Sort of.... I reached the recent decade which is far enough for now. Most of my exploits since 2013 have been recorded in articles written for Anti Fracking International on Facebook and in blogs on Steemit and Hive.
FRACKING. As a 30+ years oil field service company, Solids control & environmental waste management; Operations manager, General manager & Country manager I do know 100% what I'm going to tell you.
The hydraulic fracturing of oil & gas bearing has been used to increase the flow of oil & gas from the formation into the well bore, since the 1940's. So! Hardly new. Just an emotive word sized upon by so called environmentalist & greens to further their misguided, misplaced concerns agenda.
Please take time to read this & see the truth. Thank you.
Please note that this is my autobiography. You are commenting on my opinion AT THAT TIME. As things progressed I was able to prove that Fracking was invented in the 1960s with the intention of providing deep wells in which to store radio-active materials. The use of depleted uranium perforation charges further irradiates all oil and gas wells.
It was this realisation (made a couple of years into the protests) which contributed to the end of Fracking in the UK. You can hear me discussing this and see my evidence here:
I was at a lot of fracking protests when I lived in NYC. I wonder if the practice has decreased at all since those days. It's so hard to discern the truth these days. Thanks for sharing another chapter of your life, Frances, fighting for what is good and right. An Earth Angel, you are. xo
Hi Andy, Not sure if you're saying fracking is a good thing, a bad thing, or just explaining the process.
This jumped out at me: "This fluid, typically called produced water, or flowback, may contain the chemicals injected into the reservoir and naturally occurring materials including metals, brines, and hydrocarbons. The produced water is usually stored in tanks at the site of the well fracturing or in pits, before it is disposed of, treated, or recycled."
Or, dumped in rivers and other bodies of water, as is often the case.
Also, isn't horizontal fracking the reason the number of earthquakes has increased exponentially in places like Oklahoma?
It's such a typical narrative (like Frances' comment below) that allows man to pollute and unsettle the Earth for the sake of our comfort and greed using the usual "creates jobs" excuse. I don't mean to sound righteous, because I have a gas stove and my home is heated with propane. But, surely there has to be a better way than to continue this constant raping of our planet. Free energy? What's really being hidden from us that would allow a cleaner and better world for man AND the planet?
Hi Barbara! Initially just explaining the process. Futile attempt to point out what it really is. Without the emotional "freaking" out displayed by some!
The EPA regulations are way more strict, firm & law enforced these days with disposal of all well bore & reservoir fluids. So oil & gas drilling & production way more environmentally protected these days. Thankfully.
I see NOBODY freaking out emotionally - but only a misogynist would dare to gaslight like that. So fuck off Andy. Your 'experience' in oil & gas was as a paper pusher. Your hands never got dirty did they?
I was a very hands on & even waist deep in oily drilling mud, hands on regularly & constantly Manager. My competent office staff took good care of the paper work for your information. Very hands on. Site visits every day. By road for land rigs. By fast speed boats for riverine, swamp & close offshore rigs. By helicopter for offshore rigs. Your ignorance shames you. Your filthy mouth disgraces you.
I was enjoying your writing a lot. Now you can do one. Wretched oxygen thieving chitstain.
It explains THE PRESCRIBED NARRATIVE. Certainly NOT the truth. Look, man. This is my autobiography and you are FORCING me to divulge future episodes of my experience ahead of the story, purely to counter your corporate bullshit.
Andy, I am concerned as well by this statement. From what I see Frances is a thorough investigative reporter. (yes she gets reactive and defensive as you did as well and this can cloud the issue) And I would imagine that looking honestly at one's life work and seeing that harm was done is a hard thing to hold. Something that many can't do the work of. Certainly a very key piece in this world of ours, especially now. Maybe you could entertain the possibility that there are pieces you were or are not aware of? When 'we' get adhered to knowing it can be very hard to see.
Do you know how many oil & gas workers died early due to cancer?
