Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022Pinned

Adding this recent hearing here before listening. I will edit this comment later xx

"U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Medical experts and doctors who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Sen. Johnson at the roundtable."

I will say at the outset that I appreciate Sen. Ron Johnson but I despair that 5G is likely to have been overlooked as usual. Also I do not believe in the existence of viruses. I think they are misidentified exosomes which are particles of decaying cells on their way to be expelled. Hence, they are various and evolving, depending on the toxin which caused cells to decay in the first place.

Elementary, my dear Watson.

1) Initial observation: Doesn't Dr Peter McCullough remind you of Englishman Stan Laurel (1890–1965) from the famous comedy duo Laurel & Hardy? https://youtu.be/bHNPKkvcK38 (sorry! I will try to take him seriously, promise!)

2) As soon as Dr Robert Malone was announced, I winced. Controlled opposition operative, Malone should not be consulted in ANY capacity except to explain why he wants Fauci's job.


Well! I got to the end of that tedious waste of time and concluded that these people are tragically short of the mark. If only they would consider questioning viruses. They might start to get somewhere. If they were to realise that exosomes are created by decaying cells and are just a symptom of disease, they might think to look for the CAUSE of them.

Electro-magnetic radiation is a candidate for consideration that has correlated with the roll out of the vaccines. The fact that the entire team at that hearing failed to mention it spells - STOCKHOLM SYNDROME to me.

What a shame - no wonder they are all on the verge of tears. They are still a very long way from understanding what is happening.

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You/we are not Alone. Respect & BIG X 2 All

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances :-))

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Hi and thank you from someone just waking up. I’m 52 and I think we are similar- I’m a dietitian, always have been fascinated with the beauty/power of plants and nature, etc. instinctively recoiled at big pharma , etc… yet I never once thought about vaccines until now. And I always distrusted the medical establishment! So I can imagine how hard it would be to convince somehow who worships at the altar of pharma.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

FYI those in UK et al. Michael Bernica: https://mailchi.mp/thebernician.net/the-bernician-webinars?e=d95a648136

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Of course they want the elderly to die, especially in national health service nations . . . as we are at the edge of a massive global bankruptcy, and elderly cost more money then they produce in taxable income. Remdesivir in the US, Midazolam in UK .. . now ready euthanasia applicable in Canada for all.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Rev 18:23 And the light of a candle shall shine no more at all in thee; and the voice of the bridegroom and of the bride shall be heard no more at all in thee: for thy merchants were the great men of the earth; for by thy *sorceries* were all nations deceived. 24And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.

5331 [e]





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I love the title of this. When the "jabs" first came out I insisted that "I'm not anti-vaxx, I just don't want to take This one...". Few months ago I read a book called Turtles All the Way Down. Combined with everything else I've learned since all this fake-pandemic started... I am now officially an anti-vaxxer. I'm incredibly thankful I was able to withstand all the coercive measures of the past few years, and that when I was born, 1971, there were almost no childhood vaccines. My mother doesn't even remember me getting any. As a child I got chickenpox and recovered, got measles and recovered. Since I have no children of my own, until I read Turtles I had no idea what is being done to babies and children these days. Just horrific to be injecting them with all that shit. Incredibly sad. I am 100% convinced that, indeed - zero vaccines - good health. Great post.

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Frances - one of my most heartbreaking and deepest regrets is blindly taking my children to the doctor and letting them get vaccinated. They were both adopted as infants and so they had already likely been jabbed (one born in '81, the other in '86) before they came home. I was completely ignorant of the danger. I grew up like most people in an allopathic world. I don't ever remember any holistic remedies being given to me as a child. Zero knowledge of the plants. Still, I made their baby food from scratch, so there's that, I guess. :) I did not know. And this is why I've been more understanding than I'd like to be seeing parents offering their children up to these shots.

I left allopathic medicine behind in my late forties when I got really sick. It eventually led me to healing holistically and going on to study Ayurveda, energy healing, herbalism, etc. I don't have a doctor and stay far away from drugs, tests, etc. Now, my adult children think I'm nuts and want nothing to do with the wisdom I've accrued. My daughter works in a hospital which just makes me shudder.

I began wising up to vaccines when I saw that they were taking exemptions away and I went into the rabbit hole. In January of 2020 I heard that little (Big) Voice say "They want to mandate vaccines for everyone." I proudly call myself an anti-vaxxer now, even though I'm late to the game. What a blessing for you, and your son, Frances, to have had this knowledge, this sixth sense, common sense, to see the danger in them. They are nothing but a needle-full of toxins. I'm sorry that your grandchildren are not so lucky. I want to cry every time I hear of someone I love having a hospital birth because I know what's going on there. And i agree with you about viruses. And 5G. Lol about Dr. PM and Dr. RM. Yes. xo

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I completely agree, I think you're SPOT ON.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Francis - I wish you were my mom and my kid’s grandmum. Seriously. My wife and I - we had to learn everything the hard lonely painful way. Our girl could really use a grandma like you. Oh how I wish we had one of you out here with us. My wife’s folks are gone back to spirit and mine are totes crazy and far away. Bless you for trying to stop the poisoning. We’re all just trying to detox and prevent the little ones from being poisoned. That is a lot of what living on earth right now consists of.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

When I was growing up we were given 3 shots plus the Sabin oral polio pill. And while most of us went through the rituals of Measles Mumps and Chicken Pox, the widespread immune disorders kids face today were non existent such as peanut allergy. As an adult, I’m rarely sick. What’s different?

Dr Paul Thomas is a hero. For simply sharing his findings about his own vaxxed vs unvaxxed patients, he medical license was temporarily removed and the media portrayed him to be a murderer.

Let’s face it Pharma is the face of the modern day corporate mob which tries to make us think about Sicilian or Russian gangsters but not the real crooks In academia, government and media.

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I don't have the privilege of parenting children but I don't vaccinate my cats after the first time my little Georgie as a kitten managed to sink his teeth, I've never been so proud, into the arm of the vet holding him by the scruff and sticking a needle in him, making him drop him and swear.

I'm also late to the medico Pharma complex having worked in the NHS for 25 years in brain stupor.

It's never too late to wake up to yourself and the fact that we have everything we need to be happy and healthy with here and now


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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

You are correct on every level! Keep talking! Hopefully a few will hear and be saved!

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I didn't question the vaccines until a weird episode at a well check when my twin boys were 9 or 10. The doctor made the claim that my sons had so many ear infections as babies "because we don't have a vaccine yet" and I looked at her sideways. Then she proceeded to tell me they needed the HPV vaccine. Because my children were in the room, I simply said, "No. You and I can talk about this later". We never did. A little later I found out about the pressure and money received by doctors offices by state and federal programs. That was the last time any of my children were near a vaccine. They are in their 20's now and did not take the jabs.

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Aha we now live in a tyrannical health dictatorship where you need 3 jabs just to go the shops but no worries it's all positive on the mental health of the nations - LMFAO

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