Previous article discussing the Book of Revelation.


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Well Researched accurate and All True 🤙🏻 However …..

Our Current D(R)NA is not in its

Natural Evolutionary State,

Spliced & Corrupted

Cataloged & Patented

Until that Original ( Nanna/Sin )

Is Understood

Jesuits vs. Synagogue ~ Gods Adversaries will never be Unraveled


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One would wonder ( if understood )

How Much More can a Persons DNA’s

Be Tinkered With ( CRISPR )

It is at the Heart of Who We Are !


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I presume you got vaccinated..... I did not.

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You are Right in your Awareness of CERN and what’s really going on 💞🧬

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An interesting book by Joseph Atwell postulates it was the Roman Flavian emporers/family that penned the gospels in the New Testament. It’s titled “ Caesar’s Messiah”-

Atwell maintains that these emperors wanted to stop/control the spread of Judaism & its antagonism towards Rome. In response, the Flavians helped to create the Christian pro Roman religion. Atwell posits that Jesus was a myth created to enhance the narrative & control over the Christian faction.


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Yes, I think that idea has merit.

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Goes back even further than both of these who it seems are only later hand-maidens to the centuries old satanic & ritual Sumerian/Babylon Death cult. Human-kind's history is the history of good vs evil. And human-kind's journey is also the path to freedom

Splintering of Babylon & Black Nobility | Conversations On The Fringe - With James Grundvig and Alexandra Bruce - Streamed on: May 24,, 2024 - 4+ months ago [before documentary was released]


"Splintering Babylon" documentary (premiered Sept 12, 2024)


And mirrored here & many other places:

Splintering Babylon” is a provocative documentary that explores the controversial theory of Nazi influence in the founding of major Western institutions such as the CIA, NATO, and the United Nations [see Project (Operation) Paperclip for more on this}. The film presents a narrative that Wall Street, along with Prescott Bush—father of U.S. Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush—financially supported Adolf Hitler and the Nazi elite prior to World War II.

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The film is OK but the final 5 mins is utter gobbledegook. Disappointing Q Anon references too. It doesn’t really talk about a splintering either. There is nothing there which has not been gleaned from social media in the same way that David Icke writes his books.

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A great 45 minute interview with Johnny Cirucci gives a great overview by connecting many historical events: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lSgsOU9OiI

Copy at Telegram: https://t.me/NLvrijheid/837


"The Jesuit Conspiracy


Most of us think the Jews and Freemasons are behind the global deception, but there are other players on the chess board. Keep an open mind and remember, the oldest tactic they use is divide and conquer.


Topics: Jesuits Creation, Jew Puppets, Hitler The Jesuit Puppet, Karl Marx, Rothschild Connection, Owners of the White House, Freemason Connection, Knights of Malta, Guy Fawks (Anonymous) Mask, Black Pope.


Sources Below:

Dedicated researcher, Johnny Cirucci, joins The Higherside Chats Podcast to make his case that the Vatican and the Jesuits sit atop the conspiracy pyramid.

Johnny has his own online radio show called Resistance Rising on Blog Talk Radio, and is the author of Illuminati Unmasked, which goes deep down the Jesuit rabbit hole and chronicles Johnny’s research on the big conspiracy.


RadioTalk Source


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But it was the Roman Senator families who created the papacy in the first place! Therefore, the true rulers of the world are those extremely wealthy occulted families ever since.


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I love the information, including that I suspect to find via the active links provided, as it all seems to tie together many "loose ends" I have gained in my last 30 years of research brought on by the inquisitive mind of one who had "found" GOD (not the God nor gods of "organized" Religions) via a "spontaneous awakening" of the natural spirit available to one and all of those who seek Ultimate Truth.

The folks that have contributed here to date, fill my heart with joy in that so much now fits together and portends that if I continue reading the links I will find reinforcement of the truth of the "Protocols" that in my earliest searches I found to read as the opposite of the nay-sayers and those being the first and most powerful instrument that put me on the path of learning what I could as to why our world condition is as it is.

