UPDATE: 20TH JAN 2024 - 04.50am British time.

S'me! Still alive and fierce!

I am particularly feisty lately. I have zero patience with the No-Virus Kindergarten as some of you may have observed on Notes. It is not that I believe in viruses because I definitely do not.

No. The thing that is driving me wild with rage is the fact that the kiddies who claim to be all shades of 'front-line' wouldn't know what it is really like to be on the front-lines of activism because all of them are keyboard warriors with zero history in the resistance.

I am sick to the hair ends of witnessing them claiming that establishing the lack of a virus is the be-all and end-all of our modus operandi. After four years of reading their repetitive self aggrandisements and waiting for them to catch me up by realising that, if it ain't an effin virus, it must be something ELSE which is making people (vaxed or unvaxed) extremely unwell.

I have produced two fat archives of material, articles, studies, books and videos from all parts of the world pointing out that our woes began when Wuhan switched on 10,000 5G towers and dished out millions of 5G ready phones. https://francesleader.substack.com/p/all-my-substack-articles-on-emfc19

I have categorically stated that this thing named Covid19 is not a biological illness but is, in fact, a technological one.

Whenever I do, I get smart-arsed shills trying to gaslight me and I give them a verbal slap around the bonce. I have had to block quite a few of them.

Since I suffered the weird tummy upsets my patience with these half-witted numpties has vanished. I have sworn at them, cursed them up and down and generally entertained myself pointing out that they are all a shilling short of a quid.

I also make a HEAVY point of letting them know that while they are in denial THEY are responsible for every death and moment of suffering that is occurring among us all and all other living things.

I am not giving an inch.

Meanwhile, I have been getting over whatever that episode was all about and can report to you, my subscribers, that I am not in pain now and am able to go about my day as well as can be expected.

I am still taking the D-Mannose (birch sap extract) and a couple of Senna tablets every day but I have it down to a very low maintenance dose now. I drink plenty of distilled water, cranberry juice, apple juice and have re-introduced a cup of coffee occasionally without any difficulties.

I have received my EMF protection hoodie in a very fetching shade of bright red, because from 10th February 2024, I will be in my 6th cycle birth year of the Dragon and red is recommended as the ideal colour to be wearing - according to Feng Shui.

I am looking for a new red swim suit so that I can go to the local gym and get me some swimming/jacuzzi/steam/sauna treatment. I figure if the life guards see a big red whale lying on the bottom of the pool they might notice me quick enough to save what is left of my life!!

My mobility scooter is red anyway so I am all prepped for a full year of attention to restoring my health.

Thanks a lot for all the kind suggestions and prayers. I felt so humbled by your kindness, really I did. As you can see I did take up some ideas and I particularly want to thank Mr and Mrs Awkward, Mrs S and Christina Gerrard for really putting themselves out in such a caring way.

ONWARDS? Well, I reckon so, don't you? Big hugs! 💚💙💜

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Jan 26, 2024
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What an appropriate question, which is unanswerable, of course. That is a good short video to add here though! Thanks! xx

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UPDATE: 17TH JAN 2024 - 17.30PM British time.

Hi everyone!

I am still waking up pre-dawn in pain and nauseous. I am taking a maintenance dose of cranberry juice, apple juice, D-Mannose (birch sap extract) and Senna. I have managed to resist the temptation to continue taking the opioid, Co-codamol because I don't like to use any P-Harma products at all.

I have continued to eat very sparingly i.e., one egg, one slice of bacon chopped up in mayonnaise on thin corn cakes for breakfast and a small meal in the evenings, about half the volume of food I would normally consume. I indulge in a couple of squares of good quality dark chocolate for the magnesium and zinc that I need to keep the hand and leg cramps at bay.

I am still experiencing sudden narcolepsy without warnings throughout my waking day and my eyes feel as if the liquid in them is a type of acid, burning and forming white gunk which dries into sharp crystals attached to my skin or eyelashes. I can barely tolerate the light from my screen and I have dark mode activated at all times, everywhere.

