It would be very interesting to skylight the timing of the discovery of cobalt stores in Ukraine with the USA's invasion in 2014, in the person of Victoria Nuland, et al.. and $5,000,000,000 US tax payer dollars.

It reeks of the Britain, Denmark, Germany, Portugal and Netherlands interest in Africa, after similar 'mineral' finds were discovered.

It never really is about anything but unabashed wealth acquisition, is it.

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Hmmmmmmmm. Very Interesting.

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Imagine a world in which countries stopped fighting with each other and just agreed to trade with one another? *Supposedly* we all "need" all of these minerals, etc. Wouldn't it just be better to say, "Hey, we've got something you need, an you have something we need, let's trade!" The founders of America were well versed in this and that is why so many of them advised to trade, not get caught up in foreign entanglements, etc. One would think that in the 21st century we would have a handle on this stuff. Nope... humans have *not* "evolved" or changed. Human beings, when they are given power, almost always turn into monsters.

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I respect Chas. Freeman very much. Here is an interview with him on this subject.


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Covfefe explained ! Brilliant! Thank you!

Is this the hammer that could make a dent in TDS ( "tedious "đŸ¤ª )

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Wow, great sluthing! Gold, silver, rare earths, land, digital info and control, fiat - power via deceit. The formula of control by few of the masses. Rust never sleeps…

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The promise of the Singularitarians was that materials science and biotech would one day be able to produce all the mineral requirements by transforming raw materials directly into useful compounds with similar properties e.g. carbon nanotubes, graphene depending on scalability.

The promise of biotech was that you could plant a seed and a house of your choosing would grow out of it. Programmable matter is the dream and it may be possible within the timescale given by the dreamers (2035-2045) or it may stay just that... a sci-fi dream.

Another way that the resource problem pans out is that we end up continuing the journey into a majority virtual existence thereby reducing the need for massive resource pull for personal transportation and tourism. There reaches a point where we can't do everything, go down every path so we have to make a choice or someone somewhere will make the choice for us.

I see lots of people dropping out but they're usually still heavily dependent on the latest technologies and connectivity even if their travel needs may recede.

Fusion is now perpetually five years away as opposed to the previous perpetual 20 years. Progress!

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Thanks Frances. This Krainer video is quicker to get to the point, and clearer, I think: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tO7bhSRGhoI

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It'd be something if this scramble for the spoils turns out that these deposits are not as rich as claimed. This as some top geologists have ventured that these deposits are not as large or even as rich as claimed.

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They're getting desperate now.

The bigger the empire gets the more resources you need, the farther you need to go to get them while the return on investment gets weaker every time.

America looks like it's going through liquidation, a fire sale under the cover of greater efficiency. The parasites will probably leave and set up shop somewhere else.

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Yes, seems the US (deep in dept) is now beginning to jettison the less efficient and more costly sectors of empire. Falling back to Fortress North America, as envisioned in the 1933 with the Technocracy Inc movement. The implementation of large trading blocks before their amalgamation into one whole under the usual suspects auspices.

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A marine told me he wasn't sure why he was in Afghanistan. I showed him a wiki page "Mining in Afghanistan". Crickets.

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Oh shit.... did his hypothalamus twitch? Even just a tad?

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He did have some idea things were not right yes. In general these guys are action people, they act then think in general, not the reverse. Doesn't mean they are bad guys.

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But wait! There's more! Starmer has announced a Coalition of the Willing to send Troops to die in less than a day in Ukraine. Our Canadian PM, proud and out and free, is willing to send our young boys and girls over there to die. Macron says he'll send his French troops as long as there'll be a truce long enough so they'll be safe for long enough to get settled in. Macron will ask Putin for a truce and, but of course, being si charmant, Putin will agree. Oh the GENIUS!!

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đŸ™„đŸ˜‰ Oh? Well, that is alright then…. I s’pose…. đŸ™„

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Those Ruskies are shaking in their boots now!!

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Starmer's kink club can want the moon and stars and a birthday cake. They have exactly zero to offer. The British army has some 30,000 combat-effective ground troops. If they rallied at any decent football stadium they'd leave half the seats empty. So there won't be any British troops dumb enough to set foot in Ukraine. Especially not after Starmer made it plain that they'd be sent there so the Russians could drop bombs on them so the Americans would then be obligated (don't you see, old chap?) to come to the aid of whatever British troops survived for longer that 12 hours at most. This was Starmer's absolutely GENIUS scheme, absolutely SMASHING genius! SURE to fool Trump! You go to Washington and corner Trump on live TV Zelensky, there's a good boy. we've got your BACK, old friend!

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I bet there's a lot more in Greenland, and without war.

It will soon be an obselete market anyways, rare earth metals, which are not......like oil.

We now have server farms, the size of PC's today.

The $500 B dollar scam!

Holographics will replace phones and screens.

This will actually end the "fad" of technology......no more big rushes for the latest, anymore, a dying market, past it's peak.

Land is all that matters, REALl estate.y

Nano tech, will doom the planet quite soon, with the constant needed replenishment.

So eventually stopped.

Ukraine will be what it always has been, an arms bazzar, drugs and people trafficking country.

The old city of londons , bread and butter.

Uktaine is also useful due to illegal international experimentation laws, not enforced....

Great Article.

To kill each other, over stardust...

Who'd have thought it!



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AI was absolutely loaded with info about the rare earth minerals in Greenland. No wonder Trump wants to buy it.

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Thomas Moray I believe used cobalt to create a stand alone power source that powered half a city from a 50lb suitcase. He was killed.... I think. That was cold fusion clean electric back when? 30s 40s. Nevermind Teslas free energy devices. Electric motor powers a car alternator and creates 45A of free electric. All forms of power generation have been obsolete since the 30s

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Russia should hit The City of London, that is the place where every things wrong start ....Period

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I think they know that…..

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Black Rock J P Morgan invested 15 billion to rebuild Ukraine - Ukraine has 15 trillion in resources - kerching.

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Re building is not quite the same as constructing new mines though, is it?

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I feel there are two main reasons for any war population control and resource control the rest is surpifliary .

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