This post has been added to the AFTERTHOUGHTS section of my Autobiography which can be found here: https://francesleader.substack.com/p/my-autobiography

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sad how she created hell for herself, being decieved by evil to think she would be happy... looking for love in all the wrong places and ways... maybe she never knew real love , maybe no loving parents or grand parents ... or maybe just spoilt getting her way all the time ... any how ... ho pono pono helps , heals ...

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Yees, yessss, yeeeeeeesh.

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You know, sometimes the things we perceive as a loss actually becomes a win. The man wasn't yours, "good to know early," and the female was just doing what "he allowed her to do." See, it was never about her, it was always about him and YOU, and it still is. If it wasn't then you could not reflect back and see a benefit, a "Blessing in lesson." You learned, you won. I want to see the weakness early, if any, not when there is no "get back," from the betrayal. Regards

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"Living well is the best revenge," George Herbert.


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Let this song be fuel for your light, my warrior sister!!


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Thanks a lot for adding that here, Jacqueline! I heard it last week when you first uploaded it and it is PERFECT! So glad to hear it again....

In comments on that post, you mentioned that you are going to do a video - any progress?

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Aww thank you for listening TWICE! Hahaha! 🙏

This morning I felt moved to share it with you directly after reading much more of your work in the past week and feeling appreciation for the light you are shining. My work in these days is to aid the journalists and fuel the light-workers so their wells of giving stay full. ❤️

Re: video. I’m still dreaming of what I want it to be! This week I contacted a studio to get a pro recording of the song done and then I thought that filming the recording process in the studio would give me some good footage for a video.

Fingers crossed perfectionism does not get in my way. The time is NOW to get it out there! 🎸

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Splendid idea! I love music live and raw... it will be a great success because it is truly great and I ain't blowing smoke up your orifices! I want to see you hit YouTube like a comet! xx

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This is my response to a woke friend who “broke up” with me.

I’m thinking you might relate....🦋❤️


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Sorry, I took a while to respond - I got distracted listening to all your songs! I loved them all.... I look forward to buying an album soon! 😉

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Wow Frances. Thank you!! You just made my day. ☺️ Probably the week!!

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Hahahaha!!! 💥💥💥

Music is the best isn’t it?!!

Thank you SO much for your encouragement and support, Frances!! 🥂

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Let me tell you a story, coincidentally Frances I have not long started to write a storey and will continue until I have some sort of book, my English was never good and I can't give away to much at present, but I have asked my eleven year old grand daughter to draw the characters and to stretch her mind and she has already done some really good ones to start with. Hopefully a children's book with an educational touch and a moral awaken realism. Children are the future and to guide them down truths corridors, will show the path to happiness and the wealth of love for others.

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I get the idea. What do we do when you're the one that's shagged out? I may have to process this lesson another day. LOL. 😂

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Physically, ya mean? But not spiritually, surely? The power of thought is sharp no matter what the body is doing.... xx

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Love it. 🙏🏾

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Reminds me a little of She Devil. I remember watching the original of that back in, I think, the late 70s or early 80s. Long time ago now.

But I agree..the best way to defeat such events and circumstances is to survive and thrive.

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Oh yeah! I remember that TV film (or was it a series?) - it was gripping, wasn't it?

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Found it..https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098849/ I got the date wrong. Old age, lol.

I remember watching it and as she began getting surgery thinking "there's no *way* she'll end up looking like the wife!" but of course, she did. Julie Wallace was great in the role, the daughter of Andrew Keir who is one of my faves from the old Hammer stables.

Many years ago now (talking early eighties here) a friend of mine made a play for my first husband. Weirdly, she did a similar thing...borrowing my clothes and copying my makeup to look like me. In the end I ditched the husband, figuring that if he fell for such a thing so easily he wasn't worth keeping. I'm on my second hubs now, we've been together many years and will end our days together. And he loves me just as I am. :)

Not sorry for the romantic mush there. I do love my hubby!

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Oh that is so romantic! I love it when there is a happy ending!

Thanks for the link! I must take a peak, for old times sake!

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Dec 18, 2023
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Well, yeah. I think you might remember to whom I refer? 😉

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Dec 18, 2023
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Thinking the same.

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