Hi Frances - haven't had time to read/watch this yet but intend to. I thought you might be interested in these 2 links from John Lukash. He also works with Mark Steele and has been going through Sabrina's work as well: http://estateartistry.com/blog/exposing-the-bio-api-part-one and http://estateartistry.com/blog/exposing-the-bio-api-part-two I found them brilliant and much easier to follow than SW. Part 3 to be issued soon I believe. I noticed he also posted them on Sasha Latypova's last substack post. but when I last looked she hadn't reacted. One thing's for sure: I doubt she'll dare to call Lukash a nutjob.
Thanks a lot, I was getting jaded off Sabrina because she is so scattered in her thinking and the terminology and acronyms do not register with me. Furthermore, every document refers to bio-sensors inside SICK people in hospital settings. I have found nothing to support the theory that we are all full of bio-sensors since the 90s!
I asked in video comments "If we are loaded with bio-sensors why can't the police easily find missing persons?" I got no answer.
Also, I do not see how these bio-sensors can steal energy from our systems. Maybe I need to keep trying to take these techy concepts in but, for now, I am unconvinced so thanks a lot for these two documents which I will work through slowly until I get it! xx
Not sure whether you've had time to read Lukash's articles yet but he's clarifying lots of things for me. Re. question you asked in vid comments that received no reply, maybe put it to John Lukash directly. At the bottom of each article there's a section for comments/questions which are sent to him by email.
There is such a large cast of sketchy characters that have emerged since the start of this COVID crap. It's really hard to tell what is real and what is not. Is there graphene in the shots? This still isn't clear to me. If there isn't, then some of Sabrina's speculation is off (although not totally I assume).
Your welcome, I have been at it a long time and fortunately I have been in a place where I can see first hand how those who hates us operate. There is so much more to everything I have said. This side needs to quickly adjust the signals they are giving off. The message and delivery methodology is seriously flawed. If i came up to you in the street, a total stranger and you knew nothing about this stuff and I said, "Covid vaccine will kill you within ten years an 5G is using it to make you a robot, take off the face nappy you stupid mudblood, sheep". How is that working out for us right now? The message needs to be delivered in a way the "programmed" will tune into it not out of it. I like to strike up a conversation where I can and drop something like, "You heard anything about this large unexplained increase in deaths across the country, they are like, 35% higher than they have ever been and the authorities are at a loss to explain it" "Not really", "Yea right, so I checked it out and found a few research papers by these doctors overseas and its not just here, its everywhere and really serious, mostly cardiac in the young and apparently these fast growing cancers in the older age groups forty and over, "Turbocharged" was one researchers description. That is bloody scary, whats next, hyper diabetes?" The seed is planted, they may be non committal or offer up something bland like, not hear of it or I dunno. But they will be thinking, now they go off and look up excess death and dig and question, realising something is not right. They talk to others and more seeds get planted and grow. Yes I agree it is knackering, so much so I had to walk away by the mid eighties due to the toll it takes. I started to slide back into things five years ago. Unfortunately, the movement has been subverted by the "useful idiots" of the "Globo- communist" system Schwab and co are working to force us into. Just like every formal institution in every western nation that has ties to the Globalists and the institutions that are the front for their actions. All severely compromised from the top down.
It was never about a virus. It was about deploying the cyberphysical backbone, a global network of bodies interconnected wirelessly through biosensors in and/or on the body with digital ID. In order to do that they needed to shutdown the immune system (thus disabling our natural electrical biofield/aura) body part, graphene to improve wireless signal transmission and reception, nano-routers and DNA-coded biosensors to enable the 802.15.6 WBAN (internet of bodies), lipid nanoparticles to enable remote kill-switch, SV-40 to enable turbo cancers that drain you financially, trypanosoma, malaria, and hydra parasites to enable transfection of foreign proteins, mRNA software for remote wireless synthetic tissue engineering, hydrogels for human-machine interfaces, and luciferase SM-102 based quantum dots for digital ID coded with your DNA, all of this tethered to the cloud for autonomous drone & electronic warfare so we can skull f**k you in your killbox. It's right there in Pentagon DoD Directive 3000.09 document and in the book "Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V" college textbook. Does anyone have ears to hear? Eyes to read?
