I am getting very tired, Dr Sam Bailey. This tiredness is something I face every day as soon as I log online. I look for a breakthrough. Maybe someone, somewhere in government has followed my research and given it sufficient attention to trigger them into doing their own.
But alas. That is never the case. Always I see the main narratives and the so-called counter arguments or theories bandied back and forth. I dig deep into my reserve of patience and I put out another Substack article, sharing my research and console myself with "maybe tomorrow."
Long before Covid was named, long before SARSCov2 was cobbled together in silico, I was waiting for a new debilitating global pandemic to become a major health issue.
Why? I hear you ask.....
I had been asked to help the fledgling resistance to a major change in technology. I had previously become well known for being a leader of the anti-fracking campaign starting at Balcombe UK in the summer of 2013. I had 5 years of hard fight behind me and our battle to stop the frackers was achieved, thankfully, before I burned out with the effort.
A fellow activist, Ann-Marie Carey, got in touch with me and asked me to join her in resisting the development and progression of 5G. I knew almost nothing about microwave technology, but my son did. So I picked his brains and began to research the subject of electro-magnetic radiation and, particularly, non-ionising radiation.
I came across a hornet's nest of conflicting opinions, a mountain of studies and plenty of sneering from so-called scientists, technologists and doctors.
To cut this VERY long story short, I eventually found a book written by Arthur Firstenberg, called The Invisible Rainbow. I found Yuri Grigoriev, a Russian biophysicist and a singular figure in the world of electromagnetic health and safety over the last 50 years. I found CIA translations of studies done in the 60s and 70s in Russia which outlined the tremendous impacts of various microwave frequencies.
I found enough material to create an archive!
However, every time I shared my findings online, I was shouted down ferociously until, eventually I was shadow banned on most social media platforms. My reaction was to dig deeper and keep going. This much fury and outright hatred was covering something very big. I could sense it.
From my studies and correlations to medical history, I realised that every advance in electronic technology was accompanied by a flu-like pandemic. It was a simple and obvious conclusion to presume that the roll out of 5G would produce another similar wave of illness.
The first city in the world to activate a 5G communications network was Wuhan, just in time for the UN Military Games which began on 16th October 2019. More than 10,000 5G towers had been built and the residents were buying the new 5G mobile phones by the hundreds of thousands.
What surprised me was the immediate assumption that this health threat was attributed to a 'virus'! How ridiculous, I thought. Surely someone is going to put two and two together and come up with four? Surely I was not the only person on earth who was making this correlation? I was not, thankfully. However, all of us were being treated similarly. We were laughed at, abused and scorned.
I knew how to shoot down the 'virus' theory, so in December of 2020, when UK MHRA announced that it was approving the Pfizer BIONTech injection I entered into a polite email exchange with them.
I published my conclusions in a single tweet on 24th December 2020 and was immediately de-platformed from Twitter but no reason was ever given.
Since then, I have continued to collect everything I could find and have now accumulated an ever increasing additional archive of material on Substack to offer to the sceptics and virus-maniacs.
Please look into this. Please help me to stop 5G and the planned 6G which is so essential to the Internet of Things and Living Bodies.
I am convinced that humanity is not alone in being impacted by microwave technology. All living things, even in the oceans, are equally damaged and the vast majority of these creatures have no voice in this fight.
Please help me to overcome the telecommunications technological murder machine before it is too late.
I wrote to Dr Sam Bailey as a comment on her post: https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/whats-next-for-mrna-vaccines
In reply to my message, a very kind person provided me with a link to Dr Sam Bailey chatting with another British campaigner, Eileen O'Connor on the subject of non-ionising radiation.
Eileen O'Connor has a website which has been running for 20 years!
New article:
ALSO! I got a mention during the Richie Allen Radio Show yesterday (19th Jan 2023) It is all about a challenge in the courts re: 5G. Sean Carney (bless him!) pointed out my efforts on Substack!
https://richieallen.co.uk/ or MP3 link:
The campaign trying to get the health concerns around 5G reviewed is: