"Examining some declassified ARPA/CIA documents - as well as some from Soviet scientists - where they are discussing electromagnetic radiation, how the Soviets may have used Microwave weapons on US diplomats in the US embassy in Moscow, and just how much of an effect Electromagnetic radiation has on human beings. These documents state that there is most certainly at least some cause for concern when dealing with EMF."
"Concerning the 5G question causing viral symptoms, viral symptoms are a classical symptom of acute energetic radiation poisoning. Since the body is energetic, any outside field of energy will have some effect. It all depends on time in field, strength of field and frequency in the case of EMF fields. Each frequency has a different effect on the body, some positive, some not.
One cannot accurately label 5G as a range of frequencies but rather one must address each frequency within that range and also consider time, distance and the age and health of the test subject. There are various modes of effect in the cell. direct and indirect. For instance, if 60GHz is being used, which falls under the non license free use bandwidth, Since this frequency effects oxygen and H2O It could theoretically have an effect on blood pH creating acidic conditions in the body. An acute acidic condition in the blood that cause acidosis of cells into the range of 6 to 6.4 pH can easily produce a cell breakdown and the cell excretion of toxic proteins called virus.
The idea of some frequency within the 5G platform triggering viral illness is not absurd at all. After all, we know from declassified documents that the millimeter wave technology came out of Russian and US weapons research. Also the fact that the publicly untested technology absolutely had to be "rolled out" ahead of and during the pandemic should be enough reason to question the official narrative and motives, especially considering the absolute "need" to install it in every Covid treatment facility around the world."
I CAN tell you how we can easily, legally & non-violently take them down. You likely will react with anger & fear & shut ME out. It's never once not happened. Ready?
1) No corporation can just decide it's going to tamper with the food supply or people's health then go ahead & do so without the knowledge AND approval of http://allaregreen.us/. So long as ALL decision-making power rests within the hands of people who ALLOW their decisions to be bought, we cannot stop them selling their decisions.
WE CAN however stop them from having that power. As the framers of our constitutions & laws put down in writing & the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us all, politicians are legally Private Citizens like you & me & are as subject to being charged, arrested & prosecuted under law as you & I are.
All we have to do is DO it.
Now I'm not naïve. We'd need MASS public support in order to be safe & not get blocked in THEIR courts. Not really a problem. We have this wonderful mass communication device that we're using right now, plus millions of people wanting this, only also too terrified to be the ones to start it.
But the first steps can be organized anonymously, & the public support amassed without any need for illegal action or violence. As The Bystander Effect by James Corbett here points out, quite correctly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CE0fMdXjYM, the same majority of people too afraid to act now completely forget their fear once they see others doing the New Thing without exploding into flame.
All I need are a couple of other supporters to get 'er started BEFORE they see others doing it. & that's why I haven't gotten any. Everyone reacts as I stated above.
I don't know why everyone would react with "anger and fear" unless they've had bad experiences with the legal system, or they just don't trust it, and/or they're not trusting you. There is that. I mean, I don't know you. This is Substack (lol), but it's still the Internet! But that said, I think that's
a great idea. It might not be the ONLY thing we do, and I'll say why. I agree that courage is contagious, and getting started is a huge thing in and of itself. If there were some people who would actually DO IT, it might well work. Maybe. Here's why it isn't happening there already, probably--
One BIG problem with using the courts is that litigation takes A LONG TIME. Just the preparation would be monstrous, and then, we'd have to have "standing," and we'd have to start somewhere (I mean physically, and in what court)... By the nature of the beast, it could be YEARS before we saw any real change. I don't want to wait years, while people are being harmed and even killed by this stuff, not to mention the harm to animals and plants... It quite clear that these psychopaths trying to take over the world don't mind killing a LOT of people.
It's also difficult to prove EMF poisoning sometimes, and we'd have to have doctors on the team, or at least some expert witnesses, and they are freakin' expensive...
