Adding this recent hearing here before listening. I will edit this comment later xx
"U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Medical experts and doctors who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Sen. Johnson at the roundtable."
I will say at the outset that I appreciate Sen. Ron Johnson but I despair that 5G is likely to have been overlooked as usual. Also I do not believe in the existence of viruses. I think they are misidentified exosomes which are particles of decaying cells on their way to be expelled. Hence, they are various and evolving, depending on the toxin which caused cells to decay in the first place.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
1) Initial observation: Doesn't Dr Peter McCullough remind you of Englishman Stan Laurel (1890–1965) from the famous comedy duo Laurel & Hardy? (sorry! I will try to take him seriously, promise!)
2) As soon as Dr Robert Malone was announced, I winced. Controlled opposition operative, Malone should not be consulted in ANY capacity except to explain why he wants Fauci's job.
Well! I got to the end of that tedious waste of time and concluded that these people are tragically short of the mark. If only they would consider questioning viruses. They might start to get somewhere. If they were to realise that exosomes are created by decaying cells and are just a symptom of disease, they might think to look for the CAUSE of them.
Electro-magnetic radiation is a candidate for consideration that has correlated with the roll out of the vaccines. The fact that the entire team at that hearing failed to mention it spells - STOCKHOLM SYNDROME to me.
What a shame - no wonder they are all on the verge of tears. They are still a very long way from understanding what is happening.
I seem to be the only person alive that has doubts about McCullough. Maybe I'm wrong, and frankly, I hope so. But Malone? The new Fauci? Help. That said, it would FIT, per the plan to off most of the world's pop.
Hi and thank you from someone just waking up. I’m 52 and I think we are similar- I’m a dietitian, always have been fascinated with the beauty/power of plants and nature, etc. instinctively recoiled at big pharma , etc… yet I never once thought about vaccines until now. And I always distrusted the medical establishment! So I can imagine how hard it would be to convince somehow who worships at the altar of pharma.
Of course they want the elderly to die, especially in national health service nations . . . as we are at the edge of a massive global bankruptcy, and elderly cost more money then they produce in taxable income. Remdesivir in the US, Midazolam in UK .. . now ready euthanasia applicable in Canada for all.
Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy *sorceries* were all nations deceived. 24And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
I have written at great length on my theory that Revelation is a plan written during the Roman Empire and tacked onto the work of the Apostles to harvest the imaginative energy of all who read it. I believe it is a spell in and of itself.
By placing this 'vision' before humanity the author knew that he was initiating the manifestation of the same. The predator class, which has grown out of the occulted Roman Senate descendants, i.e., Black Nobility, has worked towards the implementation of these dark instructions for 2,000 years.
I agree but I don’t think it was the was God through John...we are destined to “reset” but not the way the WEF wants to do it. There will be a remnant who make it through the crisis. It is your energy, your connection to the Truth aka G-D, aka Yeshua Messiah...we have to be in alignment with HIM or we will perish. Even of we die though, we will come back as long are we are in HIM. .. Some will die as matyrs as they resist the Beast which is the current societal system which will get more and more extreme...Attach whatever meaning you like to that. We have been wrong about the poetic interpretations of the Bible in the past and I assume we will do the same again...
I love the title of this. When the "jabs" first came out I insisted that "I'm not anti-vaxx, I just don't want to take This one...". Few months ago I read a book called Turtles All the Way Down. Combined with everything else I've learned since all this fake-pandemic started... I am now officially an anti-vaxxer. I'm incredibly thankful I was able to withstand all the coercive measures of the past few years, and that when I was born, 1971, there were almost no childhood vaccines. My mother doesn't even remember me getting any. As a child I got chickenpox and recovered, got measles and recovered. Since I have no children of my own, until I read Turtles I had no idea what is being done to babies and children these days. Just horrific to be injecting them with all that shit. Incredibly sad. I am 100% convinced that, indeed - zero vaccines - good health. Great post.
