ALSO! I got a mention during the Richie Allen Radio Show yesterday (19th Jan 2023) It is all about a challenge in the courts re: 5G. Sean Carney (bless him!) pointed out my efforts on Substack!
In reply to my message, a very kind person provided me with a link to Dr Sam Bailey chatting with another British campaigner, Eileen O'Connor on the subject of non-ionising radiation.
I'm sorry r that this will not be good news. But, did you know that all sorts of things in your house create EMF? Dimmer switches, battery chargers, fuse boxes, transformers, back up power supplies, flourescent lights, LED lights, air conditioning units. And wiring in your walls. Whenever a current flows through a wire it creates a magnetic field around that wire which has no problem passing through a wall. And it can extend out for 3 feet.
All this radiation can disrupt sleep. We know that during sleep the body heals itself. When I go to bed I put my turned off cell phone in its Faraday cage. I do keep a fan running on low to shield me from noise but it's 6 feet from the bed. I have no night lights (lack of darkness can inhibit melatonin production). I'm in the process of swapping out all LED bulbs in the bedroom to halogen or incandescent. And the headboard is lined with metal and foil tape on the side next to the wall to block EMF. Even with all these precautions I still sometimes struggle with waking in the night and can't get back to sleep for a while. I find a good fast 30 minute walk after dinner improves my sleep patterns.
Nothing you say is news. After 8 years of research I think I understand the topic rather well now. The list of things which emit electro-magnetic radiation is very long. I have written several articles explaining ways to mitigate their impact.
So glad we're on the same page! As your list of articles is very long, would you be so kind as to refer me to ones that explain how to mitigate the impact of EMF?
Of course I do! My readings are off the charts. I have an Acousticom so the signals are presented as LEDs and sounds. The cacophony of pulsing, crossed frequencies is horrendous.
hey Fran,,, someone is reading your articles because your Substack and Name was mentioned on Thursday's Richie Allen show . Interview was with someone from Action against
Thank you! I have applied to Twitter for my account to be restored but they are ignoring my pleas. There has never been any explanation given to me. I think that my opinion that 5G = Covid19 is the MOST taboo thing we can say atm. Twitter is still censored. Lone Skum did not provide an 'amnesty' for everyone who was summarily banned provided that they had committed no crimes. It has all been a publicity stunt.
One of many taboos, unfortunately. I'm still banned too & yet I'm just a lil nobody activist. Who also posts controversial truths, however, that the big baddies don't want folks to know. I'm sure that Twitmo has a glossary of "unapproved words" they use in order to censor folks.
Yes....same re. my @EccEveryday account with its 44.4K tweets and 1000s of followers -- I tweeted to LS and did not receive a revival of that account. Considering that he is the one committing crimes, and Twitter is set up to shadowban and disappear Truth from the most avid Tellers of it, I guess there is not much hope there. It is a limited platform with a certain amount of connectivity to the rich and famous but that seems to be it. I need to find better social media to gravitate to -- maybe Gab or Gettr.
Re. 5G and COVID-19, we must remember also that 19 spells AI: Nanotech AI via hydrogel/aerogel-- has been used since the mid-90s to aerosol all of us into AI'd zombies, in addition to insertion in vaccines -- this stuff clogs brains and lungs and causes respiratory harm along with 5G and 4G, 3G, 2G even--hence the spate of "viruses" all through the 90s, 2000s, and currently. COVID and all respiratory illnesses stem from that--it's the way they've been building their global hive mind and supercomputing-AI connectivity to humans (and everything else) for a long time, I suspect. Detoxing continuously is the only way to recover our humanity.
Yep. The so-called "viruses" are actually physically damaging agents, including EMFs, poisonous toxins & carcinogenic chemicals., all affecting our electro-magnetic body. We all see that the so-called C19 vaxx has increased cancers/tumors as well as the many neurological diseases & heart/organ etc failures. Died suddenly is a sick reality.
And even full off-the-grid detoxing is not possible since there are long-range HAARP weapons also. We are all just stink-bugs in a sci-fi controlled experiment to squash us.
The dumped Pfizer docs show horrifying evidence of the official, global, pre-planned C19 corp/govt criminal intent/ conspiracy & deliberate, malicious medical slaughter of people world-wide. The factual documents, reports & videos show criminal conspiracy but it seems that none of our govts or institutions will actually debate this even now.. Follow Naomi Wolf at her substack & at her daily clout for more info on the incriminating internal Pfizer docs. And God help us all.
You make fair points there! I have an account on GETTR but it is very America-centric. You may like it better than I do. I keep meaning to get onto GAB but am obsessed with writing my autobiography and Lymp Duhdashian series on Substack atm. That takes a lot of my time and energy these days.
I hope you have written up your recent brush with the mental health nutters.... I want to see that!
Excellent work! And an immediate "Save" for me so that I can come back and pour over this important research a bit more (when I'm not supposed to be working 😉)
Hope Dr Sam replies to you, or makes a follow-up video on this topic. I too have thought the importance of EMF has been largely overlooked - especially within the so-called "truther" community, and even within the "no-virus camp". Although more people seem to be cognizant of it, I just don't think they truly comprehend the significant impact this is having on biological life.
Do you have a post on things you can do to protect from EMF? I could have sworn you did.... ill try to dig more later after work.
I have covered protection a few times but usually as recommendations attached in comments after writing articles. Maybe I should devote one article entirely to that topic to collate information on one place. Thanks for the suggestion.
I look forward to it 😊 i am still newish on this topic of research and have stumbled on a few sites that offer products - usually the price is high, which i wouldn't mind necessarily if I knew they worked. Its hard to skim through all the bullshit sometimes and I dont want to get screwed. Sadly, I just don't know enough about it to know what I should be looking for.