That brings up another problem with using the legal system, and that is, it takes money. Lots of money, especially if you are having to pay attorneys (and we'd need more than one or two, surely), even if you aren't an attorney yourself, and even then, there are a lot of costs. Depositions, filings, shitloads of stuff-- it can be staggering. (Which is why people say the American Justice System is for the Rich.) And this "mass communication device" isn't guaranteed to be available to us, and I mean specifically us. And we can be targeted any time and taken out. And so on and so forth... Definitely a David v. Goliath kind of thing. The obstacles are FAR greater, to my way of thinking, than to assemble some folks with good aim or whatever and just take out the towers.
All that said, I'd at least be willing to explore the idea. Where are you?
And I'll look at the videos asap, but I have to work on the letter to my electric company, who have demanded that I sign a contract giving away all my rights -- to them-- because I don't like their fucking Smart Meter on my house (and I'm a renter).
He said "I wonder- if enough of us do a group meditation centering the heart-field, if our magnetic pulse could knock these out with our own EMP?" and I replied: "The idea would work but we would need a lot of people and we would need to do it constantly. Maybe in relay format?" We are going to chat about it by email. Let's see if we can get a global 24/7 meditation going..... it would require a clear message, written in the present tense. So be it.
They would need to be recovered rather than taken down. To have them landing willy-nilly all over the world might be disastrous. The only way forward is to convince the authorities that satellites beaming radiation at our planet is harmful to life and THAT is extremely difficult because the technology industry is financially powerful. They have a strong political lobby. It is all down to $$$s defending the wrong side.
I'm talking about TOWERS, now, not satellites. I may have started out with satellites, I don't know, this is kinda an old thread!! Them, too, but that's much harder, I'd say, than taking the towers out!
Yeah, I think we WERE talking about satellites. Those might have to wait... And I have read several times that the satellites are not 5G, they're for surveillance-- 5G can't travel that far, so that's why they're putting up so many towers...
Yeah, I don't believe the claim that satellites are not 5G. They also say that the chips in our passports are not capable of locating us.... and I know that is b/s.
I don't KNOW, I hear things that I can't prove by myself.
But I do doubt that a lot of the claims being made are stretching whatever "truth" there might be. And as far as I know, there's never been any proof at all that these jabs have "mRNA" anything about them... As I understand it, DNA changes all the time, and THAT was a big con job, too. smdh I don't trust much of anything I hear from "authorities" anymore.
I think that is the intention..... confuse us until we can't trust anything anymore. In fact I wrote about that in the chapter called The Olympians in my book, How Hard Can It Be, which I wrote from Oct - January. It has 51 chapters and hardly anyone saw any of it.... I guess it was shadow-banned.
I wish we could.... however they each have independent power sources like solar panels. Obviously there must be a central control on earth somewhere but, after spending billions getting the junk up there, the owners are not going to be willing to disable them, are they?
What's more...... they may well know about the harm that these devices are doing - in which case we are dealing with international crime on a scale unprecedented.
I lined my lacey witches hat with aluminium foil and it does a great job for me. I get a headache or itchy eyes, or pressure around the temples. I put the hat on and get instant relief! Only problem is that it is so light and comfortable that I forget I have it on my head and go out into the front garden to potter about..... needless to say, my neighbours now have confirmation that I am a self-confessed, fully crazed old witch! 🤣😂
I just finished reading The Invisible Rainbow last week. What a coincidence. Now that I understand the assault we are under, I’m wondering how does one stay healthy? I’m going to be 78 on Dec 30. I have been a TM Siddha meditator for 50 years. I eat only organic, and do all my own cooking. I have no illnesses and take no medications, not even for pain. My issues are joint pain which flare up now and then. I have been in a growing and supportive relationship for 35 years. And I have the house and property on the consciousness protection protocol of FLFE (Focused Life Force Energy) which mitigates EMF'S, and holds level of consciousness at 570 24/7/365 according to the the Map of Consciousness, by David Hawkins. I would love to have my legs functioning with no knee pain and return to walks in nature. Any ideas, anyone?