Frances - one of my most heartbreaking and deepest regrets is blindly taking my children to the doctor and letting them get vaccinated. They were both adopted as infants and so they had already likely been jabbed (one born in '81, the other in '86) before they came home. I was completely ignorant of the danger. I grew up like most people in an allopathic world. I don't ever remember any holistic remedies being given to me as a child. Zero knowledge of the plants. Still, I made their baby food from scratch, so there's that, I guess. :) I did not know. And this is why I've been more understanding than I'd like to be seeing parents offering their children up to these shots.
I left allopathic medicine behind in my late forties when I got really sick. It eventually led me to healing holistically and going on to study Ayurveda, energy healing, herbalism, etc. I don't have a doctor and stay far away from drugs, tests, etc. Now, my adult children think I'm nuts and want nothing to do with the wisdom I've accrued. My daughter works in a hospital which just makes me shudder.
I began wising up to vaccines when I saw that they were taking exemptions away and I went into the rabbit hole. In January of 2020 I heard that little (Big) Voice say "They want to mandate vaccines for everyone." I proudly call myself an anti-vaxxer now, even though I'm late to the game. What a blessing for you, and your son, Frances, to have had this knowledge, this sixth sense, common sense, to see the danger in them. They are nothing but a needle-full of toxins. I'm sorry that your grandchildren are not so lucky. I want to cry every time I hear of someone I love having a hospital birth because I know what's going on there. And i agree with you about viruses. And 5G. Lol about Dr. PM and Dr. RM. Yes. xo
Francis - I wish you were my mom and my kid’s grandmum. Seriously. My wife and I - we had to learn everything the hard lonely painful way. Our girl could really use a grandma like you. Oh how I wish we had one of you out here with us. My wife’s folks are gone back to spirit and mine are totes crazy and far away. Bless you for trying to stop the poisoning. We’re all just trying to detox and prevent the little ones from being poisoned. That is a lot of what living on earth right now consists of.
My heart hurts for the young parents who are aware of what's happening. My adult children are allopathic all the way and think I'm crazy. It's a twisted world right now, that's for sure. Sending you love. Your little girl is lucky to have you as her parents! xo
When I was growing up we were given 3 shots plus the Sabin oral polio pill. And while most of us went through the rituals of Measles Mumps and Chicken Pox, the widespread immune disorders kids face today were non existent such as peanut allergy. As an adult, I’m rarely sick. What’s different?
Dr Paul Thomas is a hero. For simply sharing his findings about his own vaxxed vs unvaxxed patients, he medical license was temporarily removed and the media portrayed him to be a murderer.
Let’s face it Pharma is the face of the modern day corporate mob which tries to make us think about Sicilian or Russian gangsters but not the real crooks In academia, government and media.
I don't have the privilege of parenting children but I don't vaccinate my cats after the first time my little Georgie as a kitten managed to sink his teeth, I've never been so proud, into the arm of the vet holding him by the scruff and sticking a needle in him, making him drop him and swear.
I'm also late to the medico Pharma complex having worked in the NHS for 25 years in brain stupor.
It's never too late to wake up to yourself and the fact that we have everything we need to be happy and healthy with here and now
I am curious.... did that vet get the toxic jab into little Georgie in the end? I hated having to get my two dogs and a cat annually vaccinated against rabies in order for them to qualify for their EU passports. Leaving them to be rehomed was not a choice for me. I would not go to live abroad without them. I was fortunate, only one dog was negatively affected by the shots and that was only for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I hated being forced to subject them to so much medication especially considering that rabies is now under investigation because it is NOT a virus after all!
Rabies, like many other diseases attributed to 'viruses', may well be a particularly nasty transferable blood parasite.
There's a great holistic vet here on Substack. @musingsofananimaldoctor
I just told the clerk at the hardware store about the bs rabies jab because he said he didn't like mice because he was afraid he'd get rabies. The shit Big Pharma makes us fearful of is insane. Do you know that they drop Rabies vaccines/treats from the air in the woods here in the US for the raccoon population to eat? Insanity.
I think there is something going on like that... all over the world... animals dying like I've seen people doing, convulsing, groups of animals walking in circles... freaky and ... SO sad, if they're being messed with by these Psychotic Freaks...
