Aug 29·edited Aug 30Pinned

My article including the lost links to Deagel and how they compiled their statistical predictions:


Another stating "Astana (Nur Sultan) is a city waiting for its time to arrive…. it is going to be a major hub of the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative but until that is complete it is mostly used for international conferences. Looks like the Black Nobility have made some far reaching plans for their future lair, after they scarper from the City of London, Washington DC and the Vatican!"


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We knew that Britain had declared war on Russia and China when that mouthpiece, Liz Truss, gave her Mansion House speech, Easter of 2022.


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Did you know there’s a medical condition called microwave sickness that occurs from chronic exposure to wireless radiation that is below government limits and that 3-30% of the population suffer from it?


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I ve seen lots of fact checker dite saying russia never banned microwave, altho i found something official in 1976 i think about microwave ban. I still wonder tho, not the dangerosity of microwave, but the ban in russia thing…would you know? You near them compare to me

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Russia has tighter limits on microwaves. They have been benefiting from caution.


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They still believe in Pharma for what ultimate purpose in their framed future who knows.

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Apr 30Liked by Frances Leader

Oh yes, I think my body knows.

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RemovedMay 1
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May 1Liked by Frances Leader

The body knows it's being zapped by the symptoms. Some people have obvious symptoms, others don't. But whether we're aware of harm or not, everyone is affected. You can't walk into radiation and not be affected. But I am no expert, although I've learned a LOT in the past four years!

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RemovedMay 1Pinned
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May 1·edited May 1Author

Pole shift or reversal is expected imminently. Kazakhstan is unlikely to be affected by tsunamis, volcanoes and earthquakes. The economy, politics and lack of influence are precisely what makes Kazakhstan attractive to the totalitarians. It has huge untapped mineral resources and a minimum of population who might resent being robbed.

It is also at the far eastern edge of old Khazaria which is being reclaimed now that the USSR has collapsed and Russia is engaged in war in Ukraine. If you read my other articles about Khazaria all this makes sense. You can find them linked together here:


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https://rumble.com/v4wpcft-may-22-2024.html Ain't nobody ready.

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A pole shift meme -- natural or created by our raping of the Earth? Excessive and Extensive Mining of resources from the Earth during our supposed known history, and now these particle colliders around the planet. Questions many dare not ask or ridiculed for asking them.

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May 15Liked by Frances Leader

Natural phenomenon, well explained in this short video (9') :


The top leaders are most probably aware of this and prepare for its consequences.

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My problem with all of these videos is that it is based on data from corrupt institutions like NASA. They pass off many theories or manufactured stories as fact. I can't really trust this.

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Human activities are miniscule in comparison with the magnetosphere and cosmic forces. Don't let the globalists convince you otherwise!

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Sep 3Liked by Frances Leader


I recently came across your post about Astana being the new headquarters of the Black Nobility. I’ll comment on that here as I can’t find that piece. According to google maps, Astana is roughly the same distance from both the Vatican and City of London - it’d take you about 66 hours to drive there depending on your exact destination. It’s 6666 miles from the lasered down Lahaina Hawaii. It’s also about 6,666 miles (each area has a several km radius) from Astana to Tolosa Texas (A smart city being designed by Marc Lore, ex CEO of Walmart ecommerce and claimed serial entrepreneur) Elon Musk is also creating his own utopian city ‘project’ amazing near Bastrop texas. These 2 places could be 222 miles apart - depending on exact point. The City of Ise - Grand Shrine Japan would be about 3366 miles. Just a few examples of how new developments as well as important religious sites have interesting distances between them as well as in their latitude /longitude coordinates. Someone ought to apply the Star Fort analysis - zoomed out on these sites.

I started thinking about this after visiting Santa (Satan) village in Rovaniemi Finland. They have an onsite post office which stamps your postcard with 66N 33E.

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The Japanese proverb " The Nail that Sticks Out - Get's Hammered Down ". Some peoples life stories and some peoples minting press. Also the proverb " Birds of a Feather " 😉. On my third pc after 2 fritzen krigers and a hard drive. Starting to think ( Johnny Mneunoic LOW TEK 🤣 ) and keeping my cake hole zipped.

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Please brief yourself with an eschatological take on the destruction laid waste by the vaccine. As you know, Ed Dowd, former Blackrock portfolio manager and actuarialist-turned-whistleblower describes the UK's excess death as a black swan event, whereby a causation by the vaccines is proven by ten standard deviations. The violence done here is replete with the countless attacks on our infrastructure, a slow burn. Follow my post that documents the ascension of the Antichrist, based on another statistically impossible event, documented by Tim Cohen and Monte Judah, which indicates that "Charles, Prince of Wales" is the subject of Revelation 13:18. Cohen's Gematria calculation is true in both Hebrew and English, which is almost statistically impossible. Charles isn't a Jew, he's a minion of Satan, but that might satisfy some of your readers' blood lust. (No offense, Francis).