Would also be interested in seeing studies for these products (with a control 😉) if you happen to have any.
I'll continue to keep an eye out and peruse through your prior research in the meantime.
Yes, you have hit upon my reason for not writing about products. I simply have had no experience of any of them due to their outrageous expense or impracticability. For example, I hear that we should line all our walls, floors and ceilings with aluminium foil which needs to be wire-grounded with a rod sunk at least 3 feet in soil. I can't do that! I rent from a housing association and such major works would not be acceptable to them.
I have seen the silver-threaded bed canopies (eye-watering prices) and, like you say, we need to know if they actually work before shelling out so much money.
I have an aluminium foil lined hat which I put on when I feel the pressure in my head/ears. That cost next to nothing and definitely does work.
I also have an Electrosmog meter with which I monitor my environment. In the two years that I have lived here, the EMF signals have steadily increased from the lowest to approaching the very highest! This is very concerning.
During the latter half of 2022 a huge 5G tower was erected in the middle of our village (here in Dorset UK). Since then the meter has been registering a solid red warning light!
We shouldn't have to be ducking and diving these submolecular electronic invasions, but we do and no amount of talking to politicians and authorities result in protective action. All we get is reassurances that "guidelines" have been met.
Of course, they don't want to admit that their guidelines could be out of date and under the control of telecom corporations. These politicians are so afraid of hard work! They never do their own research!
They just respond to us with standard paragraphs of narrative that they get from their party whips! This is not government - this is totalitarianism.
SUCH an interesting post - what an awful lot of hard work, Frances ! And loads of invaluable comments. I ‘lost’ you, Frances, for quite some time (January 2022 you seemed to disappear from Discord) but very pleased to have recently found you again 🙌 Keep up all the good work - you are truly awesome 🤩
Yes, Discord de-platformed me saying that I was posting dis or misinformation. They did it on New Years Eve 2021 at the same time as Facebook finally disabled my account there. Great way to start 2022, I must say! I was also being threatened on Hive blog so I decided to give Substack a try and have been here, slogging away ever since. I can't get my account restored on Twitter either.... I must be very very naughty cos they have let Trump back on there! lol
Indeed … extremely naughty !!! Or spot on with the TRUTH more like! Loads back on Twitter but no one talking 5G - that’s what THEY don’t like, isn’t it? Glad I’ve got you back on my radar 🤗👍
According to Archaix you tube Jason breshear in may 2040 the 130 yr cycle of the phoenix will occur again...causing mud floods loss of life tsunamis etc etc.
Jason shows his historical evidences for this cyclical event...the worldwide flood was a phoenix event.
I don't think the 6g will happen. As it is the elites are forcing electrici cars and solar panels and windmills on us. None of which will work in the vapour canopy which will happen after all earthquakes etc
The elite will all be in their underground cities as they were last time when the phoenix didn't do much damage and Rockefeller immediately set up fortune 500 firms etc. All supposed new technology dated 1902 they unleashed on the world ...
Are they planning to protect the citizens underground in 17 years time? I don't think so
They keep this knowledge secret.
The freemasons Albert pike book morals and dogma stops at 33rd degree ...just a phoenix on a blank page .goes into the mud floods tsunamis earthquakes pile shifts etc but not what happens
SAAAME! He is interesting. But very odd. And I cannot decide where I fall on his line of research, or whether I buy into it (although I've noticed ever since Sol Luckman had his first interview with this guy, he has been sort of obsessive with this topic ever since.... also find that a bit strange. I do like Sol, but the shift in what he focuses on has been quite significant recently. I also don't really believe the story of DNA, and Sol focuses most of his professional career around "potentiating your DNA" - so I cant help but keep a healthy amount of skepticism there.... I dont think DNA does what we think it does, and I dont think DNA is as significant in determining 'who we are' as we are told, and I certainly don't think we can change, or "potentiate" our DNA.... I digress)
Perhaps I havent found "the right video" of Jason's work to summarize the main points.
Your first 2 paragraphs rang home with me in a big way.
Like millions of others I think that we are suffering from "censorship fatigue."
When the mainstream media turned its disinformation machinery on the citizens of the western countries, instead of just using it on the rest of the world and letting us be ignorant of it, we have been confronted with the extreme evil of our own homegrown global fascism, and the power of the fascist global capitalism machine that has been building for over 400 years since 1600 when the British East India Company provided the first model for a multinational fascist capitalism machine of global destruction for profiteering.
While the majority of the mainstream media is under the ownership of the global fascism cartel, and the staff working for them continue to act as "Good Nazis" - and just parrot the lines on the teleprompters or in their ear pieces, this battle for truth over lies, for science over their anti-science, for free speech over censorship, or for science over consensus, will continue to rage.
And especially so since the forces of global fascism are massive, and have trillions of dollars behind them, and almost every single thing we do as citizens or consumers continues to funnel funding towards them. Buy a Coke - funding fascism. Use your credit card, funding banking fascism. Use Facebook supporting fascists. Pay taxes funding fascism. Buy pharmas drugs funding fascism.
However no matter how tired we are, we must find ways to rest, recuperate and renew, and keep on fighting. Because no war, or battle is every won by giving up.
With regards to Dr. Sam Bailey, when she had a tiny amount of followers in 2020 I emailed her and had a few back and forth exchanges - But as her channel has grown, and she got attacked relentlessly I have noticed it is harder and harder to get a response - which also tells me that she is being inundated with people trying to contact her. I have noticed some popular bloggers just simply stop trying to answer comments and enquiries from people they don't know because it is so overwhelming.
So keep on keeping on Frances, you have a following, you have your platforms, and people read your work and appreciate it. You are making a difference even if you can't see it, by adding to the hive mind of humanity that is fighting back. And remember "tough times never last, but tough people do."
Norman Vincent Peale.