Thank you all very much!

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The khazerians rule. Some are cloaked in Zionist attire other dress the Jesuit part. That is the tip of the ice berg for religions and organizations they have infiltrated and now control.

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Zionism is the philosophy of the Roman Catholic Church and their quasi militant Jesuits.

The Khazarians are merely among the servants.

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I just (finally) printed this out in the library, so I'll be able to go arf and read it on paper...

Then I'll (someday) get back in here and make a comment... IF I rememble to do it. But I KNOW I'll enjoy the read, so... FANGKS, FL!! xo xo

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Do you mean Tupper Saussy's book? 352 pages?

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Uh, no.

I mean your posts. ^_^

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Rome is behind Zionism, feminism, nazism, Marxism, socialism, Communism. In fact every system of government comes from Rome. The Jesuits are the military intelligence of Rome which today is Roman Catholicism (the great whore) and Vatican Holy See ( beast) which is a nation since 1929.

They are the one world government and they created the United Nations (second beast) and Israel. They control the kings of the world and are the only sovereign nation on earth. Washington DC was originally named Rome. Roman Catholicism comes from Babylon and this old pagan religion Constantine put the name of Christ on this paganism to unify the Roman Empire. They rule and control the world.

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THANK YOU for this condensed history lesson, which makes a lot of things clearer. You're also right that a brainwashed and propagandized people are also victims. Thank you for that reminder.

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I know this was an old podcast, but I can't believe Phelps didn't stick up for himself.

Half way through I didn't want to hear anything more from the pompous egomaniac Piper.

And how he trashed Phelp's ENTIRE book based on one section & I didn't get any evidence that his theory was correct unless I missed it.

Do you know how many theories there are out there about who killed JFK?

And does anyone even know Kennedy is an evil bloodline? Why do you think the whole family is in politics. It's NOT a coincidence. JFK was NO innocent.

Also, one of the evils' methods of brainwashing everyone is to pump up the lies & hide THE TRUTH, so the very fact that after ALL of these years JFK is worshipped by almost EVERYONE speaks volumes that the story about what happened to him was a plan both to brainwash the mass zombies & to do something else. That part I don't know about b/c I don't study politics since I don't believe in the evil mafia gov't & the fake presidents, fake scam voting, etc.

Either he was ready to spill the beans on something which means he will get killed b/c you NEVER go against the evils or they will kill you. Or he was going fight for us which I'm not sure I buy.

Or there's even one video that eluded he wasn't ever killed & yes I uploaded it even though it was terrible as far as proof, but there needs to be different theories to put puzzle pieces together.

The evils put on a show about who died when & how all the time & those people go off & change their name, looks, etc. We don't know if they died or not. Just b/c it says that in the fake news doesn't make it true.

He was even gay, he didn't just sleep around. How many know that?

And does anyone even realize his wife, she (or he), married an Onassis who is also an evil bloodline? Come on people, WAKE UP.

Here's a good video that proves that EVERY president, except supposedly one, is an evil bloodline. https://odysee.com/@OurFreeSociety:2/The-evil-bloodlines-2013:1

I thought they were evil collective puppets, but I guess I was wrong. https://ourfreesociety.com/my-definition-of-evils-and-evil-collectives/

Back to Piper, he probably caused Phelps a loss in sales of his book because so many people are followers & are easily persuaded by mean spirited people sigh

Has anyone even looked into this Piper to see if he's legit & not CO?

I didn't like the debate at all. It was my second time hearing from Phelps, but the first one I listened to was a more recent podcast where he seemed stronger. Maybe it's because he wasn't being bullied.

This is why I HATE debates. I prefer DISCUSSIONS where two mature people (one can hope) discuss their points of views & learn from one another (hopefully).

Of course that's asking for the WORLD since the evils have made almost the entire world into a COMPETITION that promotes scarcity & insecurity AND people have LET THEM. sigh

Thanks for the video Frances & your extra links. I'm try to find time to read them.