Do you know anything about the effects of radio-activity?
Oil-and-gas wells produce nearly a trillion gallons of toxic waste a year. An investigation shows how it could be making workers sick and contaminating communities across America.
This is a great account! I had a friend who journalled about her experience protesting fracking in South Dakota a few years ago. It is odd how one becomes the other woman. The father of my older daughter has had a few health scares in recent years. He's managing thus far. But I'm well aware that he will not be around forever. None of us will
I like your poem. I think it would make a great protest song with the addition of a hook stanza. Joan Baez would be a good choice to sing it while strumming her guitar.
Nowadays I do have very short periods of boredom - but I enjoy them! They are a blessing.... like a little shaded and watery oasis after a very long hard trudge against the elements. I am satisfied that I sowed some seeds in this lifetime. I will reap the rewards of them in my next life which probably won't be boring either! 🤣😂
Don't spoil the story! My 'feelings' about Greenpeace were already deeply suspicious in 2013, but they supported our protest in a very limited way. I harassed them to get the chemical toilets emptied and, as the attending crowds grew, I regularly begged them for more toilets which sufficed until we built our own compost versions. Other than that they simply used our protest to attract donations from the public.
It did not surprise me that these 'donations' never made it to any of our camps.
You can find more stories listed here:
PREVIOUS EPISODES are listed in the pinned comment here -
Frances, did you decide to discontinue your Sunday memory sharing?
Sort of.... I reached the recent decade which is far enough for now. Most of my exploits since 2013 have been recorded in articles written for Anti Fracking International on Facebook and in blogs on Steemit and Hive.
Wow, Frances. Many thanks!
Triumph out of tragedy!
Francis sorry to hear about your loss of Tony.
FRACKING. As a 30+ years oil field service company, Solids control & environmental waste management; Operations manager, General manager & Country manager I do know 100% what I'm going to tell you.
The hydraulic fracturing of oil & gas bearing has been used to increase the flow of oil & gas from the formation into the well bore, since the 1940's. So! Hardly new. Just an emotive word sized upon by so called environmentalist & greens to further their misguided, misplaced concerns agenda.
Please take time to read this & see the truth. Thank you.
Please note that this is my autobiography. You are commenting on my opinion AT THAT TIME. As things progressed I was able to prove that Fracking was invented in the 1960s with the intention of providing deep wells in which to store radio-active materials. The use of depleted uranium perforation charges further irradiates all oil and gas wells.
It was this realisation (made a couple of years into the protests) which contributed to the end of Fracking in the UK. You can hear me discussing this and see my evidence here:
I was at a lot of fracking protests when I lived in NYC. I wonder if the practice has decreased at all since those days. It's so hard to discern the truth these days. Thanks for sharing another chapter of your life, Frances, fighting for what is good and right. An Earth Angel, you are. xo
Hello Barbara. Please take the time to read this. Explains the real thing.
Hi Andy, Not sure if you're saying fracking is a good thing, a bad thing, or just explaining the process.
This jumped out at me: "This fluid, typically called produced water, or flowback, may contain the chemicals injected into the reservoir and naturally occurring materials including metals, brines, and hydrocarbons. The produced water is usually stored in tanks at the site of the well fracturing or in pits, before it is disposed of, treated, or recycled."
Or, dumped in rivers and other bodies of water, as is often the case.
Also, isn't horizontal fracking the reason the number of earthquakes has increased exponentially in places like Oklahoma?
It's such a typical narrative (like Frances' comment below) that allows man to pollute and unsettle the Earth for the sake of our comfort and greed using the usual "creates jobs" excuse. I don't mean to sound righteous, because I have a gas stove and my home is heated with propane. But, surely there has to be a better way than to continue this constant raping of our planet. Free energy? What's really being hidden from us that would allow a cleaner and better world for man AND the planet?
Hi Barbara! Initially just explaining the process. Futile attempt to point out what it really is. Without the emotional "freaking" out displayed by some!