The 'narcos' are always accompanied by lucid dreaming or astral travel. I am visiting places that I used to love - like my home in Spain and the beaches at Durdle Door and Jaywick Sands. I am happy during the periods of unconsciousness, no nightmares so far.

The swelling in my legs and feet continues to go up and down without any sort of pattern but I think that keeping my feet up helps a bit.

I always have my bare feet on my grounding plate when I am writing online so that any excess unwanted positive ions have a good clear exit from my chi channels.

My darling son, Dan, is doing his best to nudge me awake when he notices silence from my room but he tends to sleep during the day because his online social circle consists of computer coders in the USA and Canada, so he defers to their normal timetable which tends to run between our 2pm and 6am the following morning.

In other words we are like ships passing in the night!

Our electrosmog detector is now showing a consistent red diode indicating much more intense electro-magnetic radiation within our home despite all our efforts to a) find a place which was very low in EMFs two years ago and b) is devoid of WiFi or smart devices.

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I'm pretty sure a lot of us are being purposely targeted with 6 -7 - & possibly 8G frequencies to cause severe illness symptoms. I believe we have been singled out for many years for various reasons. Same men in charge of all of us. A huge number of special ops police & psyops military are part of a special unit working with 77th brigade. xx Detective Superintendent Brian Quinn (particularly sadistic Scotsman) of special ops cyber intel MET police is one of the top dogs in charge of these ops & hounds me daily, everywhere... along with retired Chief Super Russell Whitfield who was originally in Brighton until retiring early in 2012 to take up position of head financier for this group of predators, but has resided in Abbergavenny Gwent area of South Wales since 2014 with his wife Jayney, who is also keen on torturing people...

Then there is Gary Taylor of RNAS Culdrose Helston Cornwall, who heads up a nasty group of 'wank bank' enthusiasts there on the military base who like displaying women & children on private money making websites via their milimetre wave tech! Gary Taylor is a multi millionaire property owner... earned his money torturing us all for over 25 years. He owns loads of properties in Cornwall & abroad, plus at least one full sized yacht. Not even an officer in the Navy but just ordinary rank.... no rich family either. Im friends with his ex wife! She knows what he does for his extra funds. He likes to install pinhole cams in his properties to spy on his tenants to upload the footage captured live 24/7 to the'wank bank' websites.... Every victim of this voyeuristic nightmare has their own webpage & fan base... making these bastards millions a year. I have them on tape discussing it all & ME! & my daughter.

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I will call you Saturday..... I know whats going on with you & this narco & the dreams etc. Also the eyes, the crystals, burning & sensitivity... You NEED to get a pair of Refelctacles...pronto! You will notice the difference immediately. I did. The led bulb in your lamp & the albeit little amount of blue light emitted by your pc screen is activating the shit in your eyes... Get incandescent bulbs from ebay. They are cheap. you can get a box of 10 for around £12. Led is a silent killer for us all & our pets & children.... We are hit with it everywhere, even from sources we don't realise...xxxxxxxx

I've tested this & am 100% certain. Even the led lights in car dashboards are affecting peoples eyes.... making people squint whilst driving & squint whilst using their computers & phones & tablets! Its the graphene & shit being activated in our eyes by the leds & blue light emissions. Its how this is activated.. through he eyes. We have to have them exposed each moment we are awake to enable us to function..... otherwise we cant see anything... Its the perfect weaponisation system! Remember the bulb I brought up to yours last week that came out of my bedroom here on campus? Dan looked at it then put it into your lounge light socket. Within seconds it made me feel really sick & gave me an instant head throb.... even Dan said it was enormously bright & emitting far too much blue light... it has a chip inside it! That bulb is the only one like it installed in the 7 cottages on this part of the campus & it was put in my bedroom before I moved in last September! All other bulbs were weaker & without chips inside ... I replaced all of them with incandescent bulbs a few weeks after moving in due to feeling so ill all the time & my dog got constant ear issues a few days after we moved in...