Capitalize on your toughness - you've made it this far, and that shows how tough you are!!!!!
Of course, you are right on all your points! I realise that both Drs Bailey are extremely busy and as attacked as any one of us, if not more than most.
I am buoyed by their presence and that of Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman, Amandha Vollmer, Arthur Firstenberg, Dr Devra Davis, Dr Magda Havas. The recognition I am waiting for is among our politicians and health authorities. Nothing will change while they are so blinkered and determined to remain that way.
When I communicated with UK MHRA, I naively believed that pointing out that the 'vaccines' were based upon recombinant RNA cobbled together by a computer rather than an actual fully identified 'virus' would be enough to cast doubt on the existence of SARSCov2. I could not understand why it did not.
Since then every death weighs heavily on me. People are dying because 'covid19' is NOT a virus. Others are dying because the 'vaccines' are doing far more damage than 'covid19' ever could on its own.
Sensitivity to EMFs is a very real and crippling problem that is denied by our health authorities. They have even permitted our hospitals, care homes and hospices to be festooned with the toxic hardware for wifi. Every bed is fitted with wifi. How anyone manages to recover from any illness within these places is testament to the healing abilities of the patients, rather than the ministrations of doctors and nurses, who are also irradiated to the teeth and, therefore, compromised too!
Add to that, thousands of ugly threatening towers all over our towns and cities, on the roofs of schools and other municipal buildings and what do we have?
We have an inescapable toxic, mind-numbing prison which is slowly decimating every living being - regardless of genus.
The way I see it - I have NO CHOICE but to continue toughing it out, even though I am struggling with a compromised health myself!
In February of 2020 I wrote to Boris Johnson, when he was Prime Minister of UK and I challenged him to switch off 5G - a very cheap way to prove my hypothesis. He completely ignored my appeal. Here we are, 3 years later, and the globalist lunatics are preparing for 6G. Our politicians appear to be in lockstep like automatons, incapable of independent thought!
I hear from younger people who love their mobile phones and who resent my efforts to curtail their use. It does not seem to register with them that I am trying to save their lives..... and the lives of every carbon based life form around them!
Yes, as you say, 'no war, or battle is every won by giving up'.... so I won't even consider doing that.
Thank you for your kind comment. Much appreciated. xx
And I know that you are taking this genocide badly right now.
I spent more than 2 years going up and down like a yo-yo from the depths of despair to raging anger and trying to fight back. So I know.
The genocides from the Covid-19 attack on humanity are from A to Z, and not just bought about by the killing poisons, or the 5G.
I got enraged early in 2020 because, like billions, my whole life got thrown under a bus, it wiped out years of work that i had done in writing and publishing my first book in Thai, doing seminars on it, doing corporate training, and market promotions - all gone poof in 'flatten the curve for 2 weeks.'
And many of my friends here in Bangkok, and around Thailand got wiped out, businesses bankrupted.
The stress and frustration was unbelievable looking back. And that's not to mention the tens of millions of Thai people I saw getting wiped out.
Every negative health and economic condition for the "non-essential" group skyrocketed.
Alcoholism, drugs over does, missed medical care, cancer, heart diseases, starvation, stress, suicides - you name it.
In late 2020 I saw someone on the net say the lockdown and restrictions were creating silent genocides and it jarred with me, and I started thinking about it and counting them.
And then one day in early 2021 in the second Thai lockdown I read a story of 20 Burmese workers who had been abandoned by a builder on a small development site, because he'd run out of money due to the "pandemic" restrictions and they'd had no food or water for weeks. I burst into tears over that.
And then the mass jabbing began in Bangkok and the Thai gov ramped up the pressure to jab every one and the ambulance sirens started wailing and went several times and hour all day and half the night for nearly 18 months.
The sound nearly drove me insane.
In the year to the day the jabs arrived in this country we had 91 deaths from C19, and then as soon as they started jabbing and stabbing it screamed up - now its 34k. And that's what they call C19!!!! Who knows what the excess deaths were. The sirens went non-stop.
In the middle of that I said to myself, because I knew what it was, that it was like being in London in WW2 - 'the bombs are falling, so you have to dodge them and stay safe."
It helped.
I tried writing starting in early 2021 - and like you got censored and attacked - deplatformed by, harassed by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And painted into a digital box.
By early 2022 I was insane with rage. Really really really mad.
And I have never been someone who did anger.
All my life I have been calm and taken things in my stride.
I spent most of my life in business in one way or another, which tends to create a personality that handles high stress really well. I did at least.
Finally I realized that I had to calm myself down or the stress was simply going to kill me.
Which is what they want. And it was killing my relationship and relationships with other people too. But It took me most of 2022 to really calm down.
And one of the important steps was the realization that I can't stop the genocide.
I know I saved a few people - but I lost some along the way. 3 of my friends here fell over dead after the shots in 2021-2022. And in 18 years I have lost exactly 2 friends here. One of them, Bruce 64 years old had the first Pfizer and ended up in hospital with pneumonia for 3 weeks. I saw him just after he got out. I told him it was likely vaccine induced and he shouldn't get the second one. He didn't believe me. He said "you don't understand I've just had Covid and it's really bad I need the second one to protect me." I looked at him sadly and thought "I am looking at a dead man." 2 weeks later I heard from a mutual friend he'd had the second shot and fell over dead in the lobby the next morning.
My favorite uncle back home had a massive heart attack and died after a Pfizer shot. And in our Aussie family in 5 generations no man or woman on either side of our good pioneering stock has ever died of a heart condition or had any heart problems. Nada.
That broke my heart when I got the news and I went to bed that night and had a very long cry. I was very close to him. That was a few months ago.
So the realization and acceptance that a lot of people are dying, and going to die, is I think the key to coping. Save who you can and fight for the future. But we must accept that this is a war and humanity as a whole has been on the losing side - they got more than half of us.
