I am not convinced that Putin is a Globalist. I think he prefers the multipolar scenario proposed by Lyndon LaRouche and adopted by China among others. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation now represents more than 40% of the world's population and is making great progress with the Belt and Road Initiative in spite of opposition from NATO countries.
I see the United Nations trying to perpetuate, with WEF, Club of Rome prompting, the existing unipolar world in which the US petrodollar is supreme. They have been discouraging economic growth. They want an end to nations and a fully integrated world in which migration is encouraged and rewilding is sacrosanct under the auspices of Agenda 21 and 2030.
I do not see Russia or China accepting the dissolution of their nations, quite the reverse! I see them investing in growth and succeeding in self sufficiency.
So what we have is the UN trying to keep the totalitarian NWO while Russia/China and SCO allies are trying to develop a multi-polar world which does not stifle growth.
Therefore - they are genuinely philosophical opposed and not cooperating at all.
WEF/Club of Rome/Bilderberg are not the originators of the ideas they are implementing. This is a Crown Corporation plan courtesy of the Venetian Black Nobility who usurped the British Crown with William of Orange. The Square Mile City of London is not a part of Britain. It is the remnant of the Roman Empire and preserved by the bogus remains of the Magna Carta. It is entirely illegitimate but keeps a Remembrancer in the House of Commons to ensure that our politicians never take action to reclaim the land and throw the thieves out.
When I commented to Lioness of Judah over her condemnation and poor interpretation of that speech she got her knickers in a twist and banned me from commenting on her Substack for 1,000 years! Clearly she found my honesty too much of a challenge!
So, when Drunken Mad Dog Churchill was conspiring to use Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły to corner Germany in the Danzig Corridor, in the end Adolph Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade Poland to liberate German-Polish civilians from the regime of ethnic terror and cleansing brought upon them [https://wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/atrocities/pagmp000.html]
Now, this pledge wasn’t made to the average "little" Jewish men and women. This was the public confirmation that the British (Globo-Zion owned) and the US (Globo-Zion owned) governments were (secretly) at war against anti-Rothschild/Warburg forces fighting to make the 1917 Balfour Declaration to come true at the very great demise of the European Ashkenazi Jews who were sent by force to occupy Palestine —where my Russian speaking Jewish step family has been Pfizered to death by the globalist Satanic Jews as Alvertòs "Albert" Bourla working for Satan Klaus Schwab, another German Fake Jew closely related to the Rothschild: look for their bloodline.
So, we have seen a virtually identical remake. Since 2014, to provoke Putin into a war footing, (who’s a well-known Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader), the US has overthrown a democratically elected Ukrainian government to install its pawns, which have unleashed a bloody ethnic civil war on Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians. The US/NATO have reinforced their nuclear arsenal openly threatening Russia. Putin lunched his military operation, to free people of Donbass? or to push Russia on its next level for the fourth industrial revolution? Does the contract Putin is engage with the Klaus Schwab’s WEF shows the latter is the right answer? https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network/
Recently, my Russian speaking Jewish wife told me that President Putin went to an elementary school.
He asked children: "Who want to go to war to defend Russia?"
The war propaganda special operation was televised for all Russia to see.
Propaganda for war would be at its peak since WWII. If one Russian dare to speak in public against the war, jail time is Emperor Vlad’s answer.
Hitler’s Youth, Stalin’s Youth, Poutin’s Youth = indoctri/nation system of submission, slavery, and death.
Please, stop trying to defend the Mad man sending children of his own country to war, destruction, and death, for the ONLY profit of the international Sabbatean banksters conspiring since 1776 to enslave the whole world in a global communist state.
Here is an undisputable Klaus Schwab 2017 public admission for anyone to see Vladimir Putin was a Young Global Leader of Tomorrow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daE0jthD5F8, i.e. the corporate orgasaZION of the WEF prior to the Young Global Leader (of today) in which my Crime Minister Justin CASTRO is.
The full cooperation of Putin to make Russia the lunching platform for the Sabbatean Jews' 4th industrial revolution, which is ONLY a deceptive term for transhumanism, meaning, according to Satan Klaus, is the fusion between your biological, economical and digital identity, which is achieved thanks to the ongoing ''Vaccine'' 10 years agenda of the World Hell OrganisaZion to create a permanent genetic modification of mankind into a totally domesticated sub-creature.
Yes, I heard Klaus Schwab's claim that Putin was their boy. I don't believe him. Do not forget Putin's former employment as a KGB officer. He may well have been in attendance at Davos to observe the 'enemy' - which would have been a wise move at the time.
There is no proof that the Russian Sputnik vaccine bears any resemblance to those being administered in the 5 Eyes countries. Remember that most of our media sources are propagandised and/or owned by Black Nobility families. They are not providing us with the truth, only a prescribed narrative.
Judge Putin by what he does and look at where he spends the majority of his energy and time! i.e., at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation working on developing the Belt and Road Initiative.
There is no evidence that transhumanism is being launched in Russia either. In fact, GMOs are banned there and electro-magnetic radiation is far lower due to stricter regulations.
I can see how you arrived at that interpretation of events but you made one major error. Putin was never involved with the WEF's Young Global Leaders. He was invited to Davos with two others, long before the YGLs were founded but there is no evidence that he ever attended until recently when he gave a disapproving speech decrying Globalism.
FURTHERMORE - WEF/Club of Rome/Bilderberg are not the originators of the ideas they are implementing. This is a Crown Corporation plan courtesy of the Venetian Black Nobility who usurped the British Crown with William of Orange. The Square Mile City of London is not a part of Britain. It is the remnant of the Roman Empire and preserved by the bogus remains of the Magna Carta. It is entirely illegitimate but keeps a Remembrancer in the House of Commons to ensure that our politicians never take action to reclaim the land and throw the thieves out.
As Putin, Donald Trump made very harsh comments agains globalism when speaking before the UN. This was total deception. Their common mRNA ''vaccine'' agenda is the undisputable evidence incriminating the perpetraitors enslaving manking for globalism.
Please link here the evidence that Sputnik vaccine, used in Russia is a mRNA vaccine, loaded with graphene and heavy metals and bears similarities to Pfizer BioNtech or Moderna as used in the 5 Eyes countries.
I am curious to know how you obtained the evidence that Russian vaccines are equally toxic to those being administered here.
The fact sheet I had in my computer reveals the ROTTEN [SOVIET-KGB] RAT hidden in the Sputnik V. Just had to make the search for the fact sheets of each ingredient.
Still do not know if there is graphene oxide in it. But graphene isn't the only toxin you should look for to judge of the Sputnik high toxicity. There are many other things. Hoping this research of mine will open your eyes on Putin’s handlers intentions.
Adenoviruses in Sputnik V (https://bit.ly/3dDpl2R) serves as the delivery vehicle for the DNA instructions to produce the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the body. It uses a DNA vehicle to make the same thing the mRNA injections are doing, i.e. turning the body cells into factories producing spike proteins which are highly toxic and lethal. Geneticists warns that with the DNA and RNA jab technology, there are no actual scientific means to know and to control the amount, the quality, and the period of time during which spike proteins will be produce by the infected body. In fact, the envenomation technologies (Sputnik V, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca) are design to turn the cells into perpetual spike proteins fabrics until death happens.
1. Recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 particles containing the SARS-CoV-2 protein S gene - The digitally engineered Ralf Barrick’s Spike protein weapon funded by Tony Fauci’s NIAID mimicking 19 peptides of snail & Asian cobra venoms;
2. Adenovirus serotype 5 particles which are produced in HEK293 cells. https://bit.ly/3DQRA8D
5. Polysorbate 80: used in Bill Gates-Of-Hell vaccines (as well as in Vlad’s jabs) as a mean to control population growth, Chromosome aberration, Mutagenicity, DNA inhibition. https://bit.ly/3LQ1MAs ;
6. Sodium chloride: (Restrictions on use: Not for food, drug or household use.) https://bit.ly/3r58nNI
7. Magnesium chloride hexahydrate: (Restrictions on use: Not for food, drug or household use.) https://bit.ly/3Re6okV
8. EDTA disodium salt dehydrate: (Restrictions on use: Not for food, drug or household use.) Acute toxicity. https://bit.ly/3Rhk5PU
9. Ethanol 95%: Poison, Cancer, Damaging the unborn child, Damaging central nervous system & optic nerve. https://bit.ly/3fgdIz8
Thank you! The information from Dr Reddy's of India is very useful. It should be noted that most of the ingredients are regularly used in all vaccines and their toxicity is well known. So there is no reason to single out Sputnik as being especially dangerous. In fact, this article supports Sputnik as being more successful than others tested: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-russia-sputnik-vaccine-pfizer-moderna.html
Well, even with the best evidences showing the truth, nobody can force decieved people to see what they do not want to see. The fact is every vaccination cause neurological and immune damage. Late Dr. Andrew Molden, MD, PhD in neuroscience, has proven that. He was permanently silenced 2 weeks before publishing "Every Vaccine Produces Harm." https://bit.ly/42pgFAy -- https://bit.ly/422P2xD. He showed that all babies experience strokes at vaccination (micro bloodcloths jamming brain capillaries caused by massive cytokine storms). I met Andrew at his 2009 H1N1 warning conference in Montreal. Watch and listen his message: https://bit.ly/3ATIKoc
Does our dear Neurologist Dr. Andrew Molden recalls you another exemplary physician, Dr. Andrew Wakefield?
I found something a couple of months ago about the Sputnik toxicity. I do not remember if there is graphene oxide in it. Will have to find out in my computer among a few thousand files. When I find I’ll let you know.
But there is something else that would make the Sputnik exactly on the same track where one find the Pfizer.
Recall that, whether mRNA or not, vaccines are always toxic and are causing permanent damages, whether you see it or not.
Sputnik V combines two adenoviruses: human adenovirus serotype 26 and human adenovirus serotype five, to deliver the gene for the SARS-CoV2 into the body in a double-stranded DNA – as compared to the Pfizer which uses single-stranded messenger RNA.
• The human adenovirus serotype 5 particles are produced in HEK293 cells. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells, also referred to as HEK 293, are a specific immortalised cell line derived from an aborted fetus or human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture taken from a female fetus in 1973.
• Thanks to the Pfizergate (secret emails), the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA so-called vaccines were found to be made with the same HEK293 cells as the Sputnik V.
This is the trigger for a global mad cow disease pandemic, or a Zombie Apocalypse. In France for example, a Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease epidemic is ongoing since the Pfizer injections started. Mainstream doctor came on national TV show in order to warn the public and to support a man who testified his wife had her brain eaten to death by the prion proteins. After the man and his wife story went public, he got hundreds of letters coming from all over France speaking the same language. The medical expert told that this situation is unseen in history. Creutzfeldt-Jakob is a very rare disease, according to experts. The doctor told that they are seeing a very fast, vey deadly, and very contagious form of the disease. France is now the victim of a lethal prion disease outbreak thanks to Pfizer injections. And since the TV show was aired, one does not hear of that in mainstream.
Sputnik V is a gene (therapy) invasion damaging human genome integrity.
According to Dr. Rebecca Carley speaking in 2009 (H1N1), what mad scientists are doing is CANNIBALISM. Whether in the US, Chinada, UK, or in Russia, it’s INTRAVENOUS CANNIBALISM.
• The spike protein is Dr. Evil Fauci digital deadly toxin mimicking 19 snail & snake peptides. It does not exist in Nature.
Why are Putin’s scientists created something highly toxic to trigger an immune response that would produce more spike proteins?
May I respectfully suggest posting a video of Truss, during that exchange. Her lack of expression and deadpan delivery, screamed psychopath to me...much like FJB and many of our bureaucrats here.
Here is Russell Brands Rumble piece on it. Starts at 1:37. And at 1:59 Old Walrus chops asks her how pushing the button would make her feel...she animatedly says, "I would be ready to do it"...like someone proposed a team challenge on an episode of Survivor - Ukraine edition.
I heard a pundit the other day say, Ukraine is the New Afghanistan (especially for America) and I think he is correct. However, I think it serves as cover and distraction, for the larger plans of the Global Elites, in that every Western country is being affected and distracted by it and it's spillover. This winter, no one is going to be thinking or talking about currencies being digitally globalized or grooming of their 3 and 5 year old's, or the progress of the pedophile movement in national government legislation...they will be freezing, cutting down trees in their respective neighborhoods and adding 3 cups of water to the pot of soup on the stove, to make ends meet. No one will be looking into the money laundering or weapons deals.
This is the globally scaled up movie "Wag the Dog"
We peasants never learn, even after centuries of examples and lessons...we just keep rolling over, showing our bellies and get kicked for the blind obedience of it all.
Thanks for the link - it is just a shame that it is buried in a Russell Brand video! Although I do agree with him that the whole drama of it was grandstand stuff.
Truss did virtually declare war on Russia and China in her keynote speech at Mansion House, City of London during Easter this year. I reported on it here because it was obvious that she had been groomed and selected to become the next prime minister of UK:
I am not on board with Russell's liberalism...many think he has been red pilled, I do not...but he is an intelligent clown (said with praise). The antics along with the accent, strike a chord, in a way that could not be done by an American. I realized this several months ago. I work remotely and stream quite a few conservative shows, as I do. One is Glenn Beck. He has great researchers, so his commentary is always 5+ layers deep. However, he has a silly, baboonish side to him, that absolutely detracts from the critical points he is making. It is sometime an effort to focus on the material. With Brand...I laugh my arse off, and still get the points he is making.
Anyway, I appreciate you linking your other post. I am going to share it, over in the comments of one of Sage Hanna's posts. She's been blowing up rabbit holes, trying to get to the King rabbit. Recently she's been covering the lies, out in the open, that we (silly peasants) love to not question. You're post will be a very apropos addition.
Oh, that's weird...well I'll share it just the same. Also, I posted it in this stack as well. Good discussion about conspiracy theories, that proved to be true.
UPDATE - Sage Hana just told me to fuck off and stated that she had previously 'tolerated' me due to her belief that I am a lonely old bat with no other outlet of communication. Why? Well, it was because I alerted her to the fact that a video she was sharing was at least a decade old fearmongering!
I was listening to DOTUS (Demented of the United States) last night and was absolutely FLOORED! Him along with Blinkin, Graham (stood with McCain in Ukraine years ago), Blumenthal (lied about his military service), etc. I don’t own a television, so these were bits and pieces of their speeches and commentary I’ve read. Zelensky of Ukraine wants the USA to fight his beef! Even China is saying, NO! The USA wants REGIME CHANGE IN RUSSIA...SOUND FAMILIAR???? Look at the people supporting Ukraine...these people’s failures should give them NO right to have any say!
These people are insane! The people in the USA and everywhere else are simply collateral damage to these sycophants!
The USA is obeying the RIIA of Chatham House who obey the Crown Corporation. They have been preparing for war against Russia and China since the 80s (possibly longer but I know for a fact that they were at it in the 80s because that was when I worked in the City of London).
Regime change is their regular modus operandi. If anyone needs regime change it is the independent City of London which occupies one square mile of our capital and is not a part of Britain. That is the hellhole of the Black Nobility who came over with William of Orange and literally took over our country without a shot fired.
I would love to believe that Putin is fighting the NWO but then why is he (or at least the Russian Deep State) pushing COVID clot shots in Russia? There are also claims the long-term plan is to pit East vs. West (WW3) as another step towards One World Government.
CK - how do you know what the Russians have in their vaccines? Do not assume that they will be administering anything which could damage their population! That would shoot themselves in the foot like the idiot West do!
The transcript pdf about Fuellmich is unreadable! I am curious to know what has happened there - what is this about 1.35 million Euros?
I'm on Clare Edward's email list which is how I learned about Fuellmich. Here's the full email:
Fischer and Fuellmich: Corona Committee: dispute over money and gold
Well, isn't this interesting? The whiter than white Fuellmich has been pocketing large sums of money from the Corona Investigative Committee and paying off mortgages and so forth. One commenter below alleges that he travels by private jet and has a chauffeur-driven armoured limousine. Fischer stated in a recent video that Fuellmich is selling his house in Germany and moving definitively to America. Why is that, I wonder. Rat leaving the sinking German ship as the entire German economy shuts down on America's orders to impose Russian sanctions and not buy Russian oil.