Your lungs are not emphysemic.... you have to be xray'd to diagnose that & its obvious to the radiographer due to unmistakable shadows.... you have had no such tests...they are bullshitting you to hide the targeting. Just like they did to me from 2017 to 2019 until I proved what they were doing! Then all symptoms stopped overnight! lungs cleared of mucous & its never come back. Doctor refused to discuss it with me until I threatened to sue him, then he hastily resigned from surgery along with senior partner! Ive really been rattling their cages. We will beat them my friend. People need to know about the medical deceptions used to cover up targeting. Doctors know exactly what is going on... lots have had their university debts paid off for aiding & abbeting these crimes against humanity.... I have a post to write about this particular crime... remind me not to forget to do it. Ive made 3 doctors & 1 vet suddenly resign now due to my investigations & evidence!

xxxxxxxxx get some reflectacles please. & some incandescent bulbs woman!xxx

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OK. On it xx

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I woke up breathing! A blessing, but I feel nauseous and pained but hey, wtf else do I expect after pissing off the Nobs for my entire life?

It would be nice if I could let them know how sorry I feel for them! For all their wealth and power, who really loves them? Who will miss their sorry arses when they finally succumb to the reaper?

What will the world have to remember them by? Just more of the same injustice, struggle and misery?

How valuable is a mountain of treasure, if it cannot feed a starving child?

Given my time all over again, I do not regret taking on the Nobs and exposing their soft underbelly.

I do regret that I fed their beast with my vital energy in order to pierce through to the heart of their nerve centre. It would have been less hard on my conscience if I could have done that without supporting their sick system, but hey! I was just one autonomous mum, defending her child from the rapists and thieves.

Nowadays that child defends me like a Rottweiler while coping with a world that is even more unpleasant than the one I challenged.

Who will love him and defend him when I am gone? Will he have to stand alone with only an archive of words and some knackered old chattels as his legacy from me?

It is with these thoughts that I have no choice but to trust this Universe to shelter him in the same way that it did me. Trust providence, trust unseen holy spirit(s) to know what is the rightful destiny and to guide him towards it.

Life is so unfathomable, so profound but so delicate and precious….. we really should appreciate it more as we blunder onwards in the hope that wherever we are going it will be glorious when we get there and we will be all together as one.

Utred glimpses Valhalla in the final scene of the series: youtu.be/70BanKgaBXk

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I had this thought just a few minutes ago, before seeing this post, that none of them will really have learnt anything in their time here. Even if we put aside the emotional aspect - where they will obviously have failed miserably - they won't have had any expertise, any in-depth knowledge, even any academic knowledge. They will have studied nothing. All this stuff will have been delegated away to their minions because they think they're above it. They get left with knowledge only of usury and exploitation, with probably some cruelty thrown in. What use is that?

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Have you got an hour or so? Listen to Max Igan talking about the WAY OF THE WARRIOR in the latter part of this video. He says he is talking in tangents but to me THAT is the gold of Max, the bits worth hearing above all the news clips!


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I've just watched that, and enjoyed it. Thanks. It also removed doubts I'd had about Max being controlled opposition. I still think someone must have told him that Australia was finished, but that doesn't put him on the wrong side. I loved the little sketch at the end. Anti-Jupiterite. LOL. 😂🤣 This is the problem with having the same God. I wonder where he comes from? I've actually got no idea of the answer to that.

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Trust me to have an answer.... effin smart arsey woman, that I am!

See this note: https://substack.com/@francesleader/note/c-47422216

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Hi, Still catching up but this is such a sad turn of events and hope it passes quickly or has passed, you can get aluminium free food grade sodium bicarbonate from https://wholefoodearth.com/search?q=sodium and organic evening primrose oil might help with head pain, the best magnesium I take is the Clive De Carle blend https://clivedecarle.com/ I had previously tried another brand with the same ingredients as it was a bit cheaper but it did nothing and re-ordered from Clive and what a difference, totally recommend it, I joined the secret health club https://clivedecarle.com/secret-health-club/. I know you will do everything in your power to stay healthy and safe, I send on positive thought's & big X 2 YOU Frances. Be well. Respect & X 2 All

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You are a long way behind.... you should skip to the present Dave!