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I have seen Tim Cohen's many interviews and reviews of his book. I am also very aware of the fearmongering eschatology, Christian, Muslim, Jewish. I find it all to be brainwashing and horribly distorted.

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Bizzarre. Astana: "The Astanian climate posed a significant challenge, with a temperature range from 40°C in summer to -40°C in winter. The construction schedule also had to be extraordinarily rapid, the Palace needing to be complete in time for the second Congress in 2006. Together, these demands led the design team to develop a structural solution that utilises prefabricated components, which could be manufactured off site during the winter months and erected during the summer. Remarkably, the entire process, from briefing to opening was completed in just twenty-one months..."


h/t: FreemanTV has his angles, but predictive programming is always around us.... As he's says in a round about way -- could we be seeing the increasing battle of the old world order and the rise of overt power the new technocratic elite?

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Serious Stuff. Wrapped in with Alison MacDowell's research they appear far ahead of their plan. Is our Toytown Poundbury Monarch architect even relevant anymore?

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May 5Liked by Frances Leader
May 6Liked by Frances Leader

I don't know how I managed to sign back on but I'll take advantage of this while I can :)

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May 6Liked by Frances Leader

Frances, I had a dream during the equinox when I was told to contact you.

Have you got something which can help me acquire a Cintamani (Chintamani) stone, please?

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Sorry to have bothered you. Bye.

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You did not bother me. I am happy to answer your questions. Please try to bear in mind that I am in the UK and do not spend my every waking moment monitoring my Substack account.

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Thanks but not that. I meant a real Cintamani stone, as described in:


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I am sorry but I do not know anything about that. Logic would suggest that in 1952, when the Chinese invaded Tibet, the monks and Dalai Lama, rather than risk a dangerous journey to India, might have gone to Shambala if they had known that it existed and how to get there. Legends like these do not die, apparently, even though events reveal that they are lost in time.

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May 6Liked by Frances Leader


U.K. Safe Locations

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May 3·edited May 3Liked by Frances Leader

I just read this book (pdf online) which explains in great detail why the Holocaust was made possible by, indeed, the Zionists. "Zionist Relations With Nazi Germany" by Faris Yahya (Beirut 1978, 80 pages). They did the dirty work for the nazis, and prevented attempts that could have saved the lives of millions of Jews.

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@thewordherder I know we're all busy surviving but if you have time https://archive.org/@19331936239/uploads all decent stuff by me ( but may not be decent IYHO )

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If so, it’s not the vax or 5g (those are merely control preps IMO), but this occurs much earlier than projected:


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May 1Liked by Frances Leader

There is also an Asteroid named Apophis heading toward earth in 2029. If it hits, it will be time to "bend over and K.Y.A. good-bye". Nothing else will matter.


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Yes! I have been watching those issues too. Thanks for mentioning them here!

Do you think these matters are ignored by the media to prevent panic?

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May 2Liked by Frances Leader

Absolutely! Panic=chaos=no control. I believe there are two (opposing) forces that determine (dictate?) human behavior: Love and Fear. Keeping people dumbed down; drugged up and over-whelmed with conflicting information (I could go on and on) is one way to control the masses.

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Good read Frances will be linking it tomorrow @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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May 1Liked by Frances Leader

You've given us so much to think about again, Frances. Thank you - I think!

The image of St Paul's prompted me to look for a dome as a symbol of power and authority in Astana to complement the ones in London, The Vatican and The District of Columbia - and here it is:


Mind you, not difficult to find a dome in a (mostly) Islamic country, I suppose!

What does "B.A.R." in "Temple B.A.R." stand for, please? I have often wondered.

I understand what you mean when you say that the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) "peaked" in 2008; but I think 2007/8 was only re-enforcing the foundations. The real GFC still lies ahead in my opinion - and probably not far ahead at all, unfortunately. It's looking like the Japanese yen is about to hyper-inflate, with all the other currencies doomed to follow it in quick succession :(

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B.A.R. = British Accreditation Registry. All lawyers in the world are registered either directly at the Temple B.A.R. or indirectly via a subcontracting national organisation.

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May 1Liked by Frances Leader

I guess that would explain why they're all a buncha jerks.

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May 1Liked by Frances Leader

Another veil lifted, another dot collected. Thanks once more, Frances.

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