It seems the investigative committee was set up as a company in the first place, and seems to have been very lucrative, not least in terms of the filming of it. Of course, witnesses giving testimony were not paid. No wonder that Fuellmich and Fischer set up a "people's tribunal" after the first "investigative committee". It must have been irresistible once they realised how much money there were making out of their little enterprise. Now we understand why certain topics and certain witnesses have been excluded. Too much scary stuff such as discussing 5G might have put off the punters. Now who else did I hear did the same thing to make money? Hm, let me see if I can remember what that little birdie told me ...
This scandal comes after we already found out that Fuellmich was being funded by Soros in his earlier foundation - or was that also a business? But he quit that foundation when he started up the investigative committee. When members of the DieBasis party, which Fuellmich said he wanted to lead, started asking questions about this, Fuellmich allegedly had his name removed from the foundation's website to cover his murky tracks. His name, by the way, means "fill me", which seems quite appropriate under the circumstances.
I do wish people would give up on heroes and just realise that they can only rely on themselves and not other people, because other people turn out to be greedy, corrupt or controlled opposition or all three together.
Reiner Füllmich did not abide by agreed rules and allowed funds to flow into his own pocket, claims attorney Viviane Fischer.
Published on September 22, 2022 by RL.
Attorney Viviane Fischer on Wednesday spilled the beans at length about her collaboration with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Fischer accuses the lawyer of pocketing committee funds.
"It is unfortunately the case that things have come to light that I find very difficult to reconcile with the image I had of Reiner as a fellow campaigner for law and justice," Fischer said.
She pointed out that the committee's bylaws clearly state that no one is allowed to receive benefits. Both she and other founding members Justus Hoffmann, Antonia Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich signed the charter, she said.
"No one may be paid excessively for services," Fischer said. It was also stipulated that no asset commitment was possible, he said. That is, if the committee should ever dissolve, there would be no money for the shareholders. But Fuellmich had not adhered to these agreed rules.
Fischer continued:
"Now, unfortunately, it has come to light that Reiner has been invoicing for his law firm every month, which has also been paid. And this was in the amount of 29,750 euros gross."
Fuellmich had approved the money himself. The whole thing had been approved by the accountant, who was a "buddy" of Fuellmich.
Fuellmich in turn claims, according to Fischer, that he used this money to process e-mails. To this Fischer says: "But it is the case that Reiner has no access to the official e-mail account at all (...) or at least does not maintain it."
The e-mail address kontakt@corona-ausschuss.de had never been maintained by Fuellmich. "The activities have referred to his lawyer mailbox." Therefore, she said, it was difficult for her to imagine that he had needed so much money.
Fischer further stated that the committee's P.O. box had been looked after and handled for two years by one of her friends, as well as by Martin Schwab and Wolfgang Wodarg. At present her friend took care of it for approximately 800 euro in the month.
In total, Fuellmich had thus managed about 660,000 euros into his own pocket. "The money should have been used for the enlightenment purpose," Fischer said. And the lawyer immediately drew attention to another "problem area".
Because Fuellmich had diverted still more funds. The committee had formed a liquidity reserve, of which 700,000 euros should always have been with Fuellmich. "These should have been available at any time. When asked - because the committee wanted to finance something in a project related to the pathology conference - it then turned out that Reiner could not return this money on call."
The money had most recently gone to his house; to pay off loans. It's still unclear whether that money will flow back to the committee, he said. It was a "very stressful situation," Fischer further explained. Fuellmich has also not been cooperative, she said.
The lawyer also spoke of an "asset" that belonged to the committee [this is apparently gold]. For this, Fuellmich would have to provide documentation. But this had not been done so far. Fischer: "There are still some inhibitors that prevent us from being able to work with this money."
Against this background, she said, the committee is now threatened because the financial situation is "bad." Fischer had therefore asked Fuellmich to return the relevant funds to the committee. It is clear, however, that the committee will continue its work. "That is our task: that is what the committee started out to do," Fischer emphasized.
Reiner Fuellmich also wants to continue. He spoke last night on Bittel TV about wanting to set up an "International Crimes Investigative Committee": A committee to investigate international crimes. [Not suprising that he wants to set up yet another committee. Why do anything else when taking all this unpaid testimony is so lucrative?]
During the broadcast, viewers were able to ask the lawyer questions. Fuellmich also addressed some of Fischer's accusations. In response to the criticism that he had been charged for committee communications, Fuellmich said that his law firm had been paralyzed because no one at the committee had really taken care of communications, "the wave hit us at the law firm". In addition, the amount had also included a 1500 euro monthly travel allowance.
Fuellmich further countered that not only he, but also Fischer had taken funds from the company. She had forked out 100,000 euros for herself via a loan agreement, money she needed to live. Of this, she had paid back only 70,000.
Fuellmich also touched on the "asset" of the committee. This is allegedly gold. Fuellmich explained that he had bought it on behalf of the committee "because it is no longer accessible to the authorities. It is now with Degussa. According to Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Robert Cibis of Oval Media showed up at night at the accountant of the Corona Committee because of the gold. This was kept in the accountant's safe, according to Fuellmich.
Oval Media always broadcast the committee broadcasts. According to Fuellmich, the media company had thereby achieved enormous revenues: 120,000 euros had been settled via invoices with the committee. By double donation calls of Fischer the company still received a "very, very much higher amount from donations". The owner is Fischer's partner.
Fuellmich responds to the theft accusations by attacking Viviane Fischer as a little girl with mental problems:
Fischer and Fuellmich: Corona Committee: dispute over money and gold
Further developments on the dispute between Fuellmich and Fischer over the money and gold of the Corona Investigative Committee.
Fischer's video is now subtitled, and there is a transcript of Fuellmich's response. According to the transcript, Fuellmich talks about Fischer in the most disparaging of terms. She is a stupid little girl, with her stupid dresses and fussy hair, she is a slob, she doesn't do anything properly, she can't speak properly in the meetings, her raising of these issues about money proves that she has mental problems, etc., etc. But when it comes to the actual accusations, the interviewer has to put pressure on Fuellmich to address them. And we find out that he did indeed pay himself loads of money because, according to him, the emails that Fischer's friend had volunteered to handle were going unanswered. And he did take the 700,000 euros and invest it in his house. And Fischer and her partner clearly became so alarmed about the situation that they turned up at night at Fuellmich's accountant's friend's house to demand the gold back.
I'd call this a massive own-goal for Fuellmich, who has thoroughly exposed himself as the most horrible male chauvinist pig, who thinks he is so clever and skilled and everyone else is ignorant and beneath him. He should be allowed to do anything he wants when it is in his interests, and everyone else must dance to his tune. And anyone who criticises his actions needs psychiatric help. Accusations of madness against women are standard operating procedure for male predators since time began. What a disgusting man!
Of course, this is no surprise to me because I reached my own conclusions about Fuellmich through watching his performance in the various sessions of the corona investigative committee, when he fawned over certain people with big reputations or paper qualifications, and curtly dismissed and practically ignored earnest people bringing vital evidence. He is very hierarchical. And he rowed with Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Cowan over the non-existence of viruses, which he insists do exist. A thoroughly unpleasant man with a very high opinion of himself!
I add the links to the two videos below, together with the comments of a correspondent.
Certainly discredits the opposition as 1909 Pilgrims Society modus-operandi always plan & execute, are they both in on it we wonder? Seems Pilgrims agenda likely, Fischer is not her real name! lol.
Quote, In this shocking video, Viviane Fischer, founder of the Corona Investigative Committee, alleges the former face of the committee, Reiner Fuellmich, of absconding with €1.35 million.
Reiner Fuellmich stole €1.35 million from the Corona Committee -Viviane Fischer - english -
Quote, Reiner Fuellmich left the highly visible and influential Corona Investigative Committee under controversial circumstances, having been accused by founder Viviane Fischer of stealing €1.35 million. Fuellmich responded to the allegation by Fischer Sept. 21, 2022.
spectacular bit of blasphemy included ...
Reiner Fuellmich responds to €1.35 Million theft allegation from Corona Committee - english -
[2] Nano Tech Patent holders, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[3] Virus infectious particle verifiable a fraud, does not exist.
