Do you remember Trump's enigmatic tweet "Covfefe"? It was not a typo! It was a clue to the importance of Ukraine to the electronics and energy industries.
Cobalt is widely used in various industries due to its unique properties. It is a key component in rechargeable battery electrodes, particularly in lithium-ion batteries, which are crucial for powering electronic devices and electric vehicles. Additionally, cobalt is used in the production of super-alloys for gas turbine engines, where it provides high-temperature strength and corrosion resistance. These alloys are also used in hard-facing applications and for making parts that need to withstand extreme conditions.
See this patent for Fe−Co−V alloy (Iron-Cobalt-Vanadium): https://patents.google.com/patent/US6685882B2/en
This alloy has properties which make cold fusion possible!
Who is very interested in Fusion Energy and the Fusion Torch?
King Charles III
For my previous research into the royal interest in Fusion see: Terra Carta and Astra Carta
And China
Recent Reuters article about a new Fusion Reactor in China.
Ukraine has significant cobalt reserves, estimated at up to 9,000 tonnes. These reserves are located in nickel fields, with nickel and cobalt often being co-produced. Ukraine's cobalt deposits are primarily in the Kirovohrad and Dnipropetrovsk regions. Note that they are not in the parts of Ukraine which have been annexed by Russia.
The exact commercial viability and current exploration status of these deposits are either not known or hitherto undisclosed but open cast mining certainly chops up the land!
Let’s look at the other rare earth deposits in Ukraine:
Cobalt is particularly important in the petrochemical industry as a catalyst for removing sulphur and other impurities from crude oil, improving fuel quality and reducing emissions. In the medical field, cobalt is used in radiotherapy treatments and as a material for prosthetics like hip and knee replacements. Furthermore, cobalt-based blue pigments have been used for centuries to colour glass, ceramics, and paints, providing a distinctive blue hue.
Cobalt's magnetic properties make it valuable in the production of powerful magnets used in electric motors, wind turbines, and high-end audio equipment. It is also used in catalysts for the petroleum and chemical industries, and in the manufacture of cemented carbides and diamond tools. Cobalt's ability to maintain magnetic properties at high temperatures makes it valuable in magnetic recording applications, ensuring reliable data storage devices. Cobalt also contributes to specialized magnets such as samarium-cobalt and neodymium-iron-boron magnets, which are vital in electronics for components like sensors and actuators.
Cobalt is evidently indispensable across a wide range of applications, from electronics and energy storage to aerospace and healthcare.
President Trump was pipped to the post!
Did Sir Keir Starmer get the jump on Trump over the rare earth minerals in Ukraine?
Alex Krainer thinks so, citing the 100 year agreement made between UK and Ukraine in January 2025. Trump was just the last to know…. what is worse, today’s Lancaster House, London summit on Ukraine includes 19 world leaders, but Trump was not invited.
Live from London:
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A number of geopolitical writers and economists have been talking about this for a long time. The IMF or World Bank gives these "developing" countries loans with unfair terms--interest rates they cannot possibly keep up with. What development happens with borrowed money has to go into repaying the loan. Eventually when the developing country can't handle the interest payments anymore, "private Western" moneyed people extend private loans, collateralized by the developing countries' natural resources (IMPORTANT POINT), to allow them to continue struggling. When they finally cannot handle those second loans, the private investors demand payment in the form of ownership of the raw resources which leaves the developing country in indefinite servitude.
This is why Richard Wolff (and others) has been screaming at the top of his lungs for people to get the hell out of debt.
This is happening all over South and Central America. And this is the hole Ukraine finds itself in. They NEVER should have collaborated with the CIA. This is part of the play book that's been in position since before 2014. Well, since WWII, actually.
This past year I've read stories, Krainer is one of my favorite sources, about the desperate financial situation Britain is in and how the Bank of England, which is a private bank whose majority shareholder is one (or more) of the Rothschilds, and not a central bank, is going to demand payment on the $160 billion Ukraine owed BEFORE the war broke out. And I believe they extended further credit, collateralized by the rare minerals. Of course the US has invested heavily in bioweapons labs in Ukraine as well, and they for sure want possession of those.
The non-sustainability of these super computers has been an issue for years and years. One of my sisters-in-law has made a very well-paid career out of advising certain countries on how to make their computers more efficient. This technofeudalism that Varoufakis talks about is not possible without these minerals and super efficient super computers. This is of vital interest to the tech industry and owners.
Ukraine is not the only country in this situation. I suspect this is similar to the play they're going to try to make on all of us. Any farm family who sells their surface land knows NEVER to sell the mineral rights. That's a huge no-no. When I bought land, that's the FIRST thing I looked at.
This is the new form of capitalism. They don't have to control the foreign country. They just remove its inanimate resources. And use modern banking (AKA extreme usury) to do so.
The Technobillionaires need all these minerals. For one thing, their surveillance tech uses HUGE amounts of energy which they cannot support without these minerals.
In a way it's worse than the slave trade of the past because they are basically holding entire countries and entire regions of the world in servitude. No matter how affluent you are (with a handful of exceptions in the form of multi-billionaires), you are still tied to your country's economy.
This is why we need world-wide blanket debt forgiveness. It's the only way to have a future. The billionaire bros think they can live without the rest of us. They cannot. They suffer from severe neuro-deficiencies. OMG. If they think AI is going to save them from their own weaknesses, they have another thing coming.
So Rothschild, who can maybe keep the British economy floating for awhile, has first dibs on these minerals. It would make me laugh if it weren't so damned stupid.
Never trust the US. Never trust the UK either. And for sure never trust a Rothschild. They have been heavily involved in the Palestinian genocide as well. F a duck. What they are doing to the Palestinians, THEY WILL DO TO YOU.
Oh, by the way, the USAID was involved in pushing these loans, too, I believe.
Trump probably thought he might get something for nothing, and his pals have access to, or at least tie up those resources in international ambiguity/lawfare. So he took a shot. He would come out of the gambit with leverage for Europe or Russia. In the mean time people keep dying and the technology for war fighting evolves.