Hi, have you heard of Joe dispenza? He leads meditation retreats that seem to be life altering for people, helping/curing many issues. His events sell out immediately and I never went but I listen to his meditations on line and they help. He has a retreat in Columbia soon that may not be fully booked due to what I’m assuming is hesitancy to travel there now. Anyway, I like his work and found it to be helpful with anxiety and calming my mind.
Hello Jane, and thank you. I first encountered Joe Dispenza in the 2004 film, What The bleep Do We Know. While I have never attended any of his workshops in person, I have used his material to also help me though a period of extreme anxiety, and it helped me a great deal to navigate a full blown Dark Night if the Soul experience. His contributions to conscious awareness are extremely results oriented and valuable. I am not currently anxious, however. I am looking for tangible ways to mitigate the invisible electromagnetic pollution. And I’m also concluding there’s may not be any other than to keep my own frequency in a higher dimensional field. Again, thank you for the reminder. Joe is a treasure.
Arthur Firstenberg began his investigations because he is a sufferer. So am I. I use a grounding device under bare feet below my desk. I wear an aluminium foil lined hat. I have an electrosmog meter which picks up the interference and pulses. These mitigations are helpful against the constant bombardment but not complete.
My constant problem is burning feet and lower legs which heighten during sleep. I cannot sleep for more than a few hours at a time.
I have no idea what FLFE is all about. Can you elaborate or provide a link about that?
Certainly. Thank you for your personal sharing. I have pretty much the same thing happening with legs and feet. With enough magnesium in my system, the legs settle down. I also made my own “magnesium oil” to spray in my legs which stops the cramping within a few minutes. Truly magic and a million times cheaper than buying commercial Magnesium Oil products. Here is the FLFE website. https://www.flfe.net You can sign up for free for two weeks and they do not take a credit card so there is absolutely no risk. I’ll let you explore the site, as there are videos to watch and get a sense of what these guys have created. I can say for sure, that all plant life on my property have responded amazingly in growth. A 3’ tall baby scarlet oak tree that I had planted grew to 18’ in under 3 years. Oaks generally don’t grow that fast. A Monstera indoor plant, that sprouts big split leaves twice a year, are coming out 3 times bigger than the leaves before I had FLFE. And, weirdly, produce in the refrigerator stays fresher by an additional two weeks than I have ever been used to. The two humans and 3 cats living under under this influence seem to be doing well, but I can’t report anything other than I’d rather be in the house than anywhere else. It feels utterly chaotic outside, and calm in the house. The FLFE protocol creates a consciousness level comparable to living in a forest, or a cathedral! That’s the best I can say. I have complete control over FLFE which stands for Focused Life Force Energy, in that via my gateway portal on the website, I can turn it on, or off, and activate a boost to a higher frequency for 30 minutes a day. If you explore this, I’d love to know what you think.
I withdrew as soon as I was asked to submit my full name and address! There is something creepy about the two guys and their message. My spidey sense got triggered and so I agree with you Kieron.
Thank you for all this information, as well as links to your other posts. Look forward to reading. I was thinking about this earlier today...wondering if some issues family members are experiencing (afib, POTS, constant headaches, terrible cough) could be related to EMFs, didn’t know about the satellites you mentioned. One family member had terrible joint & muscle pain and shortness of breath last week-the flare up started 5th, though, not 12/8 but 12/8 was pretty bad day...one became ill in last 24 hours and deals with constant headaches, which she didn’t have until going to college, I’m getting more headaches than ever before- we’re on east coast.
I’m going to take a deep dive into your research Frances, thank you. I don’t know if you cover this but do the magnetic poles shifting have anything to do with EMF? According to “science” they change every 700,000 years or so?
The kind of EMF I research is man made not natural. Best person to answer your question is David Reed who comments on my posts regularly. He may be able to advise on the latest thinking about pole shift.
Prison Planet. We need expert military minds on any possible ways forward. The alternative is actual genocide on a scale far greater than ever imagined - although is is already past that point. I may be that the evil plans of these very sick people are misunderstanding their suicidal intent. That and wiping out all life on earth. The stakes could not be higher.
My 2 daughters, husband, and a bunch of people I know are sick now with headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills. Started on Sunday for one, today for my husband. We are in NY.
I have been having ungodly nosebleeds for more than 2 and 1/2 years. So bad , I literally went by ambulance to the hospital. Massive headaches and knee pain. I never had these issues before. My dog, last March would whine for what seemed like no reason. Flapping her head to and fro. I didn't know much but I do NOW! IT'S TERRIBLE! Why are these ' Humans' so hell bent on destruction?!
The owners of the corporations who are doing this believe that humanity is over-populating the earth. It is nothing personal, you understand. They are doing their best/worst to control all life.
With this "overpopulation" deal, how does it sit with them working on
artificial wombs and such (I'm sure you've seen it) to allow growing new babies (will they still be called "babies"?) Looks like "Brave new world" to me...
And thanks to you Mr Firstenburg for your continuing work to bring this our attention.
Radiation poisoning is what’s making people sick, and perhaps even killing them.
There is no deadly virus. That’s germ theory propaganda that the masses buy hook line and sinker, because they’ve been indoctrinated for generations to believe that ghost story.
I’ve been affected by radiation poisoning and it’s effects. The immense sweating was unbelievable.
Fortunately for me, my body at my advanced age is in a healthy state and all it took was one day of lots of sleep, rest and water to get back to normal. A couple of days of lingering effects of sluggishness and then I was 100%.
This radiation from all these satellites needs to be seriously taken. I don’t believe people take it seriously and they think it’s nothing to worry about.
Unfortunately TPTB do know it’s implications and will continue to use it to further their horror story of deadly viruses and further jabs to combat it.
I hope people wake up to this, but I’m doubtful they will I’m sad to say.
People have been trained to think positively about all forms of space activity. Ever since the very first rocket launches were televised in the 60s, the whole business has been treated like heroism and that is why people won't even look at counter commentary like that from Arthur Firstenberg.
......definitely NOT happy about such conditions - would LIKE to get SPECIFICS as to HOW much they MIGHT be significantly DISRUPTING maniacal contingencies (AS contended by SOME) - but, still VERY concerned regardless.....
I always fail to understand your comments. Surely you are aware that there are ways to protect us from EMFs? They are extremely expensive. Some buildings are designed to be a Faraday cage. Same with some rooms or beds. Beyond that, the very wealthy can easily afford the silver threaded underclothes which protect against EMFs. That is just what we can find out about online. I dare say they have more....
.....I'm saying it's NO secret that these full-spectrum dominating EMF networks can do AWFUL things - said 'contingencies' - to peoples' quality-of-life, health; there are those who have submitted Musk & others have been trying, or succeeded in fouling them UP.....
Do you have any idea how many satellites are up there?
Look at this!
Effects of radiofrequency field from 5G communications on the spatial memory and emotionality in mice. (study)
Received 04 Jun 2022, Accepted 15 Nov 2022, Published online: 22 Nov 2022
"Examining some declassified ARPA/CIA documents - as well as some from Soviet scientists - where they are discussing electromagnetic radiation, how the Soviets may have used Microwave weapons on US diplomats in the US embassy in Moscow, and just how much of an effect Electromagnetic radiation has on human beings. These documents state that there is most certainly at least some cause for concern when dealing with EMF."
Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/45VbRZvHCvmI/
Comment seen on Part 2 by Daniel Ben Avraham:
"Concerning the 5G question causing viral symptoms, viral symptoms are a classical symptom of acute energetic radiation poisoning. Since the body is energetic, any outside field of energy will have some effect. It all depends on time in field, strength of field and frequency in the case of EMF fields. Each frequency has a different effect on the body, some positive, some not.