[4] Geoengineering, HAARP, NEXRAD etc, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[5] CO2 global warming, verifiable a fraud
[6] LED radiation lighting, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[7] Pilgrims Society controlling the MSM narrative since 1909, worldwide!!!!
[8] BIS Bank Of International Settlements
[9] BAR legal presumed assumed jurisdiction, verifiable constructive fraud
[10] Soros funding to Fuellmich
All expert people reliable with integrity, verifiable claims absolutely exposing above.
People both Fuellmich & Fischer marginalised & ignored ...
Dr Robert Young, undeniable detailed microscopy work & more.
La Quinta Columna, Ricardo, Jose, the team, incredible 5G + Nano weapon investigation
Dr Tom Cowan,
Dr Andrew Kaufman,
Dr Stefan Lanka,
Dr Kevin Corbett,
Dr Sam Bailey,
Dr Mark Bailey
Jon Rappoport,
Mark Steele 5G expert plus 5G world milestone Gateshead Court case win,
Nurse Kate Sherimani first to expose the 5G + nano injections on popular Radio,
Dr Tim Ball co2 constructive fraud, plus co2 fraud world milestone Courtcase win that Michael Mann a fraud,
Mike McKibben & Douglas Gabriel, exposing Pilgrims Society & world Central Banking fraud all privately owned
Christopher James, many Common Law, cases, Court Of Record filings, knowledge of BAR constructive fraud with Birth Cert constructive fraud
Christine Massey, absolute verified claim, the 'virus' SARS CoV2 does not exist, wholly a fraud using insilico computer modelling & PCR not a disease diagnostic
So many more ...
Note... they have made NO 'Court Of Record' filings to any courthouses making claims against peoples names, despite the HUGE money pot raised. Still steadfastly remain in BAR jurisdiction, a controlled Crown jurisdiction going nowhere, a constructive fraud started with Cestui Qie Vie Act 1666, requiring Birth Certificate registration to collateralise the newly formed BoE paper-notes.
No doubt '1666 The Great Fire Of Lundinium' was another false-flag to facilitate.
Controlling the narrative since 1909 explained ....
June 5, 1909, The Day British & American Pilgrims Society Slavery-Demons Formerly Began The Takeover Of All Public And Private Life Globally - 10Sep21 -
Full Transcripts Of The Censored Public Records Of The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 [Crystal City, Shepherd's Bush, London, UK], Jun 05, 1909 — Jun 28, 1909.
Good grief! I think they are BOTH corrupt and had to destroy the whole concept in a scandal to discourage us from imagining that we can trust ANY lawyers!
So now: We cannot trust health professionals, politicians, lawyers, scientists, or civil servants..... neat huh?
The idea is to make us feel as if we are powerless.
Many thanks for copy/pasting all that here, I am very grateful xx
We must not believe a word from any of them. Our worst enemy is our own governments not Putin. Whatever they say Putin has planned is what our own governments have planned for us.
It's pretty sick being a westerner nowadays, isn't it? It turns out we have no leaders on our side at all. It turns out our 'leaders' are 'misleaders' and mislead us at every opportunity.
It turns out that's only the smallest part of it: they're intent on wrecking the world as obedient puppets of the USA.
And so on.
I never could have imagined such a mess. I couldn't.
if hes a wef stooge hes a great actor, he was pissed.
i read this book about 20 years a go, it inspired me to have a biohazard symbol tattoo on my arm, cos i became convinced that biowarfare is our future if we are not careful.
it is a history of the soviet era of bioweaponeering and i suspect that his comments were about how far they have come. this is a pdf of the whole book:
This is at least the second time Russia has alluded to having more advanced weapons than nuclear. Shortly before the Chelyabinsk meteor in 2013 (coincidence, or...?), Medvedev did so, too. I always assumed he was referring to space-based directed-energy weapons (DEW) of the sort that may have started the so-called wildfires in California and elsewhere; but I suppose it could be bio instead (or in addition?) - although, come to think of it, Medvedev was talking about threats from space, so perhaps it's unlikely he was referring to bio?
possibly, i also think they probably have a HAARP system. playing with radio isnt too complicated and a pretty cheap way of conducting war.
the advantage of bioweapons is it leaves infrastructure intact, it eats into capability if 50% of your capacity is consumed with dealing with sick troops or civilians. these other systems are very destructive and very final
Thank you, I 've been in news black out, but I think this gets to the crux of what I need to know.
I really admire Putin, he seems to be a calm, strong, pragmatic , logical, realist who loves his country and its people.
I've been reading about the Ottoman empire and the Sultans who managed to stay neutral much of the time and negotiated treaties with Catherine the great, followed by her weaker son Alexander, Britain, France, Napoleon, Italy and Germany, as well as the constant jostling for power in the Balkans in order to keep the fragile peace and access to Crimean ports, the Black Sea and the Indian subcontinent free for trade. Christians etc in moslem territories where supposedly being protected under these treaties.
What was Russia meant to do when faced with ethnic abuses in Ukraine? With NATO expansion east contra to the treaty? With being threaten with nuclear war by dim wits in the west ganging up on him?
I'm not afraid of Putin. I'm shocked by the lack of sophisticaitn in my family and friends in falling for such shallow propaganda, clearly designed to start and continue a lucrative drawn out war with an unachievable end point with ukraninians as cannon fodder
And people think Trump is going to “save” us. LOL! Look not at what he SAYS, but what he DOES. He’s signed a few things that do not stand for American freedom.
I think we already have the NWO under the UN and WEF. I note that Putin is supporting democracy in the Oblasts of Ukraine. Why would he do that if he does not support democracy? I don't think Igor Shepherd has accounted for the political changes in Russia and China. He thinks he is still fighting communism! Meanwhile, capitalism writ large is creating the Belt and Road Initiative under the guidance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation with 40% of humanity in support. That is not a communist organisation. That is multi-polar expansion and entirely capitalistic even beyond anything that Europe or USA has dared to achieve.
Of course it is wise to keep a watchful eye on all the players. However I admire Putin and Lavrov for their consistent insistence on maintaining national sovereignty. The NATO mobsters are too aggressive towards Russia and China due to old scores. Historically those two countries have had to defend themselves against NATO bullies and for that, I respect them.
Tactics like that are so last century. We have moved onto NATO warmongering on steroids and ANYONE who stands up to that aggressive globalist imperialism has my support.
I am not convinced that Putin is a Globalist. I think he prefers the multipolar scenario proposed by Lyndon LaRouche and adopted by China among others. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation now represents more than 40% of the world's population and is making great progress with the Belt and Road Initiative in spite of opposition from NATO countries.
I see the United Nations trying to perpetuate, with WEF, Club of Rome prompting, the existing unipolar world in which the US petrodollar is supreme. They have been discouraging economic growth. They want an end to nations and a fully integrated world in which migration is encouraged and rewilding is sacrosanct under the auspices of Agenda 21 and 2030.
I do not see Russia or China accepting the dissolution of their nations, quite the reverse! I see them investing in growth and succeeding in self sufficiency.
So what we have is the UN trying to keep the totalitarian NWO while Russia/China and SCO allies are trying to develop a multi-polar world which does not stifle growth.
Therefore - they are genuinely philosophical opposed and not cooperating at all.
WEF/Club of Rome/Bilderberg are not the originators of the ideas they are implementing. This is a Crown Corporation plan courtesy of the Venetian Black Nobility who usurped the British Crown with William of Orange. The Square Mile City of London is not a part of Britain. It is the remnant of the Roman Empire and preserved by the bogus remains of the Magna Carta. It is entirely illegitimate but keeps a Remembrancer in the House of Commons to ensure that our politicians never take action to reclaim the land and throw the thieves out.
The Duran are as baffled as I am about the twisting of truth around Putin's speech.
When I commented to Lioness of Judah over her condemnation and poor interpretation of that speech she got her knickers in a twist and banned me from commenting on her Substack for 1,000 years! Clearly she found my honesty too much of a challenge!