Now does this sound like something that you would like to have happen to you? No? Will it make my internet faster? Okay, so now we have complete control of your entire body, mind, and soul (we changed your DNA so we can patent you, and we own the patents), we're gonna press this button here to electrocute you from the inside, then activate your kill-switch so we don't have to deal with your hate of us. But, we can still use you as a node on the network after you're dead thanks to 802.15.5 mesh so we can still get signals through to kill who we want. Button pressing is so fun!
We must really have pissed someone off if they did that to us, riiight?
All we have done is live. Apparently that is crowding up 'their' space, 'their' planet. We are using all 'their' resources! That is particularly irksome behaviour. 'They' don't like pilferers wasting 'their' stuff. All this is 'theirs' and we are in the way of their sparkly new world order in which every single life form is controlled, tidy and approved in designated areas.
I have written a plan for 'them' and 'they' are going to love it:
I will look at this venetian black nobility topic. I was introduced to it a few months ago but haven't spent time on it. There is always a new angle to learn. Thank you.
Oh dear, Mark Steele eh, mr 5g missile targeting system. First of all he refuses to produce his claimed "Qualifications", can't name the department of DoD he worked for which is utter rubbish because department names are not classified. Mark Steele ran round waving and quoting a paper as one of his major sources to back his claim of a 5G weapon system. "Towards a Model for Bi-modal Meta-Bisturbile Defence Matrices - Dr Casper Darling, Member, IEEE, Dr Gordon Freeman, Fellow, OSA, Dr. Yukinari Ohkido, Life Fellow, IEEE"
When he did that he showed how dangerous he really is. People in the anti authoritarian movement need to realise something very quickly because we are losing the fight right now. People like Steele are pushing garbage for one reason, it is by design, targeted to distract from what is really going on, its targeted to elicit a proscribed response and its working. The other part, it's one giant distraction to keep you from looking at anything or doing something that is actually meaningful against the real threat.
Digital Id, and the changes to legislation that are being rammed through parliaments globally to curtail free speech and the push to cease cash transactions.. Stopping these are critical, every country, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada and others. 5G its here, its being rolled out en masse and past the point of no return, no point fighting trying to stop it. Control has to be won and then dismantle it from the inside. New tactics are required and a completely different approach. Some battles have to be dealt with after they have been lost. The battles that are won are planned for well before they are fought. The most important that has not been lost and has not fully begun. Digital ID and the attempts being made to rip cash out of the system. Stop those two in their tracks, they have nothing. They have lost, because everything they want, smart cities, ARUP 40, social credit, it all stops without digital ID and forcing government to abandon plans for cashless society.
And you've had such an interesting past, which I enjoy hearing about (mostly, maybe...lol).
Last Thursday, I encountered on my drive to the gawldarned grocery store just how much 'they' have amped up the death ray (or whatever we're supposed to call it). I never before experienced anything like this level of irritability-inducing, EMF-from-hell, in-place electro-frying.
Was anyone else subjected to this near me, as well? I don't see how they could not have been. The intensity of the frying varied location to location, street to street. No way could that mean I was somehow a lone target being tractor-beamed or whatever. (Yeah, I know...'cause he's a "tinfoil hat" wearer, dismissorama could be coming in response to what I just said. Fuck that shit.) And that's not even half of what I could be sharing about this.
Several people have commented to me that 'they turned up the heat' in August. I know the predator class have a thing about the old Roman gods. 23rd August is the festival of Vulcanalia in which small animals and fish were thrown alive into the fire....
I see why you think it comes from 1990 but the article was referring to someone else when it mentioned that date. This video of Barrie Trower appeared online around 2013. I remember it being sent to me because I had been at Greenham Common and it was the first time I heard that we were microwaved. Interestingly, it was 2013 that I was aware of being injured in the kidney by something when I was giving a speech at the anti fracking camp, Balcombe UK.
It's not necessarily parasites that cause disease, it is if the host body (our body) is capable of ridding itself of parasites, germs, bacteria or viruses. When the body is incapable of ridding itself of these things disease or illness happen. Fasting for at least 17 hours may assist the cells of resetting themselves so our bodies can rid itself of these things. Cellular Autophagy/ Yoshinori Ohsumi : https://sqonline.ucsd.edu/2021/10/autophagy-the-immense-benefits-of-fasting/ I did intermittent fasting from 2002 through most of 2010. I lost weight and kept it off. Then my work schedules changed dramatically and I began gaining weight.