I'm afraid I think he got most of it in. They didn't seem to have adverse effects that I noticed. I was curious too cos I know you lived abroad how you managed that with 'rabies' nonsesne-in fact probably a neurotoxin - yes that is so sad that we are forced to treat other animals this way.
thinking of animals back when I was on twitter someone said they dreamt that the chicken they were eating in a restaurant had been vaccinated for covid 19 and they were horrified. I pointed out that all chickens and farmed animals had received many vaccines, it wasn't a dream!!! we need to be careful who we eat
Have you seen these videos of wild animals walking in circles? Freaky. And I saw a wild lion do what I've seen people do in videos-- he started to look behind him, went in a circle, then began convulsing, and died.
Yes. It's horrific. They're killing the plants/trees, too. The birds and the bees, etc. etc. People in my small town community think I'm crazy for always talking about geoengineering/weather modification, etc.
I was looking some more on the updated website of health in UK 'livestock' - see how net zero feeds into pharma; 'The UK Climate Change Committee reported that to deliver the UK Government’s Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050, a number of measures were needed, including encouraging low- carbon farming practices such as improving livestock health, which was identified as one of the most cost- effective measures. It should be noted that five of the measures in this prioritised list are vaccinations: for IBR, BVD, Salmonella, calf pneumonia and Johne’s disease. A clear message is that many measures to improve cattle health, including vaccination against infectious diseases to improve cattle health are profitable in their own right, as well as reducing GHG emissions intensity.' !!!!
I didn't question the vaccines until a weird episode at a well check when my twin boys were 9 or 10. The doctor made the claim that my sons had so many ear infections as babies "because we don't have a vaccine yet" and I looked at her sideways. Then she proceeded to tell me they needed the HPV vaccine. Because my children were in the room, I simply said, "No. You and I can talk about this later". We never did. A little later I found out about the pressure and money received by doctors offices by state and federal programs. That was the last time any of my children were near a vaccine. They are in their 20's now and did not take the jabs.
That doctor inadvertently let the cat out of the bag! Many doctors are so blinkered that they trust and depend upon some remote PRIVATE company to devise cures for the very diseases that their products are creating! This is incredibly lazy. Doctors have become nothing more than an ill-informed interface between Big P-Harma profit and their clients. They may as well be thought of as over-hyped, overpaid jumped up salesmen.
No. lol Real drug dealers know what they are selling and often use their products themselves! Also, nobody pays them to sell street drugs. Nobody gives them a bonus for killing off their clients, that would be counter-productive for their future business!
It's true. Getting rid of real family doctors definitely helped the medical cartel in that area. Family doctors could see cause and effect clearly. Now, people are just in and out of practices and seldom see the same "provider" who talks to them while looking at a laptop the whole time.
Because of all the bullshit I started studying homeopathy and herbalism, which have done more to keep me healthy than any of the expert's synthetic lab creations ever did.
Yes! I wrote a letter and my rep (Sen. Thom Tillis) replied informing me that the FDA is the "gold standard for the world" on regulation. I laughed out loud. I'm working a reply with hyperlinks for each of his comments. A public-private partnership is never about the people.
Returning to the old ways is the only answer. Thank goodness all that knowledge, although discarded as quackery for a century, was carefully preserved by real healers and is now benefitting from a strong revival.
However, I note that herbal medicine has been side-lined once again by the food supplement industry (another Big P-Harma enterprise) and due to laziness once again, but this time on the part of busy people, it is hard to get clear information about plant identification so that people may forage raw herb for themselves. This has left the field wide open to contamination and capsules or pills being loaded with dodgy fillers and preservatives.
Homeopathy avoids contamination, in fact, by the very nature of it, dilutes and yet is still very effective. Our recently deceased Queen was known to prefer it and we could see clearly that her health was very rarely compromised - it was remarkably robust until her last few days. I have seen comments which point out that both she and her husband received the Covid vaccination and deteriorated rapidly thereafter. I think that theory has some truth to it.
