I know that the Black Nobs don't give a flying floof about informing us before they take an action. They lie, all the time. It is amusing to them to lie to us. So, even if they appear to be revealing their method, believe me, they are not. They conceal their actions by distracting us with bottomless rabbit holes, as if we are terrier dogs.


In respect of my vision for our future -

I have such faith in life that my meditations are for receiving rather than projecting. The way I see it, I am a very tiny particle in this vast cosmos. It has a purpose and I cannot know what that may be. So I wait for my instructions.... and they come to me without fail in the most bizarre ways. A book may fall open at a certain page which conveys some small message. A bird may sit in my company in the garden and inspire me to refill the seed feed or water.

Every moment becomes a clue - IF you know what to look for!

Thank you all for the support you show me. It makes me very happy. xx

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Thanks for saying it. I too have such a faith in life and in open heart and meditation as we are beings of more than three dimensions. This interview and podcast is spot on and I’m sharing it widely as well as archiving it. 💯

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Looking forward to hearing your insights! It’s always great when important conversations are made more accessible. What’s one key takeaway from the interview that you think we should all pay attention to?

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I would prefer to hear what you consider is most important, Gerrit.

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This came up in my feed this morning. Thought of you. Maybe vim wrong but it doesn't feel right. Your thoughts?


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Yeah, well…. what can I say? This kind of misdirection and limited thinking is common and quite sadly illustrates the lack of actual work that some people put into their substack newsletters.

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This interview (shared on a private forum by someone who's known/followed you many years) was my introduction to you. It blew my mind and that of Parallel Mike, who runs the forum. Your years of deep, searingly focused, research produced a diamond, leaving the 'Black Nobs' stark bollock naked.

What you say here about your vision for our our future is exactly what I am experiencing, with knobs on in these times.

As Stephen Fry (I know) once said to Kathy Burke: 'Thank you for being on the planet'. xx

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yay Fran!!!!! I’m psyched to go listen. God bless you for all you are. Love, your friend Lizzie

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I listened to your interview on Jerm Warfare and it was absolutely BRILLIANT! I only wish it was a longer interview. (I could listen to you for hours....) I knew of the Black Nobility, and the information you shared gave me such a better understanding of the Black Nobility and the Jesuits. The knowledge you shared inspired me to seek out more information on this part of our history. To know these facts is so important to understanding the NOW of things, including our current Pope whom I distrusted from the outset. History, God, and the instincts he gifted us as very powerful tools, indeed. Thank you for your magnanimity in sharing yours with us.

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No pope since 1958. Sorry, you have to hate and disparage somebody else rather than Catholics on Francis .

A non Catholic can't be pope. Even if he gets all the votes in conclave.

Ill post perennial Catholic teaching, but that would not he any fun.

You won't be able to blame rapes of children , 1970s, on us.

If anyone asks ill show all teachings, logic etc

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Interesting...what denomination is he, then? Not challenging you, a real question: How is he representing the Catholic Church at the Vatican as the Pope? How does he have the power to put Archbishop Vigano on an extrajudicial trial before the Vatican Dicastery for the crime of schism? I don't understand how he is a Jesuit Pope, when Jesuits are forbidden from holding high office within the church body?

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Regarding Jesuit comment. First, there are no Jesuits that I know of, on planet earth, as there are none that I recognize as Catholic.

A Jesuit not being allowed to hold office, I don't know about this.

There are very few requirements to becoming Pope: being elected, Male, Catholic, no habitual insanity... There might be 1-2 more. Being a cardinal is very probable, but not necessary

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Vigano is on dangerous position by recognizing Francis as pope and then not following him.

If I was dying and wanted last rites, I would only accept a sedevacantist Priest or Bishop.. Extremely few. (Great apostasy)

The only Catholic solution when a heretic is pretending to be pope is to reject him as pope.

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Challenge me!

He's not heading the Catholic Church. Catholics do not control the Vatican.

