Sabrina Wallace has come across Mark Steele and says that, technically, he is almost correct. She explains her minor misgivings here:
In the write up she admits that she had never heard of Mark Steele before and asked for information from her readers. I submitted all that I know as follows:
Mark Steele is very well known in UK resistance. He has been raising the 5G issue since 2016 but he is a gatekeeper. When I researched him in 2016 I found a lot of dodgy connections like: He claims to be ex military but is not. He claims to have a tech business but it is his brother's. He claims to have invented a helmet for the Israelis which includes comms but again, that is his brother's chief earner. He claims to have had a court case in Durham but it was a training session set up by him and a sidekick, Ian Crane who has since died.
When I was first researching 5G and writing on Facebook, Mark Steele did everything he could to disrespect me and the team which was building a large group on Facebook. He made videos calling us undercover agents and stupid. Our group was removed from Facebook and the admins deplatformed.
Mark Steele then teamed up with Kate Shemirani to form a political party in the UK, called SUN - Save Us Now in 2020. They opened go-fund-me accounts and started raking in a lot of funds. They put on shows in Trafalgar Square to rally people who were protesting about a number of issues. The odd thing is that I published information that Trafalgar Square was the first place in London to be 5G active and they were calling all activists to stand around there for 3/4 hours!!! I freaked out and non stop posted everywhere to try to discourage people from going there. Unfortunately it was a great success and the crowd was huge:Mark Steele then teamed up with a guy called Barrie Trower who is a much older British gentleman who claims military experience, high level clearance and experience of microwave weapons. I researched him and the only thing I could confirm was that he had been a private school teacher for very many years. He taught physics. He was recently interviewed by Reiner Fuellmich who travelled from Germany to speak with him. I provided the links to their chat in my Substack report:
I hope this information will help your assessment.FURTHER: We searched criminal records and discovered that Mark Steele used to be a bouncer at a nightclub and shot a young woman in the head during a street brawl. She became disabled. He served 8 years in prison for this. Mark also used to work on the oil rigs. I have never yet been able to confirm that he has any connection to our military. We did discover that Mark had connections to EU planners and we stored this information on a website. That website was mysteriously removed from the internet along with all our research on Mark Steele.
I look forward to hearing from Sabrina Wallace!
A 15 page pdf from Mark Steele outlining his expertise and claims:
Sabrina addressed me directly with this video. It is very interesting.