I take a hair supplement (nutrafol) and now I wonder if I shouldn’t? Feel almost guilty talking about something frivolous like hair during mass murder…but I’m still vain I guess🙃
What the heck is wrong with going into the Apocalypse fully armed with your best looking armor, your game face, and the necessary accessories to make you feel like a Warrior Goddess?? Keep doing what it takes to wake up feeling good about yourself! I myself like to indulge in some pirate boots and mascara when I'm feeling ready to disseminate information!!
This made me smile, Jane. :) Don't feel guilty. Is it working? There are lots of plant remedies to take internally and use externally. I'll bet you already know that though. After a really stressful move in 2020 my hair started falling out. It's all balanced out now that I'm settled and get good sleep and eat clean. Nettle, Horsetail, Rosemary, Brahmi, etc. all good for hair health.
Omg, yes, about supplements! A lot of them are just another arm of Big Pharma. And, whenever western medicine starts pushing something (like Vitamin D) I get suspicious. They always use extracts of plants, instead of the whole. Interesting about the Queen.
And now in the US, the FDA is once again going after homeopathy. Declaring it is dangerous!! They do it on a regular basis, but this time there is something different and meaner.
Yes! I just left that comment! They are serious this time. Homeopathy is one healing modality I' don't have much experience with but I just ordered a kit and some books to have on hand. Have you noticed that if you do a search (even Brave) for anything holistic, the first page is always bs sites like WebMD, etc.?
I am a latecomer to realising the total uselessness of "vaccination" and of course the dangers they bring. It was the Dr Andrew Wakefield case that first alerted me to any problems yet I believed the BBC reporting at the time. Only in last two years or so have I read books, articles, listened to podcasts etc. to realise that what is happening with the gene therapy (nothing therapeutic about them) has been going on forever. I obviously wish I'd known what I know now before having my own family who were subjected to them. The increase in kids diagnosed today with autism, ADHD, allergies, autoimmune diseases etc. is growing at an alarming rate and parents should start to question why!
We trusted the government then. I have had such an awakening these last 3 years. I didn't realise how naive and ignorant I was. When you realise the world is run by total criminals, liars and deceivers, you want to tell everyone all about what you've learned. I've just read about Reagan, drugs smuggled into Arkensas by CIA for black ops, meanwhile, Mrs R promotes a "just say no to drugs" campaign to kids! You know who was governor there. I'd say the swamp is more than deep, it's bottomless!
Yes, I remember how badly Dr Andrew Wakefield was treated. It was the thin end of a very fat wedge that has resulted in billions of people trusting toxic medical interventions without question. Vaccine promotion has been a psy-ops all along.
Just watched the video now. I also learned the Amish in USA have much healthier children, not just because of non vaxx but also because of much lower exposure to EMF toxins.
Adding this recent hearing here before listening. I will edit this comment later xx
"U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Medical experts and doctors who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Sen. Johnson at the roundtable."
I will say at the outset that I appreciate Sen. Ron Johnson but I despair that 5G is likely to have been overlooked as usual. Also I do not believe in the existence of viruses. I think they are misidentified exosomes which are particles of decaying cells on their way to be expelled. Hence, they are various and evolving, depending on the toxin which caused cells to decay in the first place.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
1) Initial observation: Doesn't Dr Peter McCullough remind you of Englishman Stan Laurel (1890–1965) from the famous comedy duo Laurel & Hardy? (sorry! I will try to take him seriously, promise!)
2) As soon as Dr Robert Malone was announced, I winced. Controlled opposition operative, Malone should not be consulted in ANY capacity except to explain why he wants Fauci's job.
Well! I got to the end of that tedious waste of time and concluded that these people are tragically short of the mark. If only they would consider questioning viruses. They might start to get somewhere. If they were to realise that exosomes are created by decaying cells and are just a symptom of disease, they might think to look for the CAUSE of them.
Electro-magnetic radiation is a candidate for consideration that has correlated with the roll out of the vaccines. The fact that the entire team at that hearing failed to mention it spells - STOCKHOLM SYNDROME to me.