Here's one example of Catholic teaching, esp #6


This never happened, until 1958 when Roncalli, A freemason, A modernist, got the votes in conclave. But since he wasn't Catholic, he isn't pope.

The Catholic Church cannot change in her essence. Roncalli, John Paul Ii, Francis- they are frauds.

But very few Catholics remain

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I am really happy you found it useful! Thank you for letting me know! xx

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Thank you Frances, it was a wonderful interview and great to hear your voice.

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I did enjoy that, Frances. Time just flew by! You are very easy to listen to.

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I am very happy you enjoyed it. The time flew by for me too! Afterwards I could barely remember what I had said and, as it was recorded back in April, my memory faded completely! My son reassured me that I had covered all the bases. Thankfully he was listening in at the time.

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It is an excellent talk, very logical but lively, and I finally grasped the topic, thanks to you!

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I follow Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung, but their information is overwhelming. This is a concise overall summary that helps me do a deeper dive into their stuff.

I’m thinking the battle with the BN is going on right now with the multi-polar World fighting hegemony. The advantage the MP world has is a strong “religious” foundation fighting a bunch of idiot in-bred Satanists. This truly is a fight between good and evil.

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I agree with you that Matt Ehret and Cynthia Chung overpad their work. A lot of historians tend to do that, more is the pity.

When I am reading or listening to them, I tend to think: Stop telling us about the antics of the servants. We need to know about the bosses.

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Remember that to be a Satanist you first have to believe in one of the 3 Abrahamic religions. These families who comprise the international crime syndicate are not believers in God or Satan. They are atheists and nihilists. Devoid of any belief in an afterlife, be that in Heaven and Hell or reincarnation.

They are as contemptuous of Satanists as they are of Christians, Jews and Muslims.

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Well...you know what Padre Pio said. "You may not believe in Hell, but you sure will when you get there."

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That sounds like the sort of thing I might expect to hear from a Jesuit.

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Hell is perennial teaching of Catholic Church. Only Church founded by Jesus.

Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus

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Loved this as always Frances, hopefully many have connected the dots by watching and listening to this. Something for you when you get 5mins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDDfcCivDJg

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This was most helpful in understanding the London, Vatican, Washington DC, connection. Where do the the masons fit into this mix? Then most jesuits are nihilist? Atheist?

Will need to find Jerm on more topics, he let you speak into depths. So the trillionaires are pulling strings on the billionaires and they hire the Jews to

Do their banking and pay for our luxuries of enslavement, where hardly is found an independent authentic thinking human being.. how do we overcome this except from our supernatural connection to Christ? How does a common man live

Freely in a system that is set up to keep him limited.

Seems to me having money health you can windsurf and eat well and never ever know you’re living in a Truman Show?

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Freemasons, commies took over Vatican in Oct 1958. No pope since then.

Catholic Church is extremely small.

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Any secret society, I don't care what they claim to be, is puppetry for the predator class of Nobility. At the helm of all such groups we find aristocracy, don't we?

Jesuits believe they are Christian. Shockingly, as I said in the video, they believe that what they are doing is 'God's Work'. The aristocracy which employs them and every other secret society is atheist and nihilist. They USE all three Abrahamic religions as mind control weapons against the people.

We have a natural connection to all of life. We know right from wrong at a deep fundamental level. We don't need any intermediaries or saviours or leaders.

Most people do surf through life without ever being aware that they are a slave. That is why the system works so efficiently. The moment a person recognises the system they cease to be useful to it and that is when the risk sets in because, if you know the game, you will be eliminated from it one way or another.

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In one of your earlier comments: "...I do not fear the Phonies…. I pity them because they have deceived themselves into believing that they are superior beings, when in fact, they are considerably inferior to us..."

Then, who are 'They'?, are you saying the BN, or those above them?

