Frances, thank you for sharing these topics in a humorous and lighthearted way. This eye-openening point about how changing language is changing our perception of reality is worth time to investigate.

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Apr 19Liked by Frances Leader

Here one more eye opener


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Apr 18Liked by Frances Leader

Yes, not only hijacking the meaning, there's also the bait and switch to get acceptance. The bait we all swallow even reluctantly knowing it may not be right, to the switch most would never accept. The most recent example now known is vaccination (bait) and countermeasure (switch - in the USA).

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Hey! The lone skum Stuff is my fun for over 5 years! Guess the minds when playing with letters all see the same truth lol. Elon skum is a lone musk( lets reverse the reverse then hehe) you are totaly into what i LOVE about words and letters, to turn them into swords when we are the tellers! You probly saw jason christoff speach about mind control spy op with words, we are all under the spy up with is swords. Jason took his info of that woman who made one of the best magical speach. I cant find her anymore, she was talking bout the days of the weak/week, the mournday of morning of monday etc. But meanwhile i found the banker one! A classik i love :


If never seen hope you loved it, its quite old but more revelants as the day passes by. ✌️

And this guy doesnt butcher english like little quebecker me do hehe😅

La novlangue en france sert le meme destin de detruire la culture par le language.🙂🙃

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

Language is the first thing targeted by the evil. Change the language and you change the meaning to the point where no one can use critical thinking. It's a form of propaganda and has been used for thousands of years in oral languages and of course translations of religious texts. Meanings can be completely altered and even reversed. The human mind is changed and no one is capable of understanding the original thoughts. An example today is the word "gay", which used to be something happy and fun and now has taken on a completely different and warped meaning. Even the rainbow had the 7th color stripped from it so now it has 6 colors. The magick number 6 again which they believe reinforces their spells.

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

Over the last few years, I have created and collected heaps of "correct" definitions (aka real speak) of terms and abbreviations in my notes—as a fund for my memes and titles, but also just for fun. When I skim through them from time to time, I realize more and more how far the madness surrounding us has already progressed. However, I can sometimes laugh heartily about it and that's a good thing—otherwise I would probably have gone mad long ago. Want a few examples? Here you go:

conspiracy theorist = "dotconnectivist" (from "dotconnectivism"; originally by the great Anne Gibbons)

WEF = "World Enslavement Forum" ("World Economic Fuckers")

EUA = "Eradication Use Authorization"

WHO = "World Homicide Organisation"

Twitter I call now "TwiXer" (Sasha Latypova calls it "Xitter")

pandemic = "panicdemic"


What they had imposed on too many people during "C0V!D" was a "brain lockdown"

C0V!D = "Concertedly Ordered Vaccine Induced Depopulation"

MSM = "McMedia"

stupid babble = "verbal incontinence"

diplomacy nowadays = "media-diplomatic flatulence"

fact checkers = "fact chokers"

the term solidarity misused = "solidaroganda"

"Denial of Thought Domino"

people who pop up on every talk show = "talk show nomads"

Germany = "Germanistan"

the unvaccinated = "people without injection background"

Great Reset = "biopolitical power grab"

gender policy = "biological bullshit"


face mask = "oral-nasal foolscap"

PPP (public private partnership) = (there's an "F" missing) => "PPPF" (Public Private Partner Fascism)

NATO = "Nazi Atlantic Terror Organisation"

politicians = "poliliars"

Young Global Leaders = "Young Green Lefties"

"The Totalitarians™"

"Schizotocracy" (CJ Hopkins)

"room temperature IQ" (Frances Leader) 😉

"Philantropath" (Margaret Anna Alice)

"Unauthorized Opinionist"

"The Zionist Occupied Oligarchic Kakistocracy" (The Good Citizen)

Finally, but not least, I think that many people suffer from an immune deficiency against manipulative influence. And if we can contribute just a little to their healing by spreading "real speak", I think it's worth it. Thank you Frances for the initiative, I'm on board!

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Start expanding your vocbulary on the word love, so start using more words, more subtle, more clear, more precise, more descriptive about that E-motion with feelings which can and will and always have made the world, a construct, on the earth a more livable place to be in. That said also express all your supposed negative E-motions with more words, more descriptive, more clear accurate words, and follow through with action when in your face issues need solving and clarity to bring things to a good close or for just clearing the air a tad bit, your feelings and thoughts are a force to be reckoned with, trust your gut, cheers!

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

I Like your wordplay Frances !

There's word code out there to get thru ewe tube Al Gore Rhythm

Some are fun, some are dumb :)

Arson= Suprise Bonfire

bankruptcy=wealth wash

Life=Larp/Live action role playing

schizophrenia= Multi-minded

Sexism= YX biased

STD's=Love bugs

Trans=Identity Puzzle

Black Ops=Dark Magik

Voter fraud= ELectile dysfunction

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

You know what I am still amazed about!

In school in the 1960’s grammar I think it was sixth grade 1968!

They rolled in the tv on wheels and showed us the 1984 movie!

Was the teacher showing us a film he wanted us to see?

Was it on the curriculum!

This question I ask, how many people marched to a different drummer in school!

How many did you know? Maybe one per class, knocking over the apple cart!

Only students who went against the Status quo Were labeled as not to smart, maybe be a good ditch digger! I was sent to the shrink in first grade! Told by the school my parents, “not to smart maybe he can work with his hands! Out of all our kids he is the most trouble!

Trouble for who?

Is this tied to today being censored and and an outcast!

Do they recognize you early and label you ?

dangerous free thinker!

Funny I never dug pronouns I will never comply never have!

I had a authority figure standing over me pointing his finger into my chest,

Telling me, you are one of those who thinks, he can do whatever you want!

He said get out! Labeled ! chart marked by society!

Trouble! I was never trained by the bell like a dog!

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Wordsmiths of mkultra subliminal program 2.0. Uber effective. Chimps chimping thoughts as parrots unaware they are programmed.

3.0 version gets exciting. Chimps doing crazy stuff once the bloodwork takes effect.

Where do we go to avoid this reality?

Not sure that place will avail itself.

Or this could be Stopped and hopefully not to late.

Just watched the David and Matt video on blood.

My rationale is too late.

As clif says, hyper novelty coming.

Unpredictable to say the least..

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances, the next short one is called the library of truth, hopefully coming soon.

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Apr 17·edited Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

And to sum up https://youtu.be/zeMlOQsu2zM 😂👍👁 oh sheeeeeeeeit

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

"Understand' . . . which has the courtroom definition to mean 'stand under', as in 'Yes officer, I understand' meaning 'I agree to stand under your authority and jurisdictional trespass' . . at least in US. A much better alternative is 'Innerstand' or some use 'Overstand'

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

Loved this Frances, makes me feel like I am doing something right by keeping the US family of words alive, by extending the vocabulary and going against this manipulation. I might even one day get the grammar right, maybe when I am in my 80's or 90's

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Apr 17Liked by Frances Leader

I like 'lone skum'.

My algo came up with 'slum keno'....

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