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I really had no idea who I was dealing with with you. you really have been around the block so to speak. I'm so sorry for the pain that you're going through- you don't deserve it

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I have the pain under control now. It is the narcolepsy which is proving to be OTT atm.

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It would have been amazing to actually meet and talk with him. Your encounter wouldn't surprise me after reading some of your recent blogs and reading his headstone in the graveyard nearby his home. You are deep into a lot of issues and events, it's great you can handle so much. Herbs are magical along with mushrooms and friendly bacteria. Pharma just released a report that N acetyl cysteine (NAC) is more effective at reducing pain than opioids. No wonder they want it off the market. It has long been considered a drug, just like niacin. So far in the US it's still readily available and inexpensive.

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Frances, I am praying for you for God’s healing! I will pray in my unsophisticated and child like way and try not to fall asleep, but if I do it’s ok because Almighty God knows what’s in my heart and on my mind and he will protect and heal you! After all you are one of his most beautiful creations❤️

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Thank you Joni xx

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Years ago read the Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine- what a wonderful way, Lived in West Finchley, London for a short time and longer in Brightwell cum Sottwell -near the home of Dr. Edward Bach. England can be very hostile if you don't fit in right. Somehow I was targeted in London a few years ago and awoke with a red burn circular spot (no pain or bleeding, just raw red skin showing through) right between the eyes. I bought a train pass and needed a picture id and have a clear picture of it. It is now a white circle of scar tissue. My wife thought it really strange since we don't know how - appearing in the morning. EMR targeting is insidious, but now everyone is. With the new 5G the government in the USA have authorized 3,000 new band widths. These are able along with 2G, 3G, and 4G address the Internet of things. 6G is to address the Internet of Bodies in a specialized manner and 7G to address the world of Quantum. The military has been the major financial force of development using wireless industry to aid outcomes. Just to let you know I sell RayGuard products in the USA and am not using this to create sales but awareness. Also, my main website is the MedicalFreedomAmendment.org and you might find my most recent blog there interesting. I live remotely to stay alive. Look forward to reading more of your posts. Best wishes, Michael

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Please don't think I'm being picky or pedantic, but "bandwidth" is always one word. I just don't want people to mark you down a notch, or dismiss what you're saying, because of it. (And, yes, it is the kind of thing I have done, habitually. 😂😂)

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Thanks, One of a multitude of errors- I once wrote pink pudding was a desert.

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Hmm, wow! Dr Edward Bach and I have had a close encounter of the Ouija board kind. He told me to persist with Herbal medicine even though the UK government was making the import of certain vital herbs illegal at the time. He signed himself off as Ted. I find that experience very hard to forget because I was only an observer in the room and not directly involved with the board.

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First time to read your substack. Thank you for sharing your experience and pray for your health and welfare. Seems the world continues to surprise as we watch a catastrophe emerge on the horizon. There doesn't seem to be much room left for even choice. Andrews Liver Salts saved my gut years ago. Baking soda in small amounts helps to change your pH which is everything to our electric systems. pH is potential hydrogen. Hydrogen is the electrical molecule found in water including all of its stages- liquid, gas, solid and gel. Within the mitochondria, the energy source of the body we find water as a gel that provides along with magnesium, potassium, calcium and ribose an amazing interchange that keeps everything functioning. When the pH shifts wrongly in either direction all hell breaks loose and disease, inflammation and energy wildly react within the biological system. confuses the body that is always seeking health and often overwhelms it. How to reduce the onslaught of spikes of electrical energy destroying our systems, how to help our defense system to protect our pH and thereby the electrical flow that enables healing. My mantra is "I don't have to be sick. I am well." Supplementation is necessary, dietary choices imperative, and movement required. Sleeping long hours is the body trying to rebuild and rewire and find solutions. The body is our temple and our full existence. There are aids, not solutions, only aids for we are the solution. Some quick suggestions: L-carnosine, turmeric/bromelain, high vitamin D (really high always including K2), Vitamin A again high, N-acetyl cysteine, Pau d'Arco, Mushrooms, Vitamin C (very high with magnesium), Fiber ( produces bile and aids elimination and movement of hormones to glands), Probiotic ( especially acidophilus, bifidus and bulgaricum). homeopathic remedy of 30C hypericum and 30C Arnica, Enough for a new start. Best defense for EMF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60qFcNk8XCA and meditation in the countryside, in a valley or along the oceans edge. You are a force and a beautiful one. Peace, Michael