And so as heartbreaking as it is we must accept it, and find the strength to do what is best for ourselves, our families, and our lives. Because this war is far from over. So you need your strength and health.
Work on letting go of the rage as an emotional stress, and try and bring your emotional state back to calm, where it serves you and your health, both your physical health, and your mental health, and maintain an inner core of indignation and rage at the injustice but keep it deep and tight in your core where it still fuels you to fight but doesn't overwhelm you.
Wow. You suffered a lot of losses! I have not had to deal with that at all. I have influenced a lot of friends but not my 4 brothers and their families. So far, everyone is OK, I think..... but would they admit to me if anything went wrong? I don't think they would. My son and I have stayed 5G & Vax free, but his estranged wife and his 4 kids may have been vaxed because the ex-wife is terrorised by UK Gov, who threaten to remove her kids from her care if she dares to defy any official narratives! My son refused all vaxes for his kids and that was one of the reasons that the ex-wife found someone to replace him..... an ex-squaddie, no less! So we fear for my grandchildren but we are denied all contact and so it has been 6 years with no news from them.
I am shocked that Thailand mandated the vax. I thought they were proudly keeping independence from Western influences. I am sad to hear that I was deluded about that.
Yes you're right I suffered. And when I woke up to the vaccine madness I went back through my family history, and my girlfriends at least 3 women died earlier than they should have from chemotherapy. My aunt, and both my gf's Thai grandmothers.
Don't be shocked about Thailand - there is real evil here at the heart of it. Like elsewhere. Same paradigm. And they are onboard with the G20 fascists.
No independence. The UN has its biggest office in Asia here.
The Thai people are being conquered. Sad.
And thanks for subscribing to my Substack. I saw your name.
I really have to write some. I've been in a writing funk for weeks.
You certainly have an interesting tale to tell. Do it.... we need insight into how Asia is coping. I will look out for your Substacks and cross-post to give you a boost. xx
My understanding is that the 'Spanish Flu' was actually caused by experimental vaccines and masking as well as extremely high doses of aspirin. For sure the series of experiments run by Milton Rosenau on behalf of the US Treasury prove beyond doubt it was not transmissible, whatever it was. I never recall hearing much about Spanish Flu when I was younger. I believe they have actually latched on to this event over the last few years for obvious reasons. Either way, we can't give in. Eventually, the truth will out. As one famous 20th Century physicist once said....'For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled'.
"I am getting very tired" Don't get me started Fek Fek Fek!!! It is totally understandable and unbelievable that rooms & Elephants aren't more obvious to all But please continue with your work, Thought it was only Me! ?? lol xxx , JUST TO LET YA KNOW I'M GONNA BE UNSUBSCRIBNG FROM ALL MY FAV SUBS COZ I'M SHUTTING DOWN (mail box is choka block) BUT I KNOW WHERE TO GO WHEN I WANT 2 NO THE TRUTH.... well as much as we think we can know???. BIG XXX & Respect 2 All. P.S some really nice folk on S.St , can Feel the X Big time, Frances, you are a go to Genuine Heroin and a strong Fekin Female Adult WOMAN (hee hee), I'm old school LOL , YOU have gave me Strength. much X & Happy vibes. xxx xxx xxx
The packed email inbox pisses me off too. I tried to limit them and it worked against me. I ceased my subscriptions and had to start over again! I think Substack shoots itself in the foot by overloading us with emails..... there must be a way to limit them but I am unable to suss it out yet. I do hope you remember to pop in here once in a while and comment. I would miss you otherwise! xx
Depending on your email network, maybe you can "Create a rule" (I know Outlook has this feature, not sure about others) where anything from Substack is automatically moved to a sub-folder? Or.... create a secondary email account for "junk" and use that for Substack so all notifications go there. Not ideal probably but just a suggestion.
Each email notification that arrives at my email address is named for the individual not for Substack as a whole..... I already tried that and the only emails which arrive in the Substack folder are directly from the management.
Think when I set aside a day to catch up on all posts (cant not not read/ or at least check them as my head would be fizzing if I thought I missed some thing) then 'I'll unsubscribe and check out my fav posts at my leisure from then on .
Frances, I would add that this 'avian flu' that's going to end up removing chicken and eggs from most diets is also 5g. 57 million chickens in the US have been slaughtered this winter and they are already saying it's not going to go away.
5G, fake PCR testing, murdering whole flocks because ONE BIRD tests positive for a genetic sequence which occurs in most living things - all this is disgusting and deliberately intended to cause food shortages. I cannot believe how evil our so-called health professionals are....
Imagine being a farmer who has spent their life building a quality flock..... Mad Cow's Disease was just as dubious and that caused farmers to commit suicide!
New article:
ALSO! I got a mention during the Richie Allen Radio Show yesterday (19th Jan 2023) It is all about a challenge in the courts re: 5G. Sean Carney (bless him!) pointed out my efforts on Substack! or MP3 link:
The campaign trying to get the health concerns around 5G reviewed is:
I applaud your 5G efforts. I abhor the way you go about it and would not follow you to a fire exit.
I would suspect you of stalking if you did.
I wrote to Dr Sam Bailey as a comment on her post:
In reply to my message, a very kind person provided me with a link to Dr Sam Bailey chatting with another British campaigner, Eileen O'Connor on the subject of non-ionising radiation.
Eileen O'Connor has a website which has been running for 20 years!
I'm sorry r that this will not be good news. But, did you know that all sorts of things in your house create EMF? Dimmer switches, battery chargers, fuse boxes, transformers, back up power supplies, flourescent lights, LED lights, air conditioning units. And wiring in your walls. Whenever a current flows through a wire it creates a magnetic field around that wire which has no problem passing through a wall. And it can extend out for 3 feet.