One cannot accurately label 5G as a range of frequencies but rather one must address each frequency within that range and also consider time, distance and the age and health of the test subject. There are various modes of effect in the cell. direct and indirect. For instance, if 60GHz is being used, which falls under the non license free use bandwidth, Since this frequency effects oxygen and H2O It could theoretically have an effect on blood pH creating acidic conditions in the body. An acute acidic condition in the blood that cause acidosis of cells into the range of 6 to 6.4 pH can easily produce a cell breakdown and the cell excretion of toxic proteins called virus.
The idea of some frequency within the 5G platform triggering viral illness is not absurd at all. After all, we know from declassified documents that the millimeter wave technology came out of Russian and US weapons research. Also the fact that the publicly untested technology absolutely had to be "rolled out" ahead of and during the pandemic should be enough reason to question the official narrative and motives, especially considering the absolute "need" to install it in every Covid treatment facility around the world."
You can find all my research and work on the subject of Electro-Magnetic Frequencies and the associated radiation archived for convenience here:
Thank you Frances for sharing this, most impressive.
How do we take them down?
I CAN tell you how we can easily, legally & non-violently take them down. You likely will react with anger & fear & shut ME out. It's never once not happened. Ready?
1) No corporation can just decide it's going to tamper with the food supply or people's health then go ahead & do so without the knowledge AND approval of http://allaregreen.us/. So long as ALL decision-making power rests within the hands of people who ALLOW their decisions to be bought, we cannot stop them selling their decisions.
WE CAN however stop them from having that power. As the framers of our constitutions & laws put down in writing & the articles of impeachment against Trump reminded us all, politicians are legally Private Citizens like you & me & are as subject to being charged, arrested & prosecuted under law as you & I are.
All we have to do is DO it.
Now I'm not naïve. We'd need MASS public support in order to be safe & not get blocked in THEIR courts. Not really a problem. We have this wonderful mass communication device that we're using right now, plus millions of people wanting this, only also too terrified to be the ones to start it.
But the first steps can be organized anonymously, & the public support amassed without any need for illegal action or violence. As The Bystander Effect by James Corbett here points out, quite correctly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CE0fMdXjYM, the same majority of people too afraid to act now completely forget their fear once they see others doing the New Thing without exploding into flame.
All I need are a couple of other supporters to get 'er started BEFORE they see others doing it. & that's why I haven't gotten any. Everyone reacts as I stated above.
Here's the FIRST RESPONDER, ha ha.
I don't know why everyone would react with "anger and fear" unless they've had bad experiences with the legal system, or they just don't trust it, and/or they're not trusting you. There is that. I mean, I don't know you. This is Substack (lol), but it's still the Internet! But that said, I think that's
a great idea. It might not be the ONLY thing we do, and I'll say why. I agree that courage is contagious, and getting started is a huge thing in and of itself. If there were some people who would actually DO IT, it might well work. Maybe. Here's why it isn't happening there already, probably--
One BIG problem with using the courts is that litigation takes A LONG TIME. Just the preparation would be monstrous, and then, we'd have to have "standing," and we'd have to start somewhere (I mean physically, and in what court)... By the nature of the beast, it could be YEARS before we saw any real change. I don't want to wait years, while people are being harmed and even killed by this stuff, not to mention the harm to animals and plants... It quite clear that these psychopaths trying to take over the world don't mind killing a LOT of people.
It's also difficult to prove EMF poisoning sometimes, and we'd have to have doctors on the team, or at least some expert witnesses, and they are freakin' expensive...
That brings up another problem with using the legal system, and that is, it takes money. Lots of money, especially if you are having to pay attorneys (and we'd need more than one or two, surely), even if you aren't an attorney yourself, and even then, there are a lot of costs. Depositions, filings, shitloads of stuff-- it can be staggering. (Which is why people say the American Justice System is for the Rich.) And this "mass communication device" isn't guaranteed to be available to us, and I mean specifically us. And we can be targeted any time and taken out. And so on and so forth... Definitely a David v. Goliath kind of thing. The obstacles are FAR greater, to my way of thinking, than to assemble some folks with good aim or whatever and just take out the towers.