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I prefer to seek out natural sources of vitamins and minerals. I am a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, so I do know the value of (and incorporate in my regular organic diet) bicarbonate of soda, magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins in general and probiotics. I like Pau d'Arco too. I live in rural Dorset and meditate all the time. The narcolepsy seems to be facilitating that beyond my normal needs!

Thankfully I am able to function without opioids again, having managed to kick-start my static digestion. I am curious about what triggered the halt in the first place and suspect that I have been targeted with a microwave or electro-magnetic radiation.

If you knew me better and had read much of my work over the recent decade you would know why I am a possible candidate for nefarious attention. You would also be confident in my ability to self-heal and pass on my discoveries to others, as I am doing in this post.

I am very intrigued by the RayGuard products and include a shopping site which operates here in Europe. I will take a closer look tomorrow. Thank you for the recommendation!


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Blessings to you for healing Frances !

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For being bunged up try taking lots of Vitamin C, the only known side-effect that I have read about is to make your "stools loose". When this happens you know your Vitamin C level has maxxed out.

Basically take it until it works.

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I won't use supplements but I am drinking a lot of pure (and very expensive) Cranberry Juice and using pure Senna tablets which definitely help a lot. I still am reluctant to eat much.... which is worrying my son. Every time I eat I feel full and bloated even though I have been very careful to exclude grains soaked in glyphosate. I have restricted dairy now too.

The D-Mannose you recommended got to work immediately, so thanks a lot for that suggestion!

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I use this Vitamin C powder:


Nothing added (unlike tablets) just 100% powdered ascorbic acid.

Don't take nay notice of the allergens bit in the ingredients tab - that is on absolutely every item on their website as it is from somewhere that may handle all these things so it's a cover your arse thing..

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Your kindness oozes all over my posts, Mr Awkward. Thank you so much for checking in on me, much appreciated! xx

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Some of the managers I gave a right bollocking to today will be thinking a bit differently though.

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Oh Frances, my heart goes out t you. Glad u hv given scalar a go. I was going t suggest any of the quantum entanglement offerings which hv free trials and you can turn on and off. Leela Q or FLFE. I hv tried both. The FLFE is at 570 on Hawkins and am feeling its peace. As I am very well, its healing effects will be there but not noticeable! They trial fr 15 days. If you contact them with yr story, they may be able t do more? Much love Alethea in NZ

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I am waiting for Christina's report when she has used her Scalar Wave device for a fortnight or so. If she has positive things to say then I will buy the same one she has. It is available in the UK here:


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You can get Epsom Salts on Amazon and eBay. I've got two links for you and I could have sworn the Ebay one was £18 for 25kg when I looked about a fortnight ago but now seems to be close to £25. I used to pay £18 for 25kg for the Hexeal brand o Amazon but they arbitraily pushed up their price to £25 as Covid started.

You have to be very careful with Epsom Salt prices as they rocket up in smaller qtys. I once calculated that if I bought 25kg at the pro rata price my local pharmacy was charging I would have had to pay over £300! Put a cupful or two in your bath and soak as long as you can. That will certainly give you enough Mg. It also gets rid of some of those possible EMF effects like needles in the skin or hot patches/burning. Do it every day for a fortnight and it should be gone. I also drank it when I had some but I understand you don't want to do that.