And, then who are' We'?. The 'We' beginning to 'wake up'? and you mention they tend to want to 'Knock Off'? Rosa Koire I believe was one of many that possibly? was Targeted and Eliminated. What a ruthless, cold and black and white opponent it appears we face. However, there are esoteric teachers and teachings out there-- Steiner being one of the ones out that I believe was beginning to maybe spill the beans, and who was luring people in to show *why* they see themselves doing God's work. Some within that Steiner group said he too -- possibly went before his time.

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Oh dear. In the podcast you may have missed the way that the old Roman Senator families moved to the swamps of northern Italy which was the hiding ground of the pirates, descended from the Phoenicians. They appear to have combined forces very early on as they developed the city we now know as Venice. Remember I said ‘Venetians sounds a lot like Phoenician’? So ‘they’ are the old ruling families of Venice who much later adopted the nickname, Black Nobility, when they were defending their Pope, who was always selected by them to represent their interests over ours.

When I refer to us with the term ‘we’ - I mean literally every single human being who is not a member of the European aristocratic families and that includes all the minions who have been duped into serving them in one way or another.

Even the Hofjuden like Rothschild, as I also mentioned, are a rung down the pyramid of power.

Yes, I do think that Rosa Koire was dispensed with but I am not too sure that she died of cancer, as claimed. She was still giving talks only weeks before her death. Of course, there could be another explanation for her sudden departure. She may have been warned off and then disappeared of her own volition or her allotted task was complete. I wrote about my misgivings in respect of her at the time:


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Frances, I know you can pack only so much into one hour ;). Again, an Excellent hour it was!

Yes I remember you saying about the Roman elite heading North - makes sense. However, didn't know that area was also the enclave of the 'Pirates.' Phoenicians from my reading of history definitely had the power of the seas, but I think I'm a bit muddled with their descendants, and 'timeline' of who were the Pirates.

There's theories out there that the Templars were also into Piracy. Although just like in everything -- was Piracy just one possible faction of Templars? When I went to the Templar church in London... I said hang on a minute there's a huge "Jolly Roger" on the floor. Crickets! when I asked about it. So, not putting words into your mouth is this the time when the fleeing roman elites could have met up with the rogue Templar bankers? Please correct me if I'm wrong. Ta.

Also, whoever they are, personally I don't think they are stupid. They know exactly how to weave their stories, set the traps from the day we are born. Also, Generations of conditioning our fore-mothers! and fathers. They know human nature. Also, I remember you alerting us: they are just sitting back and waiting for us to finish the job for them. Hence, my frustration at times encountering those who appear so willing to build the control grid, and even activists who proudly gloat putting their spawn and offspring through the system as to be the next generation of pansies. Ruthless organisation. End game is not good.

If there is such a thing as Redemption - may it come quickly. There is no time like the present to show itself.

P.S. With Rosa Koire -- could be. You have been a researcher far longer than I. Often reminded of Lenin's 'supposed' recorded strategy: “The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves.” Same as acknowledging much of what we're apparently seeing are "Two Wings of the Same Bird." We can only take this life to its conclusion with our innate personal understanding and knowledge and only know within us what is fundamentally right and wrong.

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"So, not putting words into your mouth is this the time when the fleeing roman elites could have met up with the rogue Templar bankers?"

No. You are muddled about the timeline.

The Roman Senators decamped to the swamps of Northern Italy in 575AD. Long before the Templars were even a thing!

The Templars were Knight servants of the Roman Catholic Church who were anxious to claim the Holy Land from the Saracen/Moors from the 11th century onward. They were accused of stealing riches or even the Arc of the Covenant! Many of them were assassinated or burned at the stake.

The remnants of their Order later set up an HQ in the City of London which, as it happens, houses the Temple B.A.R. (British Accredited Registry) of all lawyers and barristers worldwide.

So the Templars are a very interesting secret society which is definitely a part of the Roman Catholic drive to control the entire world via religion and law.

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I agree. It’s like the red pill moment in the movie the Matrix. Once taken

The game is seen. So the next question is them awake as many as possible ?