The EPA regulations are way more strict, firm & law enforced these days with disposal of all well bore & reservoir fluids. So oil & gas drilling & production way more environmentally protected these days. Thankfully.
Andy, maybe if you had explained what you meant by this:
"Futile attempt to point out what it really is. Without the emotional "freaking" out displayed by some!"
Who were you referring to? I didn't see any evidence of it here.
I see NOBODY freaking out emotionally - but only a misogynist would dare to gaslight like that. So fuck off Andy. Your 'experience' in oil & gas was as a paper pusher. Your hands never got dirty did they?
I was a very hands on & even waist deep in oily drilling mud, hands on regularly & constantly Manager. My competent office staff took good care of the paper work for your information. Very hands on. Site visits every day. By road for land rigs. By fast speed boats for riverine, swamp & close offshore rigs. By helicopter for offshore rigs. Your ignorance shames you. Your filthy mouth disgraces you.
I was enjoying your writing a lot. Now you can do one. Wretched oxygen thieving chitstain.
lol - NOW who is emotionally freaking out? Huh? Too funny.
It explains THE PRESCRIBED NARRATIVE. Certainly NOT the truth. Look, man. This is my autobiography and you are FORCING me to divulge future episodes of my experience ahead of the story, purely to counter your corporate bullshit.
Not a problem. Unsubscribe me gladly. Thanks. My corporate bullshit raised my family.
Andy, I am concerned as well by this statement. From what I see Frances is a thorough investigative reporter. (yes she gets reactive and defensive as you did as well and this can cloud the issue) And I would imagine that looking honestly at one's life work and seeing that harm was done is a hard thing to hold. Something that many can't do the work of. Certainly a very key piece in this world of ours, especially now. Maybe you could entertain the possibility that there are pieces you were or are not aware of? When 'we' get adhered to knowing it can be very hard to see.
Billions of people have worked for filthy industries to provide for their families because, in a corporate world, there was little choice.
You were lucky to escape unharmed (or are you?)
Obviously according to your expert self. I must be brain ravaged & damaged.
Having reached 70, every day now is a bonus & a blessing!
Did you work on the drill floor of any rig?
Do you know how many oil & gas workers died early due to cancer?
Do you know anything about the effects of radio-activity?
Oil-and-gas wells produce nearly a trillion gallons of toxic waste a year. An investigation shows how it could be making workers sick and contaminating communities across America.
I dunno about the 'Angel' bit.... 🤣😂
The way I saw it was really quite simple. 'Scuse crudity but......
It is unwise to shit on your nest!
Well said! 😉
Bless you Frances ❤️❤️❤️Great poem!
This is a great account! I had a friend who journalled about her experience protesting fracking in South Dakota a few years ago. It is odd how one becomes the other woman. The father of my older daughter has had a few health scares in recent years. He's managing thus far. But I'm well aware that he will not be around forever. None of us will
I like your poem. I think it would make a great protest song with the addition of a hook stanza. Joan Baez would be a good choice to sing it while strumming her guitar.
Nowadays I do have very short periods of boredom - but I enjoy them! They are a blessing.... like a little shaded and watery oasis after a very long hard trudge against the elements. I am satisfied that I sowed some seeds in this lifetime. I will reap the rewards of them in my next life which probably won't be boring either! 🤣😂
Don't spoil the story! My 'feelings' about Greenpeace were already deeply suspicious in 2013, but they supported our protest in a very limited way. I harassed them to get the chemical toilets emptied and, as the attending crowds grew, I regularly begged them for more toilets which sufficed until we built our own compost versions. Other than that they simply used our protest to attract donations from the public.
It did not surprise me that these 'donations' never made it to any of our camps.
But you already suspected that, didn't you, Dave?
No. You misunderstand me. The story of fracking and what Greenpeace did (and did not do) is part of future chapters I had planned.