All this radiation can disrupt sleep. We know that during sleep the body heals itself. When I go to bed I put my turned off cell phone in its Faraday cage. I do keep a fan running on low to shield me from noise but it's 6 feet from the bed. I have no night lights (lack of darkness can inhibit melatonin production). I'm in the process of swapping out all LED bulbs in the bedroom to halogen or incandescent. And the headboard is lined with metal and foil tape on the side next to the wall to block EMF. Even with all these precautions I still sometimes struggle with waking in the night and can't get back to sleep for a while. I find a good fast 30 minute walk after dinner improves my sleep patterns.
Nothing you say is news. After 8 years of research I think I understand the topic rather well now. The list of things which emit electro-magnetic radiation is very long. I have written several articles explaining ways to mitigate their impact.
So glad we're on the same page! As your list of articles is very long, would you be so kind as to refer me to ones that explain how to mitigate the impact of EMF?
Hello Frances: Yes, it is frustrating to witness the willful ignorance of leadership operatives as well as proletariat. The writting has been all over the wall for nearly six decades. Here's an "ancient" publication describing known power line issues. >>> POWERLINE ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AND HUMAN HEALTH: Notes >>> Andrew A. Marino, Ph.D. >>> Published 1984 >>>
Hi Frances, do you own an EMF meter? If so, what are your findings? If not, why not?
Of course I do! My readings are off the charts. I have an Acousticom so the signals are presented as LEDs and sounds. The cacophony of pulsing, crossed frequencies is horrendous.
No 5G in my town. We were all hit with Covid in December is 2019
Something def up with 5G. Do you think they released the virus and 5G simultaneously?
No. I do not believe there is a virus. In December of 2019 there was the usual flu.... it is a seasonal detox and perfectly natural every winter.
hey Fran,,, someone is reading your articles because your Substack and Name was mentioned on Thursday's Richie Allen show . Interview was with someone from Action against
It was Sean Carney! I mirrored his wonderful letter to all our MPs last year. He is a sweetheart, isn't he?
Thank you Frances--posted on Twitter:
Thank you! I have applied to Twitter for my account to be restored but they are ignoring my pleas. There has never been any explanation given to me. I think that my opinion that 5G = Covid19 is the MOST taboo thing we can say atm. Twitter is still censored. Lone Skum did not provide an 'amnesty' for everyone who was summarily banned provided that they had committed no crimes. It has all been a publicity stunt.
One of many taboos, unfortunately. I'm still banned too & yet I'm just a lil nobody activist. Who also posts controversial truths, however, that the big baddies don't want folks to know. I'm sure that Twitmo has a glossary of "unapproved words" they use in order to censor folks.
Yes....same re. my @EccEveryday account with its 44.4K tweets and 1000s of followers -- I tweeted to LS and did not receive a revival of that account. Considering that he is the one committing crimes, and Twitter is set up to shadowban and disappear Truth from the most avid Tellers of it, I guess there is not much hope there. It is a limited platform with a certain amount of connectivity to the rich and famous but that seems to be it. I need to find better social media to gravitate to -- maybe Gab or Gettr.
Re. 5G and COVID-19, we must remember also that 19 spells AI: Nanotech AI via hydrogel/aerogel-- has been used since the mid-90s to aerosol all of us into AI'd zombies, in addition to insertion in vaccines -- this stuff clogs brains and lungs and causes respiratory harm along with 5G and 4G, 3G, 2G even--hence the spate of "viruses" all through the 90s, 2000s, and currently. COVID and all respiratory illnesses stem from that--it's the way they've been building their global hive mind and supercomputing-AI connectivity to humans (and everything else) for a long time, I suspect. Detoxing continuously is the only way to recover our humanity.
Yep. The so-called "viruses" are actually physically damaging agents, including EMFs, poisonous toxins & carcinogenic chemicals., all affecting our electro-magnetic body. We all see that the so-called C19 vaxx has increased cancers/tumors as well as the many neurological diseases & heart/organ etc failures. Died suddenly is a sick reality.
And even full off-the-grid detoxing is not possible since there are long-range HAARP weapons also. We are all just stink-bugs in a sci-fi controlled experiment to squash us.
The dumped Pfizer docs show horrifying evidence of the official, global, pre-planned C19 corp/govt criminal intent/ conspiracy & deliberate, malicious medical slaughter of people world-wide. The factual documents, reports & videos show criminal conspiracy but it seems that none of our govts or institutions will actually debate this even now.. Follow Naomi Wolf at her substack & at her daily clout for more info on the incriminating internal Pfizer docs. And God help us all.
You make fair points there! I have an account on GETTR but it is very America-centric. You may like it better than I do. I keep meaning to get onto GAB but am obsessed with writing my autobiography and Lymp Duhdashian series on Substack atm. That takes a lot of my time and energy these days.
I hope you have written up your recent brush with the mental health nutters.... I want to see that!
Excellent work! And an immediate "Save" for me so that I can come back and pour over this important research a bit more (when I'm not supposed to be working 😉)
Hope Dr Sam replies to you, or makes a follow-up video on this topic. I too have thought the importance of EMF has been largely overlooked - especially within the so-called "truther" community, and even within the "no-virus camp". Although more people seem to be cognizant of it, I just don't think they truly comprehend the significant impact this is having on biological life.
Do you have a post on things you can do to protect from EMF? I could have sworn you did.... ill try to dig more later after work.
-Sara ♡
I have covered protection a few times but usually as recommendations attached in comments after writing articles. Maybe I should devote one article entirely to that topic to collate information on one place. Thanks for the suggestion.
I look forward to it 😊 i am still newish on this topic of research and have stumbled on a few sites that offer products - usually the price is high, which i wouldn't mind necessarily if I knew they worked. Its hard to skim through all the bullshit sometimes and I dont want to get screwed. Sadly, I just don't know enough about it to know what I should be looking for.
