50 years ago I had the privilege of becoming a parent. I was 20 years old at the time and fortunate enough to have my grandparents around to provide me with some excellent advice.
The very idea of puncturing my perfect baby with a needle disgusted me at a deep level and I did not permit it to happen. I had been super careful to eat natural food, drink the best, cleanest water possible and keep up a very positive attitude. My grandmother recommended that I increase foods high in iron but generally, to obey my body’s demands. For me, this meant eating the greenest tart apples I could find every day and completely avoiding tea!
I had a wonderful, normal pregnancy but I did get huge and that frightened me a little bit. I was afraid that I would be unable to deliver this huge, wriggling individual, but my grandmother, who had birthed four babies at home, assured me that my body would only do what it was capable of and to trust it completely. Again, she insisted that a positive state of mind was essential.
When the day finally arrived I insisted that I wanted to breast feed, which was not ‘fashionable’ at the time. In fact, I was the only mother among sixteen at the maternity home who refused all drugs to dry up my milk. I was horrified about that at the time.
In those days, the early 70s, I was not harassed by health officials. I had one visit from a district nurse and that was all. Nowadays I hear that things are very different. Young mums are labouring under extreme pressure from health professionals to introduce foreign substances directly into their baby’s bloodstream. My own grandchildren have been vaccinated multiple times with everything on offer, because their mother is literally terrorised by the threat that, if she doesn’t obey the authorities, they have the power to remove her children from her care.
How is she supposed to keep up a positive attitude in those circumstances? The answer is obvious! She can’t, and it has negatively impacted her mental and physical health, to say nothing of the long list of allergies, ear infections, screaming nights she has endured when her four children are repeatedly impacted by the imposed vaccine schedule.
When I look at my grandchildren I see failure to thrive and it breaks my heart.
What can I do?
Truth is, there is nothing I can do.
I have seen the social workers in action and they are disturbing individuals who are very keen to impress upon me that I have no say, no rights and no importance in the care of my descendants. They may as well say “Sling yer hook, Grannie! We’ve got this family under surveillance!”
I don’t want to labour the point too much, but I was an ‘anti-vaxxer’ decades before anyone even dreamed up the term. Most other points I want to make about childhood vaccines are here, discussed by a good doctor in this video:
AUTISM, Brain Damage, etc! 100% Proof CHILD Vaxs cause every major disease. Dr’s Med license REVOKED
I hope I am not alone in being deeply unhappy about the way our precious babies are being treated. I also wonder if the present tendency to force more and more vaccines on the elderly is a way to sicken us so much that we STFU and crawl off to die ahead of our allotted time, so that we leave the authorities unchallenged to continue with their Human 2.0 agenda.
Adding this recent hearing here before listening. I will edit this comment later xx
"U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson led a roundtable discussion, COVID-19 Vaccines: What They Are, How They Work, and Possible Causes of Injuries, to shed light on the current state of knowledge surrounding the vaccine and the path forward. Medical experts and doctors who specialize in COVID-19 vaccine research and treatment joined Sen. Johnson at the roundtable."
I will say at the outset that I appreciate Sen. Ron Johnson but I despair that 5G is likely to have been overlooked as usual. Also I do not believe in the existence of viruses. I think they are misidentified exosomes which are particles of decaying cells on their way to be expelled. Hence, they are various and evolving, depending on the toxin which caused cells to decay in the first place.
Elementary, my dear Watson.
1) Initial observation: Doesn't Dr Peter McCullough remind you of Englishman Stan Laurel (1890–1965) from the famous comedy duo Laurel & Hardy? https://youtu.be/bHNPKkvcK38 (sorry! I will try to take him seriously, promise!)
2) As soon as Dr Robert Malone was announced, I winced. Controlled opposition operative, Malone should not be consulted in ANY capacity except to explain why he wants Fauci's job.
Well! I got to the end of that tedious waste of time and concluded that these people are tragically short of the mark. If only they would consider questioning viruses. They might start to get somewhere. If they were to realise that exosomes are created by decaying cells and are just a symptom of disease, they might think to look for the CAUSE of them.
Electro-magnetic radiation is a candidate for consideration that has correlated with the roll out of the vaccines. The fact that the entire team at that hearing failed to mention it spells - STOCKHOLM SYNDROME to me.
What a shame - no wonder they are all on the verge of tears. They are still a very long way from understanding what is happening.
Dear Frances. Great post. Being happy about events in 2022 is an oxymoron I think. We need a Grandmother’s Council. If we cannot trust our grandmothers then who? If we cannot trust ourselves the who? Praying our grandchildren (or someone’s grandchildren) find a way to survive.