All that said, I'd at least be willing to explore the idea. Where are you?
And I'll look at the videos asap, but I have to work on the letter to my electric company, who have demanded that I sign a contract giving away all my rights -- to them-- because I don't like their fucking Smart Meter on my house (and I'm a renter).
I agree with your points about the Rule of Law. It is not set up to protect us but to persecute us and protect the predators.
I propose something far more powerful which was suggested by Roman on my memes post this week:
He said "I wonder- if enough of us do a group meditation centering the heart-field, if our magnetic pulse could knock these out with our own EMP?" and I replied: "The idea would work but we would need a lot of people and we would need to do it constantly. Maybe in relay format?" We are going to chat about it by email. Let's see if we can get a global 24/7 meditation going..... it would require a clear message, written in the present tense. So be it.
Well, if it works, I'm down! Wouldn't that be soooo cool, and wouldn't it just totally PISS OFF the Bad Guys? LOL
Listening to the video with the Chinese doctor, talking about "Dr. Evil"--
IF SOMEONE COMMITS FRAUD, all the "No Liability" clauses are MOOT.
The video is not from James Corbett but is very interesting nonetheless.
I had not heard of this channel and found today's upload:
Whoops. https://www.corbettreport.com/the-bystander-effect-solutionswatch-video/
They would need to be recovered rather than taken down. To have them landing willy-nilly all over the world might be disastrous. The only way forward is to convince the authorities that satellites beaming radiation at our planet is harmful to life and THAT is extremely difficult because the technology industry is financially powerful. They have a strong political lobby. It is all down to $$$s defending the wrong side.
I'm talking about TOWERS, now, not satellites. I may have started out with satellites, I don't know, this is kinda an old thread!! Them, too, but that's much harder, I'd say, than taking the towers out!
Yeah, I think we WERE talking about satellites. Those might have to wait... And I have read several times that the satellites are not 5G, they're for surveillance-- 5G can't travel that far, so that's why they're putting up so many towers...
Yeah, I don't believe the claim that satellites are not 5G. They also say that the chips in our passports are not capable of locating us.... and I know that is b/s.
I don't KNOW, I hear things that I can't prove by myself.
But I do doubt that a lot of the claims being made are stretching whatever "truth" there might be. And as far as I know, there's never been any proof at all that these jabs have "mRNA" anything about them... As I understand it, DNA changes all the time, and THAT was a big con job, too. smdh I don't trust much of anything I hear from "authorities" anymore.
I think that is the intention..... confuse us until we can't trust anything anymore. In fact I wrote about that in the chapter called The Olympians in my book, How Hard Can It Be, which I wrote from Oct - January. It has 51 chapters and hardly anyone saw any of it.... I guess it was shadow-banned.
Maybe we can just turn them ARF.
I wish we could.... however they each have independent power sources like solar panels. Obviously there must be a central control on earth somewhere but, after spending billions getting the junk up there, the owners are not going to be willing to disable them, are they?
What's more...... they may well know about the harm that these devices are doing - in which case we are dealing with international crime on a scale unprecedented.
You can say that again.
But SOMEBODY will spill the beans, at SOME POINT... or something. Maybe I'll start constructing my foil apparel...
I lined my lacey witches hat with aluminium foil and it does a great job for me. I get a headache or itchy eyes, or pressure around the temples. I put the hat on and get instant relief! Only problem is that it is so light and comfortable that I forget I have it on my head and go out into the front garden to potter about..... needless to say, my neighbours now have confirmation that I am a self-confessed, fully crazed old witch! 🤣😂
😂 🐶
I just finished reading The Invisible Rainbow last week. What a coincidence. Now that I understand the assault we are under, I’m wondering how does one stay healthy? I’m going to be 78 on Dec 30. I have been a TM Siddha meditator for 50 years. I eat only organic, and do all my own cooking. I have no illnesses and take no medications, not even for pain. My issues are joint pain which flare up now and then. I have been in a growing and supportive relationship for 35 years. And I have the house and property on the consciousness protection protocol of FLFE (Focused Life Force Energy) which mitigates EMF'S, and holds level of consciousness at 570 24/7/365 according to the the Map of Consciousness, by David Hawkins. I would love to have my legs functioning with no knee pain and return to walks in nature. Any ideas, anyone?