What a shame - no wonder they are all on the verge of tears. They are still a very long way from understanding what is happening.
I seem to be the only person alive that has doubts about McCullough. Maybe I'm wrong, and frankly, I hope so. But Malone? The new Fauci? Help. That said, it would FIT, per the plan to off most of the world's pop.
I have the same doubts.
Oh, good! Let's form a band! lol
I would love to see a debate between the two of them and the Baileys and other Terrain believers!
I would, too! I'll bring the popcorn.
I can't watch. McCullough looks too much like Stan Laurel. I cannot take the man seriously..... lol
they both smuggly say the virus exists (well Malone a lot more smugly) but don't provide any evidence- both leading us all down the grandeur path x
garden path hee hee
same thing, in this case, eh? ;)
Peter McCullough really reminds me of Mayor Wilkins in Buffy
Yes Malone, controlled op, avoid or ignore x
Yes, I see the resemblance! I wonder if that character snivels, too...
You/we are not Alone. Respect & BIG X 2 All
Thank you Frances :-))
Hi and thank you from someone just waking up. I’m 52 and I think we are similar- I’m a dietitian, always have been fascinated with the beauty/power of plants and nature, etc. instinctively recoiled at big pharma , etc… yet I never once thought about vaccines until now. And I always distrusted the medical establishment! So I can imagine how hard it would be to convince somehow who worships at the altar of pharma.
FYI those in UK et al. Michael Bernica:
Of course they want the elderly to die, especially in national health service nations . . . as we are at the edge of a massive global bankruptcy, and elderly cost more money then they produce in taxable income. Remdesivir in the US, Midazolam in UK .. . now ready euthanasia applicable in Canada for all.
Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy *sorceries* were all nations deceived. 24And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
5331 [e]
I have written at great length on my theory that Revelation is a plan written during the Roman Empire and tacked onto the work of the Apostles to harvest the imaginative energy of all who read it. I believe it is a spell in and of itself.
By placing this 'vision' before humanity the author knew that he was initiating the manifestation of the same. The predator class, which has grown out of the occulted Roman Senate descendants, i.e., Black Nobility, has worked towards the implementation of these dark instructions for 2,000 years.
I agree but I don’t think it was the was God through John...we are destined to “reset” but not the way the WEF wants to do it. There will be a remnant who make it through the crisis. It is your energy, your connection to the Truth aka G-D, aka Yeshua Messiah...we have to be in alignment with HIM or we will perish. Even of we die though, we will come back as long are we are in HIM. .. Some will die as matyrs as they resist the Beast which is the current societal system which will get more and more extreme...Attach whatever meaning you like to that. We have been wrong about the poetic interpretations of the Bible in the past and I assume we will do the same again...
Brilliant deduction, I love how your mind works!
I love the title of this. When the "jabs" first came out I insisted that "I'm not anti-vaxx, I just don't want to take This one...". Few months ago I read a book called Turtles All the Way Down. Combined with everything else I've learned since all this fake-pandemic started... I am now officially an anti-vaxxer. I'm incredibly thankful I was able to withstand all the coercive measures of the past few years, and that when I was born, 1971, there were almost no childhood vaccines. My mother doesn't even remember me getting any. As a child I got chickenpox and recovered, got measles and recovered. Since I have no children of my own, until I read Turtles I had no idea what is being done to babies and children these days. Just horrific to be injecting them with all that shit. Incredibly sad. I am 100% convinced that, indeed - zero vaccines - good health. Great post.
The write up on the book Turtles All the Way Down is very interesting:
It IS very interesting..!
I just got “Turtles All the Way Down”! I’ve only flipped through it so far. Great book! And Anonymous to boot!
Frances - one of my most heartbreaking and deepest regrets is blindly taking my children to the doctor and letting them get vaccinated. They were both adopted as infants and so they had already likely been jabbed (one born in '81, the other in '86) before they came home. I was completely ignorant of the danger. I grew up like most people in an allopathic world. I don't ever remember any holistic remedies being given to me as a child. Zero knowledge of the plants. Still, I made their baby food from scratch, so there's that, I guess. :) I did not know. And this is why I've been more understanding than I'd like to be seeing parents offering their children up to these shots.