Would also be interested in seeing studies for these products (with a control 😉) if you happen to have any.
I'll continue to keep an eye out and peruse through your prior research in the meantime.
Thanks again!
Yes, you have hit upon my reason for not writing about products. I simply have had no experience of any of them due to their outrageous expense or impracticability. For example, I hear that we should line all our walls, floors and ceilings with aluminium foil which needs to be wire-grounded with a rod sunk at least 3 feet in soil. I can't do that! I rent from a housing association and such major works would not be acceptable to them.
I have seen the silver-threaded bed canopies (eye-watering prices) and, like you say, we need to know if they actually work before shelling out so much money.
I have an aluminium foil lined hat which I put on when I feel the pressure in my head/ears. That cost next to nothing and definitely does work.
I also have an Electrosmog meter with which I monitor my environment. In the two years that I have lived here, the EMF signals have steadily increased from the lowest to approaching the very highest! This is very concerning.
During the latter half of 2022 a huge 5G tower was erected in the middle of our village (here in Dorset UK). Since then the meter has been registering a solid red warning light!
We shouldn't have to be ducking and diving these submolecular electronic invasions, but we do and no amount of talking to politicians and authorities result in protective action. All we get is reassurances that "guidelines" have been met.
Of course, they don't want to admit that their guidelines could be out of date and under the control of telecom corporations. These politicians are so afraid of hard work! They never do their own research!
They just respond to us with standard paragraphs of narrative that they get from their party whips! This is not government - this is totalitarianism.
SUCH an interesting post - what an awful lot of hard work, Frances ! And loads of invaluable comments. I ‘lost’ you, Frances, for quite some time (January 2022 you seemed to disappear from Discord) but very pleased to have recently found you again 🙌 Keep up all the good work - you are truly awesome 🤩
Hi Jane!
Yes, Discord de-platformed me saying that I was posting dis or misinformation. They did it on New Years Eve 2021 at the same time as Facebook finally disabled my account there. Great way to start 2022, I must say! I was also being threatened on Hive blog so I decided to give Substack a try and have been here, slogging away ever since. I can't get my account restored on Twitter either.... I must be very very naughty cos they have let Trump back on there! lol
Indeed … extremely naughty !!! Or spot on with the TRUTH more like! Loads back on Twitter but no one talking 5G - that’s what THEY don’t like, isn’t it? Glad I’ve got you back on my radar 🤗👍
According to Archaix you tube Jason breshear in may 2040 the 130 yr cycle of the phoenix will occur again...causing mud floods loss of life tsunamis etc etc.
Jason shows his historical evidences for this cyclical event...the worldwide flood was a phoenix event.
I don't think the 6g will happen. As it is the elites are forcing electrici cars and solar panels and windmills on us. None of which will work in the vapour canopy which will happen after all earthquakes etc
The elite will all be in their underground cities as they were last time when the phoenix didn't do much damage and Rockefeller immediately set up fortune 500 firms etc. All supposed new technology dated 1902 they unleashed on the world ...
Are they planning to protect the citizens underground in 17 years time? I don't think so
They keep this knowledge secret.
The freemasons Albert pike book morals and dogma stops at 33rd degree ...just a phoenix on a blank page .goes into the mud floods tsunamis earthquakes pile shifts etc but not what happens
We live in a simulation
Yes, I have seen some of Archaix and his theory of 138 years between visits of the Phoenix.
6G is imminent, not delayed until 2040. It is already under development.
I find Breshear original and yet odd. I cannot get my head around his conviction that we live in a simulation. Can you explain that?
SAAAME! He is interesting. But very odd. And I cannot decide where I fall on his line of research, or whether I buy into it (although I've noticed ever since Sol Luckman had his first interview with this guy, he has been sort of obsessive with this topic ever since.... also find that a bit strange. I do like Sol, but the shift in what he focuses on has been quite significant recently. I also don't really believe the story of DNA, and Sol focuses most of his professional career around "potentiating your DNA" - so I cant help but keep a healthy amount of skepticism there.... I dont think DNA does what we think it does, and I dont think DNA is as significant in determining 'who we are' as we are told, and I certainly don't think we can change, or "potentiate" our DNA.... I digress)
Perhaps I havent found "the right video" of Jason's work to summarize the main points.
Hi Frances -
Your first 2 paragraphs rang home with me in a big way.
Like millions of others I think that we are suffering from "censorship fatigue."
When the mainstream media turned its disinformation machinery on the citizens of the western countries, instead of just using it on the rest of the world and letting us be ignorant of it, we have been confronted with the extreme evil of our own homegrown global fascism, and the power of the fascist global capitalism machine that has been building for over 400 years since 1600 when the British East India Company provided the first model for a multinational fascist capitalism machine of global destruction for profiteering.
While the majority of the mainstream media is under the ownership of the global fascism cartel, and the staff working for them continue to act as "Good Nazis" - and just parrot the lines on the teleprompters or in their ear pieces, this battle for truth over lies, for science over their anti-science, for free speech over censorship, or for science over consensus, will continue to rage.
And especially so since the forces of global fascism are massive, and have trillions of dollars behind them, and almost every single thing we do as citizens or consumers continues to funnel funding towards them. Buy a Coke - funding fascism. Use your credit card, funding banking fascism. Use Facebook supporting fascists. Pay taxes funding fascism. Buy pharmas drugs funding fascism.
However no matter how tired we are, we must find ways to rest, recuperate and renew, and keep on fighting. Because no war, or battle is every won by giving up.