The eBay one is free delivery too and may be quicker than the 22nd/23rd being quoted to me at Amazon. Btw, these are just as pure as in the smaller packets. And if, like me, you think it's a terrible waste for it to go down the drain, you can put it on your plants afterwards. The soap probably won't matter, I shouldn't think. If you're worried then the grass. 😂😘



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It is the combination of the three salts in Andrews Liver Salts that interest me, Christian. I am very curious why that product is missing from our shops after so many years of popularity. This would suggest some efficacy, surely?

I found a 250 gram pack on Ebay and ordered it.

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Could it be because they are absolute bastards and mean to kill us by any means possible? 😂😂 Seriously, though, they really do appear to have the knives out and death is the policy. They mean to see this cull through. Everything that could remotely do you good is disappearing or going up in price, usually sharply. Recently, in that mental chatter we have with ourselves, I keep coming back to the ideas of either "They're just born bad." or "They aren't human and they want us all gone."; ie. that there's a complete separateness that we can do nothing about because those were the initial conditions. Usually I have a very generous view of the human race and don't actually believe they are normally evil at all - only when pushed to survival mode or when being traumatised (which is now just about all the time nowadays) - so it's odd that I recently have this group who one can do nothing about and who are inherently uncorrectable. Unfortunately this leaves us at that impossible to know place of "Are there different species?", "Are there underground rulers?" and all sorts of other questions we can waste our brain energy on. Good morning anyway! 😘

PS. I found my emojis - in the Windows touch keyboard 😁

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See this convo - https://francesleader.substack.com/p/a-conversation-between-two-wylde?sd=pf.

I think that the Black Nobs have deliberately isolated themselves, distorted themselves generation upon generation via cruel childrearing techniques AND, above all, controlled the future generations with Last Will and Testaments which make demands (on pain of death) which insist that the fondi of wealth is perpetuated and the 2,000 year plan is followed to the letter.

The truth of this was borne out by the suspicious death of a depressed Rothschild son who expressed a desire to be 'normal' - he died of a slit throat. Not just disinherited but disowned and destroyed before he could do any damage.


Also more recently- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amschel_Rothschild committed suicide in a deep depression.

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"if they do achieve immortality as they seem to be seeking, there will be SO many souls hungering for their blood they'll all be haunted the rest of eternity."

What a stellar, brilliant, thought! That's piquant and delicious at the same time. Off the charts good! 😍😍

I'm completely with her on the whole first section.

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I knew about the second one and had always wondered about him. Nice hotel, The Bristol. ;) I didn't know about the first. That's extraordinary that a son of probably the richest man in Britain, the original founder of NM Rothschild, should commit suicide. Sure they would have been well-off already, but this is the guy who won the de facto ownership of the Bank of England; the original UK Rothschild.

I'd never heard of the will thing before. How do the children know about this before they die and the Will is read? Surely they can do damage before then? Mind you, even at my humble level, I often get the feeling there was a meeting I wasn't invited to, that would have made all this clearer and not kept me so much in the dark. And not the Freemasons either, because I did get that enquiry. I didn't know what it was about, and wasn't much interested, and just said "Nah, not my thing." LOL. 😂🤣😂 I can't believe how little I knew at that point - so, probably the meeting that would have been before that invitation. 😂🤣

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The details of the impending Will would not have been known by the descendants prior to the death of a parent BUT the bones of the required obedience would be rigidly understood and impressed upon the progeny. On the lines of - do as you are told or you will be disinherited at best, suicided at worst.

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I guess so. I'll have to think this through because I'm not sure that covers a child who wants to tear the whole thing down - probably in public.

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You are certainly going through the wars Frances, looks like your getting plenty of good advise from good people.

All I can offer you is this for your troubled waters, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G-YQA_bsOU I think I've sent it to you before but good at reducing stress when you get 5mins, hope it helps in some small way.

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MUCH love coming from Western WA, USA... More than usual, so-- TONS!!

You are a HERO, my friend. And you are, like all the rest of us, immortal in some way we may or may not fully understand.

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