I left allopathic medicine behind in my late forties when I got really sick. It eventually led me to healing holistically and going on to study Ayurveda, energy healing, herbalism, etc. I don't have a doctor and stay far away from drugs, tests, etc. Now, my adult children think I'm nuts and want nothing to do with the wisdom I've accrued. My daughter works in a hospital which just makes me shudder.
I began wising up to vaccines when I saw that they were taking exemptions away and I went into the rabbit hole. In January of 2020 I heard that little (Big) Voice say "They want to mandate vaccines for everyone." I proudly call myself an anti-vaxxer now, even though I'm late to the game. What a blessing for you, and your son, Frances, to have had this knowledge, this sixth sense, common sense, to see the danger in them. They are nothing but a needle-full of toxins. I'm sorry that your grandchildren are not so lucky. I want to cry every time I hear of someone I love having a hospital birth because I know what's going on there. And i agree with you about viruses. And 5G. Lol about Dr. PM and Dr. RM. Yes. xo
Great comment. Thank you!
I completely agree, I think you're SPOT ON.
Francis - I wish you were my mom and my kid’s grandmum. Seriously. My wife and I - we had to learn everything the hard lonely painful way. Our girl could really use a grandma like you. Oh how I wish we had one of you out here with us. My wife’s folks are gone back to spirit and mine are totes crazy and far away. Bless you for trying to stop the poisoning. We’re all just trying to detox and prevent the little ones from being poisoned. That is a lot of what living on earth right now consists of.
My heart hurts for the young parents who are aware of what's happening. My adult children are allopathic all the way and think I'm crazy. It's a twisted world right now, that's for sure. Sending you love. Your little girl is lucky to have you as her parents! xo
When I was growing up we were given 3 shots plus the Sabin oral polio pill. And while most of us went through the rituals of Measles Mumps and Chicken Pox, the widespread immune disorders kids face today were non existent such as peanut allergy. As an adult, I’m rarely sick. What’s different?
Dr Paul Thomas is a hero. For simply sharing his findings about his own vaxxed vs unvaxxed patients, he medical license was temporarily removed and the media portrayed him to be a murderer.
Let’s face it Pharma is the face of the modern day corporate mob which tries to make us think about Sicilian or Russian gangsters but not the real crooks In academia, government and media.
I don't have the privilege of parenting children but I don't vaccinate my cats after the first time my little Georgie as a kitten managed to sink his teeth, I've never been so proud, into the arm of the vet holding him by the scruff and sticking a needle in him, making him drop him and swear.
I'm also late to the medico Pharma complex having worked in the NHS for 25 years in brain stupor.
It's never too late to wake up to yourself and the fact that we have everything we need to be happy and healthy with here and now
I had a feeling Georgie and Donny were cats!! :)
always trust your instincts and feelings xxx
I am curious.... did that vet get the toxic jab into little Georgie in the end? I hated having to get my two dogs and a cat annually vaccinated against rabies in order for them to qualify for their EU passports. Leaving them to be rehomed was not a choice for me. I would not go to live abroad without them. I was fortunate, only one dog was negatively affected by the shots and that was only for a couple of days. Nevertheless, I hated being forced to subject them to so much medication especially considering that rabies is now under investigation because it is NOT a virus after all!
Rabies, like many other diseases attributed to 'viruses', may well be a particularly nasty transferable blood parasite.
There's a great holistic vet here on Substack. @musingsofananimaldoctor
I just told the clerk at the hardware store about the bs rabies jab because he said he didn't like mice because he was afraid he'd get rabies. The shit Big Pharma makes us fearful of is insane. Do you know that they drop Rabies vaccines/treats from the air in the woods here in the US for the raccoon population to eat? Insanity.
I think there is something going on like that... all over the world... animals dying like I've seen people doing, convulsing, groups of animals walking in circles... freaky and ... SO sad, if they're being messed with by these Psychotic Freaks...