As for germ theory, it has been twisted into something other than what it really is. These links help explain that.
I've been familiar with Gaston Naessens's work for decades. (He must be past 100 years old by now!) But the other reason I wanted to chime in is that the owner of the site where that particular video is posted, Yummy Doctor, is also of interest.
In July, I listened to this interview of Amandha Vollmer, a.k.a., Yummy Doctor:
At 27:40 into the hour, until basically the end of the hour-long podcast, guest Amandha is sharing that electroculture breaks up chemtrails, aside from the question of how to use this method to enhance garden growth. (Plus, the vinegar trick is discussed as another means of clearing chemtrails, how hydrogen ion exchange is probably in play with that process and that vinegar is actually more powerful in counteracting heavy chemtrailing.):
It was a post by Lucia on the Psinergists Telegram channel that finally got me to act. In one of her videos, we get a clear shot of the sky over her property. Lucia wasn't even talking about chemtrails, but I could clearly see that the hazy, milky chemshit was only on the perimeter of her area, while directly overhead were fluffy normal clouds and blue (what USED to be normal in many NATO countries before the '90s). That was proof enough for me.
That is what we are told but, given the recent realisations about the lack of truth from the scientific community, how can we be sure that there is not some other process happening? Russian scientists proved that certain EMFs can encourage growth among parasites. Others can kill them.
I would think that parasites are an infestation, surely? Also, they have been known to proliferate in the presence of certain electro-magnetic frequencies, die off in others. This understanding comes from Russian experiments in the 1970s.
I think it is an alarm test like the one we had in UK a few months ago. Everyone panicked and swore we would all be killed. Lots of people turned their phones off. Nothing much happened. Everyone got a text message test warning but at different times.... a total damp squib probably designed to put the frighteners on us all.
Local apartment building just passed out fliers that "ALL electronics...to be shut down in all apartments for 13 hours
Sometime last week in September or week in October". All electricity will be shut OFF, 'free' vouchers for food to be provided. Time TBA. I don't know how to post the actual letter...
There is zero reporting from the UK government they intend to test next month or in the near future. Regardless, think about it for a minute. Instead of showing them you are a potential resister now or in the future. Leave the damn phone on, hide in plain sight. Let them ping it, when they have done that, back up all your contacts and then factory reset the phone to ensure they have not used the opportunity to piggy back malware or a back door in on the SMS. Let them think you are a compliant citizen and on team Sunak/WEF at every opportunity. The more they think you are one of them, you stay off their radar and a watch list. By the way if you are posting online in forums like this from your phone. You can leave it on, they know about you already.
Electro-magnetic radiation does not require a device to affect your health negatively. It is killing trees, insects and birds and they don't carry iPhones.
Today I paid attention to my local outdoors. I saw no Robins. Unheard of. A couple sparrows and mom&dad bluejay. There should be flocks around. One bee, no yellowjackets (they’re usually a nuisance when autumn arrives), and notably I heard NO cicadas this August at all. I don’t recall these things all happening/ not happening, ever. Meanwhile the electric meters on our short squat 5G towers are spinning away as my energy and focus goes down the drain. Good times, good times. 👿
Agreed. Plus whatever they are spraying in our clouds is definitely also having an effect. I live in a beautiful place in the country with little "city issues." Last night I noticed them spraying - streaks repeatedly across the sky - today, cloud cover overall and few animals out - very few birds. My plants are suffering, my grass is suffering ("crispy" even after plenty of rain, the animals are suffering. All of this, especially 5G, which was rolled out while everyone went along at home with the PLANdemic, is to do away with most of humanity and most wildlife. I'm sure, given the resilience of the wildlife and insects, that they believe that utopia is right around the corner...
If such a thing were possible "Fracturing a frequency" the protocol would not function as it should because it is broken. All transmitters need to send a steady well formed transmission at the frequency they are intended to. Otherwise the signal will not attenuate and propagate effectively. Therefore not performing as it should, in other words its useless. I suggest you find better sources of information instead of using "Scaremongering" terms. Listen to your son, he is right.
kHz is short for kilohertz and is a measurement of frequency, or cycles per second. In digital audio, this measurement describes the number of data chunks used per second to represent an analog sound in digital form. These data chunks are known as the sampling rate or sampling frequency.