With regards to Dr. Sam Bailey, when she had a tiny amount of followers in 2020 I emailed her and had a few back and forth exchanges - But as her channel has grown, and she got attacked relentlessly I have noticed it is harder and harder to get a response - which also tells me that she is being inundated with people trying to contact her. I have noticed some popular bloggers just simply stop trying to answer comments and enquiries from people they don't know because it is so overwhelming.
So keep on keeping on Frances, you have a following, you have your platforms, and people read your work and appreciate it. You are making a difference even if you can't see it, by adding to the hive mind of humanity that is fighting back. And remember "tough times never last, but tough people do."
Norman Vincent Peale.
Capitalize on your toughness - you've made it this far, and that shows how tough you are!!!!!
Best regards
Ivan M> Paton
Of course, you are right on all your points! I realise that both Drs Bailey are extremely busy and as attacked as any one of us, if not more than most.
I am buoyed by their presence and that of Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Andy Kaufman, Amandha Vollmer, Arthur Firstenberg, Dr Devra Davis, Dr Magda Havas. The recognition I am waiting for is among our politicians and health authorities. Nothing will change while they are so blinkered and determined to remain that way.
When I communicated with UK MHRA, I naively believed that pointing out that the 'vaccines' were based upon recombinant RNA cobbled together by a computer rather than an actual fully identified 'virus' would be enough to cast doubt on the existence of SARSCov2. I could not understand why it did not.
Since then every death weighs heavily on me. People are dying because 'covid19' is NOT a virus. Others are dying because the 'vaccines' are doing far more damage than 'covid19' ever could on its own.
Sensitivity to EMFs is a very real and crippling problem that is denied by our health authorities. They have even permitted our hospitals, care homes and hospices to be festooned with the toxic hardware for wifi. Every bed is fitted with wifi. How anyone manages to recover from any illness within these places is testament to the healing abilities of the patients, rather than the ministrations of doctors and nurses, who are also irradiated to the teeth and, therefore, compromised too!
Add to that, thousands of ugly threatening towers all over our towns and cities, on the roofs of schools and other municipal buildings and what do we have?
We have an inescapable toxic, mind-numbing prison which is slowly decimating every living being - regardless of genus.
The way I see it - I have NO CHOICE but to continue toughing it out, even though I am struggling with a compromised health myself!
In February of 2020 I wrote to Boris Johnson, when he was Prime Minister of UK and I challenged him to switch off 5G - a very cheap way to prove my hypothesis. He completely ignored my appeal. Here we are, 3 years later, and the globalist lunatics are preparing for 6G. Our politicians appear to be in lockstep like automatons, incapable of independent thought!
I hear from younger people who love their mobile phones and who resent my efforts to curtail their use. It does not seem to register with them that I am trying to save their lives..... and the lives of every carbon based life form around them!
Yes, as you say, 'no war, or battle is every won by giving up'.... so I won't even consider doing that.
Thank you for your kind comment. Much appreciated. xx
Dear Frances,
You really are a gem.
And I know that you are taking this genocide badly right now.
I spent more than 2 years going up and down like a yo-yo from the depths of despair to raging anger and trying to fight back. So I know.
The genocides from the Covid-19 attack on humanity are from A to Z, and not just bought about by the killing poisons, or the 5G.
I got enraged early in 2020 because, like billions, my whole life got thrown under a bus, it wiped out years of work that i had done in writing and publishing my first book in Thai, doing seminars on it, doing corporate training, and market promotions - all gone poof in 'flatten the curve for 2 weeks.'
And many of my friends here in Bangkok, and around Thailand got wiped out, businesses bankrupted.
The stress and frustration was unbelievable looking back. And that's not to mention the tens of millions of Thai people I saw getting wiped out.
Every negative health and economic condition for the "non-essential" group skyrocketed.
Alcoholism, drugs over does, missed medical care, cancer, heart diseases, starvation, stress, suicides - you name it.
In late 2020 I saw someone on the net say the lockdown and restrictions were creating silent genocides and it jarred with me, and I started thinking about it and counting them.
And then one day in early 2021 in the second Thai lockdown I read a story of 20 Burmese workers who had been abandoned by a builder on a small development site, because he'd run out of money due to the "pandemic" restrictions and they'd had no food or water for weeks. I burst into tears over that.
And then the mass jabbing began in Bangkok and the Thai gov ramped up the pressure to jab every one and the ambulance sirens started wailing and went several times and hour all day and half the night for nearly 18 months.
The sound nearly drove me insane.
In the year to the day the jabs arrived in this country we had 91 deaths from C19, and then as soon as they started jabbing and stabbing it screamed up - now its 34k. And that's what they call C19!!!! Who knows what the excess deaths were. The sirens went non-stop.
In the middle of that I said to myself, because I knew what it was, that it was like being in London in WW2 - 'the bombs are falling, so you have to dodge them and stay safe."
It helped.
I tried writing starting in early 2021 - and like you got censored and attacked - deplatformed by, harassed by Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. And painted into a digital box.
By early 2022 I was insane with rage. Really really really mad.
And I have never been someone who did anger.
All my life I have been calm and taken things in my stride.
I spent most of my life in business in one way or another, which tends to create a personality that handles high stress really well. I did at least.
Finally I realized that I had to calm myself down or the stress was simply going to kill me.
Which is what they want. And it was killing my relationship and relationships with other people too. But It took me most of 2022 to really calm down.
And one of the important steps was the realization that I can't stop the genocide.
I know I saved a few people - but I lost some along the way. 3 of my friends here fell over dead after the shots in 2021-2022. And in 18 years I have lost exactly 2 friends here. One of them, Bruce 64 years old had the first Pfizer and ended up in hospital with pneumonia for 3 weeks. I saw him just after he got out. I told him it was likely vaccine induced and he shouldn't get the second one. He didn't believe me. He said "you don't understand I've just had Covid and it's really bad I need the second one to protect me." I looked at him sadly and thought "I am looking at a dead man." 2 weeks later I heard from a mutual friend he'd had the second shot and fell over dead in the lobby the next morning.