Thanks for the tip about the holistic vet! xo
thanks Barbara x
See my comment to georgie... about wild animals walking in circles... wild lion dying...
This is perhaps MUCH bigger than we'd-- I'd-- thought...
Apparently that lion was bitten by a snake....?
Hmm. And all those people I've seen in videos that die like that? Bitten by snakes, I'm sure...
(My comment is TO you, not AT you, doncha know.)
It's a response to TERRAIN... That's my take after reading about it.
I'm afraid I think he got most of it in. They didn't seem to have adverse effects that I noticed. I was curious too cos I know you lived abroad how you managed that with 'rabies' nonsesne-in fact probably a neurotoxin - yes that is so sad that we are forced to treat other animals this way.
thinking of animals back when I was on twitter someone said they dreamt that the chicken they were eating in a restaurant had been vaccinated for covid 19 and they were horrified. I pointed out that all chickens and farmed animals had received many vaccines, it wasn't a dream!!! we need to be careful who we eat
And they are ramping up/shooting up all farm animals. Not to mention what's being dropped from the sky via the trails...
it's utter madness
utter EVIL...
Have you seen these videos of wild animals walking in circles? Freaky. And I saw a wild lion do what I've seen people do in videos-- he started to look behind him, went in a circle, then began convulsing, and died.
Are "they" somehow now killing ANIMALS, too???
I can't stand it.
Yes. It's horrific. They're killing the plants/trees, too. The birds and the bees, etc. etc. People in my small town community think I'm crazy for always talking about geoengineering/weather modification, etc.
I was looking some more on the updated website of health in UK 'livestock' - see how net zero feeds into pharma; 'The UK Climate Change Committee reported that to deliver the UK Government’s Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions target by 2050, a number of measures were needed, including encouraging low- carbon farming practices such as improving livestock health, which was identified as one of the most cost- effective measures. It should be noted that five of the measures in this prioritised list are vaccinations: for IBR, BVD, Salmonella, calf pneumonia and Johne’s disease. A clear message is that many measures to improve cattle health, including vaccination against infectious diseases to improve cattle health are profitable in their own right, as well as reducing GHG emissions intensity.' !!!!
😱 w⚓s
You are correct on every level! Keep talking! Hopefully a few will hear and be saved!
I didn't question the vaccines until a weird episode at a well check when my twin boys were 9 or 10. The doctor made the claim that my sons had so many ear infections as babies "because we don't have a vaccine yet" and I looked at her sideways. Then she proceeded to tell me they needed the HPV vaccine. Because my children were in the room, I simply said, "No. You and I can talk about this later". We never did. A little later I found out about the pressure and money received by doctors offices by state and federal programs. That was the last time any of my children were near a vaccine. They are in their 20's now and did not take the jabs.
That doctor inadvertently let the cat out of the bag! Many doctors are so blinkered that they trust and depend upon some remote PRIVATE company to devise cures for the very diseases that their products are creating! This is incredibly lazy. Doctors have become nothing more than an ill-informed interface between Big P-Harma profit and their clients. They may as well be thought of as over-hyped, overpaid jumped up salesmen.
you mean drug dealers?
No. lol Real drug dealers know what they are selling and often use their products themselves! Also, nobody pays them to sell street drugs. Nobody gives them a bonus for killing off their clients, that would be counter-productive for their future business!
It's true. Getting rid of real family doctors definitely helped the medical cartel in that area. Family doctors could see cause and effect clearly. Now, people are just in and out of practices and seldom see the same "provider" who talks to them while looking at a laptop the whole time.
Because of all the bullshit I started studying homeopathy and herbalism, which have done more to keep me healthy than any of the expert's synthetic lab creations ever did.
Do you know that the FDA is going after Homeopathy again?
Yes! I wrote a letter and my rep (Sen. Thom Tillis) replied informing me that the FDA is the "gold standard for the world" on regulation. I laughed out loud. I'm working a reply with hyperlinks for each of his comments. A public-private partnership is never about the people.
OMG, the gold standard. What a joke.
