charted much of the eastern seaboard of North America by 1500, long before those coasts were investigated by Juan Ponce de Leon (1513–21) and Giovanni da Verrazano (1524).” ~ excerpt from a paper entitled William Weston: early voyager to the New World.
I found the story compelling and a sound example of how powerful people like the Venetian Black Nobility families can control the narratives we see and hear while protecting their globalist agenda. People have always been persecuted, overlooked or silenced for revealing the truth.
It is time to bring many more of their stories into the light.
If you appreciate my research but cannot commit to a paid subscription you could buy me a coffee at: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/FrancesLeader
Please note that all my work is entirely free to read and will never be hidden behind a paywall. My lovely paying subscribers contribute knowing this to be true and I would like to take this opportunity to thank them very much for their ongoing support.
The important thing is sharing this educational information on social media, especially on X and Facebook and Discord where I am permanently excluded because my work upsets the totalitarians.
Charlotte Iserbyt was shunned by both sides of the deliberate divide. With a band of researchers, she authored "The Deliberate Dumbimg Down of America," but she wasn't able to have it published. Believing their research and concerns about what was planned for public K-12 education was vitally important, she made it available for free, online.
While her primary concern centered around education and children, she was fully aware of the global agenda. Her father and grandfather, while not upper eschelon members, were members of the Skull & Bones. She posted the membership list, despite her father's desire not to have it published. Later, he expressed his regret for not assisting her in her efforts to expose the truth.
With Reagan's promise to eliminate the Department of Education (DofEd), she worked to get him elected as the POTUS (President of the United States). Once he was elected, or (s)elected, she was rewarded with a position in the DofEd. She was excited to be in a position to put herself out of work!
While with the DofEd, she learned that Soviet-style education was being incorporated into public K-12 education. This wasn't the first time for Soviet education being introduced into the U. S. public education system. It also occurred while Ike was President. Additionally, a co-worker who knew of Charlotte's dedication to stop the deliberate destruction of children within the public education system shared information about how technology was going to be used to advance the deliberate dumbing down of America's youth.
Charlotte made copies of everything, then she went public. She attempted to meet with Reagan. There is a handwritten note that appears to show that Reagan was willing to meet with her, but she was blocked from doing so by his handlers, most likely, by Donald Regan. Because of her becoming a whistleblower, she was dispatched from her position within the DofEd. This only served to stengthen her resolve to inform those willing to become informed.
Through a bizarre series of events, I found myself on her email list. I reached out to her, individually, and we began communicating on a personal basis, in addition to our email list communications.
On more than one occasion, she asked why I wasn't published? Thanks to a valued friend I've only met online, for a number of years, I posted columns on Canada Free Press, but I understood what Charlotte meant.
It is difficult to post the full truth because those on both sides of the deliberate divide want everyone to choose a side. By choosing a side, this means attacking the other side for its sins against humanity ..., while never mentioning the sins against humanity committed by those on the chosen side. That is not sharing truth, that is doing the dirty work for those who control both sides of the deliberate divide.
This is why I don't fall inline with those who are overly partisan. Our most dangerous enemies are not family members and friends who are on the other side of the deliberate divide, our most dangerous enemies are those who control both sides of the deliberate divide.
The challenge is getting people on both sides of the deliberate divide to understand this reality. This goes against what they have been conditioned to believe, and lobbing attacks against each other plays into the controllers' game plan. Hopefully, more individuals will awaken to this reality and we can work together to stop our destruction. I believe this will take divine intervention, because we are too far into the downward spiral to pull it off by ourselves.
Please visit deliberatedumbingdown.com.
Hi ya Frances,
Superb work as always in bringing the obscure to the front.
I find it interesting that Dr. Ruddock would choose to destroy her work posthumously as the 'threat' of harm to her person would no longer exist - perhaps a protection for family and friends?
Recent information has come my way that suggests these 'creatures' we're dealing with derive their 'power' from 'worship' amongst other forms of energy transfer.
They really are quite 'nothing' if we don't lend them fear. While we can acknowledge their existence, we can also 'wave a hand' at their non-essencialness. In other words, direct our thoughts and actions toward what we want vs. what we don't. (more to say but - in brief).