Are you sitting comfortably?
Then I will begin.
In this life I have learned that enemies suffer their greatest defeat when we succeed.
I once had a nemesis who stole my man. She stole his heart, his health, his wealth and did her best to actually BE me. She even had plastic surgery toward that objective.
I was crushed by the defeat at first, but I rose from the ashes of all that burnt past joy to become a greater, more powerful and better person than she could ever dream to be.
I know you are curious and you are wondering how I did it.
Well, let me tell you!
I changed. She stayed in the rut of trying to be the old me.
I travelled. She remained living in her mother's house, too avaricious to leave her potential inheritance.
I learned new skills. She became a loan shark, hated by those who owed her money.
I shared. She gathered until she had stripped my man of everything he had.
I was sober. She was drunk from breakfast until bed.
I worked and became very fit. She slowly deteriorated until colonic irrigation was the only thing which could bring her comfort.
That is how we get justice for all the misery, horror and hell-scape we have seen since 2020. We rise like a flock of phoenix, higher than they can ever dream of going, because we are indefatigable; we are spiritually brimming while they are depleted and exhausted, desperately trying to hold onto a dead dynastic disaster.
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COME FLY WITH ME by Frank Sinatra
This post has been added to the AFTERTHOUGHTS section of my Autobiography which can be found here:
Let me tell you a story, coincidentally Frances I have not long started to write a storey and will continue until I have some sort of book, my English was never good and I can't give away to much at present, but I have asked my eleven year old grand daughter to draw the characters and to stretch her mind and she has already done some really good ones to start with. Hopefully a children's book with an educational touch and a moral awaken realism. Children are the future and to guide them down truths corridors, will show the path to happiness and the wealth of love for others.