KILLER hertz/ Killer Hurts
They ALWAYS tell us thru their spellcasting verbiage what their intentions are as part of their ritual.
They come in waves - my son explained how they are not steady, they are in waves. My response to him was that if a wave washes against a shore, eventually that shore breaks down and falls into the sea. He's of the opinion that they simply bounce off of our skin and don't penetrate far enough to hurt us. We totally disagree.
I wrote that from memory because all the research I did on Mark Steele was lost when I was deplatformed from Facebook and our website was mysteriously removed from the internet.
that's a pretty good endorsement of your findings right there 😠 but I have to say I didn't understand a word Sabrina was saying. not sure if I wil live long enough to catch up with all this!
Sabrina wants us to use the correct terminology and, in this particular video, she is addressing Mark Steele who she believes is a military weapons expert because that is how he always announces himself.
Sabrina addressed me directly with this video. It is very interesting.
Today's upload: Answering another excellent query- “Why wouldn’t a way to stay human be made available?”
A 15 page pdf from Mark Steele outlining his expertise and claims:
Also - here is a pdf of the ICNIRP GUIDELINES FOR LIMITING EXPOSURE TO ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS (100 KHZ TO 300 GHZ) https://www.icnirp.org/cms/upload/publications/ICNIRPrfgdl2020.pdf
Hi Frances - haven't had time to read/watch this yet but intend to. I thought you might be interested in these 2 links from John Lukash. He also works with Mark Steele and has been going through Sabrina's work as well: http://estateartistry.com/blog/exposing-the-bio-api-part-one and http://estateartistry.com/blog/exposing-the-bio-api-part-two I found them brilliant and much easier to follow than SW. Part 3 to be issued soon I believe. I noticed he also posted them on Sasha Latypova's last substack post. but when I last looked she hadn't reacted. One thing's for sure: I doubt she'll dare to call Lukash a nutjob.
Thanks a lot, I was getting jaded off Sabrina because she is so scattered in her thinking and the terminology and acronyms do not register with me. Furthermore, every document refers to bio-sensors inside SICK people in hospital settings. I have found nothing to support the theory that we are all full of bio-sensors since the 90s!
I asked in video comments "If we are loaded with bio-sensors why can't the police easily find missing persons?" I got no answer.
Also, I do not see how these bio-sensors can steal energy from our systems. Maybe I need to keep trying to take these techy concepts in but, for now, I am unconvinced so thanks a lot for these two documents which I will work through slowly until I get it! xx
Not sure whether you've had time to read Lukash's articles yet but he's clarifying lots of things for me. Re. question you asked in vid comments that received no reply, maybe put it to John Lukash directly. At the bottom of each article there's a section for comments/questions which are sent to him by email.
I submitted my question - curious about the answer!
There is such a large cast of sketchy characters that have emerged since the start of this COVID crap. It's really hard to tell what is real and what is not. Is there graphene in the shots? This still isn't clear to me. If there isn't, then some of Sabrina's speculation is off (although not totally I assume).
Your welcome, I have been at it a long time and fortunately I have been in a place where I can see first hand how those who hates us operate. There is so much more to everything I have said. This side needs to quickly adjust the signals they are giving off. The message and delivery methodology is seriously flawed. If i came up to you in the street, a total stranger and you knew nothing about this stuff and I said, "Covid vaccine will kill you within ten years an 5G is using it to make you a robot, take off the face nappy you stupid mudblood, sheep". How is that working out for us right now? The message needs to be delivered in a way the "programmed" will tune into it not out of it. I like to strike up a conversation where I can and drop something like, "You heard anything about this large unexplained increase in deaths across the country, they are like, 35% higher than they have ever been and the authorities are at a loss to explain it" "Not really", "Yea right, so I checked it out and found a few research papers by these doctors overseas and its not just here, its everywhere and really serious, mostly cardiac in the young and apparently these fast growing cancers in the older age groups forty and over, "Turbocharged" was one researchers description. That is bloody scary, whats next, hyper diabetes?" The seed is planted, they may be non committal or offer up something bland like, not hear of it or I dunno. But they will be thinking, now they go off and look up excess death and dig and question, realising something is not right. They talk to others and more seeds get planted and grow. Yes I agree it is knackering, so much so I had to walk away by the mid eighties due to the toll it takes. I started to slide back into things five years ago. Unfortunately, the movement has been subverted by the "useful idiots" of the "Globo- communist" system Schwab and co are working to force us into. Just like every formal institution in every western nation that has ties to the Globalists and the institutions that are the front for their actions. All severely compromised from the top down.