Hi, have you heard of Joe dispenza? He leads meditation retreats that seem to be life altering for people, helping/curing many issues. His events sell out immediately and I never went but I listen to his meditations on line and they help. He has a retreat in Columbia soon that may not be fully booked due to what I’m assuming is hesitancy to travel there now. Anyway, I like his work and found it to be helpful with anxiety and calming my mind.
Hello Jane, and thank you. I first encountered Joe Dispenza in the 2004 film, What The bleep Do We Know. While I have never attended any of his workshops in person, I have used his material to also help me though a period of extreme anxiety, and it helped me a great deal to navigate a full blown Dark Night if the Soul experience. His contributions to conscious awareness are extremely results oriented and valuable. I am not currently anxious, however. I am looking for tangible ways to mitigate the invisible electromagnetic pollution. And I’m also concluding there’s may not be any other than to keep my own frequency in a higher dimensional field. Again, thank you for the reminder. Joe is a treasure.
Arthur Firstenberg began his investigations because he is a sufferer. So am I. I use a grounding device under bare feet below my desk. I wear an aluminium foil lined hat. I have an electrosmog meter which picks up the interference and pulses. These mitigations are helpful against the constant bombardment but not complete.
My constant problem is burning feet and lower legs which heighten during sleep. I cannot sleep for more than a few hours at a time.
I have no idea what FLFE is all about. Can you elaborate or provide a link about that?
Certainly. Thank you for your personal sharing. I have pretty much the same thing happening with legs and feet. With enough magnesium in my system, the legs settle down. I also made my own “magnesium oil” to spray in my legs which stops the cramping within a few minutes. Truly magic and a million times cheaper than buying commercial Magnesium Oil products. Here is the FLFE website. https://www.flfe.net You can sign up for free for two weeks and they do not take a credit card so there is absolutely no risk. I’ll let you explore the site, as there are videos to watch and get a sense of what these guys have created. I can say for sure, that all plant life on my property have responded amazingly in growth. A 3’ tall baby scarlet oak tree that I had planted grew to 18’ in under 3 years. Oaks generally don’t grow that fast. A Monstera indoor plant, that sprouts big split leaves twice a year, are coming out 3 times bigger than the leaves before I had FLFE. And, weirdly, produce in the refrigerator stays fresher by an additional two weeks than I have ever been used to. The two humans and 3 cats living under under this influence seem to be doing well, but I can’t report anything other than I’d rather be in the house than anywhere else. It feels utterly chaotic outside, and calm in the house. The FLFE protocol creates a consciousness level comparable to living in a forest, or a cathedral! That’s the best I can say. I have complete control over FLFE which stands for Focused Life Force Energy, in that via my gateway portal on the website, I can turn it on, or off, and activate a boost to a higher frequency for 30 minutes a day. If you explore this, I’d love to know what you think.
I am checking out the videos now.
I withdrew as soon as I was asked to submit my full name and address! There is something creepy about the two guys and their message. My spidey sense got triggered and so I agree with you Kieron.
Thank you for all this information, as well as links to your other posts. Look forward to reading. I was thinking about this earlier today...wondering if some issues family members are experiencing (afib, POTS, constant headaches, terrible cough) could be related to EMFs, didn’t know about the satellites you mentioned. One family member had terrible joint & muscle pain and shortness of breath last week-the flare up started 5th, though, not 12/8 but 12/8 was pretty bad day...one became ill in last 24 hours and deals with constant headaches, which she didn’t have until going to college, I’m getting more headaches than ever before- we’re on east coast.
