I found the Bock saga some years ago when Jim Chesnar was around making the videos about it before he died. I studied it well, talked to Michel Merle online and bought their book, the introduction to the Bock Saga. I think it's a great story, and a treasure.

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If you are so inclined to oral tradition, I think you should consider "reading" Quran, as it is originally an oral (spoken word) of Allah convey to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) via arc angel Gabriel. So the textbook that now exist is merely transcript to this oral tradition. Whats more there are 7 dialect of slightly different sounding of arabic reflecting the culture at the time, it does not change the meaning, but different pronounciation of some words. The proof it is oral tradition, up till today it is still practice, hence people even though could not read arabic could memorize it, from youngster to old people.

You do not need to believe but as a historical context is very important event (revelation of Quran).

In it you will find history from beginning of skies and earth, to first human, to end of history to eternal life.

Maybe particular to your interest is Allah the Most High mentioned about fasad (genocide) as one of the human trait because of greedy nature of man to possesion (gold, money, etc). Also about 'sihr' means manipulation of man views of the world (sihr is wrongly translated to magic). When the truth comes out, the darkness will be gone, as between Moses peace be upon him, who throw out real snake ate the fake snake thrown by Firaun magician. Also about AI who is determined to rule the world, but Phropet Sulayman peace be upon him, noticed and pray to Allah, this AI being will not inherit his Kingdom on earth. Of couse surah al Kahfi (the cave), which is about how to deal with end of times (destruction of faith, greed of money, requirement of knowlede both religously and earthly/real science, the struggle of Dzulkarnain (modern day russia?) agaisnt Gog and Magog (US and NATO?). This surah is almost obligatory for Muslim to read it in every Friday.

For translation of the book, you can read Dr Mustafa Khattab "Clear Quran" which is recent, or by Dr Abdel Haleem of UK scholar

As for interpretation of Quran you may refer to Al Bayyinah tv (Nouman Ali Khan) some is free, and for end of time study you can refer to Imran Hossein, as he has many books as well dealing with the subject (all free).

You does not require to believe to read or study Quran. But it should provide you with insight and could be enlightment, as you are student of history.

Cheers, doni

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Thank you! What do you think of Sheikh Imran Hosein?


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I have follow him for quite sometime. Lots of knowledge of current geopolitics, economics (he has econ degree and was ambassador to UN before) and deep Quran knowledge. Most importantly he is humble, doesnot force anyone of hisbpoint of views in fact encourage muslima to think independently, and if he made mistake he acknowledge his mistakes and ask for forgiveness. And correct it. His ebooks are all free http://imranhosein.org/o/e-books/ and have been translated to many languages. He was been invited to Russia (among other) and meet Lavrov personally. Very interesting person

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My need for history led me to poetry, and that led to 18th century British and Welsh antiquarianism. My favorite is John Toland: https://archive.org/details/neweditionoftola00tola/page/3/mode/1up ...around 1760, all the hoopla was about McPherson's Ossian, which, like the Bock Saga, was also gathered or dictated from oral tradition. All the King's men hated Ossian, and shouted it down as a fraud (including Voltaire and Franklin), because it painted a picture of a literate and ethical ancient Briton. Romans hate the idea that anything but barbarism existed west of the channel before they came. They have always been dedicated to destroying all evidence to the contrary, as St. Patrick did when he burned all the Celtic antiquities written in Ogham when he arrived in Ireland.

There are good historical works in the public domain that should be read before we throw our hands up and say it was all fake. That's what it seems like most people want to do when encountering old books, but that's not what I do.

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Excellent! Are you familiar with the work of Wilson & Blackett?


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No, I am not. Thank you.

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I am enjoying this. This is right up my alley.

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In that case, you will probably also enjoy this, published earlier this year:

"The Great Migrations to Britain of 1527 B.C. and 485 B.C.," by Marchell Abrahams.


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£30?? I really want to read that one too..... may buy it for myself for Christmas!

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Milton's History of Britain is a good read. It's volume 10 of his collected works, also containing the brief History of Moscovia, which I found fascinating.

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Many thanks!

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Fascinating subject. I just know Percival's stone of destiny is going to come into it.

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Milton's anticlericalism is apparent in his historical writings pretty clearly.

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'I can only observe that a strong inner logic runs through the story like a golden thread and that it respects the laws of nature'.

I couldn't agree more!!

How interesting (though not surprising) that Tolkien revelled in learning this language of the Fins!

No wonder Lor Bock got done over. It seems that being done over, weather one survives or not, is the randomised controlled trial of truth.

Thank you so much Frances!!! 🙏

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Greg Carlwood interviewed Jim Chesnar on this a few years back https://www.thehighersidechats.com/jim-chesnar-the-bock-saga-returns-hidden-helsinki-artifacts-ior-himself/

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Many thanks for citing my work but you mis-spelled my name, Francis. A small problem which would not permit people to actually find me on Substack.

I skimmed the work, it is very long and impressive but your comments about Trump being amateurish surprised me enormously. I researched Trump's background long before he became a politician, because he was running a bullying campaign against Scottish small farmers near Aberdeen and I was living there at the time. What I found out about him was eye-watering. In short, the man is groomed for the role he now has in the world.

I wrote about him only once and that was in 2022 - it expresses my misgivings adequately, I feel.


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I'm half way through this and fascinated. It puts me in mind of Sylvie Ivanova's newearth yt playlist. 'When the Survivors of Atlantis Wake Up', which she recommends to download before it is either taken off or messed with.

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So Frances, who is the guy in the video? Talks like an American.

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Carl Borgen, the writer of the book, The Bock Saga.

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heard the story by Michael Merle on the site Red Ice Radio years ago......

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I started the book. I have it on my bookshelf. It was quite bizarre.

It’s been about two years since I picked it up

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Yes, as his Indian man servant said during an interview that Ior Bock would smoke the weedi

He also got a stipend for his whole life for some reason from the country of Finland it was written down that he was an artist, and he got his stipend for it however, he lived in India .

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Wow. Looking forward to exploring this. Thank you Frances.

Latin is not on the language chart!

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so many of us are looking past religion & digging deep on what is the truth about our origin, thanks Frances!

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Thank you for sharing this as I had not heard of it before.

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Wonderful, thanks! xx

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