Returning to the old ways is the only answer. Thank goodness all that knowledge, although discarded as quackery for a century, was carefully preserved by real healers and is now benefitting from a strong revival.
However, I note that herbal medicine has been side-lined once again by the food supplement industry (another Big P-Harma enterprise) and due to laziness once again, but this time on the part of busy people, it is hard to get clear information about plant identification so that people may forage raw herb for themselves. This has left the field wide open to contamination and capsules or pills being loaded with dodgy fillers and preservatives.
Homeopathy avoids contamination, in fact, by the very nature of it, dilutes and yet is still very effective. Our recently deceased Queen was known to prefer it and we could see clearly that her health was very rarely compromised - it was remarkably robust until her last few days. I have seen comments which point out that both she and her husband received the Covid vaccination and deteriorated rapidly thereafter. I think that theory has some truth to it.
I take a hair supplement (nutrafol) and now I wonder if I shouldn’t? Feel almost guilty talking about something frivolous like hair during mass murder…but I’m still vain I guess🙃
What the heck is wrong with going into the Apocalypse fully armed with your best looking armor, your game face, and the necessary accessories to make you feel like a Warrior Goddess?? Keep doing what it takes to wake up feeling good about yourself! I myself like to indulge in some pirate boots and mascara when I'm feeling ready to disseminate information!!
You’re right! Beauty and courage go hand in hand. ❤️
This made me smile, Jane. :) Don't feel guilty. Is it working? There are lots of plant remedies to take internally and use externally. I'll bet you already know that though. After a really stressful move in 2020 my hair started falling out. It's all balanced out now that I'm settled and get good sleep and eat clean. Nettle, Horsetail, Rosemary, Brahmi, etc. all good for hair health.
Thank you!
Omg, yes, about supplements! A lot of them are just another arm of Big Pharma. And, whenever western medicine starts pushing something (like Vitamin D) I get suspicious. They always use extracts of plants, instead of the whole. Interesting about the Queen.
And now in the US, the FDA is once again going after homeopathy. Declaring it is dangerous!! They do it on a regular basis, but this time there is something different and meaner.
Yes! I just left that comment! They are serious this time. Homeopathy is one healing modality I' don't have much experience with but I just ordered a kit and some books to have on hand. Have you noticed that if you do a search (even Brave) for anything holistic, the first page is always bs sites like WebMD, etc.?
We could very likely fill up and entire encyclopedia (or library?) on the things they have backwards.
Agree 100%. Exploring concepts of where it all went wrong. A long time ago. Difficult to change all this.
Ooh interesting! Bookmarked to listen to after I finish listening to Sen. Ron Johnson's hearing as linked here in the pinned comment.
Thanks. All that spare time we have these days right?
I am a latecomer to realising the total uselessness of "vaccination" and of course the dangers they bring. It was the Dr Andrew Wakefield case that first alerted me to any problems yet I believed the BBC reporting at the time. Only in last two years or so have I read books, articles, listened to podcasts etc. to realise that what is happening with the gene therapy (nothing therapeutic about them) has been going on forever. I obviously wish I'd known what I know now before having my own family who were subjected to them. The increase in kids diagnosed today with autism, ADHD, allergies, autoimmune diseases etc. is growing at an alarming rate and parents should start to question why!
I have the same regrets with my adult children.
We trusted the government then. I have had such an awakening these last 3 years. I didn't realise how naive and ignorant I was. When you realise the world is run by total criminals, liars and deceivers, you want to tell everyone all about what you've learned. I've just read about Reagan, drugs smuggled into Arkensas by CIA for black ops, meanwhile, Mrs R promotes a "just say no to drugs" campaign to kids! You know who was governor there. I'd say the swamp is more than deep, it's bottomless!
Yes, I remember how badly Dr Andrew Wakefield was treated. It was the thin end of a very fat wedge that has resulted in billions of people trusting toxic medical interventions without question. Vaccine promotion has been a psy-ops all along.
Just watched the video now. I also learned the Amish in USA have much healthier children, not just because of non vaxx but also because of much lower exposure to EMF toxins.