Thanks for sharing this. I just picked up AF’s book in audio form. Looking forward to listening to it.
I’m going to take a deep dive into your research Frances, thank you. I don’t know if you cover this but do the magnetic poles shifting have anything to do with EMF? According to “science” they change every 700,000 years or so?
The kind of EMF I research is man made not natural. Best person to answer your question is David Reed who comments on my posts regularly. He may be able to advise on the latest thinking about pole shift.
Thank you, I will
Prison Planet. We need expert military minds on any possible ways forward. The alternative is actual genocide on a scale far greater than ever imagined - although is is already past that point. I may be that the evil plans of these very sick people are misunderstanding their suicidal intent. That and wiping out all life on earth. The stakes could not be higher.
My 2 daughters, husband, and a bunch of people I know are sick now with headaches, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, chills. Started on Sunday for one, today for my husband. We are in NY.
I have been having ungodly nosebleeds for more than 2 and 1/2 years. So bad , I literally went by ambulance to the hospital. Massive headaches and knee pain. I never had these issues before. My dog, last March would whine for what seemed like no reason. Flapping her head to and fro. I didn't know much but I do NOW! IT'S TERRIBLE! Why are these ' Humans' so hell bent on destruction?!
The owners of the corporations who are doing this believe that humanity is over-populating the earth. It is nothing personal, you understand. They are doing their best/worst to control all life.
Also listen to this:
With this "overpopulation" deal, how does it sit with them working on
artificial wombs and such (I'm sure you've seen it) to allow growing new babies (will they still be called "babies"?) Looks like "Brave new world" to me...
The artificial womb theory is presented as a solution for our future infertility I presume.
Thank you Frances for posting this.
And thanks to you Mr Firstenburg for your continuing work to bring this our attention.
Radiation poisoning is what’s making people sick, and perhaps even killing them.
There is no deadly virus. That’s germ theory propaganda that the masses buy hook line and sinker, because they’ve been indoctrinated for generations to believe that ghost story.
I’ve been affected by radiation poisoning and it’s effects. The immense sweating was unbelievable.
Fortunately for me, my body at my advanced age is in a healthy state and all it took was one day of lots of sleep, rest and water to get back to normal. A couple of days of lingering effects of sluggishness and then I was 100%.
This radiation from all these satellites needs to be seriously taken. I don’t believe people take it seriously and they think it’s nothing to worry about.
Unfortunately TPTB do know it’s implications and will continue to use it to further their horror story of deadly viruses and further jabs to combat it.
I hope people wake up to this, but I’m doubtful they will I’m sad to say.
People have been trained to think positively about all forms of space activity. Ever since the very first rocket launches were televised in the 60s, the whole business has been treated like heroism and that is why people won't even look at counter commentary like that from Arthur Firstenberg.
......definitely NOT happy about such conditions - would LIKE to get SPECIFICS as to HOW much they MIGHT be significantly DISRUPTING maniacal contingencies (AS contended by SOME) - but, still VERY concerned regardless.....
"maniacal contingencies"? What do you mean by this?
.....contingencies of maniacs for global surveillance, movement-control networks / systems with which you, I ,many are all TOO familiar.....
OK.... so you are thinking that the maniacs are affected by EMFs?
NOT specifically - but, a DISTINCT likelihood, yes.....
I always fail to understand your comments. Surely you are aware that there are ways to protect us from EMFs? They are extremely expensive. Some buildings are designed to be a Faraday cage. Same with some rooms or beds. Beyond that, the very wealthy can easily afford the silver threaded underclothes which protect against EMFs. That is just what we can find out about online. I dare say they have more....
Are there brands you recommend?
.....I'm saying it's NO secret that these full-spectrum dominating EMF networks can do AWFUL things - said 'contingencies' - to peoples' quality-of-life, health; there are those who have submitted Musk & others have been trying, or succeeded in fouling them UP.....