"Nuclear Blackmail" of the West
So, when Drunken Mad Dog Churchill was conspiring to use Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły to corner Germany in the Danzig Corridor, in the end Adolph Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade Poland to liberate German-Polish civilians from the regime of ethnic terror and cleansing brought upon them [https://wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/atrocities/pagmp000.html]
Then, Mad Dog The True ‘‘German Holocaust’’ Perpetraitor [https://www.goyimtv.tv/view?v=3851557134] left his Polish ally in the hands of the German army.
But was it Hitler’s mistake, or instead a very long time well prepared and executed plan for a Jew World Order? A New World Order were publicly pledged to (globalist) Fake Jews on Oct. 6th 1940 [https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/452693/New-world-order-pledged-to-Jews-80-years-ago]
Now, this pledge wasn’t made to the average "little" Jewish men and women. This was the public confirmation that the British (Globo-Zion owned) and the US (Globo-Zion owned) governments were (secretly) at war against anti-Rothschild/Warburg forces fighting to make the 1917 Balfour Declaration to come true at the very great demise of the European Ashkenazi Jews who were sent by force to occupy Palestine —where my Russian speaking Jewish step family has been Pfizered to death by the globalist Satanic Jews as Alvertòs "Albert" Bourla working for Satan Klaus Schwab, another German Fake Jew closely related to the Rothschild: look for their bloodline.
So, we have seen a virtually identical remake. Since 2014, to provoke Putin into a war footing, (who’s a well-known Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader), the US has overthrown a democratically elected Ukrainian government to install its pawns, which have unleashed a bloody ethnic civil war on Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians. The US/NATO have reinforced their nuclear arsenal openly threatening Russia. Putin lunched his military operation, to free people of Donbass? or to push Russia on its next level for the fourth industrial revolution? Does the contract Putin is engage with the Klaus Schwab’s WEF shows the latter is the right answer? https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network/
Recently, my Russian speaking Jewish wife told me that President Putin went to an elementary school.
He asked children: "Who want to go to war to defend Russia?"
The war propaganda special operation was televised for all Russia to see.
Propaganda for war would be at its peak since WWII. If one Russian dare to speak in public against the war, jail time is Emperor Vlad’s answer.
Hitler’s Youth, Stalin’s Youth, Poutin’s Youth = indoctri/nation system of submission, slavery, and death.
That’s all that is.
Us Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler (1881–1940) wrote: "WAR IS A RACKET" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26O-2SVcrw0
Please, stop trying to defend the Mad man sending children of his own country to war, destruction, and death, for the ONLY profit of the international Sabbatean banksters conspiring since 1776 to enslave the whole world in a global communist state.
Thank you.
Here is an undisputable Klaus Schwab 2017 public admission for anyone to see Vladimir Putin was a Young Global Leader of Tomorrow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daE0jthD5F8, i.e. the corporate orgasaZION of the WEF prior to the Young Global Leader (of today) in which my Crime Minister Justin CASTRO is.
And this is the PROOF, made into contract, that Klaus Schwab did not lie: https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network/
The full cooperation of Putin to make Russia the lunching platform for the Sabbatean Jews' 4th industrial revolution, which is ONLY a deceptive term for transhumanism, meaning, according to Satan Klaus, is the fusion between your biological, economical and digital identity, which is achieved thanks to the ongoing ''Vaccine'' 10 years agenda of the World Hell OrganisaZion to create a permanent genetic modification of mankind into a totally domesticated sub-creature.
Yes, I heard Klaus Schwab's claim that Putin was their boy. I don't believe him. Do not forget Putin's former employment as a KGB officer. He may well have been in attendance at Davos to observe the 'enemy' - which would have been a wise move at the time.
There is no proof that the Russian Sputnik vaccine bears any resemblance to those being administered in the 5 Eyes countries. Remember that most of our media sources are propagandised and/or owned by Black Nobility families. They are not providing us with the truth, only a prescribed narrative.
Judge Putin by what he does and look at where he spends the majority of his energy and time! i.e., at the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation working on developing the Belt and Road Initiative.
There is no evidence that transhumanism is being launched in Russia either. In fact, GMOs are banned there and electro-magnetic radiation is far lower due to stricter regulations.
I can see how you arrived at that interpretation of events but you made one major error. Putin was never involved with the WEF's Young Global Leaders. He was invited to Davos with two others, long before the YGLs were founded but there is no evidence that he ever attended until recently when he gave a disapproving speech decrying Globalism.
FURTHERMORE - WEF/Club of Rome/Bilderberg are not the originators of the ideas they are implementing. This is a Crown Corporation plan courtesy of the Venetian Black Nobility who usurped the British Crown with William of Orange. The Square Mile City of London is not a part of Britain. It is the remnant of the Roman Empire and preserved by the bogus remains of the Magna Carta. It is entirely illegitimate but keeps a Remembrancer in the House of Commons to ensure that our politicians never take action to reclaim the land and throw the thieves out.
As Putin, Donald Trump made very harsh comments agains globalism when speaking before the UN. This was total deception. Their common mRNA ''vaccine'' agenda is the undisputable evidence incriminating the perpetraitors enslaving manking for globalism.
Please link here the evidence that Sputnik vaccine, used in Russia is a mRNA vaccine, loaded with graphene and heavy metals and bears similarities to Pfizer BioNtech or Moderna as used in the 5 Eyes countries.
I am curious to know how you obtained the evidence that Russian vaccines are equally toxic to those being administered here.
Just found something interesting for you to see.
The fact sheet I had in my computer reveals the ROTTEN [SOVIET-KGB] RAT hidden in the Sputnik V. Just had to make the search for the fact sheets of each ingredient.
Still do not know if there is graphene oxide in it. But graphene isn't the only toxin you should look for to judge of the Sputnik high toxicity. There are many other things. Hoping this research of mine will open your eyes on Putin’s handlers intentions.
Adenoviruses in Sputnik V (https://bit.ly/3dDpl2R) serves as the delivery vehicle for the DNA instructions to produce the spike protein of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the body. It uses a DNA vehicle to make the same thing the mRNA injections are doing, i.e. turning the body cells into factories producing spike proteins which are highly toxic and lethal. Geneticists warns that with the DNA and RNA jab technology, there are no actual scientific means to know and to control the amount, the quality, and the period of time during which spike proteins will be produce by the infected body. In fact, the envenomation technologies (Sputnik V, Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, AstraZeneca) are design to turn the cells into perpetual spike proteins fabrics until death happens.
Sputnik V fact sheet: https://bit.ly/3C6qBol
List of ingredients:
1. Recombinant adenovirus serotype 5 particles containing the SARS-CoV-2 protein S gene - The digitally engineered Ralf Barrick’s Spike protein weapon funded by Tony Fauci’s NIAID mimicking 19 peptides of snail & Asian cobra venoms;
2. Adenovirus serotype 5 particles which are produced in HEK293 cells. https://bit.ly/3DQRA8D
4. Tris (hydroxymethyl) aminomethane: Poison. https://bit.ly/3flg5AA
5. Polysorbate 80: used in Bill Gates-Of-Hell vaccines (as well as in Vlad’s jabs) as a mean to control population growth, Chromosome aberration, Mutagenicity, DNA inhibition. https://bit.ly/3LQ1MAs ;
6. Sodium chloride: (Restrictions on use: Not for food, drug or household use.) https://bit.ly/3r58nNI
7. Magnesium chloride hexahydrate: (Restrictions on use: Not for food, drug or household use.) https://bit.ly/3Re6okV
8. EDTA disodium salt dehydrate: (Restrictions on use: Not for food, drug or household use.) Acute toxicity. https://bit.ly/3Rhk5PU
9. Ethanol 95%: Poison, Cancer, Damaging the unborn child, Damaging central nervous system & optic nerve. https://bit.ly/3fgdIz8
Thank you! The information from Dr Reddy's of India is very useful. It should be noted that most of the ingredients are regularly used in all vaccines and their toxicity is well known. So there is no reason to single out Sputnik as being especially dangerous. In fact, this article supports Sputnik as being more successful than others tested: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2022-03-russia-sputnik-vaccine-pfizer-moderna.html
Well, even with the best evidences showing the truth, nobody can force decieved people to see what they do not want to see. The fact is every vaccination cause neurological and immune damage. Late Dr. Andrew Molden, MD, PhD in neuroscience, has proven that. He was permanently silenced 2 weeks before publishing "Every Vaccine Produces Harm." https://bit.ly/42pgFAy -- https://bit.ly/422P2xD. He showed that all babies experience strokes at vaccination (micro bloodcloths jamming brain capillaries caused by massive cytokine storms). I met Andrew at his 2009 H1N1 warning conference in Montreal. Watch and listen his message: https://bit.ly/3ATIKoc
Does our dear Neurologist Dr. Andrew Molden recalls you another exemplary physician, Dr. Andrew Wakefield?