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I liked your comments about JFK - what do we really know about all that, even after all this time? I don't like Piper's behaviour in this podcast either. If you read his wikipedia entry you can see he is 'approved'. Whereas Phelps is seriously insulted (see the links in my article)...

The predator class owns so much that they control all the narratives but I would hesitate to say that 'people have let them' do that. Go back only one generation and you can see that the majority of people were utterly oblivious of the trap around them. My parents, born in the 1930s, for example, loved Churchill because they were never told of the extremes he implemented on behalf of the predator class. They would never believe a word said against the man - even though he caused them to be evacuated away from their parents as children and half starved with rationing while conducting a completely unjust and internationally illegal war in Europe.

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SMOM( sovereign military order of malta) Jesuit oath....I do futher promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental reservation whatever even as a corpse or cadaver, but will unhesitantly obey each and every command that I may recieve from my superiors in the militia of the pope...I futhermore promise and declare that I will when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, protestants and liberals, as I am declared to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of the whole earth, and that I will spare neither aged, women or children and that I will hang, burn, waste, boil, flay, strangle and bury alive these imfamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women and crush their infants heads against the wall in order to annihilate forever their excreble race and that when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating cord, the steel of the poinard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honour, rank, dignity or authority of the person, whatever their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any time may be directed to do so by any agent of the pope or superior of the brotherhood of the holy faith of the society of Jesus......credit due to Eric Jon Phelps for exposing this savage oath.

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I am currently of the opinion (subject to change of course) that the oldest line of the authors (not supposed to be seen by other than the trusted faithful) of the Talmud, would be of those Jews living prior to the presence of Jesus. Those charged by Jesus, as members of the Pharisee line, and descendants of Satan/Devil, their Father. The real history goes way back to Sumer, later said to stem from Babylon, after which eventually it was "secreted" by the few, the most evil who's "bible", the (most) hidden manuscript derived from the spoken only version handed down from Sumer. It has been The Khazarians also that have been active in the Zionist movement, also very related to the preceding.

A great source of information about the Talmud can be found here: https://www.revisionisthistory.org/

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Yep. Blood curdling stuff, huh?

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Of course we can still blame zionista/jewish as they are a willing party,,, they are the most obvious certaintly,,,

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I suppose we can rightly criticise Zionist and Jewish leaders but propagandised and terrorised people are victims rather than 'willing party'.

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This black nob thing is new to me, thanks to you. But you should know also the usury and slavery, has been fought by Yesus (peace be upon him) during his life time, and jews was the one practising both. So it is not the black nob who started these things.

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Black Nobility had Roman and Phoenician ancestry. The Phoenicians were not Jews - they were Canaanites and traded all over the Levant from city states. Venice, Piso and Genoa were Italian City States set up by Phoenicians, not Jews.

Phoenicians descend from Canaan.



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Are you saying that modern day Jews are actual descendants of the Israelites? Because their practices seem to match more closely with that of the Canaanites.

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Money isn't Jewish. Sure it likes them. They serve its purpose.

But it's a dead thing. An algorithm.

Algorithms can kill all life on the planet, because they don't care. It's not their idea of life.

Our psychopath rulers are actually a self-deleting slave race, totally captured by a mind-virus.

Cordyceps. An insect taken over by a mushroom mind.

The interests of the virus and the host are not the same. At all.

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William Burroughs insists on the Virus as a description of the addict. When you criticise a junky or an alcoholic, you are attacking the drug. Directly. The drug attacks back (& ignorance is a virus...)

Until anybody takes notice of the, admittedly abrasive - Sabrina Wallace and the WBAN - I don't feel inclined to take part in the no-virus debate.

Nevertheless the idea of Virus as the possession of self by non-self is due for a startling comeback.

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Un-natural EMFs destroy life. When Sabrina says that I will listen.

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Sabrina is cranky and off-putting. She makes the same mistake that many do, of thinking she is the only voice in the room. She dwells on feuds that no one else can follow.

Nevertheless she is on to something.

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