It was never about a virus. It was about deploying the cyberphysical backbone, a global network of bodies interconnected wirelessly through biosensors in and/or on the body with digital ID. In order to do that they needed to shutdown the immune system (thus disabling our natural electrical biofield/aura) body part, graphene to improve wireless signal transmission and reception, nano-routers and DNA-coded biosensors to enable the 802.15.6 WBAN (internet of bodies), lipid nanoparticles to enable remote kill-switch, SV-40 to enable turbo cancers that drain you financially, trypanosoma, malaria, and hydra parasites to enable transfection of foreign proteins, mRNA software for remote wireless synthetic tissue engineering, hydrogels for human-machine interfaces, and luciferase SM-102 based quantum dots for digital ID coded with your DNA, all of this tethered to the cloud for autonomous drone & electronic warfare so we can skull f**k you in your killbox. It's right there in Pentagon DoD Directive 3000.09 document and in the book "Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V" college textbook. Does anyone have ears to hear? Eyes to read?
Now does this sound like something that you would like to have happen to you? No? Will it make my internet faster? Okay, so now we have complete control of your entire body, mind, and soul (we changed your DNA so we can patent you, and we own the patents), we're gonna press this button here to electrocute you from the inside, then activate your kill-switch so we don't have to deal with your hate of us. But, we can still use you as a node on the network after you're dead thanks to 802.15.5 mesh so we can still get signals through to kill who we want. Button pressing is so fun!
We must really have pissed someone off if they did that to us, riiight?
Thank you Frances
Bit like this
All we have done is live. Apparently that is crowding up 'their' space, 'their' planet. We are using all 'their' resources! That is particularly irksome behaviour. 'They' don't like pilferers wasting 'their' stuff. All this is 'theirs' and we are in the way of their sparkly new world order in which every single life form is controlled, tidy and approved in designated areas.
I have written a plan for 'them' and 'they' are going to love it:
I will look at this venetian black nobility topic. I was introduced to it a few months ago but haven't spent time on it. There is always a new angle to learn. Thank you.
I am delighted that you want to venture into the darkest secrets! You may find a lot of links helpful by starting here:
Oh dear, Mark Steele eh, mr 5g missile targeting system. First of all he refuses to produce his claimed "Qualifications", can't name the department of DoD he worked for which is utter rubbish because department names are not classified. Mark Steele ran round waving and quoting a paper as one of his major sources to back his claim of a 5G weapon system. "Towards a Model for Bi-modal Meta-Bisturbile Defence Matrices - Dr Casper Darling, Member, IEEE, Dr Gordon Freeman, Fellow, OSA, Dr. Yukinari Ohkido, Life Fellow, IEEE"
When he did that he showed how dangerous he really is. People in the anti authoritarian movement need to realise something very quickly because we are losing the fight right now. People like Steele are pushing garbage for one reason, it is by design, targeted to distract from what is really going on, its targeted to elicit a proscribed response and its working. The other part, it's one giant distraction to keep you from looking at anything or doing something that is actually meaningful against the real threat.
What do you think the real threat is?
Digital Id, and the changes to legislation that are being rammed through parliaments globally to curtail free speech and the push to cease cash transactions.. Stopping these are critical, every country, UK, Australia, NZ, Canada and others. 5G its here, its being rolled out en masse and past the point of no return, no point fighting trying to stop it. Control has to be won and then dismantle it from the inside. New tactics are required and a completely different approach. Some battles have to be dealt with after they have been lost. The battles that are won are planned for well before they are fought. The most important that has not been lost and has not fully begun. Digital ID and the attempts being made to rip cash out of the system. Stop those two in their tracks, they have nothing. They have lost, because everything they want, smart cities, ARUP 40, social credit, it all stops without digital ID and forcing government to abandon plans for cashless society.
nothing to add here, I just totally agree.
You make excellent points! Many thanks! This war is so bloody knackering.....
Good work, Frances!
And you've had such an interesting past, which I enjoy hearing about (mostly, maybe...lol).
Last Thursday, I encountered on my drive to the gawldarned grocery store just how much 'they' have amped up the death ray (or whatever we're supposed to call it). I never before experienced anything like this level of irritability-inducing, EMF-from-hell, in-place electro-frying.
