Sep 25, 2022·edited Sep 25, 2022Pinned





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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Pinned

I am not convinced that Putin is a Globalist. I think he prefers the multipolar scenario proposed by Lyndon LaRouche and adopted by China among others. The Shanghai Cooperation Organisation now represents more than 40% of the world's population and is making great progress with the Belt and Road Initiative in spite of opposition from NATO countries.

I see the United Nations trying to perpetuate, with WEF, Club of Rome prompting, the existing unipolar world in which the US petrodollar is supreme. They have been discouraging economic growth. They want an end to nations and a fully integrated world in which migration is encouraged and rewilding is sacrosanct under the auspices of Agenda 21 and 2030.

I do not see Russia or China accepting the dissolution of their nations, quite the reverse! I see them investing in growth and succeeding in self sufficiency.

So what we have is the UN trying to keep the totalitarian NWO while Russia/China and SCO allies are trying to develop a multi-polar world which does not stifle growth.

Therefore - they are genuinely philosophical opposed and not cooperating at all.

WEF/Club of Rome/Bilderberg are not the originators of the ideas they are implementing. This is a Crown Corporation plan courtesy of the Venetian Black Nobility who usurped the British Crown with William of Orange. The Square Mile City of London is not a part of Britain. It is the remnant of the Roman Empire and preserved by the bogus remains of the Magna Carta. It is entirely illegitimate but keeps a Remembrancer in the House of Commons to ensure that our politicians never take action to reclaim the land and throw the thieves out.

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The Duran are as baffled as I am about the twisting of truth around Putin's speech.


When I commented to Lioness of Judah over her condemnation and poor interpretation of that speech she got her knickers in a twist and banned me from commenting on her Substack for 1,000 years! Clearly she found my honesty too much of a challenge!

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"Nuclear Blackmail" of the West

So, when Drunken Mad Dog Churchill was conspiring to use Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły to corner Germany in the Danzig Corridor, in the end Adolph Hitler felt he had no other choice but to invade Poland to liberate German-Polish civilians from the regime of ethnic terror and cleansing brought upon them [https://wintersonnenwende.com/scriptorium/english/archives/atrocities/pagmp000.html]

Then, Mad Dog The True ‘‘German Holocaust’’ Perpetraitor [https://www.goyimtv.tv/view?v=3851557134] left his Polish ally in the hands of the German army.

But was it Hitler’s mistake, or instead a very long time well prepared and executed plan for a Jew World Order? A New World Order were publicly pledged to (globalist) Fake Jews on Oct. 6th 1940 [https://www.tehrantimes.com/news/452693/New-world-order-pledged-to-Jews-80-years-ago]

Now, this pledge wasn’t made to the average "little" Jewish men and women. This was the public confirmation that the British (Globo-Zion owned) and the US (Globo-Zion owned) governments were (secretly) at war against anti-Rothschild/Warburg forces fighting to make the 1917 Balfour Declaration to come true at the very great demise of the European Ashkenazi Jews who were sent by force to occupy Palestine —where my Russian speaking Jewish step family has been Pfizered to death by the globalist Satanic Jews as Alvertòs "Albert" Bourla working for Satan Klaus Schwab, another German Fake Jew closely related to the Rothschild: look for their bloodline.

So, we have seen a virtually identical remake. Since 2014, to provoke Putin into a war footing, (who’s a well-known Klaus Schwab’s Young Global Leader), the US has overthrown a democratically elected Ukrainian government to install its pawns, which have unleashed a bloody ethnic civil war on Russian-speaking Ukrainian civilians. The US/NATO have reinforced their nuclear arsenal openly threatening Russia. Putin lunched his military operation, to free people of Donbass? or to push Russia on its next level for the fourth industrial revolution? Does the contract Putin is engage with the Klaus Schwab’s WEF shows the latter is the right answer? https://www.weforum.org/press/2021/10/russia-joins-centre-for-the-fourth-industrial-revolution-network/

Recently, my Russian speaking Jewish wife told me that President Putin went to an elementary school.

He asked children: "Who want to go to war to defend Russia?"

The war propaganda special operation was televised for all Russia to see.

Propaganda for war would be at its peak since WWII. If one Russian dare to speak in public against the war, jail time is Emperor Vlad’s answer.

Hitler’s Youth, Stalin’s Youth, Poutin’s Youth = indoctri/nation system of submission, slavery, and death.

That’s all that is.