I found something a couple of months ago about the Sputnik toxicity. I do not remember if there is graphene oxide in it. Will have to find out in my computer among a few thousand files. When I find I’ll let you know.
But there is something else that would make the Sputnik exactly on the same track where one find the Pfizer.
Recall that, whether mRNA or not, vaccines are always toxic and are causing permanent damages, whether you see it or not.
Sputnik V combines two adenoviruses: human adenovirus serotype 26 and human adenovirus serotype five, to deliver the gene for the SARS-CoV2 into the body in a double-stranded DNA – as compared to the Pfizer which uses single-stranded messenger RNA.
• The human adenovirus serotype 5 particles are produced in HEK293 cells. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells, also referred to as HEK 293, are a specific immortalised cell line derived from an aborted fetus or human embryonic kidney cells grown in tissue culture taken from a female fetus in 1973.
• Thanks to the Pfizergate (secret emails), the Pfizer/BioNTech mRNA so-called vaccines were found to be made with the same HEK293 cells as the Sputnik V.
This is the trigger for a global mad cow disease pandemic, or a Zombie Apocalypse. In France for example, a Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease epidemic is ongoing since the Pfizer injections started. Mainstream doctor came on national TV show in order to warn the public and to support a man who testified his wife had her brain eaten to death by the prion proteins. After the man and his wife story went public, he got hundreds of letters coming from all over France speaking the same language. The medical expert told that this situation is unseen in history. Creutzfeldt-Jakob is a very rare disease, according to experts. The doctor told that they are seeing a very fast, vey deadly, and very contagious form of the disease. France is now the victim of a lethal prion disease outbreak thanks to Pfizer injections. And since the TV show was aired, one does not hear of that in mainstream.
Sputnik V is a gene (therapy) invasion damaging human genome integrity.
According to Dr. Rebecca Carley speaking in 2009 (H1N1), what mad scientists are doing is CANNIBALISM. Whether in the US, Chinada, UK, or in Russia, it’s INTRAVENOUS CANNIBALISM.
• The spike protein is Dr. Evil Fauci digital deadly toxin mimicking 19 snail & snake peptides. It does not exist in Nature.
Why are Putin’s scientists created something highly toxic to trigger an immune response that would produce more spike proteins?
• The SARS-CoV2 does not exist at all in the world. FOIs (210 and counting!) reveal that health/science institutions around the world have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever. https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/fois-reveal-that-health-science-institutions-around-the-world-have-no-record-of-sars-cov-2-isolation-purification/
Why is Putin still on the same page as the globalists are to feed this smoke and mirrors deception ?
Why he did not follow President Lukashenko footsteps who said the WHO, the IMF and World Bank to go to hell ?
Again I would point out that your sources are not Russian. I am well aware of the propaganda issued by the West.
Good Post Francis.
May I respectfully suggest posting a video of Truss, during that exchange. Her lack of expression and deadpan delivery, screamed psychopath to me...much like FJB and many of our bureaucrats here.
Here is Russell Brands Rumble piece on it. Starts at 1:37. And at 1:59 Old Walrus chops asks her how pushing the button would make her feel...she animatedly says, "I would be ready to do it"...like someone proposed a team challenge on an episode of Survivor - Ukraine edition.
I heard a pundit the other day say, Ukraine is the New Afghanistan (especially for America) and I think he is correct. However, I think it serves as cover and distraction, for the larger plans of the Global Elites, in that every Western country is being affected and distracted by it and it's spillover. This winter, no one is going to be thinking or talking about currencies being digitally globalized or grooming of their 3 and 5 year old's, or the progress of the pedophile movement in national government legislation...they will be freezing, cutting down trees in their respective neighborhoods and adding 3 cups of water to the pot of soup on the stove, to make ends meet. No one will be looking into the money laundering or weapons deals.
This is the globally scaled up movie "Wag the Dog"
We peasants never learn, even after centuries of examples and lessons...we just keep rolling over, showing our bellies and get kicked for the blind obedience of it all.
Thanks for the link - it is just a shame that it is buried in a Russell Brand video! Although I do agree with him that the whole drama of it was grandstand stuff.
Truss did virtually declare war on Russia and China in her keynote speech at Mansion House, City of London during Easter this year. I reported on it here because it was obvious that she had been groomed and selected to become the next prime minister of UK:
Well said in this and the other post!!
I am not on board with Russell's liberalism...many think he has been red pilled, I do not...but he is an intelligent clown (said with praise). The antics along with the accent, strike a chord, in a way that could not be done by an American. I realized this several months ago. I work remotely and stream quite a few conservative shows, as I do. One is Glenn Beck. He has great researchers, so his commentary is always 5+ layers deep. However, he has a silly, baboonish side to him, that absolutely detracts from the critical points he is making. It is sometime an effort to focus on the material. With Brand...I laugh my arse off, and still get the points he is making.
Anyway, I appreciate you linking your other post. I am going to share it, over in the comments of one of Sage Hanna's posts. She's been blowing up rabbit holes, trying to get to the King rabbit. Recently she's been covering the lies, out in the open, that we (silly peasants) love to not question. You're post will be a very apropos addition.
Sage Hana ignores my work.... I frequently comment on her posts but she avoids communicating with me.
Oh, that's weird...well I'll share it just the same. Also, I posted it in this stack as well. Good discussion about conspiracy theories, that proved to be true.
UPDATE - Sage Hana just told me to fuck off and stated that she had previously 'tolerated' me due to her belief that I am a lonely old bat with no other outlet of communication. Why? Well, it was because I alerted her to the fact that a video she was sharing was at least a decade old fearmongering!
oh my....that's pretty harsh. Sorry to hear that.
I haven't watched that video yet, I need to.
I guess that clears that up, huh?🙄
I was listening to DOTUS (Demented of the United States) last night and was absolutely FLOORED! Him along with Blinkin, Graham (stood with McCain in Ukraine years ago), Blumenthal (lied about his military service), etc. I don’t own a television, so these were bits and pieces of their speeches and commentary I’ve read. Zelensky of Ukraine wants the USA to fight his beef! Even China is saying, NO! The USA wants REGIME CHANGE IN RUSSIA...SOUND FAMILIAR???? Look at the people supporting Ukraine...these people’s failures should give them NO right to have any say!
These people are insane! The people in the USA and everywhere else are simply collateral damage to these sycophants!
The USA is obeying the RIIA of Chatham House who obey the Crown Corporation. They have been preparing for war against Russia and China since the 80s (possibly longer but I know for a fact that they were at it in the 80s because that was when I worked in the City of London).
Regime change is their regular modus operandi. If anyone needs regime change it is the independent City of London which occupies one square mile of our capital and is not a part of Britain. That is the hellhole of the Black Nobility who came over with William of Orange and literally took over our country without a shot fired.
They are the world's warmongers.
They are the hellbeings.
Yes Frances!
I would love to believe that Putin is fighting the NWO but then why is he (or at least the Russian Deep State) pushing COVID clot shots in Russia? There are also claims the long-term plan is to pit East vs. West (WW3) as another step towards One World Government.
Frances, you were right that Reiner Fuellmich is a fraud/controlled opposition:
CK - how do you know what the Russians have in their vaccines? Do not assume that they will be administering anything which could damage their population! That would shoot themselves in the foot like the idiot West do!
The transcript pdf about Fuellmich is unreadable! I am curious to know what has happened there - what is this about 1.35 million Euros?
At this point, I assume all vaccines are bad. Putin is definitely pushing them.