Was anyone else subjected to this near me, as well? I don't see how they could not have been. The intensity of the frying varied location to location, street to street. No way could that mean I was somehow a lone target being tractor-beamed or whatever. (Yeah, I know...'cause he's a "tinfoil hat" wearer, dismissorama could be coming in response to what I just said. Fuck that shit.) And that's not even half of what I could be sharing about this.
Shit just got serious.
Several people have commented to me that 'they turned up the heat' in August. I know the predator class have a thing about the old Roman gods. 23rd August is the festival of Vulcanalia in which small animals and fish were thrown alive into the fire....
here's your man Barrie Trower in what i would call the best old movie ever. 1990 i think, and he was already well retired...
I see why you think it comes from 1990 but the article was referring to someone else when it mentioned that date. This video of Barrie Trower appeared online around 2013. I remember it being sent to me because I had been at Greenham Common and it was the first time I heard that we were microwaved. Interestingly, it was 2013 that I was aware of being injured in the kidney by something when I was giving a speech at the anti fracking camp, Balcombe UK.
Don't many parasites crave sugars?
It's not necessarily parasites that cause disease, it is if the host body (our body) is capable of ridding itself of parasites, germs, bacteria or viruses. When the body is incapable of ridding itself of these things disease or illness happen. Fasting for at least 17 hours may assist the cells of resetting themselves so our bodies can rid itself of these things. Cellular Autophagy/ Yoshinori Ohsumi : https://sqonline.ucsd.edu/2021/10/autophagy-the-immense-benefits-of-fasting/ I did intermittent fasting from 2002 through most of 2010. I lost weight and kept it off. Then my work schedules changed dramatically and I began gaining weight.
As for germ theory, it has been twisted into something other than what it really is. These links help explain that.
Thank you for the links and clarification!
Thanks for the links, BKBlair.
I've been familiar with Gaston Naessens's work for decades. (He must be past 100 years old by now!) But the other reason I wanted to chime in is that the owner of the site where that particular video is posted, Yummy Doctor, is also of interest.
In July, I listened to this interview of Amandha Vollmer, a.k.a., Yummy Doctor:
At 27:40 into the hour, until basically the end of the hour-long podcast, guest Amandha is sharing that electroculture breaks up chemtrails, aside from the question of how to use this method to enhance garden growth. (Plus, the vinegar trick is discussed as another means of clearing chemtrails, how hydrogen ion exchange is probably in play with that process and that vinegar is actually more powerful in counteracting heavy chemtrailing.):
502- The Necessity of Self-Health (Free)
Posted on May 10, 2023 by Crow
It was a post by Lucia on the Psinergists Telegram channel that finally got me to act. In one of her videos, we get a clear shot of the sky over her property. Lucia wasn't even talking about chemtrails, but I could clearly see that the hazy, milky chemshit was only on the perimeter of her area, while directly overhead were fluffy normal clouds and blue (what USED to be normal in many NATO countries before the '90s). That was proof enough for me.
That is what we are told but, given the recent realisations about the lack of truth from the scientific community, how can we be sure that there is not some other process happening? Russian scientists proved that certain EMFs can encourage growth among parasites. Others can kill them.
X-cellent, Xcellent post...You're the bomb, Frances! TY!!!
Parasites are a symptom, not a disease. Parasites need no special attention.
And besides, once inside Blushield there are no parasites, and as the headaches start from deactivating artificial network, you will crave sugar.
Bloodwork done with Blushield showed just by being inside the torus, parasites were removed from blood.
I would think that parasites are an infestation, surely? Also, they have been known to proliferate in the presence of certain electro-magnetic frequencies, die off in others. This understanding comes from Russian experiments in the 1970s.
Dang, Frances, you are GOOD with the research!! Much admiration.
Wonder what October 4th has in store for the states? ALL of my devices will be off that day.
Curious, what’s the latest buzz in Oct 4th?
Or the 11th?
Any info would be appreciated
I think it is an alarm test like the one we had in UK a few months ago. Everyone panicked and swore we would all be killed. Lots of people turned their phones off. Nothing much happened. Everyone got a text message test warning but at different times.... a total damp squib probably designed to put the frighteners on us all.
I'll never trust them to be benign.