Us Maj. Gen. Smedley D. Butler (1881–1940) wrote: "WAR IS A RACKET" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26O-2SVcrw0

Please, stop trying to defend the Mad man sending children of his own country to war, destruction, and death, for the ONLY profit of the international Sabbatean banksters conspiring since 1776 to enslave the whole world in a global communist state.

Thank you.

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Good Post Francis.

May I respectfully suggest posting a video of Truss, during that exchange. Her lack of expression and deadpan delivery, screamed psychopath to me...much like FJB and many of our bureaucrats here.

Here is Russell Brands Rumble piece on it. Starts at 1:37. And at 1:59 Old Walrus chops asks her how pushing the button would make her feel...she animatedly says, "I would be ready to do it"...like someone proposed a team challenge on an episode of Survivor - Ukraine edition.


I heard a pundit the other day say, Ukraine is the New Afghanistan (especially for America) and I think he is correct. However, I think it serves as cover and distraction, for the larger plans of the Global Elites, in that every Western country is being affected and distracted by it and it's spillover. This winter, no one is going to be thinking or talking about currencies being digitally globalized or grooming of their 3 and 5 year old's, or the progress of the pedophile movement in national government legislation...they will be freezing, cutting down trees in their respective neighborhoods and adding 3 cups of water to the pot of soup on the stove, to make ends meet. No one will be looking into the money laundering or weapons deals.

This is the globally scaled up movie "Wag the Dog"

We peasants never learn, even after centuries of examples and lessons...we just keep rolling over, showing our bellies and get kicked for the blind obedience of it all.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

I was listening to DOTUS (Demented of the United States) last night and was absolutely FLOORED! Him along with Blinkin, Graham (stood with McCain in Ukraine years ago), Blumenthal (lied about his military service), etc. I don’t own a television, so these were bits and pieces of their speeches and commentary I’ve read. Zelensky of Ukraine wants the USA to fight his beef! Even China is saying, NO! The USA wants REGIME CHANGE IN RUSSIA...SOUND FAMILIAR???? Look at the people supporting Ukraine...these people’s failures should give them NO right to have any say!

These people are insane! The people in the USA and everywhere else are simply collateral damage to these sycophants!

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I would love to believe that Putin is fighting the NWO but then why is he (or at least the Russian Deep State) pushing COVID clot shots in Russia? There are also claims the long-term plan is to pit East vs. West (WW3) as another step towards One World Government.


Frances, you were right that Reiner Fuellmich is a fraud/controlled opposition:


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We must not believe a word from any of them. Our worst enemy is our own governments not Putin. Whatever they say Putin has planned is what our own governments have planned for us.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Sometimes only the most vile words will suffice: cunts are still running the world

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It's pretty sick being a westerner nowadays, isn't it? It turns out we have no leaders on our side at all. It turns out our 'leaders' are 'misleaders' and mislead us at every opportunity.

It turns out that's only the smallest part of it: they're intent on wrecking the world as obedient puppets of the USA.

And so on.

I never could have imagined such a mess. I couldn't.

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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

Thank you Frances!

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Sep 24, 2022·edited Sep 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

if hes a wef stooge hes a great actor, he was pissed.

i read this book about 20 years a go, it inspired me to have a biohazard symbol tattoo on my arm, cos i became convinced that biowarfare is our future if we are not careful.

it is a history of the soviet era of bioweaponeering and i suspect that his comments were about how far they have come. this is a pdf of the whole book:


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Thank you, I 've been in news black out, but I think this gets to the crux of what I need to know.

I really admire Putin, he seems to be a calm, strong, pragmatic , logical, realist who loves his country and its people.

I've been reading about the Ottoman empire and the Sultans who managed to stay neutral much of the time and negotiated treaties with Catherine the great, followed by her weaker son Alexander, Britain, France, Napoleon, Italy and Germany, as well as the constant jostling for power in the Balkans in order to keep the fragile peace and access to Crimean ports, the Black Sea and the Indian subcontinent free for trade. Christians etc in moslem territories where supposedly being protected under these treaties.

What was Russia meant to do when faced with ethnic abuses in Ukraine? With NATO expansion east contra to the treaty? With being threaten with nuclear war by dim wits in the west ganging up on him?

I'm not afraid of Putin. I'm shocked by the lack of sophisticaitn in my family and friends in falling for such shallow propaganda, clearly designed to start and continue a lucrative drawn out war with an unachievable end point with ukraninians as cannon fodder


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Sep 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader

a great clarification

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deletedSep 24, 2022Liked by Frances Leader
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