I'm on Clare Edward's email list which is how I learned about Fuellmich. Here's the full email:
Fischer and Fuellmich: Corona Committee: dispute over money and gold
Well, isn't this interesting? The whiter than white Fuellmich has been pocketing large sums of money from the Corona Investigative Committee and paying off mortgages and so forth. One commenter below alleges that he travels by private jet and has a chauffeur-driven armoured limousine. Fischer stated in a recent video that Fuellmich is selling his house in Germany and moving definitively to America. Why is that, I wonder. Rat leaving the sinking German ship as the entire German economy shuts down on America's orders to impose Russian sanctions and not buy Russian oil.
It seems the investigative committee was set up as a company in the first place, and seems to have been very lucrative, not least in terms of the filming of it. Of course, witnesses giving testimony were not paid. No wonder that Fuellmich and Fischer set up a "people's tribunal" after the first "investigative committee". It must have been irresistible once they realised how much money there were making out of their little enterprise. Now we understand why certain topics and certain witnesses have been excluded. Too much scary stuff such as discussing 5G might have put off the punters. Now who else did I hear did the same thing to make money? Hm, let me see if I can remember what that little birdie told me ...
This scandal comes after we already found out that Fuellmich was being funded by Soros in his earlier foundation - or was that also a business? But he quit that foundation when he started up the investigative committee. When members of the DieBasis party, which Fuellmich said he wanted to lead, started asking questions about this, Fuellmich allegedly had his name removed from the foundation's website to cover his murky tracks. His name, by the way, means "fill me", which seems quite appropriate under the circumstances.
I do wish people would give up on heroes and just realise that they can only rely on themselves and not other people, because other people turn out to be greedy, corrupt or controlled opposition or all three together.
Report from Transition News https://transition-news.org/reiner-fuellmich-hat-alle-uber-den-tisch-gezogen
Reiner Füllmich did not abide by agreed rules and allowed funds to flow into his own pocket, claims attorney Viviane Fischer.
Published on September 22, 2022 by RL.
Attorney Viviane Fischer on Wednesday spilled the beans at length about her collaboration with Dr. Reiner Fuellmich. Fischer accuses the lawyer of pocketing committee funds.
"It is unfortunately the case that things have come to light that I find very difficult to reconcile with the image I had of Reiner as a fellow campaigner for law and justice," Fischer said.
She pointed out that the committee's bylaws clearly state that no one is allowed to receive benefits. Both she and other founding members Justus Hoffmann, Antonia Fischer and Reiner Fuellmich signed the charter, she said.
"No one may be paid excessively for services," Fischer said. It was also stipulated that no asset commitment was possible, he said. That is, if the committee should ever dissolve, there would be no money for the shareholders. But Fuellmich had not adhered to these agreed rules.
Fischer continued:
"Now, unfortunately, it has come to light that Reiner has been invoicing for his law firm every month, which has also been paid. And this was in the amount of 29,750 euros gross."
Fuellmich had approved the money himself. The whole thing had been approved by the accountant, who was a "buddy" of Fuellmich.
Fuellmich in turn claims, according to Fischer, that he used this money to process e-mails. To this Fischer says: "But it is the case that Reiner has no access to the official e-mail account at all (...) or at least does not maintain it."
The e-mail address kontakt@corona-ausschuss.de had never been maintained by Fuellmich. "The activities have referred to his lawyer mailbox." Therefore, she said, it was difficult for her to imagine that he had needed so much money.
Fischer further stated that the committee's P.O. box had been looked after and handled for two years by one of her friends, as well as by Martin Schwab and Wolfgang Wodarg. At present her friend took care of it for approximately 800 euro in the month.
In total, Fuellmich had thus managed about 660,000 euros into his own pocket. "The money should have been used for the enlightenment purpose," Fischer said. And the lawyer immediately drew attention to another "problem area".
Because Fuellmich had diverted still more funds. The committee had formed a liquidity reserve, of which 700,000 euros should always have been with Fuellmich. "These should have been available at any time. When asked - because the committee wanted to finance something in a project related to the pathology conference - it then turned out that Reiner could not return this money on call."
The money had most recently gone to his house; to pay off loans. It's still unclear whether that money will flow back to the committee, he said. It was a "very stressful situation," Fischer further explained. Fuellmich has also not been cooperative, she said.
The lawyer also spoke of an "asset" that belonged to the committee [this is apparently gold]. For this, Fuellmich would have to provide documentation. But this had not been done so far. Fischer: "There are still some inhibitors that prevent us from being able to work with this money."
Against this background, she said, the committee is now threatened because the financial situation is "bad." Fischer had therefore asked Fuellmich to return the relevant funds to the committee. It is clear, however, that the committee will continue its work. "That is our task: that is what the committee started out to do," Fischer emphasized.
Reiner Fuellmich also wants to continue. He spoke last night on Bittel TV about wanting to set up an "International Crimes Investigative Committee": A committee to investigate international crimes. [Not suprising that he wants to set up yet another committee. Why do anything else when taking all this unpaid testimony is so lucrative?]
During the broadcast, viewers were able to ask the lawyer questions. Fuellmich also addressed some of Fischer's accusations. In response to the criticism that he had been charged for committee communications, Fuellmich said that his law firm had been paralyzed because no one at the committee had really taken care of communications, "the wave hit us at the law firm". In addition, the amount had also included a 1500 euro monthly travel allowance.
Fuellmich further countered that not only he, but also Fischer had taken funds from the company. She had forked out 100,000 euros for herself via a loan agreement, money she needed to live. Of this, she had paid back only 70,000.
Fuellmich also touched on the "asset" of the committee. This is allegedly gold. Fuellmich explained that he had bought it on behalf of the committee "because it is no longer accessible to the authorities. It is now with Degussa. According to Fuellmich, Viviane Fischer and Robert Cibis of Oval Media showed up at night at the accountant of the Corona Committee because of the gold. This was kept in the accountant's safe, according to Fuellmich.
Oval Media always broadcast the committee broadcasts. According to Fuellmich, the media company had thereby achieved enormous revenues: 120,000 euros had been settled via invoices with the committee. By double donation calls of Fischer the company still received a "very, very much higher amount from donations". The owner is Fischer's partner.
2nd email from Clare Edwards:
Fuellmich responds to the theft accusations by attacking Viviane Fischer as a little girl with mental problems:
Fischer and Fuellmich: Corona Committee: dispute over money and gold
Further developments on the dispute between Fuellmich and Fischer over the money and gold of the Corona Investigative Committee.
Fischer's video is now subtitled, and there is a transcript of Fuellmich's response. According to the transcript, Fuellmich talks about Fischer in the most disparaging of terms. She is a stupid little girl, with her stupid dresses and fussy hair, she is a slob, she doesn't do anything properly, she can't speak properly in the meetings, her raising of these issues about money proves that she has mental problems, etc., etc. But when it comes to the actual accusations, the interviewer has to put pressure on Fuellmich to address them. And we find out that he did indeed pay himself loads of money because, according to him, the emails that Fischer's friend had volunteered to handle were going unanswered. And he did take the 700,000 euros and invest it in his house. And Fischer and her partner clearly became so alarmed about the situation that they turned up at night at Fuellmich's accountant's friend's house to demand the gold back.
I'd call this a massive own-goal for Fuellmich, who has thoroughly exposed himself as the most horrible male chauvinist pig, who thinks he is so clever and skilled and everyone else is ignorant and beneath him. He should be allowed to do anything he wants when it is in his interests, and everyone else must dance to his tune. And anyone who criticises his actions needs psychiatric help. Accusations of madness against women are standard operating procedure for male predators since time began. What a disgusting man!
Of course, this is no surprise to me because I reached my own conclusions about Fuellmich through watching his performance in the various sessions of the corona investigative committee, when he fawned over certain people with big reputations or paper qualifications, and curtly dismissed and practically ignored earnest people bringing vital evidence. He is very hierarchical. And he rowed with Dr Andrew Kaufman and Dr Cowan over the non-existence of viruses, which he insists do exist. A thoroughly unpleasant man with a very high opinion of himself!
I add the links to the two videos below, together with the comments of a correspondent.
Certainly discredits the opposition as 1909 Pilgrims Society modus-operandi always plan & execute, are they both in on it we wonder? Seems Pilgrims agenda likely, Fischer is not her real name! lol.
