Listen closely to this»
0:00 Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough
- The real reason why HOT fusion breakthroughs are now allowed to be announced
- COLD fusion (LENR) is about to explode with investment and product offerings
- While cold fusion is DECENTRALIZED power, hot fusion is centralized and controlled
- Hot fusion requires users to be connected to the grid, where they can be monitored
- Cold fusion (LENR) will allow anyone to live entirely off grid and to recharge electric vehicles
- "Hybrid homes" will use a combination of LENR generators and high-efficiency batteries
- Both cold and hot fusion will result in cheaper energy, meaning cheaper FOOD
- Cheaper food means another population explosion
- This is why globalists are pushing rapid depopulation NOW, before energy and food get cheaper
I knew they were on the verge of announcing Fusion Energy.... King Charles III gave hints in his write-up in the Carta Terra document. This was why I wrote about it in Episode 8 of my Lymp Duhdashian fiction series. It was the only way I could get the info out without being censored or de-platformed at the time (1/11/2022). I also wrote about the Fusion Torch (still unmentioned by TPTB) in great detail and included further research links in the pinned comment.
Here is the original mention in my series:
The Health Ranger continues in his broadcast discussing:
32:07 Digital Currency System
- Bullies, digital dollar failure, curbing inflation
- ‘Mark of the Beast’ financial system
- Update on FTX and Sam Bankman-Fried, who was denied bail
- Binance withdrawals reach $3 billion in one day
- SBF charged with SEC violations and sued by CFTC
- SBF will likely be "suicided" by Feb. 7th to cover up Dem slush fund secrets
- SBF was arrested right before he could testify and expose the Dems for election finance fraud
- America has lost nearly an entire generation of young men to the crypto tulip bulb mania bubble
- Crypto is going through a DETOX phase to clean out the scammers and fraudsters
39:50 BRICS
- Copper prices set to skyrocket due to scarcity
- Electricity prices soar in the UK as cold weather arrives
- Russian sanctions are stupid
Mine was roadside generation, passing vehicles generating electricity but what I would have like is for the energy generated to go back into the communities that they were in, a social energy owned by the people and not a corporation. Don't think this would go down well with this government.