My favorite uncle back home had a massive heart attack and died after a Pfizer shot. And in our Aussie family in 5 generations no man or woman on either side of our good pioneering stock has ever died of a heart condition or had any heart problems. Nada.
That broke my heart when I got the news and I went to bed that night and had a very long cry. I was very close to him. That was a few months ago.
So the realization and acceptance that a lot of people are dying, and going to die, is I think the key to coping. Save who you can and fight for the future. But we must accept that this is a war and humanity as a whole has been on the losing side - they got more than half of us.
And so as heartbreaking as it is we must accept it, and find the strength to do what is best for ourselves, our families, and our lives. Because this war is far from over. So you need your strength and health.
Work on letting go of the rage as an emotional stress, and try and bring your emotional state back to calm, where it serves you and your health, both your physical health, and your mental health, and maintain an inner core of indignation and rage at the injustice but keep it deep and tight in your core where it still fuels you to fight but doesn't overwhelm you.
That's where I am.
Wow. You suffered a lot of losses! I have not had to deal with that at all. I have influenced a lot of friends but not my 4 brothers and their families. So far, everyone is OK, I think..... but would they admit to me if anything went wrong? I don't think they would. My son and I have stayed 5G & Vax free, but his estranged wife and his 4 kids may have been vaxed because the ex-wife is terrorised by UK Gov, who threaten to remove her kids from her care if she dares to defy any official narratives! My son refused all vaxes for his kids and that was one of the reasons that the ex-wife found someone to replace him..... an ex-squaddie, no less! So we fear for my grandchildren but we are denied all contact and so it has been 6 years with no news from them.
I am shocked that Thailand mandated the vax. I thought they were proudly keeping independence from Western influences. I am sad to hear that I was deluded about that.
Yes you're right I suffered. And when I woke up to the vaccine madness I went back through my family history, and my girlfriends at least 3 women died earlier than they should have from chemotherapy. My aunt, and both my gf's Thai grandmothers.
Don't be shocked about Thailand - there is real evil here at the heart of it. Like elsewhere. Same paradigm. And they are onboard with the G20 fascists.
No independence. The UN has its biggest office in Asia here.
The Thai people are being conquered. Sad.
And thanks for subscribing to my Substack. I saw your name.
I really have to write some. I've been in a writing funk for weeks.
You certainly have an interesting tale to tell. Do it.... we need insight into how Asia is coping. I will look out for your Substacks and cross-post to give you a boost. xx
My understanding is that the 'Spanish Flu' was actually caused by experimental vaccines and masking as well as extremely high doses of aspirin. For sure the series of experiments run by Milton Rosenau on behalf of the US Treasury prove beyond doubt it was not transmissible, whatever it was. I never recall hearing much about Spanish Flu when I was younger. I believe they have actually latched on to this event over the last few years for obvious reasons. Either way, we can't give in. Eventually, the truth will out. As one famous 20th Century physicist once said....'For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled'.
Hang in there, Fran!!!!! This is the Event of All Time, and we need you. Sending you GIANT hugs and love and vibes and everything else.
"I am getting very tired" Don't get me started Fek Fek Fek!!! It is totally understandable and unbelievable that rooms & Elephants aren't more obvious to all But please continue with your work, Thought it was only Me! ?? lol xxx , JUST TO LET YA KNOW I'M GONNA BE UNSUBSCRIBNG FROM ALL MY FAV SUBS COZ I'M SHUTTING DOWN (mail box is choka block) BUT I KNOW WHERE TO GO WHEN I WANT 2 NO THE TRUTH.... well as much as we think we can know???. BIG XXX & Respect 2 All. P.S some really nice folk on S.St , can Feel the X Big time, Frances, you are a go to Genuine Heroin and a strong Fekin Female Adult WOMAN (hee hee), I'm old school LOL , YOU have gave me Strength. much X & Happy vibes. xxx xxx xxx
The packed email inbox pisses me off too. I tried to limit them and it worked against me. I ceased my subscriptions and had to start over again! I think Substack shoots itself in the foot by overloading us with emails..... there must be a way to limit them but I am unable to suss it out yet. I do hope you remember to pop in here once in a while and comment. I would miss you otherwise! xx
Depending on your email network, maybe you can "Create a rule" (I know Outlook has this feature, not sure about others) where anything from Substack is automatically moved to a sub-folder? Or.... create a secondary email account for "junk" and use that for Substack so all notifications go there. Not ideal probably but just a suggestion.
Each email notification that arrives at my email address is named for the individual not for Substack as a whole..... I already tried that and the only emails which arrive in the Substack folder are directly from the management.
Think when I set aside a day to catch up on all posts (cant not not read/ or at least check them as my head would be fizzing if I thought I missed some thing) then 'I'll unsubscribe and check out my fav posts at my leisure from then on .
Respect & X 2 All
Always like suggestions, Thanks. Respect & X 2 All
OH Aye, yer no getting rid o me, In fact you are the reason I'm on substack!!! and couldn't miss Sunday in memory lane for nuffin. Respect & X 2 All
Frances, I would add that this 'avian flu' that's going to end up removing chicken and eggs from most diets is also 5g. 57 million chickens in the US have been slaughtered this winter and they are already saying it's not going to go away.
5G, fake PCR testing, murdering whole flocks because ONE BIRD tests positive for a genetic sequence which occurs in most living things - all this is disgusting and deliberately intended to cause food shortages. I cannot believe how evil our so-called health professionals are....
Imagine being a farmer who has spent their life building a quality flock..... Mad Cow's Disease was just as dubious and that caused farmers to commit suicide!
Yep, the level of evil can be hard to believe. It is a war not just against humans but against nature itself.