Quote, In this shocking video, Viviane Fischer, founder of the Corona Investigative Committee, alleges the former face of the committee, Reiner Fuellmich, of absconding with €1.35 million.
Reiner Fuellmich stole €1.35 million from the Corona Committee -Viviane Fischer - english -
- 10m 3s - 23Sep22 - Towards The Light
Link Pilgrims blocked by main stream browsers lol
WATCH FUELLMICH'S REPLY: https://brightlightnews.com/reiner-fuellmich-responds-to-e1-35-million-theft-allegation-from-corona-committee/
Quote, Reiner Fuellmich left the highly visible and influential Corona Investigative Committee under controversial circumstances, having been accused by founder Viviane Fischer of stealing €1.35 million. Fuellmich responded to the allegation by Fischer Sept. 21, 2022.
spectacular bit of blasphemy included ...
Reiner Fuellmich responds to €1.35 Million theft allegation from Corona Committee - english -
- 43m 35s - 23Sep22 - Towards The Light
They both ignored for 2+ years, and filtered out ...
[1] 4G/5G clear present RF EMF mortal danger, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[2] Nano Tech Patent holders, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[3] Virus infectious particle verifiable a fraud, does not exist.
[4] Geoengineering, HAARP, NEXRAD etc, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[5] CO2 global warming, verifiable a fraud
[6] LED radiation lighting, verifiable a weapon, uninsured
[7] Pilgrims Society controlling the MSM narrative since 1909, worldwide!!!!
[8] BIS Bank Of International Settlements
[9] BAR legal presumed assumed jurisdiction, verifiable constructive fraud
[10] Soros funding to Fuellmich
All expert people reliable with integrity, verifiable claims absolutely exposing above.
People both Fuellmich & Fischer marginalised & ignored ...
Dr Robert Young, undeniable detailed microscopy work & more.
La Quinta Columna, Ricardo, Jose, the team, incredible 5G + Nano weapon investigation
Dr Tom Cowan,
Dr Andrew Kaufman,
Dr Stefan Lanka,
Dr Kevin Corbett,
Dr Sam Bailey,
Dr Mark Bailey
Jon Rappoport,
Mark Steele 5G expert plus 5G world milestone Gateshead Court case win,
Nurse Kate Sherimani first to expose the 5G + nano injections on popular Radio,
Dr Tim Ball co2 constructive fraud, plus co2 fraud world milestone Courtcase win that Michael Mann a fraud,
Mike McKibben & Douglas Gabriel, exposing Pilgrims Society & world Central Banking fraud all privately owned
Christopher James, many Common Law, cases, Court Of Record filings, knowledge of BAR constructive fraud with Birth Cert constructive fraud
Christine Massey, absolute verified claim, the 'virus' SARS CoV2 does not exist, wholly a fraud using insilico computer modelling & PCR not a disease diagnostic
So many more ...
Note... they have made NO 'Court Of Record' filings to any courthouses making claims against peoples names, despite the HUGE money pot raised. Still steadfastly remain in BAR jurisdiction, a controlled Crown jurisdiction going nowhere, a constructive fraud started with Cestui Qie Vie Act 1666, requiring Birth Certificate registration to collateralise the newly formed BoE paper-notes.
No doubt '1666 The Great Fire Of Lundinium' was another false-flag to facilitate.
Controlling the narrative since 1909 explained ....
June 5, 1909, The Day British & American Pilgrims Society Slavery-Demons Formerly Began The Takeover Of All Public And Private Life Globally - 10Sep21 -
Full Transcripts Of The Censored Public Records Of The First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 [Crystal City, Shepherd's Bush, London, UK], Jun 05, 1909 — Jun 28, 1909.
They are verifiable Nazi's folks ... They Live!
BOOK > Tower of Basel: The Shadowy History of the Secret Bank that Runs the World by Adam LeBor -
Good grief! I think they are BOTH corrupt and had to destroy the whole concept in a scandal to discourage us from imagining that we can trust ANY lawyers!
So now: We cannot trust health professionals, politicians, lawyers, scientists, or civil servants..... neat huh?
The idea is to make us feel as if we are powerless.
Many thanks for copy/pasting all that here, I am very grateful xx
We must not believe a word from any of them. Our worst enemy is our own governments not Putin. Whatever they say Putin has planned is what our own governments have planned for us.
Sometimes only the most vile words will suffice: cunts are still running the world
It's pretty sick being a westerner nowadays, isn't it? It turns out we have no leaders on our side at all. It turns out our 'leaders' are 'misleaders' and mislead us at every opportunity.
It turns out that's only the smallest part of it: they're intent on wrecking the world as obedient puppets of the USA.
And so on.
I never could have imagined such a mess. I couldn't.
"It turns out that's only the smallest part of it: they're intent on wrecking the world as obedient puppets of the USA."
I'm a US citizen and it galls me to no end that they are as evil as they are. Not a reflection of the average citizen.
Same in the UK. We are misrepresented in all the 5 Eyes countries and I think the Russians know that.
Thank you Frances!
if hes a wef stooge hes a great actor, he was pissed.
i read this book about 20 years a go, it inspired me to have a biohazard symbol tattoo on my arm, cos i became convinced that biowarfare is our future if we are not careful.
it is a history of the soviet era of bioweaponeering and i suspect that his comments were about how far they have come. this is a pdf of the whole book:
This is at least the second time Russia has alluded to having more advanced weapons than nuclear. Shortly before the Chelyabinsk meteor in 2013 (coincidence, or...?), Medvedev did so, too. I always assumed he was referring to space-based directed-energy weapons (DEW) of the sort that may have started the so-called wildfires in California and elsewhere; but I suppose it could be bio instead (or in addition?) - although, come to think of it, Medvedev was talking about threats from space, so perhaps it's unlikely he was referring to bio?
possibly, i also think they probably have a HAARP system. playing with radio isnt too complicated and a pretty cheap way of conducting war.
the advantage of bioweapons is it leaves infrastructure intact, it eats into capability if 50% of your capacity is consumed with dealing with sick troops or civilians. these other systems are very destructive and very final
IIRC, the Soviets had HAARP before the US did.
For sure, bio has its own set of pros and cons, like everything else. Bio can be very final, too ;)
Thank you, I 've been in news black out, but I think this gets to the crux of what I need to know.
I really admire Putin, he seems to be a calm, strong, pragmatic , logical, realist who loves his country and its people.
I've been reading about the Ottoman empire and the Sultans who managed to stay neutral much of the time and negotiated treaties with Catherine the great, followed by her weaker son Alexander, Britain, France, Napoleon, Italy and Germany, as well as the constant jostling for power in the Balkans in order to keep the fragile peace and access to Crimean ports, the Black Sea and the Indian subcontinent free for trade. Christians etc in moslem territories where supposedly being protected under these treaties.
What was Russia meant to do when faced with ethnic abuses in Ukraine? With NATO expansion east contra to the treaty? With being threaten with nuclear war by dim wits in the west ganging up on him?
I'm not afraid of Putin. I'm shocked by the lack of sophisticaitn in my family and friends in falling for such shallow propaganda, clearly designed to start and continue a lucrative drawn out war with an unachievable end point with ukraninians as cannon fodder
a great clarification
And people think Trump is going to “save” us. LOL! Look not at what he SAYS, but what he DOES. He’s signed a few things that do not stand for American freedom.
I think we already have the NWO under the UN and WEF. I note that Putin is supporting democracy in the Oblasts of Ukraine. Why would he do that if he does not support democracy? I don't think Igor Shepherd has accounted for the political changes in Russia and China. He thinks he is still fighting communism! Meanwhile, capitalism writ large is creating the Belt and Road Initiative under the guidance of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation with 40% of humanity in support. That is not a communist organisation. That is multi-polar expansion and entirely capitalistic even beyond anything that Europe or USA has dared to achieve.
Of course it is wise to keep a watchful eye on all the players. However I admire Putin and Lavrov for their consistent insistence on maintaining national sovereignty. The NATO mobsters are too aggressive towards Russia and China due to old scores. Historically those two countries have had to defend themselves against NATO bullies and for that, I respect them.
Tactics like that are so last century. We have moved onto NATO warmongering on steroids and ANYONE who stands up to that aggressive globalist imperialism has my support.