There is supposed to be a Nation-wide "test" of cell phone notifications.
Did you watch the movie I mentioned, "The Kingsmen?" first one?
Local apartment building just passed out fliers that "ALL electronics...to be shut down in all apartments for 13 hours
Sometime last week in September or week in October". All electricity will be shut OFF, 'free' vouchers for food to be provided. Time TBA. I don't know how to post the actual letter...
There is zero reporting from the UK government they intend to test next month or in the near future. Regardless, think about it for a minute. Instead of showing them you are a potential resister now or in the future. Leave the damn phone on, hide in plain sight. Let them ping it, when they have done that, back up all your contacts and then factory reset the phone to ensure they have not used the opportunity to piggy back malware or a back door in on the SMS. Let them think you are a compliant citizen and on team Sunak/WEF at every opportunity. The more they think you are one of them, you stay off their radar and a watch list. By the way if you are posting online in forums like this from your phone. You can leave it on, they know about you already.
paetron privacy update on oct 4- all info/ data/ comments will b shown.
I got the patreon privacy update in my email today.
Didnt' open it.
Electro-magnetic radiation does not require a device to affect your health negatively. It is killing trees, insects and birds and they don't carry iPhones.
Today I paid attention to my local outdoors. I saw no Robins. Unheard of. A couple sparrows and mom&dad bluejay. There should be flocks around. One bee, no yellowjackets (they’re usually a nuisance when autumn arrives), and notably I heard NO cicadas this August at all. I don’t recall these things all happening/ not happening, ever. Meanwhile the electric meters on our short squat 5G towers are spinning away as my energy and focus goes down the drain. Good times, good times. 👿
We have Love bugs in South MS. I've seen less than 10 so far.
exactly...my cat kingdom for a 50's nuclear bunker? and not even that will do the trick...
Agreed. Plus whatever they are spraying in our clouds is definitely also having an effect. I live in a beautiful place in the country with little "city issues." Last night I noticed them spraying - streaks repeatedly across the sky - today, cloud cover overall and few animals out - very few birds. My plants are suffering, my grass is suffering ("crispy" even after plenty of rain, the animals are suffering. All of this, especially 5G, which was rolled out while everyone went along at home with the PLANdemic, is to do away with most of humanity and most wildlife. I'm sure, given the resilience of the wildlife and insects, that they believe that utopia is right around the corner...
YES! I wrote about the plan that I think the predator class are implementing:
It won't be life. It will be synthetic.
5 Geee is basically fractured frequencies.
Terahertz / TERRORhertz
Terror Hurts
If such a thing were possible "Fracturing a frequency" the protocol would not function as it should because it is broken. All transmitters need to send a steady well formed transmission at the frequency they are intended to. Otherwise the signal will not attenuate and propagate effectively. Therefore not performing as it should, in other words its useless. I suggest you find better sources of information instead of using "Scaremongering" terms. Listen to your son, he is right.
I am not sure what you mean by 'fractured frequencies' - please explain!
kHz is short for kilohertz and is a measurement of frequency, or cycles per second. In digital audio, this measurement describes the number of data chunks used per second to represent an analog sound in digital form. These data chunks are known as the sampling rate or sampling frequency.
KILLER hertz/ Killer Hurts
They ALWAYS tell us thru their spellcasting verbiage what their intentions are as part of their ritual.
I simply meant mathematically broken down into incremental measurements.
Such as gigahertz or megawatt, etc.
I should have worded it better.
They come in waves - my son explained how they are not steady, they are in waves. My response to him was that if a wave washes against a shore, eventually that shore breaks down and falls into the sea. He's of the opinion that they simply bounce off of our skin and don't penetrate far enough to hurt us. We totally disagree.
Like the “waves” in the “clouds”
Thank you Frances! this is a lot of great research you've done and put out there for us.
great research! Indeed!
I wrote that from memory because all the research I did on Mark Steele was lost when I was deplatformed from Facebook and our website was mysteriously removed from the internet.
that's a pretty good endorsement of your findings right there 😠 but I have to say I didn't understand a word Sabrina was saying. not sure if I wil live long enough to catch up with all this!
just listen again...I alwasy listen at least twice...it will sink in...
Sabrina wants us to use the correct terminology and, in this particular video, she is addressing Mark Steele who she believes is a military weapons expert because that is how he always announces himself.