Then dodge bullets.

Then insert our light being into their

Bodies and explode them with light

I’d like that …





Fear No man

Only God

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I do not fear your god.

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I think fear and actually Reverence is better term.

To accept that God this God has made everything from pebble to Sun and all living things .. would be wise to have great respect .. when I use fear the term means to be humble and reverent. Paraphrasing fear no man but that which can take your soul

In my case if I am connected to God by my pursuit of following Christ, then I don’t fear God nor Lucifer.

He’s not my God I have no claim.

Fearing God is the beginning of wisdom. I never understood that in one way

In another

If this God and apparently God has made all this and me

Then I best get on with a very healthy dose of respect which has an element of fear..

perhaps that what makes an atheist or nihilist so effective

They do not fear God nor the consequences of their words or actions.

God is not mine and glad you

Made this comment

Just pointing out my independent thought on my understanding.

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I find that you have a blind spot in respect of the message I was conveying in that podcast. I was saying that the 3 Abrahamic religions have been used to mind control people into obeying a set of rules, supposedly delivered to humanity by a god. Fear of breaking this god's rules served to control the behaviour of people for the past 2,000 years. The Roman slave owners, later known as the Black Nobility or European aristocracy or international crime syndicate, never intended to obey the rules themselves. They are atheists and nihilists. They have no limits and expect no judgement.

I don't believe in a god, separate from me, like you do. My personal philosophy is far different and I have written about it very many times. You may find this article gives you some idea:


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I pinned this … quite certain reincarnation is real .. quite certain I’ve lived many lives

And faced the Roman soldiers who decided it best to build Hadrians Wall .. than face the likes of me in Highlands behind the trees.

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I get that idea of mind control.

And it’s clever I agree. Rules for thee not me. It has worked rather well on the earthly plane. I just do happen to believe Christ does exist and demonstrated the way the truth and by example.

I see how religion is a control

Device and as a liberation from control. I also see how it is always used to divide us.

Basically we are all on the same side. Truth is our ultimate quest. Peace our final destination.

Black nobility sets up the game

Does not play by the rules

Buys the legal system

Buys the government

Money is their god

To me there is a Creator

I call God

How I got here idk

I am assuming there is an after life

I acknowledge the Christ

We are on the same side

We have a common enemy

I watch the democrats in the USA

They have no desire to follow any rules of a Constitution

They hire the best attorneys

Have more money than needed

Play the long game

I know the system sucks

I get the trillionaires are evil

Even the demons are well aware of the Christ

I am following Christ

As best as one can

Figuring the trillionaires will face their mortality too

The great equalizer death

Thanks for sending me this link …

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Excellent. Thank You. The Dog succinctly let out of the Cage. When I heard this Sobering description what we're living in -- I had this incredible moment of why did I not see this before. Next, why can't others see this?

A follow on to what you were talking about especially Israel: Of note remember when we had Prince William at the Wailing Wall with his Black skullcap (Zucchetto). My other teacher Jordan Maxwell. May he RIP. Gave me another Whoa moment as to how the Stage is set. The Wailing Wall is not part of their Jewish Temple, it's a Roman Fort! Incredible. But, how come we can see the pieces fitting together, but others won't or can't? Onward.


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Yeah…. the worshipping of a Roman wall has always amused the hell outta me!

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I had been waiting for this presentation to become free to air since April and it didn't disappoint. I listened to the James Delingpod interview as well and both added some details to my research into the black nobility and the jesuits. So thank you.

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Jerm Warfare told me privately that this interview has been one of his most successful, gaining many thousands of downloads. I am very happy that it has finally been made public because, frankly, I had forgotten what I had said! Glad that you liked it! xx

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Thank Frances. Awesome interview. A great introduction for anyone new regarding our buried and untaught history. Easy to comprehend.

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Great stuff as always, will share far & wide.

Have a beautiful day folks.

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